path: root/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1class.hxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/filter/ww1/w1class.hxx')
1 files changed, 1652 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1class.hxx b/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1class.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1b18bde9116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww1/w1class.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1652 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: w1class.hxx,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.12 $
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+// local
+#ifndef _W1STRUCT_HXX
+#include <w1struct.hxx>
+#ifdef DUMP
+#include <fstream.h>
+#include <ostream>
+using std::ostream;
+class SvxFontItem;
+class SvxBorderLine;
+class SvxBoxItem;
+class SvStream;
+class SwField;
+class Ww1Annotation;
+class Ww1AtnText;
+class Ww1Chp;
+class Ww1DocText;
+class Ww1Dop;
+class Ww1Fib;
+class Ww1Fkp;
+class Ww1FkpChp;
+class Ww1FkpPap;
+class Ww1Fonts;
+class Ww1Manager;
+class Ww1McrText;
+class Ww1Pap;
+class Ww1PlainText;
+class Ww1Plc;
+class Ww1PlcAnnotationRef;
+class Ww1PlcAnnotationTxt;
+class Ww1PlcChp;
+class Ww1PlcFields;
+class Ww1PlcFootnoteRef;
+class Ww1PlcFootnoteTxt;
+class Ww1PlcGlossary;
+class Ww1PlcHdd;
+class Ww1PlcPap;
+class Ww1PlcSep;
+class Ww1Shell;
+class Ww1Sprm;
+class Ww1SprmPapx;
+class Ww1SprmSep;
+class Ww1Style;
+class Ww1StyleSheet;
+// nach moeglichkeit wurden in diesem modul methoden aehnlicher
+// funktionalitaet gleich benannt. Die namen wurden wenn moeglich vom
+// ww-filter uebernommen.
+// Where() gibt die position eines elements. dies kann sowohl eine
+// seek-position im stream als auch ein relativer offset sein, da dies
+// bei word durcheinander geht. die methoden sind durch kommentare
+// gekennzeichnet, ob sie sich auf positionen in der datei oder
+// innerhalb des textes beziehen. vorsicht: innerhalb des textes kann
+// verschiedene texte in der datei bedeuten.
+// Count() gibt die anzahl der elemente zurueck. vorsicht bei
+// n/n-1-feldern (word speichert strukturen gern in doppel-arrays, in
+// denen das erste n elemente, das zweite jedoch n-1 elemente
+// enthaelt.
+// Fill() fuellt uebergebene referenzen mit daten aus den
+// word-strukturen.
+// GetData() gibt zeiger auf den datenbereich zurueck
+// GetError() gibt zurueck, ob fehler aufgetreten ist
+// Start(), Stop(), Out(), op<< siehe modul w1filter
+// Dump() siehe modul w1dump
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fib
+// file information block: wurzel des uebels: steht am beginn der
+// datei (seek(0)) und enthaelt alle positionen der strukturen der
+// datei
+class Ww1Fib
+ W1_FIB aFib;
+ SvStream& rStream;
+ Ww1Fib(SvStream&);
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Fib&);
+ W1_FIB& GetFIB() { return aFib; }
+ BOOL GetError() { return !bOK; }
+ SvStream& GetStream() { return rStream; }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dop
+// document property: eigenschaften des gesamten dokuments
+class Ww1Dop
+ W1_DOP aDop;
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ Ww1Dop(Ww1Fib&);
+ BOOL GetError() {
+ return !bOK; }
+ W1_DOP& GetDOP() {
+ return aDop; }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Dop&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlainText
+// ww-dateien koennen mehrere textbloecke enthalten (main-text,
+// fusznoten etc). PlainText vereinigt die gemeinsamkeiten
+class Ww1PlainText
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ ULONG ulFilePos;
+ ULONG ulCountBytes;
+ ULONG ulSeek;
+ Ww1PlainText(Ww1Fib& rWwFib, ULONG nFilePos, ULONG nCountBytes);
+ // innerhalb des textes
+ ULONG Where() const { return ulSeek; }
+ void Seek( ULONG ulNew )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(ulNew < ulCountBytes, "Ww1PlainText");
+ if (ulNew < ulCountBytes)
+ ulSeek = ulNew;
+ }
+ ULONG Count() const { return ulCountBytes; }
+ void SetCount(ULONG ulNew)
+ {
+ ulNew += ulSeek;
+ if (ulCountBytes > ulNew)
+ ulCountBytes = ulNew;
+ }
+ void operator++(int)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(ulSeek+1<ulCountBytes, "Ww1PlainText");
+ ulSeek++;
+ }
+ BOOL GetError() { return !bOK; }
+ sal_Unicode Out( Ww1Shell&, ULONG& );
+ sal_Unicode Out( String&, ULONG=0xffffffff);
+ sal_Unicode Out( sal_Unicode& );
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlainText&);
+ String& Fill( String&, ULONG=0, ULONG=0xffffffff );
+ sal_Unicode operator []( ULONG );
+ String GetText( ULONG ulOffset, ULONG nLen ) const;
+ enum Consts { MinChar = 32 };
+ static BOOL IsChar( sal_Unicode c ) { return c >= MinChar; }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DocText
+class Ww1DocText : public Ww1PlainText
+ Ww1DocText(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1PlainText(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcMinGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().ccpTextGet()) {
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FtnText
+class Ww1FtnText : public Ww1PlainText
