path: root/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/')
1 files changed, 1148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..051afec0ad24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of
+' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with If not, see
+' <>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Tools (1)
+private SLEEP_TIME_REQUESTED as integer
+private SLEEP_CALLS_SUM as integer
+private SLEEP_TIME_USED as integer
+function GetClipboardText as string
+ '/// Returns the correct clipboard text (also if there is a 'RETURN' at it's end.
+ Dim i% : Dim CBText$
+ Dim Zwischen$
+ wait 500
+ GetClipboardText = ""
+ CBText$ = GetClipboard
+ if CBText$ = "" then
+ GetClipboardText = ""
+ exit function
+ end if
+ if asc ( Right( CBText$, 1 )) = 10 then
+ Zwischen$ = Mid( CBText$, 1, len(CBText$)-1 )
+ if Zwischen$ <> "" then
+ if asc ( Right( Zwischen$, 1 )) = 13 then
+ GetClipboardText = Mid( Zwischen$, 1, len(Zwischen$)-1 )
+ else
+ GetClipboardText = Zwischen$
+ end if
+ else
+ GetClipboardText = Zwischen$
+ end if
+ else
+ if asc ( Right( CBText$, 1 )) = 13 then
+ Zwischen$ = Mid( CBText$, 1, len(CBText$)-1 )
+ if asc ( Right( Zwischen$, 1 )) = 10 then
+ GetClipboardText = Mid( Zwischen$, 1, len(Zwischen$)-1 )
+ else
+ GetClipboardText = Zwischen$
+ end if
+ else
+ GetClipboardText = CBText$
+ end if
+ end if
+end function
+function hDoubleClickInList ( window, Selektion as String, optional bFocus as boolean ) as Boolean
+ '/// hDoubleClickInList
+ '///+ Makes a double click onto an entry in a list (tested only in <i>style lists</i>)
+ '///+ window: name of list ///'
+ '///+ selektion: string to find in list ///'
+ '///+ bFocus: TRUE: activate the window with mouseclick before leaving ///'
+ '///+ ReturnValue: if found: TRUE; else FALSE ///'
+ Dim i as Integer
+ Dim AlterWert as String
+ Dim NeuerWert as String
+ NeuerWert = "!=! !=!" ' init with dummy value
+ window.TypeKeys "<Home>"
+ if window.gettext <> Selektion then
+ for i=1 to 100 step 2
+ window.MouseDown 5, i +1
+ window.MouseUp 5, i +1
+ AlterWert = window.GetText
+ window.TypeKeys "<Down>"
+ NeuerWert = Window.GetText
+ window.TypeKeys "<Up>"
+ if AlterWert = Selektion then
+ window.MouseDown 5, i +1
+ window.MouseUp 5, i +1
+ ' catch if <down> had any effects
+ if Window.GetText = Selektion then
+ window.MouseDoubleClick 5, i +1
+ ' if optional parameter provided
+ if (isMissing (bFocus) = FALSE) then
+ window.MouseDown 5, i +1
+ window.MouseUp 5, i +1
+ endif
+ i = 202
+ else
+ i=0 ' start at top of list
+ end if
+ else
+ if AlterWert = NeuerWert then
+ Warnlog "'" + Selektion + "' wasn't found in list!"
+ i = 202
+ else
+ if i > 98 then
+ i=40 ' list not at end, but scrolled
+ endif
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ if i < 200 OR i > 100 then
+ hDoubleClickInList = FALSE
+ else
+ hDoubleClickInList = TRUE
+ end if
+ else
+ window.TypeKeys "<Return>"
+ hDoubleClickInList = TRUE
+ endif
+end function
+sub hMouseClick ( window, xPos, yPos )
+ ' Author: Thorsten Ziehm (26.09.2000)
+ '/// hMouseClick
+ '///+ Do a mouse click on a named window.
+ '/// <i>Input</i>:
+ '///+ window : The object on which the mouse click should be make (document, listbox, window)
+ '///+ xPos : x-position (relativ to the size of the window (1:100)
+ '///+ yPos : y-position (relativ to the size of the window (1:100)
+ window.MouseDown ( xPos, yPos )
+ window.MouseUp ( xPos, yPos )
+end sub
+function wielange (StrtTime, optional iFormat as integer) as String
+ ' Author: Michael Friedrichs
+ '/// wielange
+ '///+ Returns the time between a start- and an end timeframe.
