path: root/testautomation/global/system/includes/
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diff --git a/testautomation/global/system/includes/ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
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+++ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
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+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : all global variables
+' #1 OnlyForDocuGVariables
+'/// * System for the installed Office
+Global gPlatform as String '///+ gPlatform => Operatingsystem (internal shortkey)
+Global gSYSName as String '///+ gSYSName => Name of Operatingsystems
+Global gSystemPath as String '///+ gSystemPath => Systempath
+Global gPathSigne as String '///+ gPathSigne => Pathsigne for the Operationsystem
+Global gPlatGroup as String '///+ gPlatGroup => the systemgroup for the OS (e.g. 'unx' 'w95' etc.)
+Global iSystemSprache as Integer '///+ iSystemSprache => code for the systemlanguage (01 = en_us, 40 = de_de)
+Global gSVersionIni as String '///+ gSVersionIni => path to sversion.ini
+'/// * System for the Testtool
+Global gtSYSName as String '///+ gtSYSName => Name of Testtool-Operationsystem
+Global gtPlatform as String '///+ gtPlatform => Operatingsystem (internal shortkey)
+Global gtSystemPath as String '///+ gtSystemPath => Users Home directory
+Global gtCommonSystemPath as String '///+ gtCommonSystemPath => Global directory AllUser or /etc
+Global gTesttoolIni as String '///+ gTesttoolIni => Path to Testtool.ini
+Global gtHidLstPath as String '///+ gtHidLstPath => Path to hid.lst
+Global gTTProfileName as string '///+ gTTProfileName => The current used Profile
+'/// * Settings for Crashreporter
+Global gUseProxy '///+ Value of [Crashreporter] 'UseProxy' from the testtool control file: Is TRUE or FALSE
+Global gProxyServer '///+ Value of [Crashreporter] 'ProxyServer' from the testtool control file: string
+Global gProxyPort '///+ Value of [Crashreporter] 'ProxyPort' from the testtool control file: string
+Global gReturnAddress '///+ Value of [Crashreporter] 'ReturnAddress' from the testtool control file: string
+Global gAllowContact '///+ Value of [Crashreporter] 'AllowContact' from the testtool control file: Is TRUE or FALSE
+Global gConnectionType '///+ Value is depending on gUseProxy: TRUE = MANUALPROXY, FALSE = DIRECT
+'/// * path - variables
+Global gOfficePath as String '///+ gOfficePath => included the path of the Office-installation
+Global gOfficeBasisPath as String '///+ gOfficeBasisPath => included the path of the Office-basis-installation
+Global gRemotePath as String '///+ gRemotePath => Base Directory on Remote system
+Global gTesttoolPath as String '///+ gTesttoolPath => included the path of the Testtool-directory (changed with ConvertPath)
+Global oTesttoolPath as String '///+ oTesttoolPath => original Testtool-directory
+Global sAppExe as String '///+ sAppExe => included the whole path to 'soffice.exe' or 'soffice'
+Global sFactory as String '///+ sFactory => Which application module should be used swriter, scalc, ...
+Global sAppParameter as String '///+ sAppParameter => included all parameters for the executable
+Global sCapturePath as String ' path for graphic-snapshots
+Global gPrivateEnvironmentLocation as string '///+ gPrivateEnvironmentLocation: Location for test environment special data and files
+'/// * Officevariables
+Global iSprache as Integer '///+ iSprache => code for the office-language (01=en_us, 49=de_de etc.)
+Global bAsianLan as Boolean '///+ bAsianLan => if the office-language is an asian language (81, 82, 86, 88) => TRUE
+Global bCTLLan as Boolean '///+ bCTLLan => if the office-language is an CTL language (66, 91, 96, 97) => TRUE
+Global gLanguage as String '///+ gLanguage => the languagename for office language
+Global gISOLang as String '///+ gISOLang => the language code ISO 639 (and ISO 3166 for en language)
+Global gAsianSup as Boolean '///+ gAsianSup => if asian support is activated in options
+Global gCTLSup as Boolean '///+ gCTLSup => if CTL support is activated in options
+Global gAccessibility as Boolean '///+ gAccessibility => If an accessibility tool is detected (gnome, JAWS)
+Global gProductName as string '///+ gProductName => Name of the product (StarOffice,, ...)
