path: root/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/dbaccess/tools/')
1 files changed, 772 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/ b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fcf1ef8e5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Tools for Tables
+' #1 fCloseRelationDesign
+' #1 fCloseTableDesign
+' #1 fCloseTableView
+' #1 fCompareMatrixValues
+' #1 fCreateRefFile
+' #1 fCreateTable
+' #1 fDeleteTable
+' #1 fFindTable
+' #1 fInsertIntoTable
+' #1 fOpenRelationDesign
+' #1 fOpenNew TableDesign
+' #1 fOpenTable
+' #1 fReadFile
+function tCompareMatrixValues(sDSName as string, sRefFileUrl as string, cTable_or_Query as string, sTableName as string, iRowPos as integer, iColPos as integer, sWordSeperator as string) as integer
+ 'sDSName = data source name f.e. Bibliography
+ 'sRefFileUrl = URL to your reference file (os indipendent - extension .ttr) f.e. base\optional\input\reference_tables\test.ttr
+ 'cTable_or_Query = differ between comparing reference file with a table (t) or a query-table (q)
+ 'sTableName = name of table or query-table to compare with f.e. Table1
+ 'iRowPos,iColPos = row and column amount of reference and comparing table (must have the same size ; begin with 1 ; 0 is leftout, but has to be added)
+ dim i as integer
+ dim j as integer 'counter'
+ dim aMatrix(iRowPos, iColPos) as string
+ printlog ""
+ if cTable_or_Query = "t" then printlog "--- Compare Table with Reference Table ---"
+ if cTable_or_Query = "q" then printlog "--- Compare Query with Reference Table ---"
+ call fReadFile(sRefFileUrl, aMatrix(), sWordSeperator)
+ call hNewDocument
+ '/// open Beamer and open datasource
+ ViewCurrentDatabase
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "open database beamer"
+ '/// switch between table and querie search
+ dim bfind_ok as boolean 'placeholder
+ if cTable_or_Query = "t" then
+ bfind_ok = ffindTableInBeamer(sDSName,sTableName)
+ printlog "found proper Table: " & sTableName
+ endif
+ if cTable_or_Query = "q" then
+ bfind_ok = ffindQuery(sDSName, sTableName)
+ printlog "found proper Query: " & sTableName
+ endif
+ if bfind_ok then
+ '/// Choosing for the right table
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "DatabaseSelection"
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<MOD1 SHIFT E>",TRUE ' # type CTRL + SHIFT + E to go from the DatabaseSelection to the TableView'
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "found and opened proper table"
+ '/// comparing data in table with reference table
+ printlog "start comparing data in table with reference table"
+ Kontext "TableView"
+ dim ivalue_ok as integer
+ ivalue_ok = 0
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<TAB>",TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<HOME>",TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<HOME>",TRUE
+ for i = 1 to iRowPos -1
+ for j = 1 to iColPos -1
+ setclipboard("")
+ 'here the values are read out and put in clipboard for comparing
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>",TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<TAB>",TRUE
+ 'printlog "i: " & i
+ 'printlog "j: " & j
+ 'printlog "getClipboard: " & getclipboard()
+ 'printlog "matrix: " & aMatrix(i,j)
+ 'here the values are compared
+ if getclipboard() <> aMatrix(i,j) then
+ ivalue_ok = ivalue_ok + 1
+ warnlog ivalue_ok & ". fault in pos(row/col): " & i & "/" & j & " - should be: " & aMatrix(i,j) & " but is: " & getclipboard()
+ endif
+ 'printlog ivalue_ok & ". No !!! foult but TEST - should be: " & aMatrix(i,j) & " but is: " & getclipboard()
+ next j
+ next i
+ '/// Result part
+ if ivalue_ok = 0 then
+ printlog "** Comparing procedure without faults"
+ tCompareMatrixValues = ivalue_ok
+ else
+ warnlog "Comparing procedure went wrong: " + ivalue_ok + " differences found!"
