path: root/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/')
1 files changed, 599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fa2172fbccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : general routines to work with lists (arrays)
+function ListCount ( lsList() as String ) as Integer
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Returns the number of list entries.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: The list (only string lists are possible)
+ '///+<u>Return</u>: The number of entries
+ ListCount = Val(lsList(0))
+end function
+function ListCopy ( lsList1() as String, lsList2() as String ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Copies all entries out of one list into another list.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>:<ol><lo>list which should be copied</li><li>An empty list</li></ol>After this function the 2nd list is a copy of the 1st list.
+ '///+<u>Return</u>: If copy of the list is correct this function returns TRUE otherweise FALSE
+ Dim ii as Integer
+ ListAllDelete ( lsList2() )
+ for ii=1 to ListCount ( lsList1() )
+ ListAppend ( lsList2(), lsList1(ii) )
+ next ii
+ if ListCount ( lsList1() ) = ListCount ( lsList2 () ) then
+ ListCopy = TRUE
+ else
+ ListCopy = FALSE
+ end if
+end function
+sub ListAllDelete ( lsList() as String )
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Deletes a complete list.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: The list (only string lists are possible)
+ lsList(0) = "0"
+end sub
+sub ListAppend ( lsList() as String, sNewEntry as String )
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Appends a new entry at the end of the list.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>the list (only string lists are possible)</li><li>The new entry</li></ol>
+ lsList(0) = Val(lsList(0)) + 1
+ lsList( lsList(0) ) = sNewEntry
+end sub
+function ListDelete ( lsList() as String, iNr as Integer ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Deletes an entry out of the list on a defined position (iNr).
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list (only string lists are possible)</li><li>The position of the entry</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>Return</u>: TRUE if the entry was deleted otherweise FALSE
+ Dim i%, ListenAnzahl as Integer
+ ListenAnzahl = listcount( lsList() )
+ if iNr > ListenAnzahl then
+ ListDelete = FALSE
+ Exit Function
+ end if
+ for i% = iNr to ListenAnzahl
+ lsList( i% ) = lsList( i% + 1 )
+ next i%
+ lsList(0) = ListenAnzahl - 1
+ ListDelete = TRUE
+end function
+function ListDeleteString ( lsList() as String, sText as String ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Deletes the 1st string in the list which is equal to the input string.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list (only string lists are possible)</li><li>The string</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>Return</u>: TRUE if the entry was deleted otherwise FALSE
+ Dim i as Integer : Dim EintragsNr as Integer : Dim ListenAnzahl as Integer
+ ListenAnzahl = Val(lsList(0))
+ EintragsNr = 0
+ for i = 1 to ListenAnzahl
+ if lsList(i) = sText then
+ EintragsNr = i
+ i = ListenAnzahl + 1
+ end if
+ next i
+ if EintragsNr = 0 then
+ ListDeleteString = FALSE
+ else
+ ListDeleteString = ListDelete ( lsList(), EintragsNr )
+ end if
+end function
+function ListInsert ( lsList() as String, ZeileNr%, sWert$ ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///Inserts a string at a defined position in the list.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list (only string lists are possible)</li><li>The position</li><li>The string</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>Return</u>: TRUE if the entry was inserted otherwise FALSE
+ Dim i% : Dim ListenAnzahl as Integer
+ ListenAnzahl = Val(lsList(0))
+ if ZeileNr% > ListenAnzahl then
+ ListInsert = FALSE
+ Exit Function
+ end if
+ ' Nach hinten verschieben, hinten beginnend
+ for i% = ListenAnzahl to ZeileNr% step -1
+ lsList( i%+1 ) = lsList( i% )
+ next i%
+ ' Einfuegen
+ lsList( ZeileNr% ) = sWert$
+ lsFile(0) = ListenAnzahl + 1
+ ListInsert = TRUE
+end function
+function ListRead ( lsList() as String, Datei$, optional sEncode as String ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///+Opens a file and insert all rows into a list (row for row).
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list (old list entries will be deleted)</li><li>The file</li><li><b>optional</b>: The encoding &quot;UTF8&quot;</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>Return</u>: TRUE or FALSE if this routine can read the file.
+ Dim bUTF8 as Boolean
+ Dim i%
+ Dim CompareList(15000) as String
+ if Dir( Datei$ ) = "" then
+ Warnlog "ListRead: " + Datei$ + " is missing!"