+Global gMacroSecurityLevel as integer'///+ gMacroSecurityLevel => Macro Security Level (0: Low ... 3: Very High)
+Global gOfficeVersion as string '///+ gOfficeVersion => The version number of the office like 3.1, 9.0 ...
+Global gAutoUpdate as boolean '///+ gAutoUpdate => if office is able to request update streams
+'/// - global OLE-objectnames
+global gOLEWriter as String '///+ gOLEWriter => OLE-object-name for Writer
+global gOLECalc as String '///+ gOLECalc => OLE-object-name for Calc
+global gOLEImpress as String '///+ gOLEImpress => OLE-object-name for Impress
+global gOLEDraw as String '///+ gOLEDraw => OLE-object-name for Draw
+global gOLEChart as String '///+ gOLEChart => OLE-object-name for Chart
+global gOLEMath as String '///+ gOLEMath => OLE-object-name for Math
+global gOLEOthers as String '///+ gOLEOthers => OLE-object-name for the others-entry
+'/// * variables, for the applications
+Global gApplication as String '///+ gApplication => included the tested application (DRAW, WRITER etc.)
+Global gNoNewDoc as Boolean ' old
+'/// * other variables
+Global gClient as Boolean '///+ gClient => TRUE : Client will be tested; FALSE : files will be saved/loaded on clientside
+Global gClientLaden as Boolean '///+ gClientLaden => TRUE = files will be saved/loaded on serverside (only for UNIX-systems) ; FALSE : files will be saved/loaded on clientside
+Global gClientUser as String '///+ gClientUser => Username of Client-User
+Global gClientUserPWD as String '///+ gClientUserPWD => password of Client-User
+Global gsClient as String '///+ gsClient => path to the sclient.exe
+Global gClientAufUNIX as String ' old
+Global sServerIni as String ' old
+Global gNetzInst as Boolean '///+ gNetz => TRUE : Netinstallation will be tested; FALSE : normal full-version will be tested
+Global gNetzOfficePath as String '///+ gNetzOfficePath => path to the Network-Installation
+Global gSamePC as Boolean '///+ gSamePC => TRUE : StarOffice and Testtool run on same mashine
+Global gPort as String ' Portnumber for communication between Testtool and Office
+Global gHost as String '///+ gHost => for remote-test : Hostname for Office-OS
+Global gPCName as String '///+ gPCname => name for the mashine, where Testtool runs
+'/// *
+Global gDasNicht '///+ gDasNicht => 0 the translation-mechanism will be activated
+Global gbSnapShot as Boolean '///+ gbSnapShot => true Dialogtest-routines create screenshots
+Global gVersionsnummer as String '///+ gVersionsnummer => full version number (major + minor + buildID)
+Global gMajor as string '///+ gMajor: only something like 'src680'
+Global gMinor as string '///+ gMinor: only something like 'm37'
+Global gBuild as integer '///+ gBuild: only something like 4711
+Global gUser as String '///+ gUser => User-LoginName (e.g. 'tz')
+Global gInputbox as Boolean ' old
+Global sSchedule as String ' old
+Global bDebugVersion as Boolean '///+ bDebugVersion => TRUE : Debugversion; FALSE : normal Producktversion of Office
+Global gCWS as Boolean '///+ gCWS = TRUE if a Child WorkSpace (CWS) has been detected.
+Global gStatusDatabase as Boolean '/// gStatusDatabase = TRUE if the testscripts are running on a TT-Framework-server.
