path: root/testautomation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation')
15 files changed, 228 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/
index 9af9abb7b69d..aa6fe69e2617 100755
--- a/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/extensions/optional/includes/
@@ -56,15 +56,16 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
cBasePath = convertpath( cBasePath )
' Modify this file to add test cases or attributes
- dim cInfoFile as string
- cinfoFile = cBasePath & ""
+ dim cInfoFile as string : cinfoFile = cBasePath & ""
' The number of files to test. Information about this is stored in the file
' specified by cInfoFile
dim iFileCount as integer
dim iCurrentFile as integer
- dim iExitCounter as integer
dim iExtensionCount as integer
+ dim iExitCounter as integer
+ dim iCurrentExtensionCount as integer : iCurrentExtensionCount = 0
+ dim iTry as integer
' This is the data we get from the configuration file
dim cCurrentFileName as string
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
dim cConfigArray( 60 ) as string
dim cTestString as string
+ dim bInstallationComplete as boolean : bInstallationComplete = false
iExtensionCount = hGetExtensionCount()
@@ -85,6 +87,9 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
hGetDataFileSection( cInfoFile, cConfigArray(), "info", "", "" )
iFileCount = int( hGetValueForKeyAsString( cConfigArray() , "filecount" ) )
printlog( cInfoFile & " specifies " & iFileCount & " documents to load" )
+ iExtensionCount = iExtensionCount + iFileCount
+ printlog( "Expected number of extensions after installation: " & iExtensionCount )
printlog( "Installing extensions" )
for iCurrentFile = 1 to iFileCount
@@ -93,41 +98,51 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
cCurrentFileName = hGetValueForKeyAsString( cConfigArray() , "file" )
cCurrentFileName = cBasePath & cCurrentFileName
sExtensionCLI( "add" , cCurrentFileName )
- WaitSlot( 5000 )
+ wait 1000 ' This is required, sExtensionCLI is asynchronous.
next iCurrentFile
- printlog( "Finished installing extensions" )
+ printlog( "Finished installing extensions, now verifying..." )
+ hNewDocument()
+ ToolsPackageManager
kontext "PackageManager"
- if ( not PackageManager.exists() ) then
- ToolsPackageManager
- kontext "PackageManager"
- if ( PackageManager.exists( 2 ) ) then
- printlog( "Extension Manager UI has been opened" )
- else
- warnlog( "Failed to open Extension Manager UI" )
+ if ( PackageManager.exists( 3 ) ) then
+ for iTry = 1 to 30
+ iCurrentExtensionCount = BrowsePackages.getItemCount()
+ if ( iCurrentExtensionCount = iExtensionCount ) then
+ printlog( "All extensions have been installed, good." )
+ bInstallationComplete = true
+ exit for
+ endif
+ printlog( "Waiting for listbox: Number of extensions: " & iCurrentExtensionCount )
+ next iTry
+ ' If one or more extensions have not been added to the list we better abort the
+ ' test as the remaining parts need all extensions to be installed causing
+ ' lots of cryptig errors to appear in the log.
