path: root/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0662b3412ba7..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* owner :
-'* short description : Checking all gallery themes
-' #1 tLoad100GalleryGraphicFiles 'Inserting 100 gallery graphics and checking the sizes
-' #1 tCheckAllGalleryGraphicFiles 'Checking the size ( > 0 Byte ) of all gallery-files.
-' #1 tInsertGalleryObjects 'Inserting random objects via contextmenu-insert-copy.
-' #0 LoadGraphic
-' #0 CheckGraphic
-' #0 makeNumOutOfText
-' #1 tSettingsToCM 'Measurement unit for textdocuments to cm
-' #1 tResetSettings 'Resetting the measurement unit for textdocuments.
-testcase tSettingsToCM
- printlog " Setting the measurement unit for textdocuments to cm."
- printlog " +Tools / options / text documents / general"
- ExitRestartTheOffice
- WaitSlot (10000)
- Call hNewDocument
- ToolsOptions
- hToolsOptions ( "WRITER", "General" )
- iSaveSetting = Masseinheit.GetSelIndex
- Masseinheit.Select 2
- Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tLoad100GalleryGraphicFiles
- '/// Inserting all gallery graphics in a Writer document and checking the sizes.
- Dim lsFiles (3000) as String
- Dim lsGraphics (3000) as String
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim y as Integer
- Dim t as Integer
- Dim iCount as Integer
- Dim corLoad as Boolean
- Dim x as boolean
- '/// Geting all installed gallery objects out of the installation in a list.
- if gNetzInst = TRUE then
- GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficeBasisPath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () )
- else
- GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () )
- end if
- call GetOnlyGraphics ( lsFiles (), lsGraphics() )
- iCount = ListCount ( lsGraphics() )
- printlog " We have " + iCount + " graphics in the gallery."
- '/// + Open a new document
- call hNewDocument
- for i = 1 to 100
- for y = 1 to 1
- randomize
- t = Int((iCount*Rnd))
- if (t<1) then 'just so we get it between 1 and the amount of items.
- y = y - 1
- end if
- next y
- corLoad = FALSE
- try
- '/// <i>Loop begin</i>
- '/// + Inserting all gallery files and checking the sizes
- '/// +- Iinsert / graphic / from file
- '/// +- Check the size in 'format / graphics' on the <i>Type</i> tabpage
- '/// +-- The size should noz be smaler than 17*25cm / photos 21*25cm
- '/// + Deleting the graphic with &lt;delete&gt; of the keyboard
- '/// <i>Loop ends</i>
- x = LoadGraphic ( lsGraphics(t), corLoad )
- printlog
- catch
- ExceptLog
- if corLoad = FALSE then
- warnlog "Problems with " + lsGraphics(t)
- ResetApplication
- call hNewDocument
- end if
- endcatch
- if (not x) then
- printlog " Tested nr: " + t + " : " + lsGraphics(t)
- end if
- next i
- '/// Close the gallery ///'
- ToolsGallery
- WaitSlot (2000)
- '/// Close the document ///'
- call hCloseDocument
-endcase 'tLoadAllGalleryGraphicFiles
-testcase tCheckAllGalleryGraphicFiles
-'/// Checking the filesize of all gallery graphics.
- Dim lsFiles (3000) as String
- Dim lsGraphics (3000) as String
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim y as Integer
- Dim t as Integer
- Dim iCount as Integer
- Dim corLoad as Boolean
- Dim x as boolean
- '/// Geting all installed gallery objects out of the installation in a list.
- if gNetzInst = TRUE then
- GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficeBasisPath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () )
- else
- GetAllFileList ( ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "share\gallery\" ), "*.*", lsFiles () )
- end if
- call GetOnlyGraphics ( lsFiles (), lsGraphics() )
- iCount = ListCount ( lsGraphics() )
- printlog " We have " + iCount + " graphics in the gallery."