+ ULONG Offset(Ww1Fib& rFibL) {
+ return rFibL.GetFIB().ccpTextGet(); }
+ Ww1FtnText(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1PlainText(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcMinGet() +
+ Offset(rFibL), rFibL.GetFIB().ccpFtnGet()) {
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HddText
+class Ww1HddText : public Ww1PlainText
+ ULONG Offset(Ww1Fib& rFibL) {
+ return rFibL.GetFIB().ccpTextGet() + rFibL.GetFIB().ccpFtnGet(); }
+ Ww1HddText(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1PlainText(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcMinGet() +
+ Offset(rFibL), rFibL.GetFIB().ccpHddGet()) {
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// McrText
+class Ww1McrText : public Ww1PlainText
+ ULONG Offset(Ww1Fib& rFibL) {
+ return rFibL.GetFIB().ccpTextGet() + rFibL.GetFIB().ccpFtnGet()
+ + rFibL.GetFIB().ccpHddGet(); }
+ Ww1McrText(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1PlainText(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcMinGet() +
+ Offset(rFibL), rFibL.GetFIB().ccpMcrGet()) {
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AtnText
+class Ww1AtnText : public Ww1PlainText
+ ULONG Offset(Ww1Fib& rFibL) {
+ return rFibL.GetFIB().ccpTextGet() + rFibL.GetFIB().ccpFtnGet()
+ + rFibL.GetFIB().ccpHddGet() + rFibL.GetFIB().ccpMcrGet(); }
+ Ww1AtnText(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1PlainText(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcMinGet() +
+ Offset(rFibL), rFibL.GetFIB().ccpAtnGet()) {
+ }
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Style
+// ein einzelner style oder vorlage
+class Ww1Style
+ String aName;
+ W1_CHP aChpx;
+ Ww1SprmPapx* pPapx;
+ Ww1StyleSheet* pParent;
+ BYTE stcBase;
+ BYTE stcNext;
+ BOOL bUsed;
+ Ww1Style();
+ ~Ww1Style();
+ BOOL IsUsed() const { return bUsed; }
+ void SetDefaults(BYTE);
+ void SetParent(Ww1StyleSheet* newParent) { pParent = newParent; }
+ void SetName(const String& rName) { bUsed = TRUE; aName = rName; }
+ const String& GetName() const { return aName; }
+// Ww1Style& GetNext();
+ Ww1Style& GetBase();
+ USHORT GetnBase() const { return stcBase; }
+ USHORT GetnNext() const { return stcNext; }
+ USHORT ReadEstcp(BYTE*&, USHORT&);
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Style&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StyleSheet
+// die sammlung aller vorlagen (max. 256)
+class Ww1StyleSheet
+ Ww1Style aStyles[256];
+ USHORT cstcStd; // count style code standard
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ USHORT ReadNames(BYTE*&, USHORT&);
+ USHORT ReadEstcp(BYTE*&, USHORT&);
+ void OutDefaults(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT stc);
+ void OutOne(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT stc);
+ void OutOneWithBase(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, USHORT stc,
+ BYTE* pbStopRecur );
+ Ww1StyleSheet(Ww1Fib& rFib);
+ Ww1Style& GetStyle(USHORT stc) {
+ return aStyles[stc]; }
+ USHORT Count() {
+ return 256; }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1StyleSheet&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ friend class Ww1Style;
+ BOOL GetError() {
+ return !bOK; }
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fonts
+// ww kennt nur font-nummern beim formatieren. nebenher gibts ein
+// array von fonts, damit man aus der nummer einen konkreten font
+// machen kann.
+class Ww1Fonts
+ W1_FFN** pFontA; // Array of Pointers to Font Description
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ ULONG nFieldFlags;
+ USHORT nMax; // Array-Groesse
+ Ww1Fonts(Ww1Fib&, ULONG nFieldFlgs);
+ ~Ww1Fonts() {
+ if (pFontA)
+ DELETEZ(pFontA[0]);
+ DELETEZ(pFontA); }
+ W1_FFN* GetFFN(USHORT nNum);
+ USHORT Count() {
+ return nMax; }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Fonts&);
+ BOOL GetError() {
+ return !bOK; }
+ SvxFontItem GetFont(USHORT);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SingleSprm
+// diese klassen ersetzen die aSprmTab etc des ww6-filters. die
+// funktionspointer sind hier virtuale methoden, fuer die typen (byte,
+// word, var-sized etc) gibt es abgeleitete klassen. diese haben
+// methoden zum bestimmen der groesze, dumpen und shell-ausgeben der
+// Sprms.
+// die klassen werden mit new (in InitTab()) erzeugt und nach ihrem
+// code in die tabelle gestellt. zum aktivieren ruft man nun nur noch
+// die entsprechende methode des objektes in der tabelle auf.
+// wohlgemerkt: SingleSprms sind die _beschreibung_ und _funktion_ der
+// Sprms, nicht deren inhalt. dieser musz uebergeben werden an die
+// einzelnen methoden wie Size, Dump und Start/Stop.
+class Ww1SingleSprm
+#ifdef DUMP
+// allein die virtuellen methoden stehen in der vtab, also je nachdem,
+// ob fuer dumper oder filter uebersetzt wird ausblenden: das spart
+// platz. ausserdem stehen die methoden fuer dumper bzw filter in
+// verschiedenen modulen, die im jeweils anderen projekt nicht
+// uebersetzt werden. das diese dann beim linken nicht zur verfuegung
+// stehen faellt dann auch nicht auf. Der Namensstring ist nur im
+// Dumper noetig: weg damit im Filter.
