path: root/svtools/source/contnr
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Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/contnr')
11 files changed, 15848 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/cont_pch.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/cont_pch.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4753a03158dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/cont_pch.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: cont_pch.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <sv.hxx>
+#include "treelist.hxx"
+#include "svtabbx.hxx"
+#include "svtreebx.hxx"
+#include "svicnvw.hxx"
+#include "svimpbox.hxx"
+#include "svimpicn.hxx"
+#include "svlbox.hxx"
+#include "svlbitm.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/ctrdll.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/ctrdll.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20729e743e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/ctrdll.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: ctrdll.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef WIN
+#ifndef _SVWIN_H
+#include <svwin.h>
+#ifndef _SYSDEP_HXX
+#include <sysdep.hxx>
+// Statische DLL-Verwaltungs-Variablen
+static HINSTANCE hDLLInst = 0; // HANDLE der DLL
+|* LibMain()
+|* Beschreibung Initialisierungsfunktion der DLL
+|* Ersterstellung TH 05.05.93
+|* Letzte Aenderung TH 05.05.93
+extern "C" int CALLBACK LibMain( HINSTANCE hDLL, WORD, WORD nHeap, LPSTR )
+#ifndef WNT
+ if ( nHeap )
+ UnlockData( 0 );
+ hDLLInst = hDLL;
+ return TRUE;
+|* WEP()
+|* Beschreibung DLL-Deinitialisierung
+|* Ersterstellung TH 05.05.93
+|* Letzte Aenderung TH 05.05.93
+extern "C" int CALLBACK WEP( int )
+ return 1;
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/ b/svtools/source/contnr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cddb84f1bc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# $RCSfile:,v $
+# $Revision: $
+# last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+# The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+# either of the following licenses
+# - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+# Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+# =============================================
+# Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+# =================================================
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+# Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+# License at
+# Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+# See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+# obligations concerning the Software.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
+.IF "$(COM)"=="WTC"
+CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -od -3r
+.IF "$(header)" == ""
+CXXFILES= svtabbx.cxx \
+ svicnvw.cxx \
+ svimpicn.cxx \
+ treelist.cxx \
+ svlbox.cxx \
+ svimpbox.cxx \
+ svlbitm.cxx \
+ svtreebx.cxx \
+ cont_pch.cxx \
+ ctrdll.cxx
+SLOFILES= $(SLO)$/svtabbx.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svicnvw.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svimpicn.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/treelist.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svlbox.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svimpbox.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svlbitm.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svtreebx.obj
+# Fuer das Setup bauen wir noch mal statisch
+.IF "$(VCSID)" != "OV"
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/svtabbx.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/svicnvw.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/svimpicn.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/treelist.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/svlbox.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/svimpbox.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/svlbitm.obj \
+ $(OBJ)$/svtreebx.obj
+HXX1TARGET= svcontnr
+HXX1EXT= hxx
+HXX1FILES= $(PRJ)$/inc$/svlbox.hxx \
+ $(PRJ)$/inc$/svlbitm.hxx \
+ $(PRJ)$/inc$/svtreebx.hxx \
+ $(PRJ)$/inc$/svicnvw.hxx \
+ $(PRJ)$/inc$/svtabbx.hxx \
+ $(PRJ)$/inc$/treelist.hxx
+HXX1EXCL= -E:*include*
+# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svicnvw.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svicnvw.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e2948c69e60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svicnvw.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svicnvw.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svicnvw.hxx>
+#include <svimpicn.hxx>
+#include <svlbitm.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define ICNVW_BLOCK_ENTRYINS 0x0001
+ : nIcnVwFlags(0),eTextMode(ShowTextDontKnow)
+SvIconView::SvIconView( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :
+ SvLBox( pParent, nWinStyle | WB_BORDER )
+ nWinBits = nWinStyle;
+ nIcnVwFlags = 0;
+ pImp = new SvImpIconView( this, GetModel(), nWinStyle | WB_ICON );
+ pImp->pViewData = 0;
+ SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION );
+ SetLineColor();
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() ) );
+ SetDefaultFont();
+SvIconView::SvIconView( Window* pParent , const ResId& rResId ) :
+ SvLBox( pParent, rResId )
+ pImp = new SvImpIconView( this, GetModel(), WB_BORDER | WB_ICON );
+ nIcnVwFlags = 0;
+ pImp->pViewData = 0;
+ SetLineColor();
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() ) );
+ SetDefaultFont();
+ pImp->SetSelectionMode( GetSelectionMode() );
+ pImp->SetWindowBits( nWindowStyle );
+ nWinBits = nWindowStyle;
+ delete pImp;
+void SvIconView::SetDefaultFont()
+ SetFont( GetFont() );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::CreateEntry( const XubString& rStr,
+ const Image& rCollEntryBmp, const Image& rExpEntryBmp )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = new SvLBoxEntry;
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pContextBmp =
+ new SvLBoxContextBmp( pEntry,0, rCollEntryBmp,rExpEntryBmp, 0xffff );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pContextBmp );
+ SvLBoxString* pString = new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, rStr );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pString );
+ return pEntry;
+void SvIconView::DisconnectFromModel()
+ SvLBox::DisconnectFromModel();
+ pImp->SetModel( GetModel(), 0 );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::InsertEntry( const XubString& rText,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent, BOOL bChildsOnDemand, ULONG nPos )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry(
+ rText, aCollapsedEntryBmp, aExpandedEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( bChildsOnDemand );
+ if ( !pParent )
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ else
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ return pEntry;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::InsertEntry( const XubString& rText,
+ const Image& rExpEntryBmp,
+ const Image& rCollEntryBmp,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent, BOOL bChildsOnDemand, ULONG nPos)
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry(
+ rText, rCollEntryBmp, rExpEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( bChildsOnDemand );
+ if ( !pParent )
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ else
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ return pEntry;
+void SvIconView::SetEntryText(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& rStr)
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if ( pItem )
+ {
+ pItem->SetText( pEntry, rStr );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvIconView::SetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Image& rBmp)
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if ( pItem )
+ {
+ pItem->SetBitmap2( pEntry, rBmp );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvIconView::SetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const Image& rBmp )
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if ( pItem )
+ {
+ pItem->SetBitmap1( pEntry, rBmp );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+XubString SvIconView::GetEntryText(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ XubString aStr;
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if ( pItem )
+ aStr = pItem->GetText();
+ return aStr;
+Image SvIconView::GetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const
+ Image aBmp;
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if ( pItem )
+ aBmp = pItem->GetBitmap2();
+ return aBmp;
+Image SvIconView::GetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const
+ Image aBmp;
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if ( pItem )
+ aBmp = pItem->GetBitmap1();
+ return aBmp;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::CloneEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pSource )
+ XubString aStr;
+ Image aCollEntryBmp;
+ Image aExpEntryBmp;
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pSource->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if ( pStringItem )
+ aStr = pStringItem->GetText();
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmpItem =(SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pSource->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if ( pBmpItem )
+ {
+ aCollEntryBmp = pBmpItem->GetBitmap1();
+ aExpEntryBmp = pBmpItem->GetBitmap2();
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry( aStr, aCollEntryBmp, aExpEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->SvListEntry::Clone( pSource );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( pSource->HasChildsOnDemand() );
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pSource->GetUserData() );
+ return pEntry;
+USHORT SvIconView::IsA()
+void SvIconView::RequestingChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ if ( !pParent->HasChilds() )
+ InsertEntry( String::CreateFromAscii("<dummy>"), pParent, FALSE, LIST_APPEND );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ pImp->Paint( rRect );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ pImp->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ pImp->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ pImp->MouseMove( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ // unter OS/2 bekommen wir auch beim Editieren Key-Up/Down
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ return;
+ BOOL bKeyUsed = pImp->KeyInput( rKEvt );
+ if ( !bKeyUsed )
+ SvLBox::KeyInput( rKEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::Resize()
+ pImp->Resize();
+ SvLBox::Resize();
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::GetFocus()
+ pImp->GetFocus();
+ SvLBox::GetFocus();
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::LoseFocus()
+ pImp->LoseFocus();
+ SvLBox::LoseFocus();
+void SvIconView::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bUpdate )
+ Control::SetUpdateMode( bUpdate );
+ if ( bUpdate )
+ pImp->UpdateAll();
+void SvIconView::SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pNewModel )
+void SvIconView::SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pNewModel, SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ SvLBox::SetModel( pNewModel );
+ if ( pParent && pParent->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ RequestingChilds( pParent );
+ pImp->SetModel( pNewModel, pParent );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelHasCleared()
+ SvLBox::ModelHasCleared();
+ pImp->Clear();
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelHasInserted( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ if( !(nIcnVwFlags & ICNVW_BLOCK_ENTRYINS ) )
+ pImp->EntryInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelHasInsertedTree( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->TreeInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelIsMoving(SvListEntry* pSource,
+ SvListEntry* /* pTargetParent */ , ULONG /* nChildPos */ )
+ pImp->MovingEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pSource );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelHasMoved(SvListEntry* pSource )
+ pImp->EntryMoved( (SvLBoxEntry*)pSource );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelIsRemoving( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->RemovingEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ NotifyRemoving( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelHasRemoved( SvListEntry* /* pEntry */ )
+ pImp->EntryRemoved();
+void __EXPORT SvIconView::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ // die einzelnen Items des Entries reinitialisieren
+ SvLBox::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( pEntry );
+ // painten
+ pImp->ModelHasEntryInvalidated( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bShow )
+ pImp->ShowTargetEmphasis( pEntry, bShow );
+Point SvIconView::GetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ return ((SvIconView*)this)->pImp->GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::SetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos)
+ pImp->SetEntryPos( pEntry, rPos, FALSE, TRUE );
+void SvIconView::SetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos, BOOL bAdjustAtGrid )
+ pImp->SetEntryPos( pEntry, rPos, bAdjustAtGrid );
+void SvIconView::SetFont( const Font& rFont )
+ Font aTempFont( rFont );
+ aTempFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+ SvLBox::SetFont( aTempFont );
+ RecalcViewData();
+ pImp->ChangedFont();
+void SvIconView::ViewDataInitialized( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->ViewDataInitialized( pEntry );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetCurEntry() const
+ return pImp->GetCurEntry();
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetDropTarget( const Point& rPos )
+ return pImp->GetDropTarget( rPos );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetEntry( const Point& rPixPos, BOOL ) const
+ Point aPos( rPixPos );
+ aPos -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
+ return ((SvIconView*)this)->pImp->GetEntry( aPos );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetEntryFromLogicPos( const Point& rDocPos ) const
+ return ((SvIconView*)this)->pImp->GetEntry( rDocPos );
+void SvIconView::SetWindowBits( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ nWinBits = nWinStyle;
+ pImp->SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+void SvIconView::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->PaintEntry( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos )
+ pImp->PaintEntry( pEntry, rPos );
+Rectangle SvIconView::GetFocusRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ return pImp->CalcFocusRect( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode nDDMode )
+ SvLBox::SetDragDropMode( nDDMode );
+ pImp->SetDragDropMode( nDDMode );
+void SvIconView::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelMode )
+ SvLBox::SetSelectionMode( eSelMode );
+ pImp->SetSelectionMode( eSelMode );
+BOOL SvIconView::Select( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ EndEditing();
+ BOOL bRetVal = SvListView::Select( pEntry, bSelect );
+ if( bRetVal )
+ {
+ pImp->EntrySelected( pEntry, bSelect );
+ pHdlEntry = pEntry;
+ SelectHdl();
+ }
+ return bRetVal;
+void SvIconView::SelectAll( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bPaint )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pImp->GetCurParent();
+ pEntry = FirstChild( pEntry );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ Select( pEntry, bSelect );
+ pEntry = NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvIconView::Arrange()
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ USHORT n=1;
+ if( n == 1 && n-1 == 0 )
+ {
+ pImp->Arrange();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pImp->AdjustAtGrid();
+ }
+ pImp->Arrange();
+void SvIconView::SetSpaceBetweenEntries( long nX, long nY )
+ pImp->SetSpaceBetweenEntries( nX, nY );
+BOOL SvIconView::NotifyMoving( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos )
+ return pImp->NotifyMoving(pTarget,pEntry,rpNewParent,rNewChildPos);
+BOOL SvIconView::NotifyCopying( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos )
+ return pImp->NotifyCopying(pTarget,pEntry,rpNewParent,rNewChildPos);
+void SvIconView::EnableInplaceEditing( BOOL bEnable )
+ SvLBox::EnableInplaceEditing( bEnable );
+void SvIconView::EditingRequest( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem,
+ const Point& )
+ if ( pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ if ( EditingEntry( pEntry, aSel ) )
+ {
+ SelectAll( FALSE );
+ EditItemText( pEntry, (SvLBoxString*)pItem, aSel );
+ }
+ }
+void SvIconView::EditItemText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem,
+ const Selection& rSel )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry&&pItem,"EditItemText:Params?")
+ pCurEdEntry = pEntry;
+ pCurEdItem = pItem;
+ Rectangle aRect( pImp->CalcTextRect( pEntry, (SvLBoxString*)pItem,0,TRUE ));
+ aRect.Bottom() += 4;
+ pImp->MakeVisible( aRect ); // vor der Umrechnung in Pixel-Koord. rufen!
+ aRect.Bottom() -= 4;
+ Point aPos( aRect.TopLeft() );
+ aPos += GetMapMode().GetOrigin(); // Dok-Koord. -> Window-Koord.
+ aRect.SetPos( aPos );
+ aRect.Bottom() += 2; // sieht huebscher aus
+#ifdef WIN
+ aRect.Bottom() += 4;
+#ifdef OS2
+ aRect.Left() -= 3;
+ aRect.Right() += 3;
+ aRect.Top() -= 3;
+ aRect.Bottom() += 3;
+ aRect.Left() -= 10;
+ aRect.Right() += 10;
+ aRect.Top() -= 5;
+ aRect.Bottom() += 5;
+#endif // OS2
+ EditText( ((SvLBoxString*)pItem)->GetText(), aRect, rSel, TRUE );
+void SvIconView::EditEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( !pEntry )
+ pEntry = pImp->GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( pItem )
+ {
+ if( EditingEntry( pEntry, aSel ) )
+ {
+ SelectAll( FALSE );
+ EditItemText( pEntry, pItem, aSel );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SvIconView::EditedText( const XubString& rStr )
+ XubString aRefStr( ((SvLBoxString*)pCurEdItem)->GetText() );
+ if ( EditedEntry( pCurEdEntry, rStr ) )
+ {
+ ((SvLBoxString*)pCurEdItem)->SetText( pCurEdEntry, rStr );
+ pModel->InvalidateEntry( pCurEdEntry );
+ }
+ if( GetSelectionMode()==SINGLE_SELECTION && !GetSelectionCount())
+ Select( pCurEdEntry );
+BOOL SvIconView::EditingEntry( SvLBoxEntry*, Selection& )
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SvIconView::EditedEntry( SvLBoxEntry*, const XubString& )
+ return TRUE;
+void SvIconView::WriteDragServerInfo( const Point& rPos, SvLBoxDDInfo* pInfo)
+ pImp->WriteDragServerInfo( rPos, pInfo );
+void SvIconView::ReadDragServerInfo( const Point& rPos, SvLBoxDDInfo* pInfo )
+ pImp->ReadDragServerInfo( rPos, pInfo );
+void SvIconView::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ pImp->Command( rCEvt );
+void SvIconView::SetCurParent( SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent )
+ if ( pNewParent && pNewParent->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ RequestingChilds( pNewParent );
+ pImp->SetCurParent( pNewParent );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetCurParent() const
+ return pImp->GetCurParent();
+SvViewData* SvIconView::CreateViewData( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pEntryData = new SvIcnVwDataEntry;
+ return (SvViewData*)pEntryData;
+void SvIconView::InitViewData( SvViewData* pData, SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ SvLBox::InitViewData( pData, pEntry );
+ pImp->InvalidateBoundingRect( ((SvIcnVwDataEntry*)pData)->aRect );
+Region SvIconView::GetDragRegion() const
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ aRect = pImp->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ Region aRegion( aRect );
+ return aRegion;
+ULONG SvIconView::GetSelectionCount() const
+ return (ULONG)(pImp->GetSelectionCount());
+void SvIconView::SetGrid( long nDX, long nDY )
+ pImp->SetGrid( nDX, nDY );
+void SvIconView::ModelNotification( USHORT nActionId, SvListEntry* pEntry1,
+ SvListEntry* pEntry2, ULONG nPos )
+ SvLBox::ModelNotification( nActionId, pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ switch( nActionId )
+ {
+ SetUpdateMode( FALSE );
+ break;
+ SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ Arrange();
+ break;
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Update();
+ break;
+ }
+void SvIconView::Scroll( long nDeltaX, long nDeltaY )
+ pImp->Scroll( nDeltaX, nDeltaY, FALSE );
+void SvIconView::PrepareCommandEvent( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ pImp->PrepareCommandEvent( rCEvt );
+void SvIconView::BeginDrag( const Point& rPos )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( rPos, TRUE );
+ pImp->pViewData = pEntry;
+ SvLBox::BeginDrag( rPos );
+BOOL __EXPORT SvIconView::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rDEvt )
+ if( pImp->pViewData )
+ {
+ pImp->HideDDIcon();
+ }
+ BOOL bResult = SvLBox::QueryDrop( rDEvt );
+ if( bResult )
+ {
+ pImp->ShowDDIcon( pImp->pViewData, rDEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ }
+ return bResult;
+BOOL SvIconView::Drop( const DropEvent& rDEvt )
+ if( pImp->pViewData )
+ {
+ pImp->HideDDIcon();
+ pImp->pViewData = 0;
+ }
+ return SvLBox::Drop( rDEvt );
+void SvIconView::ShowDDIcon( SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPos )
+ pImp->ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPos );
+void SvIconView::HideDDIcon()
+ pImp->HideDDIcon();
+void SvIconView::HideShowDDIcon( SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPos )
+ pImp->HideShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPos );
+void SvIconView::SelectRect( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bAdd,
+ SvPtrarr* pRects, short nOffs )
+ pImp->SelectRect( rRect, bAdd, pRects, nOffs );
+void SvIconView::CalcScrollOffsets( const Point& rRefPosPixel, long& rX, long& rY,
+ BOOL b, USHORT nBorderWidth )
+ pImp->CalcScrollOffsets( rRefPosPixel, rX, rY, b, nBorderWidth );
+void SvIconView::EndTracking()
+ pImp->EndTracking();
+void SvIconView::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->MakeVisible( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::PreparePaint( SvLBoxEntry* )
+void SvIconView::AdjustAtGrid( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->AdjustAtGrid( pEntry );
+void SvIconView::LockEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bLock )
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = (SvIcnVwDataEntry*)GetViewData( pEntry );
+ if( bLock )
+ pViewData->SetVwFlags( ICNVW_FLAG_POS_LOCKED );
+ else
+ pViewData->ClearVwFlags( ICNVW_FLAG_POS_LOCKED );
+BOOL SvIconView::IsEntryPosLocked( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = (const SvIcnVwDataEntry*)GetViewData( (SvListEntry*)pEntry );
+ return pViewData->IsEntryPosLocked();
+void SvIconView::SetTextMode( SvIconViewTextMode eMode, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->SetTextMode( eMode, pEntry );
+SvIconViewTextMode SvIconView::GetTextMode( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ return pImp->GetTextMode( pEntry );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetNextEntry( const Point& rPixPos, SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry, BOOL ) const
+ Point aPos( rPixPos );
+ aPos -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
+ return ((SvIconView*)this)->pImp->GetNextEntry( aPos, pCurEntry );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvIconView::GetPrevEntry( const Point& rPixPos, SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry, BOOL ) const
+ Point aPos( rPixPos );
+ aPos -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
+ return ((SvIconView*)this)->pImp->GetPrevEntry( aPos, pCurEntry );
+void SvIconView::ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->ShowFocusRect( pEntry );
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svimpbox.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svimpbox.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebdc765651cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svimpbox.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3171 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svimpbox.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifndef _HELP_HXX
+#include <vcl/help.hxx>
+#ifndef _TABBAR_HXX
+#include <tabbar.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define _SVTREEBX_CXX
+#include <svtreebx.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVLBOX_HXX
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svimpbox.hxx>
+SvImpLBox::SvImpLBox( SvTreeListBox* pLBView, SvLBoxTreeList* pLBTree, WinBits nWinStyle) :
+ aVerSBar( pLBView, WB_DRAG | WB_VSCROLL ),
+ aHorSBar( pLBView, WB_DRAG | WB_HSCROLL ),
+ aScrBarBox( pLBView ),
+ aOutputSize( 0,0 ),
+ aSelEng( pLBView, (FunctionSet*)0 ),
+ aFctSet( this, &aSelEng, pLBView ),
+ pTabBar(0)
+ pView = pLBView;
+ pTree = pLBTree;
+ aSelEng.SetFunctionSet( (FunctionSet*)&aFctSet );
+ aSelEng.ExpandSelectionOnMouseMove( FALSE );
+ SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+ SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION );
+ SetDragDropMode( 0 );
+ aVerSBar.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvImpLBox, ScrollUpDownHdl ) );
+ aHorSBar.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvImpLBox, ScrollLeftRightHdl ) );
+ aHorSBar.SetEndScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvImpLBox, EndScrollHdl ) );
+ aVerSBar.SetEndScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvImpLBox, EndScrollHdl ) );
+#if SUPD > 358
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0,0) );
+ aVerSBar.Hide();
+ aHorSBar.SetRange( Range(0,0) );
+ aHorSBar.SetPageSize( 24 ); // Pixel
+ aHorSBar.SetLineSize( 8 ); // Pixel
+ nHorSBarHeight = (short)aHorSBar.GetSizePixel().Height();
+ nVerSBarWidth = (short)aVerSBar.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ pStartEntry = 0;
+ pCursor = 0;
+ pAnchor = 0;
+ nVisibleCount = 0; // Anzahl Daten-Zeilen im Control
+ nYoffsNodeBmp = 0;
+ nNodeBmpWidth = 0;
+ bAsyncBeginDrag = FALSE;
+ aAsyncBeginDragTimer.SetTimeout( 0 );
+ aAsyncBeginDragTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK(this,SvImpLBox,BeginDragHdl));
+ // Button-Animation in Listbox
+ pActiveButton = 0;
+ pActiveEntry = 0;
+ pActiveTab = 0;
+ nFlags = 0;
+ aEditTimer.SetTimeout( 800 );
+ aEditTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK(this,SvImpLBox,EditTimerCall) );
+ nMostRight = -1;
+ pMostRightEntry = 0;
+ nCurUserEvent = 0xffffffff;
+ bUpdateMode = TRUE;
+ bInVScrollHdl = FALSE;
+ nFlags |= F_FILLING;
+ aEditTimer.Stop();
+ StopUserEvent();
+void SvImpLBox::SetWindowBits( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ nWinBits = nWinStyle;
+ if((nWinStyle & WB_SIMPLEMODE) && aSelEng.GetSelectionMode()==MULTIPLE_SELECTION)
+ aSelEng.AddAlways( TRUE );
+// Das Model darf hier nicht mehr angefasst werden
+void SvImpLBox::Clear()
+ StopUserEvent();
+ pStartEntry = 0;
+ pAnchor = 0;
+ pActiveButton = 0;
+ pActiveEntry = 0;
+ pActiveTab = 0;
+ nMostRight = -1;
+ pMostRightEntry = 0;
+ // Der Cursor darf hier nicht mehr angefasst werden!
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ if( pView->HasFocus() )
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ pCursor = 0;
+ }
+ aVerSBar.Hide();
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ Range aRange( 0, 0 );
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ aOutputSize = pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if( pTabBar )
+ {
+ aOutputSize.Height() -= nHorSBarHeight;
+ }
+ if( !pTabBar )
+ aHorSBar.Hide();
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetMapMode());
+ aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point(0,0) );
+ pView->Control::SetMapMode( aMapMode );
+ aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ aHorSBar.SetSizePixel(Size(aOutputSize.Width(),nHorSBarHeight));
+ pView->SetClipRegion();
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ pView->Invalidate( GetVisibleArea() );
+ nFlags |= F_FILLING;
+ if( !aHorSBar.IsVisible() && !aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ aScrBarBox.Hide();
+// *********************************************************************
+// Painten, Navigieren, Scrollen
+// *********************************************************************
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvImpLBox, EndScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+ {
+ aVerSBar.SetVisibleSize( nNextVerVisSize );
+ }
+ EndScroll();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvImpLBox, EndScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+// Handler vertikale ScrollBar
+IMPL_LINK( SvImpLBox, ScrollUpDownHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+ DBG_ASSERT(!bInVScrollHdl,"Scroll-Handler ueberholt sich!");
+ long nDelta = pScrollBar->GetDelta();
+ if( !nDelta )
+ return 0;
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ bInVScrollHdl = TRUE;
+ if( pView->IsEditingActive() )
+ {
+ pView->EndEditing( TRUE ); // Cancel
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+ BeginScroll();
+ if( nDelta > 0 )
+ {
+ if( nDelta == 1 )
+ CursorDown();
+ else
+ PageDown( (USHORT) nDelta );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nDelta *= (-1);
+ if( nDelta == 1 )
+ CursorUp();
+ else
+ PageUp( (USHORT) nDelta );
+ }
+ bInVScrollHdl = FALSE;
+ return 0;
+void SvImpLBox::CursorDown()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNextFirstToDraw = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry));
+ if( pNextFirstToDraw )
+ {
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ pView->NotifyScrolling( -1 );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pView->Update();
+ pStartEntry = pNextFirstToDraw;
+ Rectangle aArea( GetVisibleArea() );
+ pView->Scroll( 0, -(pView->GetEntryHeight()), aArea, SCROLL_NOCHILDREN );
+ pView->Update();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ pView->NotifyScrolled();
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::CursorUp()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pPrevFirstToDraw = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pStartEntry));
+ if( pPrevFirstToDraw )
+ {
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ long nEntryHeight = pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ pView->NotifyScrolling( 1 );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pView->Update();
+ pStartEntry = pPrevFirstToDraw;
+ Rectangle aArea( GetVisibleArea() );
+ aArea.Bottom() -= nEntryHeight;
+ pView->Scroll( 0, nEntryHeight, aArea, SCROLL_NOCHILDREN );
+ pView->Update();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ pView->NotifyScrolled();
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::PageDown( USHORT nDelta )
+ USHORT nRealDelta = nDelta;
+ if( !nDelta )
+ return;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNext;
+ pNext = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry, nRealDelta ));
+ if( (ULONG)pNext == (ULONG)pStartEntry )
+ return;
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ pView->Update();
+ pStartEntry = pNext;
+ if( nRealDelta >= nVisibleCount )
+ {
+ pView->Invalidate( GetVisibleArea() );
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long nScroll = nRealDelta * (-1);
+ pView->NotifyScrolling( nScroll );
+ Rectangle aArea( GetVisibleArea() );
+ nScroll = pView->GetEntryHeight()*nRealDelta;
+ nScroll = -nScroll;
+ pView->Update();
+ pView->Scroll( 0, nScroll, aArea, SCROLL_NOCHILDREN );
+ pView->Update();
+ pView->NotifyScrolled();
+ }
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+void SvImpLBox::PageUp( USHORT nDelta )
+ USHORT nRealDelta = nDelta;
+ if( !nDelta )
+ return;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pPrev = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pStartEntry, nRealDelta ));
+ if( (ULONG)pPrev == (ULONG)pStartEntry )
+ return;
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pView->Update();
+ pStartEntry = pPrev;
+ if( nRealDelta >= nVisibleCount )
+ {
+ pView->Invalidate( GetVisibleArea() );
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long nEntryHeight = pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ pView->NotifyScrolling( (long)nRealDelta );
+ Rectangle aArea( GetVisibleArea() );
+ pView->Update();
+ pView->Scroll( 0, nEntryHeight*nRealDelta, aArea, SCROLL_NOCHILDREN );
+ pView->Update();
+ pView->NotifyScrolled();
+ }
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+void SvImpLBox::KeyUp( BOOL bPageUp, BOOL bNotifyScroll )
+ if( !aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ return;
+ long nDelta;
+ if( bPageUp )
+ nDelta = aVerSBar.GetPageSize();
+ else
+ nDelta = 1;
+ long nThumbPos = aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ if( nThumbPos < nDelta )
+ nDelta = nThumbPos;
+ if( nDelta <= 0 )
+ return;
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ if( bNotifyScroll )
+ BeginScroll();
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumbPos - nDelta );
+ if( bPageUp )
+ PageUp( (short)nDelta );
+ else
+ CursorUp();
+ if( bNotifyScroll )
+ EndScroll();
+void SvImpLBox::KeyDown( BOOL bPageDown, BOOL bNotifyScroll )
+ if( !aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ return;
+ long nDelta;
+ if( bPageDown )
+ nDelta = aVerSBar.GetPageSize();
+ else
+ nDelta = 1;
+ long nThumbPos = aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ long nVisibleSize = aVerSBar.GetVisibleSize();
+ long nRange = aVerSBar.GetRange().Len();
+ long nTmp = nThumbPos+nVisibleSize;
+ while( (nDelta > 0) && (nTmp+nDelta) >= nRange )
+ nDelta--;
+ if( nDelta <= 0 )
+ return;
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ if( bNotifyScroll )
+ BeginScroll();
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumbPos+nDelta );
+ if( bPageDown )
+ PageDown( (short)nDelta );
+ else
+ CursorDown();
+ if( bNotifyScroll )
+ EndScroll();
+void SvImpLBox::InvalidateEntriesFrom( long nY ) const
+ if( !(nFlags & F_IN_PAINT ))
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( GetVisibleArea() );
+ aRect.Top() = nY;
+ pView->Invalidate( aRect );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::InvalidateEntry( long nY ) const
+ if( !(nFlags & F_IN_PAINT ))
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( GetVisibleArea() );
+ long nMaxBottom = aRect.Bottom();
+ aRect.Top() = nY;
+ aRect.Bottom() = nY; aRect.Bottom() += pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ if( aRect.Top() > nMaxBottom )
+ return;
+ if( aRect.Bottom() > nMaxBottom )
+ aRect.Bottom() = nMaxBottom;
+ pView->Invalidate( aRect );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ long nPrev = nMostRight;
+ SetMostRight( pEntry );
+ if( nPrev < nMostRight )
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ }
+ if( !(nFlags & F_IN_PAINT ))
+ {
+ BOOL bHasFocusRect = FALSE;
+ if( pEntry==pCursor && pView->HasFocus() )
+ {
+ bHasFocusRect = TRUE;
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ }
+ InvalidateEntry( GetEntryLine( pEntry ) );
+ if( bHasFocusRect )
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::RecalcFocusRect()
+ if( pView->HasFocus() && pCursor )
+ {
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pCursor );
+ Rectangle aRect = pView->GetFocusRect( pCursor, nY );
+ Region aOldClip( pView->GetClipRegion());
+ Region aClipRegion( GetClipRegionRect() );
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aClipRegion );
+ pView->ShowFocus( aRect );
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aOldClip );
+ }
+// Setzt Cursor. Passt bei SingleSelection die Selektion an
+void SvImpLBox::SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bForceNoSelect )
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewDataNewCur = 0;
+ if( pEntry )
+ pViewDataNewCur= pView->GetViewDataEntry(pEntry);
+ if( pEntry &&
+ pEntry == pCursor &&
+ pViewDataNewCur->HasFocus() &&
+ pViewDataNewCur->IsSelected())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pOldCursor = pCursor;
+ if( pCursor && pEntry != pCursor )
+ {
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor, FALSE );
+ if( bSimpleTravel )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, FALSE );
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ }
+ pCursor = pEntry;
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pViewDataNewCur->SetFocus( TRUE );
+ if(!bForceNoSelect && bSimpleTravel && !(nFlags & F_DESEL_ALL) && GetUpdateMode())
+ {
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ // Mehrfachselektion: Im Cursor-Move selektieren, wenn
+ // nicht im Add-Mode (Ctrl-F8)
+ else if( GetUpdateMode() &&
+ pView->GetSelectionMode() == MULTIPLE_SELECTION &&
+ !(nFlags & F_DESEL_ALL) && !aSelEng.IsAddMode() &&
+ !bForceNoSelect )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+ if( pAnchor )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(aSelEng.GetSelectionMode() != SINGLE_SELECTION,"Mode?")
+ SetAnchorSelection( pOldCursor, pCursor );
+ }
+ }
+ nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+void SvImpLBox::ShowCursor( BOOL bShow )
+ if( !bShow || !pCursor || !pView->HasFocus() )
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ else
+ {
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pCursor );
+ Rectangle aRect = pView->GetFocusRect( pCursor, nY );
+ Region aOldClip( pView->GetClipRegion());
+ Region aClipRegion( GetClipRegionRect() );
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aClipRegion );
+ pView->ShowFocus( aRect );
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aOldClip );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::UpdateAll( BOOL bInvalidateCompleteView,
+ BOOL bUpdateVerScrollBar )
+ if( bUpdateVerScrollBar )
+ FindMostRight(0);
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0, pView->GetVisibleCount()-1 ) );
+ SyncVerThumb();
+ FillView();
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ if( bSimpleTravel && pCursor && pView->HasFocus() )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ if( bInvalidateCompleteView )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ else
+ pView->Invalidate( GetVisibleArea() );
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvImpLBox, ScrollLeftRightHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+ long nDelta = pScrollBar->GetDelta();
+ if( nDelta )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsEditingActive() )
+ {
+ pView->EndEditing( TRUE ); // Cancel
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ KeyLeftRight( nDelta );
+ }
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvImpLBox, ScrollLeftRightHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+void SvImpLBox::KeyLeftRight( long nDelta )
+ if( !(nFlags & F_IN_RESIZE) )
+ pView->Update();
+ BeginScroll();
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ pView->NotifyScrolling( 0 ); // 0 == horizontales Scrolling
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ // neuen Origin berechnen
+ long nPos = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ Point aOrigin( -nPos, 0 );
+ MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetMapMode() );
+ aMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin );
+ pView->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
+ if( !(nFlags & F_IN_RESIZE) )
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( GetVisibleArea() );
+ pView->Scroll( -nDelta, 0, aRect, SCROLL_NOCHILDREN );
+ }
+ else
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ RecalcFocusRect();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ pView->NotifyScrolled();
+// gibt letzten Eintrag zurueck, wenn Position unter
+// dem letzten Eintrag ist
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpLBox::GetClickedEntry( const Point& rPoint ) const
+ if( pView->GetEntryCount() == 0 || !pStartEntry)
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nClickedEntry = (USHORT)(rPoint.Y() / pView->GetEntryHeight() );
+ USHORT nTemp = nClickedEntry;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry, nTemp ));
+ return pEntry;
+// prueft, ob der Eintrag "richtig" getroffen wurde
+// (Focusrect+ ContextBitmap bei TreeListBox)
+BOOL SvImpLBox::EntryReallyHit(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,const Point& rPosPixel,long nLine)
+ BOOL bRet;
+ // bei "besonderen" Entries (mit CheckButtons usw.) sind wir
+ // nicht so pingelig
+ if( pEntry->ItemCount() >= 3 )
+ return TRUE;
+ Rectangle aRect( pView->GetFocusRect( pEntry, nLine ));
+ if( pView->IsA() == SV_LISTBOX_ID_TREEBOX )
+ {
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmp = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ aRect.Left() -= pBmp->GetSize(pView,pEntry).Width();
+ aRect.Left() -= 4; // etwas Speilraum lassen
+ }
+ Point aPos( rPosPixel );
+ aPos -= pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
+ if( aRect.IsInside( aPos ) )
+ bRet = TRUE;
+ else
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ return bRet;
+// gibt 0 zurueck, wenn Position unter dem letzten Eintrag ist
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpLBox::GetEntry( const Point& rPoint ) const
+ if( (pView->GetEntryCount() == 0) || !pStartEntry ||
+ (rPoint.Y() > aOutputSize.Height()) )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nClickedEntry = (USHORT)(rPoint.Y() / pView->GetEntryHeight() );
+ USHORT nTemp = nClickedEntry;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry, nTemp ));
+ if( nTemp != nClickedEntry )
+ pEntry = 0;
+ return pEntry;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpLBox::MakePointVisible(const Point& rPoint,BOOL bNotifyScroll)
+ if( !pCursor )
+ return 0;
+ long nY = rPoint.Y();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = 0;
+ long nMax = aOutputSize.Height();
+ if( nY < 0 || nY >= nMax ) // aOutputSize.Height() )
+ {
+ if( nY < 0 )
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pCursor ));
+ else
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pCursor ));
+ if( pEntry && pEntry != pCursor )
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor, FALSE );
+ if( nY < 0 )
+ KeyUp( FALSE, bNotifyScroll );
+ else
+ KeyDown( FALSE, bNotifyScroll );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pEntry = GetClickedEntry( rPoint );
+ if( !pEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nSteps = 0xFFFF;
+ // LastVisible ist noch nicht implementiert!
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry, nSteps ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( pEntry != pCursor &&
+ aSelEng.GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION
+ )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, FALSE );
+ }
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+Rectangle SvImpLBox::GetClipRegionRect() const
+ Point aOrigin( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aOrigin.X() *= -1; // Umrechnung Dokumentkoord.
+ Rectangle aClipRect( aOrigin, aOutputSize );
+ aClipRect.Bottom()++;
+ return aClipRect;
+void SvImpLBox::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ if( !pView->GetVisibleCount() )
+ return;
+ nFlags |= F_IN_PAINT;
+//#if SUPD > 364
+ if( nFlags & F_FILLING )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pFirst = pView->First();
+ if( pFirst != pStartEntry )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pStartEntry = pView->First();
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ StopUserEvent();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ nCurUserEvent = Application::PostUserEvent(LINK(this,SvImpLBox,MyUserEvent),(void*)1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !pStartEntry )
+ {
+ pStartEntry = pView->First();
+ }
+#ifdef XX_OV
+ ULONG nXAbsPos = (USHORT)pTree->GetAbsPos( pStartEntry );
+ ULONG nXVisPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry );
+ SvLBoxString* pXStr = (SvLBoxString*)pStartEntry->GetFirstItem( SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING);
+ if( nNodeBmpTabDistance == NODE_BMP_TABDIST_NOTVALID )
+ SetNodeBmpTabDistance();
+ long nRectHeight = rRect.GetHeight();
+ long nEntryHeight = pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ int bHorSBar;
+ if( (pView->nWindowStyle) & WB_HSCROLL )
+ bHorSBar = TRUE;
+ else
+ bHorSBar = FALSE;
+ // Bereich der zu zeichnenden Entries berechnen
+ USHORT nStartLine = (USHORT)( rRect.Top() / nEntryHeight );
+ USHORT nCount = (USHORT)( nRectHeight / nEntryHeight );
+ nCount += 2; // keine Zeile vergessen
+ long nY = nStartLine * nEntryHeight;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pStartEntry;
+ while( nStartLine && pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ nStartLine--;
+ }
+ Region aClipRegion( GetClipRegionRect() );
+ // erst die Linien Zeichnen, dann clippen!
+ pView->SetClipRegion();
+ DrawNet();
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aClipRegion );
+ for( USHORT n=0; n< nCount && pEntry; n++ )
+ {
+ /*long nMaxRight=*/
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pEntry, nY, 0xffff, TRUE );
+ nY += nEntryHeight;
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( !pCursor )
+ {
+ if( aSelEng.GetSelectionMode()==SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ {
+ {
+ // nicht selektieren
+ SetCursor( pStartEntry, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ SetCursor( pStartEntry );
+ }
+ else
+ // nicht selektieren
+ SetCursor( pStartEntry, TRUE );
+ //OV, 16.7.97, warum HideFocus?? (siehe Bugid 41404)
+ //pView->HideFocus();
+ }
+ nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+ pView->SetClipRegion();
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if( !(nFlags & F_PAINTED) )
+ {
+ nFlags |= F_PAINTED;
+ RepaintScrollBars();
+ }
+ nFlags &= (~F_IN_PAINT);
+void SvImpLBox::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bMoveToTop )
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return;
+ BOOL bInView = IsEntryInView( pEntry );
+ if( bInView && (!bMoveToTop || pStartEntry == pEntry) )
+ return; // ist schon sichtbar
+ if( pStartEntry || (nWinBits & WB_FORCE_MAKEVISIBLE) )
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ if( !bInView )
+ {
+ if( !pView->IsEntryVisible(pEntry) ) // Parent(s) zugeklappt ?
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = pView->GetParent( pEntry );
+ while( pParent )
+ {
+ if( !pView->IsExpanded( pParent ) )
+ {
+ BOOL bRet = pView->Expand( pParent );
+ DBG_ASSERT(bRet,"Not expanded!");
+ }
+ pParent = pView->GetParent( pParent );
+ }
+ // Passen Childs der Parents in View oder muessen wir scrollen ?
+ if( IsEntryInView( pEntry ) && !bMoveToTop )
+ return; // Scrollen nicht noetig -> tschuess
+ }
+ }
+ pStartEntry = pEntry;
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ FillView();
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( (long)(pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry )) );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ pView->Invalidate();
+void SvImpLBox::RepaintSelectionItems()
+ if( !pView->GetVisibleCount() )
+ return;
+ if( !pStartEntry )
+ pStartEntry = pView->First();
+ if( nNodeBmpTabDistance == NODE_BMP_TABDIST_NOTVALID )
+ SetNodeBmpTabDistance();
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ long nEntryHeight = pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ USHORT nCount = nVisibleCount;
+ long nY = 0;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pStartEntry;
+ for( USHORT n=0; n< nCount && pEntry; n++ )
+ {
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pEntry, nY, 0xffff ); //wg. ItemsetBrowser SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION );
+ nY += nEntryHeight;
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+void SvImpLBox::DrawNet()
+ if( pView->GetVisibleCount() < 2 && !pStartEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() &&
+ !pStartEntry->HasChilds() )
+ return;
+ long nEntryHeight = pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ long nEntryHeightDIV2 = nEntryHeight / 2;
+ if( nEntryHeightDIV2 && !(nEntryHeight & 0x0001))
+ nEntryHeightDIV2--;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pStartEntry;
+ SvLBoxTab* pFirstDynamicTab = pView->GetFirstDynamicTab();
+ while( pTree->GetDepth( pEntry ) > 0 )
+ pEntry = pView->GetParent( pEntry );
+ USHORT nOffs = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry ) -
+ pView->GetVisiblePos( pEntry ));
+ long nY = 0;
+ nY -= ( nOffs * nEntryHeight );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pFirstDynamicTab,"No Tree!")
+ Color aOldLineColor = pView->GetLineColor();
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pView->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Color aCol= rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor();
+ if( aCol.IsRGBEqual( pView->GetBackground().GetColor()) )
+ aCol = rStyleSettings.GetShadowColor();
+ pView->SetLineColor( aCol );
+ Point aPos1, aPos2;
+ USHORT nDistance;
+ USHORT nMax = nVisibleCount + nOffs + 1;
+ for( USHORT n=0; n< nMax && pEntry; n++ )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ {
+ aPos1.X() = pView->GetTabPos(pEntry, pFirstDynamicTab);
+ // wenn keine ContextBitmap, dann etwas nach rechts
+ // unter den ersten Text (Node.Bmp ebenfalls
+ if( !pView->nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ aPos1.X() += aExpNodeBmp.GetSizePixel().Width() / 2;
+ aPos1.Y() = nY;
+ aPos1.Y() += nEntryHeightDIV2;
+ pChild = pView->FirstChild( pEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pChild,"Child?")
+ pChild = pTree->LastSibling( pChild );
+ nDistance = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisiblePos(pChild) -
+ pView->GetVisiblePos(pEntry));
+ aPos2 = aPos1;
+ aPos2.Y() += nDistance * nEntryHeight;
+ pView->DrawLine( aPos1, aPos2 );
+ }
+ // Sichtbar im Control ?
+ if( n>= nOffs && ((nWinBits & WB_HASLINESATROOT) || !pTree->IsAtRootDepth(pEntry)))
+ {
+ // kann aPos1 recyclet werden ?