+ tCompareMatrixValues = 1
+ endif
+ else
+ if cTable_or_Query = "t" then warnlog "Table: " + sTableName + " not found - Test aborted"
+ if cTable_or_Query = "q" then warnlog "Query: " + sTableName + " not found - Test aborted"
+ endif
+ printlog "*** End Testcase"
+ sleep 1
+ ViewCurrentDatabase
+ hCloseDocument
+end function
+function fCreateRefFile(sDSName as string, cTable_or_Query as string, sTableName as string, sWordSeperator as string) as string
+ dim bfind_ok as boolean 'check if right table found
+ dim iNumber as Integer 'needed for open reference file
+ dim iColAmount as integer
+ dim iRowAmount as integer 'counter
+ dim sReadContCol as string
+ dim sContColMem as string 'read out content string and its memo for getting table column ammount
+ dim sCellValue as string
+ dim sCellValueMem as string 'read out content string and its memo for writing in reference table
+ dim sRefTableName as string
+ sRefTableName = ConvertPath("user\work\" & sTableName & ".ttr")
+ dim sRefFileUrl as string
+ sRefFileUrl = gOfficePath & sRefTableName
+ printlog "path for reference table: " & sRefFileUrl
+ call hNewDocument
+ '/// open Beamer and open datasource
+ ViewCurrentDatabase
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "open database beamer"
+ '/// switch between table and querie search
+ if cTable_or_Query = "t" then
+ printlog "search for proper Table: " & sTableName
+ bfind_ok = ffindTableInBeamer(sDSName,sTableName)
+ endif
+ if cTable_or_Query = "q" then
+ printlog "search for proper Query: " & sTableName
+ bfind_ok = ffindQuery(sDSName, sTableName)
+ endif
+ if bfind_ok then
+ '/// jumping to the right table
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "DatabaseSelection"
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<MOD1 SHIFT E>",TRUE ' # type CTRL + SHIFT + E to go from the DatabaseSelection to the TableView'
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// check the row and column amount
+ printlog "check the row and column amount"
+ Kontext "TableView"
+ sReadContCol = 1 'init
+ sContColMem = 1 'init
+ iColAmount = 0 'init
+ iRowAmount = AllRecords.caption()
+ while sReadContCol = sContColMem
+ sContColMem = sReadContCol
+ sReadContCol = CurrentRecord.getText()
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<TAB>",TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<TAB>",TRUE
+ iColAmount = iColAmount +1
+ wend
+ iColAmount = iColAmount -1
+ 'printlog "sReadContCol: " & sReadContCol
+ printlog "size of table (columns/rows): " & iColAmount & "/" & iRowAmount
+ fCreateRefFile = iColAmount & "," & iRowAmount
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<UP>",TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<HOME>",TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<HOME>",TRUE
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// reading out values from table, create a reference table and input values in
+ printlog "start reading out values from table and writing in ref table"
+ iNumber = Freefile
+ dim i as integer 'counter
+ dim j as integer 'counter
+ Open sRefFileUrl for Output as iNumber
+ for i = 1 to iRowAmount
+ for j = 1 to iColAmount
+ Kontext "TableView"
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>"
+ sCellValue = getclipboard()
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<TAB>"
+ if j <> 1 then
+ sCellValueMem = sCellValueMem & sWordSeperator
+ endif
+ sCellValueMem = sCellValueMem & sCellValue
+ 'printlog i & j & " inhalt: " & sCellValue
+ setclipboard("")
+ next j
+ print #iNumber, sCellValueMem
+ sCellValueMem = ""
+ next i
+ Close #iNumber
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// warning if table not found - without proper table the test make no sense
+ else
+ warnlog "Table: " + sTableName + " not found."
+ fCreateRefFile = ""
+ endif
+ sleep 1
+ ViewCurrentDatabase
+ hCloseDocument
+end function
+function fReadFile(sRefFileUrl as string, aMatrix() as string, sWordSep as string)
+ 'connecting and opening file
+ dim iNumber as Integer
+ iNumber = Freefile
+ 'position and content variables
+ dim sColumn As String
+ dim iRowPos as integer
+ dim iColPos as integer
+ dim iPos as integer
+ dim iPos1 as integer 'pointer for searching position
+ 'init position in matrix
+ iRowPos = 1
+ iColPos = 1
+ '/// open reference file and store it into an array (matrix)
+ printlog "search for the reference file, open it and store content in an array"
+ sRefFileUrl = gOfficePath + ConvertPath(sRefFileUrl)
+ Open sRefFileUrl for Input as iNumber
+ while not eof(iNumber)
+ Line Input #iNumber, sColumn
+ iPos1 = 1 'startposition
+ iPos = 1 'startposition
+ while iPos <> 0 'if iPos = 0 then no more sWordSeperator found -> end of column reached
+ iPos = Instr(iPos +1,sColumn,sWordSep) 'check column for sWordSeperator
+ 'printlog "iPos: " & iPos
+ 'printlog "iPos1: " & iPos1
+ if iPos <> 1 then '<> 1 -> no content found
+ aMatrix(iRowPos,iColPos) = Mid(sColumn,iPos1,iPos - iPos1) 'cut content and put into array
+ 'printlog "iRow: " & iRowPos
+ 'printlog "iCol: " & iColPos
+ 'printlog "aMatrix: " & aMatrix(iRowPos,iColPos)
+ iPos1 = iPos +1
+ iColPos = iColPos +1
+ else warnlog "reference file is empty"
+ endif
+ wend
+ iRowPos = iRowPos +1
+ iColPos = 1
+ wend
+ printlog "**end of reading out reference table"
+end function
+function fCreateTable(aFieldTypeContent(),sTableName,optional sCatalog,optional sSchema)
+ '/// create a table with the given FieldTypes
+ '/// sSchema and sCatalog are optional.