+ '///+ iFormat: 0: default; 1: mysql ///'
+ Dim Zeitspanne
+ Dim Zeitspannesek
+ Dim Zeitspannemin
+ Dim Zeitspanneh
+ dim sTemp as string
+ if isMissing(iFormat) then
+ 'dim iFormat as integer
+ iFormat = 0
+ endif
+ Zeitspanne = Now() - StrtTime
+ Zeitspannesek = Zeitspanne / 1.15741E-05 + 1
+ Zeitspanneh = Fix(Zeitspannesek / 3600)
+ Zeitspannesek = Zeitspannesek - Zeitspanneh * 3600
+ Zeitspannemin = Fix(Zeitspannesek / 60)
+ Zeitspannesek = Zeitspannesek - Zeitspannemin * 60
+ Zeitspannesek = Fix(Zeitspannesek)
+ select case iFormat
+ case 0
+ sTemp = "" & Zeitspanneh & "h " & Zeitspannemin & "m " & Zeitspannesek & "s"
+ case 1
+ ' mysql format for
+ if Zeitspanneh < 10 then
+ sTemp = "0" & Zeitspanneh & ":"
+ else
+ sTemp = "" & Zeitspanneh & ":"
+ end if
+ if Zeitspannemin < 10 then
+ sTemp = "" & sTemp & "0" & Zeitspannemin & ":"
+ else
+ sTemp = "" & sTemp & Zeitspannemin & ":"
+ end if
+ if Zeitspannesek < 10 then
+ sTemp = "" & sTemp & "0" & Zeitspannesek
+ else
+ sTemp = "" & sTemp & Zeitspannesek
+ end if
+ case default:
+ qaErrorLog " optional parameter iFormat out of range!"
+ sTemp = ""
+ end select
+ wielange = sTemp
+end function
+function Sleep( optional _iSeconds as integer ) as integer
+ const CFN = "global::tools::includes::required::Sleep(...): "
+ const STATUS_NO_DELAY = 0
+ ' This is the "classic" behavior of the sleep function. If you did not set
+ ' GLOBAL_USE_NEW_SLEEP to TRUE in your .bas file, this will be used.
+ if ( not GLOBAL_USE_NEW_SLEEP ) then
+ if ( IsMissing( _iSeconds ) ) then
+ wait( 1000 )
+ else
+ wait( _iSeconds * 1000 )
+ endif
+ exit function
+ endif
+ ' This is an extended and accelerated version of the "classic" sleep()
+ ' subroutine which used to call Wait( n ) with a given number of
+ ' milliseconds. This function uses WaitSlot( n ) and is dynamic.
+ ' The try...catch block is necessary because WaitSlot() can - under certain
+ ' yet unknown conditions - make the office application crash.
+ ' When called with 0 seconds we return 0 (dynamic sleep statements within
+ ' test initialization can actually call the function with a Zero parameter)
+ ' A negative number forces the function to use the classic behavior.
+ ' If no time is given the function defaults to 5 seconds.
+ ' The function now provides returnvalues:
+ ' 0 = Normal WaitSlot() used, this is the preferred method.
+ ' 1 = WaitSlot() timeout reached, one extra second was added.
+ ' This is bad and the script developer should try to fix it.
+ ' 2 = Wait() was used (classic method, fallback).
