path: root/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
index 7f0993d09df5..f46c75f3e497 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
@@ -84,6 +84,165 @@ testcase tiToolsSpellcheckCheck_AlwaysIgnore
printlog " added word is in dictionary: '" + Buch.getSelText + "'"
end if
+ sleep 2
+ PrintLog "- Spellcheck with correct text"
+ select case iSprache
+ case 01 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a text without any error.<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ case 33 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("Il nous faut donc un de temps pour examiner avec soin tous les dossiers.<Return>",10,10,70,20)
+ case 34 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("Este es un chico muy importante.",10,10,50,20)
+ case 36 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("akit a b�r�s�g vagy a szab�lys�rt�si hat�s�g a eltiltott",10,10,70,20)
+ case 39 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("La ringraziamo per l'interesse mostrato a collaborare con la firma.<Return>",10,10,70,20)
+ case 46 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("Det varierar vad som behandlas och ur vilket perspektiv.<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ case 49 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("Dies ist ein Text ohne Fehler.<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ case 50 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("To je besedilo brez napake.<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ case 55 : hTextrahmenErstellen ("Esta poderia ser a resposta para suas preces?<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ case else :
+ if bAsianLan then
+ printlog "For the language " + iSprache +" nothing is prepared yet, but is AsianLan, so OK :-) will use english instaed"
+ ' there was smth wrong, try to find out :
+ kontext
+ if active.exists then
+ printlog "ERROR: active: '"+active.gettext+"'"
+ active.ok
+ end if
+ hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a text without any error.<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ else
+ Warnlog "For the language " + iSprache +" nothing is prepared yet: insert text here"
+ hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a text without any error.<Return>",10,10,50,20)
+ end if
+ end select
+ ToolsSpellcheck
+ WaitSlot (2000)
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if active.exists(5) then
+ printlog "Message: spellchecking has finished?: '" + active.gettext + "'"
+ Active.OK
+ else
+ errorLog "Spellcheck started :"
+ Kontext "Spellcheck"
+ if Spellcheck.exists then
+ errorlog " - spellcheck came up and will be closed now"
+ Spellcheck.Close
+ else
+ printlog "spellcheck didn't come up"
+ end if
+ end if
+ WaitSlot (2000)
+ Call hCloseDocument
+endcase 'tiToolsSpellcheckCorrect
+testcase tiToolsSpellcheckError
+ if iSprache = 48 then
+ qaerrorlog "This test is not adapted for polish, 48."
+ got endsub
+ endif
+ Dim Fehler$
+ Dim Sprachenname$
+ Dim Dummy$
+ Dim FehlerText$
+ Dim i as integer
+ printlog "New document"
+ Call hNewDocument
+ printlog "Selecting language case: " & iSprache
+ select case iSprache
+ case 01 : FehlerText$ = "Thatt is a failure test." : Fehler$ = "Thatt" : Sprachenname$ = "English (US)"
+ case 34 : FehlerText$ = "Ezte es un chico muy importante." : Fehler$ = "Ezte" : Sprachenname$ = "Niederlaendisch"
+ case 33 : FehlerText$ = "Ler nous faut donc un de temps pour examiner." : Fehler$ = "Ler" : Sprachenname$ = "Franzoesisch"
+ case 36 : FehlerText$ = "Boszniai americkai kontingens háromnegyedesek – mintegy négyezer katona – magyarországi telepítése egy éven belül megtörténhet" : Fehler$ = "tellepítésel" : Sprachenname$ = "Ungarisch"
+ case 39 : FehlerText$ = "Ringrarziamo per l'interessa mostrato a collaborare con la firma." : Fehler$ = "Ringrarziamo" : Sprachenname$ = "Italienisch"
+ case 46 : FehlerText$ = "Detd varierar vad som behandlas och ur vilket perspektiv." : Fehler$ = "Detd" : Sprachenname$ = "Schwedisch"
+ case 49 : FehlerText$ = "Diees ist ein Fehler." : Fehler$ = "Diees" : Sprachenname$ = "Deutsch"
+ case 50 : FehlerText$ = "Toje napaka, ker manjka presledek." : Fehler$ = "Toje" : Sprachenname$ = "Slovenš?ina"
+ case 55 : FehlerText$ = "Eesta poderia ser a resposta para suas preces?": Fehler$ = "Eesta" : Sprachenname$ = "Portugiesisch"
+ case else :
+ if bAsianLan then
+ printlog "For the language " + iSprache +" nothing is prepared yet, but is AsianLan, so OK :-) using english"
+ FehlerText$ = "Thatt is a failure test."
+ Fehler$ = "Thatt"
+ Sprachenname$ = "English (US)"
+ call hSetSpellHypLanguage
+ else
+ Warnlog "For the language " + iSprache +" nothing is prepared yet: insert text here"
+ end if
+ end select
+ printlog "Error Text taken for testing is: " & FehlerText$
+ sleep 2
+ printlog "Delete ignore word list"
+ if (not wIgnorierenlisteLoeschen) then
+ qaErrorLog "Can't get into Dictionary lists"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "Setting doc language to english"
+ ToolsOptions
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ hToolsOptions("LANGUAGESETTINGS","Languages")
+ Westlich.Select 34
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+ printlog "Create 1 textbox with 1 spelling error (test replace always)"
+ hTextrahmenErstellen (FehlerText$,30,30,90,40)
+ hTypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ printlog "Call 'Tools->Spellcheck->Check'"
+ ToolsSpellcheck
+ printlog "Spellcheck dialog has to come up, wrong word is selected."
