path: root/testautomation/chart2/optional/includes/loadsave/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/chart2/optional/includes/loadsave/')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/chart2/optional/includes/loadsave/ b/testautomation/chart2/optional/includes/loadsave/
index c2cb96636557..b530b0c2a364 100644..100755
--- a/testautomation/chart2/optional/includes/loadsave/
+++ b/testautomation/chart2/optional/includes/loadsave/
@@ -23,192 +23,197 @@
' <>
' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* owner :
+'* owner :
'* short description : Load file of one Spreadsheet format and save to another
-' #1 subLoSaFromTo ' Initial routine
-' #1 tLoadSaveFromTo
sub subLoSaFromTo
- Dim sSourcePath as STRING
- Dim lsInputFileList ( 500 ) as STRING
- Dim iFilesInList as INTEGER
- Dim sCurrentFileInList as STRING
- Dim iMainIndex as INTEGER
+ dim sSourcePath as string
+ dim lsInputFileList ( 500 ) as string
+ dim iFilesInList as integer
+ dim sCurrentFileInList as string
+ dim iMainIndex as integer
+ dim cRelativePath as string
+ cRelativePath = "chart2\optional\input\" & gsDirectoryInSourcePath &"\"
'///<u><b>Load/Save files with charts</b></u>
printLog Chr(13) + "--------- Save with filter: " & gsFileFormat & " ----------"
- sSourcePath = convertPath ( gtesttoolpath & "chart2\optional\input\" & gsDirectoryInSourcePath &"\" )
+ sSourcePath = convertPath ( gtesttoolpath & cRelativePath )
'///+<ul><li>Determine list of files to test (All files in 'chart2\loadsave\input\<gsDirectoryInSourcePath>\')</li>
- Call GetAllFileList( sSourcePath , "*." & gsDirectoryInSourcePath , lsInputFileList() )
- '///+<li>Determine number of files found</li>
- iFilesInList = cInt( lsInputFileList(0) )
+ GetAllFileList( sSourcePath , "*." & gsDirectoryInSourcePath , lsInputFileList() )
+ iFilesInList = ListCount( lsInputFileList() )
'///+<li>Run testcase 'tLoadSaveFromTo' for each file in list</li></ul>
for iMainIndex = 2 to iFilesInList
sCurrentFileInList = lsInputFileList( iMainIndex )
printlog "* * * * * * *"
printlog "Loop " & ( iMainIndex - 1 ) & " of " & ( iFilesInList - 1 )
printlog "Test document: " & sCurrentFileInList
call tLoadSaveFromTo ( sCurrentFileInList )
next iMainIndex
-End Sub
-testcase tLoadSaveFromTo ( sCurrentFile as STRING )
- Dim sCurrentFileLength as INTEGER
- Dim iCurrentPostionInFileName as INTEGER
- Dim iLastPathSignePositon as INTEGER
- Dim sExtractedFileName as STRING
- Dim sExtractedExtension as STRING
- Dim sTemporaryFile as STRING
- Dim sOutputFile as STRING
- Dim iIndex as INTEGER
- '///<u><b>Load file - SaveAs... - Close - Relaod</b></u>
+end sub
+function hLoSaEscape() as boolean
+ ' Fine grained function to send Escape-keystroke to a spreadsheet document
+ const MAX_TRIES = 12
+ dim iTry as integer
+ for iTry = 1 to MAX_TRIES
+ wait( 250 )
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ try
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys( "<ESCAPE>" )
+ hLoSaEscape() = true
+ exit for
+ catch
+ if ( iTry = MAX_TRIES ) then
+ warnlog( "hLoSaEscape(): Sending <ESCAPE> to document failed." )
+ hLoSaEscape() = false
+ endif
+ endcatch
+ next iTry
+end function
+function hLoSaInplaceEditing() as boolean
+ ' Enter in-place editing mode
+ const RC_TIMEOUT = -1
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ printlog( "Enable in-place editing by slot <EditObjectEdit>" )
+ if ( hUseAsyncSlot( "EditObjectEdit" ) <> RC_TIMEOUT ) then
+ printlog( "Clicked menuitem: Format->Charttype" )
+ if ( hUseAsyncSlot( "FormatChartType" ) <> RC_TIMEOUT ) then
+ Kontext "ChartType"
+ if ChartType.exists(2) then