- '/// Open a new document
- call hNewDocument
- for i=1 to iCount
- corLoad = FALSE
- try
- '/// <i>Loop begin</i>
- '///+ Inserting all gallery files and checking the sizes
- '///+- Iinsert / graphic / from file
- '///+- Check the size in 'format / graphics' on the <i>Type</i> tabpage
- '///+-- The size should noz be smaler than 17*25cm / photos 21*25cm
- '///+ Deleting the graphic with &lt;delete&gt; of the keyboard
- '/// <i>Loop ends</i>
- x = CheckGraphic ( lsGraphics(i), corLoad )
- catch
- ExceptLog
- if corLoad = FALSE then
- warnlog "Problems with " + lsGraphics(i)
- ResetApplication
- call hNewDocument
- end if
- endcatch
- if (not x) then
- printlog " Tested nr: " + i + " : " + lsGraphics(i)
- end if
- next i
- '/// Close the gallery ///'
- ToolsGallery
- WaitSlot (2000)
- '/// Close the document ///'
- call hCloseDocument
-endcase 'tLoadAllGalleryGraphicFiles
-testcase tInsertGalleryObjects
- Dim lsFiles (3000) as String
- Dim lsGraphics (3000) as String
- Dim CountOfThemes
- Dim HowManyItems as Integer
- Dim WhichOne as Integer
- Dim CountOfItems as Integer
- Dim ct as Integer
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim d as Integer
- Dim iCount as Integer
- Dim corLoad, x as Boolean
- '/// 1. Select theme ///'
- call hNewDocument
- call hOpenGallery
- kontext "Gallery"
- CountOfThemes = Gallerys.GetItemCount
- for ct = 1 to CountOfThemes
- Gallerys.Select ct
- printlog " Selected Gallery-Theme nr: " + ct + ": " + Gallerys.GetSelText
- kontext "Gallery"
- CountOfItems = View.GetItemCount()
- '/// 2. Choose if we should test 3,4 or 5 objects. ///'
- for d = 1 to 1
- randomize
- HowManyItems=Int((5*Rnd)+(3*Rnd))
- if CountOfItems = 0 then
- QaErrorLog " There were no objects in the the gallery-theme on position: " + ct
- else
- if (HowManyItems<3) then 'just so we get it between 3 and 5.
- d = d - 1
- else
- printlog " Will now select and copy " + HowManyItems + " items from this Theme."
- end if
- for i = 1 to HowManyItems
- '/// 3. Select the objects ///'
- for x = 1 to 1
- randomize
- WhichOne=Int(CountOfItems*RND) '(5*Rnd)+(CountOfItems*Rnd))
- if (WhichOne<1) then 'just so we get it between 1 and the amount of items. '>(CountOfItems + 1)) OR (WhichOne<1) then '
- x = x - 1
- end if
- next x
- printlog " Will copy object nr: " + WhichOne
- View.Mousemove (1,1)
- View.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
- View.TypeKeys "<RIGHT>", (WhichOne)
- kontext "GraphicObjectBar"
- if GraphicObjectBar.Exists then
- if GraphicObjectBar.IsDocked = False then GraphicObjectBar.Dock
- end if
- kontext "Gallery"
- sleep (1)
- View.TypeKeys("<shift f10>")
- sleep (1)
- try
- dim number as integer
- number = MenuGetItemCount
- if (number > 2) AND (number < 10) then
- '/// 4. Copy the selected item into our document. ///'
- hMenuSelectNr (1) 'Insert
- hMenuSelectNr (1) 'As Copy
- sleep (1)
- else
- Warnlog " The contextmenu came up, but the number of entries were strange."
- printlog " Number of entries:" + number
- MenuSelect(0)
- end if
- catch
- warnlog " A contextmenu didnt come up for the gallery-theme on position: " + ct
- i = HowManyItems
- endcatch
- '/// 5. Repeat 3.-5. until 2. is fulfilled. ///'
- next i
- end if 'if the theme didnt have any objects, we landed here.
- next d
- '/// 6. Change Theme. ///'
- '/// 7. Repeat 2. - 8. until all themes are done. ///'
- next ct
- Kontext "Gallery"
- if Gallery.Exists(2) then
- ToolsGallery
- WaitSlot (2000)
- end if
- '/// Remove the last copied object. ///'
- hTypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- call hCloseDocument
-endcase 'tInsertGalleryObjects
-testcase tResetSettings
- printlog "Resetting the measurement unit for textdocuments."
- printlog "+Tools / options / text documents / general"
- call hNewDocument
- ToolsOptions
- hToolsOptions ( "WRITER", "General" )
- Masseinheit.Select iSaveSetting
- Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
- ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
- call hCloseDocument
-endcase 'tResetSettings