+ if ( not bInstallationComplete ) then
+ warnlog( "Not all extensions have been installed. Aborting test." )
+ kontext "PackageManager"
+ if ( PackageManager.exists() ) then
+ PackageManager.cancel()
+ PackageManager.notExists( 2 )
+ endif
goto endsub
- warnlog( "#i84786# Unopkg processes block UI" )
+ warnlog( "The Extension Manager did not open, Aborting test" )
goto endsub
- iExitCounter = 0
- kontext "PackageManager"
- WaitSlot()
- do while ( BrowsePackages.getItemCount() < ( iExtensionCount + iFileCount ) )
- printlog( "Waiting for Extensions List to populate..." )
- Wait( 1000 )
- iExitCounter = iExitCounter + 1
- if ( iExitCounter = 30 ) then
- kontext "PackageManager"
- PackageManager.cancel()
- goto endsub
- endif
- loop
kontext "PackageManager"
+ printlog( "Going for the update-dialog" )
if ( Updates.isEnabled() ) then
printlog( "Updates-button is enabled" )
@@ -142,11 +157,14 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
wait( 1000 )
iExitCounter = iExitCounter + 1
if ( iExitCounter = 200 ) then
- warnlog( "Update list for extensions is stalled (expected: 7), found: " & AvailableUpdatesList.getItemCount() )
+ warnlog( "Update list for extensions is stalled (expected: 7), " & _
+ "found: " & AvailableUpdatesList.getItemCount() )
kontext "ExtensionUpdate"
+ ExtensionUpdate.notExists( 2 )
kontext "PackageManager"
+ PackageManager.notExists( 2 )
goto endsub
@@ -246,6 +264,7 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
kontext "ExtensionUpdate"
+ ExtensionUpdate.notExists( 2 )
warnlog( "Extension Update dialog is not open" )
@@ -256,6 +275,7 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
kontext "PackageManager"
+ PackageManager.notExists( 2 )
printlog( "Removing extensions" )
for iCurrentFile = 1 to iFileCount
@@ -264,6 +284,8 @@ testcase tExtensionPublisher
sExtensionCLI( "remove" , cCurrentFileName )
next iCurrentFile
printlog( "Finished removing extensions" )
+ hFileCloseAll()
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
index 7d94c3e9b1e3..8a8d306d4b42 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
'* <>
'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
'* owner :
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ testcase tDeleteModulesAtRunningBasic
dim brc as boolean
const MAX_WAIT = 3000
+ dim iMenuItemCount as integer
printlog( "Open a new writer-doc" )
gApplication = "WRITER"
Call hNewDocument()
- printlog( "Create a new module " )
+ printlog( "Open the BASIC Organizer" )
brc = hOpenBasicOrganizerFromDoc()
if ( not brc ) then
warnlog( "Unable to open BASIC organizer for the document" )
goto endsub
+ printlog( "Create a new module for the current document" )
brc = hCreateModuleForDoc()
if ( not brc ) then
warnlog( "Unable to create a basic module for the document" )
@@ -82,15 +82,14 @@ testcase tDeleteModulesAtRunningBasic
- if ( hMenuItemGetCount() = 5 ) then
- warnlog( "#i101972# - Disabled entries are shown in context menu on tab bar" )
- end if
- if ( hMenuItemGetCount() = 3 ) then
- warnlog( "Delete is active in context menu for a running macro => BUG!" )
- end if
+ iMenuItemCount = hMenuItemGetCount()
+ select case ( iMenuItemCount )
+ case 2 : printlog( "Correct number of items in menu: " & iMenuItemCount )
+ case 3 : warnlog ( "Delete is active in context menu for a running macro => BUG!" )
+ case 5 : warnlog ( "#i101972# - Disabled entries are shown in context menu on tab bar" )
+ default : warnlog ( "Incorrect itemcount in context menu: " & iMenuItemCount )
+ end select
warnlog( "Unable to retrieve the number of menuitems" )
@@ -104,8 +103,7 @@ testcase tDeleteModulesAtRunningBasic
warnlog( "Slot not finished, timeout reached" )
- Call hCloseDocument()
- Call hCloseDocument()
+ Call hFileCloseAll()
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
index f286caf2ed27..ca70e0c445ed 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
'* <>
'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
'* owner :
@@ -41,12 +41,8 @@ private const IDOCS = 5
testcase tBasicDocuments
- qaerrorlog( "#i90435# Untitled documents unnumbered in BASIC organizer" )
- goto endsub
const CFN = "tBasicDocuments::"
dim brc as boolean
dim sFileWriter as string
dim sFileCalc as string
@@ -61,61 +57,66 @@ testcase tBasicDocuments