+ printlog( "Chart type dialog open, Chart object was found." )
+ Kontext "ChartType"
+ if ( hCloseDialog( ChartType, "cancel" ) ) then
+ printlog( "Chart type dialog closed successfully" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing() = true
+ else
+ warnlog( "hLoSaInplaceEditing(): Failed to close dialog <ChartType>" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing() = false
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog( "hLoSaInplaceEditing(): Chart type dialog not open, please check the Chart object" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing() = false
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog( "hLoSaInplaceEditing(): Failed to execute slot <FormatChartType>" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing() = false
+ endif
+ else
+ warnlog( "hLoSaInplaceEditing(): Failed to execute slot <EditObjectEdit>" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing() = false
+ endif
+end function
+testcase tLoadSaveFromTo ( sCurrentFile as string )
+ printlog( "Load/Save files containing Chart OLE objects in multiple file-formats" )
+ dim sCurrentFileLength as integer
+ dim iCurrentPostionInFileName as integer
+ dim iLastPathSignePositon as integer : iLastPathSignePositon = 0
+ dim sExtractedFileName as string
+ dim sExtractedExtension as string
+ dim sTemporaryFile as string
+ dim sOutputFile as string
+ dim iIndex as integer
sCurrentFileLength = len ( sCurrentFile )
- iCurrentPostionInFileName = 0
- iLastPathSignePositon = 0
'Remove path and extension from file name
- DO
+ do
iCurrentPostionInFileName = instr ( iCurrentPostionInFileName + 1 , sCurrentFile , gPathSigne )
if iCurrentPostionInFileName = 0 then
- Exit DO
+ exit do
iLastPathSignePositon = iCurrentPostionInFileName
+ loop
sExtractedFileName = right ( sCurrentFile , sCurrentFileLength - iLastPathSignePositon )
sCurrentFileLength = len ( sExtractedFileName )
- sExtractedExtension = right ( sExtractedFileName , 4 )
+ sExtractedExtension = right ( sExtractedFileName , 4 )
sExtractedFileName = left ( sExtractedFileName , sCurrentFileLength - 4 )
sTemporaryFile = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\TemporaryFileToAvoidLocking" ) )
- sOutputFile = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\") & sExtractedFileName & "_" & gsDirectoryInSourcePath & "_to" & gsOutputFileCustomExtension )
- '///+<ul><li>Open test document</li>
- try
- call hFileOpen(sCurrentFile)
- catch
- warnlog "Serious Problem occured while loading the input file -> Quit"
+ sOutputFile = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\" & sExtractedFileName & "_" & gsDirectoryInSourcePath & "_to" & gsOutputFileCustomExtension ) )
+ printlog( "Open file: " & sCurrentFile )
+ if ( not hFileOpen( sCurrentFile ) ) then
+ warnlog( "Unable to read file" )
goto endsub
- endcatch
- '///+<li>Save file localy to avoid locking issues</li>
- if hFileSaveAsKill ( sTemporaryFile & sExtractedExtension ) then
- printlog ">> OK, successfully saved the test document localy!"
- else
- warnlog "Saving the testdocument localy in source format failed!"
- endif
- sleep (2)
- '///+<li>Check existence of chart in file using following steps</li>
- '///+<li>1. Select Chart</li>
- printlog ">> Check if chart exist after loading file"
- call fSelectFirstOLE
- Kontext "DocumentCalc"
- try
- '///+<li>2. Invoke 'Edit::Object::Edit' to enter inplace mode</li>
- EditObjectEdit
- sleep(2)
- '///+<li>3. Invoke Chart Type</li>
- FormatChartType
- '///+<li>4. Check if Chart Type came up</li>
- Kontext "ChartType"
- if ChartType.exists(2) then
- printlog ">> OK, found a Chart object after loading the file."