+Global gLocalStatusDatabase as string '/// <> "" set to a local path string, to work with a local status database
+Global gStatusFeatureLevel as Integer '///+ gStatusFeatureLevel : Controled from
+Global gUseSysDlg '///+ gUseSysDlg => FALSE : use internal file-dialogs of StarOffice; => TRUE : use system-file-dialogs
+Global gOOO as boolean '///+ gOOO => if an is tested, this variable is TRUE
+Global gOOoShutdownTimeOut as integer'///+ gOOoShutdownTimeOut => max. time to wait in seconds, after quiting OOo
+Global gOOoStartupTimeOut as integer'///+ gOOoStartupTimeOut => max. time to wait in seconds, for starting OOo
+Global gStartTheOffice as boolean '///+ gStartTheOffice => indicates an alternative startroutine is run
+'///* variables only for creating the status-pages
+Global gTestDate as String '///+ gTestDate : fix date of startup
+Global gTestTime as String '///+ gTestTime : fix time of startup
+Global gTestName as String '///+ gTestName : name of the test (must be set as parameter in hStatusIn())
+Global gTestAppArea as String '///+ gTestAppArea : name of the testarea (e.g. writer, calc etc.) - (must be set as parameter in hStatusIn())
+Global gErrorSum as Integer '///+ gErrorSum : last value of errors in a test
+Global gWarningSum as Integer '///+ gWarningSum : last value of warnings in a test
+Global gQaErrorSum as Integer '///+ gQaErrorSum : last value of qaErrors in a test
+Global gStatusDuration '///+ gStatusDuration : starting time to get at the end the duration of a test
+Global gTestcaseStart as Date '///+ gTestCaseDuration : starting time of the testcase
+Global glsStatusPage (32000) as String '///+ glsStatusPage () : list for the output in the status-page
+Global gTestDescr as String '///+ short descrition for the test
+Global gTestFileName as String ' only a dummy variable, until GH give me a new method in testtool
+Global gDatabasePath as string '///+ top directory, of location for wget and result database files
+'///* Private environment values; values get set in qa/qatesttool/global/private/inc/
+Global privateDatabaseServerName as string
+Global privateDatabaseServerIP as string
+Global privateProxyServer as string
+Global privateProxyPort as integer
+Global privateDatabasePath as string
+Global privateDatabaseServerPath as string
+'///* Macro Security Settings - Symbolic names for security levels (constants)
+Global Const GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOW = 0 '///+ GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOW: Symbolic name for low macro security
+Global Const GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_MEDIUM = 1 '///+ GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_MEDIUM: Symbolic name for medium macro security
+Global Const GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_HIGH = 2 '///+ GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_HIGH: Symbolic name for high macro security
+Global Const GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_VERYHIGH = 3 '///+ GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_VERYHIGH: Symbolic name for very high macro security
+Global Const GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_DEFAULT = 2 '///+ GC_MACRO_SECURITY_LEVEL_DEFAULT: Symbolic name for default macro security level
+'///* OOo Improvement Program
+Global gOOoImprovementIsEnabled as boolean
+'///* Performance flags
+Global GLOBAL_USE_NEW_SLEEP as boolean ' keep the old sleep() behavior
+'///* If set to TRUE in many functions become more talkative
+Global GVERBOSE as boolean
+sub OnlyForDocuGVariables
+'///<b>System for the installed Office</b>
+'///<i>gPlatform</i>: Operatingsystem (internal shortkey)
+'///<i>gSYSName</i>: Name of Operatingsystems
+'///<i>gSystemPath</i>: Systempath
+'///<i>gPathSigne</i>: Pathsigne for the Operationsystem
+'///<i>gPlatGroup</i>: The systemgroup for the OS (e.g. 'unx' 'w95' etc.)
+'///<i>iSystemSprache</i>: Code for the systemlanguage (01 = en_us, 40 = de_de)
+'///<i>gSVersionIni</i>: Path to sversion.ini
+'///<b>System for the Testtool</b>
+'///<i>gtSYSName</i>: Name of Testtool-Operationsystem
+'///<i>gtPlatform</i>: Operatingsystem (internal shortkey)
+'///<i>gtSystemPath</i>: Systempfad
+'///<i>gTesttoolIni</i>: Path to Testtool.ini
+'///<i>gtHidLstPath</i>: Path to hid.lst
+'///<b>Settings for Crashreporter</b>
+'///<i>gUseProxy</i>: Value of [Crashreporter] 'UseProxy' from the testtool control file: Is TRUE or FALSE
+'///<i>gProxyServer</i>: Value of [Crashreporter] 'ProxyServer' from the testtool control file: string
+'///<i>gProxyPort</i>: Value of [Crashreporter] 'ProxyPort' from the testtool control file: string
+'///<i>gReturnAddress</i>: Value of [Crashreporter] 'ReturnAddress' from the testtool control file: string
+'///<i>gAllowContact</i>: Value of [Crashreporter] 'AllowContact' from the testtool control file: Is TRUE or FALSE
+'///<i>gConnectionType</i>: Value is depending on gUseProxy: TRUE = MANUALPROXY, FALSE = DIRECT
+'///<b>Path - variables</b>
+'///<i>gOfficePath</i>: Includes the path of the Office-installation
+'///<i>gTesttoolPath</i>: Includes the path of the Testtool-directory (changed with ConvertPath)
+'///<i>oTesttoolPath</i>: Original Testtool-directory
+'///<i>sAppExe</i>: Includes the whole path to 'soffice.exe' or 'soffice'
+'///<i>sAppParameter</i>: Includes all parameters for the executable
+'///<i>sCapturePath</i>: Path for graphic-snapshots
+'///<i>gPrivateEnvironmentLocation</i>: Location for test environment special data and files
+'///<i>iSprache </i>: Code for the office-language (01=en_us, 49=de_de etc.)
