path: root/sw/qa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/qa')
-rw-r--r--sw/qa/uitest/data/TestHiddenHeadersFooters.docxbin0 -> 18063 bytes
6 files changed, 59 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport10.cxx b/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport10.cxx
index c33f99cb4322..ba6a6a6a98e2 100644
--- a/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport10.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport10.cxx
@@ -688,7 +688,9 @@ DECLARE_OOXMLEXPORT_TEST(testBnc875718, "bnc875718.docx")
// is not SwXBodyText but rather SwXHeadFootText
uno::Reference<text::XTextFramesSupplier> xTextFramesSupplier(mxComponent, uno::UNO_QUERY);
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xIndexAccess(xTextFramesSupplier->getTextFrames(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
- for( int i = 0;
+ // The sample bugdoc has 3 footer.xml and has a textframe in each. The first one is hidden
+ // and it has no text in its anchored text range: it is anchored to body text. Ignoring...
+ for( int i = 1;
i < xIndexAccess->getCount();
++i )
@@ -700,6 +702,7 @@ DECLARE_OOXMLEXPORT_TEST(testBnc875718, "bnc875718.docx")
// Also check that the footer contents are not in the body text.
uno::Reference<text::XTextDocument> textDocument(mxComponent, uno::UNO_QUERY);
uno::Reference<text::XText> text = textDocument->getText();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(text); //Do not crash on empty content
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( OUString( "Text" ), text->getString());
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport14.cxx b/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport14.cxx
index cd3ca2f39e46..951a4d8650f2 100644
--- a/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport14.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport14.cxx
@@ -670,7 +670,8 @@ DECLARE_OOXMLEXPORT_TEST(testTdf130167_spilloverHeaderShape, "testTdf130167_spil
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xNameAccess(
xTextGraphicObjectsSupplier->getGraphicObjects(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
// graphics from discarded headers were being added to the text body. Reduced from 5 to 2 shapes overall.
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xNameAccess->getCount() < 4);
+ // CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xNameAccess->getCount() <= 4); -> What about hidden headers?
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_LESS(sal_Int32(6), xNameAccess->getCount());
DECLARE_OOXMLEXPORT_TEST(testTdf124986, "tdf124986.docx")
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/ooxmlimport.cxx b/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/ooxmlimport.cxx
index 216fb0de07c0..59a2688232c8 100644
--- a/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/ooxmlimport.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/ooxmlimport.cxx
@@ -564,10 +564,10 @@ DECLARE_OOXMLIMPORT_TEST(testN779627, "n779627.docx")
sal_Int32(9), nLeftMargin);
- * Another problem tested with this document is the unnecessary loading of the shapes
- * anchored to a discarded header or footer
+ * Another problem tested with this document is the loading of the shapes
+ * anchored to a hidden header or footer
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, getShapes());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, getShapes());
DECLARE_OOXMLIMPORT_TEST(testN779627b, "n779627b.docx")
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx b/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx
index e47594a27b42..f56cf50d328d 100644
--- a/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/uiwriter/uiwriter.cxx
@@ -5055,7 +5055,9 @@ void SwUiWriterTest::testTdf92648()
SwDoc* pDoc = createDoc("tdf92648.docx");
SdrPage* pPage = pDoc->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel()->GetPage(0);
// Make sure we have ten draw shapes.
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), SwTextBoxHelper::getCount(pPage));
+ // Yes, we have if the left/right pages have different header/footer,
+ // but if not we have only nine of them:
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), SwTextBoxHelper::getCount(pPage));
// and the text boxes haven't got zero height
sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
for (const SwFrameFormat* pFormat : *pDoc->GetSpzFrameFormats())
diff --git a/sw/qa/uitest/data/TestHiddenHeadersFooters.docx b/sw/qa/uitest/data/TestHiddenHeadersFooters.docx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f33482a93ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/uitest/data/TestHiddenHeadersFooters.docx
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sw/qa/uitest/writer_tests7/ b/sw/qa/uitest/writer_tests7/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..906035e37e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/uitest/writer_tests7/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
+from uitest.framework import UITestCase
+from import mkPropertyValues
+from uitest.uihelper.common import get_state_as_dict
+import importlib
+import pathlib
+import org.libreoffice.unotest
+from uitest.uihelper.common import select_pos
+import time
+def get_url_for_data_file(file_name):
+ return pathlib.Path(org.libreoffice.unotest.makeCopyFromTDOC(file_name)).as_uri()
+class TestTdf141158(UITestCase):
+ def test_tdf141158(self):
+ # load the desired bugdoc
+ self.ui_test.load_file(get_url_for_data_file("TestHiddenHeadersFooters.docx"))
+ xWriterDoc = self.xUITest.getTopFocusWindow()
+ xWriterEdit = xWriterDoc.getChild("writer_edit")
+ document = self.ui_test.get_component()
+ # open the page styles dialog and select the headers tab
+ self.xUITest.executeCommand(".uno:PageStyleName")
+ TemplateDialog8 = self.xUITest.getTopFocusWindow()
+ xTabs = TemplateDialog8.getChild("tabcontrol")
+ select_pos(xTabs, "4")
+ # make the same left right page header state to off and apply the setting
+ checkSameLR = TemplateDialog8.getChild("checkSameLR")
+ checkSameLR.executeAction("CLICK",tuple())
+ ok = TemplateDialog8.getChild("ok")
+ self.ui_test.close_dialog_through_button(ok)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # go to the left header
+ xWriterEdit.executeAction("GOTO", mkPropertyValues({"PAGE": "2"}))
+ self.xUITest.executeCommand(".uno:JumpToHeader")
+ # get the text of the header
+ xPageSytle = document.getStyleFamilies().getByIndex(2)
+ xHeaderText = xPageSytle.getByIndex(0).HeaderText.String
+ xHeaderLeftText = xPageSytle.getByIndex(0).HeaderTextLeft.String
+ # without the fix in place it was "Right Header" (lost hidden left header),
+ # with the fix it should pass...
+ self.assertEqual("Left Header", xHeaderLeftText)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ self.ui_test.close_doc()
+# vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: