path: root/smoketestoo_native/data/Test_10er.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'smoketestoo_native/data/Test_10er.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 739 deletions
diff --git a/smoketestoo_native/data/Test_10er.xml b/smoketestoo_native/data/Test_10er.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cba6c60cba0..000000000000
--- a/smoketestoo_native/data/Test_10er.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-* Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-* This file is part of
-* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-* version 3 along with If not, see
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-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Test_10er" script:language="StarBasic">REM 10er Test
-const sSWLogFileName = &quot;swlog.dat&quot;, sSCLogFileName = &quot;sclog.dat&quot;
-const sSDLogFileName = &quot;sdlog.dat&quot;, sSMathLogFileName = &quot;smalog.dat&quot;
-const sSImDLogFileName = &quot;simlog.dat&quot;, sSChartLogFileName = &quot;schlog.dat&quot;
-const sSHptLogFileName = &quot;shptlog.dat&quot;, sSMessageLogFileName = &quot;smeslog.dat&quot;
-const sSDrawLogFileName = &quot;sdrwlog.dat&quot;, sJavaLogFileName = &quot;javalog.dat&quot;
-const sSDBLogFileName = &quot;dblog.dat&quot;, sExtLogFileName = &quot;extlog.dat&quot;
-const sLogFileName = &quot;log.dat&quot;
-const cTempFileName = &quot;ttt&quot;
-const cMessageSaveOpen8Doc = &quot;Save/Open open Documents (8.0)&quot;
-const cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc = &quot;Save/Open Document XML (6/7)&quot;
-const cMessageOpen50Doc = &quot;Open Document 5.0&quot;
-const cMessageNewDoc = &quot;New Document&quot;
-const cMessageCloseDoc = &quot;Close Document&quot;
-Global sWorkPath$
-Global sWorkPathURL$
-Global FileChannel%
-Global MainFileChannel%
-Sub Main
- call TestAllDocs()
-end Sub
-Sub DeleteAllSavedFiles()
- Dim sFileName as String
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmWriter)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmCalc)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmImpress)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmDraw)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmHyperText)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmWriter or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmCalc or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmImpress or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
- sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(frmDraw or cFltXML)
- If FileExists (sFileName) then
- Kill (sFileName)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub DeleteAllLogFiles()
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSWLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSWLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSCLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSCLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSDLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSMathLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSMathLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSImDLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSImDLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSChartLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSChartLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSHptLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSHptLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSMessageLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSMessageLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDrawLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSDrawLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sJavaLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sJavaLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sSDBLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sSDBLogFileName)
- End If
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sExtLogFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sExtLogFileName)
- End If
-end Sub
-Function OpenLogDat (sFileName as String) as Integer
- Dim LocaleFileChannel%
- If FileExists (sWorkPath+sFileName) then
- Kill (sWorkPath+sFileName)
- End If
- LocaleFileChannel% = Freefile
- Open sWorkPath+sFileName For Output As LocaleFileChannel%
- OpenLogDat = LocaleFileChannel%
-end Function
-Function GetWorkPath as string
- sTemp = &quot;$(userpath)/temp/&quot;
- GetWorkPath = CreateUnoService(&quot;;).SubstituteVariables(sTemp)
-End Function
-Function GetWorkURL as string
- sTemp = &quot;$(userurl)/temp/&quot;
- GetWorkURL = CreateUnoService(&quot;;).SubstituteVariables(sTemp)
-End Function
-Function GetSystem (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
- GetSystem = &quot;&quot;
- if InStr (sTmpWorkPath, &quot;:&quot;) then
- GetSystem = &quot;windows&quot;
- else
- GetSystem = &quot;unix&quot;
- End If
-end Function
-Function ConvertPathToWin (sTmpWorkPath as string) as string
- for i%=1 to Len(sTmpWorkPath)
- sTemp = Mid (sTmpWorkPath, i%, 1)