+ ListRead = FALSE
+ exit function
+ end if
+ if IsMissing ( sEncode ) = TRUE then
+ else
+ if UCASE ( sEncode ) = "UFT8" OR UCASE ( sEncode ) = "UTF8" then
+ bUTF8 = TRUE
+ else
+ Warnlog "ListRead :" + sEncode + " - Encoding is unkown!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ ListAllDelete ( lsList() ) ' clean up the list
+ if bUTF8 = TRUE then
+ Dim textin as object, sfa as object, xInput as object ' for UTF-8-input-routines
+ Dim iC as Integer
+ textin = createUnoService( "" ) ' uno-handling to input an UFT-8-File
+ textin.setEncoding("utf8") '
+ sfa = createUnoService( "" ) '
+ xInput = sfa.openFileRead( Datei$ ) '
+ textin.setInputStream( xInput ) '
+ do until textin.isEOF() '
+ i% = Val(lsList(0)) + 1
+ lsList(0) = i%
+ lsList( i% ) = textin.readLine() '
+ loop
+ xInput.closeInput ' uno-file-close
+ 'INFO: (TZ) Only to workaround a problem with UNIX-Files...
+ if Right ( lsList(i%), 1 ) = Chr(10) then
+ lsList(i%) = Left ( lsList(i%), Len ( lsList(i%) ) - 1 )
+ end if
+ 'INFO: (TBO) Remove the BOM
+ if (left(lsList(1), 1) = chr(&HFEFF)) then
+ lsList(1) = right(lsList(1), Len(lsList(1)) - 1)
+ end if
+ else
+ Dim FileNum%
+ FileNum% = FreeFile
+ Open Datei$ for input as #FileNum%
+ do until EOF(#FileNum%) ' all from LIS-file
+ i% = Val(lsList(0)) + 1
+ lsList(0) = i%
+ Line Input #FileNum%, lsList( i% )
+ loop
+ Close #FileNum%
+ end if
+ ListRead = TRUE
+end function
+function ListWrite ( lsList() as String, Datei$, optional sEncode as String) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///+Writes a list into a file (an existing file will be deleted before)
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list</li><li>The file</li><li><b>optional</b>: The encoding &quot;UTF8&quot;</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>return</u>: TRUE or FALSE if this routine can read the file.
+ Dim bUTF8 as Boolean
+ Dim i%
+ if Dir (Datei$) <> "" then
+ Kill(Datei$) ' the file must be deleted if you use 'UTF8'
+ endif
+ if IsMissing ( sEncode ) = TRUE then
+ else
+ if UCASE ( sEncode ) = "UTF8" then
+ bUTF8 = TRUE
+ else
+ Warnlog "ListWrite :" + sEncode + " - Encoding is unkown!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ if bUTF8 = TRUE then
+ Dim textout as object, sfa as object, xOutput as object ' for UTF-8-output-routines
+ textout = createUnoService( "" ) ' uno-handling to output an UFT-8-File
+ textout.setEncoding("utf8") '
+ sfa = createUnoService( "" ) '
+ xOutput = sfa.openFileWrite( Datei$ ) '
+ textout.setOutputStream( xOutput ) '
+ for i%=1 to ListCount ( lsList() )
+ textout.writeString( lsList( i% ) + Chr(13) + Chr(10) ) '
+ next i%
+ xOutput.closeOutput ' uno-file-close
+ else
+ Dim FileNum% : Dim iLast%
+ FileNum% = FreeFile
+ Open Datei$ for Output as #FileNum%
+ iLast% = Val(lsList(0))
+ i%=1
+ do while i% <= iLast%
+ Print #FileNum%, lsList(i%)
+ i% = i% +1
+ loop
+ Close #FileNum%
+ endif
+ ListWrite = TRUE
+end function
+function ListReadAppend( lsList() as String , Datei$, optional sEncode as String ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///+Appends a list into a file (If the file exists the file will be deleted before!).
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list</li><li>The file</li><li><b>optional</b>: The encoding &quot;UTF8&quot;</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>return</u>: TRUE or FALSE if this routine can read the file.
+ Dim bUTF8 as Boolean
+ Dim i%
+ Dim CompareList() as String
+ Dim isCounter as Integer
+ Dim FileNum%
+ if Dir( Datei$ ) = "" then
+ Warnlog "ListReadAppend : " + Datei$ + " is missing!"