+ '/// If the optional parameter is not given then it's set to ""
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b>aFieldTypeContent:</b> an arry with the table field data
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the array have to look like the following
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(1,1) = first_field_name
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(1,2) = first_field_type
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(2,1) = second_field_name
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(2,2) = second_field_type
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
+ '/// <b>sTableName:</b> the name of the table
+ '/// <b><i>optional</i> sCatalog:</b> the name of the table catalog
+ '/// <b><i>optional</i> sSchema:</b> the name of the table schema
+ Dim i as integer 'counter
+ Dim iFieldNumber as integer 'counter
+ dim iNoDS as integer 'number of data source in listbox
+ Dim iNumberOfFieldTypes as integer 'field type memory
+ Dim iFieldTypesCounter as integer 'counter
+ Dim iIndex as integer 'counter
+ Dim sFieldType as string 'help var for fieldtypes
+ Dim sTypeName as String 'help var for fieldtypes
+ if ( IsMissing(sCatalog) ) then
+ sCatalog = ""
+ endif
+ if ( IsMissing(sSchema) ) then
+ sSchema = ""
+ endif
+ call fDeleteTable(sTableName) ' delete the table if exists
+ call fOpenNewTableDesign
+ Kontext "TableDesignTable"
+ for iFieldNumber = 1 to ubound(aFieldTypeContent) - 1
+ printlog "create field : " + aFieldTypeContent(iFieldNumber,1)
+ Fieldname.TypeKeys aFieldTypeContent(iFieldNumber,1) , TRUE
+ Fieldname.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
+ sleep 1
+ sTypeName = "[ " + aFieldTypeContent(iFieldNumber,2) + " ]"
+ iNumberOfFieldTypes = FieldType.getitemCount()
+ for iFieldTypesCounter = 1 to iNumberOfFieldTypes
+ sFieldType = FieldType.getitemText(iFieldTypesCounter)
+ iIndex = Instr(sFieldType,sTypeName)
+ if iIndex <> 0 then
+ printlog "FieldType : " + sFieldType
+ iFieldTypesCounter = iNumberOfFieldTypes ' stops the for loop if proper fieldtype found'
+ endif
+ next
+ '/// choose proper field type
+ FieldType.Select(sFieldType) 'listbox entry nr'
+ sleep 1
+ FieldType.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
+ Description.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
+ CellDescription.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
+ printlog "-------------------------------"
+ next
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "TableDesignTable"
+ DatabaseSaveas
+ Kontext "DatabaseTableSaveAs"
+ printlog "save table as "+ sTableName
+ TableName.setText sTableName
+ sleep(1)
+ '/// catalog handling
+ if sCatalog <> "" then
+ if Catalog.IsVisible then
+ Catalog.SetText sCatalog
+ printlog "inserting catalog name: " + sCatalog
+ else
+ warnlog "The Catalog-Name could not be inserted"
+ endif
+ endif
+ '/// schema handling
+ if sSchema <> "" then
+ if Schema.IsVisible then
+ Schema.SetText sSchema
+ printlog "inserting schema name: " + sSchema
+ else
+ warnlog "The Schema-Name could not be inserted"
+ endif
+ endif
+ DatabaseTableSaveAs.OK
+ sleep 1
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.Exists(1) then
+ Messagebox.Yes
+ printlog "create a primary key "
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ ' a sql exception appear. Try to get the error text
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.Exists(1) then
+ MessageBox.Click 5 ' click the more button
+ Kontext "SQLException"
+ if SQLException.exists() then
+ warnlog Errortext.getText()
+ SQlException.OK
+ end if
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ MessageBox.OK
+ end if
+ call fCloseTableDesign
+end function
+function fDeleteTable(sTableName as string)
+ '/// delete the table with the given name
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b>sTableName:</b> the table which shall be deleted
+ if ( fFindTable(sTableName) = true ) then
+ printlog "Table found press delete"
+ Kontext "ContainerView"
+ 'TableTree.TypeKeys "<DELETE>" , true
+ Delete ' uno-Slot .uno:DB/Delete
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "Active"
+ Active.Yes
+ fDeleteTable = true
+ else
+ fDeleteTable = false
+ end if