- if sTemp = &quot;/&quot; then
- sTmpWorkPath = Left (sTmpWorkPath, i%-1) + &quot;\&quot; + Right (sTmpWorkPath, Len(sTmpWorkPath)-i%)
- else
- if sTemp = &quot;|&quot; then
- sTmpWorkPath = Left (sTmpWorkPath, i%-1) + &quot;:&quot; + Right (sTmpWorkPath, Len(sTmpWorkPath)-i%)
- end If
- end If
- next i%
- ConvertPathToWin = sTmpWorkPath
-end Function
-Sub TestAllDocs()
-DIM sDocURL as String, sDocPath as String
-DIM nStrPos as Long
- sWorkPath = GetWorkPath
- sWorkPathURL = GetWorkURL
- if GetSystem (sWorkPath) = &quot;windows&quot; then
- sWorkPath = ConvertPathToWin (sWorkPath)
- end if
- &apos;search ExtensionURL
- sDocURL = gOutPutDoc.URL
- CompatibilityMode(true)
- nStrPos = InStrRev (sDocURL, &quot;/&quot; )
- CompatibilityMode(false)
- sExtensionURL = Left (sDocURL, nStrPos)
- call DeleteAllSavedFiles()
- call DeleteAllLogFiles()
- MainFileChannel = OpenLogDat (sLogFileName)
- call WriteTestSequence (MainFileChannel)
- if bMakeWriterTest then
- call MakeDocTest (frmWriter)
- end if
- if bMakeCalcTest then
- call MakeDocTest (frmCalc)
- end if
- if bMakeImpressTest then
- call MakeDocTest (frmImpress)
- end if
- if bMakeDrawTest then
- call MakeDocTest (frmDraw)
- end if
- if bMakeHTMLTest then
- call MakeDocTest (frmHyperText)
- end if
- if bMakeChartTest then
- call MakeChartTest (frmChart)
- end if
- if bMakeMathTest then
- call MakeNewDoc (frmMath)
- end if
- if bMakeJavaTest then
- call TestJava (frmJava)
- end if
- if bMakeDBTest then
- call Test_DB.TestDB (frmDataBase)
- end if
- if bMakeExtensionTest then
- call Test_Ext.TestExtensions (frmExtension)
- end if
- Close #MainFileChannel
-end Sub
-Sub WriteTestSequence (FileChannel as integer)
- Print #FileChannel, &quot;Sequence of testing&quot;
- if bMakeWriterTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;writer : &quot;, true, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeCalcTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;calc : &quot;, true, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeImpressTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;impress : &quot;, true, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeDrawTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;draw : &quot;, true, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeHTMLTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;HTML : &quot;, true, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeChartTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;chart : &quot;, false, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeMathTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;math : &quot;, false, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeJavaTest then
- WriteTests (&quot;Java : &quot;, false, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeDBTest then
- WriteDBTests (&quot;Database : &quot;, FileChannel)
- end if
- if bMakeExtensionTest then
- WriteExtensionTests (&quot;Extension : &quot;, FileChannel)
- end if
- Print #FileChannel
-end Sub
-Sub WriteTests (sText as string, bTestAll as boolean, nFileChannel as integer)
- Dim sWriteStr as string
- sWriteStr = sText
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;new&quot;
- if bTestAll then
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, save 8.0&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, save XML&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, open 8.0&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, open XML&quot;
- end if
- if bMakeOpen50Test then
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, open 5.0&quot;
- end if
- end if
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, close&quot;
- Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
-end Sub
-Sub WriteDBTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
- Dim sWriteStr as string
- sWriteStr = sText
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;open / services&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, insert&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, delete&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, seek&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, close&quot;
- Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
-end Sub
-Sub WriteExtensionTests (sText as string, nFileChannel as integer)
- Dim sWriteStr as string
- sWriteStr = sText
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;services&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, install&quot;
- sWriteStr = sWriteStr + &quot;, uninstall&quot;
- Print #nFileChannel, sWriteStr
-end Sub
-Sub MakeDocTest (FilterType as Integer)
- Dim oDoc as Object
- Dim sFileNameXML$, sFileName8$
- Dim bError as Boolean
- Dim nCurrentAction as Integer
- On Local Error GoTo DOCTESTERROR
- nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed
- FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
- nCurrentAction = cDocNew
- oDoc = LoadDoc (&quot;private:factory/&quot; + GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc))