+ ' 3 = Wait() was used (forced old behavior)
+ dim iMilliseconds as integer
+ dim iStatus as integer : iStatus = 0
+ dim lBegin as long : lBegin = GetSystemTicks
+ dim iSeconds as integer : iSeconds = 5
+ dim iSystemDelay as integer : iSystemDelay = 1000
+ dim iTimeDiff as long : iTimeDiff = 0
+ ' On Solaris we are a little slower, so we increase the system delay a little
+ if ( instr( lcase( gtSysName ) , "solaris" ) > 0 ) then
+ iSystemDelay = 1500
+ endif
+ ' Override default wait time (5 seconds) if parameter is given
+ if ( not IsMissing( _iSeconds ) ) then
+ iSeconds = _iSeconds
+ endif
+ ' Do exit directly if no wait requested
+ if ( iSeconds = 0 ) then
+ exit function
+ endif
+ ' We need the time in ms and absolute (parameter can be negative)
+ iMilliseconds = abs( iSeconds * 1000 )
+ ' Here we actually do the delay and generate return values
+ ' If WaitSlot() times out, we give an extra second (wait(1000))
+ if ( iSeconds > 0 ) then
+ try
+ if ( WaitSlot( iMilliseconds ) <> WSFinished ) then
+ wait( iSystemDelay )
+ endif
+ catch
+ wait( iMilliseconds )
+ endcatch
+ else
+ Wait( iMilliseconds )
+ endif
+ ' Find out how long it took, warn if time was zero (sleep most likely not required)
+ iTimeDiff = GetSystemTicks - lBegin
+ if ( iTimeDiff = 0 ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Zero time. Please consider removing Sleep() statement" )
+ endif
+ if ( GVERBOSE ) then
+ SLEEP_TIME_USED = SLEEP_TIME_USED + iTimeDiff / 1000 ' good enough
+ printlog( CFN & "--------------------- New call ---------------------" )
+ printlog( CFN & "Total Sleep()-Time requested (seconds): " & SLEEP_TIME_REQUESTED )
+ printlog( CFN & "Total Sleep()-Time used (seconds).....: " & SLEEP_TIME_USED )
+ printlog( CFN & "Total number of Sleep()-Calls.........: " & SLEEP_CALLS_SUM )
+ endif
+ ' Try to make something useful out of the status
+ if ( iStatus <> 0 ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Sleep(" & abs( iSeconds ) & "), took " _
+ & iTimeDiff & " ms, rc=" & iStatus )
+ select case iStatus
+ printlog( CFN & "Timeout exceeded." )
+ printlog( CFN & "Used Wait(n). WaitSlot() failed." )
+ printlog( CFN & "Used Wait(n). Classic behavior forced" )
+ end select
+ endif
+ Sleep() = iStatus
+end function
+sub DialogTest( Window, optional iNumber as integer)
+ '/// DialogTest
+ '///+ Make <i>SnapShots</i>
+ '/// <b>Window</b> : the name of the window as declared in qa/qatesttool/global/win/*
+ '/// <i>Optional Parameter</i> <b>iNumber</b> : Number to distinguish windows which dynamical change their content but not their ID///'
+ '///+ the number has to be provided by the testscript creator ///'
+ Dim Ergebnis as Integer
+ Dim Ausgabe as String
+ Dim UndRaus as Boolean
+ Dim sCount as string
+ ' evaluate optional parameter
+ if isMissing(iNumber) then
+ 'just one picture
+ sCount = ""
+ else
+ 'there will be more pictures with the same ID
+ sCount = "_"+iNumber
+ endif
+ if gDasNicht=0 then
+ ' In Place Translation Feature: not used anymore;
+ ' The matching of the strings on the later migration step never worked.
+ ' Just kept here for historical reasons
+ Ausgabe = ""
+ UndRaus = FALSE
+ while UndRaus = FALSE
+ Ausgabe = translate
+ if Ausgabe <> "" OR Ausgabe <> "1" then
+ if Left ( Ausgabe, 1 ) = "0" then
+ Ausgabe = Right ( Ausgabe, Len( Ausgabe )- 2 )
+ AnhaengenAnDatei ( gOfficePath + "trans_output.txt", Ausgabe )
+ end if
+ end if
+ if Ausgabe = "1" then
+ UndRaus = TRUE
+ endif
+ wend
+ else
+ ' Usual window check
+ try
+ if Not window.Exists(2) then
+ Warnlog " - Window nicht existent:" + window.Name + " " + window.ID
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ 'To get a history, of what windows are covered, use the following line
+ ' AnhaengenAnDatei ( ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\wieviel.txt"), window.Name + " " + sCount + " : " + window.ID )
+ catch
+ ExceptLog
+ endcatch
+ end if
+ if gbSnapShot = TRUE then
+ 'Make Screenshot from dialog and save as HelpID.bmp
+ Dim Dummy as String, sName as String, sPicName as String
+ 'get window ID
+ Dummy = Window
+ 'set filename
+ sName = Dummy + sCount + ".bmp"
+ 'save with respect to application and language
+ sCapturePath = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\screenshots"+iSprache+"\")
+ sPicName = sCapturePath + lCase(gApplication)
+ 'create directory if it doesn't exist
+ if ( not FileExists(sPicName) ) then mkdir sPicName
+ sPicName = sPicName + sName
+ try
+ sleep 1
+ window.SnapShot( sPicName )
+ catch
+ warnlog " Failed to save screenshot: '" + sPicName + "'"
+ endcatch
+ printlog sPicName
+ end if
+end sub
+function hFindeImDokument ( Passage$ , Optional A, optional bRegEx ) as boolean
+ ' Author: Joerg Sievers (13.11.2001)
+ '/// hFindeImDokument
+ '/// Searches via 'Search&Replace'-Dlg in StarOffice Writer, -Clac,
+ '///+ -HTML, -GlobalDoc for the string <b>EXACT MATCH</b>.