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ virtual ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+ const sal_Char* sName;
+ virtual void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ virtual void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+ virtual USHORT Size(BYTE*);
+ USHORT nCountBytes;
+ Ww1SingleSprm(USHORT nBytes, const sal_Char* /*pName*/ = 0 )
+ : nCountBytes(nBytes)
+#ifdef DUMP
+ , sName( pName)
+ {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmByteSized : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+// ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+ Ww1SingleSprmByteSized(USHORT nBytes, sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(nBytes, sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmWordSized : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+// ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+ Ww1SingleSprmWordSized(USHORT nBytes, sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(nBytes, sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmByte : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+// USHORT Size(BYTE*);
+ Ww1SingleSprmByte(sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(1, sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmBool : public Ww1SingleSprmByte {
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+// USHORT Size(BYTE*);
+ Ww1SingleSprmBool(sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmByte(sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprm4State : public Ww1SingleSprmByte {
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+// USHORT Size(BYTE*);
+ Ww1SingleSprm4State(sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmByte(sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmWord : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+// USHORT Size(BYTE*);
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sal_Char* sName = 0)
+ : Ww1SingleSprm(2, sName) {}
+class Ww1SingleSprmLong : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+// USHORT Size(BYTE*);
+ Ww1SingleSprmLong(sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(4, sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmTab : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ ostream& Dump(ostream&, BYTE*, USHORT);
+ Ww1SingleSprmTab(USHORT nBytes, sal_Char* sName = 0) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(nBytes, sName) {
+ }
+class Ww1SingleSprmPJc : public Ww1SingleSprmByte {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPJc(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmByte(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDxa : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxa(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDxaRight : public Ww1SingleSprmPDxa {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxaRight(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxa(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDxaLeft : public Ww1SingleSprmPDxa {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxaLeft(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxa(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDxaLeft1 : public Ww1SingleSprmPDxa {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxaLeft1(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxa(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPFKeep : public Ww1SingleSprmBool {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPFKeep(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmBool(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPFKeepFollow : public Ww1SingleSprmBool {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPFKeepFollow(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmBool(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPPageBreakBefore : public Ww1SingleSprmBool {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPPageBreakBefore(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmBool(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPBrc : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+// SvxBorderLine* SetBorder(SvxBorderLine*, W1_BRC*);
+ // spezielle start-routine, je nach sprm verschieden versorgt
+ // mit einem BoxItem.
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, W1_BRC10*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&, SvxBoxItem&);
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, W1_BRC*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&, SvxBoxItem&);
+ using Ww1SingleSprm::Start;
+ Ww1SingleSprmPBrc(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ // SetBorder() wird auch fuer Tabellen gebraucht, deshalb public
+ static SvxBorderLine* SetBorder(SvxBorderLine*, W1_BRC10*);
+#define BRC_TOP ((USHORT)0)
+#define BRC_LEFT ((USHORT)1)
+#define BRC_BOTTOM ((USHORT)2)
+#define BRC_RIGHT ((USHORT)3)
+// Die BRC-struktur fuer 1.0 versionen von word sind verschieden von
+// denen der folgenden versionen. diese werden zum glueck aber auch
+// von anderen sprms abgerufen.
+// SH: Ab sofort alle 4 Umrandungen ueber nur 1 Klasse.
+class Ww1SingleSprmPBrc10 : public Ww1SingleSprmPBrc
+ USHORT nLine; // BRC_TOP, BRC_LEFT, ...
+ using Ww1SingleSprmPBrc::Start;
+ Ww1SingleSprmPBrc10(USHORT nL, sal_Char* sName)
+ : Ww1SingleSprmPBrc(sName), nLine(nL) {}
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmParaSpace : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmParaSpace(sal_Char* sName)
+ : Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {}
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDyaBefore : public Ww1SingleSprmParaSpace {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDyaBefore(sal_Char* sName)
+ : Ww1SingleSprmParaSpace(sName) {}
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDyaAfter : public Ww1SingleSprmParaSpace {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDyaAfter(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmParaSpace(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDyaLine : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDyaLine(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPChgTabsPapx : public Ww1SingleSprmByteSized {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPChgTabsPapx(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmByteSized(0, sName) {
+ }
+ // Size() ist noch nicht aktiviert !!