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, not IsNull (oDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpen8
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt8) then
- sFileName8 = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(FilterType or cFlt8)
- SaveDoc (sFileName8, oDoc, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFlt8))
- end if
- nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpenXML
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFltXML) then
- sFileNameXML = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(FilterType or cFltXML)
- SaveDoc (sFileNameXML, oDoc, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltXML))
- end if
- nCurrentAction = cDocOpen50
-&apos; oDoc.dispose
- nCurrentAction = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
-&apos; bError = true &apos; nur zum ¦bergang, weil bError = oDoc.CurrentController.frame.close nicht geht
-&apos; LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageCloseDoc, FileChannel)
-&apos; LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageCloseDoc, MainFileChannel)
-&apos; SetStatus (FilterType, cDocClose, bError)
- nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpen8
- if bMakeSaveOpen8Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt8) then
- oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileName8)
-&apos; oDoc =
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSaveOpen8Doc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSaveOpen8Doc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocSaveOpen8, not IsNull (oDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
-&apos; oDoc.dispose
- nCurrentAction = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- end If
- end if
- nCurrentAction = cDocSaveOpenXML
- if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFltXML) then
- oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileNameXML)
-&apos; oDoc =
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocSaveOpenXML, not IsNull (oDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
-&apos; oDoc.dispose
- nCurrentAction = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- end If
- end if
- nCurrentAction = cDocOpen50
- if bMakeOpen50Test and IsFilterAvailable (FilterType or cFlt50) then
- SOLARSRC = ConvertToURL(Environ(&quot;SOLARSRC&quot;))
- sFileName50 = SOLARSRC+&quot;/qadevOOo/testdocs/&quot;+cTempFileName+&quot;.&quot;+GetDocEndings(FilterType or cFlt50)
- oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileName50)
-&apos; oDoc =
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageSave50Doc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc),GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageOpen50Doc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocOpen50, not IsNull (oDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
-&apos; oDoc.dispose
- nCurrentAction = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- end If
- end if
- end If
- Print #FileChannel, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #FileChannel%
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If (nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed) then
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, False)
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), FileChannel)
- LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, nCurrentAction, False)
- Close #FileChannel%
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
-Sub MakeNewDoc (FilterType as Integer)
- DIM oDoc as Object
- Dim bError as Boolean
- Dim nCurrentAction as Integer
- On Local Error GoTo DOCTESTERROR2
- nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed
- FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
- nCurrentAction = cDocNew
-&apos; oDoc = Documents.Add(GetDocFilter(FilterType))
- oDoc = LoadDoc (&quot;private:factory/&quot; + GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc))
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, not IsNull (oDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- nCurrentAction = cDocClose
-&apos; oDoc.dispose
- oDoc.close (true)
-&apos; bError = true &apos; nur zum ¦bergang, weil bError = oDoc.CurrentController.frame.close nicht geht
-&apos; LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageCloseDoc, FileChannel)
-&apos; LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageCloseDoc, MainFileChannel)
-&apos; SetStatus (FilterType, cDocClose, bError)
- end If
- Print #FileChannel, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #FileChannel%
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If (nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed) then
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, False)
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), FileChannel)
- LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, nCurrentAction, False)
- Close #FileChannel%
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
-Sub MakeChartTest (FilterType as Integer)
- Dim oCharts as Object
- Dim oDoc as Object
- Dim oRange(0) as New
- Dim oRect as New