+ if( !pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ {
+ // njet
+ aPos1.X() = pView->GetTabPos(pEntry, pFirstDynamicTab);
+ // wenn keine ContextBitmap, dann etwas nach rechts
+ // unter den ersten Text (Node.Bmp ebenfalls
+ if( !pView->nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ aPos1.X() += aExpNodeBmp.GetSizePixel().Width() / 2;
+ aPos1.Y() = nY;
+ aPos1.Y() += nEntryHeightDIV2;
+ aPos2.X() = aPos1.X();
+ }
+ aPos2.Y() = aPos1.Y();
+ aPos2.X() -= pView->GetIndent();
+ pView->DrawLine( aPos1, aPos2 );
+ }
+ nY += nEntryHeight;
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( nWinBits & WB_HASLINESATROOT )
+ {
+ pEntry = pView->First();
+ aPos1.X() = pView->GetTabPos( pEntry, pFirstDynamicTab);
+ // wenn keine ContextBitmap, dann etwas nach rechts
+ // unter den ersten Text (Node.Bmp ebenfalls
+ if( !pView->nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ aPos1.X() += aExpNodeBmp.GetSizePixel().Width() / 2;
+ aPos1.X() -= pView->GetIndent();
+ aPos1.Y() = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ aPos1.Y() += nEntryHeightDIV2;
+ pChild = pTree->LastSibling( pEntry );
+ aPos2.X() = aPos1.X();
+ aPos2.Y() = GetEntryLine( pChild );
+ aPos2.Y() += nEntryHeightDIV2;
+ pView->DrawLine( aPos1, aPos2 );
+ }
+ pView->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+static long GetOptSize( TabBar* pTabBar )
+#if SUPD > 373
+ return pTabBar->CalcWindowSizePixel().Width();
+ long nWidth = 0;
+ USHORT nCount = pTabBar->GetPageCount();
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ USHORT nId = pTabBar->GetPageId( nCur );
+ nWidth+= pTabBar->GetTextSize(pTabBar->GetPageText(nId)).Width();
+ nWidth += 18;
+ }
+ return nWidth;
+void SvImpLBox::PositionScrollBars( Size& rSize, USHORT nMask )
+ long nOverlap = 0;
+ Size aVerSize( nVerSBarWidth, rSize.Height() );
+ Size aHorSize( rSize.Width(), nHorSBarHeight );
+ long nTabBarWidth = 0;
+ if( pTabBar )
+ {
+ nTabBarWidth = GetOptSize( pTabBar );
+ long nMaxWidth = (rSize.Width() * 700) / 1000;
+ if( nTabBarWidth > nMaxWidth )
+ {
+ nTabBarWidth = nMaxWidth;
+ pTabBar->SetStyle( pTabBar->GetStyle() | WB_MINSCROLL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WinBits nStyle = pTabBar->GetStyle();
+ nStyle &= ~(WB_MINSCROLL);
+ pTabBar->SetStyle( nStyle );
+ }
+ aHorSize.Width() -= nTabBarWidth;
+ Size aTabSize( pTabBar->GetSizePixel() );
+ aTabSize.Width() = nTabBarWidth;
+ pTabBar->SetSizePixel( aTabSize );
+ }
+ if( nMask & 0x0001 )
+ aHorSize.Width() -= nVerSBarWidth;
+ if( nMask & 0x0002 )
+ aVerSize.Height() -= nHorSBarHeight;
+ aVerSize.Height() += 2 * nOverlap;
+ Point aVerPos( rSize.Width() - aVerSize.Width() + nOverlap, -nOverlap );
+ aVerSBar.SetPosSizePixel( aVerPos, aVerSize );
+ aHorSize.Width() += 2 * nOverlap;
+ Point aHorPos( -nOverlap, rSize.Height() - aHorSize.Height() + nOverlap );
+ if( pTabBar )
+ pTabBar->SetPosPixel( aHorPos );
+ aHorPos.X() += nTabBarWidth;
+ aHorSBar.SetPosSizePixel( aHorPos, aHorSize );
+ if( nMask & 0x0001 )
+ rSize.Width() = aVerPos.X();
+ if( nMask & 0x0002 )
+ rSize.Height() = aHorPos.Y();
+ if( pTabBar )
+ pTabBar->Show();
+ if( (nMask & (0x0001|0x0002)) == (0x0001|0x0002) )
+ aScrBarBox.Show();
+ else
+ aScrBarBox.Hide();
+// nResult: Bit0 == VerSBar Bit1 == HorSBar
+USHORT SvImpLBox::AdjustScrollBars( Size& rSize )
+ long nEntryHeight = pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ if( !nEntryHeight )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nResult = 0;
+ Size aOSize( pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ int bVerSBar = pView->nWindowStyle & WB_VSCROLL;
+ int bHorBar = 0;
+ long nMaxRight = aOSize.Width(); //GetOutputSize().Width();
+ Point aOrigin( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aOrigin.X() *= -1;
+ nMaxRight += aOrigin.X() - 1;
+ long nVis = nMostRight - aOrigin.X();
+ if( pTabBar || (
+ (pView->nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL) &&
+ (nVis < nMostRight || nMaxRight < nMostRight) ))
+ bHorBar = 1;
+ // Anzahl aller nicht eingeklappten Eintraege
+ ULONG nTotalCount = pView->GetVisibleCount();
+ // Anzahl in der View sichtbarer Eintraege
+ nVisibleCount = aOSize.Height() / nEntryHeight;
+ // muessen wir eine vertikale Scrollbar einblenden?
+ if( bVerSBar || nTotalCount > nVisibleCount - 1 )
+ {
+ nResult = 1;
+ nMaxRight -= nVerSBarWidth;
+ if( !bHorBar )
+ {
+ if( (pView->nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL) &&
+ (nVis < nMostRight || nMaxRight < nMostRight) )
+ bHorBar = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // muessen wir eine horizontale Scrollbar einblenden?
+ if( bHorBar )
+ {
+ nResult |= 0x0002;
+ // die Anzahl der in der View sichtbaren Eintraege
+ // muss neu berechnet werden, da die horizontale
+ // ScrollBar eingeblendet wird
+ nVisibleCount = (aOSize.Height() - nHorSBarHeight) / nEntryHeight;
+ // eventuell brauchen wir jetzt doch eine vertikale ScrollBar
+ if( !(nResult & 0x0001) &&
+ ((nTotalCount > nVisibleCount - 1) || bVerSBar) )
+ {
+ nResult = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ PositionScrollBars( aOSize, nResult );
+ // Range, VisibleRange usw. anpassen
+ // Output-Size aktualisieren, falls wir scrollen muessen
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ aRect.SetSize( aOSize );
+ aSelEng.SetVisibleArea( aRect );
+ // Vertikale ScrollBar
+ long nTemp = (long)nVisibleCount;
+ nTemp--;
+ if( nTemp != aVerSBar.GetVisibleSize() )
+ {
+ if( !bInVScrollHdl )
+ {
+ aVerSBar.SetPageSize( nTemp - 1 );
+ aVerSBar.SetVisibleSize( nTemp );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nNextVerVisSize = nTemp;
+ }
+ }
+ // Horizontale ScrollBar
+ nTemp = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ aHorSBar.SetVisibleSize( aOSize.Width() );
+ long nNewThumbPos = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ Range aRange( aHorSBar.GetRange() );
+ if( aRange.Max() < nMostRight+25 )
+ {
+ aRange.Max() = nMostRight+25;
+ aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ }
+ if( nTemp != nNewThumbPos )
+ {
+ nTemp = nNewThumbPos - nTemp;
+ if( pView->IsEditingActive() )
+ {
+ pView->EndEditing( TRUE ); // Cancel
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ KeyLeftRight( nTemp );
+ }
+ if( nResult & 0x0001 )
+ aVerSBar.Show();
+ else
+ aVerSBar.Hide();
+ if( nResult & 0x0002 )
+ aHorSBar.Show();
+ else
+ {
+ if( !pTabBar )
+ aHorSBar.Hide();
+ }
+ rSize = aOSize;
+ return nResult;
+void SvImpLBox::InitScrollBarBox()
+ aScrBarBox.SetSizePixel( Size(nVerSBarWidth, nHorSBarHeight) );
+ Size aSize( pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ aScrBarBox.SetPosPixel( Point(aSize.Width()-nVerSBarWidth, aSize.Height()-nHorSBarHeight));
+void SvImpLBox::Resize()
+ Size aSize( pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel());
+ if( aSize.Width() <= 0 || aSize.Height() <= 0 )
+ return;
+ nFlags |= F_IN_RESIZE;
+ InitScrollBarBox();
+ if( pView->GetEntryHeight())
+ {
+ AdjustScrollBars( aOutputSize );
+ FillView();
+ }
+ // !!!HACK, da in Floating- & Docking-Windows nach Resizes
+ // die Scrollbars nicht richtig, bzw. ueberhaupt nicht gezeichnet werden
+ if( aHorSBar.IsVisible())
+ aHorSBar.Invalidate();
+ if( aVerSBar.IsVisible())
+ aVerSBar.Invalidate();
+ nFlags &= (~(F_IN_RESIZE | F_PAINTED));
+void SvImpLBox::FillView()
+ if( !pStartEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nVisibleCount = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisibleCount());
+ USHORT nTempThumb = (USHORT)aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ if( nTempThumb >= nVisibleCount )
+ nTempThumb = nVisibleCount - 1;
+ pStartEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->GetEntryAtVisPos(nTempThumb));
+ }
+ if( pStartEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nLast = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisiblePos( (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->LastVisible())));
+ USHORT nThumb = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry ));
+ USHORT nCurDispEntries = nLast-nThumb+1;
+ if( nCurDispEntries < nVisibleCount )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ // Fenster fuellen, indem der Thumb schrittweise
+ // nach oben bewegt wird
+ BOOL bFound = FALSE;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTemp = pStartEntry;
+ while( nCurDispEntries < nVisibleCount && pTemp )
+ {
+ pTemp = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible(pStartEntry));
+ if( pTemp )
+ {
+ nThumb--;
+ pStartEntry = pTemp;
+ nCurDispEntries++;
+ bFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( bFound )
+ {
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE ); // Focusrect neu berechnen
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::ShowVerSBar()
+ USHORT bVerBar = pView->nWindowStyle & WB_VSCROLL;
+ ULONG nVis;
+ if( !bVerBar )
+ nVis = pView->GetVisibleCount();
+ if( bVerBar || (nVisibleCount && nVis > (ULONG)(nVisibleCount-1)) )
+ {
+ if( !aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ AdjustScrollBars( aOutputSize );
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ aVerSBar.Update();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ AdjustScrollBars( aOutputSize );
+ }
+ }
+ long nMaxRight = GetOutputSize().Width();
+ Point aPos( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos.X() *= -1; // Umrechnung Dokumentkoord.
+ nMaxRight = nMaxRight + aPos.X() - 1;
+ if( nMaxRight < nMostRight )
+ {
+ if( !aHorSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ AdjustScrollBars( aOutputSize );
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ aHorSBar.Update();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Range aRange( aHorSBar.GetRange() );
+ if( aRange.Max() < nMostRight+25 )
+ {
+ aRange.Max() = nMostRight+25;
+ aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ AdjustScrollBars( aOutputSize );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aHorSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ pView->nFocusWidth = -1;
+ AdjustScrollBars( aOutputSize );
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::SyncVerThumb()
+ if( pStartEntry )
+ {
+ long nEntryPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry );
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( nEntryPos );
+ }
+ else
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+BOOL SvImpLBox::IsEntryInView( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ // Parent eingeklappt
+ if( !pView->IsEntryVisible(pEntry) )
+ return FALSE;
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( nY < 0 )
+ return FALSE;
+ long nMax = nVisibleCount * pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ if( nY >= nMax )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+long SvImpLBox::GetEntryLine( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ if(!pStartEntry )
+ return -1; // unsichtbare Position
+ long nFirstVisPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry );
+ long nEntryVisPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pEntry );
+ nFirstVisPos = nEntryVisPos - nFirstVisPos;
+ nFirstVisPos *= pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ return nFirstVisPos;
+void SvImpLBox::SetEntryHeight( short /* nHeight */ )
+ SetNodeBmpYOffset( aExpNodeBmp );
+ SetNodeBmpYOffset( aCollNodeBmp );
+ if(!pView->HasViewData()) // stehen wir im Clear?
+ {
+ Size aSize = pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel();
+ AdjustScrollBars( aSize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Resize();
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ }
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Callback-Functions
+// ***********************************************************************
+void SvImpLBox::IndentChanged( short /* nIndentPixel */ ) {}
+void SvImpLBox::EntryExpanded( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ // SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, TRUE ); //DeselectAll();
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( IsLineVisible(nY) )
+ {
+ InvalidateEntriesFrom( nY );
+ FindMostRight( pEntry, 0 );
+ }
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0, pView->GetVisibleCount()-1 ) );
+ // falls vor dem Thumb expandiert wurde, muss
+ // die Thumb-Position korrigiert werden.
+ SyncVerThumb();
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::EntryCollapsed( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( !pView->IsEntryVisible( pEntry ) )
+ return;
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ if( !pMostRightEntry || pTree->IsChild( pEntry,pMostRightEntry ) )
+ {
+ FindMostRight(0);
+ }
+ if( pStartEntry )
+ {
+ long nOldThumbPos = aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ ULONG nVisList = pView->GetVisibleCount();
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0, nVisList-1) );
+ long nNewThumbPos = aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ if( nNewThumbPos != nOldThumbPos )
+ {
+ pStartEntry = pView->First();
+ USHORT nDistance = (USHORT)nNewThumbPos;
+ if( nDistance )
+ pStartEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry,
+ nDistance));
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ }
+ else
+ SyncVerThumb();
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ }
+ // wurde Cursor eingeklappt ?
+ if( pTree->IsChild( pEntry, pCursor ) )
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+void SvImpLBox::CollapsingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( !pView->IsEntryVisible( pEntry ) || !pStartEntry )
+ return;
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, TRUE ); // deselectall
+ // ist der eingeklappte Parent sichtbar ?
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( IsLineVisible(nY) )
+ {
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ InvalidateEntriesFrom( nY );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pTree->IsChild(pEntry, pStartEntry) )
+ {
+ pStartEntry = pEntry;
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::SetNodeBmpYOffset( const Image& rBmp )
+ Size aSize;
+ nYoffsNodeBmp = pView->GetHeightOffset( rBmp, aSize );
+ nNodeBmpWidth = aSize.Width();
+void SvImpLBox::SetNodeBmpTabDistance()
+ nNodeBmpTabDistance = -pView->GetIndent();
+ if( pView->nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ // nur, wenn der erste dynamische Tab zentriert ist
+ // (setze ich momentan voraus)
+ Size aSize = aExpNodeBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ nNodeBmpTabDistance -= aSize.Width() / 2;
+ }
+// korrigiert bei SingleSelection den Cursor
+void SvImpLBox::EntrySelected( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ if( nFlags & F_IGNORE_SELECT )
+ return;
+ /*
+ if( (nWinBits & WB_HIDESELECTION) && pEntry && !pView->HasFocus() )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ pViewData->SetCursored( bSelect );
+ }
+ */
+ nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+ if( bSelect &&
+ aSelEng.GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION &&
+ pEntry != pCursor )
+ {
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView->GetSelectionCount()==1,"selection count?")
+ }
+ if( GetUpdateMode() && pView->IsEntryVisible(pEntry) )
+ {
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( IsLineVisible( nY ) )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pEntry, nY, 0xffff ); // wg. ItemsetBrowser SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::RemovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DestroyAnchor();
+ if( !pView->IsEntryVisible( pEntry ) )
+ {
+ // wenn Parent eingeklappt, dann tschuess
+ return;
+ }
+ if( pEntry == pMostRightEntry || (
+ pEntry->HasChilds() && pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) &&
+ pTree->IsChild(pEntry, pMostRightEntry)))
+ {
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pOldStartEntry = pStartEntry;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->GetModel()->GetParent(pEntry));
+ if( pParent && pView->GetModel()->GetChildList(pParent)->Count() == 1 )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( pView->IsExpanded( pParent ), "Parent not expanded");
+ pParent->SetFlags( pParent->GetFlags() | SV_ENTRYFLAG_NO_NODEBMP);
+ InvalidateEntry( pParent );
+ }
+ if( pCursor && pTree->IsChild( pEntry, pCursor) )
+ pCursor = pEntry;
+ if( pStartEntry && pTree->IsChild(pEntry,pStartEntry) )
+ pStartEntry = pEntry;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTemp;
+ if( pCursor && pCursor == pEntry )
+ {
+ if( bSimpleTravel )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE ); // Focus-Rect weg
+ // NextSibling, weil auch Childs des Cursors geloescht werden
+ pTemp = pView->NextSibling( pCursor );
+ if( !pTemp )
+ pTemp = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pCursor ));
+ SetCursor( pTemp, TRUE );
+ }
+ if( pStartEntry && pStartEntry == pEntry )
+ {
+ pTemp = pView->NextSibling( pStartEntry );
+ if( !pTemp )
+ pTemp = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pStartEntry ));
+ pStartEntry = pTemp;
+ }
+ if( GetUpdateMode())
+ {
+ // wenns der letzte ist, muss invalidiert werden, damit die Linien
+ // richtig gezeichnet (in diesem Fall geloescht) werden.
+ if( pStartEntry && (pStartEntry != pOldStartEntry || pEntry == (SvLBoxEntry*)pView->GetModel()->Last()) )
+ {
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry ));
+ pView->Invalidate( GetVisibleArea() );
+ }
+ else
+ InvalidateEntriesFrom( GetEntryLine( pEntry ) );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::EntryRemoved()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !pStartEntry )
+ pStartEntry = pTree->First();
+ if( !pCursor )
+ SetCursor( pStartEntry, TRUE );
+ if( pCursor && (bSimpleTravel || !pView->GetSelectionCount() ))
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ if( GetUpdateMode())
+ {
+ FindMostRight(0);
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0, pView->GetVisibleCount()-1 ) );
+ FillView();
+ if( pStartEntry )
+ // falls ueber dem Thumb geloescht wurde
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry) );
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ if( pCursor && pView->HasFocus() && !pView->IsSelected(pCursor) )
+ {
+ if( pView->GetSelectionCount() )
+ {
+ // ist ein benachbarter Eintrag selektiert?
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNextCursor = (SvLBoxEntry*)pView->PrevVisible( pCursor );
+ if( !pNextCursor || !pView->IsSelected( pNextCursor ))
+ pNextCursor = (SvLBoxEntry*)pView->NextVisible( pCursor );
+ if( !pNextCursor || !pView->IsSelected( pNextCursor ))
+ // kein Nachbar selektiert: Ersten selektierten nehmen
+ pNextCursor = pView->FirstSelected();
+ SetCursor( pNextCursor );
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ }
+ else
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::MovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ int bDeselAll = nFlags & F_DESEL_ALL;
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, TRUE ); // DeselectAll();
+ if( !bDeselAll )
+ nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ if( IsEntryInView( pEntry ) )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ if( pEntry == pStartEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNew = 0;
+ if( !pEntry->HasChilds() )
+ {
+ pNew = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pStartEntry ));
+ if( !pNew )
+ pNew = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pStartEntry ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNew = pTree->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ if( !pNew )
+ pNew = pTree->PrevSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+ pStartEntry = pNew;
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::EntryMoved( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0, pView->GetVisibleCount()-1));
+ USHORT nFirstPos = (USHORT)pTree->GetAbsPos( pStartEntry );
+ USHORT nNewPos = (USHORT)pTree->GetAbsPos( pEntry );
+ FindMostRight(0);
+ if( nNewPos < nFirstPos )
+ {
+ //!!!Notloesung
+ pStartEntry = pEntry;
+ SyncVerThumb();
+ }
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsEntryVisible( pCursor ) )
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ else
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = pEntry;
+ do {
+ pParent = pTree->GetParent( pParent );
+ }
+ while( !pView->IsEntryVisible( pParent ) );
+ SetCursor( pParent );
+ }
+ }
+ if( IsEntryInView( pEntry ) )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+void SvImpLBox::EntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( GetUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = (SvLBoxEntry*)pTree->GetParent(pEntry);
+ if( pParent && pTree->GetChildList(pParent)->Count() == 1 )
+ // Pluszeichen zeichnen
+ pTree->InvalidateEntry( pParent );
+ if( !pView->IsEntryVisible( pEntry ) )
+ return;
+ int bDeselAll = nFlags & F_DESEL_ALL;
+ if( bDeselAll )
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, TRUE );
+ else
+ DestroyAnchor();
+ // nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+// ShowCursor( FALSE ); // falls sich Cursor nach unten verschiebt
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ BOOL bEntryVisible = IsLineVisible( nY );
+ BOOL bPrevEntryVisible = IsLineVisible(nY-pView->GetEntryHeight());
+ if( bEntryVisible )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE ); // falls sich Cursor nach unten verschiebt
+ nY -= pView->GetEntryHeight(); // wg. Linien
+ InvalidateEntriesFrom( nY );
+ }
+ else if( pStartEntry && nY < GetEntryLine(pStartEntry) )
+ {
+ // pruefen, ob die View komplett gefuellt ist. Wenn
+ // nicht, dann pStartEntry und den Cursor anpassen
+ // (automatisches scrollen)
+ USHORT nLast = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisiblePos( (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->LastVisible())));
+ USHORT nThumb = (USHORT)(pView->GetVisiblePos( pStartEntry ));
+ USHORT nCurDispEntries = nLast-nThumb+1;
+ if( nCurDispEntries < nVisibleCount )
+ {
+ // beim naechsten Paint-Event setzen
+ pStartEntry = 0;
+ SetCursor( 0 );
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !pStartEntry )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ // die Linien invalidieren
+ /*
+ if( (bEntryVisible || bPrevEntryVisible) &&
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = pView->GetFirstDynamicTab();
+ if( pTab )
+ {
+ long nDX = pView->GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ Point aTmpPoint;
+ Size aSize( nDX, nY );
+ Rectangle aRect( aTmpPoint, aSize );
+ pView->Invalidate( aRect );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ SetMostRight( pEntry );
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( Range(0, pView->GetVisibleCount()-1));
+ SyncVerThumb(); // falls vor Thumb eingefuegt wurde
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+//#if SUPD > 364
+ if( pStartEntry != pView->First() && (nFlags & F_FILLING) )
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+// ********************************************************************
+// Eventhandler
+// ********************************************************************
+// ****** Steuerung der Controlanimation
+BOOL SvImpLBox::ButtonDownCheckCtrl(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ long nY )
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pView->GetItem(pEntry,rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X(),&pActiveTab);
+ if( pItem && (pItem->IsA()==SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON))
+ {
+ pActiveButton = (SvLBoxButton*)pItem;
+ pActiveEntry = pEntry;
+ if( pCursor == pActiveEntry )
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ pView->CaptureMouse();
+ pActiveButton->SetStateHilighted( TRUE );
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pActiveEntry, nY,
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ pActiveButton = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL SvImpLBox::MouseMoveCheckCtrl( const MouseEvent& rMEvt, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry)
+ if( pActiveButton )
+ {
+ long nY;
+ long nMouseX = rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X();
+ if( pEntry == pActiveEntry &&
+ pView->GetItem(pActiveEntry, nMouseX) == pActiveButton )
+ {
+ if( !pActiveButton->IsStateHilighted() )
+ {
+ pActiveButton->SetStateHilighted(TRUE );
+ nY = GetEntryLine( pActiveEntry );
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pActiveEntry, nY,
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pActiveButton->IsStateHilighted() )
+ {
+ pActiveButton->SetStateHilighted(FALSE );
+ nY = GetEntryLine( pActiveEntry );
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pActiveEntry, nY, SV_LBOXTAB_PUSHABLE );
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL SvImpLBox::ButtonUpCheckCtrl( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ if( pActiveButton )
+ {
+ pView->ReleaseMouse();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetClickedEntry( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pActiveEntry );
+ pActiveButton->SetStateHilighted( FALSE );
+ long nMouseX = rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X();
+ if( pEntry == pActiveEntry &&
+ pView->GetItem( pActiveEntry, nMouseX ) == pActiveButton )
+ pActiveButton->ClickHdl( pView, pActiveEntry );
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pActiveEntry, nY,
+ if( pCursor == pActiveEntry )
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ pActiveButton = 0;
+ pActiveEntry = 0;
+ pActiveTab = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// ******* Steuerung Plus/Minus-Button zum Expandieren/Kollabieren
+// FALSE == kein Expand/Collapse-Button getroffen
+BOOL SvImpLBox::IsNodeButton( const Point& rPosPixel, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ if( !pEntry->HasChilds() && !pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ return FALSE;
+ SvLBoxTab* pFirstDynamicTab = pView->GetFirstDynamicTab();
+ if( !pFirstDynamicTab )
+ return FALSE;
+ long nMouseX = rPosPixel.X();
+ // in Doc-Koords umrechnen
+ Point aOrigin( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ nMouseX -= aOrigin.X();
+ long nX = pView->GetTabPos( pEntry, pFirstDynamicTab);
+ nX += nNodeBmpTabDistance;
+ if( nMouseX < nX )
+ return FALSE;
+ nX += nNodeBmpWidth;
+ if( nMouseX > nX )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+// FALSE == kein Expand/Collapse-Button getroffen
+BOOL SvImpLBox::ButtonDownCheckExpand( const MouseEvent& rMEvt,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, long /* nY */ )
+ // beim Inplace-Ed. gunnix machen
+ if( pView->IsEditingActive() && pEntry == pView->pEdEntry )
+ return TRUE;
+ if( IsNodeButton( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), pEntry ) )
+ {
+ if( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 1 )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ {
+ pView->EndEditing( TRUE );
+ pView->Collapse( pEntry );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //einen Entry, der editiert wird, darf man aufklappen
+ pView->Expand( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void SvImpLBox::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ if ( !rMEvt.IsLeft() && !rMEvt.IsRight())
+ return;
+#ifdef OS2
+ // unter OS/2 kommt zwischen MouseButtonDown und
+ // MouseButtonUp ein MouseMove
+ aEditTimer.Stop();
+ Point aPos( rMEvt.GetPosPixel());
+ if( aPos.X() > aOutputSize.Width() || aPos.Y() > aOutputSize.Height() )
+ return;
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ pView->GrabFocus();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aPos );
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return;
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ // Node-Button?
+ if( ButtonDownCheckExpand( rMEvt, pEntry, nY ) )
+ return;
+ if( !EntryReallyHit(pEntry,aPos,nY))
+ return;
+//#if defined(MAC) || defined(OV_DEBUG)
+ SvLBoxItem* pXItem = pView->GetItem( pEntry, aPos.X() );
+ if( pXItem )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pXTab = pView->GetTab( pEntry, pXItem );
+ if( !rMEvt.IsMod1() && !rMEvt.IsMod2() &&pXTab->IsEditable() )
+#ifndef MAC
+ if( !pView->IsSelected( pEntry ))
+ }
+ if( (rMEvt.GetClicks() % 2) == 0 )
+ {
+//#ifdef MAC
+ nFlags &= (~F_START_EDITTIMER);
+ pView->pHdlEntry = pEntry;
+ if( pView->DoubleClickHdl() )
+ {
+ // falls im Handler der Eintrag geloescht wurde
+ pEntry = GetClickedEntry( aPos );
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return;
+ if( pEntry != pView->pHdlEntry )
+ {
+ // neu selektieren & tschuess
+ if( !bSimpleTravel && !aSelEng.IsAlwaysAdding())
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, TRUE ); // DeselectAll();
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( pEntry->HasChilds() || pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ pView->Collapse( pEntry );
+ else
+ pView->Expand( pEntry );
+ if( pEntry == pCursor ) // nur wenn Entryitem angeklickt wurde
+ // (Nodebutton ist kein Entryitem!)
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // CheckButton? (TreeListBox: Check + Info)
+ if( ButtonDownCheckCtrl(rMEvt, pEntry, nY) == TRUE)
+ return;
+ // Inplace-Editing?
+//#ifndef MAC
+#if 0
+ if( rMEvt.IsMod2() && pView->IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pView->GetItem( pEntry, aPos.X() );
+ if( pItem )
+ pView->EditingRequest( pEntry, pItem, aPos );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ aSelEng.SelMouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
+void SvImpLBox::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt)
+#ifdef OS2
+ if(!ButtonUpCheckCtrl( rMEvt ) )
+ aSelEng.SelMouseButtonUp( rMEvt );
+ EndScroll();
+//#if defined(MAC) || defined(OV_DEBUG)
+ if( nFlags & F_START_EDITTIMER )
+ {
+ nFlags &= (~F_START_EDITTIMER);
+ aEditTimer.Start();
+ }
+ return;
+void SvImpLBox::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt)
+#ifdef OS2
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetClickedEntry( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ if(!MouseMoveCheckCtrl( rMEvt, pEntry ) )
+ aSelEng.SelMouseMove( rMEvt );
+ return;
+BOOL SvImpLBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt)
+//#if defined(MAC) || defined(OV_DEBUG)
+ aEditTimer.Stop();
+ if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() )
+ return FALSE; // Alt-Taste nicht auswerten
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ if( !pCursor )
+ pCursor = pStartEntry;
+ if( !pCursor )
+ return FALSE;
+ BOOL bKeyUsed = TRUE;
+ USHORT nDelta = (USHORT)aVerSBar.GetPageSize();
+ USHORT aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+ BOOL bShift = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift();
+ BOOL bMod1 = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor;
+ long nThumb;
+ switch( aCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_UP:
+ if( !IsEntryInView( pCursor ) )
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ pNewCursor = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pCursor ));
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ aSelEng.CursorPosChanging( bShift, bMod1 );
+ if( IsEntryInView( pNewCursor ) )
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ else
+ {
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ KeyUp( FALSE );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_DOWN:
+ if( !IsEntryInView( pCursor ) )
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ pNewCursor = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pCursor ));
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ aSelEng.CursorPosChanging( bShift, bMod1 );
+ if( IsEntryInView( pNewCursor ) )
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ else
+ {
+ if( pCursor )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, FALSE );
+ KeyDown( FALSE );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ KeyDown( FALSE ); // weil ScrollBar-Range evtl. noch
+ // scrollen erlaubt
+ break;
+ case KEY_RIGHT:
+ if( pView->nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL )
+ {
+ nThumb = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ nThumb += aHorSBar.GetLineSize();
+ long nOldThumb = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb );
+ nThumb = nOldThumb;
+ nThumb -= aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ nThumb *= -1;
+ if( nThumb )
+ {
+ KeyLeftRight( nThumb );
+ EndScroll();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bKeyUsed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case KEY_LEFT:
+ if( pView->nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL )
+ {
+ nThumb = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ nThumb -= aHorSBar.GetLineSize();
+ long nOldThumb = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb );
+ nThumb = nOldThumb;
+ nThumb -= aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ if( nThumb )
+ {
+ KeyLeftRight( -nThumb );
+ EndScroll();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bKeyUsed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case KEY_PAGEUP:
+ if( !bMod1 )
+ {
+ pNewCursor = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->PrevVisible( pCursor, nDelta ));
+ if( nDelta )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNewCursor&&(ULONG)pNewCursor!=(ULONG)pCursor,"Cursor?")
+ aSelEng.CursorPosChanging( bShift, bMod1 );
+ if( IsEntryInView( pNewCursor ) )
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ else
+ {
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ KeyUp( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bKeyUsed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ if( !bMod1 )
+ {
+ pNewCursor= (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pCursor, nDelta ));
+ if( nDelta )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNewCursor&&(ULONG)pNewCursor!=(ULONG)pCursor,"Cursor?")
+ aSelEng.CursorPosChanging( bShift, bMod1 );
+ if( IsEntryInView( pNewCursor ) )
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ else
+ {
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ KeyDown( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ KeyDown( FALSE ); // siehe KEY_DOWN
+ }
+ else
+ bKeyUsed = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case KEY_SPACE:
+ if( pView->GetSelectionMode() >= MULTIPLE_SELECTION )
+ {
+ if( !bShift && !bMod1 )
+ {
+ if( aSelEng.IsAddMode() )
+ {
+ // toggle selection
+ BOOL bSel = TRUE;
+ if( pView->IsSelected( pCursor ))
+ bSel = FALSE;
+ pView->Select( pCursor, bSel );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE );
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#if 0
+ // Probleme mit Default-OK-Button!
+ case KEY_RETURN:
+ if( pCursor->HasChilds() || pCursor->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsExpanded(pCursor) )
+ pView->Collapse( pCursor );
+ else
+ pView->Expand( pCursor );
+ }
+ case KEY_F2:
+ if( !bShift && !bMod1 )
+ EditTimerCall( 0 );
+ break;
+ case KEY_F8:
+ if( bShift && pView->GetSelectionMode()==MULTIPLE_SELECTION &&
+ !(nWinBits & WB_SIMPLEMODE))
+ {
+ if( aSelEng.IsAlwaysAdding() )
+ aSelEng.AddAlways( FALSE );
+ else
+ aSelEng.AddAlways( TRUE );
+ }
+ break;
+#ifdef OV_DEBUG
+ case KEY_F9:
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ break;
+ case KEY_F10:
+ pView->RemoveSelection();
+ break;
+ case KEY_DELETE:
+ pView->RemoveEntry( pCursor );
+ break;
+ case KEY_ADD:
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ if( !pView->IsExpanded(pCursor))
+ pView->Expand( pCursor );
+ if( bMod1 )
+ {
+ USHORT nRefDepth = pTree->GetDepth( pCursor );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pCur = pTree->Next( pCursor );
+ while( pCur && pTree->GetDepth(pCur) > nRefDepth )
+ {
+ if( pCur->HasChilds() && !pView->IsExpanded(pCur))
+ pView->Expand( pCur );
+ pCur = pTree->Next( pCur );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_A:
+ if( bMod1 )
+ SelAllDestrAnch( TRUE );
+ break;
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsExpanded(pCursor))
+ pView->Collapse( pCursor );
+ if( bMod1 )
+ {
+ // bis zur Root alle Parents einklappen
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParentToCollapse = (SvLBoxEntry*)pTree->GetRootLevelParent(pCursor);
+ if( pParentToCollapse )
+ {
+ USHORT nRefDepth;
+ // Sonderbehandlung Explorer: Befindet sich auf der
+ // Root nur ein Eintrag,dann den Root-Entry nicht
+ // einklappen
+ if( pTree->GetChildList(0)->Count() < 2 )
+ {
+ nRefDepth = 1;
+ pParentToCollapse = pCursor;
+ while( pTree->GetParent(pParentToCollapse) &&
+ pTree->GetDepth( pTree->GetParent(pParentToCollapse)) > 0)
+ {
+ pParentToCollapse = pTree->GetParent(pParentToCollapse);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ nRefDepth = 0;
+ if( pView->IsExpanded(pParentToCollapse) )
+ pView->Collapse( pParentToCollapse );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pCur = pTree->Next( pParentToCollapse );
+ while( pCur && pTree->GetDepth(pCur) > nRefDepth )
+ {
+ if( pCur->HasChilds() && pView->IsExpanded(pCur) )
+ pView->Collapse( pCur );
+ pCur = pTree->Next( pCur );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_DIVIDE :
+ if( bMod1 )
+ SelAllDestrAnch( TRUE );
+ break;
+ case KEY_COMMA :
+ if( bMod1 )
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE );
+ break;
+ case KEY_HOME :
+ pNewCursor = pView->GetModel()->First();
+ if( pNewCursor && pNewCursor != pCursor )
+ {
+// SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE );
+ aSelEng.CursorPosChanging( bShift, bMod1 );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ if( !IsEntryInView( pNewCursor ) )
+ MakeVisible( pNewCursor );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_END :
+ pNewCursor = pView->GetModel()->Last();
+ if( pNewCursor && pNewCursor != pCursor)
+ {
+// SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE );
+ aSelEng.CursorPosChanging( bShift, bMod1 );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ if( !IsEntryInView( pNewCursor ) )
+ MakeVisible( pNewCursor );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ bKeyUsed = FALSE;
+ }
+ return bKeyUsed;
+void __EXPORT SvImpLBox::GetFocus()
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor, TRUE );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+// auskommentiert wg. deselectall
+// if( bSimpleTravel && !pView->IsSelected(pCursor) )
+// pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ if( nWinBits & WB_HIDESELECTION )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->FirstSelected();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ pEntry = pView->NextSelected( pEntry );
+ }
+ /*
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->GetModel()->First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ if( pViewData->IsCursored() )
+ {
+ pViewData->SetCursored( FALSE );
+ InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+ pEntry = pView->GetModel()->Next( pEntry );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+void __EXPORT SvImpLBox::LoseFocus()
+//#if defined(MAC) || defined(OV_DEBUG)
+ aEditTimer.Stop();
+ if( pCursor )
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor,FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ if( nWinBits & WB_HIDESELECTION )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->FirstSelected();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ //pViewData->SetCursored( TRUE );
+ InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ pEntry = pView->NextSelected( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+// ********************************************************************
+// SelectionEngine
+// ********************************************************************
+inline void SvImpLBox::SelectEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, bSelect );
+__EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::ImpLBSelEng( SvImpLBox* pImpl, SelectionEngine* pSEng,
+ SvTreeListBox* pV )
+ pImp = pImpl;
+ pSelEng = pSEng;
+ pView = pV;
+__EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::~ImpLBSelEng()
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::BeginDrag()
+ pImp->BeginDrag();
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::EndDrag( const Point& )
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::CreateAnchor()
+ pImp->pAnchor = pImp->pCursor;
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::DestroyAnchor()
+ pImp->pAnchor = 0;
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::CreateCursor()
+ pImp->pAnchor = 0;
+BOOL __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::SetCursorAtPoint(const Point& rPoint, BOOL bDontSelectAtCursor)
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor = pImp->MakePointVisible( rPoint );
+ if( pNewCursor != pImp->pCursor )
+ pImp->BeginScroll();
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ // bei SimpleTravel wird in SetCursor selektiert und
+ // der Select-Handler gerufen
+ //if( !bDontSelectAtCursor && !pImp->bSimpleTravel )
+ // pImp->SelectEntry( pNewCursor, TRUE );
+ pImp->SetCursor( pNewCursor, bDontSelectAtCursor );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::IsSelectionAtPoint( const Point& rPoint )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pImp->MakePointVisible( rPoint );
+ if( pEntry )
+ return pView->IsSelected(pEntry);
+ return FALSE;
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::DeselectAtPoint( const Point& rPoint )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pImp->MakePointVisible( rPoint );
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return;
+ pImp->SelectEntry( pEntry, FALSE );
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::SelectAtPoint( const Point& rPoint )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pImp->MakePointVisible( rPoint );
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return;
+ pImp->SelectEntry( pEntry, TRUE );
+void __EXPORT ImpLBSelEng::DeselectAll()
+ pImp->SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, FALSE ); // SelectionEngine nicht resetten!
+ pImp->nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Selektion
+// ***********************************************************************
+void SvImpLBox::SetAnchorSelection(SvLBoxEntry* pOldCursor,SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor)
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry;
+ ULONG nAnchorVisPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pAnchor );
+ ULONG nOldVisPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pOldCursor );
+ ULONG nNewVisPos = pView->GetVisiblePos( pNewCursor );
+ if( nOldVisPos > nAnchorVisPos ||
+ ( nAnchorVisPos==nOldVisPos && nNewVisPos > nAnchorVisPos) )
+ {
+ if( nNewVisPos > nOldVisPos )
+ {
+ pEntry = pOldCursor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pNewCursor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( nNewVisPos < nAnchorVisPos )
+ {
+ pEntry = pAnchor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pOldCursor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = pNewCursor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pAnchor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( nNewVisPos < nOldVisPos )
+ {
+ pEntry = pNewCursor;
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pOldCursor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( nNewVisPos < nOldVisPos ) // Vergroessern der Selektion
+ {
+ pEntry = pNewCursor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pOldCursor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( nNewVisPos > nAnchorVisPos )
+ {
+ pEntry = pOldCursor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pAnchor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = pAnchor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pNewCursor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ if( pEntry )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( nNewVisPos > nOldVisPos )
+ {
+ pEntry = pOldCursor;
+ while( pEntry && pEntry != pNewCursor )
+ {
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pView->NextVisible( pEntry ));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::SelAllDestrAnch( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bDestroyAnchor,
+ BOOL bSingleSelToo )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry;
+ nFlags &= (~F_DESEL_ALL);
+ if( bSelect && bSimpleTravel )
+ {
+ if( pCursor && !pView->IsSelected( pCursor ))
+ {
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !bSelect && pView->GetSelectionCount() == 0 )
+ {
+ if( bSimpleTravel && ( !GetUpdateMode() || !pCursor) )
+ nFlags |= F_DESEL_ALL;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( bSelect && pView->GetSelectionCount() == pView->GetEntryCount())
+ return;
+ if( !bSingleSelToo && bSimpleTravel )
+ return;
+ if( !bSelect && pView->GetSelectionCount()==1 && pCursor &&
+ pView->IsSelected( pCursor ))
+ {
+ pView->Select( pCursor, FALSE );
+ if( bDestroyAnchor )
+ DestroyAnchor(); // Anker loeschen & SelectionEngine zuruecksetzen
+ else
+ pAnchor = 0; // internen Anker immer loeschen
+ return;
+ }
+ if( bSimpleTravel && !pCursor && !GetUpdateMode() )
+ nFlags |= F_DESEL_ALL;
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ BOOL bUpdate = GetUpdateMode();
+ nFlags |= F_IGNORE_SELECT; // EntryInserted soll nix tun
+ pEntry = pTree->First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( pView->Select( pEntry, bSelect ) )
+ {
+ if( bUpdate && pView->IsEntryVisible(pEntry) )
+ {
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( IsLineVisible( nY ) )
+ pView->PaintEntry1( pEntry, nY, 0xffff ); // wg. ItemsetBrowser SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION );
+ }
+ }
+ pEntry = pTree->Next( pEntry );
+ }
+ nFlags &= ~F_IGNORE_SELECT;
+ if( bDestroyAnchor )
+ DestroyAnchor(); // Anker loeschen & SelectionEngine zuruecksetzen
+ else
+ pAnchor = 0; // internen Anker immer loeschen
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+void SvImpLBox::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelMode )
+ aSelEng.SetSelectionMode( eSelMode);
+ if( eSelMode == SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ bSimpleTravel = TRUE;
+ else
+ bSimpleTravel = FALSE;
+ if( (nWinBits & WB_SIMPLEMODE) && (eSelMode == MULTIPLE_SELECTION) )
+ aSelEng.AddAlways( TRUE );
+// ***********************************************************************
+// Drag & Drop
+// ***********************************************************************
+void SvImpLBox::SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode eDDMode )
+ if( eDDMode && eDDMode != SV_DRAGDROP_APP_DROP )
+ {
+ aSelEng.ExpandSelectionOnMouseMove( FALSE );
+ aSelEng.EnableDrag( TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSelEng.ExpandSelectionOnMouseMove( TRUE );
+ aSelEng.EnableDrag( FALSE );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::BeginDrag()
+ nFlags &= (~F_FILLING);
+ if( !bAsyncBeginDrag )
+ {
+ BeginScroll();
+ pView->BeginDrag( aSelEng.GetMousePosPixel() );
+ EndScroll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aAsyncBeginDragPos = aSelEng.GetMousePosPixel();
+ aAsyncBeginDragTimer.Start();
+ }
+IMPL_LINK( SvImpLBox, BeginDragHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ pView->BeginDrag( aAsyncBeginDragPos );
+ return 0;
+void SvImpLBox::PaintDDCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pInsertionPos )
+ long nY;
+ if( pInsertionPos )
+ {
+ nY = GetEntryLine( pInsertionPos );
+ nY += pView->GetEntryHeight();
+ }
+ else
+ nY = 1;
+ RasterOp eOldOp = pView->GetRasterOp();
+ pView->SetRasterOp( ROP_INVERT );
+ Color aOldLineColor = pView->GetLineColor();
+ pView->SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ pView->DrawLine( Point( 0, nY ), Point( aOutputSize.Width(), nY ) );
+ pView->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ pView->SetRasterOp( eOldOp );
+void SvImpLBox::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ // Rollmaus-Event?
+ if( (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL) ||
+ (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTAUTOSCROLL) ||
+ (rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_AUTOSCROLL) )
+ {
+ if( pView->HandleScrollCommand( rCEvt, &aHorSBar, &aVerSBar ) )
+ return;
+ }
+#ifndef NOCOMMAND
+ const Point& rPos = rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel();
+ if( rPos.X() < aOutputSize.Width() && rPos.Y() < aOutputSize.Height() )
+ aSelEng.Command( rCEvt );
+void SvImpLBox::BeginScroll()
+ if( !(nFlags & F_IN_SCROLLING))
+ {
+ pView->NotifyBeginScroll();
+ nFlags |= F_IN_SCROLLING;
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::EndScroll()
+ if( nFlags & F_IN_SCROLLING)
+ {
+ pView->NotifyEndScroll();
+ nFlags &= (~F_IN_SCROLLING);
+ }
+Rectangle SvImpLBox::GetVisibleArea() const
+ Point aPos( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos.X() *= -1;
+ Rectangle aRect( aPos, aOutputSize );
+ return aRect;
+void SvImpLBox::Invalidate()
+ pView->SetClipRegion();
+void SvImpLBox::SetCurEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( aSelEng.GetSelectionMode() != SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ SelAllDestrAnch( FALSE, TRUE, FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pEntry );
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+// if( bSimpleTravel )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+//#if defined(MAC) || defined(OV_DEBUG)
+IMPL_LINK( SvImpLBox, EditTimerCall, Timer *, pTimer )
+ if( pView->IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pView->EditEntry( pEntry );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+BOOL SvImpLBox::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
+ if( rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_QUICK )
+ {
+ Point aPos( pView->ScreenToOutputPixel( rHEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ));
+ if( !GetVisibleArea().IsInside( aPos ))
+ return FALSE;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aPos );
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ // Rechteck des Textes berechnen
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab;
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pView->GetItem( pEntry, aPos.X(), &pTab ));
+ if( !pItem || pItem->IsA() != SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ return FALSE;
+ aPos = GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+ aPos.X() = pView->GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab ); //pTab->GetPos();
+ Size aSize( pItem->GetSize( pView, pEntry ) );
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab = NextTab( pTab );
+ BOOL bItemClipped = FALSE;
+ // wurde das Item von seinem rechten Nachbarn abgeschnitten?
+ if( pNextTab && pView->GetTabPos(pEntry,pNextTab) < aPos.X()+aSize.Width() )
+ {
+ aSize.Width() = pNextTab->GetPos() - pTab->GetPos();
+ bItemClipped = TRUE;
+ }
+ Rectangle aItemRect( aPos, aSize );
+ Rectangle aViewRect( GetVisibleArea() );
+ if( bItemClipped || !aViewRect.IsInside( aItemRect ) )
+ {
+ // rechten Item-Rand am View-Rand clippen
+ //if( aItemRect.Right() > aViewRect.Right() )
+ // aItemRect.Right() = aViewRect.Right();
+ Point aPt = pView->OutputToScreenPixel( aItemRect.TopLeft() );
+ aItemRect.Left() = aPt.X();
+ aItemRect.Top() = aPt.Y();
+ aPt = pView->OutputToScreenPixel( aItemRect.BottomRight() );
+ aItemRect.Right() = aPt.X();
+ aItemRect.Bottom() = aPt.Y();
+ Help::ShowQuickHelp( pView, aItemRect,
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+SvLBoxTab* SvImpLBox::NextTab( SvLBoxTab* pTab )
+ USHORT nTabCount = pView->TabCount();
+ if( nTabCount <= 1 )
+ return 0;
+ for( USHORT nTab=0; nTab < (nTabCount-1); nTab++)
+ {
+ if( pView->aTabs[nTab]==pTab )
+ return (SvLBoxTab*)(pView->aTabs[nTab+1]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void SvImpLBox::EndSelection()
+ DestroyAnchor();
+void SvImpLBox::RepaintScrollBars()
+#ifndef VCL
+ aHorSBar.Invalidate();
+ aHorSBar.Update();
+ aVerSBar.Invalidate();
+ aVerSBar.Update();
+void SvImpLBox::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bMode )
+ if( bUpdateMode != bMode )
+ {
+ bUpdateMode = bMode;
+ if( bUpdateMode )
+ UpdateAll( FALSE );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::SetUpdateModeFast( BOOL bMode )
+ if( bUpdateMode != bMode )
+ {
+ bUpdateMode = bMode;
+ if( bUpdateMode )
+ UpdateAll( FALSE, FALSE );
+ }
+BOOL SvImpLBox::SetMostRight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( pView->nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )
+ {
+ pView->SetTabs();
+ }
+ USHORT nLastTab = pView->aTabs.Count() - 1;
+ USHORT nLastItem = pEntry->ItemCount() - 1;
+ if( nLastTab != USHRT_MAX && nLastItem != USHRT_MAX )
+ {
+ if( nLastItem < nLastTab )
+ nLastTab = nLastItem;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)pView->aTabs[ nLastTab ];
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nLastTab );
+ long nTabPos = pView->GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nMaxRight = GetOutputSize().Width();
+ Point aPos( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos.X() *= -1; // Umrechnung Dokumentkoord.
+ nMaxRight = nMaxRight + aPos.X() - 1;
+ long nNextTab = nTabPos < nMaxRight ? nMaxRight : nMaxRight + 50;
+ long nTabWidth = nNextTab - nTabPos + 1;
+ long nItemSize = pItem->GetSize(pView,pEntry).Width();
+ long nOffset = pTab->CalcOffset( nItemSize, nTabWidth );
+ long nRight = nTabPos + nOffset + nItemSize;
+ if( nRight > nMostRight )
+ {
+ nMostRight = nRight;
+ pMostRightEntry = pEntry;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void SvImpLBox::FindMostRight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntryToIgnore )
+ nMostRight = -1;
+ pMostRightEntry = 0;
+ if( !pView->GetModel() )
+ return;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pView->FirstVisible();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( pEntry != pEntryToIgnore )
+ SetMostRight( pEntry );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pView->NextVisible( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::FindMostRight( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, SvLBoxEntry* pEntryToIgnore )
+ if( !pParent )
+ FindMostRight( pEntryToIgnore );
+ else
+ FindMostRight_Impl( pParent, pEntryToIgnore );
+void SvImpLBox::FindMostRight_Impl( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, SvLBoxEntry* pEntryToIgnore )
+ SvTreeEntryList* pList = pTree->GetChildList( pParent );
+ if( !pList )
+ return;
+ ULONG nCount = pList->Count();
+ for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild = (SvLBoxEntry*)pList->GetObject( nCur );
+ if( pChild != pEntryToIgnore )
+ {
+ SetMostRight( pChild );
+ if( pChild->HasChilds() && pView->IsExpanded( pChild ))
+ FindMostRight_Impl( pChild, pEntryToIgnore );
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::NotifyTabsChanged()
+ if( GetUpdateMode() && !(nFlags & F_IGNORE_CHANGED_TABS ) &&
+ nCurUserEvent == 0xffffffff )
+ {
+ nCurUserEvent = Application::PostUserEvent(LINK(this,SvImpLBox,MyUserEvent),(void*)0);
+ }
+IMPL_LINK(SvImpLBox,MyUserEvent,void*, pArg )
+ nCurUserEvent = 0xffffffff;
+ if( !pArg )
+ {
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ pView->Update();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FindMostRight( 0 );
+ ShowVerSBar();
+ pView->Invalidate( GetVisibleArea() );
+ }
+ return 0;
+void SvImpLBox::StopUserEvent()
+ if( nCurUserEvent != 0xffffffff )
+ {
+ Application::RemoveUserEvent( nCurUserEvent );
+ nCurUserEvent = 0xffffffff;
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ long nY = GetEntryLine( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ Rectangle aRect = pView->GetFocusRect( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry, nY );
+ Region aOldClip( pView->GetClipRegion());
+ Region aClipRegion( GetClipRegionRect() );
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aClipRegion );
+ pView->ShowFocus( aRect );
+ pView->SetClipRegion( aOldClip );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ }
+void SvImpLBox::SetTabBar( TabBar* _pTabBar )
+ pTabBar = _pTabBar;
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svimpicn.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svimpicn.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d0f83c01d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svimpicn.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,4222 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svimpicn.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:56 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifndef _METRIC_HXX
+#include <vcl/metric.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+#include <vcl/sound.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svicnvw.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVIMPICN_HXX
+#include <svimpicn.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVLBITM_HXX
+#include <svlbitm.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVARRAY_HXX
+#include "svarray.hxx"
+#define VIEWMODE_ICON 0x0001 // Text unter Bitmap
+#define VIEWMODE_NAME 0x0002 // Text rechts neben Bitmap
+#define VIEWMODE_TEXT 0x0004 // Text ohne Bitmap
+#define DD_SCROLL_PIXEL 10
+// alle Angaben in Pixel
+// fuer das Bounding-Rectangle
+#define LROFFS_BOUND 2
+#define TBOFFS_BOUND 2
+// fuer das Focus-Rectangle um Icons
+#define LROFFS_ICON 2
+#define TBOFFS_ICON 2
+// Abstaende von Fensterraendern
+// Breitenoffset Highlight-Rect bei Text
+#define LROFFS_TEXT 2
+#define ICNVIEWDATA(xPtr) (SvIcnVwDataEntry*)(pView->GetViewDataEntry(xPtr))
+#define ICNVIEWDATA2(xPtr) (SvIcnVwDataEntry*)(pView->pView->GetViewDataEntry(xPtr))
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Hilfsfunktionen von Thomas Hosemann zur mehrzeiligen Ausgabe von
+// Strings. Die Funktionen werden spaeter in StarView integriert.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// keine doppelten Defines
+// #define TEXT_DRAW_DISABLE ((USHORT)0x0001)
+// #define TEXT_DRAW_3DLOOK ((USHORT)0x0002)
+// #define TEXT_DRAW_MNEMONIC ((USHORT)0x0004)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_LEFT ((USHORT)0x0010)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_CENTER ((USHORT)0x0020)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_RIGHT ((USHORT)0x0040)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_TOP ((USHORT)0x0080)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER ((USHORT)0x0100)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_BOTTOM ((USHORT)0x0200)
+#define TEXT_DRAW_CLIP ((USHORT)0x1000)
+XubString GetEllipsisString( OutputDevice* pDev,
+ const XubString& rStr, long nMaxWidth,
+ XubString aStr = rStr;
+ {
+ USHORT nIndex = pDev->GetTextBreak( rStr, nMaxWidth );
+ if ( nIndex != STRING_LEN )
+ {
+ aStr.Erase( nIndex );
+ if ( nIndex > 1 )
+ {
+ aStr.AppendAscii("...");
+ while ( aStr.Len() &&
+ (pDev->GetTextWidth( aStr ) > nMaxWidth) )
+ {
+ if ( (nIndex > 1) || (nIndex == aStr.Len()) )
+ nIndex--;
+ aStr.Erase( nIndex, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !aStr.Len() && (nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CLIP) )
+ aStr += rStr.GetChar( 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ return aStr;
+class TextLineInfo
+ long mnWidth;
+ USHORT mnIndex;
+ USHORT mnLen;
+ TextLineInfo( long nWidth, USHORT nIndex, USHORT nLen )
+ {
+ mnWidth = nWidth;
+ mnIndex = nIndex;
+ mnLen = nLen;
+ }
+ long GetWidth() const { return mnWidth; }
+ USHORT GetIndex() const { return mnIndex; }
+ USHORT GetLen() const { return mnLen; }
+typedef TextLineInfo* PTextLineInfo;
+class MultiTextLineInfo
+ PTextLineInfo* mpLines;
+ USHORT mnLines;
+ USHORT mnSize;
+ MultiTextLineInfo();
+ ~MultiTextLineInfo();
+ void AddLine( TextLineInfo* pLine );
+ void Clear();
+ TextLineInfo* GetLine( USHORT nLine ) const
+ { return mpLines[nLine]; }
+ USHORT Count() const { return mnLines; }
+ MultiTextLineInfo( const MultiTextLineInfo& );
+ MultiTextLineInfo& operator=( const MultiTextLineInfo& );
+ mpLines = new PTextLineInfo[MULTITEXTLINEINFO_RESIZE];
+ mnLines = 0;
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < mnLines; i++ )
+ delete mpLines[i];
+ delete mpLines;
+void MultiTextLineInfo::AddLine( TextLineInfo* pLine )
+ if ( mnSize == mnLines )
+ {
+ PTextLineInfo* pNewLines = new PTextLineInfo[mnSize];
+ memcpy( pNewLines, mpLines, mnLines*sizeof(PTextLineInfo) );
+ mpLines = pNewLines;
+ }
+ mpLines[mnLines] = pLine;
+ mnLines++;
+void MultiTextLineInfo::Clear()
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < mnLines; i++ )
+ delete mpLines[i];
+ mnLines = 0;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+long GetTextLines( OutputDevice* pDev, MultiTextLineInfo& rLineInfo,
+ long nWidth, const XubString& rStr,
+ rLineInfo.Clear();
+ if ( !rStr.Len() )
+ return 0;
+ if ( nWidth <= 0 )
+ nWidth = 1;
+ USHORT nStartPos = 0; // Start-Position der Zeile
+ USHORT nLastLineLen = 0; // Zeilenlaenge bis zum vorherigen Wort
+ USHORT nLastWordPos = 0; // Position des letzten Wortanfangs
+ USHORT i = 0;
+ USHORT nPos; // StartPositon der Zeile (nur Temp)
+ USHORT nLen; // Laenge der Zeile (nur Temp)
+ USHORT nStrLen = rStr.Len();
+ long nMaxLineWidth = 0; // Maximale Zeilenlaenge
+ long nLineWidth; // Aktuelle Zeilenlaenge
+ long nLastLineWidth = 0; // Zeilenlaenge der letzten Zeile
+ xub_Unicode c;
+ xub_Unicode c2;
+ const xub_Unicode* pStr = rStr.GetBuffer();
+ BOOL bHardBreak = FALSE;
+ do
+ {
+ c = pStr[i];
+ // Auf Zeilenende ermitteln
+ if ( (c == _CR) || (c == _LF) )
+ bHardBreak = TRUE;
+ else
+ bHardBreak = FALSE;
+ // Testen, ob ein Wortende erreicht ist
+ if ( bHardBreak || (i == nStrLen) ||
+ (((c == ' ') || (c == '-')) && (nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK)) )
+ {
+ nLen = i-nStartPos;
+ if ( c == '-' )
+ nLen++;
+ nLineWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth( rStr, nStartPos, nLen );
+ // Findet ein Zeilenumbruch statt
+ if ( bHardBreak || (i == nStrLen) ||
+ ((nLineWidth >= nWidth) && (nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK)) )
+ {
+ nPos = nStartPos;
+ if ( (nLineWidth >= nWidth) && (nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK) )
+ {
+ nLineWidth = nLastLineWidth;
+ nLen = nLastLineLen;
+ nStartPos = nLastWordPos;
+ nLastLineLen = i-nStartPos;
+ nLastWordPos = nStartPos+nLastLineLen+1;
+ if ( c == '-' )
+ nLastLineLen++;
+ else if ( bHardBreak && (i > nStartPos) )
+ i--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nStartPos = i;
+ // Zeilenende-Zeichen und '-' beruecksichtigen
+ if ( bHardBreak )
+ {
+ nStartPos++;
+ c2 = pStr[i+1];
+ if ( (c != c2) && ((c2 == _CR) || (c2 == _LF)) )
+ {
+ nStartPos++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( c != '-' )
+ nStartPos++;
+ nLastWordPos = nStartPos;
+ nLastLineLen = 0;
+ }
+ if ( nLineWidth > nMaxLineWidth )
+ nMaxLineWidth = nLineWidth;
+ if ( nLen || bHardBreak )
+ rLineInfo.AddLine( new TextLineInfo( nLineWidth, nPos, nLen ) );
+ // Testen, ob aktuelles Wort noch auf die Zeile passt,
+ // denn ansonsten mueessen wir es auftrennen
+ if ( nLastLineLen )
+ {
+ nLineWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth( rStr, nStartPos, nLastLineLen );
+ if ( nLineWidth > nWidth )
+ {
+ // Wenn ein Wortumbruch in einem Wort stattfindet,
+ // ist die maximale Zeilenlaenge die Laenge
+ // des laengsten Wortes
+ if ( nLineWidth > nMaxLineWidth )
+ nMaxLineWidth = nLineWidth;
+ // Solange Wort auftrennen, bis es auf eine Zeile passt
+ do
+ {
+ nPos = pDev->GetTextBreak( rStr, nWidth, nStartPos, nLastLineLen );
+ nLen = nPos-nStartPos;
+ if ( !nLen )
+ {
+ nPos++;
+ nLen++;
+ }
+ nLineWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth( rStr, nStartPos, nLen );
+ rLineInfo.AddLine( new TextLineInfo( nLineWidth, nStartPos, nLen ) );
+ nStartPos = nPos;
+ nLastLineLen -= nLen;
+ nLineWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth( rStr, nStartPos, nLastLineLen );
+ }
+ while ( nLineWidth > nWidth );
+ }
+ nLastLineWidth = nLineWidth;
+ // Bei Stringende muessen wir die letzte Zeile auch noch
+ // dranhaengen
+ if ( (i == nStrLen) && nLastLineLen )
+ rLineInfo.AddLine( new TextLineInfo( nLastLineWidth, nStartPos, nLastLineLen ) );
+ }
+ else
+ nLastLineWidth = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nLastLineWidth = nLineWidth;
+ nLastLineLen = nLen;
+ nLastWordPos = nStartPos+nLastLineLen;
+ if ( c != '-' )
+ nLastWordPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ while ( i <= nStrLen );
+ return nMaxLineWidth;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GetTextLines( OutputDevice* pDev, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ const XubString& rStr,
+ long* pMaxWidth = NULL )
+ MultiTextLineInfo aMultiLineInfo;
+ long nMaxWidth = GetTextLines( pDev, aMultiLineInfo,
+ rRect.GetWidth(), rStr, nStyle );
+ if ( pMaxWidth )
+ *pMaxWidth = nMaxWidth;
+ return aMultiLineInfo.Count();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Rectangle GetTextRect( OutputDevice* pDev, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ const XubString& rStr,
+ Rectangle aRect = rRect;
+ USHORT nLines;
+ long nWidth = rRect.GetWidth();
+ long nMaxWidth;
+ long nTextHeight;
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE )
+ {
+ MultiTextLineInfo aMultiLineInfo;
+ TextLineInfo* pLineInfo;
+ USHORT nFormatLines;
+ nMaxWidth = 0;
+ GetTextLines( pDev, aMultiLineInfo, nWidth, rStr, nStyle );
+ nFormatLines = aMultiLineInfo.Count();
+ nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight();
+ nLines = (USHORT)(aRect.GetHeight()/nTextHeight);
+ if ( nFormatLines <= nLines )
+ nLines = nFormatLines;
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !(nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS) )
+ nLines = nFormatLines;
+ else
+ nMaxWidth = nWidth;
+ }
+ for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nLines; i++ )
+ {
+ pLineInfo = aMultiLineInfo.GetLine( i );
+ if ( pLineInfo->GetWidth() > nMaxWidth )
+ nMaxWidth = pLineInfo->GetWidth();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nLines = 1;
+ nMaxWidth = pDev->GetTextWidth( rStr );
+ nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight();
+ if ( (nMaxWidth > nWidth) && (nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_ENDELLIPSIS) )
+ nMaxWidth = nWidth;
+ }
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_RIGHT )
+ aRect.Left() = aRect.Right()-nMaxWidth+1;
+ else if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CENTER )
+ {
+ aRect.Left() += (nWidth-nMaxWidth)/2;
+ aRect.Right() = aRect.Left()+nMaxWidth-1;
+ }
+ else
+ aRect.Right() = aRect.Left()+nMaxWidth-1;
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_BOTTOM )
+ aRect.Top() = aRect.Bottom()-(nTextHeight*nLines)+1;
+ else if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER )
+ {
+ aRect.Top() += (aRect.GetHeight()-(nTextHeight*nLines))/2;
+ aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top()+(nTextHeight*nLines)-1;
+ }
+ else
+ aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top()+(nTextHeight*nLines)-1;
+ return aRect;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DrawText( OutputDevice* pDev, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ const XubString& rStr, USHORT nStyle = 0 )
+ if ( !rStr.Len() || rRect.IsEmpty() )
+ return;
+ Point aPos = rRect.TopLeft();
+ long nWidth = rRect.GetWidth();
+ long nHeight = rRect.GetHeight();
+ FontAlign eAlign = pDev->GetFont().GetAlign();
+ if ( ((nWidth <= 0) || (nHeight <= 0)) && (nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CLIP) )
+ return;
+ // Mehrzeiligen Text behandeln wir anders
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE )
+ {
+ String aLastLine;
+ Region aOldRegion;
+ MultiTextLineInfo aMultiLineInfo;
+ TextLineInfo* pLineInfo;
+ long nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight();
+ long nMaxTextWidth;
+ USHORT nLines = (USHORT)(nHeight/nTextHeight);
+ USHORT nFormatLines;
+ BOOL bIsClipRegion;
+ nMaxTextWidth = GetTextLines( pDev, aMultiLineInfo, nWidth, rStr, nStyle );
+ nFormatLines = aMultiLineInfo.Count();
+ if ( nFormatLines > nLines )
+ {
+ {
+ // Letzte Zeile zusammenbauen und kuerzen
+ nFormatLines = nLines-1;
+ pLineInfo = aMultiLineInfo.GetLine( nFormatLines );
+ aLastLine = rStr.Copy( pLineInfo->GetIndex() );
+ aLastLine.ConvertLineEnd( LINEEND_LF );
+ aLastLine.SearchAndReplace( _LF, ' ' );
+ aLastLine = GetEllipsisString( pDev, aLastLine, nWidth, nStyle );
+ nStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_TOP;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( nMaxTextWidth <= nWidth )
+ nStyle &= ~TEXT_DRAW_CLIP;
+ }
+ // Clipping setzen
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CLIP )
+ {
+ bIsClipRegion = pDev->IsClipRegion();
+ if ( bIsClipRegion )
+ {
+ aOldRegion = pDev->GetClipRegion();
+ pDev->IntersectClipRegion( rRect );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Region aRegion( rRect );
+ pDev->SetClipRegion( aRegion );
+ }
+ }
+ // Vertikales Alignment
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_BOTTOM )
+ aPos.Y() += nHeight-(nFormatLines*nTextHeight);
+ else if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER )
+ aPos.Y() += (nHeight-(nFormatLines*nTextHeight))/2;
+ // Font Alignment
+ if ( eAlign == ALIGN_BOTTOM )
+ aPos.Y() += nTextHeight;
+ else if ( eAlign == ALIGN_BASELINE )
+ aPos.Y() += pDev->GetFontMetric().GetAscent();
+ // Alle Zeilen ausgeben, bis auf die letzte
+ for ( i = 0; i < nFormatLines; i++ )
+ {
+ pLineInfo = aMultiLineInfo.GetLine( i );
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_RIGHT )
+ aPos.X() += nWidth-pLineInfo->GetWidth();
+ else if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CENTER )
+ aPos.X() += (nWidth-pLineInfo->GetWidth())/2;
+ pDev->DrawText( aPos, rStr, pLineInfo->GetIndex(), pLineInfo->GetLen() );
+ aPos.Y() += nTextHeight;
+ aPos.X() = rRect.Left();
+ }
+ // Gibt es noch eine letzte Zeile, dann diese linksbuendig ausgeben,
+ // da die Zeile gekuerzt wurde
+ if ( aLastLine.Len() )
+ pDev->DrawText( aPos, aLastLine );
+ // Clipping zuruecksetzen
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CLIP )
+ {
+ if ( bIsClipRegion )
+ pDev->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion );
+ else
+ pDev->SetClipRegion();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XubString aStr = rStr;
+ Size aTextSize(pDev->GetTextWidth( aStr ), pDev->GetTextHeight());
+ // Evt. Text kuerzen
+ if ( aTextSize.Width() > nWidth )
+ {
+ {
+ aStr = GetEllipsisString( pDev, rStr, nWidth, nStyle );
+ nStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_LEFT;
+ aTextSize.Width() = pDev->GetTextWidth(aStr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( aTextSize.Height() <= nHeight )
+ nStyle &= ~TEXT_DRAW_CLIP;
+ }
+ // Vertikales Alignment
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_RIGHT )
+ aPos.X() += nWidth-aTextSize.Width();
+ else if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CENTER )
+ aPos.X() += (nWidth-aTextSize.Width())/2;
+ // Font Alignment
+ if ( eAlign == ALIGN_BOTTOM )
+ aPos.Y() += aTextSize.Height();
+ else if ( eAlign == ALIGN_BASELINE )
+ aPos.Y() += pDev->GetFontMetric().GetAscent();
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_BOTTOM )
+ aPos.Y() += nHeight-aTextSize.Height();
+ else if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER )
+ aPos.Y() += (nHeight-aTextSize.Height())/2;
+ if ( nStyle & TEXT_DRAW_CLIP )
+ {
+ BOOL bIsClipRegion = pDev->IsClipRegion();
+ if ( bIsClipRegion )
+ {
+ Region aOldRegion = pDev->GetClipRegion();
+ pDev->IntersectClipRegion( rRect );
+ pDev->DrawText( aPos, aStr );
+ pDev->SetClipRegion( aOldRegion );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Region aRegion( rRect );
+ pDev->SetClipRegion( aRegion );
+ pDev->DrawText( aPos, aStr );
+ pDev->SetClipRegion();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pDev->DrawText( aPos, aStr );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ImpIcnCursor
+ SvImpIconView* pView;
+ SvPtrarr* pColumns;
+ SvPtrarr* pRows;
+ BOOL* pGridMap;
+ long nGridDX, nGridDY;
+ long nGridCols, nGridRows;
+ long nCols;
+ long nRows;
+ short nDeltaWidth;
+ short nDeltaHeight;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry;
+ void SetDeltas();
+ void ImplCreate();
+ void Create() { if( !pColumns ) ImplCreate(); }
+ USHORT GetSortListPos( SvPtrarr* pList, long nValue, int bVertical);
+ SvLBoxEntry* SearchCol(USHORT nCol,USHORT nTop,USHORT nBottom,USHORT nPref,
+ BOOL bDown, BOOL bSimple );
+ SvLBoxEntry* SearchRow(USHORT nRow,USHORT nRight,USHORT nLeft,USHORT nPref,
+ BOOL bRight, BOOL bSimple );
+ void ExpandGrid();
+ void CreateGridMap();
+ // Rueckgabe FALSE: Eintrag liegt nicht in der GridMap. rGridx,y werden
+ // dann an nGridCols, nGridRows geclippt
+ BOOL GetGrid( const Point& rDocPos, USHORT& rGridX, USHORT& rGridY ) const;
+ void SetGridUsed( USHORT nDX, USHORT nDY, BOOL bUsed )
+ {
+ pGridMap[ (nDY * nGridCols) + nDX ] = bUsed;
+ }
+ {
+ return pGridMap[ (nDY * nGridCols) + nDX ];
+ }
+ ImpIcnCursor( SvImpIconView* pOwner );
+ ~ImpIcnCursor();
+ void Clear( BOOL bGridToo = TRUE );
+ // fuer Cursortravelling usw.
+ SvLBoxEntry* GoLeftRight( SvLBoxEntry*, BOOL bRight );
+ SvLBoxEntry* GoUpDown( SvLBoxEntry*, BOOL bDown );
+ // Rueckgaebe: FALSE == Das leere Rect steht hinter dem letzten
+ // Eintrag; d.h. beim naechsten Einfuegen ergibt sich das naechste
+ // leere Rechteck durch Addition. Hinweis: Das Rechteck kann dann
+ // ausserhalb des View-Space liegen
+ BOOL FindEmptyGridRect( Rectangle& rRect );
+ // Erzeugt fuer jede Zeile (Hoehe=nGridDY) eine nach BoundRect.Left()
+ // sortierte Liste der Eintraege, die in ihr stehen. Eine Liste kann
+ // leer sein. Die Listen gehen in das Eigentum des Rufenden ueber und
+ // muessen mit DestroyGridAdjustData geloescht werden
+ void CreateGridAjustData( SvPtrarr& pLists, SvLBoxEntry* pRow=0);
+ static void DestroyGridAdjustData( SvPtrarr& rLists );
+ void SetGridUsed( const Rectangle&, BOOL bUsed = TRUE );
+SvImpIconView::SvImpIconView( SvIconView* pCurView, SvLBoxTreeList* pTree,
+ WinBits nWinStyle ) :
+ aVerSBar( pCurView, WB_DRAG | WB_VSCROLL ),
+ aHorSBar( pCurView, WB_DRAG | WB_HSCROLL )
+ pView = pCurView;
+ pModel = pTree;
+ pCurParent = 0;
+ pZOrderList = new SvPtrarr;
+ SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+ nHorDist = 0;
+ nVerDist = 0;
+ nFlags = 0;
+ nCurUserEvent = 0;
+ nMaxVirtWidth = 200;
+ pDDRefEntry = 0;
+ pDDDev = 0;
+ pDDBufDev = 0;
+ pDDTempDev = 0;
+ eTextMode = ShowTextShort;
+ pImpCursor = new ImpIcnCursor( this );
+ aVerSBar.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvImpIconView, ScrollUpDownHdl ) );
+ aHorSBar.SetScrollHdl( LINK( this, SvImpIconView, ScrollLeftRightHdl ) );
+ nHorSBarHeight = aHorSBar.GetSizePixel().Height();
+ nVerSBarWidth = aVerSBar.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ aMouseMoveTimer.SetTimeout( 20 );
+ aMouseMoveTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvImpIconView,MouseMoveTimeoutHdl));
+ aEditTimer.SetTimeout( 800 );
+ aEditTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvImpIconView,EditTimeoutHdl));
+ Clear( TRUE );
+ StopEditTimer();
+ CancelUserEvent();
+ delete pZOrderList;
+ delete pImpCursor;
+ delete pDDDev;
+ delete pDDBufDev;
+ delete pDDTempDev;
+ ClearSelectedRectList();
+void SvImpIconView::Clear( BOOL bInCtor )
+ StopEditTimer();
+ CancelUserEvent();
+ nMaxBmpWidth = 0;
+ nMaxBmpHeight = 0;
+ nMaxTextWidth = 0;
+ bMustRecalcBoundingRects = FALSE;
+ nMaxBoundHeight = 0;
+ //XXX
+ nFlags |= F_GRID_INSERT;
+ nFlags &= ~F_PAINTED;
+ pCursor = 0;
+ if( !bInCtor )
+ {
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ aVirtOutputSize.Width() = 0;
+ aVirtOutputSize.Height() = 0;
+ pZOrderList->Remove(0,pZOrderList->Count());
+ MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetMapMode());
+ aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point() );
+ pView->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
+ if( pView->IsUpdateMode() )
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ }
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+void SvImpIconView::SetWindowBits( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ nWinBits = nWinStyle;
+ nViewMode = VIEWMODE_TEXT;
+ if( nWinStyle & WB_NAME )
+ nViewMode = VIEWMODE_NAME;
+ if( nWinStyle & WB_ICON )
+ nViewMode = VIEWMODE_ICON;
+IMPL_LINK( SvImpIconView, ScrollUpDownHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+ pView->EndEditing( TRUE );
+ // Pfeil hoch: delta=-1; Pfeil runter: delta=+1
+ Scroll( 0, pScrollBar->GetDelta(), TRUE );
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK( SvImpIconView, ScrollLeftRightHdl, ScrollBar *, pScrollBar )
+ pView->EndEditing( TRUE );
+ // Pfeil links: delta=-1; Pfeil rechts: delta=+1
+ Scroll( pScrollBar->GetDelta(), 0, TRUE );
+ return 0;
+void SvImpIconView::ChangedFont()
+ StopEditTimer();
+ ImpArrange();
+void SvImpIconView::CheckAllSizes()
+ nMaxTextWidth = 0;
+ nMaxBmpWidth = 0;
+ nMaxBmpHeight = 0;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ CheckSizes( pEntry );
+ pEntry = pModel->Next( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::CheckSizes( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData )
+ Size aSize;
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( pStringItem )
+ {
+ aSize = GetItemSize( pView, pEntry, pStringItem, pViewData );
+ if( aSize.Width() > nMaxTextWidth )
+ {
+ nMaxTextWidth = aSize.Width();
+ if( !(nFlags & F_GRIDMODE ) )
+ bMustRecalcBoundingRects = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmpItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if( pBmpItem )
+ {
+ aSize = GetItemSize( pView, pEntry, pBmpItem, pViewData );
+ if( aSize.Width() > nMaxBmpWidth )
+ {
+ nMaxBmpWidth = aSize.Width();
+ nMaxBmpWidth += (2*LROFFS_ICON);
+ if( !(nFlags & F_GRIDMODE ) )
+ bMustRecalcBoundingRects = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( aSize.Height() > nMaxBmpHeight )
+ {
+ nMaxBmpHeight = aSize.Height();
+ nMaxBmpHeight += (2*TBOFFS_ICON);;
+ if( !(nFlags & F_GRIDMODE ) )
+ bMustRecalcBoundingRects = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::EntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( pModel->GetParent(pEntry) == pCurParent )
+ {
+ StopEditTimer();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pZOrderList->GetPos(pEntry)==0xffff,"EntryInserted:ZOrder?");
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ if( nFlags & F_GRIDMODE )
+ pImpCursor->Clear( FALSE );
+ else
+ pImpCursor->Clear( TRUE );
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ CheckSizes( pEntry, pViewData );
+ if( pView->IsUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ FindBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ PaintEntry( pEntry, pViewData );
+ }
+ else
+ InvalidateBoundingRect( pViewData->aRect );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::RemovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( pModel->GetParent(pEntry) == pCurParent)
+ {
+ StopEditTimer();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pZOrderList->GetPos(pEntry)!=0xffff,"RemovingEntry:ZOrder?");
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( IsBoundingRectValid( pViewData->aRect ) )
+ {
+ // bei gueltigem Bounding-Rect muss in EntryRemoved eine
+ // Sonderbehandlung erfolgen
+ nFlags |= F_ENTRY_REMOVED;
+ pView->Invalidate( pViewData->aRect );
+ }
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor = GetNewCursor();
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pCursor = 0; // damit er nicht deselektiert wird
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ }
+ USHORT nPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pEntry );
+ pZOrderList->Remove( nPos, 1 );
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::EntryRemoved()
+ {
+ // Ein Eintrag mit gueltigem BoundRect wurde geloescht und wir
+ // haben schon mal gepaintet. In diesem Fall muessen wir die
+ // Position des naechsten Eintrags, der eingefuegt wird oder noch
+ // kein gueltiges BoundRect hat, "suchen" d.h. ein "Loch" in
+ // der View auffuellen.
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::MovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"MovingEntry: 0!");
+ pNextCursor = 0;
+ StopEditTimer();
+ if( pModel->GetParent(pEntry) == pCurParent )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pZOrderList->GetPos(pEntry)!=0xffff,"MovingEntry:ZOrder?");
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( IsBoundingRectValid( pViewData->aRect ) )
+ pView->Invalidate( pViewData->aRect );
+ // falls Eintrag seinen Parent wechselt vorsichtshalber
+ // die neue Cursorposition berechnen
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ pNextCursor = GetNewCursor();
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::EntryMoved( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( pModel->GetParent(pEntry)==pCurParent )
+ {
+ if( nFlags & F_MOVING_SIBLING )
+ {
+ // die Neu-Positionierung eines Eintrags bei D&D innerhalb
+ // einer IconView findet bereits in NotifyMoving statt
+ // (MovingEntry/EntryMoved wird dann nicht mehr gerufen)
+ ToTop( pEntry );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pZOrderList->Count()==pModel->GetChildCount(pCurParent),"EntryMoved:Bad zorder count");
+ FindBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ }
+ PaintEntry( pEntry, pViewData );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNextCursor,"EntryMoved: Next cursor bad");
+ SetCursor( pNextCursor );
+ }
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ USHORT nPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pEntry );
+ pZOrderList->Remove( nPos, 1 );
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ // wenn er nochmal in dieser View auftaucht, muss sein
+ // Bounding-Rect neu berechnet werden
+ InvalidateBoundingRect( pViewData->aRect );
+ }
+ nFlags &= (~F_MOVING_SIBLING);
+void SvImpIconView::TreeInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ EntryMoved( pEntry ); // vorlaeufig
+void SvImpIconView::EntryExpanded( SvLBoxEntry* )
+void SvImpIconView::EntryCollapsed( SvLBoxEntry*)
+void SvImpIconView::CollapsingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* )
+void SvImpIconView::EntrySelected( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ if( pModel->GetParent(pEntry) != pCurParent )
+ return;
+ // bei SingleSelection dafuer sorgen, dass der Cursor immer
+ // auf dem (einzigen) selektierten Eintrag steht
+ if( bSelect && pCursor &&
+ pView->GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION &&
+ pEntry != pCursor )
+ {
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView->GetSelectionCount()==1,"selection count?")
+ }
+ // bei Gummibandselektion ist uns das zu teuer
+ if( !(nFlags & F_RUBBERING ))
+ ToTop( pEntry );
+ if( pView->IsUpdateMode() )
+ {
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ if( nFlags & F_RUBBERING )
+ PaintEntry( pEntry );
+ else
+ pView->Invalidate( GetBoundingRect( pEntry ) );
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::SetNextEntryPos(const Point& rPos)
+ aPrevBoundRect.SetPos( rPos );
+ aPrevBoundRect.Right() = LONG_MAX; // dont know
+Point SvImpIconView::FindNextEntryPos( const Size& rBoundSize )
+ if( nFlags & F_GRIDMODE )
+ {
+ if( nFlags & F_GRID_INSERT )
+ {
+ if( aPrevBoundRect.Right() != LONG_MAX )
+ {
+ // passt der naechste Entry noch in die Zeile ?
+ long nNextWidth = aPrevBoundRect.Right() + nGridDX + LROFFS_WINBORDER;
+ if( nNextWidth > aVirtOutputSize.Width() )
+ {
+ // darf aVirtOutputSize verbreitert werden ?
+ if( nNextWidth < nMaxVirtWidth )
+ {
+ // verbreitern & in Zeile aufnehmen
+ aPrevBoundRect.Left() += nGridDX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // erhoehen & neue Zeile beginnen
+ aPrevBoundRect.Top() += nGridDY;
+ aPrevBoundRect.Left() = LROFFS_WINBORDER;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // in die Zeile aufnehmen
+ aPrevBoundRect.Left() += nGridDX;
+ }
+ }
+ aPrevBoundRect.SetSize( Size( nGridDX, nGridDY ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !pImpCursor->FindEmptyGridRect( aPrevBoundRect ) )
+ {
+ // mitten in den Entries gibts keine Loecher mehr,
+ // wir koennen also wieder ins "Fast Insert" springen
+ nFlags |= F_GRID_INSERT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aPrevBoundRect.Right() != LONG_MAX )
+ {
+ // passt der naechste Entry noch in die Zeile ?
+ long nNextWidth=aPrevBoundRect.Right()+rBoundSize.Width()+LROFFS_BOUND+nHorDist;
+ if( nNextWidth > aVirtOutputSize.Width() )
+ {
+ // darf aVirtOutputSize verbreitert werden ?
+ if( nNextWidth < nMaxVirtWidth )
+ {
+ // verbreitern & in Zeile aufnehmen
+ aPrevBoundRect.SetPos( aPrevBoundRect.TopRight() );
+ aPrevBoundRect.Left() += nHorDist;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // erhoehen & neue Zeile beginnen
+ aPrevBoundRect.Top() += nMaxBoundHeight + nVerDist + TBOFFS_BOUND;
+ aPrevBoundRect.Left() = LROFFS_WINBORDER;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // in die Zeile aufnehmen
+ aPrevBoundRect.SetPos( aPrevBoundRect.TopRight() );
+ aPrevBoundRect.Left() += nHorDist;
+ }
+ }
+ aPrevBoundRect.SetSize( rBoundSize );
+ }
+ return aPrevBoundRect.TopLeft();
+void SvImpIconView::ResetVirtSize()
+ StopEditTimer();
+ aVirtOutputSize.Width() = 0;
+ aVirtOutputSize.Height() = 0;
+ BOOL bLockedEntryFound = FALSE;
+ nFlags &= (~F_GRID_INSERT);
+ SvLBoxEntry* pCur = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ while( pCur )
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pCur);
+ if( pViewData->IsEntryPosLocked() )
+ {
+ // VirtSize u.a. anpassen
+ if( !IsBoundingRectValid( pViewData->aRect ) )
+ FindBoundingRect( pCur, pViewData );
+ else
+ AdjustVirtSize( pViewData->aRect );
+ bLockedEntryFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ InvalidateBoundingRect( pViewData->aRect );
+ pCur = pModel->NextSibling( pCur );
+ }
+ if( !bLockedEntryFound )
+ {
+ //XXX
+ nFlags |= F_GRID_INSERT;
+ }
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+void SvImpIconView::AdjustVirtSize( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ long nHeightOffs = 0;
+ long nWidthOffs = 0;
+ if( aVirtOutputSize.Width() < (rRect.Right()+LROFFS_WINBORDER) )
+ nWidthOffs = (rRect.Right()+LROFFS_WINBORDER) - aVirtOutputSize.Width();
+ if( aVirtOutputSize.Height() < (rRect.Bottom()+TBOFFS_WINBORDER) )
+ nHeightOffs = (rRect.Bottom()+TBOFFS_WINBORDER) - aVirtOutputSize.Height();
+ if( nWidthOffs || nHeightOffs )
+ {
+ Range aRange;
+ aVirtOutputSize.Width() += nWidthOffs;
+ aRange.Max() = aVirtOutputSize.Width();
+ aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ aVirtOutputSize.Height() += nHeightOffs;
+ aRange.Max() = aVirtOutputSize.Height();
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::Arrange()
+ nMaxVirtWidth = aOutputSize.Width();
+ ImpArrange();
+void SvImpIconView::ImpArrange()
+ StopEditTimer();
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ ResetVirtSize();
+ bMustRecalcBoundingRects = FALSE;
+ MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetMapMode());
+ aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point() );
+ pView->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
+ CheckAllSizes();
+ RecalcAllBoundingRectsSmart();
+ pView->Invalidate();
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+void SvImpIconView::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ if( !pView->IsUpdateMode() )
+ return;
+#if defined(DBG_UTIL) && defined(OV_DRAWGRID)
+ if( nFlags & F_GRIDMODE )
+ {
+ Color aOldColor = pView->GetLineColor();
+ Color aNewColor( COL_BLACK );
+ pView->SetLineColor( aNewColor );
+ Point aOffs( pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin());
+ Size aXSize( pView->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ for( long nDX = nGridDX; nDX <= aXSize.Width(); nDX += nGridDX )
+ {
+ Point aStart( nDX+LROFFS_BOUND, 0 );
+ Point aEnd( nDX+LROFFS_BOUND, aXSize.Height());
+ aStart -= aOffs;
+ aEnd -= aOffs;
+ pView->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd );
+ }
+ for( long nDY = nGridDY; nDY <= aXSize.Height(); nDY += nGridDY )
+ {
+ Point aStart( 0, nDY+TBOFFS_BOUND );
+ Point aEnd( aXSize.Width(), nDY+TBOFFS_BOUND );
+ aStart -= aOffs;
+ aEnd -= aOffs;
+ pView->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd );
+ }
+ pView->SetLineColor( aOldColor );
+ }
+ nFlags |= F_PAINTED;
+ if( !(pModel->HasChilds( pCurParent ) ))
+ return;
+ if( !pCursor )
+ pCursor = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ USHORT nCount = pZOrderList->Count();
+ if( !nCount )
+ return;
+ SvPtrarr* pNewZOrderList = new SvPtrarr;
+ SvPtrarr* pPaintedEntries = new SvPtrarr;
+ USHORT nPos = 0;
+ while( nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nPos ));
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ const Rectangle& rBoundRect = GetBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ if( rRect.IsOver( rBoundRect ) )
+ {
+ PaintEntry( pEntry, rBoundRect.TopLeft(), pViewData );
+ // Eintraege, die neu gezeichnet werden, auf Top setzen
+ pPaintedEntries->Insert( pEntry, pPaintedEntries->Count() );
+ }
+ else
+ pNewZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pNewZOrderList->Count() );
+ nCount--;
+ nPos++;
+ }
+ delete pZOrderList;
+ pZOrderList = pNewZOrderList;
+ nCount = pPaintedEntries->Count();
+ if( nCount )
+ {
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pPaintedEntries->GetObject( nCur ),pZOrderList->Count());
+ }
+ delete pPaintedEntries;
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if( GetResizeRect( aRect ))
+ PaintResizeRect( aRect );
+BOOL SvImpIconView::GetResizeRect( Rectangle& rRect )
+ if( aHorSBar.IsVisible() && aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode();
+ Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin());
+ aOrigin *= -1;
+ aOrigin.X() += aOutputSize.Width();
+ aOrigin.Y() += aOutputSize.Height();
+ rRect.SetPos( aOrigin );
+ rRect.SetSize( Size( nVerSBarWidth, nHorSBarHeight));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void SvImpIconView::PaintResizeRect( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pView->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Color aNewColor = rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor();
+ Color aOldColor = pView->GetFillColor();
+ pView->SetFillColor( aNewColor );
+ pView->DrawRect( rRect );
+ pView->SetFillColor( aOldColor );
+void SvImpIconView::RepaintSelectionItems()
+ DBG_ERROR("RepaintSelectionItems");
+ pView->Invalidate(); // vorlaeufig
+SvLBoxItem* SvImpIconView::GetItem( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const Point& rAbsPos )
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( pStringItem )
+ {
+ aRect = CalcTextRect( pEntry, pStringItem );
+ if( aRect.IsInside( rAbsPos ) )
+ return pStringItem;
+ }
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmpItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if( pBmpItem )
+ {
+ aRect = CalcBmpRect( pEntry );
+ if( aRect.IsInside( rAbsPos ) )
+ return pBmpItem;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void SvImpIconView::CalcDocPos( Point& aMaeuschenPos )
+ aMaeuschenPos -= pView->GetMapMode().GetOrigin();
+void SvImpIconView::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt)
+ StopEditTimer();
+ pView->GrabFocus();
+ Point aDocPos( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ if(aDocPos.X()>=aOutputSize.Width() || aDocPos.Y()>=aOutputSize.Height())
+ return;
+ CalcDocPos( aDocPos );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( aDocPos );
+ if( !pEntry )
+ {
+ if( pView->GetSelectionMode() != SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ {
+ if( !rMEvt.IsMod1() ) // Ctrl
+ {
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ ClearSelectedRectList();
+ }
+ else
+ nFlags |= F_ADD_MODE;
+ nFlags |= F_RUBBERING;
+ aCurSelectionRect.SetPos( aDocPos );
+ pView->CaptureMouse();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOL bSelected = pView->IsSelected( pEntry );
+ BOOL bEditingEnabled = pView->IsInplaceEditingEnabled();
+ if( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 2 )
+ {
+ DeselectAllBut( pEntry );
+ pView->pHdlEntry = pEntry;
+ pView->DoubleClickHdl();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Inplace-Editing ?
+ if( rMEvt.IsMod2() ) // Alt?
+ {
+ if( bEditingEnabled )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = GetItem(pEntry,aDocPos);
+ if( pItem )
+ pView->EditingRequest( pEntry, pItem, aDocPos);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( pView->GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ {
+ DeselectAllBut( pEntry );
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ if( bEditingEnabled && bSelected && !rMEvt.GetModifier() &&
+ rMEvt.IsLeft() && IsTextHit( pEntry, aDocPos ) )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !rMEvt.GetModifier() )
+ {
+ if( !bSelected )
+ {
+ DeselectAllBut( pEntry );
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // erst im Up deselektieren, falls Move per D&D!