+ '///+ Only ONE TIME and THE FIRST search phrase will be found!
+ '/// <i>Optional Parameter</i> <b>a</b> : If you do not want a warnlog message
+ '/// <i>Optional Parameter</i> <b>bRegEx</b> : if you look fort an regular expression
+ Dim WhatIsIn as string
+ Dim bSilent as boolean
+ bSilent = NOT isMissing(a)
+ gApplication = UCase ( gApplication )
+ hFindeImDokument = FALSE
+ select case gApplication
+ case "CALC" :
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ case "WRITER" :
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ Kontext "DocumentWriterWeb"
+ DocumentWriterWeb.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ case "GLOBALDOC" :
+ Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc"
+ DocumentMasterDoc.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ end select
+ SetClipboard ""
+ EditSearchAndReplace
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if SimilaritySearch.IsVisible = False then
+ More.Click
+ end if
+ if MatchCase.IsChecked = False then
+ MatchCase.Check
+ end if
+ if SimilaritySearch.IsChecked = TRUE then
+ SimilaritySearch.UnCheck
+ if NOT bSilent then
+ warnlog "'Similarity search' checkbox was enabled! It shouldn't be the default!"
+ endif
+ end if
+ if IsMissing(bRegEx) <> TRUE then
+ RegularExpressions.Check
+ end if
+ SearchFor.Settext Passage$
+ SearchNow.Click
+ Kontext
+ if NOT Active.Exists(2) then
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ More.Click
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ EditCopy
+ WhatIsIn = GetClipboardText
+ if WhatIsIn <> Passage$ then
+ if NOT bSilent then
+ warnlog "The search-request for '" & Passage$ & "' has been fault! (Found: '"& WhatIsIn & "')"
+ end if
+ else
+ hFindeImDokument = TRUE
+ end if
+ else
+ try
+ Kontext
+ if Active.Exists(1) then
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ if NOT bSilent then
+ warnlog "The search-request for '" & Passage$ & "' has been fault! (Found: '"& WhatIsIn & "')"
+ end if
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if SimilaritySearch.IsVisible = False then
+ More.Click
+ endif
+ if MatchCase.IsChecked then
+ MatchCase.UnCheck
+ endif
+ if SimilaritySearch.IsChecked = TRUE then
+ SimilaritySearch.UnCheck
+ if NOT bSilent then
+ warnlog "'Similarity search' checkbox was enabled! It shouldn't be the default!"
+ endif
+ end if
+ if IsMissing(bRegEx) <> TRUE then
+ RegularExpressions.UnCheck
+ endif
+ More.Click
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ catch
+ Active.Yes
+ Kontext
+ if bSilent then
+ if Active.Exists then
+ printlog "> "+Active.GetText
+ endif
+ endif
+ if Active.Exists then
+ Active.OK
+ endif
+ if NOT bSilent then
+ warnlog "The search-request for '" & Passage$ & "' has been fault! (Found: '"& WhatIsIn & "')"
+ endif
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if SimilaritySearch.IsVisible = False then
+ More.Click
+ endif
+ if MatchCase.IsChecked then
+ MatchCase.UnCheck
+ endif
+ if SimilaritySearch.IsChecked = TRUE then
+ SimilaritySearch.UnCheck
+ if NOT bSilent then
+ warnlog "'Similarity search' checkbox was enabled! It shouldn't be the default!"
+ endif
+ end if
+ if IsMissing(bRegEx) <> TRUE then
+ RegulaererAusdruck.UnCheck
+ endif
+ More.Click
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ endcatch
+ end if
+end function
+function hFindeMehrImDokument ( Passage as string , WieOft as integer ) as boolean
+ ' Author: Joerg Sievers (26.07.2000)
+ '/// hFindeMehrImDokument
+ '/// Searches per 'Search&Replace'-Dlg in StarOffice Writer, -Clac,
+ '///+-HTML, -GlobalDoc for the string <b>EXACT MATCH</b>.
+ '/// You have to give the function the number how often the phrase
+ '///+should be found in the document as an additional parameter (as integer).