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmSGprfIhdt : public Ww1SingleSprmByte {
+ Ww1SingleSprmSGprfIhdt(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmByte(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmSColumns : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmSColumns(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPFInTable : public Ww1SingleSprmBool {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPFInTable(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmBool(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPTtp : public Ww1SingleSprmBool {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPTtp(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmBool(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTJc : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTJc(sal_Char* sName)
+ : Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {}
+//class Ww1SingleSprmTDxaLeft : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+// Ww1SingleSprmTDxaLeft(sal_Char* sName) :
+// Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+// }
+// void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTDxaGapHalf : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTDxaGapHalf(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTDefTable10 : public Ww1SingleSprmWordSized {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTDefTable10(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWordSized(0, sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTDyaRowHeight : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTDyaRowHeight(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+// Klassendefinitionen fuer Tabellen-Fastsave-Attribute
+// Da wir kein Fastsave unterstuetzen, brauchen wir's nicht
+#if 0
+class Ww1SingleSprmTInsert : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTInsert(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(4, sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTDelete : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTDelete(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTDxaCol : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTDxaCol(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(4, sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTMerge : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTMerge(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTSplit : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTSplit(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmTSetBrc10 : public Ww1SingleSprm {
+ Ww1SingleSprmTSetBrc10(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprm(5, sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+#endif // 0
+// Klassendefinitionen fuer Apos ( == Flys )
+class Ww1SingleSprmPpc : public Ww1SingleSprmByte {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPpc(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmByte(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDxaAbs : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxaAbs(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDyaAbs : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDyaAbs(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPDxaWidth : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPDxaWidth(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+class Ww1SingleSprmPFromText : public Ww1SingleSprmWord {
+ Ww1SingleSprmPFromText(sal_Char* sName) :
+ Ww1SingleSprmWord(sName) {
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, BYTE, BYTE*, USHORT, Ww1Manager&);
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sprm
+// der tatsaechlich in der datei auftretende datentyp Sprm
+class Ww1Sprm
+ BOOL ReCalc();
+ static Ww1SingleSprm* aTab[256];
+ static Ww1SingleSprm* pSingleSprm;
+ static void InitTab();
+ Ww1SingleSprm& GetTab(USHORT nId)
+ {
+ if( !pSingleSprm )
+ InitTab();
+ return aTab[ nId ] ? *aTab[nId] : *pSingleSprm;
+ }
+ BYTE* p;
+ USHORT nCountBytes;
+ USHORT* pArr;
+ USHORT count;
+// ohne Token, mit laengen-byte/word
+ USHORT GetSize(BYTE nId, BYTE* pSprm);
+// mit Token und LaengenByte
+ USHORT GetSizeBrutto(BYTE* pSprm) {
+ BYTE nId = *pSprm++;
+ return GetSize(nId, pSprm) + 1; }
+// gibt fuer nTh element id, size & zeiger auf daten:
+// SH: brauche ich public
+// gibt fuer nTh element id, size & zeiger auf daten:
+ Ww1Sprm(BYTE*, USHORT);
+ Ww1Sprm(SvStream&, ULONG);
+ ~Ww1Sprm();
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Sprm&);
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, USHORT);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ BOOL IsUsed() {
+ return nCountBytes != 255; }
+ USHORT Count() {
+ return count; }
+ BOOL GetError() {
+ return !bOK; }
+ static void DeinitTab();
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Picture
+// der wrapper um den datentyp PIC, eine struktur, die am beginn eines
+// bild-dateinamens oder eines eingebetteten bildes steht.
+class Ww1Picture
+ W1_PIC* pPic;
+ Ww1Picture(SvStream&, ULONG);
+ ~Ww1Picture() {
+ }
+ BOOL GetError() {
+ return !bOK; }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Picture&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void WriteBmp(SvStream&);
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Plc
+// eine der wichtigen array-strukturen der ww-dateien. sie beinhalten
+// n+1 dateipositionen und n attribute, die zwischen den
+// dateipositionen gelten.
+class Ww1Plc
+ BYTE* p;
+ USHORT nCountBytes;
+ USHORT iMac;
+ USHORT nItemSize;
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ BYTE* GetData(USHORT);
+ ~Ww1Plc();
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Plc&);
+ ULONG Where(USHORT); // wie im jeweiligen plc
+ void Seek(ULONG, USHORT&);
+ void Fill(USHORT nIndex, ULONG& begin, ULONG& end) {
+ begin = Where(nIndex);
+ end = Where(nIndex+1); }
+ USHORT Count() {
+ return iMac; }
+ BOOL GetError() {
+ return !bOK; }
+// Size Tabs from Sven:
+//Plc 2, 2, 6, 0, 2, 0
+//Fkp 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcGlossary
+class Ww1PlcGlossary : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcGlossary(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfglsyGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfglsyGet(), 0) {
+ }
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcAnnotationRef
+class Ww1PlcAnnotationRef : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcAnnotationRef(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfandRefGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfandRefGet(), 0) {
+ }
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcAnnotationTxt
+class Ww1PlcAnnotationTxt : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcAnnotationTxt(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfandTxtGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfandTxtGet(), 0) {
+ }
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcAnnotation
+class Ww1Annotation {
+ Ww1PlcAnnotationRef aRef;
+ Ww1PlcAnnotationTxt aTxt;
+ Ww1Annotation(Ww1Fib& rFib) :
+ aRef(rFib),
+ aTxt(rFib) {
+ }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Annotation&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcSep
+class Ww1PlcSep : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcSep(Ww1Fib& rFibL):
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfsedGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfsedGet(), 6) {
+ }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcSep&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcChp
+class Ww1PlcChp : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcChp(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfbteChpxGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfbteChpxGet(), 2) {
+ }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcChp&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcPap
+class Ww1PlcPap : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcPap(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfbtePapxGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfbtePapxGet(), 2) {
+ }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcPap&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcFootnoteRef
+class Ww1PlcFootnoteRef : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcFootnoteRef(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcffndRefGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcffndRefGet(), 2) {
+ }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcFootnoteRef&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcFootnoteTxt
+class Ww1PlcFootnoteTxt : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcFootnoteTxt(Ww1Fib& rFibL) :
+ Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcffndTxtGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcffndTxtGet(), 0) {
+ }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcFootnoteTxt&);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcFields
+class Ww1PlcFields : public Ww1Plc
+ //USHORT Fill(USHORT, BYTE&, String&, String&, String&);
+ Ww1PlcFields(Ww1Fib& rFibL, ULONG start, USHORT nBytes)
+ : Ww1Plc(rFibL, start, nBytes, 2)
+ {}
+ W1_FLD* GetData(USHORT nIndex)
+ { return (W1_FLD*)Ww1Plc::GetData(nIndex); }
+ ULONG Where(USHORT nIndex) // absolut im file
+ { return Ww1Plc::Where(nIndex) + rFib.GetFIB().fcMinGet(); }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcFields&);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcBookmarks
+class Ww1StringList
+ sal_Char** pIdxA;
+ USHORT nMax;
+ Ww1StringList( SvStream& rSt, ULONG nFc, USHORT nCb );
+ ~Ww1StringList()
+ { if( pIdxA ) { delete pIdxA[0]; delete pIdxA; } }
+ const String GetStr( USHORT nNum ) const;
+ USHORT Count() const { return nMax; }
+ BOOL GetError() const { return (nMax != 0) && !pIdxA; }
+class Ww1PlcBookmarkTxt: public Ww1StringList
+ Ww1PlcBookmarkTxt(Ww1Fib& rFib) :
+ Ww1StringList( rFib.GetStream(), rFib.GetFIB().fcSttbfbkmkGet(),
+ rFib.GetFIB().cbSttbfbkmkGet() )
+ {}
+class Ww1PlcBookmarkPos : public Ww1Plc
+// USHORT Fill(USHORT, BYTE&, String&, String&, String&);
+ Ww1PlcBookmarkPos(Ww1Fib& _rFib, ULONG start, USHORT nBytes, BOOL bEnd)
+ : Ww1Plc(_rFib, start, nBytes, (bEnd) ? 0 : 2)
+ {}
+ BYTE* GetData(USHORT nIndex) { return Ww1Plc::GetData(nIndex); }
+ // Position als CP
+ ULONG WhereCP(USHORT nIndex) { return Ww1Plc::Where(nIndex); }
+ // absolut im file
+ ULONG Where(USHORT nIndex)
+ {
+ return ( nIndex < Count() )
+ ? Ww1Plc::Where(nIndex) + rFib.GetFIB().fcMinGet()
+ : 0xffffffff;
+ }
+// friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1PlcBookmarks&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlcHdd
+class Ww1PlcHdd : public Ww1Plc
+ Ww1PlcHdd(Ww1Fib& rFibL)
+ : Ww1Plc(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcfhddGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcfhddGet(), 0)
+ {}
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fkp
+// aehnlich den plcs aufgebaute arrays, die sich auf eine groesze von
+// 512 byte beschraenken.
+class Ww1Fkp
+ BYTE aFkp[512];
+ USHORT nItemSize;
+ BYTE* GetData(USHORT);
+ Ww1Fkp(SvStream&, ULONG, USHORT);
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Fkp&);
+ USHORT Count() const { return SVBT8ToByte(aFkp+511); }
+ ULONG Where(USHORT); // wie im entsprechenden fkp
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FkpPap
+class Ww1FkpPap : public Ww1Fkp
+ Ww1FkpPap(SvStream& rStream, ULONG ulFilePos)
+ : Ww1Fkp(rStream, ulFilePos, 1)
+ {}
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1FkpPap&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FkpChp
+class Ww1FkpChp : public Ww1Fkp
+#ifdef DUMP
+ SvStream& rStream;
+ SvStream& GetStream() { return rStream; }
+ Ww1FkpChp(SvStream& rStream, ULONG ulFilePos)
+ : Ww1Fkp(rStream, ulFilePos, 1)
+#ifdef DUMP
+ , rStream(rStream)
+ {}
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1FkpChp&);
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SprmPapx
+class Ww1SprmPapx : public Ww1Sprm
+ W1_PAPX aPapx;
+ BYTE* Sprm(BYTE* p, USHORT nSize);
+ USHORT SprmSize(BYTE* p, USHORT nSize);
+ Ww1SprmPapx(BYTE* p, USHORT nSize);
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1SprmPapx&);
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SprmSep
+class Ww1SprmSep : public Ww1Sprm
+ Ww1SprmSep(Ww1Fib& rFib, ULONG ulFilePos)
+ : Ww1Sprm(rFib.GetStream(), ulFilePos)
+ {}
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1SprmSep&);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assoc
+class Ww1Assoc
+ enum fields { FileNext, Dot, Title, Subject, KeyWords, Comments,
+ Author, LastRevBy, DataDoc, HeaderDoc, Criteria1, Criteria2,
+ Criteria3, Criteria4, Criteria5, Criteria6, Criteria7, MaxFields };
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ sal_Char* pBuffer;
+ sal_Char* pStrTbl[ MaxFields ];
+ String GetStr(USHORT);
+ Ww1Assoc(Ww1Fib&);
+ ~Ww1Assoc() { delete pBuffer; }
+ BOOL GetError() const { return !bOK; }
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Assoc&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&);
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HeaderFooter
+// Header/Footer/Footnoteseparators sind einer nach dem naechsten in
+// einem eigenen text gespeichert. ein plc trennt diesen text in
+// einzelne teile. diese werden durchnummeriert als ihdd. nun gibt es
+// 9 verschiedene funktionen fuer diese texte. wird eine davon
+// angefordert, ist es der erste, beim naechstern der 2 ihdd und so
+// weiter. welcher textteil also welcher typ sein wird laeszt sich
+// nur bei sequenziellem lesen der datei bestimmen. die 9 typen sind:
+// fusznoten-trenner, folge-fusznoten-trenner, folge-fusznoten-notiz,
+// gerade-seiten kopfzeilen, ungerade seiten kopfzeilen, dto 2*
+// fuszzeilen, kopf & fuszzeilen, wenn erste seite andere zeilen hat.