+ nFlags |= F_DOWN_DESELECT;
+ if( bEditingEnabled && IsTextHit( pEntry, aDocPos ) &&
+ rMEvt.IsLeft())
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( rMEvt.IsMod1() )
+ nFlags |= F_DOWN_CTRL;
+ }
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ aMouseMoveTimer.Stop();
+ pView->ReleaseMouse();
+ // HACK, da Einar noch nicht PrepareCommandEvent aufruft
+ if( rMEvt.IsRight() && (nFlags & (F_DOWN_CTRL | F_DOWN_DESELECT) ))
+ if( nFlags & F_RUBBERING )
+ {
+ aMouseMoveTimer.Stop();
+ AddSelectedRect( aCurSelectionRect );
+ HideSelectionRect();
+ nFlags &= ~(F_RUBBERING | F_ADD_MODE);
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->GetEntry( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), TRUE );
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( nFlags & F_DOWN_CTRL )
+ {
+ // Ctrl & MultiSelection
+ ToggleSelection( pEntry );
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ }
+ else if( nFlags & F_DOWN_DESELECT )
+ {
+ DeselectAllBut( pEntry );
+ SetCursor( pEntry );
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ StartEditTimer();
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ if( nFlags & F_RUBBERING )
+ {
+ const Point& rPosPixel = rMEvt.GetPosPixel();
+ if( !aMouseMoveTimer.IsActive() )
+ {
+ aMouseMoveEvent = rMEvt;
+ aMouseMoveTimer.Start();
+ // ausserhalb des Fensters liegende Move-Events muessen
+ // vom Timer kommen, damit die Scrollgeschwindigkeit
+ // unabhaengig von Mausbewegungen ist.
+ if( rPosPixel.X() < 0 || rPosPixel.Y() < 0 )
+ return;
+ const Size& rSize = pView->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if( rPosPixel.X() > rSize.Width() || rPosPixel.Y() > rSize.Height())
+ return;
+ }
+ if( &rMEvt != &aMouseMoveEvent )
+ aMouseMoveEvent = rMEvt;
+ long nScrollDX, nScrollDY;
+ CalcScrollOffsets(rMEvt.GetPosPixel(),nScrollDX,nScrollDY,FALSE );
+ BOOL bSelRectHidden = FALSE;
+ if( nScrollDX || nScrollDY )
+ {
+ HideSelectionRect();
+ bSelRectHidden = TRUE;
+ pView->Scroll( nScrollDX, nScrollDY );
+ }
+ Point aDocPos( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ aDocPos = pView->PixelToLogic( aDocPos );
+ Rectangle aRect( aCurSelectionRect.TopLeft(), aDocPos );
+ if( aRect != aCurSelectionRect )
+ {
+ HideSelectionRect();
+ bSelRectHidden = TRUE;
+ BOOL bAdd = (nFlags & F_ADD_MODE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ SelectRect( aRect, bAdd, &aSelectedRectList );
+ }
+ if( bSelRectHidden )
+ DrawSelectionRect( aRect );
+ }
+BOOL SvImpIconView::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ StopEditTimer();
+ BOOL bKeyUsed = TRUE;
+ BOOL bMod1 = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1();
+ BOOL bInAddMode = (BOOL)((nFlags & F_ADD_MODE) != 0);
+ int bDeselAll = (pView->GetSelectionMode() != SINGLE_SELECTION) &&
+ !bInAddMode;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor;
+ USHORT nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+ switch( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_UP:
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoUpDown(pCursor,FALSE);
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ if( bDeselAll )
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pNewCursor );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ if( !bInAddMode )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( GetBoundingRect( pCursor ) );
+ if( aRect.Top())
+ {
+ aRect.Bottom() -= aRect.Top();
+ aRect.Top() = 0;
+ MakeVisible( aRect );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_DOWN:
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pNewCursor=pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pCursor,TRUE );
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ if( bDeselAll )
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pNewCursor );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ if( !bInAddMode )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_RIGHT:
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pNewCursor=pImpCursor->GoLeftRight(pCursor,TRUE );
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ if( bDeselAll )
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pNewCursor );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ if( !bInAddMode )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_LEFT:
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ MakeVisible( pCursor );
+ pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoLeftRight(pCursor,FALSE );
+ if( pNewCursor )
+ {
+ if( bDeselAll )
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pNewCursor );
+ SetCursor( pNewCursor );
+ if( !bInAddMode )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( GetBoundingRect(pCursor));
+ if( aRect.Left() )
+ {
+ aRect.Right() -= aRect.Left();
+ aRect.Left() = 0;
+ MakeVisible( aRect );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_ESCAPE:
+ if( nFlags & F_RUBBERING )
+ {
+ HideSelectionRect();
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ nFlags &= ~F_RUBBERING;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_F8:
+ if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() )
+ {
+ if( nFlags & F_ADD_MODE )
+ nFlags &= (~F_ADD_MODE);
+ else
+ nFlags |= F_ADD_MODE;
+ }
+ break;
+#ifdef OS2
+ case KEY_F9:
+ if( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() )
+ {
+ if( pCursor && pView->IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ pView->EditEntry( pCursor );
+ }
+ break;
+ case KEY_SPACE:
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ ToggleSelection( pCursor );
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case KEY_PAGEUP:
+ break;
+ case KEY_ADD:
+ case KEY_DIVIDE :
+ if( bMod1 )
+ pView->SelectAll( TRUE );
+ break;
+ case KEY_COMMA :
+ if( bMod1 )
+ pView->SelectAll( FALSE );
+ break;
+ case KEY_RETURN:
+ if( bMod1 )
+ {
+ if( pCursor && pView->IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ pView->EditEntry( pCursor );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ bKeyUsed = FALSE;
+ }
+ return bKeyUsed;
+void SvImpIconView::PositionScrollBars( long nRealWidth, long nRealHeight )
+ // hor scrollbar
+ Point aPos( 0, nRealHeight );
+ aPos.Y() -= nHorSBarHeight;
+#ifdef WIN
+ // vom linken und unteren Rand ein Pixel abschneiden
+ aPos.Y()++;
+ aPos.X()--;
+#ifdef OS2
+ aPos.Y()++;
+ if( aHorSBar.GetPosPixel() != aPos )
+ aHorSBar.SetPosPixel( aPos );
+ // ver scrollbar
+ aPos.X() = nRealWidth; aPos.Y() = 0;
+ aPos.X() -= nVerSBarWidth;
+#if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT)
+ aPos.X()++;
+ aPos.Y()--;
+#ifdef OS2
+ aPos.Y()--;
+ aPos.X()++;
+#ifdef MAC
+ aPos.Y()--;
+ aPos.X()++;
+ if( aVerSBar.GetPosPixel() != aPos )
+ aVerSBar.SetPosPixel( aPos );
+void SvImpIconView::AdjustScrollBars( BOOL bVirtSizeGrowedOnly )
+ long nVirtHeight = aVirtOutputSize.Height();
+ long nVirtWidth = aVirtOutputSize.Width();
+ Size aOSize( pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ long nRealHeight = aOSize.Height();
+ long nRealWidth = aOSize.Width();
+ PositionScrollBars( nRealWidth, nRealHeight );
+ const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode();
+ Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() );
+ long nVisibleWidth;
+ if( nRealWidth > nVirtWidth )
+ nVisibleWidth = nVirtWidth + aOrigin.X();
+ else
+ nVisibleWidth = nRealWidth;
+ long nVisibleHeight;
+ if( nRealHeight > nVirtHeight )
+ nVisibleHeight = nVirtHeight + aOrigin.Y();
+ else
+ nVisibleHeight = nRealHeight;
+ int bVerSBar = pView->nWindowStyle & WB_VSCROLL;
+ int bHorSBar = pView->nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL;
+ USHORT nResult = 0;
+ if( nVirtHeight )
+ {
+ // activate ver scrollbar ?
+ if( bVerSBar || ( nVirtHeight > nVisibleHeight) )
+ {
+ nResult = 0x0001;
+ nRealWidth -= nVerSBarWidth;
+ if( nRealWidth > nVirtWidth )
+ nVisibleWidth = nVirtWidth + aOrigin.X();
+ else
+ nVisibleWidth = nRealWidth;
+ }
+ // activate hor scrollbar ?
+ if( bHorSBar || (nVirtWidth > nVisibleWidth) )
+ {
+ nResult |= 0x0002;
+ nRealHeight -= nHorSBarHeight;
+ if( nRealHeight > nVirtHeight )
+ nVisibleHeight = nVirtHeight + aOrigin.Y();
+ else
+ nVisibleHeight = nRealHeight;
+ // brauchen wir jetzt doch eine senkrechte Scrollbar ?
+ if( !(nResult & 0x0001) && // nur wenn nicht schon da
+ ( (nVirtHeight > nVisibleHeight) || bVerSBar) )
+ {
+ nResult = 3; // both are active
+ nRealWidth -= nVerSBarWidth;
+ if( nRealWidth > nVirtWidth )
+ nVisibleWidth = nVirtWidth + aOrigin.X();
+ else
+ nVisibleWidth = nRealWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // size ver scrollbar
+ long nThumb = aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ Size aSize( nVerSBarWidth, nRealHeight );
+#if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT)
+ aSize.Height() += 2;
+#ifdef OS2
+ aSize.Height() += 3;
+#ifdef MAC
+ aSize.Height() += 2;
+ if( aSize != aVerSBar.GetSizePixel() )
+ aVerSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ aVerSBar.SetVisibleSize( nVisibleHeight );
+ aVerSBar.SetPageSize( (nVisibleHeight*75)/100 );
+ if( nResult & 0x0001 )
+ {
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb );
+ aVerSBar.Show();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ aVerSBar.Hide();
+ }
+ // size hor scrollbar
+ nThumb = aHorSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ aSize.Width() = nRealWidth;
+ aSize.Height() = nHorSBarHeight;
+#if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT)
+ aSize.Width()++;
+#ifdef OS2
+ aSize.Width() += 3;
+ if( nResult & 0x0001 ) // vertikale Scrollbar ?
+ aSize.Width()--;
+#if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT)
+ if( nResult & 0x0001 ) // vertikale Scrollbar ?
+ {
+ aSize.Width()++;
+ nRealWidth++;
+ }
+ if( aSize != aHorSBar.GetSizePixel() )
+ aHorSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ aHorSBar.SetVisibleSize( nVisibleWidth ); //nRealWidth );
+ aHorSBar.SetPageSize( (nVisibleWidth*75)/100 );
+ if( nResult & 0x0002 )
+ {
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( nThumb );
+ aHorSBar.Show();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ aHorSBar.Hide();
+ }
+#ifdef OS2
+ nRealWidth++;
+ aOutputSize.Width() = nRealWidth;
+#if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT)
+ if( nResult & 0x0002 ) // hor scrollbar ?
+ nRealHeight++; // weil unterer Rand geclippt wird
+#ifdef OS2
+ if( nResult & 0x0002 ) // hor scrollbar ?
+ nRealHeight++;
+ aOutputSize.Height() = nRealHeight;
+void __EXPORT SvImpIconView::Resize()
+ StopEditTimer();
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if( GetResizeRect(aRect) )
+ pView->Invalidate( aRect );
+ aOutputSize = pView->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+#if 1
+ const Size& rSize = pView->Control::GetOutputSizePixel();
+ PositionScrollBars( rSize.Width(), rSize.Height() );
+ // Die ScrollBars werden asynchron ein/ausgeblendet, damit abgeleitete
+ // Klassen im Resize ein Arrange durchfuehren koennen, ohne dass
+ // die ScrollBars aufblitzen (SfxExplorerIconView!)
+ nCurUserEvent = Application::PostUserEvent(LINK(this,SvImpIconView,UserEventHdl),0);
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+ if( GetResizeRect(aRect) )
+ PaintResizeRect( aRect );
+BOOL SvImpIconView::CheckHorScrollBar()
+ if( !pZOrderList || !aHorSBar.IsVisible() )
+ return FALSE;
+ const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode();
+ Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() );
+ if(!(pView->nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL) && !aOrigin.X() )
+ {
+ long nWidth = aOutputSize.Width();
+ USHORT nCount = pZOrderList->Count();
+ long nMostRight = 0;
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pZOrderList->operator[](nCur);
+ long nRight = GetBoundingRect(pEntry).Right();
+ if( nRight > nWidth )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( nRight > nMostRight )
+ nMostRight = nRight;
+ }
+ aHorSBar.Hide();
+ aOutputSize.Height() += nHorSBarHeight;
+ aVirtOutputSize.Width() = nMostRight;
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ Range aRange;
+ aRange.Max() = nMostRight - 1;
+ aHorSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ if( aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ Size aSize( aVerSBar.GetSizePixel());
+ aSize.Height() += nHorSBarHeight;
+ aVerSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL SvImpIconView::CheckVerScrollBar()
+ if( !pZOrderList || !aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ return FALSE;
+ const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode();
+ Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() );
+ if(!(pView->nWindowStyle & WB_VSCROLL) && !aOrigin.Y() )
+ {
+ long nDeepest = 0;
+ long nHeight = aOutputSize.Height();
+ USHORT nCount = pZOrderList->Count();
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pZOrderList->operator[](nCur);
+ long nBottom = GetBoundingRect(pEntry).Bottom();
+ if( nBottom > nHeight )
+ return FALSE;
+ if( nBottom > nDeepest )
+ nDeepest = nBottom;
+ }
+ aVerSBar.Hide();
+ aOutputSize.Width() += nVerSBarWidth;
+ aVirtOutputSize.Height() = nDeepest;
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( 0 );
+ Range aRange;
+ aRange.Max() = nDeepest - 1;
+ aVerSBar.SetRange( aRange );
+ if( aHorSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ Size aSize( aHorSBar.GetSizePixel());
+ aSize.Width() += nVerSBarWidth;
+ aHorSBar.SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// blendet Scrollbars aus, wenn sie nicht mehr benoetigt werden
+void SvImpIconView::CheckScrollBars()
+ CheckVerScrollBar();
+ if( CheckHorScrollBar() )
+ CheckVerScrollBar();
+void __EXPORT SvImpIconView::GetFocus()
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor, TRUE );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void __EXPORT SvImpIconView::LoseFocus()
+ StopEditTimer();
+ if( pCursor )
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor,FALSE );
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+void SvImpIconView::UpdateAll()
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ pView->Invalidate();
+void SvImpIconView::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData )
+ Point aPos( GetEntryPos( pEntry ) );
+ PaintEntry( pEntry, aPos, pViewData );
+void SvImpIconView::PaintEmphasis( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bSelected,
+ BOOL bInUse, BOOL bCursored,
+ OutputDevice* pOut )
+ // HACK fuer D&D
+ if( nFlags & F_NO_EMPHASIS )
+ return;
+ if( !pOut )
+ pOut = pView;
+ // Selektion painten
+ Color aOldFillColor = pOut->GetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = pOut->GetLineColor();
+ Color aNewColor;
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pOut->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ if( bSelected )
+ {
+ aNewColor = rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifndef OS2
+ aNewColor =rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor();
+ aNewColor = pOut->GetBackground().GetColor();
+ }
+ if( bCursored )
+ {
+ pOut->SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ }
+ pOut->SetFillColor( aNewColor );
+ pOut->DrawRect( rRect );
+ pOut->SetFillColor( aOldFillColor );
+ pOut->SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+void SvImpIconView::PaintItem( const Rectangle& rRect,
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, USHORT nPaintFlags,
+ OutputDevice* pOut )
+ if( nViewMode == VIEWMODE_ICON && pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ const String& rStr = ((SvLBoxString*)pItem)->GetText();
+ DrawText( pOut, rRect, rStr, DRAWTEXT_FLAGS );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Point aPos( rRect.TopLeft() );
+ const Size& rSize = GetItemSize( pView, pEntry, pItem );
+ if( nPaintFlags & PAINTFLAG_HOR_CENTERED )
+ aPos.X() += (rRect.GetWidth() - rSize.Width() ) / 2;
+ if( nPaintFlags & PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED )
+ aPos.Y() += (rRect.GetHeight() - rSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ pItem->Paint( aPos, *(SvLBox*)pOut, 0, pEntry );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos,
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData, OutputDevice* pOut )
+ if( !pView->IsUpdateMode() )
+ return;
+ if( !pOut )
+ pOut = pView;
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmpItem;
+ pView->PreparePaint( pEntry );
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ BOOL bSelected = pViewData->IsSelected();
+ BOOL bCursored = pViewData->IsCursored();
+ BOOL bInUse = pEntry->HasInUseEmphasis();
+ Font aTempFont( pOut->GetFont() );
+ // waehrend D&D nicht die Fontfarbe wechseln, da sonst auch die
+ // Emphasis gezeichnet werden muss! (weisser Adler auf weissem Grund)
+ if( bSelected && !(nFlags & F_NO_EMPHASIS) )
+ {
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pOut->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Font aNewFont( aTempFont );
+ aNewFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() );
+ pOut->SetFont( aNewFont );
+ }
+ Rectangle aTextRect( CalcTextRect(pEntry,pStringItem,&rPos,FALSE,pViewData));
+ Rectangle aBmpRect( CalcBmpRect(pEntry, &rPos, pViewData ) );
+ switch( nViewMode )
+ {
+ pBmpItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ PaintEmphasis( aBmpRect, bSelected, bInUse, bCursored, pOut );
+ PaintItem( aBmpRect, pBmpItem, pEntry,
+ PaintEmphasis( aTextRect, bSelected, FALSE, FALSE, pOut );
+ PaintItem( aTextRect, pStringItem, pEntry, PAINTFLAG_HOR_CENTERED, pOut );
+ break;
+ pBmpItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ PaintEmphasis( aBmpRect, bSelected, bInUse, bCursored, pOut );
+ PaintItem( aBmpRect, pBmpItem, pEntry, PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED, pOut );
+ PaintEmphasis( aTextRect, bSelected, FALSE, FALSE, pOut );
+ PaintItem( aTextRect, pStringItem, pEntry,PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED, pOut );
+ break;
+ PaintEmphasis( aTextRect, bSelected, FALSE, bCursored, pOut );
+ PaintItem( aTextRect, pStringItem, pEntry, PAINTFLAG_VER_CENTERED, pOut );
+ break;
+ }
+ pOut->SetFont( aTempFont );
+void SvImpIconView::SetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos,
+ BOOL bAdjustAtGrid, BOOL bCheckScrollBars )
+ if( pModel->GetParent(pEntry) == pCurParent )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ long nVirtHeightOffs = 0;
+ long nVirtWidthOffs = 0;
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ Rectangle aBoundRect( GetBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData ));
+ pView->Invalidate( aBoundRect );
+ ToTop( pEntry );
+ if( rPos != aBoundRect.TopLeft() )
+ {
+ Point aGridOffs = pViewData->aGridRect.TopLeft() -
+ pViewData->aRect.TopLeft();
+ pImpCursor->Clear();
+ nFlags &= ~F_GRID_INSERT;
+ aBoundRect.SetPos( rPos );
+ pViewData->aRect = aBoundRect;
+ pViewData->aGridRect.SetPos( rPos + aGridOffs );
+ AdjustVirtSize( aBoundRect );
+ }
+ //HACK(Billigloesung, die noch verbessert werden muss)
+ if( bAdjustAtGrid )
+ {
+ AdjustAtGrid( pEntry );
+ ToTop( pEntry );
+ }
+ if( bCheckScrollBars && pView->IsUpdateMode() )
+ CheckScrollBars();
+ PaintEntry( pEntry, pViewData );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::ViewDataInitialized( SvLBoxEntry*)
+void SvImpIconView::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ pView->Invalidate( pViewData->aRect );
+ if( nFlags & F_GRIDMODE )
+ Center( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry, pViewData );
+ else
+ pViewData->aRect.SetSize( CalcBoundingSize(
+ (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry, pViewData ) );
+ ViewDataInitialized( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ pView->Invalidate( pViewData->aRect );
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+void SvImpIconView::InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ const Rectangle& rRect = GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ pView->Invalidate( rRect );
+void SvImpIconView::SetNoSelection()
+void SvImpIconView::SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode )
+void SvImpIconView::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode )
+BOOL SvImpIconView::IsEntryInView( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ return FALSE;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpIconView::GetDropTarget( const Point& rPos )
+ Point aDocPos( rPos );
+ CalcDocPos( aDocPos );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = GetEntry( aDocPos );
+ if( !pTarget || !pTarget->HasChilds() )
+ pTarget = pCurParent;
+ return pTarget;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpIconView::GetEntry( const Point& rDocPos )
+ CheckBoundingRects();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = 0;
+ // Z-Order-Liste vom Ende her absuchen
+ USHORT nCount = pZOrderList->Count();
+ while( nCount )
+ {
+ nCount--;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nCount));
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( pViewData->aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) )
+ {
+ pTarget = pEntry;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return pTarget;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpIconView::GetNextEntry( const Point& rDocPos, SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry )
+ CheckBoundingRects();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = 0;
+ USHORT nStartPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pCurEntry );
+ if( nStartPos != USHRT_MAX )
+ {
+ USHORT nCount = pZOrderList->Count();
+ for( USHORT nCur = nStartPos+1; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nCur));
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( pViewData->aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) )
+ {
+ pTarget = pEntry;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pTarget;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpIconView::GetPrevEntry( const Point& rDocPos, SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry )
+ CheckBoundingRects();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = 0;
+ USHORT nStartPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pCurEntry );
+ if( nStartPos != USHRT_MAX && nStartPos != 0 )
+ {
+ nStartPos--;
+ do
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nStartPos));
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( pViewData->aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) )
+ {
+ pTarget = pEntry;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while( nStartPos > 0 );
+ }
+ return pTarget;
+Point SvImpIconView::GetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pViewData,"Entry not in model")
+ return pViewData->aRect.TopLeft();
+const Rectangle& SvImpIconView::GetBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData )
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pViewData,"Entry not in model")
+ if( !IsBoundingRectValid( pViewData->aRect ))
+ FindBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ return pViewData->aRect;
+void SvImpIconView::SetSpaceBetweenEntries( long nHor, long nVer )
+ nHorDist = nHor;
+ nVerDist = nVer;
+Rectangle SvImpIconView::CalcBmpRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point* pPos,
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData )
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ Rectangle aBound = GetBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ if( pPos )
+ aBound.SetPos( *pPos );
+ Point aPos( aBound.TopLeft() );
+ switch( nViewMode )
+ {
+ {
+ aPos.X() += ( aBound.GetWidth() - nMaxBmpWidth ) / 2;
+ Size aSize( nMaxBmpWidth, nMaxBmpHeight );
+ // das Bitmap-Rechteck soll nicht das TextRect beruehren
+ aSize.Height() -= 3;
+ return Rectangle( aPos, aSize );
+ }
+ return Rectangle( aPos,
+ Size( nMaxBmpWidth, aBound.GetHeight() ));
+ return Rectangle( aPos, aBound.GetSize() );
+ default:
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ return aRect;
+ }
+ }
+Rectangle SvImpIconView::CalcTextRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvLBoxString* pItem, const Point* pPos, BOOL bForInplaceEdit,
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData )
+ long nBmpHeight, nBmpWidth;
+ if( !pItem )
+ pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ Size aTextSize( GetItemSize( pView, pEntry, pItem, pViewData ));
+ aTextSize.Width() += 2*LROFFS_TEXT;
+ Size aContextBmpSize(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP)->GetSize(pView,pEntry));
+ Rectangle aBound = GetBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ if( pPos )
+ aBound.SetPos( *pPos );
+ Point aPos( aBound.TopLeft() );
+ switch( nViewMode )
+ {
+ nBmpHeight = aContextBmpSize.Height();
+ if( nBmpHeight < nMaxBmpHeight )
+ nBmpHeight = nMaxBmpHeight;
+ aPos.Y() += nBmpHeight;
+ // beim Inplace-Editieren, spendieren wir ein bisschen mehr Platz
+ if( bForInplaceEdit )
+ {
+ // 20% rauf
+ long nMinWidth = (( (aContextBmpSize.Width()*10) / 100 ) * 2 ) +
+ aContextBmpSize.Width();
+ if( nMinWidth > aBound.GetWidth() )
+ nMinWidth = aBound.GetWidth();
+ if( aTextSize.Width() < nMinWidth )
+ aTextSize.Width() = nMinWidth;
+ // beim Inplace-Ed. darfs auch untere Eintraege ueberlappen
+ Rectangle aMaxGridTextRect = CalcMaxTextRect(pEntry, pViewData);
+#ifndef VCL
+ aMaxGridTextRect.Bottom() = LONG_MAX - 1;
+ aMaxGridTextRect = GetTextRect( pView, aMaxGridTextRect,pItem->GetText(), DRAWTEXT_FLAGS );
+ Size aOptSize = aMaxGridTextRect.GetSize();
+ if( aOptSize.Height() > aTextSize.Height() )
+ aTextSize.Height() = aOptSize.Height();
+ }
+ aPos.X() += ( aBound.GetWidth() - aTextSize.Width() ) / 2;
+ break;
+ nBmpWidth = aContextBmpSize.Width();
+ if( nBmpWidth < nMaxBmpWidth )
+ nBmpWidth = nMaxBmpWidth;
+ aPos.X() += nBmpWidth;
+ // vertikal ausrichten
+ aPos.Y() += ( nBmpWidth - aTextSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ Rectangle aRect( aPos, aTextSize );
+// KNALLT BEIM D&D, WENN GECLIPPT WIRD (In DrawText von Thomas)
+// ClipAtVirtOutRect( aRect );
+ return aRect;
+long SvImpIconView::CalcBoundingWidth( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP),"No Bitmaps")
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING),"No Text")
+ long nStringWidth = GetItemSize( pView, pEntry, pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING),pViewData).Width();
+ nStringWidth += 2*LROFFS_TEXT;
+ long nBmpWidth = pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP)->GetSize(pView,pEntry).Width();
+ long nWidth = 0;
+ switch( nViewMode )
+ {
+ nWidth = Max( nStringWidth, nBmpWidth );
+ nWidth = Max( nWidth, nMaxBmpWidth );
+ break;
+ nWidth = Max( nBmpWidth, nMaxBmpWidth );
+ nWidth += NAMEVIEW_OFFS_BMP_STRING; // Abstand Bitmap String
+ nWidth += nStringWidth;
+ break;
+ nWidth = nStringWidth;
+ break;
+ }
+ return nWidth;
+long SvImpIconView::CalcBoundingHeight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP),"No Bitmaps")
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING),"No Text")
+ long nStringHeight = GetItemSize(pView,pEntry,pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING),pViewData).Height();
+ long nBmpHeight = pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP)->GetSize(pView,pEntry).Height();
+ long nHeight = 0;
+ switch( nViewMode )
+ {
+ nHeight = Max( nBmpHeight, nMaxBmpHeight );
+ nHeight += ICONVIEW_OFFS_BMP_STRING; // Abstand Bitmap String
+ nHeight += nStringHeight;
+ break;
+ nHeight = Max( nBmpHeight, nMaxBmpHeight );
+ nHeight = Max( nHeight, nStringHeight );
+ break;
+ nHeight = nStringHeight;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( nHeight > nMaxBoundHeight )
+ {
+ ((SvImpIconView*)this)->nMaxBoundHeight = nHeight;
+ ((SvImpIconView*)this)->aHorSBar.SetLineSize( nHeight / 2 );
+ ((SvImpIconView*)this)->aVerSBar.SetLineSize( nHeight / 2 );
+ }
+ return nHeight;
+Size SvImpIconView::CalcBoundingSize( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ return Size( CalcBoundingWidth(pEntry,pViewData),
+ CalcBoundingHeight(pEntry,pViewData) );
+void SvImpIconView::RecalcAllBoundingRects()
+ nMaxBoundHeight = 0;
+ pZOrderList->Remove(0, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ FindBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+ bMustRecalcBoundingRects = FALSE;
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+void SvImpIconView::RecalcAllBoundingRectsSmart()
+ nMaxBoundHeight = 0;
+ pZOrderList->Remove(0, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( IsBoundingRectValid( pViewData->aRect ))
+ {
+ Size aBoundSize( pViewData->aRect.GetSize() );
+ if( aBoundSize.Height() > nMaxBoundHeight )
+ nMaxBoundHeight = aBoundSize.Height();
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FindBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ }
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+void SvImpIconView::UpdateBoundingRects()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::FindBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData )
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ Size aSize( CalcBoundingSize( pEntry, pViewData ) );
+ Point aPos;
+ DBG_ASSERT(!pViewData->IsEntryPosLocked(),"Locked entry pos in FindBoundingRect");
+ // damits in der IconView nicht drunter & drueber geht
+ if( pViewData->IsEntryPosLocked() && IsBoundingRectValid(pViewData->aRect) )
+ {
+ AdjustVirtSize( pViewData->aRect );
+ return;
+ }
+ aPos = FindNextEntryPos( aSize );
+ if( nFlags & F_GRIDMODE )
+ {
+ Rectangle aGridRect( aPos, Size(nGridDX, nGridDY) );
+ pViewData->aGridRect = aGridRect;
+ Center( pEntry, pViewData );
+ AdjustVirtSize( pViewData->aRect );
+ pImpCursor->SetGridUsed( pViewData->aRect );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pViewData->aRect = Rectangle( aPos, aSize );
+ AdjustVirtSize( pViewData->aRect );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( pEntry == pCursor )
+ return;
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pView->SetEntryFocus( pCursor, FALSE );
+ if( pView->GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, FALSE );
+ }
+ pCursor = pEntry;
+ ToTop( pCursor );
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pView->SetEntryFocus(pCursor, TRUE );
+ if( pView->GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ pView->Select( pCursor, TRUE );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::ShowCursor( BOOL bShow )
+ if( !pCursor || !bShow || !pView->HasFocus() )
+ {
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ return;
+ }
+ Rectangle aRect ( CalcFocusRect( pCursor ) );
+ pView->ShowFocus( aRect );
+void SvImpIconView::HideDDIcon()
+ pView->Update();
+ ImpHideDDIcon();
+ pDDBufDev = pDDDev;
+ pDDDev = 0;
+void SvImpIconView::ImpHideDDIcon()
+ if( pDDDev )
+ {
+ Size aSize( pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ // pView restaurieren
+ pView->DrawOutDev( aDDLastRectPos, aSize, Point(), aSize, *pDDDev );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::ShowDDIcon( SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPosPix )
+ pView->Update();
+ if( pRefEntry != pDDRefEntry )
+ {
+ }
+ BOOL bSelected = pView->SvListView::Select( pRefEntry, FALSE );
+ if( !pDDDev )
+ {
+ if( pDDBufDev )
+ {
+ // nicht bei jedem Move ein Device anlegen, da dies besonders
+ // auf Remote-Clients zu langsam ist
+ pDDDev = pDDBufDev;
+ pDDBufDev = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDDDev = new VirtualDevice( *pView );
+ pDDDev->SetFont( pView->GetFont() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ImpHideDDIcon();
+ }
+ const Rectangle& rRect = GetBoundingRect( pRefEntry );
+ pDDDev->SetOutputSizePixel( rRect.GetSize() );
+ Point aPos( rPosPix );
+ CalcDocPos( aPos );
+ Size aSize( pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ pDDRefEntry = pRefEntry;
+ aDDLastEntryPos = aPos;
+ aDDLastRectPos = aPos;
+ // Hintergrund sichern
+ pDDDev->DrawOutDev( Point(), aSize, aPos, aSize, *pView );
+ // Icon in pView malen
+ nFlags |= F_NO_EMPHASIS;
+ PaintEntry( pRefEntry, aPos );
+ nFlags &= ~F_NO_EMPHASIS;
+ if( bSelected )
+ pView->SvListView::Select( pRefEntry, TRUE );
+void SvImpIconView::HideShowDDIcon( SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPosPix )
+/* In Notfaellen folgenden flackernden Code aktivieren:
+ HideDDIcon();
+ ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix );
+ return;
+ if( !pDDDev )
+ {
+ ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( pRefEntry != pDDRefEntry )
+ {
+ HideDDIcon();
+ ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix );
+ return;
+ }
+ Point aEmptyPoint;
+ Point aCurEntryPos( rPosPix );
+ CalcDocPos( aCurEntryPos );
+ const Rectangle& rRect = GetBoundingRect( pRefEntry );
+ Size aEntrySize( rRect.GetSize() );
+ Rectangle aPrevEntryRect( aDDLastEntryPos, aEntrySize );
+ Rectangle aCurEntryRect( aCurEntryPos, aEntrySize );
+ if( !aPrevEntryRect.IsOver( aCurEntryRect ) )
+ {
+ HideDDIcon();
+ ShowDDIcon( pRefEntry, rPosPix );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ueberlappung des neuen und alten D&D-Pointers!
+ Rectangle aFullRect( aPrevEntryRect.Union( aCurEntryRect ) );
+ if( !pDDTempDev )
+ {
+ pDDTempDev = new VirtualDevice( *pView );
+ pDDTempDev->SetFont( pView->GetFont() );
+ }
+ Size aFullSize( aFullRect.GetSize() );
+ Point aFullPos( aFullRect.TopLeft() );
+ pDDTempDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aFullSize );
+ // Hintergrund (mit dem alten D&D-Pointer!) sichern
+ pDDTempDev->DrawOutDev( aEmptyPoint, aFullSize, aFullPos, aFullSize, *pView );
+ // den alten Buffer in den neuen Buffer pasten
+ aDDLastRectPos = aDDLastRectPos - aFullPos;
+ pDDTempDev->DrawOutDev(
+ aDDLastRectPos,
+ pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(),
+ aEmptyPoint,
+ pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(),
+ *pDDDev );
+ // Swap
+ VirtualDevice* pTemp = pDDDev;
+ pDDDev = pDDTempDev;
+ pDDTempDev = pTemp;
+ // in den restaurierten Hintergrund den neuen D&D-Pointer zeichnen
+ pDDTempDev->SetOutputSizePixel( pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ pDDTempDev->DrawOutDev(
+ aEmptyPoint, aFullSize, aEmptyPoint, aFullSize, *pDDDev );
+ Point aRelPos = aCurEntryPos - aFullPos;
+ nFlags |= F_NO_EMPHASIS;
+ PaintEntry( pRefEntry, aRelPos, 0, pDDTempDev );
+ nFlags &= ~F_NO_EMPHASIS;
+ aDDLastRectPos = aFullPos;
+ aDDLastEntryPos = aCurEntryPos;
+ pView->DrawOutDev(
+ aDDLastRectPos,
+ pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(),
+ aEmptyPoint,
+ pDDDev->GetOutputSizePixel(),
+ *pDDTempDev );
+ BOOL bSelected = pView->SvListView::Select( pRefEntry, FALSE );
+ if( bSelected )
+ pView->SvListView::Select( pRefEntry, TRUE );
+void SvImpIconView::ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bShow )
+ CheckBoundingRects();
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if( pEntry != pCurParent &&
+ (pEntry->HasChilds() || pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand()) )
+ aRect = CalcBmpRect( pEntry );
+ else
+ {
+ aRect.SetSize( aOutputSize );
+ const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode();
+ Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin());
+ aOrigin *= -1; // in Doc-Koord wandeln
+ aRect.SetPos( aOrigin );
+ aRect.Left()++; aRect.Top()++;
+ aRect.Right()--; aRect.Bottom()--;
+ }
+ ImpDrawXORRect( aRect );
+BOOL SvImpIconView::NotifyMoving( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewPar, ULONG& rNewChildPos )
+ if( pTarget == pCurParent && pModel->GetParent(pEntry) == pCurParent )
+ {
+ // D&D innerhalb einer Childlist
+ StopEditTimer();
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ Size aSize( pViewData->aRect.GetSize() );
+ Point aNewPos = FindNextEntryPos( aSize );
+ AdjustVirtSize( Rectangle( aNewPos, aSize ) );
+ SetEntryPos( pEntry, aNewPos, FALSE, TRUE );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return pView->SvLBox::NotifyMoving(pTarget,pEntry,rpNewPar,rNewChildPos);
+BOOL SvImpIconView::NotifyCopying( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos )
+ return pView->SvLBox::NotifyCopying(pTarget,pEntry,rpNewParent,rNewChildPos);
+void SvImpIconView::WriteDragServerInfo( const Point& rPos, SvLBoxDDInfo* pInfo)
+ SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ Point aEntryPos;
+ if( pCurEntry )
+ {
+ aEntryPos = rPos;
+ aEntryPos -= GetEntryPos( pCurEntry );
+ }
+ pInfo->nMouseRelX = aEntryPos.X();
+ pInfo->nMouseRelY = aEntryPos.Y();
+void SvImpIconView::ReadDragServerInfo( const Point& rPos, SvLBoxDDInfo* pInfo )
+ Point aDropPos( rPos );
+ aDropPos.X() -= pInfo->nMouseRelX;
+ aDropPos.Y() -= pInfo->nMouseRelY;
+ SetNextEntryPos( aDropPos );
+void SvImpIconView::InvalidateBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ InvalidateBoundingRect( pViewData->aRect );
+void SvImpIconView::PrepareCommandEvent( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ aMouseMoveTimer.Stop();
+ StopEditTimer();
+ nFlags |= F_CMD_ARRIVED;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->GetEntry( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), TRUE );
+ if( (nFlags & F_DOWN_CTRL) && pEntry && !pView->IsSelected(pEntry) )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+void SvImpIconView::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ PrepareCommandEvent( rCEvt );
+ if( rCEvt.GetCommand() == COMMAND_STARTDRAG )
+ {
+ nFlags |= F_DRAG_SOURCE;
+ if( GetSelectionCount() )
+ {
+ ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pView->BeginDrag( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel() );
+ ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+ nFlags &= (~F_DRAG_SOURCE);
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::ToTop( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pZOrderList->GetPos(pEntry)!=0xffff,"ToTop:ZOrder?");
+ if( pZOrderList->GetObject( pZOrderList->Count() -1 ) != pEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = pZOrderList->GetPos( (void*)pEntry );
+ pZOrderList->Remove( nPos, 1 );
+ pZOrderList->Insert( pEntry, pZOrderList->Count() );
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::SetCurParent( SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent )
+ Clear();
+ pCurParent = pNewParent;
+ ImpArrange();
+void SvImpIconView::ClipAtVirtOutRect( Rectangle& rRect ) const
+ if( rRect.Bottom() >= aVirtOutputSize.Height() )
+ rRect.Bottom() = aVirtOutputSize.Height() - 1;
+ if( rRect.Right() >= aVirtOutputSize.Width() )
+ rRect.Right() = aVirtOutputSize.Width() - 1;
+ if( rRect.Top() < 0 )
+ rRect.Top() = 0;
+ if( rRect.Left() < 0 )
+ rRect.Left() = 0;
+// rRect: Bereich des Dokumentes (in Dokumentkoordinaten), der
+// sichtbar gemacht werden soll.
+// bScrBar == TRUE: Das Rect wurde aufgrund eines ScrollBar-Events berechnet
+void SvImpIconView::MakeVisible( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bScrBar )
+ Rectangle aRect( rRect );
+ ClipAtVirtOutRect( aRect );
+ MapMode aMapMode( pView->GetMapMode() );
+ Point aOrigin( aMapMode.GetOrigin() );
+ // in Dokumentkoordinate umwandeln
+ aOrigin *= -1;
+ Rectangle aOutputArea( aOrigin, aOutputSize );
+ if( aOutputArea.IsInside( aRect ) )
+ return; // ist schon sichtbar
+ long nDy;
+ if( aRect.Top() < aOutputArea.Top() )
+ {
+ // nach oben scrollen (nDy < 0)
+ nDy = aRect.Top() - aOutputArea.Top();
+ }
+ else if( aRect.Bottom() > aOutputArea.Bottom() )
+ {
+ // nach unten scrollen (nDy > 0)
+ nDy = aRect.Bottom() - aOutputArea.Bottom();
+ }
+ else
+ nDy = 0;
+ long nDx;
+ if( aRect.Left() < aOutputArea.Left() )
+ {
+ // nach links scrollen (nDx < 0)
+ nDx = aRect.Left() - aOutputArea.Left();
+ }
+ else if( aRect.Right() > aOutputArea.Right() )
+ {
+ // nach rechts scrollen (nDx > 0)
+ nDx = aRect.Right() - aOutputArea.Right();
+ }
+ else
+ nDx = 0;
+ aOrigin.X() += nDx;
+ aOrigin.Y() += nDy;
+ aOutputArea.SetPos( aOrigin );
+ pView->Update();
+ // Origin fuer SV invertieren (damit wir in
+ // Dokumentkoordinaten scrollen/painten koennen)
+ aOrigin *= -1;
+ aMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin );
+ pView->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
+ // in umgekehrte Richtung scrollen!
+ pView->Control::Scroll( -nDx, -nDy, aOutputArea, TRUE );
+ if( aHorSBar.IsVisible() || aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ {
+ if( !bScrBar )
+ {
+ aOrigin *= -1;
+ // Thumbs korrigieren
+ if(aHorSBar.IsVisible() && aHorSBar.GetThumbPos() != aOrigin.X())
+ aHorSBar.SetThumbPos( aOrigin.X() );
+ if(aVerSBar.IsVisible() && aVerSBar.GetThumbPos() != aOrigin.Y())
+ aVerSBar.SetThumbPos( aOrigin.Y() );
+ }
+ }
+ // pruefen, ob ScrollBars noch benoetigt werden
+ CheckScrollBars();
+ pView->Update();
+SvLBoxEntry* SvImpIconView::GetNewCursor()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor;
+ if( pCursor )
+ {
+ pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoLeftRight( pCursor, FALSE );
+ if( !pNewCursor )
+ {
+ pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoLeftRight( pCursor, TRUE );
+ if( !pNewCursor )
+ {
+ pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pCursor, FALSE );
+ if( !pNewCursor )
+ pNewCursor = pImpCursor->GoUpDown( pCursor, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pNewCursor = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ DBG_ASSERT(!pNewCursor|| (pCursor&&pCursor!=pNewCursor),"GetNewCursor failed");
+ return pNewCursor;
+USHORT SvImpIconView:: GetSelectionCount() const
+ USHORT nSelected = 0;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent);
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( pView->IsSelected( pEntry ) )
+ nSelected++;
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+ return nSelected;
+void SvImpIconView::ToggleSelection( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ BOOL bSel;
+ if( pView->IsSelected( pEntry ) )
+ bSel = FALSE;
+ else
+ bSel = TRUE;
+ pView->Select( pEntry, bSel );
+void SvImpIconView::DeselectAllBut( SvLBoxEntry* pThisEntryNot )
+ ClearSelectedRectList();
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( pEntry != pThisEntryNot && pView->IsSelected( pEntry ))
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+#define ICN_ROWS 50
+#define ICN_COLS 30
+ImpIcnCursor::ImpIcnCursor( SvImpIconView* pOwner )
+ pView = pOwner;
+ pColumns = 0;
+ pRows = 0;
+ pCurEntry = 0;
+ nDeltaWidth = 0;
+ nDeltaHeight= 0;
+ nCols = 0;
+ nRows = 0;
+ nGridCols = 0;
+ nGridRows = 0;
+ pGridMap = 0;
+ delete[] pColumns;
+ delete[] pRows;
+ delete pGridMap;
+USHORT ImpIcnCursor::GetSortListPos( SvPtrarr* pList, long nValue,
+ int bVertical )
+ USHORT nCount = (USHORT)pList->Count();
+ if( !nCount )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nCurPos = 0;
+ long nPrevValue = LONG_MIN;
+ while( nCount )
+ {
+ const Rectangle& rRect=
+ pView->GetBoundingRect((SvLBoxEntry*)(pList->GetObject(nCurPos)));
+ long nCurValue;
+ if( bVertical )
+ nCurValue = rRect.Top();
+ else
+ nCurValue = rRect.Left();
+ if( nValue >= nPrevValue && nValue <= nCurValue )
+ return (USHORT)nCurPos;
+ nPrevValue = nCurValue;
+ nCount--;
+ nCurPos++;
+ }
+ return pList->Count();
+void ImpIcnCursor::ImplCreate()
+ pView->CheckBoundingRects();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pColumns==0&&pRows==0,"ImplCreate: Not cleared");
+ SetDeltas();
+ pColumns = new SvPtrarr[ nCols ];
+ pRows = new SvPtrarr[ nRows ];
+ DELETEZ(pGridMap);
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pModel = pView->pModel;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pView->pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA2(pEntry);
+ // const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ Rectangle rRect( pView->CalcBmpRect( pEntry,0,pViewData ) );
+ short nY = (short)( ((rRect.Top()+rRect.Bottom())/2) / nDeltaHeight );
+ short nX = (short)( ((rRect.Left()+rRect.Right())/2) / nDeltaWidth );
+ // Rundungsfehler abfangen
+ if( nY >= nRows )
+ nY = nRows - 1;
+ if( nX >= nCols )
+ nX = nCols - 1;
+ USHORT nIns = GetSortListPos( &pColumns[nX], rRect.Top(), TRUE );
+ pColumns[ nX ].Insert( pEntry, nIns );
+ nIns = GetSortListPos( &pRows[nY], rRect.Left(), FALSE );
+ pRows[ nY ].Insert( pEntry, nIns );
+ pViewData->nX = nX;
+ pViewData->nY = nY;
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+void ImpIcnCursor::CreateGridMap()
+ if( pGridMap )
+ return;
+ const Size& rSize = pView->aVirtOutputSize;
+ long nWidth = rSize.Width();
+ if( nWidth < pView->nMaxVirtWidth )
+ nWidth = pView->nMaxVirtWidth;
+ if( nWidth <= 0 )
+ nWidth = 1;
+ nGridDX = pView->nGridDX;
+ nGridDY = pView->nGridDY;
+ // Hinweis: Wegen der Abrundung bei Berechnung von nGridCols
+ // ist es moeglich, dass Eintrage nicht im Grid liegen. Diese
+ // wurden typischerweise manuell verschoben und gelockt
+ nGridCols = nWidth / nGridDX;
+ if( !nGridCols ) nGridCols = 1;
+ nGridRows = rSize.Height() / nGridDY;
+ // nRows nicht abrunden, da zur Vermeidung von Ueberlappungen
+ // das gesamte BoundingRect des Eintrags zur Markierung im Grid
+ // herangezogen wird.