+ '/// Only when exact the number of the phrase will be found correctly
+ '///+the function gives back TRUE.
+ '/// <i>see also</i> : hFindeImDokument (TOOLS.INC)
+ Dim i as integer
+ gApplication = UCase ( gApplication )
+ hFindeMehrImDokument = FALSE
+ select case gApplication
+ case "CALC" :
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ case "WRITER" :
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ case "GLOBALDOC" :
+ Kontext "DocumentMasterDoc"
+ DocumentMasterDoc.TypeKeys "<MOD1 HOME>"
+ end select
+ SetClipboard ""
+ EditSearchAndReplace
+ For i = 1 to WieOft
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if NOT MatchCase.IsChecked then
+ MatchCase.Check
+ endif
+ SearchFor.Settext Passage
+ SearchNow.Click
+ Kontext
+ if NOT Active.Exists(2) then
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ EditCopy
+ if GetClipboardText <> Passage then
+ warnlog "The search-request for '" & Passage & "' has been fault!"
+ i = WieOft
+ else
+ if i = WieOft then
+ hFindeImDokument = TRUE
+ printlog "Searchphrase found " & i & " time(s)."
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ try
+ Active.OK
+ Kontext
+ if Active.Exists then
+ Active.OK
+ endif
+ warnlog "The search-request for '" & Passage & "' has been fault!"
+ i = WieOft
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if MatchCase.IsChecked then
+ MatchCase.UnCheck
+ endif
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ catch
+ Active.Yes
+ Kontext
+ if Active.Exists then
+ Active.OK
+ endif
+ warnlog "The search-request for '" & Passage & "' has been fault!"
+ i = WieOft
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if MatchCase.IsChecked then
+ MatchCase.UnCheck
+ endif
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ endcatch
+ end if
+ Next i
+ Kontext "FindAndReplace"
+ if FindAndReplace.Exists(2) then
+ FindAndReplace.Cancel
+ end if
+end function
+sub TextInDatei ( TextText$, Datei$ )
+ '/// TextInDatei
+ Dim FileNum%
+ FileNum% = FreeFile
+ Open Datei$ for Append as #FileNum%
+ Print #FileNum%, TextText$
+ Close #FileNum%
+end sub
+function TrimTab ( sTrimmer as String ) as String
+ '/// TrimTab
+ '/// <u>Input</u>: the original text
+ '/// Returns the string without &lt;tab&gt;s at the beginning and the end of a string.
+ Dim sInterim as String
+ sInterim = sTrimmer
+ sInterim = lTrimTab ( sInterim )
+ TrimTab = rTrimTab ( sInterim )
+end function
+function lTrimTab ( slTrimmer as String ) as String
+ '/// lTrimTab
+ '/// <u>Input</u>: the original text
+ '/// Returns the string without &lt;tab&gt;s at the beginning.
+ '/// Cuts &lt;Tab's&gt; at the beginning of a string ( left )
+ Dim i, iLen as Integer
+ Dim sInterim as String
+ iLen = len ( slTrimmer )
+ sInterim = slTrimmer
+ for i=1 to iLen
+ if Asc ( left ( sInterim, 1 ) ) = 9 then
+ sInterim = Right ( sInterim, len ( sInterim ) - 1 )
+ else
+ i=iLen+1
+ end if
+ next i
+ lTrimTab = sInterim
+end function
+function rTrimTab ( srTrimmer as String ) as String
+ '/// rTrimTab
+ '/// Input: the original text
+ '/// Returns the string without &lt;tab&gt;s at the end.
+ '/// Cuts &lt;Tab's&gt; at the beginning of a string ( right )
+ Dim i, iLen as Integer
+ Dim sInterim as String
+ iLen = len ( srTrimmer )
+ sInterim = srTrimmer
+ for i=1 to iLen
+ if Asc ( right ( sInterim, 1 ) ) = 9 then
+ sInterim = left ( sInterim, len ( sInterim ) - 1 )
+ else
+ i=iLen+1
+ end if
+ next i
+ rTrimTab = sInterim
+ end function
+function TrimString (Content as String, delim as integer) as String
+ ' Author: Frank Heitbrock (26.07.2002)
+ '/// TrimString
+ '/// <u>Input</u>: The String, the delimiter which should be cut from the string.
+ '/// Returns the String without the delimiter.
