path: root/sw/qa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/qa')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/qa/core/uwriter.cxx b/sw/qa/core/uwriter.cxx
index b6bb8526b6b0..b48c06195526 100644
--- a/sw/qa/core/uwriter.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/core/uwriter.cxx
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
#include "pagedesc.hxx"
#include "calc.hxx"
+#include <tblafmt.hxx>
#include <unotbl.hxx>
typedef tools::SvRef<SwDocShell> SwDocShellRef;
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ public:
virtual void tearDown() override;
void randomTest();
+ void testTableAutoFormats();
void testPageDescName();
void testFileNameFields();
void testDocStat();
@@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ public:
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testTableAutoFormats);
@@ -1142,6 +1145,309 @@ void SwDocTest::randomTest()
+void SwDocTest::testTableAutoFormats()
+ SwGlobals::ensure();
+ //create new AutoFormatTable
+ SwTableAutoFormatTable aTableAFT;
+ //check the style size - default is expected
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(1), aTableAFT.size() );
+ //create new style
+ SwTableAutoFormat aTableAF( "TestItemStyle" );
+ //create new AutoFormat
+ SwBoxAutoFormat aBoxAF;
+ //SetFont
+ SvxFontItem aFont( RES_CHRATR_FONT );
+ aFont.SetFamily( FontFamily::FAMILY_DECORATIVE );
+ aFont.SetPitch( FontPitch::PITCH_VARIABLE );
+ aFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1251 );
+ aBoxAF.SetFont( aFont );
+ //SetHeight
+ SvxFontHeightItem aHeight( 280, 120, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE );
+ aBoxAF.SetHeight( aHeight );
+ //SetWeight
+ SvxWeightItem aWeight( FontWeight::WEIGHT_BOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT );
+ aBoxAF.SetWeight( aWeight );
+ //SetPosture
+ SvxPostureItem aPosture( FontItalic::ITALIC_NORMAL, RES_CHRATR_POSTURE );
+ aBoxAF.SetPosture( aPosture );
+ //SetCJKFont
+ SvxFontItem aCJKFont( RES_CHRATR_FONT );
+ aCJKFont.SetFamily( FontFamily::FAMILY_MODERN );
+ aCJKFont.SetPitch( FontPitch::PITCH_FIXED );
+ aCJKFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1251 );
+ aBoxAF.SetCJKFont( aCJKFont );
+ //SetCJKHeight
+ SvxFontHeightItem aCJKHeight( 230, 110, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE );
+ aBoxAF.SetCJKHeight( aCJKHeight );
+ //SetCJKWeight
+ SvxWeightItem aCJKWeight( FontWeight::WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT );
+ aBoxAF.SetCJKWeight( aCJKWeight );
+ //SetCJKPosture
+ SvxPostureItem aCJKPosture( FontItalic::ITALIC_OBLIQUE, RES_CHRATR_POSTURE );
+ aBoxAF.SetCJKPosture( aCJKPosture );
+ //SetCTLFont
+ SvxFontItem aCTLFont( RES_CHRATR_FONT );
+ aCTLFont.SetFamily( FontFamily::FAMILY_ROMAN );
+ aCTLFont.SetPitch( FontPitch::PITCH_FIXED );
+ aCTLFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1251 );
+ aBoxAF.SetCTLFont( aCTLFont );
+ //SetCTLHeight
+ SvxFontHeightItem aCTLHeight( 215, 105, RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE );
+ aBoxAF.SetCTLHeight( aCTLHeight );
+ //SetCTLWeight
+ SvxWeightItem aCTLWeight( FontWeight::WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT );
+ aBoxAF.SetCTLWeight( aCTLWeight );
+ //SetCTLPosture
+ SvxPostureItem aCTLPosture( FontItalic::ITALIC_OBLIQUE, RES_CHRATR_POSTURE );
+ aBoxAF.SetCTLPosture( aCTLPosture );
+ //SetUnderline
+ SvxUnderlineItem aUnderline( FontLineStyle::LINESTYLE_DOTTED, RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE );
+ aBoxAF.SetUnderline( aUnderline );
+ //SetOverline
+ SvxOverlineItem aOverline( FontLineStyle::LINESTYLE_DASH, RES_CHRATR_OVERLINE );
+ aBoxAF.SetOverline( aOverline );
+ //SetCrossedOut
+ SvxCrossedOutItem aCrossedOut( FontStrikeout::STRIKEOUT_BOLD, RES_CHRATR_CROSSEDOUT );
+ aBoxAF.SetCrossedOut( aCrossedOut );
+ //SetContour
+ SvxContourItem aContour( true, RES_CHRATR_CONTOUR );
+ aBoxAF.SetContour( aContour );
+ //SetShadowed
+ SvxShadowedItem aShadowed( false, RES_CHRATR_SHADOWED );
+ aBoxAF.SetShadowed( aShadowed );
+ //SetColor
+ SvxColorItem aColor( Color(0xFF23FF), RES_CHRATR_COLOR );
+ aBoxAF.SetColor( aColor );
+ //SetAdjust
+ SvxAdjustItem aAdjust( SvxAdjust::Center, RES_PARATR_ADJUST );
+ aBoxAF.SetAdjust( aAdjust );
+ //SetTextOrientation
+ SvxFrameDirectionItem aTOrientation( SvxFrameDirection::Vertical_RL_TB, RES_FRAMEDIR );
+ aBoxAF.SetTextOrientation( aTOrientation );
+ //SetVerticalAlignment
+ SwFormatVertOrient aVAlignment( 3, css::text::VertOrientation::CENTER, css::text::RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT );
+ aBoxAF.SetVerticalAlignment( aVAlignment );
+ //SetBox
+ SvxBoxItem aBox( RES_BOX );
+ aBox.SetAllDistances( 5 );
+ aBoxAF.SetBox( aBox );
+ //SetBackground
+ SvxBrushItem aBackground( Color(0xFF11FF), RES_BACKGROUND );
+ aBoxAF.SetBackground( aBackground );
+ //Set m_aTLBR
+ aBoxAF.m_aTLBR.ScaleMetrics( 11,12 );
+ SvxLineItem aTLBRLine = aBoxAF.m_aTLBR;
+ //Set m_aBLTR
+ aBoxAF.m_aBLTR.ScaleMetrics( 13,14 );
+ SvxLineItem aBLTRLine = aBoxAF.m_aBLTR;
+ //Set m_aHorJustify
+ SvxHorJustifyItem aHJustify( SvxCellHorJustify::Center, 0 );
+ aBoxAF.m_aHorJustify = aHJustify;
+ //Set m_aVerJustify
+ SvxVerJustifyItem aVJustify( SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_CENTER , 0 );
+ aBoxAF.m_aVerJustify = aVJustify;
+ //Set m_aStacked
+ aBoxAF.m_aStacked.SetValue( true );
+ SfxBoolItem aStacked = aBoxAF.m_aStacked;
+ //Set m_aMargin
+ aBoxAF.m_aMargin.SetLeftMargin( sal_Int16(4) );
+ aBoxAF.m_aMargin.SetRightMargin( sal_Int16(3) );
+ aBoxAF.m_aMargin.SetTopMargin( sal_Int16(2) );
+ aBoxAF.m_aMargin.SetBottomMargin( sal_Int16(3) );
+ SvxMarginItem aMargin = aBoxAF.m_aMargin;
+ //Set m_aLinebreak
+ aBoxAF.m_aLinebreak.SetValue( true );
+ SfxBoolItem aLBreak = aBoxAF.m_aLinebreak;
+ //Set m_aRotateAngle
+ aBoxAF.m_aRotateAngle.SetValue( sal_Int32(5) );
+ SfxInt32Item aRAngle = aBoxAF.m_aRotateAngle;
+ //Set m_aRotateMode
+ aBoxAF.m_aRotateMode.SetValue( SVX_ROTATE_MODE_CENTER );
+ SvxRotateModeItem aRMode = aBoxAF.m_aRotateMode;
+ //Set m_sNumFormatString
+ OUString aNFString = "UnitTestFormat";
+ aBoxAF.m_sNumFormatString = aNFString;
+ //Set m_eSysLanguage
+ LanguageType aSLang( LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_INDIA );
+ aBoxAF.m_eSysLanguage = aSLang;
+ //Set m_eNumFormatLanguage
+ LanguageType aNFLang( LANGUAGE_GERMAN );
+ aBoxAF.m_eNumFormatLanguage = aNFLang;
+ //Set m_aBreak
+ SvxFormatBreakItem aBreak( SvxBreak::PageBefore, 0 );
+ aTableAF.m_aBreak = aBreak;
+ //Set m_aKeepWithNextPara
+ SvxFormatKeepItem aKWNPara( true, 0 );
+ aTableAF.m_aKeepWithNextPara = aKWNPara;
+ //Set m_aPageDesc
+ SwFormatPageDesc aPDesc;
+ uno::Any aPDAny( sal_uInt16(3) );
+ aPDesc.PutValue( aPDAny, 0 );
+ aTableAF.m_aPageDesc = aPDesc;
+ //Set m_aRepeatHeading
+ sal_uInt16 aRHeading = 3;
+ aTableAF.m_aRepeatHeading = aRHeading;
+ //Set m_bLayoutSplit
+ bool aLSplit = false;
+ aTableAF.m_bLayoutSplit = aLSplit;
+ //Set m_bRowSplit
+ bool aRSplit = false;
+ aTableAF.m_bRowSplit = aRSplit;
+ //Set m_bCollapsingBorders
+ bool aCBorders = false;
+ aTableAF.m_bCollapsingBorders = aCBorders;
+ //Set m_aShadow
+ SvxShadowItem aShadow( 0, nullptr, 103, SvxShadowLocation::BottomLeft );
+ aTableAF.m_aShadow = aShadow;
+ //Set bInclFont
+ bool aIFont = false;
+ aTableAF.bInclFont = aIFont;
+ //Set bInclJustify
+ bool aIJustify = false;
+ aTableAF.bInclJustify = aIJustify;
+ //Set bInclFrame
+ bool aIFrame = false;
+ aTableAF.bInclFrame = aIFrame;
+ //Set bInclBackground
+ bool aIBackground = false;
+ aTableAF.bInclBackground = aIBackground;
+ //Set bInclValueFormat
+ bool aIVFormat = false;
+ aTableAF.bInclValueFormat = aIVFormat;
+ //set the box format to AutoFormat
+ aTableAF.SetBoxFormat( aBoxAF, sal_uInt8(0) );
+ //add AutoFormat to AutoFormatTable
+ aTableAFT.AddAutoFormat( aTableAF );
+ //check the style size
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(2), aTableAFT.size() );
+ //save the bInclFontstyles
+ aTableAFT.Save();
+ //check the style size after save
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(2), aTableAFT.size() );
+ //create new AutoFormatTable
+ SwTableAutoFormatTable aLoadTAFT;
+ //check the style size
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(1), aLoadTAFT.size() );
+ //load the saved styles
+ aLoadTAFT.Load();
+ //check the style size after load
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( size_t(2), aLoadTAFT.size() );
+ //assert the values
+ SwTableAutoFormat* pLoadAF = aLoadTAFT.FindAutoFormat( "TestItemStyle" );
+ //GetFont
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetFont() == aFont ) );
+ //GetHeight
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetHeight() == aHeight ) );
+ //GetWeight
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetWeight() == aWeight ) );
+ //GetPosture
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetPosture() == aPosture ) );
+ //GetCJKFont
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCJKFont() == aCJKFont ) );
+ //GetCJKHeight
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCJKHeight() == aCJKHeight ) );