+ if( (nGridRows * nGridDY) < rSize.Height() )
+ nGridRows++;
+ else if( !nGridRows )
+ nGridRows = 1;
+ //XXX
+ //nGridRows += 50; // in fuenfziger-Schritten
+ pGridMap = new BOOL[ nGridRows*nGridCols];
+ memset( (void*)pGridMap, 0, nGridRows*nGridCols );
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pModel = pView->pModel;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pModel->FirstChild( pView->pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA2(pEntry);
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pViewData->aRect;
+ // nur, wenn der Entry schon plaziert ist
+ if( pView->IsBoundingRectValid( rRect ))
+ {
+ // Alle vom Eintrag beruehrten Grids kennzeichnen
+ SetGridUsed( pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData ) );
+ }
+ pEntry = pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+BOOL ImpIcnCursor::GetGrid( const Point& rDocPos, USHORT& rGridX, USHORT& rGridY ) const
+ Point aPos( rDocPos );
+ rGridX = (USHORT)(aPos.X() / nGridDX);
+ rGridY = (USHORT)(aPos.Y() / nGridDY);
+ BOOL bInGrid = TRUE;
+ if( rGridX >= nGridCols )
+ {
+ rGridX = nGridCols - 1;
+ bInGrid = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( rGridY >= nGridRows )
+ {
+ rGridY = nGridRows - 1;
+ if( !bInGrid )
+ return FALSE; // beide Koordinaten nicht im Grid
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void ImpIcnCursor::SetGridUsed( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bUsed )
+ CreateGridMap();
+ BOOL bTLInGrid = GetGrid( rRect.TopLeft(), nTLX, nTLY );
+ BOOL bBRInGrid = GetGrid( rRect.BottomRight(), nBRX, nBRY );
+ if( !bTLInGrid && !bBRInGrid )
+ return;
+ for( USHORT nCurY = nTLY; nCurY <= nBRY; nCurY++ )
+ {
+ for( USHORT nCurX = nTLX; nCurX <= nBRX; nCurX++ )
+ {
+ SetGridUsed( nCurX, nCurY, bUsed );
+ }
+ }
+void ImpIcnCursor::Clear( BOOL bGridToo )
+ if( pColumns )
+ {
+ delete[] pColumns;
+ delete[] pRows;
+ pColumns = 0;
+ pRows = 0;
+ pCurEntry = 0;
+ nDeltaWidth = 0;
+ nDeltaHeight = 0;
+ }
+ if( bGridToo && pGridMap )
+ {
+ DELETEZ(pGridMap);
+ nGridRows = 0;
+ nGridCols = 0;
+ }
+SvLBoxEntry* ImpIcnCursor::SearchCol(USHORT nCol,USHORT nTop,USHORT nBottom,
+ USHORT nPref, BOOL bDown, BOOL bSimple )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pCurEntry,"SearchCol: No reference entry");
+ SvPtrarr* pList = &(pColumns[ nCol ]);
+ USHORT nCount = pList->Count();
+ if( !nCount )
+ return 0;
+ const Rectangle& rRefRect = pView->GetBoundingRect(pCurEntry);
+ if( bSimple )
+ {
+ USHORT nListPos = pList->GetPos( pCurEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(nListPos!=0xffff,"Entry not in Col-List");
+ if( bDown )
+ {
+ while( nListPos < nCount-1 )
+ {
+ nListPos++;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pList->GetObject( nListPos );
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ if( rRect.Top() > rRefRect.Top() )
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while( nListPos )
+ {
+ nListPos--;
+ if( nListPos < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pList->GetObject( nListPos );
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ if( rRect.Top() < rRefRect.Top() )
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nTop > nBottom )
+ {
+ USHORT nTemp = nTop;
+ nTop = nBottom;
+ nBottom = nTemp;
+ }
+ long nMinDistance = LONG_MAX;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pResult = 0;
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pList->GetObject( nCur ));
+ if( pEntry != pCurEntry )
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA2(pEntry);
+ USHORT nY = pViewData->nY;
+ if( nY >= nTop && nY <= nBottom )
+ {
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ long nDistance = rRect.Top() - rRefRect.Top();
+ if( nDistance < 0 )
+ nDistance *= -1;
+ if( nDistance && nDistance < nMinDistance )
+ {
+ nMinDistance = nDistance;
+ pResult = pEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pResult;
+SvLBoxEntry* ImpIcnCursor::SearchRow(USHORT nRow,USHORT nLeft,USHORT nRight,
+ USHORT nPref, BOOL bRight, BOOL bSimple )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pCurEntry,"SearchRow: No reference entry");
+ SvPtrarr* pList = &(pRows[ nRow ]);
+ USHORT nCount = pList->Count();
+ if( !nCount )
+ return 0;
+ const Rectangle& rRefRect = pView->GetBoundingRect(pCurEntry);
+ if( bSimple )
+ {
+ USHORT nListPos = pList->GetPos( pCurEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(nListPos!=0xffff,"Entry not in Row-List");
+ if( bRight )
+ {
+ while( nListPos < nCount-1 )
+ {
+ nListPos++;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pList->GetObject( nListPos );
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ if( rRect.Left() > rRefRect.Left() )
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while( nListPos )
+ {
+ nListPos--;
+ if( nListPos < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pList->GetObject( nListPos );
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ if( rRect.Left() < rRefRect.Left() )
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nRight < nLeft )
+ {
+ USHORT nTemp = nRight;
+ nRight = nLeft;
+ nLeft = nTemp;
+ }
+ long nMinDistance = LONG_MAX;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pResult = 0;
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pList->GetObject( nCur ));
+ if( pEntry != pCurEntry )
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA2(pEntry);
+ USHORT nX = pViewData->nX;
+ if( nX >= nLeft && nX <= nRight )
+ {
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ long nDistance = rRect.Left() - rRefRect.Left();
+ if( nDistance < 0 )
+ nDistance *= -1;
+ if( nDistance && nDistance < nMinDistance )
+ {
+ nMinDistance = nDistance;
+ pResult = pEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pResult;
+ Sucht ab dem uebergebenen Eintrag den naechsten rechts- bzw.
+ linksstehenden. Suchverfahren am Beispiel bRight = TRUE:
+ c
+ b c
+ a b c
+ S 1 1 1 ====> Suchrichtung
+ a b c
+ b c
+ c
+ S : Startposition
+ 1 : erstes Suchrechteck
+ a,b,c : 2., 3., 4. Suchrechteck
+SvLBoxEntry* ImpIcnCursor::GoLeftRight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bRight )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pResult;
+ pCurEntry = pEntry;
+ Create();
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA2(pEntry);
+ USHORT nY = pViewData->nY;
+ USHORT nX = pViewData->nX;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nY< nRows,"GoLeftRight:Bad column");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nX< nCols,"GoLeftRight:Bad row");
+ // Nachbar auf gleicher Zeile ?
+ if( bRight )
+ pResult = SearchRow( nY, nX ,nCols-1, nX, TRUE, TRUE );
+ else
+ pResult = SearchRow( nY, nX ,0, nX, FALSE, TRUE );
+ if( pResult )
+ return pResult;
+ long nCurCol = nX;
+ long nColOffs, nLastCol;
+ if( bRight )
+ {
+ nColOffs = 1;
+ nLastCol = nCols;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nColOffs = -1;
+ nLastCol = -1; // 0-1
+ }
+ USHORT nRowMin = nY;
+ USHORT nRowMax = nY;
+ do
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SearchCol((USHORT)nCurCol,nRowMin,nRowMax,nY,TRUE, FALSE);
+ if( pEntry )
+ return pEntry;
+ if( nRowMin )
+ nRowMin--;
+ if( nRowMax < (nRows-1))
+ nRowMax++;
+ nCurCol += nColOffs;
+ } while( nCurCol != nLastCol );
+ return 0;
+SvLBoxEntry* ImpIcnCursor::GoUpDown( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bDown)
+ SvLBoxEntry* pResult;
+ pCurEntry = pEntry;
+ Create();
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA2(pEntry);
+ USHORT nY = pViewData->nY;
+ USHORT nX = pViewData->nX;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nY<nRows,"GoUpDown:Bad column");
+ DBG_ASSERT(nX<nCols,"GoUpDown:Bad row");
+ // Nachbar in gleicher Spalte ?
+ if( bDown )
+ pResult = SearchCol( nX, nY ,nRows-1, nY, TRUE, TRUE );
+ else
+ pResult = SearchCol( nX, nY ,0, nY, FALSE, TRUE );
+ if( pResult )
+ return pResult;
+ long nCurRow = nY;
+ long nRowOffs, nLastRow;
+ if( bDown )
+ {
+ nRowOffs = 1;
+ nLastRow = nRows;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nRowOffs = -1;
+ nLastRow = -1; // 0-1
+ }
+ USHORT nColMin = nX;
+ USHORT nColMax = nX;
+ do
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SearchRow((USHORT)nCurRow,nColMin,nColMax,nX,TRUE, FALSE);
+ if( pEntry )
+ return pEntry;
+ if( nColMin )
+ nColMin--;
+ if( nColMax < (nCols-1))
+ nColMax++;
+ nCurRow += nRowOffs;
+ } while( nCurRow != nLastRow );
+ return 0;
+void ImpIcnCursor::SetDeltas()
+ const Size& rSize = pView->aVirtOutputSize;
+ if( pView->nFlags & F_GRIDMODE )
+ {
+ nGridDX = pView->nGridDX;
+ nGridDY = pView->nGridDY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nGridDX = 20;
+ nGridDY = 20;
+ }
+ nCols = rSize.Width() / nGridDX;
+ if( !nCols )
+ nCols = 1;
+ nRows = rSize.Height() / nGridDY;
+ if( (nRows * nGridDY) < rSize.Height() )
+ nRows++;
+ if( !nRows )
+ nRows = 1;
+ nDeltaWidth = (short)(rSize.Width() / nCols);
+ nDeltaHeight = (short)(rSize.Height() / nRows);
+ if( !nDeltaHeight )
+ {
+ nDeltaHeight = 1;
+ DBG_WARNING("SetDeltas:Bad height");
+ }
+ if( !nDeltaWidth )
+ {
+ nDeltaWidth = 1;
+ DBG_WARNING("SetDeltas:Bad width");
+ }
+void ImpIcnCursor::ExpandGrid()
+ if( pGridMap )
+ {
+ long nNewGridRows = nGridRows + 20;
+ unsigned char* pTempMap = new unsigned char[ nNewGridRows * nGridCols ];
+ memset( pTempMap, nNewGridRows * nGridCols, 0 );
+ memcpy( pTempMap, pGridMap, nGridRows * nGridCols );
+ delete pGridMap;
+ pGridMap = pTempMap;
+ nGridRows = nNewGridRows;
+ }
+BOOL ImpIcnCursor::FindEmptyGridRect( Rectangle& rRect )
+ CreateGridMap();
+ USHORT nCount = (USHORT)(nGridCols * nGridRows);
+ if( !nCount )
+ return FALSE;
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ if( !pGridMap[ nCur ] )
+ {
+ USHORT nCol = (USHORT)(nCur % nGridCols);
+ USHORT nRow = (USHORT)(nCur / nGridCols);
+ rRect.Top() = nRow * nGridDY + TBOFFS_WINBORDER;
+ rRect.Bottom() = rRect.Top() + nGridDY;
+ rRect.Left() = nCol * nGridDX+ LROFFS_WINBORDER;
+ rRect.Right() = rRect.Left() + nGridDX;
+ SetGridUsed( nCol, nRow, TRUE );
+ //XXX
+ //if( nRow + 5 > nGridRows )
+ // ExpandGrid();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pGridMap[nCur],"SetGridUsed failed");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Gridmap ist voll: Um eine Zeile erweitern
+ rRect.Top() = nGridRows * nGridDY + TBOFFS_WINBORDER;
+ rRect.Bottom() = rRect.Top() + nGridDY;
+ rRect.Left() = LROFFS_WINBORDER;
+ rRect.Right() = rRect.Left() + nGridDX;
+ return FALSE;
+ //XXX
+ //ExpandGrid();
+ //return TRUE;
+void ImpIcnCursor::CreateGridAjustData( SvPtrarr& rLists, SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry)
+ if( !pRefEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nRows = (USHORT)(pView->aVirtOutputSize.Height() / pView->nGridDY);
+ nRows++; // wg. Abrundung!
+ if( !nRows )
+ return;
+ for( USHORT nCurList = 0; nCurList < nRows; nCurList++ )
+ {
+ SvPtrarr* pRow = new SvPtrarr;
+ rLists.Insert( (void*)pRow, nCurList );
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->pModel->FirstChild( pView->pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ short nY = (short)( ((rRect.Top()+rRect.Bottom())/2) / pView->nGridDY );
+ USHORT nIns = GetSortListPos((SvPtrarr*)rLists[nY],rRect.Left(),FALSE);
+ ((SvPtrarr*)rLists[ nY ])->Insert( pEntry, nIns );
+ pEntry = pView->pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Aufbau eines hor. "Schlauchs" auf der RefEntry-Zeile
+ // UEBERLEGEN: BoundingRect nehmen wg. Ueberlappungen???
+ Rectangle rRefRect( pView->CalcBmpRect( pRefEntry ) );
+ //const Rectangle& rRefRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pRefEntry );
+ short nRefRow = (short)( ((rRefRect.Top()+rRefRect.Bottom())/2) / pView->nGridDY );
+ SvPtrarr* pRow = new SvPtrarr;
+ rLists.Insert( (void*)pRow, 0 );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pView->pModel->FirstChild( pView->pCurParent );
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ Rectangle rRect( pView->CalcBmpRect(pEntry) );
+ //const Rectangle& rRect = pView->GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
+ short nY = (short)( ((rRect.Top()+rRect.Bottom())/2) / pView->nGridDY );
+ if( nY == nRefRow )
+ {
+ USHORT nIns = GetSortListPos( pRow, rRect.Left(), FALSE );
+ pRow->Insert( pEntry, nIns );
+ }
+ pEntry = pView->pModel->NextSibling( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+void ImpIcnCursor::DestroyGridAdjustData( SvPtrarr& rLists )
+ USHORT nCount = rLists.Count();
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvPtrarr* pArr = (SvPtrarr*)rLists[ nCur ];
+ delete pArr;
+ }
+ rLists.Remove( 0, rLists.Count() );
+void SvImpIconView::SetGrid( long nDX, long nDY )
+ nGridDX = nDX;
+ nGridDY = nDY;
+ nFlags |= F_GRIDMODE;
+Rectangle SvImpIconView::CalcMaxTextRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ Rectangle aRect = pViewData->aGridRect;
+ long nBmpHeight = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry)->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP)->GetSize(pView,(SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry).Height();
+ aRect.Top() += nBmpHeight;
+ if( aRect.Top() > aRect.Bottom())
+ aRect.Top() = aRect.Bottom();
+ aRect.Left() += LROFFS_BOUND;
+ aRect.Left()++;
+ aRect.Right() -= LROFFS_BOUND;
+ aRect.Right()--;
+ if( aRect.Left() > aRect.Right())
+ aRect.Left() = aRect.Right();
+ if( GetTextMode( pEntry, pViewData ) == ShowTextFull )
+ aRect.Bottom() = LONG_MAX;
+ return aRect;
+void SvImpIconView::Center( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ const String& rEntryText = pStringItem->GetText();
+ Rectangle aTextRect = CalcMaxTextRect(pEntry,pViewData);
+ aTextRect = GetTextRect( pView, aTextRect, rEntryText, DRAWTEXT_FLAGS );
+ pViewData->aTextSize = aTextRect.GetSize();
+ pViewData->aRect = pViewData->aGridRect;
+ Size aSize( CalcBoundingSize( pEntry, pViewData ) );
+ long nBorder = pViewData->aGridRect.GetWidth() - aSize.Width();
+ pViewData->aRect.Left() += nBorder / 2;
+ pViewData->aRect.Right() -= nBorder / 2;
+ pViewData->aRect.Bottom() = pViewData->aRect.Top() + aSize.Height();
+// Die Deltas entsprechen Offsets, um die die View auf dem Doc verschoben wird
+// links, hoch: Offsets < 0
+// rechts, runter: Offsets > 0
+void SvImpIconView::Scroll( long nDeltaX, long nDeltaY, BOOL bScrollBar )
+ const MapMode& rMapMode = pView->GetMapMode();
+ Point aOrigin( rMapMode.GetOrigin() );
+ // in Dokumentkoordinate umwandeln
+ aOrigin *= -1;
+ aOrigin.Y() += nDeltaY;
+ aOrigin.X() += nDeltaX;
+ Rectangle aRect( aOrigin, aOutputSize );
+ MakeVisible( aRect, bScrollBar );
+const Size& SvImpIconView::GetItemSize( SvIconView* pView,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem, const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData) const
+ if( (nFlags & F_GRIDMODE) && pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ return pViewData->aTextSize;
+ }
+ else
+ return pItem->GetSize( pView, pEntry );
+Rectangle SvImpIconView::CalcFocusRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+#if !defined(OS2)
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pStringItem,"Text not set");
+ return CalcTextRect( pEntry, pStringItem );
+ return CalcBmpRect( pEntry );
+void SvImpIconView::SelectRect( const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bAdd,
+ SvPtrarr* pOtherRects, short nBorderOffs )
+ if( !pZOrderList || !pZOrderList->Count() )
+ return;
+ CheckBoundingRects();
+ pView->Update();
+ USHORT nCount = pZOrderList->Count();
+ Rectangle aRect( rRect );
+ aRect.Justify();
+ if( nBorderOffs )
+ {
+ aRect.Left() -= nBorderOffs;
+ aRect.Right() += nBorderOffs;
+ aRect.Top() -= nBorderOffs;
+ aRect.Bottom() += nBorderOffs;
+ }
+ BOOL bCalcOverlap = (bAdd && pOtherRects && pOtherRects->Count()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ for( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pZOrderList->GetObject(nPos ));
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pViewData,"Entry not in model")
+ if( !IsBoundingRectValid( pViewData->aRect ))
+ FindBoundingRect( pEntry, pViewData );
+ const Rectangle& rBoundRect = pViewData->aRect;
+ BOOL bSelected = pViewData->IsSelected();
+ BOOL bOverlaps;
+ if( bCalcOverlap )
+ bOverlaps = IsOver( pOtherRects, rBoundRect );
+ else
+ bOverlaps = FALSE;
+ BOOL bOver = aRect.IsOver( rBoundRect );
+ if( bOver && !bOverlaps )
+ {
+ // Ist im neuen Selektionsrechteck und in keinem alten
+ // => selektieren
+ if( !bSelected )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ }
+ else if( !bAdd )
+ {
+ // ist ausserhalb des Selektionsrechtecks
+ // => Selektion entfernen
+ if( bSelected )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ }
+ else if( bAdd && bOverlaps )
+ {
+ // Der Eintrag befindet sich in einem alten (=>Aufspannen
+ // mehrerer Rechtecke mit Ctrl!) Selektionsrechteck
+ // Hier ist noch ein Bug! Der Selektionsstatus eines Eintrags
+ // in einem vorherigen Rechteck, muss restauriert werden, wenn
+ // er vom aktuellen Selektionsrechteck beruehrt wurde, jetzt aber
+ // nicht mehr in ihm liegt. Ich gehe hier der Einfachheit halber
+ // pauschal davon aus, dass die Eintraege in den alten Rechtecken
+ // alle selektiert sind. Ebenso ist es falsch, die Schnittmenge
+ // nur zu deselektieren.
+ // Loesungsmoeglichkeit: Snapshot der Selektion vor dem Auf-
+ // spannen des Rechtecks merken
+ if( rBoundRect.IsOver( rRect))
+ {
+ // Schnittmenge zwischen alten Rects & aktuellem Rect desel.
+ if( bSelected )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Eintrag eines alten Rects selektieren
+ if( !bSelected )
+ pView->Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( !bOver && bSelected )
+ {
+ // Der Eintrag liegt voellig ausserhalb und wird deshalb desel.
+ pView->Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ }
+ }
+ pView->Update();
+BOOL SvImpIconView::IsOver( SvPtrarr* pRectList, const Rectangle& rBoundRect ) const
+ USHORT nCount = pRectList->Count();
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ Rectangle* pRect = (Rectangle*)pRectList->GetObject( nCur );
+ if( rBoundRect.IsOver( *pRect ))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void SvImpIconView::AddSelectedRect( const Rectangle& rRect, short nBorderOffs )
+ Rectangle* pRect = new Rectangle( rRect );
+ pRect->Justify();
+ if( nBorderOffs )
+ {
+ pRect->Left() -= nBorderOffs;
+ pRect->Right() += nBorderOffs;
+ pRect->Top() -= nBorderOffs;
+ pRect->Bottom() += nBorderOffs;
+ }
+ aSelectedRectList.Insert( (void*)pRect, aSelectedRectList.Count() );
+void SvImpIconView::ClearSelectedRectList()
+ USHORT nCount = aSelectedRectList.Count();
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ Rectangle* pRect = (Rectangle*)aSelectedRectList.GetObject( nCur );
+ delete pRect;
+ }
+ aSelectedRectList.Remove( 0, aSelectedRectList.Count() );
+void SvImpIconView::DrawSelectionRect( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ pView->HideTracking();
+ pView->ShowTracking( rRect, SHOWTRACK_SMALL | SHOWTRACK_WINDOW );
+ aCurSelectionRect = rRect;
+void SvImpIconView::HideSelectionRect()
+ if( nFlags & F_SELRECT_VISIBLE )
+ {
+ pView->HideTracking();
+ }
+void SvImpIconView::ImpDrawXORRect( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ RasterOp eOldOp = pView->GetRasterOp();
+ pView->SetRasterOp( ROP_XOR );
+ Color aOldColor = pView->GetFillColor();
+ pView->SetFillColor();
+ pView->DrawRect( rRect );
+ pView->SetFillColor( aOldColor );
+ pView->SetRasterOp( eOldOp );
+void SvImpIconView::CalcScrollOffsets( const Point& rPosPixel,
+ long& rX, long& rY, BOOL bInDragDrop, USHORT nBorderWidth)
+ // Scrolling der View, falls sich der Mauszeiger im Grenzbereich des
+ // Fensters befindet
+ long nPixelToScrollX = 0;
+ long nPixelToScrollY = 0;
+ Size aWndSize = aOutputSize;
+ nBorderWidth = (USHORT)(Min( (long)(aWndSize.Height()-1), (long)nBorderWidth ));
+ nBorderWidth = (USHORT)(Min( (long)(aWndSize.Width()-1), (long)nBorderWidth ));
+ if ( rPosPixel.X() < nBorderWidth )
+ {
+ if( bInDragDrop )
+ nPixelToScrollX = -DD_SCROLL_PIXEL;
+ else
+ nPixelToScrollX = rPosPixel.X()- nBorderWidth;
+ }
+ else if ( rPosPixel.X() > aWndSize.Width() - nBorderWidth )
+ {
+ if( bInDragDrop )
+ nPixelToScrollX = DD_SCROLL_PIXEL;
+ else
+ nPixelToScrollX = rPosPixel.X() - (aWndSize.Width() - nBorderWidth);
+ }
+ if ( rPosPixel.Y() < nBorderWidth )
+ {
+ if( bInDragDrop )
+ nPixelToScrollY = -DD_SCROLL_PIXEL;
+ else
+ nPixelToScrollY = rPosPixel.Y() - nBorderWidth;
+ }
+ else if ( rPosPixel.Y() > aWndSize.Height() - nBorderWidth )
+ {
+ if( bInDragDrop )
+ nPixelToScrollY = DD_SCROLL_PIXEL;
+ else
+ nPixelToScrollY = rPosPixel.Y() - (aWndSize.Height() - nBorderWidth);
+ }
+ rX = nPixelToScrollX;
+ rY = nPixelToScrollY;
+IMPL_LINK(SvImpIconView, MouseMoveTimeoutHdl, Timer*, pTimer )
+ pTimer->Start();
+ MouseMove( aMouseMoveEvent );
+ return 0;
+void SvImpIconView::EndTracking()
+ pView->ReleaseMouse();
+ if( nFlags & F_RUBBERING )
+ {
+ aMouseMoveTimer.Stop();
+ nFlags &= ~(F_RUBBERING | F_ADD_MODE);
+ }
+BOOL SvImpIconView::IsTextHit( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rDocPos )
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( pItem )
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect( CalcTextRect( pEntry, pItem ));
+ if( aRect.IsInside( rDocPos ) )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+IMPL_LINK(SvImpIconView, EditTimeoutHdl, Timer*, pTimer )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pView->IsInplaceEditingEnabled() && pEntry &&
+ pView->IsSelected( pEntry ))
+ {
+ pView->EditEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Funktionen zum Ausrichten der Eintraege am Grid
+// pStart == 0: Alle Eintraege werden ausgerichtet
+// sonst: Alle Eintraege der Zeile ab einschliesslich pStart werden ausgerichtet
+void SvImpIconView::AdjustAtGrid( SvLBoxEntry* pStart )
+ SvPtrarr aLists;
+ pImpCursor->CreateGridAjustData( aLists, pStart );
+ USHORT nCount = aLists.Count();
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ AdjustAtGrid( *(SvPtrarr*)aLists[ nCur ], pStart );
+ }
+ ImpIcnCursor::DestroyGridAdjustData( aLists );
+ CheckScrollBars();
+// Richtet eine Zeile aus, erweitert ggf. die Breite; Bricht die Zeile nicht um
+void SvImpIconView::AdjustAtGrid( const SvPtrarr& rRow, SvLBoxEntry* pStart )
+ if( !rRow.Count() )
+ return;
+ BOOL bGo;
+ if( !pStart )
+ bGo = TRUE;
+ else
+ bGo = FALSE;
+ long nCurRight = 0;
+ for( USHORT nCur = 0; nCur < rRow.Count(); nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pCur = (SvLBoxEntry*)rRow[ nCur ];
+ if( !bGo && pCur == pStart )
+ bGo = TRUE;
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pCur);
+ // Massgebend (fuer das menschliche Auge) ist die Bitmap, da sonst
+ // durch lange Texte der Eintrag stark springen kann
+ const Rectangle& rBoundRect = GetBoundingRect( pCur, pViewData );
+ Rectangle aCenterRect( CalcBmpRect( pCur, 0, pViewData ));
+ if( bGo && !pViewData->IsEntryPosLocked() )
+ {
+ long nWidth = aCenterRect.GetSize().Width();
+ Point aNewPos( AdjustAtGrid( aCenterRect, rBoundRect ) );
+ while( aNewPos.X() < nCurRight )
+ aNewPos.X() += nGridDX;
+ if( aNewPos != rBoundRect.TopLeft() )
+ SetEntryPos( pCur, aNewPos );
+ nCurRight = aNewPos.X() + nWidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nCurRight = rBoundRect.Right();
+ }
+ }
+// Richtet Rect am Grid aus, garantiert jedoch nicht, dass die
+// neue Pos. frei ist. Die Pos. kann fuer SetEntryPos verwendet werden.
+// Das CenterRect beschreibt den Teil des BoundRects, der fuer
+// die Berechnung des Ziel-Rechtecks verwendet wird.
+Point SvImpIconView::AdjustAtGrid( const Rectangle& rCenterRect,
+ const Rectangle& rBoundRect ) const
+ Point aPos( rCenterRect.TopLeft() );
+ Size aSize( rCenterRect.GetSize() );
+ // align (ref ist mitte des rects)
+ short nGridX = (short)((aPos.X()+(aSize.Width()/2)) / nGridDX);
+ short nGridY = (short)((aPos.Y()+(aSize.Height()/2)) / nGridDY);
+ aPos.X() = nGridX * nGridDX;
+ aPos.Y() = nGridY * nGridDY;
+ // hor. center
+ aPos.X() += (nGridDX - rBoundRect.GetSize().Width() ) / 2;
+ return aPos;
+void SvImpIconView::SetTextMode( SvIconViewTextMode eMode, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( !pEntry )
+ {
+ if( eTextMode != eMode )
+ {
+ if( eTextMode == ShowTextDontKnow )
+ eTextMode = ShowTextShort;
+ eTextMode = eMode;
+ pView->Arrange();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(pEntry);
+ if( pViewData->eTextMode != eMode )
+ {
+ pViewData->eTextMode = eMode;
+ pModel->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ AdjustVirtSize( pViewData->aRect );
+ }
+ }
+SvIconViewTextMode SvImpIconView::GetTextMode( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return eTextMode;
+ else
+ {
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(((SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry));
+ return pViewData->GetTextMode();
+ }
+SvIconViewTextMode SvImpIconView::GetEntryTextModeSmart( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"GetEntryTextModeSmart: Entry not set");
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = ICNVIEWDATA(((SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry));
+ SvIconViewTextMode eMode = pViewData->GetTextMode();
+ if( eMode == ShowTextDontKnow )
+ return eTextMode;
+ return eMode;
+void SvImpIconView::ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ if( !pEntry )
+ pView->HideFocus();
+ else
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect ( CalcFocusRect( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry ) );
+ pView->ShowFocus( aRect );
+ }
+IMPL_LINK(SvImpIconView, UserEventHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
+ nCurUserEvent = 0;
+ AdjustScrollBars();
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ if( GetResizeRect(aRect) )
+ PaintResizeRect( aRect );
+ return 0;
+void SvImpIconView::CancelUserEvent()
+ if( nCurUserEvent )
+ {
+ Application::RemoveUserEvent( nCurUserEvent );
+ nCurUserEvent = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svlbitm.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svlbitm.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc6cd0c85cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svlbitm.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svlbitm.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svlbitm.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define TABOFFS_NOT_VALID -2000000
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+ bDataOk = FALSE;
+ pEntry = 0;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+void SvLBoxButtonData::CallLink()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+ aLink.Call( this );
+USHORT SvLBoxButtonData::GetIndex( USHORT nItemState )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+ nItemState &= 0x000F;
+ USHORT nIdx;
+ switch( nItemState )
+ {
+ nIdx = SV_BMP_UNCHECKED; break;
+ nIdx = SV_BMP_CHECKED; break;
+ nIdx = SV_BMP_TRISTATE; break;
+ nIdx = SV_BMP_HIUNCHECKED; break;
+ nIdx = SV_BMP_HICHECKED; break;
+ nIdx = SV_BMP_HITRISTATE; break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return nIdx;
+void SvLBoxButtonData::SetWidthAndHeight()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+ Size aSize = aBmps[0].GetSizePixel();
+ nWidth = aSize.Width();
+ nHeight = aSize.Height();
+ bDataOk = TRUE;
+void SvLBoxButtonData::StoreButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pActEntry, USHORT nItemFlags )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+ pEntry = pActEntry;
+ eState = ConvertToButtonState( nItemFlags );
+SvButtonState SvLBoxButtonData::ConvertToButtonState( USHORT nItemFlags ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButtonData,0);
+ switch( nItemFlags )
+ {
+ default:
+ }
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxString
+// ***************************************************************
+SvLBoxString::SvLBoxString( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,USHORT nFlags,const XubString& rStr) :
+ SvLBoxItem( pEntry, nFlags )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxString,0);
+ SetText( pEntry, rStr );
+SvLBoxString::SvLBoxString() : SvLBoxItem()
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxString,0);
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxString,0);
+USHORT SvLBoxString::IsA()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxString,0);
+void SvLBoxString::Paint( const Point& rPos, SvLBox& rDev, USHORT /* nFlags */,
+ SvLBoxEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxString,0);
+ rDev.DrawText( rPos, aStr );
+SvLBoxItem* SvLBoxString::Create() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxString,0);
+ return new SvLBoxString;
+void SvLBoxString::Clone( SvLBoxItem* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxString,0);
+ aStr = ((SvLBoxString*)pSource)->aStr;
+void SvLBoxString::SetText( SvLBoxEntry*, const XubString& rStr )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxString,0);
+ aStr = rStr;
+void SvLBoxString::InitViewData( SvLBox* pView,SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvViewDataItem* pViewData)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxString,0);
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this );
+ pViewData->aSize = Size(pView->GetTextWidth( aStr ), pView->GetTextHeight());
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxBmp
+// ***************************************************************
+SvLBoxBmp::SvLBoxBmp( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, USHORT nFlags, Image aBitmap ) :
+ SvLBoxItem( pEntry, nFlags )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxBmp,0);
+ SetBitmap( pEntry, aBitmap);
+SvLBoxBmp::SvLBoxBmp() : SvLBoxItem()
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxBmp,0);
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxBmp,0);
+USHORT SvLBoxBmp::IsA()
+void SvLBoxBmp::SetBitmap( SvLBoxEntry*, Image aBitmap)
+ aBmp = aBitmap;
+void SvLBoxBmp::InitViewData( SvLBox* pView,SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvViewDataItem* pViewData)
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this );
+ pViewData->aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+void SvLBoxBmp::Paint( const Point& rPos, SvLBox& rDev, USHORT /* nFlags */,
+ SvLBoxEntry* )
+ rDev.DrawImage( rPos, aBmp );
+SvLBoxItem* SvLBoxBmp::Create() const
+ return new SvLBoxBmp;
+void SvLBoxBmp::Clone( SvLBoxItem* pSource )
+ aBmp = ((SvLBoxBmp*)pSource)->aBmp;
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxButton
+// ***************************************************************
+SvLBoxButton::SvLBoxButton( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,USHORT nFlags,SvLBoxButtonData* pBData)
+ : SvLBoxItem( pEntry, nFlags )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ nBaseOffs = 0;
+ nItemFlags = 0;
+ SetStateUnchecked();
+ pData = pBData;
+SvLBoxButton::SvLBoxButton() : SvLBoxItem()
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ nItemFlags = 0;
+ SetStateUnchecked();
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxButton,0);
+USHORT SvLBoxButton::IsA()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+void SvLBoxButton::Check(SvLBox*, SvLBoxEntry*, BOOL bOn)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ if ( bOn != IsStateChecked() )
+ {
+ if ( bOn )
+ SetStateChecked();
+ else
+ SetStateUnchecked();
+ }
+BOOL SvLBoxButton::ClickHdl( SvLBox*, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ if ( IsStateChecked() )
+ SetStateUnchecked();
+ else
+ SetStateChecked();
+ pData->StoreButtonState( pEntry, nItemFlags );
+ pData->CallLink();
+ return FALSE;
+void SvLBoxButton::Paint( const Point& rPos, SvLBox& rDev, USHORT /* nFlags */,
+ SvLBoxEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ USHORT nIndex = pData->GetIndex( nItemFlags );
+ rDev.DrawImage( rPos, pData->aBmps[nIndex + nBaseOffs] );
+SvLBoxItem* SvLBoxButton::Create() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ return new SvLBoxButton;
+void SvLBoxButton::Clone( SvLBoxItem* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ pData = ((SvLBoxButton*)pSource)->pData;
+void SvLBoxButton::InitViewData( SvLBox* pView,SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvViewDataItem* pViewData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxButton,0);
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this );
+ pViewData->aSize = Size( pData->Width(), pData->Height() );
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxContextBmp
+// ***************************************************************
+SvLBoxContextBmp::SvLBoxContextBmp( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, USHORT nItemFlags,
+ Image aBmp1, Image aBmp2, USHORT nEntryFlags )
+ : SvLBoxItem( pEntry, nItemFlags )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ nEntryFlagsBmp1 = nEntryFlags;
+ SetBitmap1( pEntry, aBmp1 );
+ SetBitmap2( pEntry, aBmp2 );
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+USHORT SvLBoxContextBmp::IsA()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+void SvLBoxContextBmp::SetBitmap1( SvLBoxEntry*, Image aBmp )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ aBmp1 = aBmp;
+void SvLBoxContextBmp::SetBitmap2( SvLBoxEntry*, Image aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ aBmp2 = aBmp;
+void SvLBoxContextBmp::InitViewData( SvLBox* pView,SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ SvViewDataItem* pViewData)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ if( !pViewData )
+ pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this );
+ pViewData->aSize = aBmp1.GetSizePixel();
+void SvLBoxContextBmp::Paint( const Point& rPos, SvLBox& rDev,
+ USHORT nViewDataEntryFlags, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ Image* pBmp = &aBmp1;
+ if( nViewDataEntryFlags & nEntryFlagsBmp1 )
+ pBmp = &aBmp2;
+ rDev.DrawImage( rPos, *pBmp);
+SvLBoxItem* SvLBoxContextBmp::Create() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ return new SvLBoxContextBmp;
+void SvLBoxContextBmp::Clone( SvLBoxItem* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxContextBmp,0);
+ aBmp1 = ((SvLBoxContextBmp*)pSource)->aBmp1;
+ aBmp2 = ((SvLBoxContextBmp*)pSource)->aBmp2;
+ nEntryFlagsBmp1 = ((SvLBoxContextBmp*)pSource)->nEntryFlagsBmp1;
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svlbox.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svlbox.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d7b9b333e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svlbox.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1691 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svlbox.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ Todo:
+ - Anker loeschen in SelectionEngine bei manuellem Selektieren
+ - SelectAll( FALSE ), nur die deselektierten Entries repainten
+#include <string.h>
+#ifndef _SVEDI_HXX
+#include <svmedit.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_ACCEL_HXX
+#include <vcl/accel.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_DRAG_HXX
+#include <vcl/drag.hxx>
+#include <sot/formats.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svlbitm.hxx>
+// fuer Drag&Drop
+static SvLBox* pDDSource = 0;
+static SvLBox* pDDTarget = 0;
+SvInplaceEdit::SvInplaceEdit( Window* pParent, const Point& rPos,
+ const Size& rSize, const XubString& rData, const Link& rNotifyEditEnd,
+ const Selection& rSelection) :
+#ifndef OS2
+ Edit( pParent, WB_LEFT ),
+ Edit( pParent, WB_LEFT | WB_BORDER ),
+ aCallBackHdl( rNotifyEditEnd ),
+ bCanceled( FALSE ),
+ bAlreadyInCallBack( FALSE )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ Font aFont( pParent->GetFont() );
+ aFont.SetTransparent( FALSE );
+ Color aColor( pParent->GetBackground().GetColor() );
+ aFont.SetFillColor(aColor );
+ SetFont( aFont );
+ SetBackground( pParent->GetBackground() );
+ SetPosPixel( rPos );
+ SetSizePixel( rSize );
+ SetText( rData );
+ SetSelection( rSelection );
+ SaveValue();
+ aAccReturn.InsertItem( SVLBOX_ACC_RETURN, KeyCode(KEY_RETURN) );
+ aAccEscape.InsertItem( SVLBOX_ACC_ESCAPE, KeyCode(KEY_ESCAPE) );
+ aAccReturn.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, SvInplaceEdit, ReturnHdl_Impl) );
+ aAccEscape.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, SvInplaceEdit, EscapeHdl_Impl) );
+ GetpApp()->InsertAccel( &aAccReturn );
+ GetpApp()->InsertAccel( &aAccEscape );
+ Show();
+ GrabFocus();
+__EXPORT SvInplaceEdit::~SvInplaceEdit()
+ DBG_DTOR(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ if( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccReturn );
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccEscape );
+ }
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvInplaceEdit, ReturnHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ bCanceled = FALSE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvInplaceEdit, ReturnHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvInplaceEdit, EscapeHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ bCanceled = TRUE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvInplaceEdit, EscapeHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+void __EXPORT SvInplaceEdit::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ USHORT nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_ESCAPE:
+ bCanceled = TRUE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ break;
+ case KEY_RETURN:
+ bCanceled = FALSE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ break;
+ default:
+ Edit::KeyInput( rKEvt );
+ }
+void SvInplaceEdit::StopEditing( BOOL bCancel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ if ( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ bCanceled = bCancel;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ }
+void __EXPORT SvInplaceEdit::LoseFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ if ( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ bCanceled = FALSE;
+ aTimer.SetTimeout(10);
+ aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvInplaceEdit,Timeout_Impl));
+ aTimer.Start();
+ }
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvInplaceEdit, Timeout_Impl, Timer *, pTimer )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvInplaceEdit, Timeout_Impl, Timer *, pTimer )
+void SvInplaceEdit::CallCallBackHdl_Impl()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit,0);
+ aTimer.Stop();
+ if ( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ bAlreadyInCallBack = TRUE;
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccReturn );
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccEscape );
+ Hide();
+ aCallBackHdl.Call( this );
+ // bAlreadyInCallBack = FALSE;
+ }
+// ***************************************************************
+class MyEdit_Impl : public Edit
+ SvInplaceEdit2* pOwner;
+ MyEdit_Impl( Window* pParent, SvInplaceEdit2* pOwner );
+ virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt );
+ virtual void LoseFocus();
+class MyMultiEdit_Impl : public MultiLineEdit
+ SvInplaceEdit2* pOwner;
+ MyMultiEdit_Impl( Window* pParent, SvInplaceEdit2* pOwner );
+ virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt );
+ virtual void LoseFocus();
+MyEdit_Impl::MyEdit_Impl( Window* pParent, SvInplaceEdit2* _pOwner )
+ :
+#ifndef OS2
+ Edit( pParent, WB_LEFT ),
+ Edit( pParent, WB_LEFT | WB_BORDER ),
+ pOwner(_pOwner)
+void MyEdit_Impl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ if( !pOwner->KeyInput( rKEvt ))
+ Edit::KeyInput( rKEvt );
+void MyEdit_Impl::LoseFocus()
+ pOwner->LoseFocus();
+MyMultiEdit_Impl::MyMultiEdit_Impl( Window* pParent, SvInplaceEdit2* _pOwner )
+ : MultiLineEdit( pParent,
+#if !defined(VCL)
+#if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT)
+ ), pOwner(_pOwner)
+void MyMultiEdit_Impl::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ if( !pOwner->KeyInput( rKEvt ))
+ MultiLineEdit::KeyInput( rKEvt );
+void MyMultiEdit_Impl::LoseFocus()
+ pOwner->LoseFocus();
+SvInplaceEdit2::SvInplaceEdit2( Window* pParent, const Point& rPos,
+ const Size& rSize, const XubString& rData, const Link& rNotifyEditEnd,
+ const Selection& rSelection, BOOL bMulti) :
+ aCallBackHdl( rNotifyEditEnd ),
+ bCanceled( FALSE ),
+ bAlreadyInCallBack( FALSE ),
+ bMultiLine( bMulti )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ if( bMulti )
+ pEdit = new MyMultiEdit_Impl( pParent, this );
+ else
+ pEdit = new MyEdit_Impl( pParent, this );
+ Font aFont( pParent->GetFont() );
+ aFont.SetTransparent( FALSE );
+ Color aColor( pParent->GetBackground().GetColor() );
+ aFont.SetFillColor(aColor );
+ pEdit->SetFont( aFont );
+ pEdit->SetBackground( pParent->GetBackground() );
+ pEdit->SetPosPixel( rPos );
+ pEdit->SetSizePixel( rSize );
+ pEdit->SetText( rData );
+#ifndef OS2
+ pEdit->SetSelection( rSelection );
+ if( !bMulti )
+ pEdit->SetSelection( rSelection );
+ pEdit->SaveValue();
+ aAccReturn.InsertItem( SVLBOX_ACC_RETURN, KeyCode(KEY_RETURN) );
+ aAccEscape.InsertItem( SVLBOX_ACC_ESCAPE, KeyCode(KEY_ESCAPE) );
+ aAccReturn.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, SvInplaceEdit2, ReturnHdl_Impl) );
+ aAccEscape.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, SvInplaceEdit2, EscapeHdl_Impl) );
+ GetpApp()->InsertAccel( &aAccReturn );
+ GetpApp()->InsertAccel( &aAccEscape );
+ pEdit->Show();
+ pEdit->GrabFocus();
+ DBG_DTOR(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ if( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccReturn );
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccEscape );
+ }
+ delete pEdit;
+XubString SvInplaceEdit2::GetSavedValue() const
+ return pEdit->GetSavedValue();
+void SvInplaceEdit2::Hide()
+ pEdit->Hide();
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvInplaceEdit2, ReturnHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ bCanceled = FALSE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvInplaceEdit2, ReturnHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvInplaceEdit2, EscapeHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ bCanceled = TRUE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvInplaceEdit2, EscapeHdl_Impl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+BOOL SvInplaceEdit2::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ KeyCode aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode();
+ USHORT nCode = aCode.GetCode();
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_ESCAPE:
+ bCanceled = TRUE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return TRUE;
+ case KEY_RETURN:
+// if( !aCode.IsShift() && !aCode.IsMod1() && !aCode.IsMod2() )
+ {
+ bCanceled = FALSE;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void SvInplaceEdit2::StopEditing( BOOL bCancel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ if ( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ bCanceled = bCancel;
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ }
+void SvInplaceEdit2::LoseFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ if ( !bAlreadyInCallBack
+#ifdef VCL
+ && ((!Application::GetFocusWindow()) || !pEdit->IsChild( Application::GetFocusWindow()) )
+ )
+ {
+ bCanceled = FALSE;
+ aTimer.SetTimeout(10);
+ aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SvInplaceEdit2,Timeout_Impl));
+ aTimer.Start();
+ }
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvInplaceEdit2, Timeout_Impl, Timer *, pTimer )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ CallCallBackHdl_Impl();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvInplaceEdit2, Timeout_Impl, Timer *, pTimer )
+void SvInplaceEdit2::CallCallBackHdl_Impl()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvInplaceEdit2,0);
+ aTimer.Stop();
+ if ( !bAlreadyInCallBack )
+ {
+ bAlreadyInCallBack = TRUE;
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccReturn );
+ GetpApp()->RemoveAccel( &aAccEscape );
+ pEdit->Hide();
+ aCallBackHdl.Call( this );
+ }
+XubString SvInplaceEdit2::GetText() const
+ return pEdit->GetText();
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxTab
+// ***************************************************************
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxTab,0);
+ nPos = 0;
+ pUserData = 0;
+ nFlags = 0;
+SvLBoxTab::SvLBoxTab( long nPosition, USHORT nTabFlags )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxTab,0);
+ nPos = nPosition;
+ pUserData = 0;
+ nFlags = nTabFlags;
+SvLBoxTab::SvLBoxTab( const SvLBoxTab& rTab )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxTab,0);
+ nPos = rTab.nPos;
+ pUserData = rTab.pUserData;
+ nFlags = rTab.nFlags;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxTab,0);
+long SvLBoxTab::CalcOffset( long nItemWidth, long nTabWidth )
+ long nOffset = 0;
+ {
+ nOffset = nTabWidth - nItemWidth;
+ if( nOffset < 0 )
+ nOffset = 0;
+ }
+ else if ( nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_CENTER )
+ {
+ if( nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_FORCE )
+ {
+ //richtige Implementierung der Zentrierung
+ nOffset = ( nTabWidth - nItemWidth ) / 2;
+ if( nOffset < 0 )
+ nOffset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // historisch gewachsene falsche Berechnung des Tabs, auf die sich
+ // Abo-Tabbox, Extras/Optionen/Anpassen etc. verlassen
+ nItemWidth++;
+ nOffset = -( nItemWidth / 2 );
+ }
+ }
+ return nOffset;
+long SvLBoxTab::CalcOffset( const XubString& rStr, const OutputDevice& rOutDev )
+ long nWidth;
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = rStr.Search( '.' );
+ if ( nPos == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ nPos = rStr.Search( ',' );
+ if ( nPos == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ nPos = STRING_LEN;
+ nWidth = rOutDev.GetTextSize( rStr, 0, nPos ).Width();
+ nWidth *= -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nWidth = rOutDev.GetTextSize( rStr ).Width();
+ nWidth = CalcOffset( nWidth );
+ }
+ return nWidth;
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxItem
+// ***************************************************************
+SvLBoxItem::SvLBoxItem( SvLBoxEntry*, USHORT )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxItem,0);
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxItem,0);
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxItem,0);
+const Size& SvLBoxItem::GetSize( SvLBox* pView,SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxItem,0);
+ SvViewDataItem* pViewData = pView->GetViewDataItem( pEntry, this );
+ return pViewData->aSize;
+const Size& SvLBoxItem::GetSize( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvViewDataEntry* pViewData)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxItem,0);
+ USHORT nItemPos = pEntry->GetPos( this );
+ SvViewDataItem* pItemData = pViewData->pItemData+nItemPos;
+ return pItemData->aSize;
+ DBG_CTOR(SvViewDataItem,0);
+ DBG_DTOR(SvViewDataItem,0);
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxEntry
+// ***************************************************************
+SvLBoxEntry::SvLBoxEntry() : aItems()
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ nEntryFlags = 0;
+ pUserData = 0;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ DeleteItems_Impl();
+void SvLBoxEntry::DeleteItems_Impl()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ USHORT nCount = aItems.Count();
+ while( nCount )
+ {
+ nCount--;
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = (SvLBoxItem*)aItems.GetObject( nCount );
+ delete pItem;
+ }
+ aItems.Remove(0, aItems.Count() );
+void SvLBoxEntry::AddItem( SvLBoxItem* pItem )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ aItems.Insert( pItem, aItems.Count() );
+void SvLBoxEntry::Clone( SvListEntry* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ SvListEntry::Clone( pSource );
+ SvLBoxItem* pNewItem;
+ DeleteItems_Impl();
+ USHORT nCount = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pSource)->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCurPos = 0;
+ while( nCurPos < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pSource)->GetItem( nCurPos );
+ pNewItem = pItem->Create();
+ pNewItem->Clone( pItem );
+ AddItem( pNewItem );
+ nCurPos++;
+ }
+ pUserData = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pSource)->GetUserData();
+ nEntryFlags = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pSource)->nEntryFlags;
+void SvLBoxEntry::EnableChildsOnDemand( BOOL bEnable )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ if ( bEnable )
+ else
+void SvLBoxEntry::ReplaceItem( SvLBoxItem* pNewItem, USHORT nPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvLBoxEntry,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNewItem,"ReplaceItem:No Item")
+ SvLBoxItem* pOld = GetItem( nPos );
+ if ( pOld )
+ {
+ aItems.Remove( nPos );
+ aItems.Insert( pNewItem, nPos );
+ delete pOld;
+ }
+SvLBoxItem* SvLBoxEntry::GetFirstItem( USHORT nId )
+ USHORT nCount = aItems.Count();
+ USHORT nCur = 0;
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem;
+ while( nCur < nCount )
+ {
+ pItem = GetItem( nCur );
+ if( pItem->IsA() == nId )
+ return pItem;
+ nCur++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBoxViewData
+// ***************************************************************
+ : SvViewData()
+ DBG_CTOR(SvViewDataEntry,0);
+ pItemData = 0;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvViewDataEntry,0);
+ __DELETE(nItmCnt) pItemData;
+// ***************************************************************
+// class SvLBox
+// ***************************************************************
+__EXPORT SvLBox::SvLBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :
+ Control( pParent, nWinStyle | WB_CLIPCHILDREN )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBox,0);
+ nWindowStyle = nWinStyle;
+ nDragOptions = DRAG_ALL;
+ nImpFlags = 0;
+ pTargetEntry = 0;
+ nDragDropMode = 0;
+ pReserved = 0;
+ nReserved = 0;
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pTempModel = new SvLBoxTreeList;
+ pTempModel->SetRefCount( 0 );
+ SetModel( pTempModel );
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( LINK(this, SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl ));
+ pModel->InsertView( this );
+ pHdlEntry = 0;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ aMovePtr = Pointer( POINTER_MOVEDATA );
+ aCopyPtr = Pointer( POINTER_COPYDATA );
+ SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION ); // pruefen ob TreeListBox gecallt wird
+ SetDragDropMode( SV_DRAGDROP_NONE );
+#ifdef MAC
+ Font aFont( "Geneva", Size( 0, 10 ) );
+ SetFont( aFont );
+__EXPORT SvLBox::SvLBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) :
+ Control( pParent, rResId )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvLBox,0);
+ pTargetEntry = 0;
+ nImpFlags = 0;
+ nWindowStyle = 0;
+ pReserved = 0;
+ nReserved = 0;
+ nDragOptions = DRAG_ALL;
+ nDragDropMode = 0;
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pTempModel = new SvLBoxTreeList;
+ pTempModel->SetRefCount( 0 );
+ SetModel( pTempModel );
+ pModel->InsertView( this );
+ pHdlEntry = 0;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( LINK(this, SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl ));
+ aMovePtr = Pointer( POINTER_MOVEDATA );
+ aCopyPtr = Pointer( POINTER_COPYDATA );
+#ifdef MAC
+ Font aFont( "Geneva", Size( 0, 10 ) );
+ SetFont( aFont );
+__EXPORT SvLBox::~SvLBox()
+ DBG_DTOR(SvLBox,0);
+ delete pEdCtrl;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ pModel->RemoveView( this );
+ if ( pModel->GetRefCount() == 0 )
+ {
+ pModel->Clear();
+ delete pModel;
+ }
+ if( nReserved )
+ {
+ *((BOOL*)nReserved) = TRUE;
+ }
+void SvLBox::SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pNewModel )
+ // erledigt das ganz CleanUp
+ SvListView::SetModel( pNewModel );
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( LINK(this, SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl ));
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ ModelHasInserted( pEntry );
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvLBox::DisconnectFromModel()
+ SvLBoxTreeList* pNewModel = new SvLBoxTreeList;
+ SvListView::SetModel( pNewModel );
+void SvLBox::Clear()
+ pModel->Clear(); // Model ruft SvLBox::ModelHasCleared() auf
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl, SvListEntry*, pEntry )
+ return (long)(CloneEntry((SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry));
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl, SvListEntry*, pEntry )
+ULONG SvLBox::Insert( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry* pParent, ULONG nPos )
+ ULONG nInsPos = pModel->Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ return nInsPos;
+ULONG SvLBox::Insert( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,ULONG nRootPos )
+ ULONG nInsPos = pModel->Insert( pEntry, nRootPos );
+ return nInsPos;
+long SvLBox::ExpandingHdl()
+ return aExpandingHdl.IsSet() ? aExpandingHdl.Call( this ) : 1;
+void SvLBox::ExpandedHdl()
+ aExpandedHdl.Call( this );
+void SvLBox::SelectHdl()
+ aSelectHdl.Call( this );
+void SvLBox::DeselectHdl()
+ aDeselectHdl.Call( this );
+BOOL SvLBox::DoubleClickHdl()
+ aDoubleClickHdl.Call( this );
+ return TRUE;
+void __EXPORT SvLBox::BeginDrag( const Point& rPos )
+ BOOL bDeleted = FALSE;
+ ReleaseMouse();
+ SvLBoxDDInfo aDDInfo;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( rPos ); // GetDropTarget( rPos );
+ if ( !pEntry )
+ {
+ EndDrag();
+ return;
+ }
+ DragServer::Clear();
+ DragDropMode nTemp = GetDragDropMode();
+ nDragDropMode = NotifyBeginDrag(pEntry);
+ if( !nDragDropMode || GetSelectionCount() == 0 )
+ {
+ nDragDropMode = nTemp;
+ EndDrag();
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&aDDInfo,0,sizeof(SvLBoxDDInfo));
+ aDDInfo.pApp = GetpApp();
+ aDDInfo.pSource = this;
+ aDDInfo.pDDStartEntry = pEntry;
+ // abgeleitete Views zum Zuge kommen lassen
+ WriteDragServerInfo( rPos, &aDDInfo );
+ DragServer::CopyData( &aDDInfo, sizeof(SvLBoxDDInfo), nDDFormatId );
+ pDDSource = this;
+ pDDTarget = 0;
+ DropAction eAction;
+ BOOL bOldUpdateMode = Control::IsUpdateMode();
+ Control::SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ Update();
+ Control::SetUpdateMode( bOldUpdateMode );
+ // Selektion & deren Childs im Model als DropTargets sperren
+ // Wichtig: Wenn im DropHandler die Selektion der
+ // SourceListBox veraendert wird, muessen vorher die Eintraege
+ // als DropTargets wieder freigeschaltet werden:
+ // (GetSourceListBox()->EnableSelectionAsDropTarget( TRUE, TRUE );)
+ EnableSelectionAsDropTarget( FALSE, TRUE /* with Childs */ );
+ Region aRegion( GetDragRegion() ); // fuer die Mac-Leute
+ nReserved = (ULONG)&bDeleted;
+ eAction = ExecuteDrag( aMovePtr, aCopyPtr, nDragOptions, &aRegion );
+ nReserved = 0;
+ if( bDeleted )
+ {
+ EndDrag();
+ return;
+ }
+ EnableSelectionAsDropTarget( TRUE, TRUE );
+ if( (eAction == DROP_MOVE) &&
+ (
+ (pDDTarget && ((ULONG)(pDDTarget->GetModel())!=(ULONG)(this->GetModel()))) ||
+ !pDDTarget ))
+ {
+ RemoveSelection();
+ }
+ ImplShowTargetEmphasis( pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ EndDrag();
+ nDragDropMode = nTemp;
+void SvLBox::EndDrag()
+ pDDSource = 0;
+ pDDTarget = 0;
+ pTargetEntry = 0;
+BOOL SvLBox::CheckDragAndDropMode( SvLBox* pSource, DropAction eAction )
+ if ( pSource == this )
+ {
+ return FALSE; // D&D innerhalb der Liste gesperrt
+ if ( eAction == DROP_MOVE )
+ {
+ if ( !(nDragDropMode & SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_MOVE) )
+ return FALSE; // kein lokales Move
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !(nDragDropMode & SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_COPY))
+ return FALSE; // kein lokales Copy
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !(nDragDropMode & SV_DRAGDROP_APP_DROP ) )
+ return FALSE; // kein Drop
+ if ( eAction == DROP_MOVE )
+ {
+ if ( !(nDragDropMode & SV_DRAGDROP_APP_MOVE) )
+ return FALSE; // kein globales Move
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !(nDragDropMode & SV_DRAGDROP_APP_COPY))
+ return FALSE; // kein globales Copy
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL __EXPORT SvLBox::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rDEvt )
+ if ( rDEvt.IsLeaveWindow() || !CheckDragAndDropMode( pDDSource, rDEvt.GetAction() ) )
+ {
+ ImplShowTargetEmphasis( pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( !nDragDropMode )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "SvLBox::QueryDrop(): no target" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ BOOL bAllowDrop = TRUE;
+ if ( !DragServer::HasFormat( 0, nDDFormatId ) )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "SvLBox::QueryDrop(): no format" );
+ bAllowDrop = FALSE;
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetDropTarget( rDEvt.GetPosPixel() );
+ if ( bAllowDrop )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( pDDSource, "SvLBox::QueryDrop(): SourceBox == 0 (__EXPORT?)" );
+ if ( pEntry && pDDSource->GetModel() == this->GetModel()
+ && rDEvt.GetAction()==DROP_MOVE
+ && ( pEntry->nEntryFlags & SV_ENTRYFLAG_DISABLE_DROP ) )
+ {
+ bAllowDrop = FALSE; // nicht auf sich selbst moven
+ }
+ }
+ if ( bAllowDrop )
+ bAllowDrop = NotifyQueryDrop( pEntry );
+ // **** Emphasis zeichnen ****
+ if ( bAllowDrop )
+ {
+ if ( pEntry != pTargetEntry || !(nImpFlags & SVLBOX_TARGEMPH_VIS) )
+ {
+ ImplShowTargetEmphasis( pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ pTargetEntry = pEntry;
+ ImplShowTargetEmphasis( pTargetEntry, TRUE );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ImplShowTargetEmphasis( pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ return bAllowDrop;
+BOOL __EXPORT SvLBox::Drop( const DropEvent& rDEvt )
+ GetSourceView()->EnableSelectionAsDropTarget( TRUE, TRUE );
+ ImplShowTargetEmphasis( pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ pDDTarget = this;
+ SvLBoxDDInfo aDDInfo;
+ if( !DragServer::PasteData(0, &aDDInfo, sizeof(SvLBoxDDInfo),nDDFormatId ))
+ return FALSE;
+ ReadDragServerInfo( rDEvt.GetPosPixel(), &aDDInfo );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = pTargetEntry; // !!! kann 0 sein !!!
+ BOOL bDataAccepted;
+ if ( rDEvt.GetAction() == DROP_COPY )
+ bDataAccepted = CopySelection( aDDInfo.pSource, pTarget );
+ else
+ bDataAccepted = MoveSelection( aDDInfo.pSource, pTarget );
+ return bDataAccepted;
+DragDropMode SvLBox::NotifyBeginDrag( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ return (DragDropMode)0xffff;
+BOOL SvLBox::NotifyQueryDrop( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ return TRUE;
+void SvLBox::NotifyRemoving( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ NotifyMoving/Copying
+ ====================
+ Standard-Verhalten:
+ 1. Target hat keine Childs
+ - Entry wird Sibling des Targets. Entry steht hinter dem
+ Target (->Fenster: Unter dem Target)
+ 2. Target ist ein aufgeklappter Parent
+ - Entry wird an den Anfang der Target-Childlist gehaengt
+ 3. Target ist ein zugeklappter Parent
+ - Entry wird an das Ende der Target-Childlist gehaengt
+BOOL SvLBox::NotifyMoving(
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, // D&D-Drop-Position in this->GetModel()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, // Zu verschiebender Entry aus
+ // GetSourceListBox()->GetModel()
+ SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, // Neuer Target-Parent
+ ULONG& rNewChildPos) // Position in Childlist des Target-Parents
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"NotifyMoving:SoureEntry?")
+ if( !pTarget )
+ {
+ rpNewParent = 0;
+ rNewChildPos = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( !pTarget->HasChilds() && !pTarget->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ {
+ // Fall 1
+ rpNewParent = GetParent( pTarget );
+ rNewChildPos = pModel->GetRelPos( pTarget ) + 1;
+ rNewChildPos += nCurEntrySelPos;
+ nCurEntrySelPos++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Faelle 2 & 3
+ rpNewParent = pTarget;
+ if( IsExpanded(pTarget))
+ rNewChildPos = 0;
+ else
+ rNewChildPos = LIST_APPEND;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SvLBox::NotifyCopying(
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, // D&D-Drop-Position in this->GetModel()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, // Zu kopierender Entry aus
+ // GetSourceListBox()->GetModel()
+ SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, // Neuer Target-Parent
+ ULONG& rNewChildPos) // Position in Childlist des Target-Parents
+ return NotifyMoving(pTarget,pEntry,rpNewParent,rNewChildPos);
+ /*
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"NotifyCopying:SourceEntry?")
+ if( !pTarget )
+ {
+ rpNewParent = 0;
+ rNewChildPos = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( !pTarget->HasChilds() && !pTarget->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ {
+ // Fall 1
+ rpNewParent = GetParent( pTarget );
+ rNewChildPos = GetRelPos( pTarget ) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Faelle 2 & 3
+ rpNewParent = pTarget;
+ if( IsExpanded(pTarget))
+ rNewChildPos = 0;
+ else
+ rNewChildPos = LIST_APPEND;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ */
+SvLBoxEntry* __EXPORT SvLBox::CloneEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pSource )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)CreateEntry(); // new SvLBoxEntry;
+ pEntry->Clone( (SvListEntry*)pSource );
+ return pEntry;
+// Rueckgabe: Alle Entries wurden kopiert
+BOOL SvLBox::CopySelection( SvLBox* pSource, SvLBoxEntry* pTarget )
+ nCurEntrySelPos = 0; // Selektionszaehler fuer NotifyMoving/Copying
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ SvTreeEntryList aList;
+ BOOL bClone = (BOOL)( (ULONG)(pSource->GetModel()) != (ULONG)GetModel() );
+ Link aCloneLink( pModel->GetCloneLink() );
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( LINK(this, SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl ));
+ // Selektion zwischenspeichern, um bei D&D-Austausch
+ // innerhalb der gleichen Listbox das Iterieren ueber
+ // die Selektion zu vereinfachen
+ SvLBoxEntry* pSourceEntry = pSource->FirstSelected();
+ while ( pSourceEntry )
+ {
+ // Childs werden automatisch mitkopiert
+ pSource->SelectChilds( pSourceEntry, FALSE );
+ aList.Insert( pSourceEntry, LIST_APPEND );
+ pSourceEntry = pSource->NextSelected( pSourceEntry );
+ }
+ pSourceEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aList.First();
+ while ( pSourceEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent = 0;
+ ULONG nInsertionPos = LIST_APPEND;
+ BOOL bOk=NotifyCopying(pTarget,pSourceEntry,pNewParent,nInsertionPos);
+ if ( bOk )
+ {
+ if ( bClone )
+ {
+ ULONG nCloneCount = 0;
+ pSourceEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)
+ pModel->Clone( (SvListEntry*)pSourceEntry, nCloneCount );
+ pModel->InsertTree( (SvListEntry*)pSourceEntry,
+ (SvListEntry*)pNewParent, nInsertionPos );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ULONG nListPos = pModel->Copy( (SvListEntry*)pSourceEntry,
+ (SvListEntry*)pNewParent, nInsertionPos );
+ pSourceEntry = GetEntry( pNewParent, nListPos );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ if( bOk == (BOOL)2 ) // !!!HACK verschobenen Entry sichtbar machen?
+ MakeVisible( pSourceEntry );
+ pSourceEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aList.Next();
+ }
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( aCloneLink );
+ return bSuccess;
+// Rueckgabe: Alle Entries wurden verschoben
+BOOL SvLBox::MoveSelection( SvLBox* pSource, SvLBoxEntry* pTarget )
+ nCurEntrySelPos = 0; // Selektionszaehler fuer NotifyMoving/Copying
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ SvTreeEntryList aList;
+ BOOL bClone = (BOOL)( (ULONG)(pSource->GetModel()) != (ULONG)GetModel() );
+ Link aCloneLink( pModel->GetCloneLink() );
+ if ( bClone )
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( LINK(this, SvLBox, CloneHdl_Impl ));
+ SvLBoxEntry* pSourceEntry = pSource->FirstSelected();
+ while ( pSourceEntry )
+ {
+ // Childs werden automatisch mitbewegt
+ pSource->SelectChilds( pSourceEntry, FALSE );
+ aList.Insert( pSourceEntry, LIST_APPEND );
+ pSourceEntry = pSource->NextSelected( pSourceEntry );
+ }
+ pSourceEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aList.First();
+ while ( pSourceEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent = 0;
+ ULONG nInsertionPos = LIST_APPEND;
+ BOOL bOk= NotifyMoving(pTarget,pSourceEntry,pNewParent,nInsertionPos);
+ if ( bOk )
+ {
+ if ( bClone )
+ {
+ ULONG nCloneCount = 0;
+ pSourceEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)
+ pModel->Clone( (SvListEntry*)pSourceEntry, nCloneCount );
+ pModel->InsertTree( (SvListEntry*)pSourceEntry,
+ (SvListEntry*)pNewParent, nInsertionPos );
+ }
+ else
+ pModel->Move( (SvListEntry*)pSourceEntry,
+ (SvListEntry*)pNewParent, nInsertionPos );
+ }
+ else
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ if( bOk == (BOOL)2 ) // !!!HACK verschobenen Entry sichtbar machen?
+ MakeVisible( pSourceEntry );
+ pSourceEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aList.Next();
+ }
+ pModel->SetCloneLink( aCloneLink );
+ return bSuccess;
+void SvLBox::RemoveSelection()
+ SvTreeEntryList aList;
+ // Selektion zwischenspeichern, da die Impl bei
+ // dem ersten Remove alles deselektiert!
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = FirstSelected();
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ aList.Insert( pEntry );
+ if ( pEntry->HasChilds() )
+ // Remove loescht Childs automatisch
+ SelectChilds( pEntry, FALSE );
+ pEntry = NextSelected( pEntry );
+ }
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aList.First();
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ pModel->Remove( pEntry );
+ pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aList.Next();
+ }
+SvLBox* __EXPORT SvLBox::GetSourceView() const
+ { return pDDSource; }
+SvLBox* __EXPORT SvLBox::GetTargetView() const
+ { return pDDTarget; }
+void SvLBox::RequestingChilds( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ DBG_ERROR("Child-Request-Hdl not implemented!")
+void SvLBox::RecalcViewData()
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCurPos = 0;
+ while ( nCurPos < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nCurPos );
+ pItem->InitViewData( this, pEntry );
+ nCurPos++;
+ }
+ ViewDataInitialized( pEntry );
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ }
+void SvLBox::ViewDataInitialized( SvLBoxEntry* )
+void SvLBox::ImplShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bShow)
+ if ( bShow && (nImpFlags & SVLBOX_TARGEMPH_VIS) )
+ return;
+ if ( !bShow && !(nImpFlags & SVLBOX_TARGEMPH_VIS) )
+ return;
+ ShowTargetEmphasis( pEntry, bShow );
+ if( bShow )
+ else
+void SvLBox::ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry*, BOOL /* bShow */ )
+BOOL SvLBox::Expand( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SvLBox::Collapse( SvLBoxEntry* )
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SvLBox::Select( SvLBoxEntry*, BOOL )
+ return FALSE;
+ULONG SvLBox::SelectChilds( SvLBoxEntry* , BOOL )
+ return 0;
+void SvLBox::SelectAll( BOOL /* bSelect */ , BOOL /* bPaint */ )
+void SvLBox::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelectMode )
+ eSelMode = eSelectMode;
+void SvLBox::SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode nDDMode )
+ if( nDDMode && !nDragDropMode )
+ EnableDrop();
+ nDragDropMode = nDDMode;
+SvViewData* SvLBox::CreateViewData( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ SvViewDataEntry* pEntryData = new SvViewDataEntry;
+ return (SvViewData*)pEntryData;
+void SvLBox::InitViewData( SvViewData* pData, SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pInhEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry;
+ SvViewDataEntry* pEntryData = (SvViewDataEntry*)pData;
+ pEntryData->pItemData = new SvViewDataItem[ pInhEntry->ItemCount() ];
+ SvViewDataItem* pItemData = pEntryData->pItemData;
+ pEntryData->nItmCnt = pInhEntry->ItemCount(); // Anzahl Items fuer delete
+ USHORT nCount = pInhEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCurPos = 0;
+ while( nCurPos < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pInhEntry->GetItem( nCurPos );
+ pItem->InitViewData( this, pInhEntry, pItemData );
+ pItemData++;
+ nCurPos++;
+ }
+void SvLBox::EnableSelectionAsDropTarget( BOOL bEnable, BOOL bWithChilds )
+ USHORT nRefDepth;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTemp;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pSelEntry = FirstSelected();
+ while( pSelEntry )
+ {
+ if ( !bEnable )
+ {
+ pSelEntry->nEntryFlags |= SV_ENTRYFLAG_DISABLE_DROP;
+ if ( bWithChilds )
+ {
+ nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pSelEntry );
+ pTemp = Next( pSelEntry );
+ while( pTemp && pModel->GetDepth( pTemp ) > nRefDepth )
+ {
+ pTemp->nEntryFlags |= SV_ENTRYFLAG_DISABLE_DROP;
+ pTemp = Next( pTemp );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSelEntry->nEntryFlags &= (~SV_ENTRYFLAG_DISABLE_DROP);
+ if ( bWithChilds )
+ {
+ nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pSelEntry );
+ pTemp = Next( pSelEntry );
+ while( pTemp && pModel->GetDepth( pTemp ) > nRefDepth )
+ {
+ pTemp->nEntryFlags &= (~SV_ENTRYFLAG_DISABLE_DROP);
+ pTemp = Next( pTemp );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pSelEntry = NextSelected( pSelEntry );
+ }
+SvLBoxEntry* SvLBox::GetDropTarget( const Point& )
+ return 0;
+// ******************************************************************
+// InplaceEditing
+// ******************************************************************
+void SvLBox::EditText( const XubString& rStr, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ const Selection& rSel )
+ EditText( rStr, rRect, rSel, FALSE );
+void SvLBox::EditText( const XubString& rStr, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ const Selection& rSel, BOOL bMulti )
+ if( pEdCtrl )
+ delete pEdCtrl;
+ nImpFlags |= SVLBOX_IN_EDT;
+ HideFocus();
+ pEdCtrl = new SvInplaceEdit2(
+ this, rRect.TopLeft(), rRect.GetSize(), rStr,
+ LINK( this, SvLBox, TextEditEndedHdl_Impl ),
+ rSel, bMulti );
+IMPL_LINK( SvLBox, TextEditEndedHdl_Impl, SvInplaceEdit2 *, pSvInplaceEdit )
+ if ( nImpFlags & SVLBOX_EDTEND_CALLED ) // Nesting verhindern
+ return 0;
+ XubString aStr;
+ if ( !pEdCtrl->EditingCanceled() )
+ aStr = pEdCtrl->GetText();
+ else
+ aStr = pEdCtrl->GetSavedValue();
+ EditedText( aStr );
+ // Hide darf erst gerufen werden, nachdem der neue Text in den
+ // Entry gesetzt wurde, damit im GetFocus der ListBox nicht
+ // der Selecthandler mit dem alten EntryText gerufen wird.
+ pEdCtrl->Hide();
+ // delete pEdCtrl;
+ // pEdCtrl = 0;
+ nImpFlags &= (~SVLBOX_IN_EDT);
+// GrabFocus();
+ return 0;
+void SvLBox::CancelTextEditing()
+ if ( pEdCtrl )
+ pEdCtrl->StopEditing( TRUE );
+ nImpFlags &= (~SVLBOX_IN_EDT);
+void SvLBox::EndEditing( BOOL bCancel )
+ if( pEdCtrl )
+ pEdCtrl->StopEditing( bCancel );
+ nImpFlags &= (~SVLBOX_IN_EDT);
+void SvLBox::EditedText( const XubString& )
+void SvLBox::EditingRequest( SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxItem*,const Point& )
+SvLBoxEntry* SvLBox::CreateEntry() const
+ return new SvLBoxEntry;
+void SvLBox::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* )
+Region SvLBox::GetDragRegion() const
+ Region aRegion;
+ return aRegion;
+void SvLBox::Command( const CommandEvent& )
+SvLBoxEntry* SvLBox::GetEntry( const Point& rPos, BOOL ) const
+ return 0;
+void __EXPORT SvLBox::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ USHORT nCount = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry)->ItemCount();
+ for( USHORT nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = ((SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry)->GetItem( nIdx );
+ pItem->InitViewData( this, (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry, 0 );
+ }
+void SvLBox::SetInUseEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bInUse )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"SetInUseEmphasis:No Entry");
+ if( bInUse )
+ {
+ if( !pEntry->HasInUseEmphasis() )
+ {
+ pEntry->nEntryFlags |= SV_ENTRYFLAG_IN_USE;
+ pModel->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pEntry->HasInUseEmphasis() )
+ {
+ pEntry->nEntryFlags &= (~SV_ENTRYFLAG_IN_USE);
+ pModel->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+void SvLBox::SetCursorEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bCursored )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"SetInUseEmphasis:No Entry");
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewData = GetViewDataEntry( pEntry );
+ if( pViewData && (bCursored != pViewData->IsCursored()) )
+ {
+ pViewData->SetCursored( bCursored );
+ // paintet in allen Views
+ // pModel->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ // invalidiert nur in dieser View
+ ModelHasEntryInvalidated( pEntry );
+ }
+BOOL SvLBox::HasCursorEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"SetInUseEmphasis:No Entry");
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewData = GetViewDataEntry( pEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pViewData,"Entry not in View");
+ return pViewData->IsCursored();
+void SvLBox::WriteDragServerInfo( const Point&, SvLBoxDDInfo* )
+void SvLBox::ReadDragServerInfo(const Point&, SvLBoxDDInfo* )
+BOOL SvLBox::EditingCanceled() const
+ if( pEdCtrl && pEdCtrl->EditingCanceled() )
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svtabbx.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svtabbx.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2ab576bc2d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svtabbx.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svtabbx.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ Todo
+ - Tokenparsing optimieren
+ - Optimierungsfehler Microsoft/Win3.1 Funktion suchen
+// !!!HACK
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma optimize( "", off )
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "svtabbx.hxx"
+#include "headbar.hxx"
+// SvTreeListBox-Callback
+void SvTabListBox::SetTabs()
+ SvTreeListBox::SetTabs();
+ if( nTabCount )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTabList,"TabList ?");
+ // die TreeListBox hat jetzt ihre Tabulatoren in die Liste eingefuegt.
+ // jetzt plustern wir die Liste mit zusaetzlichen Tabulatoren auf,
+ // und passen den ganz rechten Tab der Treelistbox an.
+ // den ganz rechten Tab nehmen
+ // HACK fuer den Explorer! Wenn der ViewParent != 0 ist, dann wird
+ // der erste Tab der TreeListBox von der TreelistBox berechnet!
+ // Dies wird fuer ButtonsOnRoot benoetigt, da der Explorer nicht
+ // weiss, welchen zusaetzlichen Offset er in diesem Modus auf
+ // den Tabulator addieren muss. Die TreeListBox weiss es!
+ /*
+ if( !pViewParent )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pFirstTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( aTabs.Count()-1 );
+ pFirstTab->SetPos( pTabList[0].GetPos() );
+ pFirstTab->nFlags &= ~MYTABMASK;
+ pFirstTab->nFlags |= pTabList[0].nFlags;
+ }
+ */
+ // alle anderen Tabs an Liste haengen
+ for( USHORT nCurTab = 1; nCurTab < nTabCount; nCurTab++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = pTabList+nCurTab;
+ AddTab( pTab->GetPos(), pTab->nFlags );
+ }
+ }
+void SvTabListBox::InitEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& rStr,
+ const Image& rColl, const Image& rExp )
+ SvTreeListBox::InitEntry( pEntry, rStr, rColl, rExp);
+ XubString aToken;
+ const xub_Unicode* pCurToken = aCurEntry.GetBuffer();
+ USHORT nCurTokenLen;
+ const xub_Unicode* pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ USHORT nCount = nTabCount; nCount--;
+ for( USHORT nToken = 0; nToken < nCount; nToken++ )
+ {
+ if( pCurToken && nCurTokenLen )
+ // aToken.Assign( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ aToken = XubString( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ else
+ aToken.Erase();
+ SvLBoxString* pStr = new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, aToken );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pStr );
+ pCurToken = pNextToken;
+ if( pCurToken )
+ pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ else
+ nCurTokenLen = 0;
+ }
+SvTabListBox::SvTabListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nBits )
+ : SvTreeListBox( pParent, nBits )
+ pTabList = 0;
+ nTabCount = 0;
+ pViewParent = 0;
+ SetHighlightRange(); // ueber volle Breite selektieren
+SvTabListBox::SvTabListBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId )
+ : SvTreeListBox( pParent, rResId )
+ pTabList = 0;
+ nTabCount = 0;
+ pViewParent = 0;
+ SvTabListBox::Resize();
+ SetHighlightRange();
+ // array-delete
+ __DELETE(nTabCount) pTabList;
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ pTabList = 0;
+ nTabCount = 0;
+void SvTabListBox::SetTabs( long* pTabs, MapUnit eMapUnit )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTabs,"SetTabs:NULL-Ptr");
+ if( !pTabs )
+ return;
+ __DELETE(nTabCount) pTabList;
+ USHORT nCount = (USHORT)(*pTabs);
+ pTabList = new SvLBoxTab[ nCount ];
+ nTabCount = nCount;
+ MapMode aMMSource( eMapUnit );
+ MapMode aMMDest( MAP_PIXEL );
+ pTabs++;
+ for( USHORT nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++, pTabs++ )
+ {
+ Size aSize( *pTabs, 0 );
+ aSize = LogicToLogic( aSize, &aMMSource, &aMMDest );
+ long nNewTab = aSize.Width();
+ pTabList[nIdx].SetPos( nNewTab );
+ }
+ SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS;
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTabListBox::SetTab( USHORT nTab,long nValue,MapUnit eMapUnit )
+ DBG_ASSERT(nTab<nTabCount,"Invalid Tab-Pos");
+ if( nTab < nTabCount )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTabList,"TabList?");
+ MapMode aMMSource( eMapUnit );
+ MapMode aMMDest( MAP_PIXEL );
+ Size aSize( nValue, 0 );
+ aSize = LogicToLogic( aSize, &aMMSource, &aMMDest );
+ nValue = aSize.Width();
+ pTabList[ nTab ].SetPos( nValue );
+ SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS;
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+#if SUPD < 375
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry(const XubString& rStr,SvLBoxEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos,USHORT nCol )
+ XubString aStr;
+ if( nCol != 0xffff )
+ {
+ while( nCol )
+ {
+ aStr += '\t';
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ aStr += rStr;
+ XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
+ USHORT nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
+ if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aFirstStr.Cut( nEnd );
+ aCurEntry = aStr;
+ aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ aCurEntry.Erase();
+ return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( aFirstStr, pParent, FALSE, nPos );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rStr,
+ const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp, const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos,USHORT nCol )
+ XubString aStr;
+ if( nCol != 0xffff )
+ {
+ while( nCol )
+ {
+ aStr += '\t';
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ aStr += rStr;
+ XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
+ USHORT nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
+ if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aFirstStr.Cut( nEnd );
+ aCurEntry = aStr;
+ aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ aCurEntry.Erase();
+ return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry(
+ aFirstStr,
+ rExpandedEntryBmp, rCollapsedEntryBmp,
+ pParent, FALSE, nPos );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rStr, ULONG nPos,
+ USHORT nCol )
+ return InsertEntry( rStr,0,nPos, nCol );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry(const XubString& rStr,SvLBoxEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos,USHORT nCol,
+ void* pUser )
+ XubString aStr;
+ if( nCol != 0xffff )
+ {
+ while( nCol )
+ {
+ aStr += '\t';
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ aStr += rStr;
+ XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
+ USHORT nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
+ if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aFirstStr.Cut( nEnd );
+ aCurEntry = aStr;
+ aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ aCurEntry.Erase();
+ return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( aFirstStr, pParent, FALSE, nPos, pUser );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rStr,
+ const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp, const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos,USHORT nCol, void* pUser )
+ XubString aStr;
+ if( nCol != 0xffff )
+ {
+ while( nCol )
+ {
+ aStr += '\t';
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ aStr += rStr;
+ XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
+ USHORT nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
+ if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aFirstStr.Cut( nEnd );
+ aCurEntry = aStr;
+ aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ aCurEntry.Erase();
+ return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry(
+ aFirstStr,
+ rExpandedEntryBmp, rCollapsedEntryBmp,
+ pParent, FALSE, nPos, pUser );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rStr, ULONG nPos,
+ USHORT nCol, void* pUser )
+ return InsertEntry( rStr,0,nPos, nCol, pUser );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry(const XubString& rStr,SvLBoxEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos,USHORT nCol,
+ void* pUser )
+ XubString aStr;
+ if( nCol != 0xffff )
+ {
+ while( nCol )
+ {
+ aStr += '\t';
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ aStr += rStr;
+ XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
+ USHORT nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
+ if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aFirstStr.Erase( nEnd );
+ aCurEntry = aStr;
+ aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ aCurEntry.Erase();
+ return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( aFirstStr, pParent, FALSE, nPos, pUser );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rStr,
+ const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp, const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos,USHORT nCol, void* pUser )
+ XubString aStr;
+ if( nCol != 0xffff )
+ {
+ while( nCol )
+ {
+ aStr += '\t';
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ aStr += rStr;
+ XubString aFirstStr( aStr );
+ USHORT nEnd = aFirstStr.Search( '\t' );
+ if( nEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aFirstStr.Erase( nEnd );
+ aCurEntry = aStr;
+ aCurEntry.Erase( 0, ++nEnd );
+ }
+ else
+ aCurEntry.Erase();
+ return SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry(
+ aFirstStr,
+ rExpandedEntryBmp, rCollapsedEntryBmp,
+ pParent, FALSE, nPos, pUser );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTabListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& rStr, ULONG nPos,
+ USHORT nCol, void* pUser )
+ return InsertEntry( rStr,0,nPos, nCol, pUser );
+XubString SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( ULONG nPos, USHORT nCol ) const
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTreeListBox::GetEntry( nPos );
+ return GetEntryText( pEntry, nCol );
+XubString SvTabListBox::GetEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, USHORT nCol ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"GetEntryText:Invalid Entry");
+ XubString aResult;
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ USHORT nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCur = 0;
+ while( nCur < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pStr = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
+ if( pStr->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ if( nCol == 0xffff )
+ {
+ if( aResult.Len() )
+ aResult += '\t';
+ aResult += ((SvLBoxString*)pStr)->GetText();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( nCol == 0 )
+ return ((SvLBoxString*)pStr)->GetText();
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ nCur++;
+ }
+ }
+ return aResult;
+void SvTabListBox::SetEntryText( const XubString& rStr, ULONG nPos,
+ USHORT nCol )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = SvTreeListBox::GetEntry( nPos );
+ SetEntryText( rStr, pEntry, nCol );
+void SvTabListBox::SetEntryText( const XubString& rStr, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ USHORT nCol )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"SetEntryText:Invalid Entry");
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return;
+ const xub_Unicode* pCurToken = rStr.GetBuffer();
+ USHORT nCurTokenLen;
+ const xub_Unicode* pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ XubString aTemp;
+ USHORT nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCur = 0;
+ while( nCur < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pStr = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
+ if( pStr && pStr->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ if( nCol == 0xffff )
+ {
+ if( pCurToken )
+ aTemp = XubString( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ else
+ aTemp.Erase(); // alle Spalten ohne Token loeschen
+ ((SvLBoxString*)pStr)->SetText( pEntry, aTemp );
+ pCurToken = pNextToken;
+ pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !nCol )
+ {
+ aTemp = XubString( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ ((SvLBoxString*)pStr)->SetText( pEntry, aTemp );
+ if( !pNextToken )
+ break;
+ pCurToken = pNextToken;
+ pNextToken = GetToken( pCurToken, nCurTokenLen );
+ }
+ else
+ nCol--;
+ }
+ }
+ nCur++;
+ }
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ULONG SvTabListBox::GetEntryPos( const XubString& rStr, USHORT nCol )
+ ULONG nPos = 0;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ XubString aStr( GetEntryText( pEntry, nCol ));
+ if( aStr == rStr )
+ return nPos;
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ nPos++;
+ }
+ return 0xffffffff;
+void __EXPORT SvTabListBox::Resize()
+ SvTreeListBox::Resize();
+// static
+const xub_Unicode* SvTabListBox::GetToken( const xub_Unicode* pPtr, USHORT& rLen )
+ if( !pPtr || *pPtr == 0 )
+ {
+ rLen = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ xub_Unicode c = *pPtr;
+ USHORT nLen = 0;
+ while( c != '\t' && c != 0 )
+ {
+ pPtr++;
+ nLen++;
+ c = *pPtr;
+ }
+ if( c )
+ pPtr++; // Tab ueberspringen
+ else
+ pPtr = 0;
+ rLen = nLen;
+ return pPtr;
+void SvTabListBox::SetTabJustify( USHORT nTab, SvTabJustify eJustify)
+ if( nTab >= nTabCount )
+ return;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = &(pTabList[ nTab ]);
+ USHORT nFlags = pTab->nFlags;
+ nFlags &= (~MYTABMASK);
+ nFlags |= (USHORT)eJustify;
+ pTab->nFlags = nFlags;
+ SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS;
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+SvTabJustify SvTabListBox::GetTabJustify( USHORT nTab ) const
+ SvTabJustify eResult = AdjustLeft;
+ if( nTab >= nTabCount )
+ return eResult;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = &(pTabList[ nTab ]);
+ USHORT nFlags = pTab->nFlags;
+ nFlags &= MYTABMASK;
+ eResult = (SvTabJustify)nFlags;
+ return eResult;
+long SvTabListBox::GetLogicTab( USHORT nTab )
+ if( SvTreeListBox::nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )
+ ((SvTabListBox*)this)->SetTabs();
+ DBG_ASSERT(nTab<nTabCount,"GetTabPos:Invalid Tab");
+ return ((SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nTab ))->GetPos();
+// class SvHeaderTabListBox ----------------------------------------------
+SvHeaderTabListBox::SvHeaderTabListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :
+ SvTabListBox( pParent, nWinStyle ),
+ mbFirstPaint( TRUE )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SvHeaderTabListBox::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ if ( mbFirstPaint )
+ {
+ mbFirstPaint = FALSE;
+ RepaintScrollBars();
+ }
+ SvTabListBox::Paint( rRect );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SvHeaderTabListBox::InitHeaderBar( HeaderBar* pHeaderBar )
+ mpHeaderBar = pHeaderBar;
+ SetScrolledHdl( LINK( this, SvHeaderTabListBox, ScrollHdl_Impl ) );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SvHeaderTabListBox, ScrollHdl_Impl, SvTabListBox*, pList )
+ mpHeaderBar->SetOffset( -GetXOffset() );
+ return 0;
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc7f6de0ab05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2355 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: svtreebx.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _SVTREEBX_CXX
+#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen wg. Application
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#pragma hdrstop
+class TabBar;
+#include <svlbox.hxx>
+#include <svlbitm.hxx>
+#include <svtreebx.hxx>
+#include <svimpbox.hxx>
+ Bugs/ToDo
+ - Berechnung Rectangle beim Inplace-Editing (Bug bei manchen Fonts)
+ - SetSpaceBetweenEntries: Offset wird in SetEntryHeight nicht
+ beruecksichtigt
+__EXPORT SvTreeListBox::SvTreeListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle )
+ : SvLBox(pParent,nWinStyle )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ InitTreeView( nWinStyle );
+__EXPORT SvTreeListBox::SvTreeListBox( Window* pParent , const ResId& rResId )
+ : SvLBox( pParent,rResId )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ InitTreeView( 0 );
+ Resize();
+void SvTreeListBox::InitTreeView( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pCheckButtonData = 0;
+ nEntryHeight = 0;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ nFirstSelTab = 0;
+ nLastSelTab = 0;
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ Link* pLink = new Link( LINK(this,SvTreeListBox, DefaultCompare) );
+ pReserved = pLink;
+ pImp = new SvImpLBox( this, GetModel(), nWinStyle );
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = 0;
+ SetFont( GetFont() );
+ SetSpaceBetweenEntries( 0 );
+ SetLineColor();
+ InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+ SetTabs();
+ InitAcc();
+__EXPORT SvTreeListBox::~SvTreeListBox()
+ DBG_DTOR(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ Application::RemoveAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+ delete pImp;
+ delete (Link*)pReserved;
+ ClearTabList();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pNewModel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SetModel( pNewModel );
+ SvLBox::SetModel( pNewModel );
+void SvTreeListBox::DisconnectFromModel()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::DisconnectFromModel();
+ pImp->SetModel( GetModel() );
+USHORT SvTreeListBox::IsA()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::InitAcc()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+#ifdef OS2
+ aInpEditAcc.InsertItem( 1, KeyCode(KEY_F9,KEY_SHIFT) );
+ aInpEditAcc.InsertItem( 1, KeyCode(KEY_RETURN,KEY_MOD2) );
+ aInpEditAcc.SetActivateHdl( LINK( this, SvTreeListBox, InpEdActivateHdl) );
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvTreeListBox, InpEdActivateHdl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ EditEntry();
+ return 1;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvTreeListBox, InpEdActivateHdl, Accelerator *, pAccelerator )
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::Resize()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing( TRUE );
+ SvLBox::Resize();
+ pImp->Resize();
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ pImp->ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ pImp->ShowCursor( TRUE );
+/* Faelle:
+ A) Entries haben Bitmaps
+ 0. Keine Buttons
+ 1. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items)
+ 2. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items) + CheckButton
+ 3. CheckButton
+ B) Entries haben keine Bitmaps (->ueber WindowBits wg. D&D !!!!!!)