' in the Macro Organizer
const DOC_NAME = "basic"
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Set macro security level to medium" )
+ printlog( "Open one single unchanged Writer document" )
kontext "DocumentWriter"
DocumentWriter.typeKeys( "tBasicDocuments - initial document - discard after test" )
gApplication = "WRITER"
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Create a Writer workfilename (build path and filename)" )
brc = hCreateBasicWorkFiles()
sFileWriter = hGetBasicWorkFile( "current" )
gApplication = "CALC"
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Create a Calc workfilename (build path and filename)" )
brc = hCreateBasicWorkFiles()
sFileCalc = hGetBasicWorkFile( "current" )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Open the writer file" )
brc = hFileOpen( sFileWriter )
brc = hAllowMacroExecution()
if ( not brc ) then
warnlog( "Missing Macro execution dialog. Please check the file/security settings" )
+ printlog( "Open the Calc file" )
brc = hFileOpen( sFileCalc )
brc = hAllowMacroExecution()
if ( not brc ) then
warnlog( "Missing Macro execution dialog. Please check the file/security settings" )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Open the BASIC organizer" )
brc = hOpenBasicOrganizerFromDoc()
+ printlog( "Retreive the names of all nodes from the treelist" )
hGetVisibleNodeNames( MakroAus , cNodeListA() )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Verify that both documents are listed - one Writer, one Calc with identical names" )
iHitCount = hCountMatchesInList( cNodeListA() , DOC_NAME )
if ( iHitCount <> 2 ) then
warnlog( "There should be two documents with the name " & DOC_NAME & "listed." )
+ printlog( "Click Manage..." )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Get the nodes list from the object organizer tabs - first tab" )
brc = hSelectBasicObjectOrganizerTab( 1 )
ListAllDelete( cNodeListB() )
hGetVisibleNodeNames( ModulListe , cNodeListB() )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Verify that both documents are listed on both relevant tabpages" )
iHitCount = hCountMatchesInList( cNodeListA() , DOC_NAME )
if ( iHitCount <> 2 ) then
warnlog( "There should be two documents with the name " & DOC_NAME & "listed." )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Switch to second tab" )
brc = hSelectBasicObjectOrganizerTab( 2 )
ListAllDelete( cNodeListB() )
hGetVisibleNodeNames( ModuleList , cNodeListB() )
@@ -124,34 +125,33 @@ testcase tBasicDocuments
hListPrint( cNodeListB() , "List of objects found in treelist" )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Verify" )
iHitCount = hCountMatchesInList( cNodeListB() , DOC_NAME )
if ( iHitCount <> 2 ) then
warnlog( "There should be two documents with the name " & DOC_NAME & "listed." )
- printlog( "" )
+ printlog( "Third tab (should not list the document" )
brc = hSelectBasicObjectOrganizerTab( 3 )
brc = hTestLibraryListBox( cNodeListA() )
- printlog( "" )
printlog( CFN & "Closing dialogs..." )
+ printlog( "Cleanup: Close macro organizer" )
Kontext "Makro"
- brc = hDestroyDocument()
- brc = hDestroyDocument()
+ printlog( "Cleanup: Close all files" )
+ hFileCloseAll()
+ printlog( "Cleanup: Remove workfiles" )
brc = hDeleteFile( sFileWriter )
brc = hDeleteFile( sFileCalc )
+ printlog( "Rest macro security level" )
- hDestroyDocument()
@@ -160,15 +160,11 @@ function hTestLibraryListBox( cNodeList() ) as boolean
const CFN = "hTestLibraryListBox::"
dim iEntry as integer
dim cEntry as string
- dim brc as boolean
+ dim brc as boolean : brc = true
dim irc as integer
- brc = true
if ( bibliothek.getItemCount() <> IDOCS ) then
warnlog( CFN & "Incorrect number of items in listbox" )
printlog( CFN & "Expected: " & bibliothek.getItemCount() )
@@ -192,5 +188,4 @@ function hTestLibraryListBox( cNodeList() ) as boolean
next iEntry
end function
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
index ba00b1c3e0ca..f3a78f8b3037 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
@@ -37,22 +37,19 @@
-' Concept
-' The usage tracking functionality is disabled during test init.
-' Configuration is done in Tools/Options. There a tabpage must exist that
-' offers the functionality to enable/disable tracking and to show what has
-' logged.