+ '/// <u>Example</u>:
+ '///+ Content = &quot;&nbsp;H&nbsp;a&nbsp;l&nbsp;l&nbsp;o&nbsp;&quot;, delim = 32 (ascii for space character)
+ '///+ Return = &quot;Hallo&quot;
+ dim strlen as integer, i as integer, k as integer
+ dim CharBuff(1 to 100) as String
+ dim ResultStr as String
+ ' at first cut the empty strings left and right of the String
+ Content = lTrim(Content)
+ Content = rTrim(Content)
+ ' now we search for all appropriate ascii characters in the middle of the String and delete them
+ strlen = len(Content)
+ k = 1
+ for i = 1 to strlen
+ if mid(Content, i, 1) <> chr(delim) then
+ CharBuff(k) = mid(Content, i, 1)
+ k = k +1
+ end if
+ next i
+ for i = 1 to k
+ ResultStr = ResultStr + CharBuff(i)
+ next i
+ TrimString = ResultStr
+end function
+function ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport ( WhatState as Boolean ) as Boolean
+ ' Author: Thorsten Ziehm
+ '/// ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport
+ '/// <u>Input</u>: TRUE or FALSE
+ '///+ TRUE: The Asian support will be enabled.
+ '///+ FALSE: The Asian support will be disabled.
+ '/// <u>Return:</u>
+ '///+ TRUE/FALSE for the last state of the checkbox in the office UI.
+ ToolsOptions
+ hToolsOptions ( "LanguageSettings", "Languages" )
+ IF Aktivieren.IsEnabled then 'the checkbox is disabled in asian versions
+ ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport = Aktivieren.IsChecked ' the function gets the old state of the checkbox
+ if WhatState = TRUE then
+ try
+ Aktivieren.Check
+ catch
+ endcatch
+ else
+ Aktivieren.UnCheck
+ end if
+ gAsianSup = WhatState ' Set the global variable
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
+ else
+ ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport = TRUE
+ If WhatState = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Deactivating of asian language support is not possible, because it is disabled in cjk versions"
+ end if
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
+ end if
+end function
+function ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport ( WhatState as Boolean ) as Boolean
+ ' Author: Hercule Li (March 2004)
+ '/// ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport
+ '/// <u>Input</u>: TRUE or FALSE
+ '/// TRUE : The CTL will be enabled.
+ '/// FALSE: The CTL will be disabled.
+ '/// <u>Return:</u>
+ '/// TRUE/FALSE for the last state of the checkbox in the office UI.
+ ToolsOptions
+ hToolsOptions ( "LanguageSettings", "Languages" )
+ IF ComplexScriptEnabled.IsEnabled then 'the checkbox is disabled in CTL versions
+ ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport = ComplexScriptEnabled.IsChecked ' the function gets the old state of the checkbox
+ if WhatState = TRUE then
+ ComplexScriptEnabled.Check
+ else
+ ComplexScriptEnabled.UnCheck
+ end if
+ gCTLSup = WhatState ' Set the global variable
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
+ else
+ ActiveDeactivateCTLSupport = TRUE
+ If WhatState = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Deactivating of CTL language support is not possible, because it is disabled in ctl versions"
+ end if
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hCloseDialog( ExtrasOptionenDlg, "ok" )
+ end if
+end function
+function GetDecimalSeperator ( optional sDummy$ ) as String
+ '/// <u>Precondition</u>: Measuring unit has to be set to centimeter (cm) before using this function. (see: fSetMeasurementToCM())
+ '///+ <u>Input</u>: Number with fractionmark from <i>NumericField</i> as string
+ '///+ <u>Output</u>: A dot (.) or a comma (,) as string
+ Dim sCheckForSeparator as string
+ Const cWhereIsThisFunction = " "
+ Dim bDotOrCommaIncluded as boolean
+ 'Setting the determination of a dot or a comma to FALSE until it was successfull.
+ bDotOrCommaIncluded = FALSE
+ if IsMissing(sDummy$) then
+ '/// Opening a new document depending on <i>gApplication</i> value and closing it at the end.
+ Call hNewDocument
+ '/// Tools / Options / (Modul: gApplication) / General tabpage.