+// HeaderFooter merkt sich fuer jede der 9 die momentane einstellung
+// (jedoch nicht die alten) und den naechstvergebbaren ihdd. ist ein
+// teil nicht vorhanden bekommt er den wert 0xffff.
+class Ww1HeaderFooter : public Ww1PlcHdd
+ USHORT nextIhdd; // naechster textteil im HddText
+ USHORT nFtnSep; // fusznoten trenner
+ USHORT nFtnFollowSep; // folge fusznoten trenner
+ USHORT nFtnNote; // folgefunsznotennotiz
+ USHORT nEvenHeadL; // kopfzeilen grader seiten
+ USHORT nOddHeadL; // kopfzeilen ungrader seiten
+ USHORT nEvenFootL; // fuszzeilen grader seiten
+ USHORT nOddFootL; // fuszzeilen ungerader seiten
+ USHORT nFirstHeadL; // kopfzeilen der ersten seite
+ USHORT nFirstFootL; // fuszzeilen der ersten seite
+ enum HeaderFooterMode {
+ None, FtnSep, FtnFollowSep, FtnNote, EvenHeadL, OddHeadL,
+ EvenFootL, OddFootL, FirstHeadL, MaxHeaderFooterMode
+ } eHeaderFooterMode;
+ Ww1HeaderFooter(Ww1Fib& rFibL, USHORT grpfIhdt)
+ : Ww1PlcHdd(rFibL),
+ nextIhdd(0),
+ nFtnSep(0xffff),
+ nFtnFollowSep(0xffff),
+ nFtnNote(0xffff),
+ nEvenHeadL(0xffff),
+ nOddHeadL(0xffff),
+ nEvenFootL(0xffff),
+ nOddFootL(0xffff),
+ nFirstHeadL(0xffff),
+ nFirstFootL(0xffff),
+ eHeaderFooterMode(None)
+ {
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0001) nFtnSep = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0002) nFtnFollowSep = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0004) nFtnNote = nextIhdd++;
+ }
+// ~Ww1HeaderFooter() {}
+ void SetGrpfIhdt(USHORT grpfIhdt)
+ {
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0001) nEvenHeadL = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0002) nOddHeadL = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0004) nEvenFootL = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0008) nOddFootL = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0010) nFirstHeadL = nextIhdd++;
+ if (grpfIhdt & 0x0020) nFirstFootL = nextIhdd++;
+ DBG_ASSERT(nextIhdd<=Count(), "Ww1HeaderFooter");
+ }
+ BOOL operator++(int)
+ {
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE;
+ eHeaderFooterMode = (HeaderFooterMode)((short)eHeaderFooterMode + 1);
+ if( eHeaderFooterMode == MaxHeaderFooterMode)
+ {
+ eHeaderFooterMode = None;
+ bRet = FALSE;
+ }
+ return bRet;
+ }
+ BOOL FillFtnSep(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nFtnSep == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nFtnSep, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillFtnFollowSep(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nFtnFollowSep == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nFtnFollowSep, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillFtnNote(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nFtnNote == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nFtnNote, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillEvenHeadL(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nEvenHeadL == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nEvenHeadL, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillOddHeadL(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nOddHeadL == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nOddHeadL, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillEvenFootL(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nEvenFootL == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nEvenFootL, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillOddFootL(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nOddFootL == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nOddFootL, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillFirstHeadL(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nFirstHeadL == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nFirstHeadL, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL FillFirstFootL(ULONG& begin, ULONG& end)
+ {
+ if (nFirstFootL == 0xffff)
+ return FALSE;
+ Fill(nFirstFootL, begin, end);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, sal_Unicode&);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fields
+class Ww1Fields : public Ww1PlcFields
+ USHORT nPlcIndex;
+ String sErgebnis; // das von word errechnete ergebniss
+ SwField* pField;
+ ULONG Where(USHORT nIndex) // innerhalb des textes
+ { return Ww1PlcFields::Where(nIndex) - rFib.GetFIB().fcMinGet(); }
+ Ww1Fields(Ww1Fib& rFibL, ULONG ulFilePos, USHORT nBytes)