private const LOGFILE = "user\temp\Feedback\Current.csv"
testcase tUsageTracking1
- printlog( "Test case 1: Presence of the Usage Tracking featureset (API)" )
+ printlog( "Test case 1: Presence of the Usage Tracking featureset" )
+ ' Broken in CWS sb111'
+ ' Currently missing: Check for Office brand, StarOffice should always have OOoImp enabled'
if ( not gOOoImprovementIsEnabled ) then
- warnlog( "Could not access API for usage tracking program" )
+ warnlog( "Usage tracking program is not enabled for this build" )
@@ -93,14 +90,20 @@ testcase tUsageTracking3
if ( TabOOoImprovement.exists( 1 ) ) then
if ( not ParticipateNo.isChecked() ) then
- qaerrorlog( "#i98736# - UI should reflect current status for usage tracking: No" )
+ warnlog( "#i98736# - UI should reflect current status for usage tracking: No" )
if ( ShowData.isEnabled() ) then
- qaerrorlog( "#i97340# - Show data button should not be enabled if nothing is logged" )
+ warnlog( "#i97340# - Show data button should not be enabled if nothing is logged" )
+ kontext "FilterAuswahl"
+ if ( FilterAuswahl.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ warnlog( "Filter Selection dialog is not expected at this point, ")
+ FilterAuswahl.cancel()
+ endif
kontext "Active"
if ( Active.exists( 2 ) ) then
qaerrorlog( "Messagebox not required as control should not be enabled (see #i97340#)" )
@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ testcase tUsageTracking3
warnlog( "OOo Improvement Tabpage (Tools/Options) is missing" )
kontext "OptionenDlg"
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
index 921b7f2bbb66..2b9c76ac8466 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
@@ -161,23 +161,27 @@ testcase tHelpBookmarks
printlog( "Verify that the renamed bookmark still exists")
Kontext "BookmarksPage"
- 1 )
- cStringBookmark = Bookmarks.getSelText()
- if ( cStringBookmark = MYBOOKMARK ) then
- printlog( "The bookmark has the correct name")
- else
- warnlog( "Incorrect name displayed in bookmarks list")
- endif
- printlog( "Delete the Bookmark (using context menu)")
- hUseBookmarksContextMenu( "delete")
- printlog( "verify that the bookmark has been deleted (none left)")
- kontext "Bookmarks"
- if ( bookmarks.getItemCount = 0 ) then
- printlog( "Bookmark has been deleted")
+ if ( Bookmarks.getItemCount() > 0 ) then
+ 1 )
+ cStringBookmark = Bookmarks.getSelText()
+ if ( cStringBookmark = MYBOOKMARK ) then
+ printlog( "The bookmark has the correct name")
+ else
+ warnlog( "Incorrect name displayed in bookmarks list")
+ endif
+ printlog( "Delete the Bookmark (using context menu)")
+ hUseBookmarksContextMenu( "delete")
+ printlog( "verify that the bookmark has been deleted (none left)")
+ kontext "Bookmarks"
+ if ( bookmarks.getItemCount = 0 ) then
+ printlog( "Bookmark has been deleted")
+ else
+ warnlog( "There are bookmarks left over, please check")
+ endif
- warnlog( "There are bookmarks left over, please check")
+ warnlog( "Bookmarks are lost on program restart")
printlog( "Close the help")
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
index 050a78b0fc6c..8a17a233f5d6 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ testcase tOLEWriter
Call hNewDocument
PrintLog "- Writer : Chart without table"
- InsertObjectChart
- sleep(4)
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertObjectChart" )
Kontext "DocumentChart"
- if DocumentChart.Exists(5) then
+ if ( DocumentChart.Exists( 5 ) ) then
Kontext "ChartType"
- if ChartType.Exists(5) then
+ if ( ChartType.Exists( 5 ) ) then
warnlog "Chart Type dialog did bot occour."
@@ -62,18 +62,22 @@ testcase tOLEWriter
DocumentChart.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
Kontext "DocumentWriter"
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- sleep(1)
warnlog "Chart has not been inserted."
end if
- sleep(4)
PrintLog "- Writer : Chart out of a table only with numbers"
- InsertTableWriter
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertTableWriter" )
Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter"
- Spalten.SetText "3"
- Zeilen.SetText "10"
- TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK
+ if ( TabelleEinfuegenWriter.exists( 1 ) ) then
+ Spalten.SetText "3"
+ Zeilen.SetText "10"
+ TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK
+ TabelleEinfuegenWriter.notExists( 2 )
+ else
+ warnlog( "Dialog <TabelleEinfuegenWriter> did not open" )
+ endif
Kontext "DocumentWriter"
for i%=1 to 10
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ testcase tOLEWriter
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Left>", 3
next i%
- InsertObjectChart
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertObjectChart" )
Kontext "DocumentChart"
@@ -96,16 +100,19 @@ testcase tOLEWriter
Sleep 1
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Down>", 20
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Return>", 2
- Sleep 1
PrintLog "- Writer : Chart out of a table only with chars"
- InsertTableWriter
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertTableWriter" )
Kontext "TabelleEinfuegenWriter"
- Spalten.SetText "3"
- Zeilen.SetText "10"
- TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK
+ if ( TabelleEinfuegenWriter.exists( 1 ) ) then
+ Spalten.SetText "3"
+ Zeilen.SetText "10"
+ TabelleEinfuegenWriter.OK
+ TabelleEinfuegenWriter.notExists( 2 )
+ else
+ warnlog( "Dialog <TabelleEinfuegenWriter> did not open" )
+ endif
Kontext "DocumentWriter"
for i%=1 to 10
@@ -118,8 +125,7 @@ testcase tOLEWriter
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Left>", 3
next i%
- InsertObjectChart
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertObjectChart" )
Kontext "DocumentChart"
@@ -129,30 +135,32 @@ testcase tOLEWriter
Sleep 1
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Down>", 20
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Return>", 2
- Sleep 1
PrintLog "- Writer : Math"
- InsertObjectFormulaWriter
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertObjectFormulaWriter" )
gMouseClick ( 1, 1)
Kontext "DocumentWriter"
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Delete>"
- Sleep 1
PrintLog "- Writer : floating frame"
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertFloatingFrame" )
- 'warnlog( "#148094# - Crash when deselecting floating frame in Writer" )
- InsertFloatingFrame
+ printlog( "Properties dialog for floating frame should open" )
Kontext "TabEigenschaften"
- FrameName.SetText "Hallo"
- Inhalt.SetText ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath+"global\input\graf_inp\borabora.jpg" )
- TabEigenschaften.OK
- Sleep 2
+ if ( TabEigenschaften.exists( 1 ) and TabEigenschaften.isVisible() ) then
+ printlog( "Name the floating frame, close the dialog" )
+ FrameName.SetText "Hallo"
+ Inhalt.SetText ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath+"global\input\graf_inp\borabora.jpg" )
+ TabEigenschaften.OK
+ TabEigenSchaften.notExists( 2 )
+ endif
+ printlog( "Close the writer document" )
Kontext "DocumentWriter"
DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Delete>"
Sleep 1
@@ -333,7 +341,7 @@ testcase tOLEDraw
- InsertObjectChart
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertObjectChart" )
Sleep ( 2 )
Kontext "DocumentChart"
@@ -413,7 +421,7 @@ testcase tOLEImpress
PrintLog "- Impress : Chart"
- InsertObjectChart
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "InsertObjectChart" )
sleep 2
gMouseClick ( 1 , 1 )
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
index 2f6db4392845..fd0e9542dda8 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/includes/
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ testcase tRecommendPassword( filetypeID as string )
if ( rc = 0 ) then
if AutomatischeDateinamenserweiterung.Exists then
- QAErrorLog "OBSOLETE: Check-box Automatic file extension in file dialog will be removed soon!"
