path: root/sw/inc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/inc')
16 files changed, 20 insertions, 1363 deletions
diff --git a/sw/inc/calbck.hxx b/sw/inc/calbck.hxx
index 17e01f2b78b2..94648f650470 100644
--- a/sw/inc/calbck.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/calbck.hxx
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient : ::boost::noncopyable
friend class SwModify;
friend class SwClientIter;
-<<<<<<< local
SwClient *pLeft, *pRight; // double-linked list of other clients
SwModify *pRegisteredIn; // event source
@@ -88,17 +87,6 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient : ::boost::noncopyable
// mba: IMHO these methods should be pure virtual
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew);
virtual void SwClientNotify( const SwModify& rModify, const SfxHint& rHint );
- SwClient *pLeft, *pRight; // fuer die AVL-Sortierung
- sal_Bool bModifyLocked : 1; // wird in SwModify::Modify benutzt,
- // eigentlich ein Member des SwModify
- // aber aus Platzgruenden hier.
- sal_Bool bInModify : 1; // ist in einem Modify. (Debug!!!)
- sal_Bool bInDocDTOR : 1; // Doc wird zerstoert, nicht "abmelden"
- sal_Bool bInCache : 1; // Ist im BorderAttrCache des Layout,
- // Traegt sich dann im Modify aus!
- sal_Bool bInSwFntCache : 1; // Ist im SwFont-Cache der Formatierung
->>>>>>> other
// single argument ctors shall be explicit.
@@ -128,37 +116,13 @@ public:
// needed for class SwClientIter
-<<<<<<< local
// get information about attribute
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
- void LockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_True; }
- void UnlockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_False; }
- void SetInCache( sal_Bool bNew ) { bInCache = bNew; }
- void SetInSwFntCache( sal_Bool bNew ) { bInSwFntCache = bNew; }
- sal_Bool IsModifyLocked() const { return bModifyLocked; }
- sal_Bool IsInDocDTOR() const { return bInDocDTOR; }
- sal_Bool IsInCache() const { return bInCache; }
- sal_Bool IsInSwFntCache() const { return bInSwFntCache; }
- // erfrage vom Client Informationen
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
- SwClient( const SwClient& );
- SwClient &operator=( const SwClient& );
->>>>>>> other
inline SwClient::SwClient() :
-<<<<<<< local
pLeft(0), pRight(0), pRegisteredIn(0), mbIsAllowedToBeRemovedInModifyCall(false)
- pLeft(0), pRight(0), pRegisteredIn(0)
-{ bModifyLocked = bInModify = bInDocDTOR = bInCache = bInSwFntCache = sal_False; }
->>>>>>> other
// ----------
// SwModify
@@ -200,37 +164,21 @@ public:
SwClient* Remove(SwClient *pDepend);
const SwClient* GetDepends() const { return pRoot; }
-<<<<<<< local
// get information about attribute
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
- // erfrage vom Client Informationen
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
->>>>>>> other
-<<<<<<< local
- void LockModify() { bModifyLocked = TRUE; }
- void UnlockModify() { bModifyLocked = FALSE; }
+ void LockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_True; }
+ void UnlockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_False; }
void SetInCache( BOOL bNew ) { bInCache = bNew; }
void SetInSwFntCache( BOOL bNew ) { bInSwFntCache = bNew; }
- void SetInDocDTOR() { bInDocDTOR = TRUE; }
- BOOL IsModifyLocked() const { return bModifyLocked; }
- BOOL IsInDocDTOR() const { return bInDocDTOR; }
- BOOL IsInCache() const { return bInCache; }
- BOOL IsInSwFntCache() const { return bInSwFntCache; }
- void SetInDocDTOR() { bInDocDTOR = sal_True; }
->>>>>>> other
+ void SetInDocDTOR() { bInDocDTOR = sal_True; }
+ sal_Bool IsModifyLocked() const { return bModifyLocked; }
+ sal_Bool IsInDocDTOR() const { return bInDocDTOR; }
+ sal_Bool IsInCache() const { return bInCache; }
+ sal_Bool IsInSwFntCache() const { return bInSwFntCache; }
void CheckCaching( const sal_uInt16 nWhich );
-<<<<<<< local
bool IsLastDepend() { return pRoot && pRoot->IsLast(); }
- sal_Bool IsLastDepend() const
- { return pRoot && !pRoot->pLeft && !pRoot->pRight; }
->>>>>>> other
int GetClientCount() const;
@@ -251,12 +199,7 @@ public:
SwClient* GetToTell() { return pToTell; }
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem & ) const;
- // erfrage vom Client Informationen
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem & ) const;
->>>>>>> other
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNewValue );
diff --git a/sw/inc/crsrsh.hxx b/sw/inc/crsrsh.hxx
index 69bbb7e82143..6dbb2fbc3fe7 100644
--- a/sw/inc/crsrsh.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/crsrsh.hxx
@@ -337,15 +337,10 @@ public:
SwCrsrShell( SwCrsrShell& rShell, Window *pWin );
virtual ~SwCrsrShell();
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem *pOld, SfxPoolItem *pNew);
// IShellCursorSupplier
virtual SwPaM & CreateNewShellCursor();
virtual SwPaM & GetCurrentShellCursor();
->>>>>>> other
// neuen Cusror erzeugen und den alten anhaengen
SwPaM * CreateCrsr();
// loesche den aktuellen Cursor und der folgende wird zum Aktuellen
diff --git a/sw/inc/docsh.hxx b/sw/inc/docsh.hxx
index 037002afbd20..cf475663c5cd 100644
--- a/sw/inc/docsh.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/docsh.hxx
@@ -278,11 +278,7 @@ public:
void EnterWait( sal_Bool bLockDispatcher );
void LeaveWait( sal_Bool bLockDispatcher );
-<<<<<<< local
- void ToggleBrowserMode(BOOL bOn, SwView* pView);
- void ToggleBrowserMode(sal_Bool bOn, SwView* pView = 0);
->>>>>>> other
+ void ToggleBrowserMode(sal_Bool bOn, SwView* pView);
sal_uLong LoadStylesFromFile( const String& rURL, SwgReaderOption& rOpt,
sal_Bool bUnoCall );
diff --git a/sw/inc/docufld.hxx b/sw/inc/docufld.hxx
index 70dbd5c0576e..4889288caf09 100644
--- a/sw/inc/docufld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/docufld.hxx
@@ -688,15 +688,7 @@ protected:
SwRefPageGetFieldType( SwDoc* pDoc );
virtual SwFieldType* Copy() const;
-<<<<<<< local
- USHORT MakeSetList( _SetGetExpFlds& rTmpLst );
- // ueberlagert, um alle RefPageGet-Felder zu updaten
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem *, SfxPoolItem * );
sal_uInt16 MakeSetList( _SetGetExpFlds& rTmpLst );
->>>>>>> other
SwDoc* GetDoc() const { return pDoc; }
diff --git a/sw/inc/expfld.hxx b/sw/inc/expfld.hxx
index 567e92b84e9b..3d3169fcf27a 100644
--- a/sw/inc/expfld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/expfld.hxx
@@ -160,19 +160,13 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwSetExpFieldType : public SwValueFieldType
String sName;
const SwNode* pOutlChgNd;
-// sal_Unicode cDelim;
String sDelim;
-<<<<<<< local
- USHORT nType;
- BYTE nLevel;
- BOOL bDeleted;
- virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew );
sal_uInt16 nType;
sal_uInt8 nLevel;
sal_Bool bDeleted;
->>>>>>> other
+ virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew );
SwSetExpFieldType( SwDoc* pDoc, const String& rName,
diff --git a/sw/inc/fchrfmt.hxx b/sw/inc/fchrfmt.hxx
index 0fa469cbd046..53de41c11e3b 100644
--- a/sw/inc/fchrfmt.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/fchrfmt.hxx
@@ -75,13 +75,7 @@ public:
virtual sal_Bool QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 ) const;
virtual sal_Bool PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt8 nMemberId = 0 );
- // an das SwTxtCharFmt weiterleiten (vom SwClient)