+ 0. Keine Buttons
+ 1. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items)
+ 2. Node-Buttons (optional auch an Root-Items) + CheckButton
+ 3. CheckButton
+#define NO_BUTTONS 0
+#define NODE_BUTTONS 1
+#define CHECK_BUTTONS 3
+#define TAB_STARTPOS 2
+// bei Aenderungen GetTextOffset beruecksichtigen
+void SvTreeListBox::SetTabs()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing( TRUE );
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ BOOL bHasButtons = (nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONS)!=0;
+ BOOL bHasButtonsAtRoot = (nWindowStyle & (WB_HASLINESATROOT |
+ long nStartPos = TAB_STARTPOS;
+ long nNodeWidthPixel = GetExpandedNodeBmp().GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidth = 0;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ nCheckWidth = pCheckButtonData->aBmps[0].GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidthDIV2 = nCheckWidth / 2;
+ long nContextWidth = nContextBmpWidthMax;
+ long nContextWidthDIV2 = nContextWidth / 2;
+ ClearTabList();
+ int nCase = NO_BUTTONS;
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN) )
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ else
+ }
+ switch( nCase )
+ {
+ case NO_BUTTONS :
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // wg. Zentrierung
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + (nNodeWidthPixel/2) );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + nNodeWidthPixel );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_CHECKBTN );
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand des CheckButtons
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_CHECKBTN );
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand CheckButton
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ AddTab( nStartPos, TABFLAGS_TEXT );
+ break;
+ }
+ pImp->NotifyTabsChanged();
+void SvTreeListBox::InitEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
+ const XubString& aStr, const Image& aCollEntryBmp, const Image& aExpEntryBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxButton* pButton;
+ SvLBoxString* pString;
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pContextBmp;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ {
+ pButton= new SvLBoxButton( pEntry,0,pCheckButtonData );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pButton );
+ }
+ pContextBmp= new SvLBoxContextBmp( pEntry,0, aCollEntryBmp,aExpEntryBmp,
+ aContextBmpMode );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pContextBmp );
+ pString = new SvLBoxString( pEntry, 0, aStr );
+ pEntry->AddItem( pString );
+XubString SvTreeListBox::GetEntryText(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetEntryText:Item not found")
+ return pItem->GetText();
+const Image& SvTreeListBox::GetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetContextBmp:Item not found")
+ return pItem->GetBitmap2();
+const Image& SvTreeListBox::GetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetContextBmp:Item not found")
+ return pItem->GetBitmap1();
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SvTreeListBox, CheckButtonClick, SvLBoxButtonData *, pData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pHdlEntry = pData->GetActEntry();
+ CheckButtonHdl();
+ return 0;
+IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SvTreeListBox, CheckButtonClick, SvLBoxButtonData *, pData )
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& aText,SvLBoxEntry* pParent,
+ BOOL bChildsOnDemand, ULONG nPos, void* pUser )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_MANINS;
+ aCurInsertedExpBmp = aExpandedEntryBmp;
+ aCurInsertedColBmp = aCollapsedEntryBmp;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pUser );
+ InitEntry( pEntry, aText, aCollapsedEntryBmp, aExpandedEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( bChildsOnDemand );
+ if( !pParent )
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ else
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ aPrevInsertedExpBmp = aExpandedEntryBmp;
+ aPrevInsertedColBmp = aCollapsedEntryBmp;
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_MANINS);
+ return pEntry;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::InsertEntry( const XubString& aText,
+ const Image& aExpEntryBmp, const Image& aCollEntryBmp,
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent, BOOL bChildsOnDemand, ULONG nPos, void* pUser )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_MANINS;
+ aCurInsertedExpBmp = aExpEntryBmp;
+ aCurInsertedColBmp = aCollEntryBmp;
+ short nExpWidth = (short)aExpEntryBmp.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ short nColWidth = (short)aCollEntryBmp.GetSizePixel().Width();
+ short nMax = Max(nExpWidth, nColWidth);
+ if( nMax > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = nMax;
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pUser );
+ InitEntry( pEntry, aText, aCollEntryBmp, aExpEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( bChildsOnDemand );
+ if( !pParent )
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ else
+ SvLBox::Insert( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ aPrevInsertedExpBmp = aExpEntryBmp;
+ aPrevInsertedColBmp = aCollEntryBmp;
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_MANINS);
+ return pEntry;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& aStr)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetText:Item not found")
+ pItem->SetText( pEntry, aStr );
+ pItem->InitViewData( this, pEntry, 0 );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Image& aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetExpBmp:Item not found")
+ pItem->SetBitmap2( pEntry, aBmp );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ SetEntryHeight( pEntry );
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,const Image& aBmp )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetExpBmp:Item not found")
+ pItem->SetBitmap1( pEntry, aBmp );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ SetEntryHeight( pEntry );
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::ImpEntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxEntry* pParent = (SvLBoxEntry*)pModel->GetParent( pEntry );
+ if( pParent )
+ {
+ USHORT nFlags = pParent->GetFlags();
+ pParent->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ }
+ if(!((nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_MANINS) &&
+ (aPrevInsertedExpBmp == aCurInsertedExpBmp) &&
+ (aPrevInsertedColBmp == aCurInsertedColBmp) ))
+ {
+ Size aSize = GetCollapsedEntryBmp( pEntry ).GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ }
+ aSize = GetExpandedEntryBmp( pEntry ).GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ {
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ }
+ }
+ SetEntryHeight( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvButtonState eState)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ {
+ SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"SetCheckButton:Item not found")
+ switch( eState )
+ {
+ pItem->SetStateChecked();
+ break;
+ pItem->SetStateUnchecked();
+ break;
+ pItem->SetStateTristate();
+ break;
+ }
+ InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+SvButtonState SvTreeListBox::GetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvButtonState eState = SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ {
+ SvLBoxButton* pItem = (SvLBoxButton*)(pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXBUTTON));
+ DBG_ASSERT(pItem,"GetChButnState:Item not found")
+ USHORT nButtonFlags = pItem->GetButtonFlags();
+ eState = pCheckButtonData->ConvertToButtonState( nButtonFlags );
+ }
+ return eState;
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::CheckButtonHdl()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ aCheckButtonHdl.Call( this );
+BOOL __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::QueryDrop( DropEvent& rDEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return SvLBox::QueryDrop( rDEvt ); // Basisklasse rufen
+// *********************************************************************
+// *********************************************************************
+// TODO: Momentan werden die Daten so geklont, dass sie dem
+// Standard-TreeView-Format entsprechen. Hier sollte eigentlich
+// das Model als Referenz dienen. Dies fuehrt dazu, dass
+// SvLBoxEntry::Clone _nicht_ gerufen wird, sondern nur dessen
+// Basisklasse SvListEntry
+SvLBoxEntry* __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::CloneEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ XubString aStr;
+ Image aCollEntryBmp;
+ Image aExpEntryBmp;
+ SvLBoxString* pStringItem = (SvLBoxString*)(pSource->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING));
+ if( pStringItem )
+ aStr = pStringItem->GetText();
+ SvLBoxContextBmp* pBmpItem = (SvLBoxContextBmp*)(pSource->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP));
+ if( pBmpItem )
+ {
+ aCollEntryBmp = pBmpItem->GetBitmap1();
+ aExpEntryBmp = pBmpItem->GetBitmap2();
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ InitEntry( pEntry, aStr, aCollEntryBmp, aExpEntryBmp );
+ pEntry->SvListEntry::Clone( pSource );
+ pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( pSource->HasChildsOnDemand() );
+ pEntry->SetUserData( pSource->GetUserData() );
+ return pEntry;
+// *********************************************************************
+// *********************************************************************
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowExpandBitmapOnCursor( BOOL bYes )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( bYes )
+ else
+void SvTreeListBox::SetIndent( short nNewIndent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nIndent = nNewIndent;
+ SetTabs();
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( const Image& aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ aExpandedEntryBmp = aBmp;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( const Image& aBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize = aBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( aSize.Width() > nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = (short)aSize.Width();
+ SetTabs();
+ aCollapsedEntryBmp = aBmp;
+void SvTreeListBox::EnableCheckButton( SvLBoxButtonData* pData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(!GetEntryCount(),"EnableCheckButton: Entry count != 0");
+ if( !pData )
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_CHKBTN);
+ else
+ {
+ pCheckButtonData = pData;
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_CHKBTN;
+ pData->SetLink( LINK(this, SvTreeListBox, CheckButtonClick));
+ }
+ SetTabs();
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetNodeBitmaps( const Image& rCollapsedNodeBmp,
+ const Image& rExpandedNodeBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SetExpandedNodeBmp( rExpandedNodeBmp );
+ SetCollapsedNodeBmp( rCollapsedNodeBmp );
+ SetTabs();
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::EditingEntry( SvLBoxEntry*, Selection& )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::EditedEntry( SvLBoxEntry* /*pEntry*/,const XubString& /*rNewText*/)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return TRUE;
+void SvTreeListBox::EnableInplaceEditing( BOOL bOn )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::EnableInplaceEditing( bOn );
+ if( Control::HasFocus() )
+ Application::InsertAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ // unter OS/2 bekommen wir auch beim Editieren Key-Up/Down
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ return;
+ USHORT nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode();
+#ifdef OVDEBUG
+ switch ( nCode )
+ {
+ case KEY_F1:
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = First();
+ pEntry = NextVisible( pEntry );
+ SetEntryText( pEntry, "SetEntryText" );
+ Sound::Beep();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() &&
+ nCode == KEY_RETURN &&
+ rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ EditEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL bKeyUsed = pImp->KeyInput( rKEvt );
+ if( !bKeyUsed )
+ SvLBox::KeyInput( rKEvt );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::RequestingChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( !pParent->HasChilds() )
+ InsertEntry( String::CreateFromAscii("<dummy>"), pParent, FALSE, LIST_APPEND );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::GetFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ Application::InsertAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+ pImp->GetFocus();
+ SvLBox::GetFocus();
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::LoseFocus()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsInplaceEditingEnabled() )
+ Application::RemoveAccel( &aInpEditAcc );
+ pImp->LoseFocus();
+ SvLBox::LoseFocus();
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasCleared()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->pCursor = 0; //sonst Absturz beim Inplace-Editieren im GetFocus
+ delete pEdCtrl;
+ pEdCtrl = 0;
+ pImp->Clear();
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ nContextBmpWidthMax = 0;
+ SetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( GetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp() );
+ SetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( GetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp() );
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_FIXEDHEIGHT ))
+ nEntryHeight = 0;
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetFont() );
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp() );
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp() );
+ SvLBox::ModelHasCleared();
+// if( IsUpdateMode() )
+// Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL /* bShow */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->PaintDDCursor( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::ScrollOutputArea( short nDeltaEntries )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( !nDeltaEntries || !pImp->aVerSBar.IsVisible() )
+ return;
+ long nThumb = pImp->aVerSBar.GetThumbPos();
+ long nMax = pImp->aVerSBar.GetRange().Max();
+ NotifyBeginScroll();
+ if( nDeltaEntries < 0 )
+ {
+ // das Fenster nach oben verschieben
+ nDeltaEntries *= -1;
+ long nVis = pImp->aVerSBar.GetVisibleSize();
+ long nTemp = nThumb + nVis;
+ if( nDeltaEntries > (nMax - nTemp) )
+ nDeltaEntries = (short)(nMax - nTemp);
+ pImp->PageDown( (USHORT)nDeltaEntries );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( nDeltaEntries > nThumb )
+ nDeltaEntries = (short)nThumb;
+ pImp->PageUp( (USHORT)nDeltaEntries );
+ }
+ pImp->SyncVerThumb();
+ NotifyEndScroll();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelectMode )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::SetSelectionMode( eSelectMode );
+ pImp->SetSelectionMode( eSelectMode );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode nDDMode )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::SetDragDropMode( nDDMode );
+ pImp->SetDragDropMode( nDDMode );
+short SvTreeListBox::GetHeightOffset(const Image& rBmp, Size& aSizeLogic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ short nOffset = 0;
+ aSizeLogic = rBmp.GetSizePixel();
+ if( GetEntryHeight() > aSizeLogic.Height() )
+ nOffset = ( GetEntryHeight() - (short)aSizeLogic.Height()) / 2;
+ return nOffset;
+short SvTreeListBox::GetHeightOffset(const Font& /* rFont */, Size& aSizeLogic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ short nOffset = 0;
+ aSizeLogic = Size(GetTextWidth('X'), GetTextHeight());
+ if( GetEntryHeight() > aSizeLogic.Height() )
+ nOffset = ( GetEntryHeight() - (short)aSizeLogic.Height()) / 2;
+ return nOffset;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetEntryHeight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ short nHeight, nHeightMax=0;
+ USHORT nCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCur = 0;
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewData = GetViewDataEntry( pEntry );
+ while( nCur < nCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nCur );
+ nHeight = (short)(pItem->GetSize( pViewData, nCur ).Height());
+ if( nHeight > nHeightMax )
+ nHeightMax = nHeight;
+ nCur++;
+ }
+ if( nHeightMax > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = nHeightMax;
+ SvLBox::SetFont( GetFont() );
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nHeightMax );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::SetEntryHeight( short nHeight, BOOL bAlways )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( bAlways || nHeight > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = nHeight;
+ if( nEntryHeight )
+ else
+ SvLBox::SetFont( GetFont() );
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nHeight );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::AdjustEntryHeight( const Image& rBmp )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize;
+ GetHeightOffset( rBmp, aSize );
+ if( aSize.Height() > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = (short)aSize.Height() + nEntryHeightOffs;
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nEntryHeight );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::AdjustEntryHeight( const Font& rFont )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize;
+ GetHeightOffset( rFont, aSize );
+ if( aSize.Height() > nEntryHeight )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight = (short)aSize.Height() + nEntryHeightOffs;
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nEntryHeight );
+ }
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::Expand( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pHdlEntry = pParent;
+ BOOL bExpanded = FALSE;
+ USHORT nFlags;
+ if( pParent->HasChildsOnDemand() )
+ RequestingChilds( pParent );
+ if( pParent->HasChilds() )
+ {
+ if( ExpandingHdl() )
+ {
+ bExpanded = TRUE;
+ SvListView::Expand( pParent );
+ pImp->EntryExpanded( pParent );
+ ExpandedHdl();
+ }
+ nFlags = pParent->GetFlags();
+ pParent->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nFlags = pParent->GetFlags();
+ pParent->SetFlags( nFlags );
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pParent ); // neu zeichnen
+ }
+ return bExpanded;
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::Collapse( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pHdlEntry = pParent;
+ BOOL bCollapsed = FALSE;
+ if( ExpandingHdl() )
+ {
+ bCollapsed = TRUE;
+ pImp->CollapsingEntry( pParent );
+ SvListView::Collapse( pParent );
+ pImp->EntryCollapsed( pParent );
+ ExpandedHdl();
+ }
+ return bCollapsed;
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::Select( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Select: Null-Ptr")
+ BOOL bRetVal = SvListView::Select( pEntry, bSelect );
+ DBG_ASSERT(IsSelected(pEntry)==bSelect,"Select failed");
+ if( bRetVal )
+ {
+ pImp->EntrySelected( pEntry, bSelect );
+ pHdlEntry = pEntry;
+ if( bSelect )
+ SelectHdl();
+ else
+ DeselectHdl();
+ }
+ return bRetVal;
+ULONG SvTreeListBox::SelectChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->DestroyAnchor();
+ ULONG nRet = 0;
+ if( !pParent->HasChilds() )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pParent );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
+ do {
+ nRet++;
+ Select( pChild, bSelect );
+ pChild = Next( pChild );
+ } while( pChild && pModel->GetDepth( pChild ) > nRefDepth );
+ return nRet;
+void SvTreeListBox::SelectAll( BOOL bSelect, BOOL bPaint )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SelAllDestrAnch(
+ bSelect,
+ TRUE, // Anker loeschen,
+ TRUE ); // auch bei SINGLE_SELECTION den Cursor deselektieren
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasInsertedTree( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTmp = (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry;
+ do
+ {
+ ImpEntryInserted( pTmp );
+ pTmp = Next( pTmp );
+ } while( pTmp && nRefDepth < pModel->GetDepth( pTmp ) );
+ pImp->TreeInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasInserted( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ ImpEntryInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ pImp->EntryInserted( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelIsMoving(SvListEntry* pSource,
+ SvListEntry* /* pTargetParent */,
+ ULONG /* nChildPos */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MovingEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pSource );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasMoved( SvListEntry* pSource )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->EntryMoved( (SvLBoxEntry*)pSource );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelIsRemoving( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->RemovingEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+ NotifyRemoving( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasRemoved( SvListEntry* /* pEntry */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->EntryRemoved();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCollapsedNodeBmp( const Image& rBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ AdjustEntryHeight( rBmp );
+ pImp->SetCollapsedNodeBmp( rBmp );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetExpandedNodeBmp( const Image& rBmp)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ AdjustEntryHeight( rBmp );
+ pImp->SetExpandedNodeBmp( rBmp );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetFont( const Font& rFont )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Font aTempFont( rFont );
+ aTempFont.SetTransparent( TRUE );
+#ifndef VCL
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ aTempFont.SetColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor() );
+ Control::SetFont( aTempFont );
+ AdjustEntryHeight( aTempFont );
+ // immer Invalidieren, sonst fallen wir
+ // bei SetEntryHeight auf die Nase
+ RecalcViewData();
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::Paint( rRect );
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )
+ SetTabs();
+ pImp->Paint( rRect );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MouseButtonDown( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MouseButtonUp( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->MouseMove( rMEvt );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::SetUpdateMode( BOOL bUpdate )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SetUpdateMode( bUpdate );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetUpdateModeFast( BOOL bUpdate )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->SetUpdateModeFast( bUpdate );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetSpaceBetweenEntries( short nOffsLogic )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nOffsLogic != nEntryHeightOffs )
+ {
+ nEntryHeight -= nEntryHeightOffs;
+ nEntryHeightOffs = (short)nOffsLogic;
+ nEntryHeight += nOffsLogic;
+ AdjustEntryHeight( GetFont() );
+ RecalcViewData();
+ pImp->SetEntryHeight( nEntryHeight );
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bForceNoSelect )
+ pImp->SetCursor(pEntry, bForceNoSelect);
+void SvTreeListBox::SetCurEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( pEntry )
+ pImp->SetCurEntry( pEntry );
+Image SvTreeListBox::GetCollapsedNodeBmp() const
+ return pImp->GetCollapsedNodeBmp();
+Image SvTreeListBox::GetExpandedNodeBmp() const
+ return pImp->GetExpandedNodeBmp();
+Point SvTreeListBox::GetEntryPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ return pImp->GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ MakeVisible( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->MakeVisible(pEntry);
+void SvTreeListBox::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, BOOL bMoveToTop )
+ pImp->MakeVisible( pEntry, bMoveToTop );
+void __EXPORT SvTreeListBox::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ // die einzelnen Items des Entries reinitialisieren
+ SvLBox::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( pEntry );
+ // repainten
+ pImp->InvalidateEntry( (SvLBoxEntry*)pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::EditItemText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxString* pItem,
+ const Selection& rSelection )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry&&pItem,"EditItemText: Bad params");
+ if( IsSelected( pEntry ))
+ {
+ pImp->ShowCursor( FALSE );
+ SvListView::Select( pEntry, FALSE );
+ PaintEntry( pEntry );
+ SvListView::Select( pEntry, TRUE );
+ pImp->ShowCursor( TRUE );
+ }
+ pEdEntry = pEntry;
+ pEdItem = pItem;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = GetTab( pEntry, pItem );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTab,"EditItemText:Tab not found");
+ Size aItemSize( pItem->GetSize(this, pEntry) );
+ Point aPos = GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+ aPos.Y() += ( nEntryHeight - aItemSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ aPos.X() = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nOutputWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ Size aSize( nOutputWidth - aPos.X(), aItemSize.Height() );
+ USHORT nPos = aTabs.GetPos( pTab );
+ if( nPos+1 < aTabs.Count() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pRightTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nPos + 1 );
+ long nRight = GetTabPos( pEntry, pRightTab );
+ if( nRight <= nOutputWidth )
+ aSize.Width() = nRight - aPos.X();
+ }
+ Point aOrigin( GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos += aOrigin; // in Win-Koord umrechnen
+ aSize.Width() -= aOrigin.X();
+ Rectangle aRect( aPos, aSize );
+#ifdef OS2
+ // Platz lassen fuer WB_BORDER
+ aRect.Left() -= 2;
+ aRect.Top() -= 3;
+ aRect.Bottom() += 3;
+ EditText( pItem->GetText(), aRect, rSelection );
+void SvTreeListBox::CancelEditing()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBox::CancelTextEditing();
+void SvTreeListBox::EditEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing();
+ if( !pEntry )
+ pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvLBoxString* pItem = (SvLBoxString* )pEntry->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING);
+ if( pItem && EditingEntry( pEntry, aSel ) )
+ {
+ SelectAll( FALSE );
+ MakeVisible( pEntry );
+ EditItemText( pEntry, pItem, aSel );
+ }
+ }
+void SvTreeListBox::EditedText( const XubString& rStr )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Point aPos = GetEntryPos( pEdEntry );
+ if( EditedEntry( pEdEntry, rStr ) )
+ {
+ ((SvLBoxString*)pEdItem)->SetText( pEdEntry, rStr );
+ pModel->InvalidateEntry( pEdEntry );
+ }
+ //if( GetSelectionMode() == SINGLE_SELECTION )
+ //{
+ if( GetSelectionCount() == 0 )
+ Select( pEdEntry );
+ if( GetSelectionMode() == MULTIPLE_SELECTION && !GetCurEntry() )
+ SetCurEntry( pEdEntry );
+ //}
+void SvTreeListBox::EditingRequest( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem,
+ const Point& )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( IsEditingActive() )
+ EndEditing();
+ if( pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ if( EditingEntry( pEntry, aSel ) )
+ {
+ SelectAll( FALSE );
+ EditItemText( pEntry, (SvLBoxString*)pItem, aSel );
+ }
+ }
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetDropTarget( const Point& rPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ // Scrollen
+ if( rPos.Y() < 12 )
+ {
+ SvLBox::ImplShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBox::pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ ScrollOutputArea( +1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Size aSize( pImp->GetOutputSize() );
+ if( rPos.Y() > aSize.Height() - 12 )
+ {
+ SvLBox::ImplShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBox::pTargetEntry, FALSE );
+ ScrollOutputArea( -1 );
+ }
+ }
+ SvLBoxEntry* pTarget = pImp->GetEntry( rPos );
+ // bei Droppen in leere Flaeche -> den letzten Eintrag nehmen
+ if( !pTarget )
+ return (SvLBoxEntry*)LastVisible();
+ else if( (GetDragDropMode() & SV_DRAGDROP_ENABLE_TOP) &&
+ pTarget == First() && rPos.Y() < 6 )
+ return 0;
+ return pTarget;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetEntry( const Point& rPos, BOOL bHit ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pImp->GetEntry( rPos );
+ if( pEntry && bHit )
+ {
+ long nLine = pImp->GetEntryLine( pEntry );
+ if( !(pImp->EntryReallyHit( pEntry, rPos, nLine)) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetCurEntry() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return pImp->GetCurEntry();
+void SvTreeListBox::SetWindowBits( WinBits nWinStyle )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nWindowStyle = nWinStyle;
+ if( nWinStyle & WB_SORT )
+ {
+ GetModel()->SetSortMode( SortAscending );
+ GetModel()->SetCompareHdl( LINK(this,SvTreeListBox,DefaultCompare));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetModel()->SetSortMode( SortNone );
+ GetModel()->SetCompareHdl( Link() );
+ }
+#ifdef OS2
+ nWinStyle |= WB_VSCROLL;
+ pImp->SetWindowBits( nWinStyle );
+ pImp->Resize();
+ Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"PaintEntry:No Entry")
+ if( pEntry )
+ pImp->PaintEntry( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"InvalidateEntry:No Entry")
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ GetModel()->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ // pImp->InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
+ }
+long SvTreeListBox::PaintEntry(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nLine,USHORT nTabFlags)
+ return PaintEntry1(pEntry,nLine,nTabFlags);
+#define SV_TAB_BORDER 8
+long SvTreeListBox::PaintEntry1(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nLine,USHORT nTabFlags,
+ BOOL bHasClipRegion )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Rectangle aRect; // multi purpose
+ BOOL bHorSBar = pImp->HasHorScrollBar();
+ PreparePaint( pEntry );
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_RECALCTABS )
+ SetTabs();
+ short nTempEntryHeight = GetEntryHeight();
+ long nWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ // wurde innerhalb des PreparePaints die horizontale ScrollBar
+ // angeschaltet? Wenn ja, muss die ClipRegion neu gesetzt werden
+ if( !bHorSBar && pImp->HasHorScrollBar() )
+ SetClipRegion( Region(pImp->GetClipRegionRect()) );
+ Point aPos( GetMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+ aPos.X() *= -1; // Umrechnung Dokumentkoord.
+ long nMaxRight = nWidth + aPos.X() - 1;
+ Font aBackupFont( GetFont() );
+ Color aBackupColor = GetFillColor();
+ int bCurFontIsSel = FALSE;
+ BOOL bInUse = pEntry->HasInUseEmphasis();
+ // wenn eine ClipRegion von aussen gesetzt wird, dann
+ // diese nicht zuruecksetzen
+ BOOL bResetClipRegion = !bHasClipRegion;
+ BOOL bHideSelection = ((nWindowStyle & WB_HIDESELECTION) && !HasFocus())!=0;
+ const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Font aHiliteFont( GetFont() );
+ aHiliteFont.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightTextColor() );
+ Size aRectSize( 0, nTempEntryHeight );
+ if( !bHasClipRegion && nWindowStyle & WB_HSCROLL )
+ {
+ SetClipRegion( Region(pImp->GetClipRegionRect()) );
+ bHasClipRegion = TRUE;
+ }
+ SvViewDataEntry* pViewDataEntry = GetViewDataEntry( pEntry );
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ USHORT nItemCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ USHORT nCurTab = 0;
+ USHORT nCurItem = 0;
+ while( nCurTab < nTabCount && nCurItem < nItemCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nCurTab );
+ USHORT nNextTab = nCurTab + 1;
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab = nNextTab < nTabCount ? (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nNextTab) : 0;
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = nCurItem < nItemCount ? pEntry->GetItem(nCurItem) : 0;
+ USHORT nFlags = pTab->nFlags;
+ Size aSize( pItem->GetSize( pViewDataEntry, nCurItem ));
+ long nTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nNextTabPos;
+ if( pNextTab )
+ nNextTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab );
+ else
+ {
+ nNextTabPos = nMaxRight;
+ if( nTabPos > nMaxRight )
+ nNextTabPos += 50;
+ }
+ long nX;
+ if( pTab->nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_RIGHT )
+ //verhindern, das rechter Rand von der Tabtrennung abgeschnitten wird
+ nX = nTabPos + pTab->CalcOffset(aSize.Width(), (nNextTabPos-SV_TAB_BORDER-1) -nTabPos);
+ else
+ nX = nTabPos + pTab->CalcOffset(aSize.Width(), nNextTabPos-nTabPos);
+ if( nFlags & nTabFlags )
+ {
+ if( !bHasClipRegion && nX + aSize.Width() >= nMaxRight )
+ {
+ SetClipRegion( Region(pImp->GetClipRegionRect()) );
+ bHasClipRegion = TRUE;
+ }
+ aPos.X() = nX;
+ aPos.Y() = nLine;
+ // Hintergrund-Muster & Farbe bestimmen
+ Wallpaper aWallpaper = GetBackground();
+ int bSelTab = nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION;
+ USHORT nItemType = pItem->IsA();
+ if( pViewDataEntry->IsSelected() && bSelTab &&
+ !pViewDataEntry->IsCursored() )
+ {
+ if( !bInUse || nItemType != SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP )
+ {
+ if( bHideSelection )
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetDeactiveColor() );
+ else
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightColor() );
+ // Font auf Hilite-Farbe setzen ?
+ if( !bCurFontIsSel && nItemType == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ Control::SetFont( aHiliteFont );
+ bCurFontIsSel = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else // ContextBitmap + InUse-Emphasis + Selektiert
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetHighlightColor() );
+ }
+ else // keine Selektion
+ {
+ if( bInUse && nItemType == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXCONTEXTBMP )
+ aWallpaper.SetColor( rSettings.GetFieldColor() );
+ else if( bCurFontIsSel && nItemType == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING )
+ {
+ bCurFontIsSel = FALSE;
+ Control::SetFont( aBackupFont );
+ }
+ }
+ // Hintergrund zeichnen
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL))
+ {
+ // nur den Bereich zeichnen, den das Item einnimmt
+ aRectSize.Width() = aSize.Width();
+ aRect.SetPos( aPos );
+ aRect.SetSize( aRectSize );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // vom aktuellen bis zum naechsten Tab zeichnen
+ if( nCurTab != 0 )
+ aRect.Left() = nTabPos;
+ else
+ // beim nullten Tab immer ab Spalte 0 zeichnen
+ // (sonst Probleme bei Tabs mit Zentrierung)
+ aRect.Left() = 0;
+ aRect.Top() = nLine;
+ aRect.Bottom() = nLine + nTempEntryHeight - 1;
+ if( pNextTab )
+ {
+ long nRight;
+ nRight = GetTabPos(pEntry,pNextTab)-1;
+ if( nRight > nMaxRight )
+ nRight = nMaxRight;
+ aRect.Right() = nRight;
+ }
+ else
+ aRect.Right() = nMaxRight;
+ }
+ // bei anwenderdefinierter Selektion, die bei einer Tabposition
+ // groesser 0 beginnt den Hintergrund des 0.ten Items nicht
+ // fuellen, da sonst z.B. TablistBoxen mit Linien nicht
+ // realisiert werden koennen.
+ if( !(nCurTab==0 && (nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL) && nFirstSelTab) )
+ {
+ SetFillColor( aWallpaper.GetColor() );
+ // Bei kleinen hor. Resizes tritt dieser Fall auf
+ if( aRect.Left() < aRect.Right() )
+ DrawRect( aRect );
+ }
+ // Item zeichnen
+ // vertikal zentrieren
+ aPos.Y() += ( nTempEntryHeight - aSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ pItem->Paint( aPos, *this, pViewDataEntry->GetFlags(), pEntry );
+ // Trennungslinie zwischen Tabs
+ if( pNextTab && pItem->IsA() == SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING &&
+ // nicht am rechten Fensterrand!
+ aRect.Right() < nMaxRight )
+ {
+ aRect.Left() = aRect.Right() - SV_TAB_BORDER;
+ DrawRect( aRect );
+ }
+ SetFillColor( aBackupColor );
+ }
+ nCurItem++;
+ nCurTab++;
+ }
+ if( pViewDataEntry->IsCursored() && !HasFocus() )
+ {
+ // Cursor-Emphasis
+ SetFillColor();
+ Color aOldLineColor = GetLineColor();
+ SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
+ aRect = GetFocusRect( pEntry, nLine );
+ aRect.Top()++;
+ aRect.Bottom()--;
+ DrawRect( aRect );
+ SetLineColor( aOldLineColor );
+ SetFillColor( aBackupColor );
+ }
+ if( bCurFontIsSel )
+ Control::SetFont( aBackupFont );
+ USHORT nFirstDynTabPos;
+ SvLBoxTab* pFirstDynamicTab = GetFirstDynamicTab( nFirstDynTabPos );
+ long nDynTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pFirstDynamicTab );
+ nDynTabPos += pImp->nNodeBmpTabDistance;
+ nDynTabPos += pImp->nNodeBmpWidth / 2;
+ nDynTabPos += 4; // 4 Pixel Reserve, damit die Node-Bitmap
+ // nicht zu nah am naechsten Tab steht
+ if( (!(pEntry->GetFlags() & SV_ENTRYFLAG_NO_NODEBMP)) &&
+ (nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONS) && pFirstDynamicTab &&
+ ( pEntry->HasChilds() || pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() ) )
+ {
+ // ersten festen Tab suchen, und pruefen ob die Node-Bitmap
+ // in ihn hineinragt
+ USHORT nNextTab = nFirstDynTabPos;
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab;
+ do
+ {
+ nNextTab++;
+ pNextTab = nNextTab < nTabCount ? (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nNextTab) : 0;
+ } while( pNextTab && pNextTab->IsDynamic() );
+ if( !pNextTab || (GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab ) > nDynTabPos) )
+ {
+ if((nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT) || pModel->GetDepth(pEntry) > 0)
+ {
+ Point aPos( GetTabPos(pEntry,pFirstDynamicTab), nLine );
+ aPos.X() += pImp->nNodeBmpTabDistance;
+ const Image* pImg = 0;
+ if( IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ pImg = &pImp->GetExpandedNodeBmp();
+ else
+ {
+ if( (!pEntry->HasChilds()) && pEntry->HasChildsOnDemand() &&
+ (!(pEntry->GetFlags() & SV_ENTRYFLAG_HAD_CHILDREN)) &&
+ pImp->GetDontKnowNodeBmp().GetSizePixel().Width() )
+ pImg = &pImp->GetDontKnowNodeBmp();
+ else
+ pImg = &pImp->GetCollapsedNodeBmp();
+ }
+ aPos.Y() += (nTempEntryHeight - pImg->GetSizePixel().Height()) / 2;
+ DrawImage( aPos, *pImg );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( bHasClipRegion && bResetClipRegion )
+ SetClipRegion();
+ return 0; // nRowLen;
+void SvTreeListBox::PreparePaint( SvLBoxEntry* )
+Rectangle SvTreeListBox::GetFocusRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, long nLine )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize;
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ aRect.Top() = nLine;
+ aSize.Height() = GetEntryHeight();
+ long nRealWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ nRealWidth -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
+ USHORT nCurTab;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = GetFirstTab( SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION, nCurTab );
+ long nTabPos = 0;
+ if( pTab )
+ nTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nNextTabPos;
+ if( pTab && nCurTab < aTabs.Count() - 1 )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nCurTab + 1 );
+ nNextTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nNextTabPos = nRealWidth;
+ if( nTabPos > nRealWidth )
+ nNextTabPos += 50;
+ }
+ BOOL bUserSelection = (BOOL)( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL ) != 0;
+ if( !bUserSelection )
+ {
+ if( pTab && nCurTab < pEntry->ItemCount() )
+ {
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nCurTab );
+ aSize.Width() = pItem->GetSize( this, pEntry ).Width();
+ if( !aSize.Width() )
+ aSize.Width() = 15;
+ long nX = nTabPos; //GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ // Ausrichtung
+ nX += pTab->CalcOffset( aSize.Width(), nNextTabPos - nTabPos );
+ aRect.Left() = nX;
+ // damit erster & letzter Buchstabe nicht angeknabbert werden
+ aRect.SetSize( aSize );
+ if( aRect.Left() > 0 )
+ aRect.Left()--;
+ aRect.Right()++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // wenn erster SelTab != 0, dann muessen wir auch rechnen
+ if( nFocusWidth == -1 || nFirstSelTab )
+ {
+ USHORT nLastTab;
+ SvLBoxTab* pLastTab = GetLastTab(SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION,nLastTab);
+ nLastTab++;
+ if( nLastTab < aTabs.Count() ) // gibts noch einen ?
+ pLastTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nLastTab );
+ else
+ pLastTab = 0; // ueber gesamte Breite selektieren
+ aSize.Width() = pLastTab ? pLastTab->GetPos() : 0x0fffffff;
+ nFocusWidth = (short)aSize.Width();
+ if( pTab )
+ nFocusWidth -= (short)nTabPos; //pTab->GetPos();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSize.Width() = nFocusWidth;
+ if( pTab )
+ {
+ if( nCurTab )
+ aSize.Width() += nTabPos;
+ else
+ aSize.Width() += pTab->GetPos(); // Tab0 immer ab ganz links
+ }
+ }
+ // wenn Sel. beim nullten Tab anfaengt, dann ab Spalte 0 sel. zeichnen
+ if( nCurTab != 0 )
+ {
+ aRect.Left() = nTabPos;
+ aSize.Width() -= nTabPos;
+ }
+ aRect.SetSize( aSize );
+ }
+ // rechten Rand anpassen wg. Clipping
+ if( aRect.Right() >= nRealWidth )
+ {
+ aRect.Right() = nRealWidth-1;
+ nFocusWidth = (short)aRect.GetWidth();
+ }
+ return aRect;
+long SvTreeListBox::GetTabPos( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxTab* pTab)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pTab,"No Tab")
+ long nPos = pTab->GetPos();
+ if( pTab->IsDynamic() )
+ {
+ USHORT nDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pEntry );
+ nDepth *= (USHORT)nIndent;
+ nPos += (long)nDepth;
+ }
+ return nPos;
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetItem_Impl( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, long nX,
+ SvLBoxTab** ppTab, USHORT nEmptyWidth )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxItem* pItemClicked = 0;
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ USHORT nItemCount = pEntry->ItemCount();
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(0);
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem(0);
+ USHORT nNextItem = 1;
+ nX -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
+ long nRealWidth = pImp->GetOutputSize().Width();
+ nRealWidth -= GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X();
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pNextTab=nNextItem<nTabCount ? (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nNextItem) : 0;
+ long nStart = GetTabPos( pEntry, pTab );
+ long nNextTabPos;
+ if( pNextTab )
+ nNextTabPos = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab );
+ else
+ {
+ nNextTabPos = nRealWidth;
+ if( nStart > nRealWidth )
+ nNextTabPos += 50;
+ }
+ Size aItemSize( pItem->GetSize(this, pEntry));
+ nStart += pTab->CalcOffset( aItemSize.Width(), nNextTabPos - nStart );
+ long nLen = aItemSize.Width();
+ if( pNextTab )
+ {
+ long nTabWidth = GetTabPos( pEntry, pNextTab ) - nStart;
+ if( nTabWidth < nLen )
+ nLen = nTabWidth;
+ }
+ if( !nLen )
+ nLen = nEmptyWidth;
+ if( nX >= nStart && nX < (nStart+nLen ) )
+ {
+ pItemClicked = pItem;
+ if( ppTab )
+ {
+ *ppTab = pTab;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nNextItem >= nItemCount || nNextItem >= nTabCount)
+ break;
+ pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nNextItem );
+ pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nNextItem );
+ nNextItem++;
+ }
+ return pItemClicked;
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetItem(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nX,SvLBoxTab** ppTab)
+ return GetItem_Impl( pEntry, nX, ppTab, 0 );
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetItem(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,long nX )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxTab* pDummyTab;
+ return GetItem_Impl( pEntry, nX, &pDummyTab, 0 );
+SvLBoxItem* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstDynamicItem( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(0);
+ SvLBoxItem* pItem = pEntry->GetItem(0);
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ USHORT nNext = 1;
+ while ( !pTab->IsDynamic() && nNext < nTabCount )
+ {
+ pItem = pEntry->GetItem( nNext );
+ pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nNext );
+ nNext++;
+ }
+ return pItem;
+void SvTreeListBox::AddTab(long nPos,USHORT nFlags,void* pUserData )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nFocusWidth = -1;
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = new SvLBoxTab( nPos, nFlags );
+ pTab->SetUserData( pUserData );
+ aTabs.Insert( pTab, aTabs.Count() );
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_USESEL )
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = aTabs.Count() - 1;
+ if( nPos >= nFirstSelTab && nPos <= nLastSelTab )
+ else
+ // String-Items werden normalerweise immer selektiert
+ // deshalb explizit ausschalten
+ }
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstDynamicTab( USHORT& rPos ) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nCurTab = 0;
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ while( nCurTab < nTabCount )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject(nCurTab);
+ if( pTab->nFlags & SV_LBOXTAB_DYNAMIC )
+ {
+ rPos = nCurTab;
+ return pTab;
+ }
+ nCurTab++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstDynamicTab() const
+ USHORT nDummy;
+ return GetFirstDynamicTab( nDummy );
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetTab( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem) const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nPos = pEntry->GetPos( pItem );
+ return (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nPos );
+void SvTreeListBox::ClearTabList()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ while( nTabCount )
+ {
+ nTabCount--;
+ SvLBoxTab* pDelTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nTabCount );
+ delete pDelTab;
+ }
+ aTabs.Remove(0,aTabs.Count());
+Size SvTreeListBox::GetOutputSizePixel() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Size aSize = pImp->GetOutputSize();
+ return aSize;
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyBeginScroll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyEndScroll()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyScrolling( long nCount )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyScrolled()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ aScrolledHdl.Call( this );
+void SvTreeListBox::NotifyInvalidating()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+void SvTreeListBox::Invalidate()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nFocusWidth == -1 )
+ // damit Control nicht nach dem Paint ein falsches FocusRect anzeigt
+ pImp->RecalcFocusRect();
+ NotifyInvalidating();
+ SvLBox::Invalidate();
+ pImp->Invalidate();
+void SvTreeListBox::Invalidate( const Rectangle& rRect )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ if( nFocusWidth == -1 )
+ // damit Control nicht nach dem Paint ein falsches FocusRect anzeigt
+ pImp->RecalcFocusRect();
+ NotifyInvalidating();
+ SvLBox::Invalidate( rRect );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetHighlightRange( USHORT nStart, USHORT nEnd)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ USHORT nTemp;
+ nTreeFlags |= TREEFLAG_USESEL;
+ if( nStart > nEnd )
+ {
+ nTemp = nStart;
+ nStart = nEnd;
+ nEnd = nTemp;
+ }
+ // alle Tabs markieren, die im Bereich liegen
+ nFirstSelTab = nStart;
+ nLastSelTab = nEnd;
+ pImp->RecalcFocusRect();
+void SvTreeListBox::RemoveHighlightRange()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ nTreeFlags &= (~TREEFLAG_USESEL);
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Invalidate();
+ULONG SvTreeListBox::GetAscInsertionPos(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,SvLBoxEntry* pParent)
+ return LIST_APPEND;
+ULONG SvTreeListBox::GetDescInsertionPos(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,SvLBoxEntry* pParent)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ return LIST_APPEND;
+Region SvTreeListBox::GetDragRegion() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ Rectangle aRect;
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetCurEntry();
+ if( pEntry )
+ {
+ Point aPos = GetEntryPos( pEntry );
+ aRect = ((SvTreeListBox*)this)->GetFocusRect( pEntry, aPos.Y() );
+ }
+ Region aRegion( aRect );
+ return aRegion;
+void SvTreeListBox::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ pImp->Command( rCEvt );
+void SvTreeListBox::RemoveParentKeepChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pParent,"RemoveParentKeepChilds:No Parent");
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent = GetParent( pParent );
+ if( pParent->HasChilds())
+ {
+ SvLBoxEntry* pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
+ while( pChild )
+ {
+ pModel->Move( pChild, pNewParent, LIST_APPEND );
+ pChild = FirstChild( pParent );
+ }
+ }
+ pModel->Remove( pParent );
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstTab( USHORT nFlagMask, USHORT& rPos )
+ USHORT nTabCount = aTabs.Count();
+ for( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < nTabCount; nPos++ )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( nPos );
+ if( (pTab->nFlags & nFlagMask) )
+ {
+ rPos = nPos;
+ return pTab;
+ }
+ }
+ rPos = 0xffff;
+ return 0;
+SvLBoxTab* SvTreeListBox::GetLastTab( USHORT nFlagMask, USHORT& rTabPos )
+ short nTabCount = (short)aTabs.Count();
+ if( nTabCount )
+ {
+ for( short nPos = nTabCount-1; nPos >= 0; nPos-- )
+ {
+ SvLBoxTab* pTab = (SvLBoxTab*)aTabs.GetObject( (USHORT)nPos );
+ if( (pTab->nFlags & nFlagMask) )
+ {
+ rTabPos = (USHORT)nPos;
+ return pTab;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rTabPos = 0xffff;
+ return 0;
+void SvTreeListBox::SetAddMode( BOOL bAdd )
+ pImp->SetAddMode( bAdd );
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::IsAddMode() const
+ return pImp->IsAddMode();
+void SvTreeListBox::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
+ if( !pImp->RequestHelp( rHEvt ) )
+ SvLBox::RequestHelp( rHEvt );
+void SvTreeListBox::CursorMoved( SvLBoxEntry* )
+IMPL_LINK( SvTreeListBox, DefaultCompare, SvSortData*, pData )
+ SvLBoxEntry* pLeft = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pData->pLeft );
+ SvLBoxEntry* pRight = (SvLBoxEntry*)(pData->pRight );
+ String aLeft( ((SvLBoxString*)(pLeft->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING)))->GetText());
+ String aRight( ((SvLBoxString*)(pRight->GetFirstItem(SV_ITEM_ID_LBOXSTRING)))->GetText());
+ // Intntl: Compare(a,b) ==> b.Compare(a) ==> strcmp(a,b)
+ const International& rInter = Application::GetAppInternational();
+ StringCompare eCompare = rInter.Compare( aLeft, aRight );
+ return (long)eCompare;
+void SvTreeListBox::ModelNotification( USHORT nActionId, SvListEntry* pEntry1,
+ SvListEntry* pEntry2, ULONG nPos )
+ if( nActionId == LISTACTION_CLEARING )
+ CancelTextEditing();
+ SvLBox::ModelNotification( nActionId, pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ switch( nActionId )
+ {
+ SetUpdateMode( FALSE );
+ break;
+ // nach Sortierung den ersten Eintrag anzeigen, dabei die
+ // Selektion erhalten.