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
index 438c01d7ef7e..61e205fe6db4 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
@@ -56,51 +56,25 @@ function hOpenHelp() as boolean
const CFN = "hOpenHelp::"
- dim iTry as integer
- dim brc as boolean
- brc = false
- printlog( CFN & "Enter" )
+ HelpContents
- '///+<li>Open the help Browser using the slot</li>
- try
- HelpContents
- catch
- printlog( CFN & "Failed to open help, slot failed" )
- hOpenHelp() = false
- exit function
- endcatch
- '///+<li>Verify that the help is indeed open (max 10 sec.)</li>
- Kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- for iTry = 1 to 10
- if ( StarOfficeHelp.exists() ) then
- brc = true
- exit for
- endif
- sleep( 1 )
- next iTry
- '///+<li>Print a status to the log, return TRUE or FALSE</li>
- if ( brc ) then
- printlog( CFN & "Exit: Help is open" )
+ if ( WaitSlot( 3000 ) <> WSFinished ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Failed to open help" )
+ hOpenHelp() = FALSE
- printlog( CFN & "Exit: Help is not open" )
- kontext "Active"
- if ( Active.exists( 2 ) ) then
- printlog( "Msgbox: " & Active.getText()
- Active.ok()
+ kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
+ if ( StarOfficeHelp.exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Help was opened" )
+ hOpenHelp() = TRUE
+ else
+ printlog( CFN & "Help was not opened" )
+ hOpenHelp() = FALSE
- '///</ul>
- hOpenHelp() = brc
end function
@@ -122,38 +96,26 @@ function hCloseHelp() as boolean
- '///<u>Description</u>:
- '///<ul>
const CFN = "hCloseHelp::"
- dim brc as boolean
- printlog( CFN & "Enter" )
- '///+<li>Verify that the Help Browser is Open</li>
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- if ( not StarOfficeHelp.exists() ) then
- printlog( CFN & "Help is not open" )
- hCloseHelp() = false
- exit function
- endif
- '///+<li>Close the Help Browser by typing CTRL+F4</li>
- StarOfficeHelp.typeKeys( "<MOD1 F4>" )
- '///+<li>Verify that the Help Browser is not open (anymore)</li>
kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
if ( StarOfficeHelp.exists() ) then
- printlog( CFN & "Exit: Help is still open" )
- brc = false
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "FileClose")
+ StarOfficeHelp.notExists( 3 )
+ if ( StarOfficeHelp.Exists() ) then
+ printlog( CFN & "Help was not closed")
+ hCloseHelp() = FALSE
+ else
+ printlog( CFN & "Help was closed")
+ hCloseHelp() = TRUE
+ endif
- printlog( CFN & "Exit: Help has been closed" )
- brc = true
+ printlog( CFN & "Help is not open, no action taken")
+ hCloseHelp() = TRUE
- '///+<li>Return TRUE or FALSE</li>
- '///</ul>
- hCloseHelp() = brc
end function
diff --git a/testautomation/global/system/includes/ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
index 64d19eab101f..ff6a0a096fbd 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/system/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
@@ -304,50 +304,11 @@ end function
sub GetLanguageInformation
'/// Extracts the language information from <i>Setup.xcu</i>.
'/// <u>note</u>: It uses the <b>fgetL10Nvalue</b>.
- Dim i as integer
- Dim iTimeOut as integer
Dim sLanOutIni as string
- Dim SetupXML as String
- Dim ChildsOfSetupNodes as integer
- Dim ArtOfInst as string
- Dim SetupXMLNet as string
- Dim SetupXMLDefault as string
- dim SetupXcuPath as string
- SetupXcuPath = ConvertPath("share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu")
- SetupXML = gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu")
- if gNetzInst = TRUE then
- SetupXMLNet = gNetzOfficePath & SetupXcuPath
- ArtOfInst = "NET- / Workstation Inst."
- else
- SetupXMLDefault = gOfficePath & SetupXcuPath
- ArtOfInst = "FAT Inst."
- end if
- ' Issue #i97875 (JSK) experimental delay
- ' If we're too fast we might encounter that the Setup.xcu is not created yet.
- ' So we retry a couple of times
- while( not FileExists( SetupXML ) )
- iTimeOut = iTimeOut + 1
- if ( iTimeOut = 10 ) then
- warnlog "GetLanguageInformation(" & ArtOfInst & "): " & SetupXML & " not found => can't get the correct Office-Language! Default (01) will be used."
- iSprache = 01
- Exit sub
- endif
- wait( 100 )
- wend
' function 'fgetL10Nvalue' is also in this library
- sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue(SetupXML)
+ sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue()
' BugID 98315 -> looking in networkpath for the language until bug will be fixed.
- if sLanOutIni = "" and gNetzInst = TRUE then
- sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue(SetupXMLNet)
- end if
- ' It is an English FAT version 645m9s2 or higher.