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem*, SfxPoolItem* );
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
->>>>>>> other
void SetCharFmt( SwFmt* pFmt ) { pFmt->Add(this); }
SwCharFmt* GetCharFmt() const { return (SwCharFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
diff --git a/sw/inc/fmtfld.hxx b/sw/inc/fmtfld.hxx
index a0534c01573f..372fa82fe5e7 100644
--- a/sw/inc/fmtfld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/fmtfld.hxx
@@ -74,12 +74,7 @@ public:
virtual int operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone( SfxItemPool* pPool = 0 ) const;
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOld, SfxPoolItem* pNew );
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
->>>>>>> other
const SwField *GetFld() const { return pField; }
SwField *GetFld() { return pField; }
@@ -97,14 +92,9 @@ public:
const SwTxtFld *GetTxtFld() const { return pTxtAttr; }
SwTxtFld *GetTxtFld() { return pTxtAttr; }
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL IsFldInDoc() const;
- BOOL IsProtect() const;
void RegisterToFieldType( SwFieldType& );
sal_Bool IsFldInDoc() const;
sal_Bool IsProtect() const;
->>>>>>> other
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFmtFldHint : public SfxHint
diff --git a/sw/inc/fmthdft.hxx b/sw/inc/fmthdft.hxx
index 9db05e8c7ac1..73a56a283a2b 100644
--- a/sw/inc/fmthdft.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/fmthdft.hxx
@@ -64,14 +64,9 @@ public:
const SwFrmFmt *GetHeaderFmt() const { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
SwFrmFmt *GetHeaderFmt() { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL IsActive() const { return bActive; }
- void SetActive( BOOL bNew = TRUE ) { bActive = bNew; }
void RegisterToFormat( SwFmt& rFmt );
sal_Bool IsActive() const { return bActive; }
void SetActive( sal_Bool bNew = sal_True ) { bActive = bNew; }
->>>>>>> other
@@ -103,22 +98,12 @@ public:
const SwFrmFmt *GetFooterFmt() const { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
SwFrmFmt *GetFooterFmt() { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL IsActive() const { return bActive; }
- void SetActive( BOOL bNew = TRUE ) { bActive = bNew; }
void RegisterToFormat( SwFmt& rFmt );
sal_Bool IsActive() const { return bActive; }
void SetActive( sal_Bool bNew = sal_True ) { bActive = bNew; }
->>>>>>> other
-<<<<<<< local
-inline const SwFmtHeader &SwAttrSet::GetHeader(BOOL bInP) const
inline const SwFmtHeader &SwAttrSet::GetHeader(sal_Bool bInP) const
->>>>>>> other
{ return (const SwFmtHeader&)Get( RES_HEADER,bInP); }
inline const SwFmtFooter &SwAttrSet::GetFooter(sal_Bool bInP) const
{ return (const SwFmtFooter&)Get( RES_FOOTER,bInP); }
diff --git a/sw/inc/format.hxx b/sw/inc/format.hxx
index 64a8aa1dc5d9..b553c9eadbd2 100644
--- a/sw/inc/format.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/format.hxx
@@ -111,13 +111,8 @@ public:
virtual sal_uInt16 ResetAllFmtAttr();
// <--
-<<<<<<< local
inline SwFmt* DerivedFrom() const { return (SwFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
- inline BOOL IsDefault() const { return DerivedFrom() == 0; }
- inline SwFmt* DerivedFrom() const { return (SwFmt*)pRegisteredIn; }
inline sal_Bool IsDefault() const { return DerivedFrom() == 0; }
->>>>>>> other
inline const String& GetName() const { return aFmtName; }
void SetName( const String& rNewName, sal_Bool bBroadcast=sal_False );
diff --git a/sw/inc/reffld.hxx b/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
index e2b1f5bbb97b..daf690861260 100644
--- a/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ enum REFERENCEMARK
class SwGetRefFieldType : public SwFieldType
SwDoc* pDoc;
+ // ueberlagert, um alle Ref-Felder zu updaten
+ virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem * );
SwGetRefFieldType(SwDoc* pDoc );
virtual SwFieldType* Copy() const;
@@ -81,16 +84,8 @@ public:
void MergeWithOtherDoc( SwDoc& rDestDoc );
static SwTxtNode* FindAnchor( SwDoc* pDoc, const String& rRefMark,
-<<<<<<< local
- USHORT nSubType, USHORT nSeqNo,
- USHORT* pStt, USHORT* pEnd = 0 );
- // ueberlagert, um alle Ref-Felder zu updaten
- virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem * );
sal_uInt16 nSubType, sal_uInt16 nSeqNo,
sal_uInt16* pStt, sal_uInt16* pEnd = 0 );
->>>>>>> other
diff --git a/sw/inc/swcrsr.hxx b/sw/inc/swcrsr.hxx
index d9cb307e5ad8..01087cf0b3ef 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swcrsr.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swcrsr.hxx
@@ -127,17 +127,6 @@ public:
const SfxItemSet* rReplSet = 0 );
// UI versions
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL IsStartWord( sal_Int16 nWordType = com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ) const;
- BOOL IsEndWord( sal_Int16 nWordType = com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ) const;
- BOOL IsInWord( sal_Int16 nWordType = com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ) const;
- BOOL IsStartEndSentence( bool bEnd ) const;
- BOOL GoStartWord();
- BOOL GoEndWord();
- BOOL GoNextWord();
- BOOL GoPrevWord();
- BOOL SelectWord( ViewShell* pViewShell, const Point* pPt = 0 );
sal_Bool IsStartWord( sal_Int16 nWordType = com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ) const;
sal_Bool IsEndWord( sal_Int16 nWordType = com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ) const;
sal_Bool IsInWord( sal_Int16 nWordType = com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ) const;
@@ -147,20 +136,9 @@ public:
sal_Bool GoNextWord();
sal_Bool GoPrevWord();
sal_Bool SelectWord( const Point* pPt = 0 );
->>>>>>> other
// API versions of above functions (will be used with a different
// WordType for the break iterator)
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL IsStartWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType ) const;
- BOOL IsEndWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType ) const;
- BOOL IsInWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType ) const;
- BOOL GoStartWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType );
- BOOL GoEndWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType );
- BOOL GoNextWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType );
- BOOL GoPrevWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType );
- BOOL SelectWordWT( ViewShell* pViewShell, sal_Int16 nWordType, const Point* pPt = 0 );
sal_Bool IsStartWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType ) const;
sal_Bool IsEndWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType ) const;
sal_Bool IsInWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType ) const;
@@ -169,7 +147,6 @@ public:
sal_Bool GoNextWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType );
sal_Bool GoPrevWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType );
sal_Bool SelectWordWT( sal_Int16 nWordType, const Point* pPt = 0 );
->>>>>>> other
enum SentenceMoveType
diff --git a/sw/inc/txtatr.hxx b/sw/inc/txtatr.hxx
index ee41569cf50a..6990f07c42a5 100644
--- a/sw/inc/txtatr.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/txtatr.hxx
@@ -45,15 +45,9 @@ public:
SwTxtCharFmt( SwFmtCharFmt& rAttr, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd );
virtual ~SwTxtCharFmt( );
-<<<<<<< local
// werden vom SwFmtCharFmt hierher weitergeleitet (no derivation from SwClient!)