+ : Ww1PlcFields(rFibL, ulFilePos, nBytes), nPlcIndex(0), pField(0)
+ {}
+// ~Ww1Fields() {}
+ // innerhalb des textes
+ ULONG Where() { return Where(nPlcIndex); }
+ void operator++(int)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex+1 <= Count(), "Ww1Fields");
+ nPlcIndex++;
+ }
+ void Seek(ULONG ulNew) { Ww1PlcFields::Seek(ulNew, nPlcIndex); }
+ W1_FLD* GetData()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex < Count(), "Ww1Fields");
+ return Ww1PlcFields::GetData(nPlcIndex);
+ }
+ ULONG GetLength();
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, sal_Unicode&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, USHORT=0);
+class Ww1TextFields : public Ww1Fields
+ Ww1TextFields(Ww1Fib& rFibL)
+ : Ww1Fields(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcffldMomGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcffldMomGet())
+ {}
+class Ww1FootnoteFields : public Ww1Fields
+ Ww1FootnoteFields(Ww1Fib& rFibL)
+ : Ww1Fields(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcffldFtnGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcffldFtnGet())
+ {}
+class Ww1HeaderFooterFields : public Ww1Fields
+ Ww1HeaderFooterFields(Ww1Fib& rFibL)
+ : Ww1Fields(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcffldHdrGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcffldHdrGet())
+ {}
+class Ww1MacroFields : public Ww1Fields
+ Ww1MacroFields(Ww1Fib& rFibL)
+ : Ww1Fields(rFibL, rFibL.GetFIB().fcPlcffldMcrGet(),
+ rFibL.GetFIB().cbPlcffldMcrGet())
+ {}
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bookmarks
+class Ww1Bookmarks
+ Ww1PlcBookmarkTxt aNames;
+ Ww1PlcBookmarkPos* pPos[2];
+ Ww1Fib& rFib;
+ USHORT nPlcIdx[2];
+ USHORT nIsEnd;
+// ULONG Where(USHORT nIndex) { // innerhalb des textes
+// return Ww1PlcFields::Where(nIndex) - rFib.GetFIB().fcMinGet(); }
+ Ww1Bookmarks(Ww1Fib& rFib);
+ ~Ww1Bookmarks()
+ {
+ delete pPos[1];
+ delete pPos[0];
+ }
+ ULONG Where() const { return pPos[nIsEnd]->WhereCP(nPlcIdx[nIsEnd]); }
+ void operator++(int);
+ BOOL GetError() const { return !bOK; }
+ long GetHandle() const;
+ BOOL GetIsEnd() const { return ( nIsEnd ) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ const String GetName() const;
+ long Len() const;
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Bookmarks&);
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, sal_Unicode&);
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, USHORT=0);
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Footnotes
+class Ww1Footnotes : public Ww1PlcFootnoteRef
+ USHORT nPlcIndex;
+ Ww1PlcFootnoteTxt aText;
+ BOOL bStarted;
+ Ww1Footnotes(Ww1Fib& rFibL)
+ : Ww1PlcFootnoteRef(rFibL), nPlcIndex(0), aText(rFibL), bStarted(FALSE)
+ {}
+// ~Ww1Footnotes() {}
+ // innerhalb des textes
+ ULONG Where()
+ {
+ ULONG ulRet = 0xffffffff;
+ if (Count())
+ ulRet = Ww1PlcFootnoteRef::Where(nPlcIndex);
+ return ulRet;
+ }
+ void operator++(int)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(nPlcIndex+1 <= Count(), "Ww1Footnotes");
+ nPlcIndex++;
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, sal_Unicode&);
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sep
+class Ww1Sep : public Ww1PlcSep
+ Ww1HeaderFooter aHdd;
+ USHORT nPlcIndex;
+ Ww1Sep(Ww1Fib& rFibL, USHORT grpfIhdt)
+ : Ww1PlcSep(rFibL), aHdd(rFibL, grpfIhdt), nPlcIndex(0) {}
+ Ww1HeaderFooter& GetHdd() { return aHdd; }
+ void operator++(int) { nPlcIndex++; }
+ BYTE* GetData() { return Ww1PlcSep::GetData(nPlcIndex); }
+ // innerhalb des textes
+ ULONG Where() { return Ww1PlcSep::Where(nPlcIndex); }
+ void SetGrpfIhdt(BYTE grpfIhdt)
+ {
+ GetHdd().SetGrpfIhdt(grpfIhdt);
+// GetHdd().Start(rOut, rMan);
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell& rOut, Ww1Manager& rMan, sal_Unicode& c)
+ { aHdd.Stop(rOut, rMan, c); }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pap
+class Ww1Pap : public Ww1PlcPap
+ USHORT nPlcIndex;
+ USHORT nPushedPlcIndex;
+ USHORT nFkpIndex;
+ USHORT nPushedFkpIndex;
+ ULONG ulOffset;
+ Ww1FkpPap* pPap;
+ BOOL FindSprm(USHORT nId, BYTE* pStart, BYTE* pEnd);
+ void UpdateIdx()
+ {
+ if (pPap && nFkpIndex >= pPap->Count() )
+ {
+ delete pPap;
+ pPap = NULL;
+ nPlcIndex++;
+ }
+ if( !pPap )
+ Where();
+ }
+ BOOL HasId0(USHORT nId);
+ Ww1Pap(Ww1Fib& rFib);
+ ~Ww1Pap() { delete pPap; }
+ ULONG Where( BOOL bSetIndex = TRUE ); // innerhalb des textes
+ void operator++(int);
+ BOOL FillStart(BYTE*& pB, USHORT& nSize)
