path: root/testautomation/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/tools')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/tools/run_tests/run_tests.vbs b/testautomation/tools/run_tests/run_tests.vbs
index ad943243a4bc..963e60c3c584 100755
--- a/testautomation/tools/run_tests/run_tests.vbs
+++ b/testautomation/tools/run_tests/run_tests.vbs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
@@ -23,6 +22,89 @@
' <>
' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+' Owner :
+' short description : run several testscripts on windows
+' - list of scripts to run is read from stdin
+' - this script has been tested on WindowsXP and may run on Win2003
+' and Windows Vista
+' - the script does *not* Support Win9x / WinME or WindowsNT
+' - before you start the script set sLocation and sTestTool
+' - run this script with:
+' cscript.exe runtests.vbs <list_of_testscripts
+' set location of testscripts (the 'qatesttool' directory)
+sLocation = "c:\testautomation\"
+' set location of TestTool
+' (full path including executable 'testtool.exe')
+sTestTool = "c:\Testtool\testtool.exe"
+'--- the main script starts here ---
+Dim oFSO ' AS FileSystemObject
+Dim oStdIn ' As TextStream
+Dim WshShell ' as WScript.Shell
+Dim oExec ' as WshExec
+Dim sKill ' as Killcommand for soffic.* process '06.11.2009 Florian Bircher (
+' get Objects for Scripting
+Set oFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+Set oStdIn = WScript.StdIn
+Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
+'--- platform specific settings
+' Read Environment and do Windows Version specific stuff
+' nothing done yet
+' Begin 06.11.2009 Florian Bircher (
+' Change due Windows 7 does not have tskill
+' Selecting Terminatig Process
+sTaskKill = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(SystemFolder) & "\system32\taskkill.exe"
+sTsKill = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(SystemFolder) & "\system32\tskill.exe"
+If oFSO.FileExists(sTaskKill) Then
+ sKill = sTaskKill & " /IM soffice* /T /F"
+ WScript.Echo "Using taskkill to kill soffice"
+ If oFSO.FileExists(sTsKill) Then
+ sKill = sTsKill & " soffice*"
+ WScript.Echo "Using tskill to kill soffice"
+ Else
+ WScript.Echo "taskkill.exe or tskill.exe not found."
+ WScript.Echo "Check if they exist in %Windows%\system32\"
+ WScript.Quit 1
+ End If
+End If
+' End 06.11.2009 Florian Bircher (
+'--- if sLocation is not set manuall try to get the location form testtoolrc
+If not oFSO.FolderExists(sLocation) Then
+ '--- Read Location from testtool.ini
+ WScript.Echo "Read Location from testtool.ini - not implemented yet"
+End If
+'--- set location of close-office file
+' (see cvs)
+sExitOfficeBas = sLocation & "global\tools\resetoffice.bas"
+'--- if sTestTool is not set manuall try to get the location form testtoolrc
+If not oFSO.FileExists(sTestTool) Then
+ '--- Read testtool path from testtool.ini
+ WScript.Echo "Read testtool path from testtool.ini - not implemented yet"
+End If
WScript.Echo "****************************************************"
WScript.Echo "************ STARTING ************"
WScript.Echo "****************************************************"
@@ -59,7 +141,7 @@ While Not oStdIn.AtEndOfStream
' *************-> killed in resetoffice.bas)
' *************-> 2009/07/06
' *************-> wolfgang pechlaner (
- WshShell.Run "tskill soffice", 1, true
+ WshShell.Run sKill, 1, true '06.11.2009 Florian Bircher (
WScript.Sleep 1000
sTestCase = oStdIn.ReadLine
@@ -75,7 +157,7 @@ While Not oStdIn.AtEndOfStream
WScript.Echo " File not found"
' first run is the real test ...
- Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("""" & sTestTool & """ & -run & """ & sTest & """" )
+ Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("""" & sTestTool & """ -run """ & sTest & """" )
WScript.Sleep 1000
If oExec.Status = 0 Then