void ModifyNotification( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
- // werden vom SwFmtCharFmt hierher weitergeleitet
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem*, SfxPoolItem* ); // SwClient
- virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
->>>>>>> other
// get and set TxtNode pointer
void ChgTxtNode( SwTxtNode* pNew ) { m_pTxtNode = pNew; }
@@ -101,12 +95,7 @@ public:
virtual ~SwTxtRuby();
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem *pOld, SfxPoolItem *pNew);
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
->>>>>>> other
SW_DLLPRIVATE void InitRuby(SwTxtNode & rNode);
diff --git a/sw/inc/txtinet.hxx b/sw/inc/txtinet.hxx
index c5459453604e..5ea0df9fe3b2 100644
--- a/sw/inc/txtinet.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/txtinet.hxx
@@ -50,12 +50,7 @@ public:
virtual ~SwTxtINetFmt();
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual BOOL GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
- virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem *pOld, SfxPoolItem *pNew);
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;
->>>>>>> other
SW_DLLPRIVATE void InitINetFmt(SwTxtNode & rNode);
diff --git a/sw/inc/undobj.hxx b/sw/inc/undobj.hxx
index 76cc31ba4c4f..9d447c18034f 100644
--- a/sw/inc/undobj.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/undobj.hxx
@@ -234,471 +234,7 @@ public:
class SwUndoInsLayFmt;
-<<<<<<< local
- SwUndoStart( SwUndoId nId );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // -> #111827#
- virtual String GetComment() const;
- void SetRewriter(const SwRewriter & rRewriter);
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- // <- #111827#
- virtual SwUndoId GetEffectiveId() const;
- SwUndoId GetUserId() const { return nUserId; }
- // Setzen vom End-Undo-Offset geschieht im Doc::EndUndo
- USHORT GetEndOffset() const { return nEndOffset; }
- void SetEndOffset( USHORT n ) { nEndOffset = n; }
-class SwUndoEnd: public SwUndo
- // Um innerhalb von Undo zuerkennen, wann ein Ende vorliegt, gibt
- // GetId() immer die UNDO_END zurueck. Die UserId kann ueber
- // GetUserId() erfragt werden.
- SwUndoId nUserId;
- // fuer die "Verpointerung" von Start- und End-Undos
- USHORT nSttOffset;
- SwRewriter mRewriter;
- SwUndoEnd( SwUndoId nId );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // -> #111827#
- virtual String GetComment() const;
- void SetRewriter(const SwRewriter & rRewriter);
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- // <- #111827#
- virtual SwUndoId GetEffectiveId() const;
- SwUndoId GetUserId() const { return nUserId; }
- // Setzen vom Start-Undo-Offset geschieht im Doc::EndUndo
- void SetSttOffset(USHORT _nSttOffSet) { nSttOffset = _nSttOffSet; }
- USHORT GetSttOffset() const { return nSttOffset; }
-class SwUndoInsert: public SwUndo, private SwUndoSaveCntnt
- SwPosition *pPos; // Inhalt fuers Redo
- String *pTxt, *pUndoTxt;
- SwRedlineData* pRedlData;
- ULONG nNode;
- xub_StrLen nCntnt, nLen;
- BOOL bIsWordDelim : 1;
- BOOL bIsAppend : 1;
- const IDocumentContentOperations::InsertFlags m_nInsertFlags;
- friend class SwDoc; // eigentlich nur SwDoc::Insert( String )
- BOOL CanGrouping( sal_Unicode cIns );
- BOOL CanGrouping( const SwPosition& rPos );
- SwDoc * pDoc;
- void Init(const SwNodeIndex & rNode);
- String * GetTxtFromDoc() const;
- SwUndoInsert( const SwNodeIndex& rNode, xub_StrLen nCntnt, xub_StrLen nLen,
- const IDocumentContentOperations::InsertFlags nInsertFlags,
- BOOL bWDelim = TRUE );
- SwUndoInsert( const SwNodeIndex& rNode );
- virtual ~SwUndoInsert();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // #111827#
- /**
- Returns rewriter for this undo object.
- The returned rewriter has the following rule:
- $1 -> '<inserted text>'
- <inserted text> is shortened to a length of nUndoStringLength.
- @return rewriter for this undo object
- */
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
-class SwUndoDelete: public SwUndo, private SwUndRng, private SwUndoSaveCntnt
- SwNodeIndex* pMvStt; // Position der Nodes im UndoNodes-Array
- String *pSttStr, *pEndStr;
- SwRedlineData* pRedlData;
- SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData;
- ::boost::shared_ptr< ::sfx2::MetadatableUndo > m_pMetadataUndoStart;
- ::boost::shared_ptr< ::sfx2::MetadatableUndo > m_pMetadataUndoEnd;
- String sTableName;
- ULONG nNode;
- ULONG nNdDiff; // Differenz von Nodes vor-nach Delete
- ULONG nSectDiff; // Diff. von Nodes vor/nach Move mit SectionNodes
- ULONG nReplaceDummy; // Diff. to a temporary dummy object
- USHORT nSetPos;
- BOOL bGroup : 1; // TRUE: ist schon eine Gruppe; wird in CanGrouping() ausgwertet !!