+ ToolsOptions
+ '///+ <ol><li>Reading the string of the tabulator numeric field</li>
+ select case gApplication
+ case "WRITER"
+ Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","GENERAL")
+ sCheckForSeparator = Tabulatorenabstand.GetText
+ case "CALC"
+ Call hToolsOptions("CALC","GENERAL")
+ sCheckForSeparator = Tabulator.GetText
+ case "IMPRESS"
+ Call hToolsOptions("IMPRESS","GENERAL")
+ sCheckForSeparator = Tabulatorenabstand.GetText
+ case "DRAW"
+ Call hToolsOptions("DRAW","GENERAL")
+ sCheckForSeparator = Tabulatorenabstand.GetText
+ Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","GENERAL")
+ sCheckForSeparator = Tabulatorenabstand.GetText
+ case "HTML"
+ Call hToolsOptions("WRITER","GENERAL")
+ sCheckForSeparator = Tabulatorenabstand.GetText
+ case else
+ warnlog cWhereIsThisFunction & "For this module ("& gApplication &") no decimal seperator setting exists."
+ end select
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ if Instr(sCheckForSeparator, ",") > 0 then
+ GetDecimalSeperator = ","
+ bDotOrCommaIncluded = TRUE
+ endif
+ if Instr(sCheckForSeparator, ".") > 0 then
+ GetDecimalSeperator = "."
+ bDotOrCommaIncluded = TRUE
+ endif
+ Call hCloseDocument
+ else
+ '///+ <li>or determining the seperator depending on the OPTIONAL value (string).</li></ol>
+ 'Get position of fraction mark / get IT
+ if InStr (sDummy$, ",") > 0 then
+ GetDecimalSeperator = ","
+ bDotOrCommaIncluded = TRUE
+ endif
+ if InStr (sDummy$, ".") > 0 then
+ GetDecimalSeperator = "."
+ bDotOrCommaIncluded = TRUE
+ endif
+ endif
+ '/// If the determination failed the dot will be used (default) as decimal seperator.
+ if bDotOrCommaIncluded = FALSE then
+ warnlog cWhereIsThisFunction & "Unable to determine decimal separator. Setting dot (.) as default."
+ GetDecimalSeperator = "."
+ endif
+ printlog "Info: Decimal Seperator is a '" & GetDecimalSeperator & "'."
+end function
+sub sResetTheOffice as boolean
+ Dim uno
+ Dim ap
+ Dim xViewRoot
+ Dim apara(1) As new
+ Dim temp()
+ Dim i,x as integer
+ Dim sString as string
+ Dim fDeleteList(32000) as string
+ Dim sLanguage as string
+ Dim bError as boolean
+ Dim sDefaultLocale as string
+ Dim sDefaultLocaleCJK as string
+ Dim sDefaultLocaleCTL as string
+ Dim sfgetL10Nvalue as string
+ Dim sLanOutIni as string
+ sString = " "
+ sResetTheOffice = TRUE
+ ' only run on UNIX platforms; there is a problem with the quickstarter on win32
+ if ("unx" = gPlatgroup) then
+ try
+ sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue()
+ catch
+ warnlog sString & "can't get the correct Office-Language!."
+ sResetTheOffice = FALSE
+ Exit sub
+ endcatch
+ uno=hGetUnoService()
+ 'Get UI language
+ try
+ ap=uno.createInstance("")
+ apara(0).Name="nodepath"
+ apara(0).Value="/org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic/General"
+ apara(1).Name="lazywrite"
+ apara(1).Value=False
+ xViewRoot=ap.createInstanceWithArguments("",aPara())
+ sLanguage = sfgetL10Nvalue
+ sDefaultLocale = xViewRoot.getPropertyValue("DefaultLocale")
+ sDefaultLocaleCJK = xViewRoot.getPropertyValue("DefaultLocale_CJK")
+ sDefaultLocaleCTL = xViewRoot.getPropertyValue("DefaultLocale_CTL")
+ printlog "Old UI language: '" + sLanOutIni + "'"
+ printlog "Old default locale: '" + sDefaultLocale + "'"
+ printlog "Old default locale CJK: '" + sDefaultLocaleCJK + "'"
+ printlog "Old default locale CTL: '" + sDefaultLocaleCTL + "'"
+ xViewRoot.dispose()
+ bError = FALSE
+ catch
+ warnlog sString + "Failed to read UI language."
+ bError = TRUE
+ endcatch
+ if NOT bError then
+ 'Close OOo
+ try
+ ' To prevent restarting of OOo, the try/catch is around this and
+ ' to prevent messages about communication errors
+ printlog ResetApplication
+ FileExit "SynchronMode", TRUE
+ try
+ ' It is no error, if this fails - so it gets its own try/catch
+ kontext
+ if active.exists(5) then
+ 'discard changes
+ endif
+ catch
+ endcatch
+ bError = FALSE
+ catch
+ warnlog sString + "Failed to close OOo."