- const cChartName=&quot;TestChart&quot;
- Dim bError as Boolean
- Dim nCurrentAction as Integer
- nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed
- FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
- nCurrentAction = cDocNew
- oDoc = LoadDoc (&quot;private:factory/&quot; + GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc))
- if not IsNull (oDoc) then
- oCharts = oDoc.sheets(0).Charts
- oCharts.AddNewByName (cChartName, oRect, oRange(), true, true)
- bError=oCharts.HasByName(cChartName)
- LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
- LogState (bError, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, bError)
-&apos; oDoc.dispose
- nCurrentAction = cDocClose
- oDoc.close (true)
- else
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oDoc), GetDocFilter(frmCalc or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (frmCalc, cDocNew, not IsNull (oDoc))
- End if
- Print #FileChannel, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #FileChannel%
- Exit Sub &apos; Without error
- If (nCurrentAction = cLogfileFailed) then
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, False)
- Exit Sub
- else
- LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), FileChannel)
- LogState (False, GetDocFilter(FilterType or cFltNewDoc)+&quot; &quot;+ GetErrorMessage(nCurrentAction), MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, nCurrentAction, False)
- Close #FileChannel%
- End If
- Exit Sub &apos; With error
-End Sub
-Sub LogState (bState as Boolean, sText as String, nLocaleFileChannel as integer)
- if bState then
- Print #nLocaleFileChannel, sText+&quot; -&gt; ok&quot;
- else
- Print #nLocaleFileChannel, sText+&quot; -&gt; error&quot;
- end If
-end Sub
-Function GetDocEndings (DocType as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( DocType )
- case frmWriter or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;odt&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;ods&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmImpress or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;odp&quot; &apos;PrÕsentation
- case frmDraw or cFlt8
- GetDocEndings = &quot;odg&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case frmHyperText, frmHyperText or cFlt50, frmHyperText or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;html&quot; &apos;Hypertext-Dokument
- case frmWriter or cFlt50
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sdw&quot; &apos; Textdokument 5.0
- case frmCalc or cFlt50
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sdc&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument 5.0
- case frmImpress or cFlt50
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sdd&quot; &apos;PrÕsentation 5.0
- case frmDraw or cFlt50
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sda&quot; &apos;Zeichen 5.0
- case frmWriter or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxw&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxc&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmImpress or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxi&quot; &apos;PrÕsentation
- case frmDraw or cFltXML
- GetDocEndings = &quot;sxd&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case else
- GetDocEndings = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function GetDocFilter (DocType as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( DocType )
- case frmWriter or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;writer8&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;calc8&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmImpress or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;impress8&quot; &apos;Präsentation
- case frmDraw or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;draw8&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case frmMath or cFlt8
- GetDocFilter = &quot;math8&quot; &apos;Formel
- case frmWriter or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Writer)&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Calc)&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmImpress or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Impress)&quot; &apos;Präsentation
- case frmDraw or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Draw)&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case frmMath or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarOffice XML (Math)&quot; &apos;Formel
- case frmHyperText, frmHyperText or cFlt50, frmHyperText or cFltXML
- GetDocFilter = &quot;HTML&quot; &apos;Hypertext-Dokument
- case frmWriter or cFlt50
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarWriter 5.0&quot; &apos; Textdokument 5.0
- case frmCalc or cFlt50
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarCalc 5.0&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument 5.0
- case frmImpress or cFlt50
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarImpress 5.0&quot; &apos;Präsentation 5.0
- case frmDraw or cFlt50
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarDraw 5.0&quot; &apos;Zeichen 5.0
- case frmMath or cFlt50