- BOOL bBackSp : 1; // TRUE: wenn Gruppierung und der Inhalt davor geloescht wird
- BOOL bJoinNext: 1; // TRUE: wenn der Bereich von Oben nach unten geht
- BOOL bTblDelLastNd : 1; // TRUE: TextNode hinter der Tabelle einf./loeschen
- BOOL bDelFullPara : 1; // TRUE: gesamte Nodes wurden geloescht
- BOOL bResetPgDesc : 1; // TRUE: am nachfolgenden Node das PgDsc zuruecksetzen
- BOOL bResetPgBrk : 1; // TRUE: am nachfolgenden Node das PgBreak zuruecksetzen
- BOOL bFromTableCopy : 1; // TRUE: called by SwUndoTblCpyTbl
- BOOL SaveCntnt( const SwPosition* pStt, const SwPosition* pEnd,
- SwTxtNode* pSttTxtNd, SwTxtNode* pEndTxtNd );
- SwUndoDelete( SwPaM&, BOOL bFullPara = FALSE, BOOL bCalledByTblCpy = FALSE );
- virtual ~SwUndoDelete();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // #111827#
- /**
- Returns rewriter for this undo object.
- The rewriter consists of the following rule:
- $1 -> '<deleted text>'
- <deleted text> is shortened to nUndoStringLength characters.
- @return rewriter for this undo object
- */
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- BOOL CanGrouping( SwDoc*, const SwPaM& );
- void SetTblDelLastNd() { bTblDelLastNd = TRUE; }
- // fuer die PageDesc/PageBreak Attribute einer Tabelle
- void SetPgBrkFlags( BOOL bPageBreak, BOOL bPageDesc )
- { bResetPgDesc = bPageDesc; bResetPgBrk = bPageBreak; }
- void SetTableName(const String & rName);
- // SwUndoTblCpyTbl needs this information:
- long NodeDiff() const { return nSttNode - nEndNode; }
- xub_StrLen ContentStart() const { return nSttCntnt; }
- BOOL IsDelFullPara() const { return bDelFullPara; }
-class SwUndoOverwrite: public SwUndo, private SwUndoSaveCntnt
- String aDelStr, aInsStr;
- SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData;
- ULONG nSttNode;
- xub_StrLen nSttCntnt;
- BOOL bInsChar : 1; // kein Overwrite mehr; sondern Insert
- BOOL bGroup : 1; // TRUE: ist schon eine Gruppe; wird in
- // CanGrouping() ausgwertet !!
- SwUndoOverwrite( SwDoc*, SwPosition&, sal_Unicode cIns );
- virtual ~SwUndoOverwrite();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // #111827#
- /**
- Returns the rewriter of this undo object.
- The rewriter contains the following rule:
- $1 -> '<overwritten text>'
- <overwritten text> is shortened to nUndoStringLength characters.
- @return the rewriter of this undo object
- */
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- BOOL CanGrouping( SwDoc*, SwPosition&, sal_Unicode cIns );
-class SwUndoSplitNode: public SwUndo
- SwHistory* pHistory;
- SwRedlineData* pRedlData;
- ULONG nNode;
- xub_StrLen nCntnt;
- BOOL bTblFlag : 1;
- BOOL bChkTblStt : 1;
- SwUndoSplitNode( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwPosition& rPos, BOOL bChkTbl );
- virtual ~SwUndoSplitNode();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void SetTblFlag() { bTblFlag = TRUE; }
-class SwUndoMove : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng, private SwUndoSaveCntnt
- // nDest.. - Bereich, in den verschoben wurde (nach dem Move!)
- // nIns.. - Position, von der verschoben wurde und wieder die neue InsPos. ist
- // nMv.. Position auf die verschoben wird (vor dem Move!) ; fuers REDO
- ULONG nDestSttNode, nDestEndNode, nInsPosNode, nMvDestNode;
- xub_StrLen nDestSttCntnt, nDestEndCntnt, nInsPosCntnt, nMvDestCntnt;
- USHORT nFtnStt; // StartPos der Fussnoten in der History
- BOOL bJoinNext : 1,
- bJoinPrev : 1,
- bMoveRange : 1;
- bool bMoveRedlines; // use DOC_MOVEREDLINES when calling SwDoc::Move
- void DelFtn( const SwPaM& );
- SwUndoMove( const SwPaM&, const SwPosition& );
- SwUndoMove( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwNodeRange&, const SwNodeIndex& );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- // setze den Destination-Bereich nach dem Verschieben.
- void SetDestRange( const SwPaM&, const SwPosition&, BOOL, BOOL );
- void SetDestRange( const SwNodeIndex& rStt, const SwNodeIndex& rEnd,
- const SwNodeIndex& rInsPos );
- BOOL IsMoveRange() const { return bMoveRange; }
- ULONG GetEndNode() const { return nEndNode; }
- ULONG GetDestSttNode() const { return nDestSttNode; }
- xub_StrLen GetDestSttCntnt() const { return nDestSttCntnt; }
- void SetMoveRedlines( bool b ) { bMoveRedlines = b; }
-class SwUndoAttr : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- SfxItemSet m_AttrSet; // attributes for Redo
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SwHistory> m_pHistory; // History for Undo
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwRedlineData> m_pRedlineData; // Redlining
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwRedlineSaveDatas> m_pRedlineSaveData;
- ULONG m_nNodeIndex; // Offset: for Redlining
- const SetAttrMode m_nInsertFlags; // insert flags
- void RemoveIdx( SwDoc& rDoc );
- SwUndoAttr( const SwPaM&, const SfxItemSet &, const SetAttrMode nFlags );
- SwUndoAttr( const SwPaM&, const SfxPoolItem&, const SetAttrMode nFlags );
- virtual ~SwUndoAttr();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void SaveRedlineData( const SwPaM& rPam, BOOL bInsCntnt );
- SwHistory& GetHistory() { return *m_pHistory; }
-class SwUndoResetAttr : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SwHistory> m_pHistory;
- SvUShortsSort m_Ids;
- const USHORT m_nFormatId; // Format-Id for Redo
- SwUndoResetAttr( const SwPaM&, USHORT nFmtId );
- SwUndoResetAttr( const SwPosition&, USHORT nFmtId );
- virtual ~SwUndoResetAttr();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void SetAttrs( const SvUShortsSort& rArr );
- SwHistory& GetHistory() { return *m_pHistory; }
-class SwUndoFmtAttr : public SwUndo
- friend class SwUndoDefaultAttr;
- SwFmt * m_pFmt;
- ::std::auto_ptr<SfxItemSet> m_pOldSet; // old attributes
- ULONG m_nNodeIndex;
- const USHORT m_nFmtWhich;
- const bool m_bSaveDrawPt;
- bool IsFmtInDoc( SwDoc* ); //is the attribute format still in the Doc?
