path: root/testautomation/framework/required/includes/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/framework/required/includes/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/required/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/required/includes/
deleted file mode 100644
index a2a92f961274..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/framework/required/includes/
+++ /dev/null
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-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* owner :
-'* short description : Graphic import (2nd file for the first.bas)
-testcase tQuickInsertGraphNotAsLink
- printlog( "Load files of all known graphics formats" )
- dim iCurrentFile as integer
- dim GraphicFile as String
- dim Filtername as String
- printlog( "Insert a sample of commonly used file formats into a writer document (not linked)" )
- if ( gUseSysDlg ) then
- warnlog( "This test needs the filepicker to be set as default" )
- goto endsub
- endif
- gApplication = "WRITER"
- Call hNewDocument
- for iCurrentFile = 1 to 25
- ' MODIFY and ENABLE this SAMPLE snippet to exclude one fileformat from testing
- ' if ( iCurrentFile = 7 ) AND (gtPlatform="x86") then
- ' qaErrorLog("#<issue-id># crash on <platform> on loading <image-file>")
- ' goto skipformat
- ' endif
- ' Note: Can be locale dependent!
- if (iCurrentFile = 4) AND (gPlatform="osx") then
- qaerrorlog("#i100253# crash on MacOS X on loading ball.eps")
- goto skipformat
- endif
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if ( not GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists() ) then
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- endif
- if ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists( 2 ) ) then
- ' the list of files expected to be found in the samples directory
- select case iCurrentFile
- case 1 : GraphicFile = "desp.bmp"
- case 2 : GraphicFile = "columbia.dxf"
- case 3 : GraphicFile = "extrud.emf"
- case 4 : GraphicFile = "ball.eps"
- case 5 : GraphicFile = "airshw.met"
- case 6 : GraphicFile = "eface.gif"
- case 7 : GraphicFile = "purzel.gif" ' Animated Gif
- case 8 : GraphicFile = "borabora.jpg"
- case 9 : GraphicFile = "grafix1.pbm"
- case 10 : GraphicFile = "circle.pcx"
- case 11 : GraphicFile = "papagei1.pcd"
- case 12 : GraphicFile = "newtonme.pct"
- case 13 : GraphicFile = "grafix2.pgm"
- case 14 : GraphicFile = "obst.png"
- case 15 : GraphicFile = "london.ppm"
- case 16 : GraphicFile = "tiger.psd"
- case 17 : GraphicFile = "grafix3.ras"
- case 18 : GraphicFile = "mickym.sgf"
- case 19 : GraphicFile = "faxpfeil.sgv"
- case 20 : GraphicFile = "picture.svm"
- case 21 : GraphicFile = "pilz.tga"
- case 22 : GraphicFile = "stabler.tif"
- case 23 : GraphicFile = "krokodil.wmf"
- case 24 : GraphicFile = "grafix4.xbm"
- case 25 : GraphicFile = "papagei2.xpm"
- end select
- GraphicFile = ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath & "global\input\graf_inp\" & GraphicFile)
- printlog( "Current file " + iCurrentFile + ": " & GraphicFile )
- printlog( " * Set filter to <All formats>" )
- DateiName.SetText( GraphicFile )
- DateiTyp.Select( 1 )
- WaitSlot()
- printlog( " * Uncheck Preview- and Link-checkbox, load the file" )
- Vorschau.unCheck
- Verknuepfen.unCheck()
- WaitSlot( 2000 )
- Kontext "Active"
- if ( Active.Exists() ) then
- Warnlog( "Unexpected messagebox: " & Active.GetText() )
- Warnlog( "Affected file: " & GraphicFile )
- Active.OK
- else
- try
- EditCopy
- WaitSlot( 2000 )
- EditDeleteContents
- WaitSlot( 2000 )
- catch
- Warnlog( "Graphic file not selected/Copy or Delete is disabled: " & GraphicFile )
- gMouseClick (90, 90)
- endcatch
- endif
- else
- warnlog( "Insert Graphics Dialog is not open, aborting" )
- goto endsub
- endif
- skipformat:
- next iCurrentFile
- printlog( "" )
- printlog( "Test the PCD-Filters directly (3 samples)" )
- for iCurrentFile = 1 to 3
- printlog( "" )
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if ( not GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists() ) then
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- endif
- if ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists( 2 ) ) then
- select case iCurrentFile
