path: root/svx
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Diffstat (limited to 'svx')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/_contdlg.cxx b/svx/source/dialog/_contdlg.cxx
index 2832eece6ec2..cc7da3c25fd6 100644
--- a/svx/source/dialog/_contdlg.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/_contdlg.cxx
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ tools::PolyPolygon SvxContourDlg::CreateAutoContour( const Graphic& rGraphic,
const tools::Rectangle* pRect )
Bitmap aBmp;
- XOutFlags nContourFlags = XOutFlags::ContourHorz;
+ bool bContourEdgeDetect = false;
+ bool bContourVert = false;
if ( rGraphic.GetType() == GraphicType::Bitmap )
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ tools::PolyPolygon SvxContourDlg::CreateAutoContour( const Graphic& rGraphic,
aBmp = rGraphic.GetBitmapEx().GetBitmap();
- nContourFlags |= XOutFlags::ContourEdgeDetect;
+ bContourEdgeDetect = true;
else if( rGraphic.GetType() != GraphicType::NONE )
@@ -157,13 +158,13 @@ tools::PolyPolygon SvxContourDlg::CreateAutoContour( const Graphic& rGraphic,
aBmp = pVDev->GetBitmap( aPt, aSizePix );
- nContourFlags |= XOutFlags::ContourEdgeDetect;
+ bContourEdgeDetect = true;
aBmp.SetPrefSize( rGraphic.GetPrefSize() );
aBmp.SetPrefMapMode( rGraphic.GetPrefMapMode() );
- return tools::PolyPolygon( XOutBitmap::GetContour( aBmp, nContourFlags, pRect ) );
+ return tools::PolyPolygon( BitmapEx(aBmp).GetContour( bContourEdgeDetect, bContourVert, pRect ) );
// Loop through to super class, no virtual Methods to not become incompatible
diff --git a/svx/source/xoutdev/_xoutbmp.cxx b/svx/source/xoutdev/_xoutbmp.cxx
index decc1de34565..4d33fda7534d 100644
--- a/svx/source/xoutdev/_xoutbmp.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/xoutdev/_xoutbmp.cxx
@@ -422,235 +422,5 @@ ErrCode XOutBitmap::ExportGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const INetURLObject&
return nRet;
-Bitmap XOutBitmap::DetectEdges( const Bitmap& rBmp, const sal_uInt8 cThreshold )
- const Size aSize( rBmp.GetSizePixel() );
- Bitmap aRetBmp;
- if( ( aSize.Width() > 2 ) && ( aSize.Height() > 2 ) )
- {
- Bitmap aWorkBmp( rBmp );
- if( aWorkBmp.Convert( BmpConversion::N8BitGreys ) )
- {
- bool bRet = false;
- ScopedVclPtr<VirtualDevice> pVirDev(VclPtr<VirtualDevice>::Create());
- pVirDev->SetOutputSizePixel(aSize);
- Bitmap::ScopedReadAccess pReadAcc(aWorkBmp);
- if( pReadAcc )
- {
- const long nWidth = aSize.Width();
- const long nWidth2 = nWidth - 2;
- const long nHeight = aSize.Height();
- const long nHeight2 = nHeight - 2;
- const long lThres2 = static_cast<long>(cThreshold) * cThreshold;
- long nSum1;
- long nSum2;
- long lGray;
- // initialize border with white pixels
- pVirDev->SetLineColor( COL_WHITE );
- pVirDev->DrawLine( Point(), Point( nWidth - 1, 0L ) );
- pVirDev->DrawLine( Point( nWidth - 1, 0L ), Point( nWidth - 1, nHeight - 1 ) );
- pVirDev->DrawLine( Point( nWidth - 1, nHeight - 1 ), Point( 0L, nHeight - 1 ) );
- pVirDev->DrawLine( Point( 0, nHeight - 1 ), Point() );
- for( long nY = 0, nY1 = 1, nY2 = 2; nY < nHeight2; nY++, nY1++, nY2++ )
- {
- Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
- Scanline pScanlineRead1 = pReadAcc->GetScanline( nY1 );
- Scanline pScanlineRead2 = pReadAcc->GetScanline( nY2 );
- for( long nX = 0, nXDst = 1, nXTmp; nX < nWidth2; nX++, nXDst++ )
- {
- nXTmp = nX;
- nSum2 = lGray = pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nXTmp++ );
- nSum1 = -nSum2;
- nSum2 += static_cast<long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nXTmp++ )) << 1;
- lGray = pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nXTmp );
- nSum1 += lGray;
- nSum2 += lGray;
- nSum1 += static_cast<long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead1, nXTmp )) << 1;
- nXTmp -= 2;
- nSum1 -= static_cast<long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead1, nXTmp )) << 1;
- lGray = -static_cast<long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead2, nXTmp++ ));
- nSum1 += lGray;
- nSum2 += lGray;
- nSum2 -= static_cast<long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead2, nXTmp++ )) << 1;
- lGray = static_cast<long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead2, nXTmp ));
- nSum1 += lGray;
- nSum2 -= lGray;
- if( ( nSum1 * nSum1 + nSum2 * nSum2 ) < lThres2 )
- pVirDev->DrawPixel( Point(nXDst, nY), COL_WHITE );
- else
- pVirDev->DrawPixel( Point(nXDst, nY), COL_BLACK );
- }
- }
- bRet = true;
- }
- pReadAcc.reset();
- if( bRet )
- aRetBmp = pVirDev->GetBitmap(Point(0,0), aSize);
- }
- }
- if( !aRetBmp )
- aRetBmp = rBmp;
- else
- {
- aRetBmp.SetPrefMapMode( rBmp.GetPrefMapMode() );
- aRetBmp.SetPrefSize( rBmp.GetPrefSize() );
- }
- return aRetBmp;
-tools::Polygon XOutBitmap::GetContour( const Bitmap& rBmp, const XOutFlags nFlags,
- const tools::Rectangle* pWorkRectPixel )
- const sal_uInt8 cEdgeDetectThreshold = 128;
- Bitmap aWorkBmp;
- tools::Polygon aRetPoly;
- tools::Rectangle aWorkRect( Point(), rBmp.GetSizePixel() );
- if( pWorkRectPixel )
- aWorkRect.Intersection( *pWorkRectPixel );
- aWorkRect.Justify();
- if( ( aWorkRect.GetWidth() > 4 ) && ( aWorkRect.GetHeight() > 4 ) )
- {
- // if the flag is set, we need to detect edges
- if( nFlags & XOutFlags::ContourEdgeDetect )
- aWorkBmp = DetectEdges( rBmp, cEdgeDetectThreshold );
- else
- aWorkBmp = rBmp;
- BitmapReadAccess* pAcc = aWorkBmp.AcquireReadAccess();
- const long nWidth = pAcc ? pAcc->Width() : 0;
- const long nHeight = pAcc ? pAcc->Height() : 0;
- if (pAcc && nWidth && nHeight)
- {
- const Size& rPrefSize = aWorkBmp.GetPrefSize();
- const double fFactorX = static_cast<double>(rPrefSize.Width()) / nWidth;
- const double fFactorY = static_cast<double>(rPrefSize.Height()) / nHeight;
- const long nStartX1 = aWorkRect.Left() + 1;
- const long nEndX1 = aWorkRect.Right();
- const long nStartX2 = nEndX1 - 1;
- const long nStartY1 = aWorkRect.Top() + 1;
- const long nEndY1 = aWorkRect.Bottom();
- const long nStartY2 = nEndY1 - 1;
- std::unique_ptr<Point[]> pPoints1;
- std::unique_ptr<Point[]> pPoints2;
- long nX, nY;
- sal_uInt16 nPolyPos = 0;
- const BitmapColor aBlack = pAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( COL_BLACK );
- if( nFlags & XOutFlags::ContourVert )
- {
- pPoints1.reset(new Point[ nWidth ]);
- pPoints2.reset(new Point[ nWidth ]);
- for( nX = nStartX1; nX < nEndX1; nX++ )
- {
- nY = nStartY1;
- // scan row from left to right
- while( nY < nEndY1 )
- {
- Scanline pScanline = pAcc->GetScanline( nY );
- if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanline, nX ) )
- {
- pPoints1[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY );
- nY = nStartY2;
- // this loop always breaks eventually as there is at least one pixel
- while( true )
- {
- // coverity[copy_paste_error : FALSE] - this is correct nX, not nY
- if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanline, nX ) )
- {
- pPoints2[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY );
- break;
- }
- nY--;
- }
- nPolyPos++;
- break;
- }
- nY++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pPoints1.reset(new Point[ nHeight ]);
- pPoints2.reset(new Point[ nHeight ]);
- for ( nY = nStartY1; nY < nEndY1; nY++ )
- {
- nX = nStartX1;
- Scanline pScanline = pAcc->GetScanline( nY );
- // scan row from left to right
- while( nX < nEndX1 )
- {
- if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanline, nX ) )
- {
- pPoints1[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY );
- nX = nStartX2;
- // this loop always breaks eventually as there is at least one pixel
- while( true )
- {
- if( aBlack == pAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanline, nX ) )
- {
- pPoints2[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY );
- break;
- }
- nX--;
- }
- nPolyPos++;
- break;
- }
- nX++;
- }
- }
- }
- const sal_uInt16 nNewSize1 = nPolyPos << 1;
- aRetPoly = tools::Polygon( nPolyPos, pPoints1.get() );
- aRetPoly.SetSize( nNewSize1 + 1 );
- aRetPoly[ nNewSize1 ] = aRetPoly[ 0 ];
- for( sal_uInt16 j = nPolyPos; nPolyPos < nNewSize1; )
- aRetPoly[ nPolyPos++ ] = pPoints2[ --j ];
- if( ( fFactorX != 0. ) && ( fFactorY != 0. ) )
- aRetPoly.Scale( fFactorX, fFactorY );
- }
- Bitmap::ReleaseAccess(pAcc);
- }
- return aRetPoly;
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