+ MakeVisible( (SvLBoxEntry*)pModel->First(), TRUE );
+ SetUpdateMode( TRUE );
+ break;
+ if( IsUpdateMode() )
+ Update();
+ break;
+ }
+// bei Aenderungen SetTabs beruecksichtigen
+long SvTreeListBox::GetTextOffset() const
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvTreeListBox,0);
+ BOOL bHasButtons = (nWindowStyle & WB_HASBUTTONS)!=0;
+ BOOL bHasButtonsAtRoot = (nWindowStyle & (WB_HASLINESATROOT |
+ long nStartPos = TAB_STARTPOS;
+ long nNodeWidthPixel = GetExpandedNodeBmp().GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidth = 0;
+ if( nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN )
+ nCheckWidth = pCheckButtonData->aBmps[0].GetSizePixel().Width();
+ long nCheckWidthDIV2 = nCheckWidth / 2;
+ long nContextWidth = nContextBmpWidthMax;
+ long nContextWidthDIV2 = nContextWidth / 2;
+ int nCase = NO_BUTTONS;
+ if( !(nTreeFlags & TREEFLAG_CHKBTN) )
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( bHasButtons )
+ else
+ }
+ switch( nCase )
+ {
+ case NO_BUTTONS :
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // wg. Zentrierung
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + (nNodeWidthPixel/2) );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ if( bHasButtonsAtRoot )
+ nStartPos += ( nIndent + nNodeWidthPixel );
+ else
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand des CheckButtons
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ // Abstand setzen nur wenn Bitmaps da
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2;
+ nStartPos += nCheckWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand CheckButton
+ nStartPos += 3; // Abstand CheckButton Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // Mitte der Context-Bmp
+ nStartPos += nContextWidthDIV2; // rechter Rand der Context-Bmp
+ if( nContextBmpWidthMax )
+ nStartPos += 5; // Abstand Context-Bmp - Text
+ break;
+ }
+ return nStartPos;
+void SvTreeListBox::EndSelection()
+ pImp->EndSelection();
+BOOL SvTreeListBox::IsNodeButton( const Point& rPos ) const
+ SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( rPos );
+ if( pEntry )
+ return pImp->IsNodeButton( rPos, pEntry );
+ return FALSE;
+void SvTreeListBox::RepaintScrollBars() const
+ ((SvTreeListBox*)this)->pImp->RepaintScrollBars();
+ScrollBar *SvTreeListBox::GetVScroll()
+ return &((SvTreeListBox*)this)->pImp->aVerSBar;
+ScrollBar *SvTreeListBox::GetHScroll()
+ return &((SvTreeListBox*)this)->pImp->aHorSBar;
+void SvTreeListBox::EnableAsyncDrag( BOOL b )
+ pImp->EnableAsyncDrag( b );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetDontKnowNodeBitmap( const Image& rCollapsedNodeBmp )
+ pImp->SetDontKnowNodeBmp( rCollapsedNodeBmp );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetFirstEntryInView() const
+ Point aPos;
+ return GetEntry( aPos );
+SvLBoxEntry* SvTreeListBox::GetNextEntryInView(SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const
+ SvLBoxEntry* pNext = (SvLBoxEntry*)NextVisible( pEntry );
+ if( pNext )
+ {
+ Point aPos( GetEntryPos(pNext) );
+ const Size& rSize = pImp->GetOutputSize();
+ if( aPos.Y() < 0 || aPos.Y() >= rSize.Height() )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pNext;
+void SvTreeListBox::ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
+ pImp->ShowFocusRect( pEntry );
+void SvTreeListBox::SetTabBar( TabBar* pTabBar )
+ pImp->SetTabBar( pTabBar );
+void SvTreeListBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
+ if( (rDCEvt.GetType()==DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
+ {
+ InitSettings( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ else
+ Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
+void SvTreeListBox::InitSettings(BOOL bFont,BOOL bForeground,BOOL bBackground)
+ const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ if( bFont )
+ {
+ Font aFont;
+ aFont = rStyleSettings.GetFieldFont();
+ SetPointFont( aFont );
+ }
+ if( bForeground || bFont )
+ {
+ SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor() );
+ SetTextFillColor();
+ }
+ if( bBackground )
+ SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() );
+void SvTreeListBox::InitStartEntry()
+ if( !pImp->pStartEntry )
+ pImp->pStartEntry = GetModel()->First();
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/treelist.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/treelist.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04255804df22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/treelist.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: treelist.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:57 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define _TREELIST_CXX
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <treelist.hxx>
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+// Prueft Integritaet der Liste nach jeder Operation
+ DBG_CTOR(SvListEntry,0);
+ pChilds = 0;
+ pParent = 0;
+ nListPos = 0;
+ nAbsPos = 0;
+SvListEntry::SvListEntry( const SvListEntry& rEntry )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvListEntry,0);
+ pChilds = 0;
+ pParent = 0;
+ nListPos &= 0x80000000;
+ nListPos |= ( rEntry.nListPos & 0x7fffffff);
+ nAbsPos = rEntry.nAbsPos;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvListEntry,0);
+ if ( pChilds )
+ {
+ pChilds->DestroyAll();
+ delete pChilds;
+ }
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ pChilds = 0;
+ pParent = 0;
+void SvListEntry::Clone( SvListEntry* pSource)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListEntry,0);
+ nListPos &= 0x80000000;
+ nListPos |= ( pSource->nListPos & 0x7fffffff);
+ nAbsPos = pSource->nAbsPos;
+void SvListEntry::SetListPositions()
+ if( pChilds )
+ {
+ SvListEntry *pEntry = (SvListEntry*)pChilds->First();
+ ULONG nCur = 0;
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry->nListPos &= 0x80000000;
+ pEntry->nListPos |= nCur;
+ nCur++;
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)pChilds->Next();
+ }
+ }
+ nListPos &= (~0x80000000);
+ DBG_CTOR(SvViewData,0);
+ nFlags = 0;
+ nVisPos = 0;
+SvViewData::SvViewData( const SvViewData& rData )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvViewData,0);
+ nFlags = rData.nFlags;
+ nVisPos = rData.nVisPos;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvViewData,0);
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ nVisPos = 0x12345678;
+ nFlags = 0x1234;
+void SvTreeEntryList::DestroyAll()
+ SvListEntry* pPtr = (SvListEntry*)First();
+ while( pPtr )
+ {
+ delete pPtr;
+ pPtr = (SvListEntry*)Next();
+ }
+#if defined (WIN) && defined (MSC)
+// siehe BugId 42896: Die Funktionen Prev, PrevVisible, Next, NextVisible
+// (andere?) funktionieren nicht mit Optimierung.
+#pragma optimize ("", off)
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ nEntryCount = 0;
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ nRefCount = 1;
+ pRootItem = new SvListEntry;
+ eSortMode = SortNone;
+|* SvTreeList::~SvTreeList
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ Clear();
+ delete pRootItem;
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ pRootItem = 0;
+|* SvTreeList::Broadcast
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::Broadcast( USHORT nActionId, SvListEntry* pEntry1,
+ SvListEntry* pEntry2, ULONG nPos )
+ ULONG nViewCount = aViewList.Count();
+ for( ULONG nCurView = 0; nCurView < nViewCount; nCurView++ )
+ {
+ SvListView* pView = (SvListView*)aViewList.GetObject( nCurView );
+ if( pView )
+ pView->ModelNotification( nActionId, pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ }
+void SvTreeList::InsertView( SvListView* pView)
+ ULONG nPos = aViewList.GetPos( pView );
+ if ( nPos == LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aViewList.Insert( pView, LIST_APPEND );
+ nRefCount++;
+ }
+void SvTreeList::RemoveView( SvListView* pView )
+ ULONG nPos = aViewList.GetPos( pView );
+ if ( nPos != LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ aViewList.Remove( pView );
+ nRefCount--;
+ }
+// Ein Entry ist sichtbar, wenn alle Parents expandiert sind
+BOOL SvTreeList::IsEntryVisible( const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry,"IsVisible:Invalid Params")
+ do
+ {
+ if ( pEntry == pRootItem )
+ {
+ bRetVal=TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ pEntry = pEntry->pParent;
+ } while( pView->IsExpanded( pEntry ) );
+ return bRetVal;
+USHORT SvTreeList::GetDepth( SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry&&pEntry!=pRootItem,"GetDepth:Bad Entry")
+ USHORT nDepth = 0;
+ while( pEntry->pParent != pRootItem )
+ {
+ nDepth++;
+ pEntry = pEntry->pParent;
+ }
+ return nDepth;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::Clear()
+ SvTreeEntryList* pRootList = pRootItem->pChilds;
+ if ( pRootList )
+ {
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pRootList->First());
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ delete pEntry;
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pRootList->Next());
+ }
+ delete pRootItem->pChilds;
+ pRootItem->pChilds = 0;
+ }
+ nEntryCount = 0;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+BOOL SvTreeList::IsChild( SvListEntry* pParent, SvListEntry* pChild ) const
+ if ( !pParent )
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ BOOL bIsChild = FALSE;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pList = pParent->pChilds;
+ if ( !pList )
+ return FALSE;
+ SvListEntry* pActualChild = (SvListEntry*)(pList->First());
+ while( !bIsChild && pActualChild )
+ {
+ if ( pActualChild == pChild )
+ bIsChild = TRUE;
+ else
+ {
+ if ( pActualChild->pChilds )
+ bIsChild = IsChild( pActualChild, pChild );
+ pActualChild = (SvListEntry*)(pList->Next());
+ }
+ }
+ return bIsChild;
+ULONG SvTreeList::Move(SvListEntry* pSrcEntry,SvListEntry* pTargetParent,ULONG nListPos)
+ // pDest darf Null sein!
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSrcEntry,"Entry?")
+ if ( !pTargetParent )
+ pTargetParent = pRootItem;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSrcEntry!=pTargetParent,"Move:Source=Target")
+ Broadcast( LISTACTION_MOVING, pSrcEntry, pTargetParent, nListPos );
+ if ( !pTargetParent->pChilds )
+ pTargetParent->pChilds = new SvTreeEntryList;
+ if ( pSrcEntry == pTargetParent )
+ return pSrcEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pDstList = pTargetParent->pChilds;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pSrcList = pSrcEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ // Dummy-Ptr einfuegen, weil nListPos durch das
+ // folgende Remove ungueltig werden koennte
+ SvListEntry* pDummy = 0; pDstList->Insert( pDummy, nListPos );
+ // loeschen
+ pSrcList->Remove( pSrcEntry );
+ // Hat Parent noch Childs ?
+ if ( pSrcList->Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ // Keine Childs, deshalb Child-List loeschen
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pSrcEntry->pParent;
+ pParent->pChilds = 0;
+ delete pSrcList;
+ pSrcList = 0;
+ }
+ // Parent umsetzen (erst hier, weil wir zum Loeschen
+ // der ChildList den alten Parent noch benoetigen!)
+ pSrcEntry->pParent = pTargetParent;
+ pDstList->Replace( pSrcEntry, pDummy );
+ // Listenpositionen in Zielliste korrigieren
+ SetListPositions( pDstList );
+ if ( pSrcList && (ULONG)pSrcList != (ULONG)pDstList )
+ SetListPositions( pSrcList );
+ ULONG nRetVal = pDstList->GetPos( pSrcEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(nRetVal==pSrcEntry->GetChildListPos(),"ListPos not valid")
+ Broadcast( LISTACTION_MOVED,pSrcEntry,pTargetParent,nRetVal);
+ return nRetVal;
+ULONG SvTreeList::Copy(SvListEntry* pSrcEntry,SvListEntry* pTargetParent,ULONG nListPos)
+ // pDest darf Null sein!
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSrcEntry,"Entry?")
+ if ( !pTargetParent )
+ pTargetParent = pRootItem;
+ if ( !pTargetParent->pChilds )
+ pTargetParent->pChilds = new SvTreeEntryList;
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ ULONG nCloneCount = 0;
+ SvListEntry* pClonedEntry = Clone( pSrcEntry, nCloneCount );
+ nEntryCount += nCloneCount;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pDstList = pTargetParent->pChilds;
+ pClonedEntry->pParent = pTargetParent; // Parent umsetzen
+ pDstList->Insert( pClonedEntry, nListPos ); // Einfuegen
+ SetListPositions( pDstList ); // Listenpositionen in Zielliste korrigieren
+ Broadcast( LISTACTION_INSERTED_TREE, pClonedEntry );
+ ULONG nRetVal = pDstList->GetPos( pClonedEntry );
+ return nRetVal;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::Move( SvListEntry* pSrcEntry, SvListEntry* pDstEntry )
+ SvListEntry* pParent;
+ ULONG nPos;
+ if ( !pDstEntry )
+ {
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ nPos = 0UL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pParent = pDstEntry->pParent;
+ nPos = pDstEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ nPos++; // UNTER (Bildschirm) pDstEntry einfuegen
+ }
+ Move( pSrcEntry, pParent, nPos );
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::Copy( SvListEntry* pSrcEntry, SvListEntry* pDstEntry )
+ SvListEntry* pParent;
+ ULONG nPos;
+ if ( !pDstEntry )
+ {
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ nPos = 0UL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pParent = pDstEntry->pParent;
+ nPos = pDstEntry->GetChildListPos()+1;
+ }
+ Copy( pSrcEntry, pParent, nPos );
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::InsertTree( SvListEntry* pSrcEntry, SvListEntry* pDstEntry)
+ SvListEntry* pParent;
+ ULONG nPos;
+ if ( !pDstEntry )
+ {
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ nPos = 0UL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pParent = pDstEntry->pParent;
+ nPos = pDstEntry->GetChildListPos()+1;
+ }
+ InsertTree( pSrcEntry, pParent, nPos );
+void SvTreeList::InsertTree(SvListEntry* pSrcEntry,
+ SvListEntry* pTargetParent,ULONG nListPos)
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSrcEntry,"InsertTree:Entry?")
+ if ( !pSrcEntry )
+ return;
+ if ( !pTargetParent )
+ pTargetParent = pRootItem;
+ if ( !pTargetParent->pChilds )
+ pTargetParent->pChilds = new SvTreeEntryList;
+ // Sortierung beruecksichtigen
+ GetInsertionPos( pSrcEntry, pTargetParent, nListPos );
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ pSrcEntry->pParent = pTargetParent; // Parent umsetzen
+ SvTreeEntryList* pDstList = pTargetParent->pChilds;
+ pDstList->Insert( pSrcEntry, nListPos ); // einfuegen
+ SetListPositions(pDstList); // Listenpositionen in Zielliste korrigieren
+ nEntryCount += GetChildCount( pSrcEntry );
+ nEntryCount++; // der Parent ist ja auch neu
+ Broadcast(LISTACTION_INSERTED_TREE, pSrcEntry );
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::CloneEntry( SvListEntry* pSource ) const
+ if( aCloneLink.IsSet() )
+ return (SvListEntry*)aCloneLink.Call( pSource );
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = CreateEntry();
+ pSource->Clone( pEntry );
+ return pSource;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::CreateEntry() const
+ return new SvListEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::Clone( SvListEntry* pEntry, ULONG& nCloneCount ) const
+ SvListEntry* pClonedEntry = CloneEntry( pEntry );
+ nCloneCount = 1;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pChilds = pEntry->pChilds;
+ if ( pChilds )
+ pClonedEntry->pChilds=CloneChilds(pChilds,pClonedEntry,nCloneCount);
+ return pClonedEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvTreeEntryList* SvTreeList::CloneChilds( SvTreeEntryList* pChilds,
+ SvListEntry* pNewParent,
+ ULONG& nCloneCount ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pChilds->Count(),"Childs?")
+ SvTreeEntryList* pClonedChilds = new SvTreeEntryList;
+ SvListEntry* pChild = (SvListEntry*)pChilds->First();
+ while ( pChild )
+ {
+ SvListEntry* pNewChild = CloneEntry( pChild );
+ nCloneCount++;
+ pNewChild->pParent = pNewParent;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pSubChilds = pChild->pChilds;
+ if ( pSubChilds )
+ {
+ pSubChilds = CloneChilds( pSubChilds, pNewChild, nCloneCount );
+ pNewChild->pChilds = pSubChilds;
+ }
+ pClonedChilds->Insert( pNewChild, LIST_APPEND );
+ pChild = (SvListEntry*)pChilds->Next();
+ }
+ return pClonedChilds;
+|* SvTreeList::GetChildCount
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::GetChildCount( SvListEntry* pParent ) const
+ if ( !pParent )
+ return GetEntryCount();
+ if ( !pParent || !pParent->pChilds)
+ return 0;
+ ULONG nCount = 0;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = GetDepth( pParent );
+ USHORT nActDepth = nRefDepth;
+ do
+ {
+ pParent = Next( pParent, &nActDepth );
+ nCount++;
+ } while( pParent && nRefDepth < nActDepth );
+ nCount--;
+ return nCount;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::GetVisibleChildCount(const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pParent) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"GetVisChildCount:No View")
+ if ( !pParent )
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ if ( !pParent || !pView->IsExpanded(pParent) || !pParent->pChilds )
+ return 0;
+ ULONG nCount = 0;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = GetDepth( pParent );
+ USHORT nActDepth = nRefDepth;
+ do
+ {
+ pParent = NextVisible( pView, pParent, &nActDepth );
+ nCount++;
+ } while( pParent && nRefDepth < nActDepth );
+ nCount--;
+ return nCount;
+ULONG SvTreeList::GetChildSelectionCount(const SvListView* pView,SvListEntry* pParent) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"GetChildSelCount:No View")
+ if ( !pParent )
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ if ( !pParent || !pParent->pChilds)
+ return 0;
+ ULONG nCount = 0;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = GetDepth( pParent );
+ USHORT nActDepth = nRefDepth;
+ do
+ {
+ pParent = Next( pParent, &nActDepth );
+ if( pParent && pView->IsSelected( pParent ) && nRefDepth < nActDepth)
+ nCount++;
+ } while( pParent && nRefDepth < nActDepth );
+// nCount--;
+ return nCount;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::First() const
+ if ( nEntryCount )
+ return (SvListEntry*)(pRootItem->pChilds->GetObject(0));
+ else
+ return 0;
+|* SvTreeList::Next
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::Next( SvListEntry* pActEntry, USHORT* pDepth ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pActEntry,"Entry?")
+ USHORT nDepth = 0;
+ int bWithDepth = FALSE;
+ if ( pDepth )
+ {
+ nDepth = *pDepth;
+ bWithDepth = TRUE;
+ }
+ SvTreeEntryList* pActualList = pActEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ ULONG nActualPos = pActEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ if ( pActEntry->pChilds /* && pActEntry->pChilds->Count() */ )
+ {
+ nDepth++;
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActEntry->pChilds->GetObject(0));
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ if ( pActualList->Count() > ( nActualPos + 1 ) )
+ {
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->GetObject( nActualPos + 1 ));
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pActEntry->pParent;
+ nDepth--;
+ while( pParent != pRootItem && pParent != 0 )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pParent!=0,"TreeData corrupt!");
+ pActualList = pParent->pParent->pChilds;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pActualList,"TreeData corrupt!")
+ nActualPos = pParent->GetChildListPos();
+ if ( pActualList->Count() > ( nActualPos + 1 ) )
+ {
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->GetObject( nActualPos + 1 ));
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ pParent = pParent->pParent;
+ nDepth--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+|* SvTreeList::Prev
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::Prev( SvListEntry* pActEntry, USHORT* pDepth ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pActEntry!=0,"Entry?")
+ USHORT nDepth = 0;
+ int bWithDepth = FALSE;
+ if ( pDepth )
+ {
+ nDepth = *pDepth;
+ bWithDepth = TRUE;
+ }
+ SvTreeEntryList* pActualList = pActEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ ULONG nActualPos = pActEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ if ( nActualPos > 0 )
+ {
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->GetObject( nActualPos - 1 ));
+ while( pActEntry->pChilds /* && pActEntry->pChilds->Count() */ )
+ {
+ pActualList = pActEntry->pChilds;
+ nDepth++;
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->Last());
+ }
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ if ( pActEntry->pParent == pRootItem )
+ return 0;
+ pActEntry = pActEntry->pParent;
+ if ( pActEntry )
+ {
+ nDepth--;
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ return 0;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::Last( USHORT* /* nDepth */ ) const
+ SvTreeEntryList* pActList = pRootItem->pChilds;
+// if ( pActList->Count() == 0 )
+// return 0;
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = 0;
+ while( pActList )
+ {
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActList->Last());
+ pActList = pEntry->pChilds;
+// if ( pActList->Count() == 0 )
+// pActList = 0;
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::GetVisiblePos( const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry,"View/Entry?")
+ if ( !pView->bVisPositionsValid )
+ {
+ // damit GetVisibleCount die Positionen aktualisiert
+ ((SvListView*)pView)->nVisibleCount = 0;
+ GetVisibleCount( pView );
+ }
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ return pViewData->nVisPos;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::GetVisibleCount( const SvListView* pView ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"GetVisCount:No View")
+ if( !pView->HasViewData() )
+ return 0;
+ if ( pView->nVisibleCount )
+ return pView->nVisibleCount;
+ ULONG nPos = 0;
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = First(); // erster Eintrag immer sichtbar
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ pViewData->nVisPos = nPos;
+ nPos++;
+ pEntry = NextVisible( pView, pEntry );
+ }
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ if( nPos > 10000000 )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("nVisibleCount bad");
+ }
+ ((SvListView*)pView)->nVisibleCount = nPos;
+ ((SvListView*)pView)->bVisPositionsValid = TRUE;
+ return nPos;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+// Funktion geht aus Geschwindigkeitsgruenden davon aus,
+// das der uebergebene Eintrag bereits sichtbar ist
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::NextVisible(const SvListView* pView,SvListEntry* pActEntry,USHORT* pActDepth) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"NextVisible:No View")
+ if ( !pActEntry )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nDepth = 0;
+ int bWithDepth = FALSE;
+ if ( pActDepth )
+ {
+ nDepth = *pActDepth;
+ bWithDepth = TRUE;
+ }
+ SvTreeEntryList* pActualList = pActEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ ULONG nActualPos = pActEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ if ( pView->IsExpanded(pActEntry) )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pActEntry->pChilds,"Childs?")
+ nDepth++;
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActEntry->pChilds->GetObject(0));
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pActDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ nActualPos++;
+ if ( pActualList->Count() > nActualPos )
+ {
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->GetObject( nActualPos ));
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pActDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pActEntry->pParent;
+ nDepth--;
+ while( pParent != pRootItem )
+ {
+ pActualList = pParent->pParent->pChilds;
+ nActualPos = pParent->GetChildListPos();
+ nActualPos++;
+ if ( pActualList->Count() > nActualPos )
+ {
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->GetObject( nActualPos ));
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pActDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ pParent = pParent->pParent;
+ nDepth--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+// Funktion geht aus Geschwindigkeitsgruenden davon aus,
+// das der uebergebene Eintrag bereits sichtbar ist
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::PrevVisible(const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pActEntry, USHORT* pActDepth) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pActEntry,"PrevVis:View/Entry?")
+ USHORT nDepth = 0;
+ int bWithDepth = FALSE;
+ if ( pActDepth )
+ {
+ nDepth = *pActDepth;
+ bWithDepth = TRUE;
+ }
+ SvTreeEntryList* pActualList = pActEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ ULONG nActualPos = pActEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ if ( nActualPos > 0 )
+ {
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->GetObject( nActualPos - 1 ));
+ while( pView->IsExpanded(pActEntry) )
+ {
+ pActualList = pActEntry->pChilds;
+ nDepth++;
+ pActEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pActualList->Last());
+ }
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pActDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ if ( pActEntry->pParent == pRootItem )
+ return 0;
+ pActEntry = pActEntry->pParent;
+ if ( pActEntry )
+ {
+ nDepth--;
+ if ( bWithDepth )
+ *pActDepth = nDepth;
+ return pActEntry;
+ }
+ return 0;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::LastVisible( const SvListView* pView, USHORT* pDepth) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"LastVis:No View")
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = Last();
+ while( pEntry && !IsEntryVisible( pView, pEntry ) )
+ pEntry = PrevVisible( pView, pEntry );
+ if ( pEntry && pDepth )
+ *pDepth = GetDepth( pEntry );
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::NextVisible(const SvListView* pView,SvListEntry* pEntry,USHORT& nDelta) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry&&IsEntryVisible(pView,pEntry),"NextVis:Wrong Prms/!Vis")
+ ULONG nVisPos = GetVisiblePos( pView, pEntry );
+ // nDelta Eintraege vorhanden ?
+ // Beispiel: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 nVisPos=5 nDelta=7
+ // nNewDelta = 10-nVisPos-1 == 4
+ if ( nVisPos+nDelta >= pView->nVisibleCount )
+ {
+ nDelta = (USHORT)(pView->nVisibleCount-nVisPos);
+ nDelta--;
+ }
+ USHORT nDeltaTmp = nDelta;
+ while( nDeltaTmp )
+ {
+ pEntry = NextVisible( pView, pEntry );
+ nDeltaTmp--;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::PrevVisible( const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry, USHORT& nDelta ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry&&IsEntryVisible(pView,pEntry),"PrevVis:Parms/!Vis")
+ ULONG nVisPos = GetVisiblePos( pView, pEntry );
+ // nDelta Eintraege vorhanden ?
+ // Beispiel: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 nVisPos=8 nDelta=20
+ // nNewDelta = nNewVisPos
+ if ( nDelta > nVisPos )
+ nDelta = (USHORT)nVisPos;
+ USHORT nDeltaTmp = nDelta;
+ while( nDeltaTmp )
+ {
+ pEntry = PrevVisible( pView, pEntry );
+ nDeltaTmp--;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::FirstSelected( const SvListView* pView) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"FirstSel:No View")
+ if( !pView )
+ return 0;
+ SvListEntry* pActSelEntry = First();
+ while( pActSelEntry && !pView->IsSelected(pActSelEntry) )
+ pActSelEntry = NextVisible( pView, pActSelEntry );
+ return pActSelEntry;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::FirstChild( SvListEntry* pParent ) const
+ if ( !pParent )
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ SvListEntry* pResult;
+ if ( pParent->pChilds )
+ pResult = (SvListEntry*)(pParent->pChilds->GetObject( 0 ));
+ else
+ pResult = 0;
+ return pResult;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::NextSibling( SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return 0;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pList = pEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+// ULONG nPos = pList->GetPos( pEntry );
+ ULONG nPos = pEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ nPos++;
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->GetObject( nPos ));
+ return pEntry;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::PrevSibling( SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Entry?")
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return 0;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pList = pEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ // ULONG nPos = pList->GetPos( pEntry );
+ ULONG nPos = pEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ if ( nPos == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ nPos--;
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->GetObject( nPos ));
+ return pEntry;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::LastSibling( SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"LastSibling:Entry?");
+ if( !pEntry )
+ return 0;
+ SvListEntry* pSib = 0;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pSibs = pEntry->pParent->pChilds;
+ if ( pSibs )
+ pSib = (SvListEntry*)(pSibs->Last());
+ return pSib;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::NextSelected( const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry,"NextSel:View/Entry?")
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ while( pEntry && !pView->IsSelected(pEntry) )
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::PrevSelected( const SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry,"PrevSel:View/Entry?")
+ pEntry = Prev( pEntry );
+ while( pEntry && !pView->IsSelected(pEntry) )
+ pEntry = Prev( pEntry );
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::LastSelected( const SvListView* pView ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"LastSel:No View")
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = Last();
+ while( pEntry && !pView->IsSelected(pEntry) )
+ pEntry = Prev( pEntry );
+ return pEntry;
+|* SvTreeList::Insert
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::Insert( SvListEntry* pEntry,SvListEntry* pParent,ULONG nPos )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pEntry,"Entry?")
+ if ( !pParent )
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pList = pParent->pChilds;
+ if ( !pList )
+ {
+ // Parent bekommt zum erstenmal ein Kind
+ pList = new SvTreeEntryList;
+ pParent->pChilds = pList;
+ }
+ // Sortierung beruecksichtigen
+ GetInsertionPos( pEntry, pParent, nPos );
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ pEntry->pParent = pParent;
+ pList->Insert( pEntry, nPos );
+ nEntryCount++;
+ if( nPos != LIST_APPEND && (nPos != (pList->Count()-1)) )
+ SetListPositions( pList );
+ else
+ pEntry->nListPos = pList->Count()-1;
+ Broadcast( LISTACTION_INSERTED, pEntry );
+ return nPos; // pEntry->nListPos;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::GetAbsPos( SvListEntry* pEntry) const
+ if ( !bAbsPositionsValid )
+ ((SvTreeList*)this)->SetAbsolutePositions();
+ return pEntry->nAbsPos;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::SetAbsolutePositions()
+ ULONG nPos = 0;
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry->nAbsPos = nPos;
+ nPos++;
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ }
+ bAbsPositionsValid = TRUE;
+|* SvTreeList::Expand
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::Expand( SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry&&pView,"Expand:View/Entry?")
+ if ( pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ return;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->pChilds,"Expand:No Childs!")
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData(pEntry);
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pEntry->pParent;
+ // wenn Parent sichtbar dann Statusdaten invalidieren
+ if ( pView->IsExpanded( pParent ) )
+ {
+ pView->bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ pView->nVisibleCount = 0;
+ }
+|* SvTreeList::Collapse
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+void SvTreeList::Collapse( SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry,"Collapse:View/Entry?")
+ if ( !pView->IsExpanded(pEntry) )
+ return;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->pChilds,"Collapse:No Childs!")
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pEntry->pParent;
+ if ( pView->IsExpanded(pParent) )
+ {
+ pView->nVisibleCount = 0;
+ pView->bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ }
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+BOOL SvTreeList::Select( SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pEntry, BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pEntry,"Select:View/Entry?")
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ if ( bSelect )
+ {
+ if ( pViewData->IsSelected() )
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ pView->nSelectionCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !pViewData->IsSelected() )
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ pViewData->nFlags &= ~( SVLISTENTRYFLAG_SELECTED );
+ pView->nSelectionCount--;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+|* SvTreeList::Remove
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 24.06.97
+BOOL SvTreeList::Remove( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Cannot remove root, use clear")
+ if( !pEntry->pParent )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("Removing entry not in model!");
+ // unter gewissen Umstaenden (welche?) loescht der
+ // Explorer aus der View Eintraege, die er nicht in die View
+ // eingefuegt hat. Da sich der Kunde fuer ein platzendes
+ // Office nichts kaufen kann, fange ich diesen Fall ab.
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Broadcast( LISTACTION_REMOVING, pEntry );
+ ULONG nRemoved = 1 + GetChildCount(pEntry);
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pEntry->pParent;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pList = pParent->pChilds;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pList,"Remove:No Childlist")
+ BOOL bLastEntry = FALSE;
+ if ( pEntry->HasChildListPos() )
+ {
+ ULONG nListPos = pEntry->GetChildListPos();
+ bLastEntry = (nListPos == (pList->Count()-1) ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ pList->Remove( nListPos );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pList->Remove( (void*) pEntry );
+ }
+ delete pEntry; // loescht auch alle Childs
+ if ( pList->Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ pParent->pChilds = 0;
+ delete pList;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !bLastEntry )
+ SetListPositions( pList );
+ }
+ nEntryCount -= nRemoved;
+ Broadcast( LISTACTION_REMOVED, pEntry );
+ return TRUE;
+|* SvTreeList::
+|* Beschreibung
+|* Ersterstellung 17.08.94
+|* Letzte Aenderung 17.08.94
+ULONG SvTreeList::SelectChilds(SvListView* pView, SvListEntry* pParent,BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView&&pParent,"SelChilds:View/Parent?")
+ if ( !pParent->pChilds )
+ return 0;
+ if ( pParent->pChilds->Count() == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = GetDepth( pParent );
+ USHORT nDepth = nRefDepth;
+ ULONG nCount = 0;
+ pParent = Next( pParent );
+ do
+ {
+ if ( Select( pView, pParent, bSelect ) )
+ nCount++; // nur die tatsaechlichen Selektierungen zaehlen
+ pParent = Next( pParent, &nDepth );
+ }
+ while( pParent && nDepth > nRefDepth );
+ return nCount;
+void SvTreeList::SelectAll( SvListView* pView, BOOL bSelect )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"SelectAll:NoView")
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = pView->GetViewData( pEntry );
+ if ( bSelect )
+ else
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ }
+ if ( bSelect )
+ pView->nSelectionCount = nEntryCount;
+ else
+ pView->nSelectionCount = 0;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::GetEntryAtAbsPos( ULONG nAbsPos ) const
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while ( nAbsPos && pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ nAbsPos--;
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::GetEntryAtVisPos( const SvListView* pView, ULONG nVisPos ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pView,"GetEntryAtVisPos:No View")
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while ( nVisPos && pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry = NextVisible( pView, pEntry );
+ nVisPos--;
+ }
+ return pEntry;
+void SvTreeList::SetListPositions( SvTreeEntryList* pList )
+ if( pList->Count() )
+ {
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->GetObject(0));
+ if( pEntry->pParent )
+ pEntry->pParent->InvalidateChildrensListPositions();
+ }
+ /*
+ ULONG nListPos = 0;
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->First());
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry->nListPos = nListPos;
+ nListPos++;
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->Next());
+ }
+ */
+void SvTreeList::InvalidateEntry( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+BOOL SvTreeList::IsInChildList( SvListEntry* pParent, SvListEntry* pChild) const
+ if ( !pParent )
+ pParent = pRootItem;
+ BOOL bIsChild = FALSE;
+ if ( pParent->pChilds )
+ bIsChild = (BOOL)(pParent->pChilds->GetPos(pChild) != LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND);
+ return bIsChild;
+void lcl_CheckList( SvTreeEntryList* pList )
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->First());
+ ULONG nPos = 0;
+ while ( pEntry )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry->GetChildListPos()==nPos,"Wrong ListPos")
+ pEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pList->Next());
+ nPos++;
+ }
+void SvTreeList::CheckIntegrity() const
+ ULONG nMyEntryCount = 0;
+ if ( pRootItem->pChilds )
+ {
+ lcl_CheckList( pRootItem->pChilds );
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ nMyEntryCount++;
+ if ( pEntry->pChilds )
+ lcl_CheckList( pEntry->pChilds );
+ pEntry = Next( pEntry );
+ }
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(nMyEntryCount==GetEntryCount(),"Entry count invalid")
+SvListEntry* SvTreeList::GetRootLevelParent( SvListEntry* pEntry ) const
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"GetRootLevelParent:No Entry")
+ SvListEntry* pCurParent = 0;
+ if ( pEntry )
+ {
+ pCurParent = pEntry->pParent;
+ if ( pCurParent == pRootItem )
+ return pEntry; // ist sein eigener Parent
+ while( pCurParent->pParent != pRootItem )
+ pCurParent = pCurParent->pParent;
+ }
+ return pCurParent;
+SvListView::SvListView( SvTreeList* pModell )
+ DBG_CTOR(SvListView,0);
+ pModel = 0;
+ nSelectionCount = 0;
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ SetModel( pModell );
+ DBG_CTOR(SvListView,0);
+ pModel = 0;
+ nSelectionCount = 0;
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ DBG_DTOR(SvListView,0);
+ ClearTable();
+void SvListView::InitTable()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pModel,"InitTable:No Model")
+ DBG_ASSERT(!nSelectionCount&&!nVisibleCount&&!bVisPositionsValid,"InitTable: Not cleared!");
+ if( aDataTable.Count() )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(aDataTable.Count()==1,"InitTable: TableCount != 1");
+ // die im Clear fuer die Root allozierten View-Daten loeschen
+ // Achtung: Das zu dem RootEntry (und damit auch der Entry)
+ // gehoerende Model kann bereits geloescht sein!
+ SvViewData* pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.GetObject( 0 );
+ delete pViewData;
+ aDataTable.Clear();
+ }
+ SvListEntry* pEntry;
+ SvViewData* pViewData;
+ // RootEntry einfuegen
+ pEntry = pModel->pRootItem;
+ pViewData = new SvViewData;
+ aDataTable.Insert( (ULONG)pEntry, pViewData );
+ // Jetzt alle anderen Entries
+ pEntry = pModel->First();
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ pViewData = CreateViewData( pEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pViewData,"InitTable:No ViewData")
+ InitViewData( pViewData, pEntry );
+ aDataTable.Insert( (ULONG)pEntry, pViewData );
+ pEntry = pModel->Next( pEntry );
+ }
+SvViewData* SvListView::CreateViewData( SvListEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ return new SvViewData;
+void SvListView::ClearTable()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ SvViewData* pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.First();
+ while( pViewData )
+ {
+ delete pViewData;
+ pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.Next();
+ }
+ aDataTable.Clear();
+void SvListView::Clear()
+ ClearTable();
+ nSelectionCount = 0;
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ if( pModel )
+ {
+ // RootEntry einfuegen
+ SvListEntry* pEntry = pModel->pRootItem;
+ SvViewData* pViewData = new SvViewData;
+ aDataTable.Insert( (ULONG)pEntry, pViewData );
+ }
+void SvListView::SetModel( SvTreeList* pNewModel )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ BOOL bBroadcastCleared = FALSE;
+ if ( pModel )
+ {
+ pModel->RemoveView( this );
+ bBroadcastCleared = TRUE;
+ ModelNotification( LISTACTION_CLEARING,0,0,0 );
+ if ( pModel->GetRefCount() == 0 )
+ delete pModel;
+ }
+ pModel = pNewModel;
+ InitTable();
+ pNewModel->InsertView( this );
+ if( bBroadcastCleared )
+ ModelNotification( LISTACTION_CLEARED,0,0,0 );
+void SvListView::ModelHasCleared()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelHasInserted( SvListEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelHasInsertedTree( SvListEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelIsMoving( SvListEntry* /* pSource */ ,
+ SvListEntry* /* pTargetParent */ , ULONG /* nPos */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelHasMoved( SvListEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelIsRemoving( SvListEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelHasRemoved( SvListEntry* )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry*)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ActionMoving( SvListEntry* pEntry,SvListEntry* pTargetPrnt,ULONG nChildPos)
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ SvListEntry* pParent = pEntry->pParent;
+ DBG_ASSERT(pParent,"Model not consistent")
+ if( pParent != pModel->pRootItem && pParent->pChilds->Count() == 1 )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.Get( (ULONG)pParent );
+ }
+ // vorlaeufig
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+void SvListView::ActionMoved( SvListEntry* /* pEntry */ ,
+ SvListEntry* /* pTargetPrnt */ ,
+ ULONG /* nChildPos */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+void SvListView::ActionInserted( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Insert:No Entry")
+ SvViewData* pData = CreateViewData( pEntry );
+ InitViewData( pData, pEntry );
+ BOOL bSuccess = aDataTable.Insert( (ULONG)pEntry, pData );
+ DBG_ASSERT(bSuccess,"Entry already in View")
+ if ( nVisibleCount && pModel->IsEntryVisible( this, pEntry ))
+ {
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ }
+void SvListView::ActionInsertedTree( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ if ( pModel->IsEntryVisible( this, pEntry ))
+ {
+ nVisibleCount = 0;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ }
+ // ueber Entry und seine Childs iterieren
+ SvListEntry* pCurEntry = pEntry;
+ USHORT nRefDepth = pModel->GetDepth( pCurEntry );
+ while( pCurEntry )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(aDataTable.Get((ULONG)pCurEntry)==0,"Entry already in Table")
+ SvViewData* pViewData = CreateViewData( pCurEntry );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pViewData,"No ViewData")
+ InitViewData( pViewData, pEntry );
+ aDataTable.Insert( (ULONG)pCurEntry, pViewData );
+ pCurEntry = pModel->Next( pCurEntry );
+ if ( pCurEntry && pModel->GetDepth(pCurEntry) <= nRefDepth)
+ pCurEntry = 0;
+ }
+void SvListView::RemoveViewData( SvListEntry* pParent )
+ SvTreeEntryList* pChilds = pParent->pChilds;
+ if( pChilds )
+ {
+ SvListEntry* pCur = (SvListEntry*)pChilds->First();
+ while( pCur )
+ {
+ SvViewData* pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.Get((ULONG)pCur);
+ delete pViewData;
+ aDataTable.Remove( (ULONG)pCur );
+ if( pCur->HasChilds())
+ RemoveViewData( pCur );
+ pCur = (SvListEntry*)pChilds->Next();
+ }
+ }
+void SvListView::ActionRemoving( SvListEntry* pEntry )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"Remove:No Entry")
+ SvViewData* pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.Get( (ULONG)pEntry );
+ ULONG nSelRemoved = 0;
+ if ( pViewData->IsSelected() )
+ nSelRemoved = 1 + pModel->GetChildSelectionCount( this, pEntry );
+ nSelectionCount -= nSelRemoved;
+ ULONG nVisibleRemoved = 0;
+ if ( pModel->IsEntryVisible( this, pEntry ) )
+ nVisibleRemoved = 1 + pModel->GetVisibleChildCount( this, pEntry );
+ if( nVisibleCount )
+ {
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ if( nVisibleCount < nVisibleRemoved )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("nVisibleRemoved bad");
+ }
+ nVisibleCount -= nVisibleRemoved;
+ }
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.Get((ULONG)pEntry);
+ delete pViewData;
+ aDataTable.Remove( (ULONG)pEntry );
+ RemoveViewData( pEntry );
+ SvListEntry* pCurEntry = pEntry->pParent;
+ if ( pCurEntry && pCurEntry != pModel->pRootItem &&
+ pCurEntry->pChilds->Count() == 1 )
+ {
+ pViewData = (SvViewData*)aDataTable.Get((ULONG)pCurEntry);
+ }
+void SvListView::ActionRemoved( SvListEntry* /* pEntry */ )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+void SvListView::ActionClear()
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ Clear();
+void SvListView::ModelNotification( USHORT nActionId, SvListEntry* pEntry1,
+ SvListEntry* pEntry2, ULONG nPos )
+ DBG_CHKTHIS(SvListView,0);
+ switch( nActionId )
+ {
+ ActionInserted( pEntry1 );
+ ModelHasInserted( pEntry1 );
+ break;
+ ActionInsertedTree( pEntry1 );
+ ModelHasInsertedTree( pEntry1 );
+ break;
+ ModelIsRemoving( pEntry1 );
+ ActionRemoving( pEntry1 );
+ break;
+ ActionRemoved( pEntry1 );
+ ModelHasRemoved( pEntry1 );
+ break;
+ ModelIsMoving( pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ ActionMoving( pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ break;
+ ActionMoved( pEntry1, pEntry2, nPos );
+ ModelHasMoved( pEntry1 );
+ break;
+ ActionClear();
+ ModelHasCleared(); //sic! wg. Kompatibilitaet!
+ break;
+ break;
+ // keine Action fuer die Basisklasse
+ ModelHasEntryInvalidated( pEntry1 );
+ break;
+ bVisPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ DBG_ERROR("unknown ActionId");
+ }
+void SvListView::InitViewData( SvViewData*, SvListEntry* )
+StringCompare SvTreeList::Compare( SvListEntry* pLeft, SvListEntry* pRight) const
+ if( aCompareLink.IsSet())
+ {
+ SvSortData aSortData;
+ aSortData.pLeft = pLeft;
+ aSortData.pRight = pRight;
+ return (StringCompare)aCompareLink.Call( &aSortData );
+ }
+void SvTreeList::Resort()
+ bAbsPositionsValid = FALSE;
+ ResortChilds( pRootItem );
+void SvTreeList::ResortChilds( SvListEntry* pParent )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pParent,"Parent not set");
+ List* pChildList = pParent->pChilds;
+ if( !pChildList )
+ return;
+ List aList( *pChildList );
+ pChildList->Clear();
+ ULONG nCount = aList.Count();
+ for( ULONG nCur = 0; nCur < nCount; nCur++ )
+ {
+ SvListEntry* pCurEntry = (SvListEntry*)aList.GetObject( nCur );
+ GetInsertionPos( pCurEntry, pParent, nListPos );
+ pChildList->Insert( pCurEntry, nListPos );
+ if( pCurEntry->pChilds )
+ ResortChilds( pCurEntry );
+ }
+ SetListPositions( (SvTreeEntryList*)pChildList );
+void SvTreeList::GetInsertionPos( SvListEntry* pEntry, SvListEntry* pParent,
+ ULONG& rPos )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pEntry,"No Entry")
+ if( eSortMode == SortNone )
+ return;
+ SvTreeEntryList* pChildList = GetChildList( pParent );
+ if( pChildList && pChildList->Count() )
+ {
+ long i = 0;
+ long j = pChildList->Count()-1;
+ long k;
+ StringCompare eCompare = COMPARE_GREATER;
+ do
+ {
+ k = (i+j)/2;
+ SvListEntry* pTempEntry = (SvListEntry*)(pChildList->GetObject(k));
+ eCompare = Compare( pEntry, pTempEntry );
+ if( eSortMode == SortDescending && eCompare != COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( eCompare == COMPARE_LESS )
+ else
+ eCompare = COMPARE_LESS;
+ }
+ if( eCompare == COMPARE_GREATER )
+ i = k + 1;
+ else
+ j = k - 1;
+ } while( (eCompare != COMPARE_EQUAL) && (i <= j) );
+ if( eCompare != COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if(i > ((long)pChildList->Count() - 1)) // nicht gefunden, Ende der Liste
+ else
+ rPos = i; // nicht gefunden, Mitte
+ }
+ else
+ rPos = k;
+ }