- void SaveFlyAnchor( bool bSaveDrawPt = false );
- // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - Add return value, type <bool>.
- // Return value indicates, if anchor attribute is restored.
- // Notes: - If anchor attribute is restored, all other existing attributes
- // are also restored.
- // - Anchor attribute isn't restored successfully, if it contains
- // an invalid anchor position and all other existing attributes
- // aren't restored.
- // This situation occurs for undo of styles.
- bool RestoreFlyAnchor( SwUndoIter& rIter );
- // <--
- // --> OD 2008-02-27 #refactorlists# - removed <rAffectedItemSet>
- void Init();
- // <--
- // register at the Format and save old attributes
- // --> OD 2008-02-27 #refactorlists# - removed <rNewSet>
- SwUndoFmtAttr( const SfxItemSet& rOldSet,
- SwFmt& rFmt,
- bool bSaveDrawPt = true );
- // <--
- SwUndoFmtAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rItem,
- SwFmt& rFmt,
- bool bSaveDrawPt = true );
- virtual ~SwUndoFmtAttr();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- // --> OD 2004-10-26 #i35443# - <Redo(..)> calls <Undo(..)> - nothing else
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- // <--
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- void PutAttr( const SfxPoolItem& rItem );
- SwFmt* GetFmt( SwDoc& rDoc ); // checks if it is still in the Doc!
-// --> OD 2008-02-12 #newlistlevelattrs#
-class SwUndoFmtResetAttr : public SwUndo
- public:
- SwUndoFmtResetAttr( SwFmt& rChangedFormat,
- const USHORT nWhichId );
- ~SwUndoFmtResetAttr();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- private:
- // format at which a certain attribute is reset.
- SwFmt * const m_pChangedFormat;
- // which ID of the reset attribute
- const USHORT m_nWhichId;
- // old attribute which has been reset - needed for undo.
- ::std::auto_ptr<SfxPoolItem> m_pOldItem;
-// <--
-class SwUndoDontExpandFmt : public SwUndo
- const ULONG m_nNodeIndex;
- const xub_StrLen m_nContentIndex;
- SwUndoDontExpandFmt( const SwPosition& rPos );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-// helper class to receive changed attribute sets
-class SwUndoFmtAttrHelper : public SwClient
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwUndoFmtAttr> m_pUndo;
- const bool m_bSaveDrawPt;
- virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
- SwUndoFmtAttrHelper( SwFmt& rFmt, bool bSaveDrawPt = true );
- SwUndoFmtAttr* GetUndo() const { return m_pUndo.get(); }
- // release the undo object (so it is not deleted here), and return it
- SwUndoFmtAttr* ReleaseUndo() { return m_pUndo.release(); }
-class SwUndoFmtColl : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- String aFmtName;
- SwHistory* pHistory;
- SwFmtColl* pFmtColl;
- // --> OD 2008-04-15 #refactorlists# - for correct <ReDo(..)> and <Repeat(..)>
- // boolean, which indicates that the attributes are reseted at the nodes
- // before the format has been applied.
- const bool mbReset;
- // boolean, which indicates that the list attributes had been reseted at
- // the nodes before the format has been applied.
- const bool mbResetListAttrs;
- // <--
- // --> OD 2008-04-15 #refactorlists#
-// SwUndoFmtColl( const SwPaM&, SwFmtColl* );
- SwUndoFmtColl( const SwPaM&, SwFmtColl*,
- const bool bReset,
- const bool bResetListAttrs );
- // <--
- virtual ~SwUndoFmtColl();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // #111827#
- /**
- Returns the rewriter for this undo object.
- The rewriter contains one rule:
- $1 -> <name of format collection>
- <name of format collection> is the name of the format
- collection that is applied by the action recorded by this undo
- object.
- @return the rewriter for this undo object
- */
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; }
-class SwUndoMoveLeftMargin : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SwHistory> m_pHistory;
- const bool m_bModulus;
- SwUndoMoveLeftMargin( const SwPaM&, BOOL bRight, BOOL bModulus );
- virtual ~SwUndoMoveLeftMargin();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- SwHistory& GetHistory() { return *m_pHistory; }
-// Basis-Klasse fuer Insert von Dokument, Glossaries und Kopieren
// base class for insertion of Document, Glossaries and Copy
->>>>>>> other
class SwUndoInserts : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng, private SwUndoSaveCntnt
SwTxtFmtColl *pTxtFmtColl, *pLastNdColl;
@@ -796,696 +332,4 @@ public:
-<<<<<<< local
-class SwUndoSetFlyFmt : public SwUndo, public SwClient
- SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt; // das gespeicherte FlyFormat
- SwFrmFmt* pOldFmt; // die alte Fly Vorlage
- SwFrmFmt* pNewFmt; // die neue Fly Vorlage
- SfxItemSet* pItemSet; // die zurueck-/ gesetzten Attribute
- ULONG nOldNode, nNewNode;
- xub_StrLen nOldCntnt, nNewCntnt;
- USHORT nOldAnchorTyp, nNewAnchorTyp;
- BOOL bAnchorChgd;
- void PutAttr( USHORT nWhich, const SfxPoolItem* pItem );
- void GetAnchor( SwFmtAnchor& rAnhor, ULONG nNode, xub_StrLen nCntnt );
- virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
- SwUndoSetFlyFmt( SwFrmFmt& rFlyFmt, SwFrmFmt& rNewFrmFmt );
- virtual ~SwUndoSetFlyFmt();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- void DeRegisterFromFormat( SwFmt& );
-class _UnReplaceData;
-SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL( _UnReplaceDatas, _UnReplaceData*, 10, 25 )
-class SwUndoReplace : public SwUndo
- friend class SwDoc;
- BOOL bOldIterFlag; // Status vom Undo-Iter vorm 1. Aufruf
- USHORT nAktPos; // fuer GetUndoRange und Undo/Redo
- _UnReplaceDatas aArr;
- SwRedlineData* pRedlData;
- SwUndoReplace();
- virtual ~SwUndoReplace();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- // #111827#
- /**
- Returns the rewriter of this undo object.