+ {
+ UpdateIdx();
+ return pPap->Fill(nFkpIndex, pB, nSize);
+ }
+ BOOL FillStop(BYTE*& pB, USHORT& nSize)
+ {
+ return nFkpIndex ? pPap->Fill(nFkpIndex-1, pB, nSize) : FALSE;
+ }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, sal_Unicode&);
+ void Seek(ULONG);
+ void Push(ULONG ulOffsetTmp = 0)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(!Pushed(), "Ww1Pap");
+ nPushedPlcIndex = nPlcIndex;
+ nPushedFkpIndex = nFkpIndex;
+ Seek(ulOffsetTmp);
+ ulOffset = ulOffsetTmp;
+ delete pPap;
+ pPap = NULL;
+ }
+ BOOL Pushed()
+ {
+ return nPushedPlcIndex != 0xffff;
+ }
+ void Pop()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(Pushed(), "Ww1Pap");
+ ulOffset = 0;
+ nPlcIndex = nPushedPlcIndex;
+ nFkpIndex = nPushedFkpIndex;
+ nPushedPlcIndex = 0xffff;
+ nPushedFkpIndex = 0xffff;
+ delete pPap;
+ pPap = NULL;
+ Where( FALSE );
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chp
+class Ww1Chp : public Ww1PlcChp
+ USHORT nPlcIndex;
+ USHORT nPushedPlcIndex;
+ USHORT nFkpIndex;
+ USHORT nPushedFkpIndex;
+ ULONG ulOffset;
+ Ww1FkpChp* pChp;
+ void UpdateIdx()
+ {
+ if (pChp && nFkpIndex >= pChp->Count() )
+ {
+ delete pChp;
+ pChp = NULL;
+ nPlcIndex++;
+ }
+ if( !pChp )
+ Where();
+ }
+ Ww1Chp( Ww1Fib& rFib );
+ ~Ww1Chp() { delete pChp; }
+ ULONG Where( BOOL bSetIndex = TRUE ); // innerhalb des textes
+ void operator++(int);
+ BOOL FillStart(W1_CHP& rChp)
+ {
+ UpdateIdx();
+ return pChp->Fill(nFkpIndex, rChp);
+ }
+ BOOL FillStop(W1_CHP& rChp)
+ { return nFkpIndex ? pChp->Fill(nFkpIndex-1, rChp) : FALSE; }
+ void Start(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ void Stop(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&, sal_Unicode&);
+ void Seek(ULONG);
+ void Push(ULONG ulOffsetTmp = 0)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(!Pushed(), "Ww1Chp");
+ nPushedPlcIndex = nPlcIndex;
+ nPushedFkpIndex = nFkpIndex;
+ Seek(ulOffsetTmp);
+ ulOffset = ulOffsetTmp;
+ delete pChp;
+ pChp = NULL;
+ }
+ BOOL Pushed() { return nPushedPlcIndex != 0xffff; }
+ void Pop()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(Pushed(), "Ww1Chp");
+ ulOffset = 0;
+ nPlcIndex = nPushedPlcIndex;
+ nFkpIndex = nPushedFkpIndex;
+ nPushedPlcIndex = 0xffff;
+ nPushedFkpIndex = 0xffff;
+ delete pChp;
+ pChp = NULL;
+ Where( FALSE );
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Manager
+// zentraler aufhaenger der ww-seite des filters, konstruiert aus dem
+// inputstream (ww-datei) enthaelt er alles, was noetig ist, um in die
+// shell (pm-seite) gepiped zu werden.
+class Ww1Manager
+ BOOL bInTtp;
+ BOOL bInStyle;
+ BOOL bStopAll;
+ Ww1Fib aFib;
+ Ww1Dop aDop;
+ Ww1Fonts aFonts;
+// ab jetzt alles paarig, fuer 'pushed':
+ Ww1DocText aDoc;
+ Ww1PlainText* pDoc;
+ ULONG ulDocSeek;
+ ULONG* pSeek;
+ Ww1TextFields aFld;
+ Ww1Fields* pFld;
+// selbst 'push'bar:
+ Ww1Chp aChp;
+ Ww1Pap aPap;
+// nicht in textbereichen vorhanden, wenn ge'pushed'
+ Ww1Footnotes aFtn;
+ Ww1Bookmarks aBooks;
+ Ww1Sep aSep;
+ void OutStop( Ww1Shell&, sal_Unicode );
+ void OutStart( Ww1Shell& );
+ void Out(Ww1Shell&, sal_Unicode );
+ Ww1Manager(SvStream& rStrm, ULONG nFieldFlgs);
+ BOOL GetError() const { return !bOK; }
+// Fuer Tabellen
+ void SetInTtp(BOOL bSet = TRUE) { bInTtp = bSet; }
+ BOOL IsInTtp() const { return bInTtp; }
+ void SetInStyle(BOOL bSet = TRUE) { bInStyle = bSet; }
+ BOOL IsInStyle() const { return bInStyle; }
+ void SetStopAll(BOOL bSet = TRUE) { bStopAll = bSet; }
+ BOOL IsStopAll() const { return bStopAll; }
+ BOOL HasInTable();
+ BOOL HasTtp();
+ BOOL LastHasTtp();
+// Fuer Flys
+ BOOL HasPPc();
+ BOOL HasPDxaAbs();
+ Ww1Fib& GetFib() { return aFib; }
+ Ww1PlainText& GetText() { return *pDoc; }
+ Ww1Dop& GetDop() { return aDop; }
+ Ww1Sep& GetSep() { return aSep; }
+ // innerhalb des textes
+ ULONG Where() { return pDoc->Where(); }
+ void Fill( sal_Unicode& rChr ) { pDoc->Out( rChr ); }
+ BYTE Fill( String& rStr, ULONG ulLen)
+ {
+ ulLen += pDoc->Where();
+ return sal::static_int_cast< BYTE >(pDoc->Out(rStr, ulLen));
+ }
+ SvxFontItem GetFont(USHORT nFCode);
+ friend Ww1Shell& operator <<(Ww1Shell&, Ww1Manager&);
+ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Ww1Manager&);
+ BOOL Pushed() { return pDoc != &aDoc; }
+ void Pop();
+ void Push0(Ww1PlainText* pDoc, ULONG, Ww1Fields* = 0);
+ void Push1(Ww1PlainText* pDoc, ULONG ulSeek, ULONG ulSeek2 = 0,
+ Ww1Fields* = 0);