+ bError = TRUE
+ endcatch
+ sleep 10 'To wait until OOo is realy away
+ endif
+ 'only act, if no error and if language <> ''
+ if (NOT bError AND sLanguage <> "") then
+ 'Remove user directory
+ try
+ if (right(gOfficePath,1)=gPathSigne) then
+ 'Dir doesn't work, is a path singe is at the end
+ gOfficePath = left(gOfficePath,len(gOfficePath)-1)
+ endif
+ printlog "Going to delete directory: '" + gOfficePath + "'"
+ if (dir(gOfficePath) = "") then
+ qaErrorlog "Directory is already deleted."
+ else
+ rmDir (gOfficePath)
+ if (dir(gOfficePath) <> "") then
+ warnlog "Directory wasn't deleted."
+ endif
+ endif
+ bError = FALSE
+ catch
+ warnlog sString + "Failed to delete user directory."
+ bError = TRUE
+ endcatch
+ endif
+ 'Start OOo and restore language
+ 'Needs only to be done, if UI language wasn't the default (!= "")
+ if ((sLanguage & sDefaultLocale & sDefaultLocaleCJK & sDefaultLocaleCTL) <> "") then
+ try
+ hStartTheOffice
+ Call hDisableQuickstarter
+ 'Here we need the Exit from a running Quickstarter...
+ Call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ uno=hGetUnoService()
+ ap=uno.createInstance("")
+ apara(0).Name="nodepath"
+ apara(0).Value="/org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic/General"
+ apara(1).Name="lazywrite"
+ apara(1).Value=False
+ xViewRoot=ap.createInstanceWithArguments("",aPara())
+ if (sLanOutIni <> "") then
+ printlog "Old UI language: '" + sLanOutIni + "'"
+ xViewRoot.setPropertyValue("UILocale", sLanOutIni)
+ xViewRoot.commitChanges()
+ endif
+ if (sDefaultLocale <> "") then
+ printlog "Old default locale: '" + sDefaultLocale + "'"
+ xViewRoot.setPropertyValue("DefaultLocale", sDefaultLocale)
+ xViewRoot.commitChanges()
+ endif
+ if (sDefaultLocaleCJK <> "") then
+ printlog "Old default locale CJK: '" + sDefaultLocaleCJK + "'"
+ xViewRoot.setPropertyValue("DefaultLocale_CJK", sDefaultLocaleCJK)
+ xViewRoot.commitChanges()
+ endif
+ if (sDefaultLocaleCTL <> "") then
+ printlog "Old default locale CTL: '" + sDefaultLocaleCTL + "'"
+ xViewRoot.setPropertyValue("DefaultLocale_CTL", sDefaultLocaleCTL)
+ xViewRoot.commitChanges()
+ endif
+ if xViewRoot.hasPendingChanges() then
+ warnlog(sFileFunction+"Changes still pending...")
+ endif
+ xViewRoot.dispose()
+ catch
+ warnlog sString + "Failed to set UI language."
+ exit sub
+ endcatch
+ endif
+ Call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ endif
+end sub
+sub raiseApplication
+ ' Try to solve focus problem on MacOS X; After calling this function, OOo should be most front;
+ dim iCurrentDir as integer
+ dim iNumberOfHits as integer : iNumberOfHits = 0
+ dim iDirPosition as integer
+ dim tBundle as string
+ dim aPath ' string array with dynamic itemcount, intended.
+ ' Calling just the .app with open on MacOS X via shell command
+ if ( lcase( gPlatform ) = "osx" ) then
+ ' Split the path into its components
+ aPath = split(gNetzOfficePath, gPathSigne)
+ ' make sure 'Contents' is just one time in path
+ for iCurrentDir = 0 to uBound(aPath)
+ if "Contents" = aPath( iCurrentDir ) then iNumberOfHits = iNumberOfHits + 1
+ next iCurrentDir
+ ' exit if not
+ if ( iNumberOfHits <> 1 ) then exit sub
+ iDirPosition = inStr( gNetzOfficePath, "Contents" )
+ tBundle = left( gNetzOfficePath, iDirPosition - 2 )
+ shell( "open", 1, tBundle, true )
+ end if
+end sub