+ ListReadAppend = FALSE
+ exit function
+ end if
+ isCounter = ListCount ( lsList() )
+ if IsMissing ( sEncode ) = TRUE then
+ else
+ if UCASE ( sEncode ) = "UFT8" OR UCASE ( sEncode ) = "UTF8" then
+ bUTF8 = TRUE
+ else
+ Warnlog "ListRead : " + sEncode + " - Encoding is unkown!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ if bUTF8 = TRUE then
+ Dim textin as object, sfa as object, xInput as object ' for UTF-8-input-routines
+ textin = createUnoService( "" ) ' uno-handling to input an UFT-8-File
+ textin.setEncoding("utf8") '
+ sfa = createUnoService( "" ) '
+ xInput = sfa.openFileRead( Datei$ ) '
+ textin.setInputStream( xInput ) '
+ do until textin.isEOF() '
+ i% = Val(lsList(0)) + 1
+ lsList(0) = i%
+ lsList( i% ) = textin.readLine() '
+ loop
+ xInput.closeInput ' uno-file-close
+ 'INFO: (TZ) Only to workaround a problem with UNIX-Files...
+ if Right ( lsList(i%), 1 ) = Chr(10) then
+ lsList(i%) = Left ( lsList(i%), Len ( lsList(i%) ) - 1 )
+ end if
+ '...
+ else
+ FileNum% = FreeFile
+ Open Datei$ for input as #FileNum%
+ do until EOF(FileNum%) ' All from LIST-file
+ i% = Val(lsList(0)) + 1
+ lsList(0) = i%
+ Line Input #FileNum%, lsList( i% )
+ loop
+ Close #FileNum%
+ end if
+ ListReadAppend = TRUE
+end function
+function ListWriteAppend( lsList() as String, Datei$, optional sEncode as String ) as Boolean
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///+Writes a list into a file (If the files exist all entries will be appended).
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: <ol><li>The list</li><li>The file</li><li><b>optional</b>: The encoding &quot;UTF8&quot;</li></ol>
+ '///+<u>return</u>: TRUE or FALSE if this routine can read the file.
+ Dim bUTF8 as Boolean
+ Dim i%
+ Dim DummyList ( 15000 ) as String
+ if IsMissing ( sEncode ) = TRUE then
+ else
+ if UCASE ( sEncode ) = "UTF8" then
+ bUTF8 = TRUE
+ else
+ Warnlog "ListRead :" + sEncode + " - Encoding is unkown!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ if bUTF8 = TRUE then
+ Dim sfa as object, xOutput as object, textout as object ' for UTF-8-output-routines
+ ListRead ( DummyList(), Datei$, "utf8" ) ' read old file in another list
+ for i% = 1 to ListCount ( lsList() )
+ ListAppend ( DummyList(), lsList(i%) ) ' add the new list at the old list
+ next i%
+ textout = createUnoService( "" ) ' uno-handling to output an UFT-8-File
+ textout.setEncoding("utf8") '
+ sfa = createUnoService( "" ) '
+ xOutput = sfa.openFileWrite( Datei$ ) '
+ textout.setOutputStream( xOutput ) '
+ for i%=1 to ListCount (DummyList())
+ textout.writeString( DummyList( i% ) + Chr(13) + Chr(10 ) '
+ next i%
+ xOutput.closeOutput ' uno-file-close
+ else
+ Dim FileNum%
+ FileNum% = FreeFile
+ Open Datei$ for Append as #FileNum%
+ for i% = 1 to Val(lsList(0))
+ Print #FileNum%, lsList(i%)
+ next i%
+ Close #FileNum%
+ end if
+ ListWriteAppend = TRUE
+end function
+sub ListSort ( lsList() as String, optional UpDown as Boolean )
+ 'Author: tz
+ '///+Sorts a list upward per default or downward if optional parameter is FALSE with quicksort method.