+'///<i>bAsianLan</i>: If the office-language is an asian language (81, 82, 86, 88)</i>: TRUE
+'///<i>gLanguage</i>: The languagename for office language
+'///<i>gMacroSecurityLevel</i>: Macro Security Level (0: Low ... 3: Very High)
+'///<b>global OLE-objectnames</b>
+'///<i>gOLEWriter</i>: OLE-object-name for Writer
+'///<i>gOLECalc</i>: OLE-object-name for Calc
+'///<i>gOLEImpress</i>: OLE-object-name for Impress
+'///<i>gOLEDraw</i>: OLE-object-name for Draw
+'///<i>gOLEChart</i>: OLE-object-name for Chart
+'///<i>gOLEMath</i>: OLE-object-name for Math
+'///<i>gOLEOthers</i>: OLE-object-name for the others-entry
+'///<b>variables, for the applications</b>
+'///<i>gApplication</i>: Includes the tested application (DRAW, WRITER etc.)
+'///<b>other variables</b>
+'///<i>gClient</i>:<ul><li>TRUE: Client will be tested</li><li>FALSE: Files will be saved/loaded on client side</li></ul>
+'///<i>gClientLaden</i>:<ul><li>TRUE: Files will be saved/loaded on server side (only for UNIX-systems)</li><li>FALSE: Files will be saved/loaded on client side</li></ul>
+'///<i>gClientUser</i>: Username of Client-User
+'///<i>gClientUserPWD</i>: Password of Client-User
+'///<i>gsClient</i>: Path to the sclient.exe
+'///<i>gNetz</i>:<ul><li>TRUE: Net installation will be tested</li><li>FALSE: Normal full/FAT-version will be tested</li></ul>
+'///<i>gNetzOfficePath</i>: Path to the Network-Installation
+'///<i>gSamePC</i>:<ul><li>TRUE: Office and Testtool run on same mashine</li></ul>
+'///<i>gHost</i>: (For remote-tests) Hostname for Office OE/OS
+'///<i>gPCname</i>: Name for the machine, where the Testtool runs
+'///<b>Variables only for creating the status-pages</b>
+'///<i>gTestDate</i>: Fix date of startup
+'///<i>gTestTime</i>: Fix time of startup
+'///<i>gTestName</i>: Name of the test (must be set as parameter in <i>hStatusIn()</i>)
+'///<i>gTestAppArea</i>: Name of the office module (e.g. writer, calc etc.) - (must be set as parameter in <i>hStatusIn()</i>)
+'///<i>gErrorSum</i>: Last value of errors in a test
+'///<i>gWarningSum</i>: Last value of warnings in a test
+'///<i>gStatusDuration</i>: Starting time to get at the end the duration of a test
+'///<i>glsStatusPage()</i>: List for the output in the status-page
+'///<i>gStatusFeatureLevel</i> : Controled from privateenvironment.txt
+'///<i>gDasNicht</i>: 0 the translation-mechanism will be activated
+'///<i>gbSnapShot as Boolean</i>:<ul><li>TRUE: Dialogtest-routines create screenshots</li></ul>
+'///<i>gVersionsnummer</i>: Full version number (major + minor + buildID)
+'///<i>gUser</i>: User login name (e.g. 'tz')
+'///<i>bDebugVersion</i>:<ul><li>TRUE: Debugversion</li><li>FALSE: normal Producktversion of office</li></ul>
+'///<i>gUseSysDlg</i>:<ul><li>FALSE: Use internal file-dialogs of the office</li><li>TRUE: Use system-file-dialogs</li></ul>
+'///<i>gOOO</i>: If an has been detected, this variable is TRUE
+'///<i>gOOoShutdownTimeOut</i>: Max. time to wait in seconds, after quiting OOo
+'///<i>gOOoStartupTimeOut</i>: Max. time to wait in seconds, for starting OOo
+end sub