- If this undo object represents several replacements the
- rewriter contains the following rules:
- $1 -> <number of replacements>
- $2 -> occurrences of
- $3 -> <replaced text>
- If this undo object represents one replacement the rewriter
- contains these rules:
- $1 -> <replaced text>
- $2 -> "->" (STR_YIELDS)
- $3 -> <replacing text>
- @return the rewriter of this undo object
- */
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- void AddEntry( const SwPaM& rPam, const String& rInsert, BOOL bRegExp );
- void SetEntryEnd( const SwPaM& rPam );
- BOOL IsFull() const
- { return ((USHRT_MAX / sizeof( void* )) - 50 ) < aArr.Count(); }
-class SwUndoTblHeadline : public SwUndo
- ULONG nTblNd;
- USHORT nOldHeadline;
- USHORT nNewHeadline;
- SwUndoTblHeadline( const SwTable&, USHORT nOldHdl, USHORT nNewHdl );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-//------------ Undo von Insert-/Delete-Sections ----------------------
-class SwUndoInsSection : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SwSectionData> m_pSectionData;
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SwTOXBase> m_pTOXBase; /// set iff section is TOX
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SfxItemSet> m_pAttrSet;
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwHistory> m_pHistory;
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwRedlineData> m_pRedlData;
- ULONG m_nSectionNodePos;
- bool m_bSplitAtStart : 1;
- bool m_bSplitAtEnd : 1;
- bool m_bUpdateFtn : 1;
- void Join( SwDoc& rDoc, ULONG nNode );
- SwUndoInsSection(SwPaM const&, SwSectionData const&,
- SfxItemSet const*const pSet, SwTOXBase const*const pTOXBase);
- virtual ~SwUndoInsSection();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void SetSectNdPos(ULONG const nPos) { m_nSectionNodePos = nPos; }
- void SaveSplitNode(SwTxtNode *const pTxtNd, bool const bAtStart);
- void SetUpdtFtnFlag(bool const bFlag) { m_bUpdateFtn = bFlag; }
-SW_DLLPRIVATE SwUndo * MakeUndoDelSection(SwSectionFmt const&);
-SW_DLLPRIVATE SwUndo * MakeUndoUpdateSection(SwSectionFmt const&, bool const);
-//------------ Undo von verschieben/stufen von Gliederung ----------------
-class SwUndoOutlineLeftRight : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- short nOffset;
- SwUndoOutlineLeftRight( const SwPaM& rPam, short nOffset );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoDefaultAttr : public SwUndo
- ::std::auto_ptr<SfxItemSet> m_pOldSet; // the old attributes
- ::std::auto_ptr<SvxTabStopItem> m_pTabStop;
- // registers at the format and saves old attributes
- SwUndoDefaultAttr( const SfxItemSet& rOldSet );
- virtual ~SwUndoDefaultAttr();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
-// ---------- Undo fuer Numerierung ----------------------------------
-class SwUndoInsNum : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- SwNumRule aNumRule;
- SwHistory* pHistory;
- ULONG nSttSet;
- SwNumRule* pOldNumRule;
- String sReplaceRule;
- USHORT nLRSavePos;
- SwUndoInsNum( const SwPaM& rPam, const SwNumRule& rRule );
- SwUndoInsNum( const SwNumRule& rOldRule, const SwNumRule& rNewRule,
- SwUndoId nUndoId = UNDO_INSFMTATTR );
- SwUndoInsNum( const SwPosition& rPos, const SwNumRule& rRule,
- const String& rReplaceRule );
- virtual ~SwUndoInsNum();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- SwHistory* GetHistory(); // wird ggfs. neu angelegt!
- void SetSttNum( ULONG nNdIdx ) { nSttSet = nNdIdx; }
- void SaveOldNumRule( const SwNumRule& rOld );
- void SetLRSpaceEndPos();
-class SwUndoDelNum : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- SvULongs aNodeIdx;
- SvBytes aLevels;
- SvBools aRstLRSpaces;
- SwHistory* pHistory;
- SwUndoDelNum( const SwPaM& rPam );
- virtual ~SwUndoDelNum();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void AddNode( const SwTxtNode& rNd, BOOL bResetLRSpace );
- SwHistory* GetHistory() { return pHistory; }
-class SwUndoMoveNum : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- ULONG nNewStt;
- long nOffset;
- SwUndoMoveNum( const SwPaM& rPam, long nOffset, BOOL bIsOutlMv = FALSE );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void SetStartNode( ULONG nValue ) { nNewStt = nValue; }
-class SwUndoNumUpDown : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- short nOffset;
- SwUndoNumUpDown( const SwPaM& rPam, short nOffset );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoNumOrNoNum : public SwUndo
- ULONG nIdx;
- BOOL mbNewNum, mbOldNum;
- SwUndoNumOrNoNum( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx, BOOL mbOldNum,
- BOOL mbNewNum );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoNumRuleStart : public SwUndo
- ULONG nIdx;
- USHORT nOldStt, nNewStt;
- BOOL bSetSttValue : 1;
- BOOL bFlag : 1;
- SwUndoNumRuleStart( const SwPosition& rPos, BOOL bDelete );
- SwUndoNumRuleStart( const SwPosition& rPos, USHORT nStt );
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-// ---------- Undo fuer DrawObjecte ----------------------------------
-class SwSdrUndo : public SwUndo
- SdrUndoAction* pSdrUndo;
- SdrMarkList* pMarkList; // MarkList for all selected SdrObjects
- SwSdrUndo( SdrUndoAction* , const SdrMarkList* pMarkList );
- virtual ~SwSdrUndo();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- String GetComment() const;
-class SwUndoDrawGroup : public SwUndo
- SwUndoGroupObjImpl* pObjArr;
- USHORT nSize;
- BOOL bDelFmt;
- SwUndoDrawGroup( USHORT nCnt );
- virtual ~SwUndoDrawGroup();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- void AddObj( USHORT nPos, SwDrawFrmFmt*, SdrObject* );
- void SetGroupFmt( SwDrawFrmFmt* );
-// --> OD 2006-11-01 #130889#
-// Action "ungroup drawing object" is now splitted into three parts - see
-// method <SwDoc::UnGroupSelection(..)>:
-// - creation for <SwDrawFrmFmt> instances for the group members of the
-// selected group objects
-// - intrinsic ungroup of the selected group objects
-// - creation of <SwDrawContact> instances for the former group members and
-// connection to the Writer layout.
-// Thus, two undo actions (instances of <SwUndo>) are needed:
-// - Existing class <SwUndoDrawUnGroup> takes over the part for the formats.
-// - New class <SwUndoDrawUnGroupConnectToLayout> takes over the part for
-// contact object.