+ Kontext "Spellcheck"
+ if Spellcheck.Exists then
+ printlog "There has to be at least ONE suggestion."
+ if (Suggestions.GetItemCount < 1) then
+ printlog "If no suggestion avilable:"
+ warnlog " - no suggestion for the language: "+DictionaryLanguage.GetSelIndex+" '"+DictionaryLanguage.GetSelText+"' , press check button..."
+ printlog "+ press button 'Check word'"
+ if (Suggestions.GetItemCount < 1) then
+ warnlog " STILL no suggestions :-( errors will follow "
+ else
+ printlog " - now suggestion for the language: "+DictionaryLanguage.GetSelIndex+" '"+DictionaryLanguage.GetSelText+"'" + Suggestions.GetItemCount
+ end if
+ end if
+ Dummy$=Suggestions.GetItemText (1)
+ printlog "Select first spellcheck suggestion (click it!)."
+ Suggestions.Select (1)
+ printlog "Check if textfield 'word' has changed to selected word."
+ if (Suggestions.GetSelText <> Dummy$) Then
+ Warnlog "Suggestion not used"
+ else
+ Printlog "Suggestion is used"
+ end if
+ sleep 1
+ kontext "Spellcheck"
+ printlog "click button 'Always replace'"
+ ChangeAll.Click
+ printlog "spellcheck dialog has to disappear and"
+ printlog "There has to come up only one active: 'Spellcheck of entire document has been completed [OK]'"
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists(5) then
+ Printlog "Message: Spellchecking has finished?: '" + active.gettext + "'"
+ Active.OK
+ else
+ Printlog "'Change All' seems to have worked correctly."
+ Kontext "Spellcheck"
+ Spellcheck.Close
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if active.exists(5) then
+ Printlog "Spellcheck dialog closed'" + active.gettext + "'"
+ Active.OK
+ else
+ Printlog "Spellcheck dialog closed'"
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ Warnlog " Error not recognized by the Spellchecker"
+ if active.exists(5) then
+ Kontext "Active"
+ printlog "Message: spellchecking has finished?: '" + active.gettext + "'"
+ Active.OK
+ end if
+ end if
printlog "Close dialog 'Edit Custom Dictionary'."
@@ -173,8 +332,6 @@ endcase
testcase tiToolsSpellcheckCheck_ChangeAll
Dim sExt as string
Dim sRightWord as String
Dim sWrongWord as string
@@ -218,11 +375,6 @@ testcase tiToolsSpellcheckCheck_ChangeAll
Call hCloseDocument
function delete_all_added_words(aWords)
@@ -232,7 +384,44 @@ function delete_all_added_words(aWords)
Dim iWordCounter as integer
Dim iBooks as integer
- Printlog "Delete the given words from dictionaries."
+ Select Case Ucase(gApplication)
+ case "DRAW" : sExt = ".odg"
+ case "IMPRESS" : sExt = ".odp"
+ end select
+ printlog "Load prepared document containing 4 errors : graphics\\required\\input\\recht_" & iSprache & sExt
+ if (not bAsianLan) then
+ printlog "Check if the document is writable."
+ Call hFileOpen (gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\recht_"+iSprache+sExt)
+ else
+ Call hFileOpen (gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\recht_1"+sExt)
+ end if
+ if fIsDocumentWritable = false then
+ printlog "Make the document writable and check if it's succesfull."
+ if fMakeDocumentWritable = false then
+ warnlog "The document can't be make writeable. Test stopped."
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ end if
+ select case iSprache ' sWord(1)=red : sWord(2)=turquoise
+ case 01 : sWord(1) = "documente" : sWord(2) = "expriss"
+ case 33 : sWord(1) = "intercu" : sWord(2) = "Lees"
+ case 34 : sWord(1) = "afekto" : sWord(2) = "fratternal"
+ case 36 : sWord(1) = "szeerint" : sWord(2) = "tervvezi"
+ case 39 : sWord(1) = "Millano" : sWord(2) = "tarrget"
+ case 46 : sWord(1) = "desa" : sWord(2) = "occh"
+ case 49 : sWord(1) = "Texxt" : sWord(2) = "reichtt"
+ case 50 : sWord(1) = "Bsedilo" : sWord(2) = "zados?a"
+ case 55 : sWord(1) = "esktava" : sWord(2) = "noitee"
+ case else :
+ if bAsianLan then
+ sWord(1) = "documente" : sWord(2) = "expriss"
+ else
+ Warnlog "For the language " + iSprache +" nothing is prepared yet: insert text here and create the file"
+ end if
+ end select
+ sleep 2
printlog "Call Tools->Options."
printlog "Select in category 'Languagesettings' entry 'Writing Aids.'"