- if sLanOutIni = "" and gNetzInst = FALSE then
- sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue(SetupXMLDefault)
- end if
if sLanOutIni = "" then
warnlog "=> default is now 01 = en_US"
@@ -699,54 +660,15 @@ end function
-function fgetL10Nvalue ( setupxcu as string) as string
-'/// Gets the value of the child from
-'///+ <ul><li>node: oor:name=&quot;L10N&quot;<ul><li>node: oor:name = &quot;ooLocale&quot;</li><ul><li>element: value</li></ul></ul></li></ul>
-'///+ in a file (normaly <b>Setup.xcu</b> in network path or installation path).
-'/// <u>Note</u>: The structure is hard coded and specified. A change must be announced by feature mail!
-'/// <u><i>Description</i></u>:
- Dim i as integer
- Dim ChildsOfSetupNodes as integer
- fgetL10Nvalue = ""
-'///<ul><li>Open the file given as parameter.</li>
- SAXReadFile(setupxcu)
-'///+<li>Go to the DOM (Document Object Model) root.</li>
- SAXSeekElement("/")
-'///+<li>Go <b>into</b> the first <b>node</b> of the tree.</li>
- SAXSeekElement(1)
-'///+<li>Get the <b>count of children</b> (nodes/elements) in that node.</li>
- ChildsOfSetupNodes = SAXGetChildCount
- for i = 1 to ChildsOfSetupNodes
-'///+<li>Run in a for next loop of going <b>into</b> the next node and existing it until ...</li>
- SAXSeekElement(i)
-'///+<li>...the <i>oor:name</i> attribute value is identical to &quot;L10N&quot;</li>
- if SaxGetAttributeValue("oor:name") = "L10N" then
-'///+<li>Go <b>into</b> the next node (&quot;prop&quot;)</li>
- SAXSeekElement("prop")
-'///+<li>If the attribute value of &quot;oor:name&quot; is identical to &quot;ooLocale&quot;...</li>
- if SAXgetAttributeValue("oor:name") = "ooLocale" then
-'///+<li>go <b>into</b> that node and also into the next one, named &quot;value&quot;.</li>
- SAXSeekElement("value")
-'///+<li>Go <b>into</b> the next node - a <i>node type</i> <b>character</b>...</li>
- SAXSeekElement(1)
- if SAXGetNodeType = NodeTypeCharacter then
-'///+<li>...and get the characters out in the string which will be returned from this function.</li>
- fgetL10Nvalue = SAXGetChars
-'///+<li><i>Release()</i> the DOM.</li>
- SAXRelease()
-'///+<li>Exit the function.</li></ul>
- Exit function
- end if
- else
- SAXRelease()
-'/// If the result is empty exit the function without warning.</ul>
- Exit function
- end if
- end if
- SAXSeekElement(0)
- next i
+function fgetL10Nvalue() as string
+ dim args(0) as new
+ args(0).Name = "nodepath"
+ args(0).Value = "/org.openoffice.Setup/L10N"
+ fgetL10Nvalue = hGetUNOService()._
+ createInstance("")._
+ createInstanceWithArguments(_
+ "", args())._
+ getByName("ooLocale")
end function
diff --git a/testautomation/global/system/includes/ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
index b8895c7fa637..f9dac581b786 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/system/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ sub mMakeGeneralOptionsAPI
'///+ OOo Improvement - only if BUILD_SPECIAL is set we have this file created.