-class SwUndoDrawUnGroup : public SwUndo
- SwUndoGroupObjImpl* pObjArr;
- USHORT nSize;
- BOOL bDelFmt;
- SwUndoDrawUnGroup( SdrObjGroup* );
- virtual ~SwUndoDrawUnGroup();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- void AddObj( USHORT nPos, SwDrawFrmFmt* );
-// --> OD 2006-11-01 #130889#
-class SwUndoDrawUnGroupConnectToLayout : public SwUndo
- private:
- std::vector< std::pair< SwDrawFrmFmt*, SdrObject* > > aDrawFmtsAndObjs;
- public:
- SwUndoDrawUnGroupConnectToLayout();
- virtual ~SwUndoDrawUnGroupConnectToLayout();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- void AddFmtAndObj( SwDrawFrmFmt* pDrawFrmFmt,
- SdrObject* pDrawObject );
-// <--
-class SwUndoDrawDelete : public SwUndo
- SwUndoGroupObjImpl* pObjArr;
- SdrMarkList* pMarkLst; // MarkList for all selected SdrObjects
- USHORT nSize;
- BOOL bDelFmt;
- SwUndoDrawDelete( USHORT nCnt );
- virtual ~SwUndoDrawDelete();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- void AddObj( USHORT nPos, SwDrawFrmFmt*, const SdrMark& );
-class SwUndoReRead : public SwUndo
- Graphic *pGrf;
- String *pNm, *pFltr;
- ULONG nPos;
- USHORT nMirr;
- void SaveGraphicData( const SwGrfNode& );
- void SetAndSave( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoReRead( const SwPaM& rPam, const SwGrfNode& pGrfNd );
- virtual ~SwUndoReRead();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoInsertLabel : public SwUndo
- union {
- struct {
- // fuer NoTxtFrms
- SwUndoInsLayFmt* pUndoFly;
- SwUndoFmtAttr* pUndoAttr;
- struct {
- // fuer Tabelle/TextRahmen
- SwUndoDelete* pUndoInsNd;
- ULONG nNode;
- } NODE;
- };
- String sText;
- // --> PB 2005-01-06 #i39983# - the separator will be drawed with a character style
- String sSeparator;
- // <--
- String sNumberSeparator;
- String sCharacterStyle;
- // OD 2004-04-15 #i26791# - re-store of drawing object position no longer needed
- USHORT nFldId;
- SwLabelType eType;
- BYTE nLayerId; // fuer Zeichen-Objekte
- BOOL bBefore :1;
- BOOL bUndoKeep :1;
- BOOL bCpyBrd :1;
- SwUndoInsertLabel( const SwLabelType eTyp, const String &rText,
- // --> PB 2005-01-06 #i39983# - the separator will be drawed with a character style
- const String& rSeparator,
- // <--
- const String& rNumberSeparator, //#i61007# order of captions
- const BOOL bBefore, const USHORT nId,
- const String& rCharacterStyle,
- const BOOL bCpyBrd );
- virtual ~SwUndoInsertLabel();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- // #111827#
- /**
- Returns the rewriter of this undo object.
- The rewriter contains this rule:
- $1 -> '<text of inserted label>'
- <text of inserted label> is shortened to nUndoStringLength
- characters.
- @return the rewriter of this undo object
- */
- virtual SwRewriter GetRewriter() const;
- void SetNodePos( ULONG nNd )
- { if( LTYPE_OBJECT != eType ) NODE.nNode = nNd; }
- void SetUndoKeep() { bUndoKeep = TRUE; }
- void SetFlys( SwFrmFmt& rOldFly, SfxItemSet& rChgSet, SwFrmFmt& rNewFly );
- void SetDrawObj( BYTE nLayerId );
-class SwUndoChangeFootNote : public SwUndo, private SwUndRng
- const ::std::auto_ptr<SwHistory> m_pHistory;
- const String m_Text;
- const USHORT m_nNumber;
- const bool m_bEndNote;
- SwUndoChangeFootNote( const SwPaM& rRange, const String& rTxt,
- USHORT nNum, bool bIsEndNote );
- virtual ~SwUndoChangeFootNote();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- SwHistory& GetHistory() { return *m_pHistory; }
-class SwUndoFootNoteInfo : public SwUndo
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwFtnInfo> m_pFootNoteInfo;
- SwUndoFootNoteInfo( const SwFtnInfo &rInfo );
- virtual ~SwUndoFootNoteInfo();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoEndNoteInfo : public SwUndo
- ::std::auto_ptr<SwEndNoteInfo> m_pEndNoteInfo;
- SwUndoEndNoteInfo( const SwEndNoteInfo &rInfo );
- virtual ~SwUndoEndNoteInfo();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
-struct _UndoTransliterate_Data;
-class SwUndoTransliterate : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng
- std::vector< _UndoTransliterate_Data * > aChanges;
- sal_uInt32 nType;
- SwUndoTransliterate( const SwPaM& rPam,
- const utl::TransliterationWrapper& rTrans );
- virtual ~SwUndoTransliterate();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& rUndoIter );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& rUndoIter );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& rUndoIter );
- void AddChanges( SwTxtNode& rTNd, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nLen,
- ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence <sal_Int32>& rOffsets );
- BOOL HasData() const { return aChanges.size() > 0; }
-class SwUndoRedline : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng
- SwRedlineData* pRedlData;
- SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData;
- SwUndoId nUserId;
- BOOL bHiddenRedlines;
- virtual void _Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoRedline( SwUndoId nUserId, const SwPaM& rRange );
- virtual ~SwUndoRedline();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoId GetUserId() const { return nUserId; }
- USHORT GetRedlSaveCount() const
- { return pRedlSaveData ? pRedlSaveData->Count() : 0; }
-class SwUndoRedlineDelete : public SwUndoRedline
- BOOL bCanGroup : 1;
- BOOL bIsDelim : 1;
- BOOL bIsBackspace : 1;
- virtual void _Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoRedlineDelete( const SwPaM& rRange, SwUndoId nUserId = UNDO_EMPTY );
- BOOL CanGrouping( const SwUndoRedlineDelete& rPrev );
-class SwUndoRedlineSort : public SwUndoRedline
- SwSortOptions* pOpt;
- ULONG nSaveEndNode, nOffset;
- xub_StrLen nSaveEndCntnt;
- virtual void _Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoRedlineSort( const SwPaM& rRange, const SwSortOptions& rOpt );
- virtual ~SwUndoRedlineSort();
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- void SetSaveRange( const SwPaM& rRange );
- void SetOffset( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx );
-class SwUndoAcceptRedline : public SwUndoRedline
- virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoAcceptRedline( const SwPaM& rRange );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoRejectRedline : public SwUndoRedline
- virtual void _Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoRejectRedline( const SwPaM& rRange );
- virtual void Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
-class SwUndoCompDoc : public SwUndo, public SwUndRng
- SwRedlineData* pRedlData;
- SwUndoDelete* pUnDel, *pUnDel2;
- SwRedlineSaveDatas* pRedlSaveData;
- BOOL bInsert;
- SwUndoCompDoc( const SwPaM& rRg, BOOL bIns );
- SwUndoCompDoc( const SwRedline& rRedl );
- virtual ~SwUndoCompDoc();
- virtual void Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- virtual void Redo( SwUndoIter& );
-// Object der als Iterator durch die Undo-Liste laeuft, bis die
-// letze oder die angegebene Klammerung/Id erreicht ist.