+ //GetCJKWeight
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCJKWeight() == aCJKWeight ) );
+ //GetCJKPosture
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCJKPosture() == aCJKPosture ) );
+ //GetCTLFont
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCTLFont() == aCTLFont ) );
+ //GetCTLHeight
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCTLHeight() == aCTLHeight ) );
+ //GetCTLWeight
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCTLWeight() == aCTLWeight ) );
+ //GetCTLPosture
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCTLPosture() == aCTLPosture ) );
+ //GetUnderline
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetUnderline() == aUnderline ) );
+ //GetOverline
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetOverline() == aOverline ) );
+ //GetCrossedOut
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetCrossedOut() == aCrossedOut ) );
+ //GetContour
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetContour() == aContour ) );
+ //GetShadowed
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetShadowed() == aShadowed ) );
+ //GetColor
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetColor() == aColor) );
+ //GetAdjust
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetAdjust() == aAdjust ) );
+ //GetTextOrientation
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetTextOrientation() == aTOrientation ) );
+ //GetVerticalAlignment
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT (bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetVerticalAlignment() == aVAlignment ) );
+ //GetBox
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetBox() == aBox ) );
+ //GetBackground
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).GetBackground() == aBackground ) );
+ //Get m_aTLBR
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aTLBR == aTLBRLine ) );
+ //Get m_aBLTR
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aBLTR == aBLTRLine ) );
+ //Get m_aHorJustify
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aHorJustify == aHJustify ) );
+ //Get m_aVerJustify
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aVerJustify == aVJustify ) );
+ //Get m_aStacked
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aStacked == aStacked ) );
+ //Get m_aMargin
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aMargin == aMargin ) );
+ //Get m_aLinebreak
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aLinebreak == aLBreak ) );
+ //Get m_aRotateAngle
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aRotateAngle == aRAngle ) );
+ //Get m_aRotateMode
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_aRotateMode == aRMode ) );
+ //Get m_sNumFormatString
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_sNumFormatString == aNFString ) );
+ //Get m_eSysLanguage
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_eSysLanguage == aSLang ) );
+ //Get m_eNumFormatLanguage
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->GetBoxFormat(0).m_eNumFormatLanguage == aNFLang ) );
+ //Get m_aBreak
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_aBreak == aBreak ) );
+ //Get m_aKeepWithNextPara
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_aKeepWithNextPara == aKWNPara ) );
+ //Get m_aPageDesc
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_aPageDesc == aPDesc ) );
+ //Get m_aRepeatHeading
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_aRepeatHeading == aRHeading ) );
+ //Get m_bLayoutSplit
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_bLayoutSplit == aLSplit ) );
+ //Get m_bRowSplit
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_bRowSplit == aRSplit ) );
+ //Get m_bCollapsingBorders
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_bCollapsingBorders == aCBorders ) );
+ //Get m_aShadow
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->m_aShadow == aShadow ) );
+ //Get bInclFont
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->bInclFont == aIFont ) );
+ //Get bInclJustify
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->bInclJustify == aIJustify ) );
+ //Get bInclFrame
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->bInclFrame == aIFrame ) );
+ //Get bInclBackground
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->bInclBackground == aIBackground ) );
+ //Get bInclValueFormat
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( bool( pLoadAF->bInclValueFormat == aIVFormat ) );
static OUString
translitTest(SwDoc & rDoc, SwPaM & rPaM, TransliterationFlags const nType)