- sTempPath = gOfficeBasisPath & "share/registry/modules/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs/Jobs-oooimprovement.xcu"
+ sTempPath = gOfficeBasisPath & "share/registry/oooimprovement.xcd"
sTempPath = ConvertPath( sTempPath )
if ( FileExists( sTempPath ) ) then
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
index a18319c13dfa..d0d05f227f0c 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/
@@ -149,17 +149,17 @@ function hHandleActivesOnLoad( iTries as integer , iAdd as integer ) as boolean
kontext "Active"
if ( Active.exists( 1 ) ) then
if ( Active.getButtonCount() = 2 ) then
- printlog( CFN & "Probably the dreaded <File corrupted warning>" )
+ printlog( CFN & "<Update links dialog> or <File corruption warning>" )
hFileWait( FALSE )
kontext "Active"
if ( Active.exists( 2 ) ) then
+ warnlog( "#105670# - File corruption warning, the template is broken" )
qaerrorlog( CFN & "Trying to recover." )
hHandleActivesOnLoad() = FALSE
exit function
- warnlog( "#105670# - File corruption warning, the template is broken" )
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
index f1bc0f538722..625bcb995fa0 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
@@ -229,33 +229,12 @@ end function
-sub hCloseDocument ( optional bANewDoc )
- '/// hCloseDocument : close a document without saving ///'
- '///+ all documents will be closed without saving ///'
- Dim sFehler$
+function hCloseDocument()
- if IsMissing ( bANewDoc ) <> TRUE then
- if bANewDoc = TRUE then
- gNoNewDoc = FALSE
- else
- gNoNewDoc = TRUE
- end if
- end if
+ '/// Trigger FileClose slot'
+ hUseAsyncSlot( "FileClose")
- ' if no new document was created, it isn't closed
- if gNoNewDoc = TRUE then
- exit sub
- end if
- Sleep 3
- try
- FileClose
- catch
- Exceptlog
- exit sub
- endcatch
- Sleep 1
+ '/// Accept to lose changes'
Kontext "Active"
if Active.Exists(2) then
@@ -264,8 +243,11 @@ sub hCloseDocument ( optional bANewDoc )
Active.Click ( 202 )
end if
- Sleep (2)
-end sub
+ '/// Wait for FileClose to complete'
+ WaitSlot( 2000 )
+end function
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
index 6fbfd5358e52..1fd3e89cb800 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/required/
@@ -1012,9 +1012,6 @@ sub sResetTheOffice as boolean
Dim sDefaultLocaleCJK as string
Dim sDefaultLocaleCTL as string
Dim sfgetL10Nvalue as string
- Dim SetupXML as String
- Dim SetupXMLNet as string
- Dim SetupXMLDefault as string
Dim sLanOutIni as string
sString = " "
@@ -1023,25 +1020,11 @@ sub sResetTheOffice as boolean
' only run on UNIX platforms; there is a problem with the quickstarter on win32
if ("unx" = gPlatgroup) then
- SetupXML = gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu")
- ' function 'fgetL10Nvalue' is also in this library
- sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue(SetupXML)
+ sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue()
- try
- ' BugID 98315 -> looking in networkpath for the language until bug will be fixed.
- SetupXMLNet = gNetzOfficePath & ConvertPath("share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu")
- sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue(SetupXMLNet)
- catch
- try
- ' It is an English FAT version 645m9s2 or higher.
- SetupXMLDefault = gOfficePath & ConvertPath("share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu")
- sLanOutIni = fgetL10Nvalue(SetupXMLDefault)
- catch
- warnlog sString & SetupXML & " not found => can't get the correct Office-Language!."
- sResetTheOffice = FALSE
- Exit sub
- endcatch
- endcatch
+ warnlog sString & "can't get the correct Office-Language!."
+ sResetTheOffice = FALSE
+ Exit sub
@@ -1279,6 +1262,10 @@ function hUseAsyncSlot( cSlot as string ) as integer
case "formatpagewriter" : FormatPageWriter
case "insertindexesbibliographyentry" : InsertIndexesBibliographyEntry
+ case "insertobjectchart" : InsertObjectChart
+ case "inserttablewriter" : InsertTableWriter
+ case "insertobjectformulawriter" : InsertObjectFormulaWriter
+ case "insertfloatingframe" : InsertFloatingFrame
case "contextpositionandsize" : ContextPositionAndSize
diff --git a/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/ b/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/
index 1220b283e2ec..801a70b16ba4 100755
--- a/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ testcase tEditImageMap
'/// Click on 'Macro...'-button
printlog " Click on 'Macro...'-button"
- warnlog "Due to #i102720# this functionality is outcommented"
+ warnlog "#i102720# - Macro assignment does not work"
' Makro.Click
' Kontext "MakroZuweisen"
' Call DialogTest ( MakroZuweisen )
diff --git a/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/ b/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/
index a05f22ed9360..77ea16ba910a 100755
--- a/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/spreadsheet/required/includes/
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ testcase tFileSaveAsDBF
if Active.exists(2) then
printlog " "
- warnlog "The following warning exists. This could be #i87325:"
+ warnlog "#i87325# - Unexpected messagebox"
Printlog Active.GetText
Printlog " "