+ '///+<u>Input</u>: Unsorted list
+ Dim Listenanzahl as Integer, i as Integer, j as Integer
+ Dim Zwischenspeicher as String
+ ListenAnzahl = Val(lsList(0))
+ for i=ListenAnzahl-1 to 1 step -1
+ for j=1 to i
+ if UpDown = FALSE then
+ ' upward sorting
+ if uCase ( lsList(j) ) < uCase ( lsList(j+1) ) then
+ Zwischenspeicher = lsList (j) ' invert value (i) with value (i+1)
+ lsList (j) = lsList(j+1)
+ lsList (j+1) = Zwischenspeicher
+ end if
+ else
+ ' Downward sorting
+ if uCase ( lsList(j) ) > uCase ( lsList(j+1) ) then
+ Zwischenspeicher = lsList (j) ' invert value (i) with value (i+1)
+ lsList (j) = lsList(j+1)
+ lsList (j+1) = Zwischenspeicher
+ end if
+ end if
+ next j
+ next i
+end sub
+function gCompare2Lists( aListOne() as String, aListTwo() as String ) as boolean
+ const CFN = " "
+ '///<h3>Compare two lists with each other, where <b>list TWO</b> is the reference</h3>
+ '///<ul>
+ dim aOneOnlyList( ubound( aListOne() ) ) as string
+ dim aTwoOnlyList( ubound( aListTwo() ) ) as string
+ dim iListOneIndex as integer
+ dim iListTwoIndex as integer
+ dim bFound as boolean
+ dim brc as boolean ' returncode: true if lists are identical
+ brc = true
+ '///+<li>Create a copy of list two so we do not change the original list</li>
+ ListCopy( aListTwo() , aTwoOnlyList() )
+ '///+<li>Step through each item in list one</li>
+ for iListOneIndex = 1 to ListCount( aListOne() )
+ bFound = false
+ '///+<li>Compare it to each item in list two</li>
+ for iListTwoIndex = 1 to ListCount( aTwoOnlyList() )
+ '///+<li>If the entries match, delete it from the TwoOnly list</li>
+ if ( aListOne( iListOneIndex ) = aTwoOnlyList( iListTwoIndex ) ) then
+ bFound = true
+ ListDelete( aTwoOnlyList() , iListTwoIndex )
+ exit for
+ end if
+ next iListTwoIndex
+ '///+<li>If there is no match, the item exists in list one only -> copy</li>
+ if ( not bFound ) then
+ ListAppend( aOneOnlyList() , aListOne( iListOneIndex ) )
+ end if
+ next iListOneIndex
+ '///+<li>List all items that exist in List One only</li>
+ if ( ListCount( aOneOnlyList() ) > 0 ) then
+ warnlog( CFN & "Objects have been added to the list" )
+ hListPrint( aOneOnlyList() , "Items found in list ONE only (NEW)" )
+ brc = false
+ end if
+ '///+<li>List all items that exist in List Two only</li>
+ if ( ListCount( aTwoOnlyList() ) > 0 ) then
+ warnlog( CFN & "Objects have been removed from the list" )
+ hListPrint( aTwoOnlyList() , "Items found in list TWO only (MISSING)" )
+ brc = false
+ end if
+ gCompare2Lists() = brc
+ '///</ul>
+end function
+function hListPrint( lsList() as string , optional cComment as string ) as integer
+ const CFN = " "
+ '///<h3>Print the content of a list to the log with a heading comment</h3>
+ '///<ul>
+ dim iListItem as integer
+ '///+<li>If no comment is provided we print a qaerrorlog</li>
+ if ( ismissing( cComment ) ) then
+ qaerrorlog( CFN & "Please provide any string as second parameter." )
+ cComment = ""
+ end if
+ '///+<li>Print a comment if desired</li>
+ if ( cComment <> "" ) then
+ printlog( "" )
+ printlog( CFN & cComment )
+ printlog( "" )
+ end if
+ '///+<li>Print all items in the list to the log</li>
+ for iListItem = 1 to listcount( lsList() )
+ printlog( "(" & iListItem & ") : " & lsList( iListItem ) )
+ next iListItem
+ '///+<li>Return the number of listitems to the calling function</li>
+ hListPrint() = listcount( lsList() )
+ '///</ul>
+end function
+function hListClearPattern( lsList() as string, cPattern as string ) as integer
+ '///<h3>Search a list for the occurrence of a special pattern.</h3>
+ '///+ If the pattern is found, the entries are deleted, the new size of the
+ '///+ array is returned.
+ dim iCurItem as integer
+ iCurItem = 1
+ do while ( iCurItem <= listcount( lsList() ) )
+ if ( instr( lsList( iCurItem ) , cPattern ) <> 0 ) then
+ listdelete( lsList() , iCurItem )
+ else
+ iCurItem = iCurItem + 1
+ end if
+ loop
+ hListClearPattern() = listcount( lsList() )
+end function
+function hListClearBlank( lsList() as string ) as integer
+ '///<h3>Search a list for blank lines and remove them.</h3>
+ dim iCurItem as integer
+ iCurItem = 1
+ do while ( iCurItem <= listcount( lsList() ) )
+ if ( len( lsList( iCurItem ) ) = 0 ) then
+ listdelete( lsList() , iCurItem )
+ else
+ iCurItem = iCurItem + 1
+ end if
+ loop
+ hListClearBlank() = listcount( lsList() )
+end function