- GetDocFilter = &quot;StarMath 5.0&quot; &apos;Formel 5.0
- case frmWriter or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;swriter&quot; &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;scalc&quot; &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmMessage or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;Message&quot; &apos;Nachricht
- case frmImpress or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;simpress&quot; &apos;Präsentation
- case frmDraw or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;sdraw&quot; &apos;Zeichen
- case frmMath or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;smath&quot; &apos;Formel
- case frmImage or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;simage&quot; &apos;Bild
- case frmHyperText or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;swriter/web&quot; &apos;Hypertext-Dokument
- case frmChart or cFltNewDoc
- GetDocFilter = &quot;schart&quot; &apos;Diagramm
- case else
- GetDocFilter = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function GetLogFileName (DocType as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( DocType )
- case frmWriter
- GetLogFileName = sSWLogFileName &apos; Textdokument
- case frmCalc
- GetLogFileName = sSCLogFileName &apos;Tabellendokument
- case frmMessage
- GetLogFileName = sSMessageLogFileName &apos;Nachricht
- case frmImpress
- GetLogFileName = sSDLogFileName &apos;PrÕsentation
- case frmDraw
- GetLogFileName = sSDrawLogFileName &apos;Zeichnen
- case frmMath
- GetLogFileName = sSMathLogFileName &apos;Formel
- case frmImage
- GetLogFileName = sSImDLogFileName &apos;Bild
- case frmHyperText
- GetLogFileName = sSHptLogFileName &apos;Hypertext-Dokument
- case frmChart
- GetLogFileName = sSChartLogFileName &apos;Diagramm
- case frmJava
- GetLogFileName = sJavaLogFileName &apos;Java
- case frmDataBase
- GetLogFileName = sSDBLogFileName &apos;Database
- case frmExtension
- GetLogFileName = sExtLogFileName &apos;Extension
- case else
- GetLogFileName = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function GetErrorMessageOnAction (nAction as Integer) as String
- Select Case ( nAction )
- case cDocNew
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageNewDoc
- case cDocSaveOpen8
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpen8Doc
- case cDocSaveOpenXML
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc
- case cDocOpen50
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageOpen50Doc
- case cDocClose
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageCloseDoc
- case else
- GetErrorMessageOnAction = &quot;&quot;
- end Select
-end Function
-Function IsFilterAvailable (FilterType as Integer) as boolean
- IsFilterAvailable = true
- if ((FilterType = (frmHyperText or cFlt50)) or (FilterType = (frmHyperText or cFltXML))) then
- IsFilterAvailable = false
- end if
-End Function
-Function TestJava (FilterType as Integer) as boolean
- Dim oObj as Object
- FileChannel% = OpenLogDat (GetLogFileName(FilterType))
- oObj = createUnoService(cUnoJavaLoader)
- LogState (not IsNull (oObj), &quot;Java &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, FileChannel)
- LogState (not IsNull (oObj), &quot;Java &quot;+ cMessageNewDoc, MainFileChannel)
- SetStatus (FilterType, cDocNew, not IsNull (oObj))
- Print #FileChannel, &quot;---&quot;
- Close #FileChannel%
- TestJava = not IsNull (oObj)
-End Function
-Sub LoadLibrary( LibName as String )
- dim args(1)
- dim arg as new
- arg.Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
- arg.Value = LibName
- args(0) = arg
- dim url as new
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- dim disp as object
- disp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch( url, &quot;&quot;, 0 )
- disp.dispatch( url, args() )
-End Sub
-Sub LoadDoc (DocName as String) as Object
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url = createUnoStruct(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = DocName
- if Left(DocName, 5 ) &lt;&gt; &quot;file:&quot; then
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- endif
- Dim aPropArray(0) as Object
- aPropArray(0) = CreateUnoStruct(&quot;;)
- aPropArray(0).Name = &quot;OpenFlags&quot;
- aPropArray(0).Value = &quot;S&quot;
- dim doc as object
- dim noargs()
- doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( url.Complete, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, aPropArray() ) &apos; XModel
- LoadDoc = doc
-End Sub
-Sub SaveDoc (DocName as String, oDoc as Object, sFilterName as string )
- dim trans as object
- trans = createUnoService(&quot;; )
- url = createUnoStruct(&quot;; )
- url.Complete = DocName
- if Left(DocName, 5 ) &lt;&gt; &quot;file:&quot; then
- trans.parsestrict( url )
- endif
- if not (sFilterName = &quot;&quot;) then
- Dim aPropArray(0) as Object
- aPropArray(0) = CreateUnoStruct(&quot;;)
- aPropArray(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
- aPropArray(0).Value = sFilterName
- oDoc.storeAsURL( url.Complete, aPropArray() )
- else
- MessageBox &quot;Filtername is unknown!&quot;
- end if
-end Sub