+end function
+function fOpenTable(sTableName as string)
+ '/// open the table with the given name
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b>sTableName:</b> the table which shall be opened
+ if ( fFindTable(sTableName) = true ) then
+ printlog "Table found -> open"
+ Kontext "ContainerView"
+ OpenTable ' uno-Slot .uno:DB/Open
+ sleep(1)
+ fOpenTable = true
+ else
+ fOpenTable = false
+ end if
+end function
+function fFindTable(sTableName as string)
+ '/// select the table with the given name in the table container
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b>sTableName:</b> the table which shall be selected
+ Dim iNumbersOfTables as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Kontext "ContainerView"
+ ViewTables
+ fFindTable = false
+ if ( Not TableTree.exists(1) ) then
+ qaerrorlog "The table tree doesn't exists"
+ ' May be a messagebox appear click OK to close it
+ Kontext "MessageBox"
+ if MessageBox.exists(1) then
+ qaerrorlog MessageBox.getText()
+ while MessageBox.exists() ' sometimes there are more then 1 message boxe
+ MessageBox.OK
+ wend
+ endif
+ exit function
+ end if
+ iNumbersOfTables = TableTree.getItemCount()
+ ' this select the first entry
+ TableTree.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ TableTree.TypeKeys "<UP>"
+ for i = 1 to iNumbersOfTables
+ TableTree.TypeKeys "<ADD>"
+ 'printlog "i = " + i
+ 'printlog "TableName.getItemCount = " + TableTree.getItemCount
+ if TableTree.getItemCount > iNumbersOfTables then
+ iNumbersOfTables = TableTree.getItemCount()
+ endif
+ 'printlog "TableName.getSeltext = " + TableTree.getSeltext
+ if TableTree.getSeltext = sTableName then
+ fFindTable = true
+ exit for
+ endif
+ TableTree.TypeKeys "<DOWN>"
+ next
+ sleep(1)
+end function
+function fInsertIntoTable( aFieldContent(), sTableName)
+ '/// insert data into a table
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b>aFieldContent:</b> an arry with the table data
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the array have to look like the following
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(1,1) = first_value_for_first_record
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(1,2) = second_value_for_first_record
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(2,1) = first_value_for_second_record
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; array(2,2) = second_value_for_second_record
+ '/// &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
+ '/// <b>sTableName:</b> the name of the table
+ Dim iCounterOfRecords as integer
+ Dim iCounterOfFields as integer
+ Dim iNumberOfRecords as integer
+ Dim iNumberOfFields as integer
+ iNumberOfRecords = ubound(aFieldContent)
+ iNumberOfFields = ubound(aFieldContent,2)
+ call fOpenTable(sTableName)
+ Kontext "TableView"
+ for iCounterOfRecords = 1 to iNumberOfRecords
+ for iCounterOfFields = 1 to iNumberOfFields
+ TableView.TypeKeys aFieldContent(iCounterOfRecords,iCounterOfFields),TRUE
+ TableView.TypeKeys "<TAB>",TRUE
+ next
+ next
+ sleep 1
+ call fCloseTableView
+end function
+function fCloseTableDesign(optional bSave)
+ '/// close an open table design
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b><i>optional</i> bSave:</b> if true then the table design is saved
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "TableDesignTable"
+ TableDesignTable.UseMenu
+ ' bug file / close close the whole database
+ hMenuSelectNr(1) ' the file menu
+ hMenuSelectNr(4) ' the Close Window
+ 'hMenuSelectNr(6) ' the window menu
+ 'hMenuSelectNr(1) ' the Close Window
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.Exists(3) then
+ Messagebox.No
+ end if
+ fCloseTableDesign = true
+end function
+function fCloseTableView()
+ '/// close an open table view
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "TableView"
+ TableView.UseMenu
+ ' bug file / close close the whole database
+ 'hMenuSelectNr(1) ' the file menu
+ 'hMenuSelectNr(4) ' the Close Window
+ hMenuSelectNr(6) ' the window menu
+ hMenuSelectNr(1) ' the Close Window
+ ' if messages box appear because of unsaved record click no in the dialog
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.Exists(3) then
+ Messagebox.No
+ end if
+ fCloseTableView = true