- case 1 : Filtername = "PCD - Kodak Photo CD (768x512) (*.pcd)"
- case 2 : Filtername = "PCD - Kodak Photo CD (384x256) (*.pcd)"
- case 3 : Filtername = "PCD - Kodak Photo CD (192x128) (*.pcd)"
- end select
- GraphicFile = ConvertPath( gTesttoolPath & "global\input\graf_inp\papagei1.pcd" )
- printlog( "Current filter: " & Filtername )
- printlog( "Current file..: " & GraphicFile )
- DateiName.SetText ( GraphicFile )
- DateiTyp.Select( Filtername )
- printlog( " * Uncheck Preview- and Link-checkbox, load the file" )
- Vorschau.Uncheck()
- Verknuepfen.unCheck()
- WaitSlot( 2000 )
- Kontext "Active"
- if ( Active.Exists() )then
- Warnlog( "Unexpected messagebox: " & Active.GetText() )
- Warnlog( "Affected file..: " & GraphicFile )
- Warnlog( "Affected filter: " & Filtername )
- Active.OK()
- else
- try
- EditCopy
- WaitSlot( 2000 )
- EditDeleteContents
- WaitSlot( 2000 )
- catch
- Warnlog( "Problems with filtertype : " & Filtername )
- gMouseClick (90, 90)
- endcatch
- endif
- else
- warnlog( "Insert Graphics Dialog is not open. Aborting" )
- goto endsub
- endif
- next iCurrentFile
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists then
- GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Cancel
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tInFilterCountCompare()
- printlog( "Check filterlist (filterstring) for graphics files" )
- if ( gUseSysDlg ) then
- warnlog( "This test needs the filepicker to be set as default" )
- goto endsub
- endif
- const FILE_NAME = "graphic_filters.txt"
-' List of filter suffixes for verification in case of error
-' *.bmp;*.dxf;*.emf;*.eps;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jfif;*.jif;*.met;*.pbm;*.pcd;
-' *.pct;*.pcx;*.pgm;*.png;*.ppm;*.psd;*.ras;*.sgf;*.sgv;*.svm;*.tga;*.tif;
-' *.tiff;*.wmf;*.xbm;*.xpm;*.pict
- dim caUIFilters( 30 ) as string
- dim cReferencePath as string
- cReferencePath = gTesttoolPath & "global/input/filters/"
- cReferencePath = convertpath ( cReferencePath & FILE_NAME )
- dim cUIFiltersPath as string
- cUIFiltersPath = hGetWorkPath() & FILE_NAME
- dim iCurrentFilter as integer
- dim iFilterCount as integer
- dim cAllFormats as string
- dim irc as integer
- dim iBegin as integer
- dim iEnd as integer
- printlog( "" )
- printlog( "Verify filternames listed on the Insert Graphics dialog" )
- hCreateDocument()
- hChangeDoc()
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg.exists( 1 ) ) then
- iFilterCount = DateiTyp.getItemCount()
- 'Make list compatible with listfunctions
- caUIFilters( 0 ) = iFilterCount - 1
- for iCurrentFilter = 2 to iFilterCount
- caUIFilters( iCurrentFilter - 1 ) = DateiTyp.getItemText( iCurrentFilter )
- next iCurrentFilter
- irc = hManageComparisionList( cReferencePath, cUIFiltersPath, caUIFilters() )
- if ( irc <> 0 ) then
- warnlog( "The list of graphic format filters has changed" )
- endif
- printlog( "" )
- printlog( "Verify <All formats>-string" )
- cAllFormats = DateiTyp.getItemText( 1 )
- iBegin = instr( cAllFormats, "<" )
- if ( iBegin <> 1 ) then
- warnlog( "The opening bracket < is missing in <All formats> string" )
- endif
- iEnd = instr( cAllFormats, ">" )
- if ( iEnd = 0 ) then
- warnlog( "The closing bracket > is missing in <All formats> string" )
- endif
- if ( ( iEnd - iBegin ) < 2 ) then
- warnlog( "<All formats> string is shorter than expected, please check" )
- printlog( "String is: " & cAllFormats & ", length (" & len( cAllFormats ) & ")" )
- endif
- iBegin = instr( cAllFormats, "(" )
- if ( iBegin <> iEnd + 2 ) then
- warnlog( "The opening bracket ( is missing in <All formats> string" )
- endif
- iEnd = instr( cAllFormats, ")" )
- if ( iEnd < 10 ) then
- warnlog( "The closing bracket ) is missing in <All formats> string" )
- endif
- irc = iEnd - iBegin
- if ( irc <> SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH ) then
- warnlog( "The list of file suffixes has changed, please verify" )
- printlog( "Found: " & irc & " chars, expected " & SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH )
- endif
- kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- GrafikEinfuegenDlg.cancel()
- else
- warnlog( "<Insert Graphics> dialog did not open" )
- endif
- hDestroyDocument()