- else
- warnlog "Chart Type did not appear -> Check this out!"
- endif
- '///+<li>5. Close Chart Type</li>
- Kontext "ChartType"
- ChartType.Cancel
- catch
- warnlog "Chart does not exist in file or a serious problem occured -> Check this out!"
- endcatch
- sleep(3)
- '///+<li>Hit 'ESCAPE' key to leave inplace mode</li>
- Kontext "DocumentCalc"
- try
- DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
- catch
- warnlog "CRASH???"
- goto endsub
- endcatch
- '///+<li>Save file using ODS format</li>
- printlog "Save file as " & sOutputFile
- try
- if hFileSaveAsWithFilter ( sOutputFile , gsFileFormat ) then
- printlog ">> OK, successfully saved the test document!"
- else
- warnlog "Saving the testdocument failed!"
- endif
- catch
- warnlog "A serious problem occured while saving file to target format -> Check this out!"
- goto endsub
- endcatch
- sleep(2)
- '///+<li>Close document</li>
- printlog "Closing test document"
- call hCloseDocument
- sleep(5)
- '///+<li>Open document again</li>
- printlog "Reloading saved document"
- try
- call hFileOpen(sOutputFile)
- catch
- warnlog "Serious Problem occured while reloading the output file -> Quit"
+ endif
+ printlog( "Save file locally, overwriting existing" )
+ if ( not hFileSaveAsKill( sTemporaryFile & sExtractedExtension ) ) then
+ warnlog( "Unable to save file locally" )
goto endsub
- endcatch
- sleep(2)
- '///+<li>Check existence of chart after saving to target format in file using following steps</li>
- '///+<li>1. Select Chart</li>
- printlog ">> Check if chart exist after saving file to target format"
- call fSelectFirstOLE
- Kontext "DocumentCalc"
- try
- '///+<li>2. Invoke 'Edit::Object::Edit' to enter inplace mode</li>
- EditObjectEdit
- '///+<li>3. Invoke Chart Type</li>
- FormatChartType
- '///+<li>4. Check if Chart Type came up</li>
- Kontext "ChartType"
- if ChartType.exists(2) then
- printlog ">> OK, found a Chart object after saving the file to target format."
- else
- warnlog "Chart Type did not appear after saving the file to target format -> Check this out!"
- endif
- '///+<li>5. Close Chart Type</li>
- Kontext "ChartType"
- ChartType.Cancel
- catch
- warnlog "Chart does not exist in file or a serious problem occured after saving the file to target format -> Check this out!"
- endcatch
- sleep(3)
+ endif
- '///+<li>Hit 'ESCAPE' key to leave inplace mode</li>
- Kontext "DocumentCalc"
- try
- DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
- catch
- warnlog "CRASH???"
- goto endsub
- endcatch
+ printlog( "Select the first OLE object via Navigator" )
+ call fSelectFirstOLE
+ printlog( "Enter in-place editing mode" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing()
+ printlog( "Type <Escape> to exit in-place editing mode" )
+ hLoSaEscape()
+ printlog( "Save file as " & sOutputFile & " using filter: " & gsFileFormat )
+ if ( not hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill ( sOutputFile , gsFileFormat ) ) then
+ warnlog( "Saving the document failed using filter: " & gsFileFormat )
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ printlog( "Close the document" )
+ hCloseDocument()
- '///+<li>Close document</li>
- printlog "Closing test document"
- call hCloseDocument
- '///+<li>END</li></ul>
+ printlog( "Reload document" )
+ if ( not hFileOpen(sOutputFile) ) then
+ warnlog( "Failed to reload document" )
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ printlog( "Select the first (and only) OLE object" )
+ call fSelectFirstOLE
+ printlog( "Enter in-place editing mode" )
+ hLoSaInplaceEditing()
+ printlog( "Type <Escape> to exit in-place editing mode" )
+ hLoSaEscape()
+ printlog( "Close the document" )
+ call hCloseDocument()