+end function
+function fOpenRelationDesign()
+ '/// open a new relation design
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ if ( Database.NotExists(3) ) then
+ fOpenRelationDesign = false
+ exit function
+ end if
+ Database.MouseDown(50,50)
+ Database.MouseUp(50,50)
+ sleep(1)
+ Database.UseMenu
+ hMenuSelectNr(5)
+ hMenuSelectNr(1)
+ fOpenRelationDesign = true
+end function
+function fCloseRelationDesign(optional bSave)
+ '/// close an open relation design
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b><i>optional</i> bSave:</b> if true then the relation design is saved
+ Kontext "RelationDesign"
+ RelationDesign.UseMenu
+ ' bug file / close close the whole database
+ hMenuSelectNr(1) ' the file menu
+ hMenuSelectNr(4) ' the Close Window
+ 'hMenuSelectNr(6) ' the window menu
+ 'hMenuSelectNr(1) ' the Close Window
+ Kontext "Messagebox"
+ if Messagebox.Exists(3) then
+ if ( IsMissing( bSave ) ) then
+ Messagebox.No
+ else
+ if bSave then
+ Messagebox.Yes
+ else
+ Messagebox.No
+ endif
+ endif
+ end if
+ fCloseRelationDesign = true
+end function
+function fOpenNewTableDesign
+ printlog "fOpenNewTableDesign called"
+ printlog "check if Database exists"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.MouseDown(50,50)
+ Database.MouseUp(50,50)
+ if ( Database.NotExists(3) ) then
+ fOpenNewTableDesign = false
+ warnlog "The Database windows doesn't exists"
+ exit function
+ end if
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "open new table design"
+ NewTableDesign
+ sleep(2)
+ fOpenNewTableDesign = true
+end function
+function fOpenTableInDesign(sTableName as String)
+ printlog "fOpenTableInDesign called"
+ printlog "check if Database exists"
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ Database.MouseDown(50,50)
+ Database.MouseUp(50,50)
+ if ( Database.NotExists(3) ) then
+ fOpenTableInDesign = false
+ warnlog "The Database windows doesn't exists"
+ exit function
+ end if
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "open new table design"
+ call fFindTable(sTableName)
+ EditTable
+ Kontext "TableDesignTable"
+ if ( not TableDesignTable.exists(3) ) then
+ warnlog "The Table design doesn't open"
+ fOpenTableInDesign = false
+ exit function
+ end if
+ fOpenTableInDesign = true
+end function
+function fFindTableInBeamer(sDSName1,sTableName1)
+ '/// select a table with the given name in the beamer
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ '/// <b>sDSName1:</b> the name of the datasource
+ '/// <b>sTableName1:</b> the name of the table
+ dim i as integer
+ dim bfindTable as boolean
+ dim iNoDS as integer
+ dim iNoTable as integer
+ bfindTable = false
+ Kontext "DatabaseBeamer"
+ Kontext "DatabaseSelection"
+ iNoDS = DatabaseSelection.getItemCount
+ for i = 1 to iNoDS
+ DatabaseSelection.Select i
+ if DatabaseSelection.getText = sDSName1 then
+ i = iNoDS
+ bfindTable = true
+ endif
+ next i
+ if (bfindTable = false) then
+ warnlog "Datasource " + sDSName1 + " not found!"
+ exit function
+ else
+ printlog "Datasource " + sDSName1 + " found!"
+ ' I set the bfindTable flag again back to false
+ ' for the next test of the table
+ bfindTable = false
+ endif
+ wait 500
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<ADD>" , true
+ wait 500
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<DOWN>" , true
+ wait 500
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<DOWN>" , true
+ wait 500
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<ADD>" , true
+ wait 500
+ DatabaseSelection.TypeKeys "<DOWN>" , true
+ wait 500
+ iNoTable = DatabaseSelection.getItemCount
+ dim ii as integer
+ ii = DatabaseSelection.GetSelIndex
+ for i = ii to iNoTable
+ DatabaseSelection.Select i
+ if DatabaseSelection.getText = sTableName1 then
+ i = iNoTable
+ sleep 1
+ bfindTable = true
+ endif
+ next i
+ fFindTableInBeamer = bfindTable
+end function
+function fStartTableWizard()
+ '/// start the table wizard
+ '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+ Kontext "DATABASE"
+ if ( Database.NotExists(3) ) then
+ fStartTableWizard = false
+ exit function
+ end if
+ Database.MouseDown(50,50)
+ Database.MouseUp(50,50)
+ sleep(1)
+ ViewTables
+ StartTableWizard
+ sleep(2)
+ fStartTableWizard = true
+end function