-class SwUndoIter
- friend class SwDoc; // um im SwDoc::Undo bWeiter zu stezen
- friend void SwUndoEnd::Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoStart::Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoEnd::Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoStart::Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoEnd::Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoStart::Repeat( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoReplace::Undo( SwUndoIter& );
- friend void SwUndoReplace::Redo( SwUndoIter& );
- SwUndoId nUndoId;
- USHORT nEndCnt;
- BOOL bWeiter : 1;
- BOOL bUpdateAttr : 1; // Setze das GCAttr an der CursorShell
- SwPaM * pAktPam; // Member fuer das Undo
- SwUndo* pLastUndoObj; // fuers Redo, das vorherige UndoObj.
- SwFrmFmt* pSelFmt; // ggfs. das Format Rahmen/Object-Selektionen
- SdrMarkList* pMarkList; // MarkList for all selected SdrObjects
- SwUndoIter( SwPaM * pPam, SwUndoId nId = UNDO_EMPTY );
- BOOL IsNextUndo() const { return bWeiter; }
- BOOL IsUpdateAttr() const { return bUpdateAttr; }
- void SetUpdateAttr( BOOL bNew ) { bUpdateAttr = bNew; }
- inline SwDoc& GetDoc() const;
- SwUndoId GetId() const { return nUndoId; }
- SwUndoId GetLastUndoId() const
- { return pLastUndoObj ? pLastUndoObj->GetId() : UNDO_EMPTY ; }
- void ClearSelections() { pSelFmt = 0; pMarkList = 0; }
-// -> #111827#
-const int nUndoStringLength = 20;
- Shortens a string to a maximum length.
- @param rStr the string to be shortened
- @param nLength the maximum length for rStr
- @param rFillStr string to replace cut out characters with
- If rStr has less than nLength characters it will be returned unaltered.
- If rStr has more than nLength characters the following algorithm
- generates the shortened string:
- frontLength = (nLength - length(rFillStr)) / 2
- rearLength = nLength - length(rFillStr) - frontLength
- shortenedString = concat(<first frontLength characters of rStr,
- rFillStr,
- <last rearLength characters of rStr>)
- Preconditions:
- - nLength - length(rFillStr) >= 2
- @return the shortened string
- */
-String ShortenString(const String & rStr, xub_StrLen nLength, const String & rFillStr);
-// <- #111827#
-// #16487#
- Denotes special characters in a string.
- The rStr is split into parts containing special characters and
- parts not containing special characters. In a part containing
- special characters all characters are equal. These parts are
- maximal.
- @param rStr the string to denote in
- The resulting string is generated by concatenating the found
- parts. The parts without special characters are surrounded by
- "'". The parts containing special characters are denoted as "n x",
- where n is the length of the part and x is the representation of
- the special character (i. e. "tab(s)").
- @return the denoted string
-String DenoteSpecialCharacters(const String & rStr);
->>>>>>> other
diff --git a/sw/inc/usrfld.hxx b/sw/inc/usrfld.hxx
index 75e717122150..11d1db177c84 100644
--- a/sw/inc/usrfld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/usrfld.hxx
@@ -71,15 +71,11 @@ public:
sal_Bool IsDeleted() const { return bDeleted; }
void SetDeleted( sal_Bool b ) { bDeleted = b; }
-<<<<<<< local
- virtual BOOL QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, USHORT nMId ) const;
- virtual BOOL PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, USHORT nMId );
- virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew );
virtual sal_Bool QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt16 nMId ) const;
virtual sal_Bool PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt16 nMId );
->>>>>>> other
+ virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew );
inline sal_Bool SwUserFieldType::IsValid() const
diff --git a/sw/inc/viewopt.hxx b/sw/inc/viewopt.hxx
index 8ba1d1b5195b..5638967197ce 100644
--- a/sw/inc/viewopt.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/viewopt.hxx
@@ -158,21 +158,10 @@ protected:
sal_Bool bStarOneSetting : 1;// prevent from UI automatics (no scrollbars in readonly documents)
sal_Bool bIsPagePreview : 1; // the preview mustn't print field/footnote/... shadings
sal_Bool bSelectionInReadonly : 1; //determines whether selection is switched on in readonly documents
- // --> FME 2004-06-29 #114856# Formular view
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL mbFormView : 1;
sal_Bool bFormView : 1;
->>>>>>> other
- // <--
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL mbBookview : 1; // view mode for page preview
- BOOL mbBrowseMode : 1; //swmod 080130
- BOOL mbViewLayoutBookMode : 1; // book view mode for edit view
+ sal_Bool mbBrowseMode : 1; //swmod 080130
sal_Bool bBookview : 1; // view mode for page preview
sal_Bool mbViewLayoutBookMode : 1; // book view mode for edit view
->>>>>>> other
sal_Bool bShowPlaceHolderFields : 1; //only used in printing!
mutable bool bIdle;
@@ -419,26 +408,14 @@ public:
sal_Bool IsSelectionInReadonly() const {return bSelectionInReadonly;}
void SetSelectionInReadonly(sal_Bool bSet) {bSelectionInReadonly = bSet;}
- // --> FME 2004-06-29 #114856# Formular view
-<<<<<<< local
- BOOL IsFormView() const { return mbFormView; }
- void SetFormView( BOOL bSet ) { mbFormView = bSet; }
sal_Bool IsFormView() const { return bFormView; }
void SetFormView( sal_Bool bSet ) { bFormView = bSet; }
->>>>>>> other
// <--
-<<<<<<< local
- inline BOOL IsPagePrevBookview() const { return mbBookview; }
- inline void SetPagePrevBookview(BOOL bSet) { mbBookview = bSet; }
- inline BOOL getBrowseMode() const { return mbBrowseMode; }
- inline void setBrowseMode(BOOL bSet) { mbBrowseMode = bSet; }
+ inline sal_Bool getBrowseMode() const { return mbBrowseMode; }
+ inline void setBrowseMode(sal_Bool bSet) { mbBrowseMode = bSet; }
inline sal_Bool IsPagePrevBookview() const { return bBookview; }
inline void SetPagePrevBookview(sal_Bool bSet) { bBookview = bSet; }
->>>>>>> other
sal_Bool IsAutoCompleteWords() const;