path: root/toolkit/source/helper/btndlg.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/source/helper/btndlg.cxx')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/source/helper/btndlg.cxx b/toolkit/source/helper/btndlg.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28d63b2c3f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/source/helper/btndlg.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <vcl/button.hxx>
+#include <helper/btndlg.hxx>
+struct ImplBtnDlgItem
+ sal_uInt16 mnId;
+ bool mbOwnButton;
+ long mnSepSize;
+ VclPtr<PushButton> mpPushButton;
+ ImplBtnDlgItem() : mnId(0), mbOwnButton(false), mnSepSize(0) {}
+void ButtonDialog::ImplInitButtonDialogData()
+ mnButtonSize = 0;
+ mnCurButtonId = 0;
+ mbFormat = true;
+ButtonDialog::ButtonDialog( WindowType nType ) :
+ Dialog( nType )
+ ImplInitButtonDialogData();
+ButtonDialog::ButtonDialog( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle ) :
+ Dialog( WindowType::BUTTONDIALOG )
+ ImplInitButtonDialogData();
+ ImplInit( pParent, nStyle );
+ disposeOnce();
+void ButtonDialog::dispose()
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ if ( it->mbOwnButton )
+ it->mpPushButton.disposeAndClear();
+ }
+ m_ItemList.clear();
+ Dialog::dispose();
+VclPtr<PushButton> ButtonDialog::ImplCreatePushButton( ButtonDialogFlags nBtnFlags )
+ VclPtr<PushButton> pBtn;
+ WinBits nStyle = 0;
+ if ( nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::Default )
+ nStyle |= WB_DEFBUTTON;
+ if ( nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::Cancel )
+ pBtn = VclPtr<CancelButton>::Create( this, nStyle );
+ else if ( nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::OK )
+ pBtn = VclPtr<OKButton>::Create( this, nStyle );
+ else if ( nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::Help )
+ pBtn = VclPtr<HelpButton>::Create( this, nStyle );
+ else
+ pBtn = VclPtr<PushButton>::Create( this, nStyle );
+ if ( !(nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::Help) )
+ pBtn->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ButtonDialog, ImplClickHdl ) );
+ return pBtn;
+ImplBtnDlgItem* ButtonDialog::ImplGetItem( sal_uInt16 nId ) const
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ if (it->mnId == nId)
+ return &(*it);
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+long ButtonDialog::ImplGetButtonSize()
+ if ( !mbFormat )
+ return mnButtonSize;
+ // Calculate ButtonSize
+ long nLastSepSize = 0;
+ long nSepSize = 0;
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ nSepSize += nLastSepSize;
+ long nTxtWidth = it->mpPushButton->GetCtrlTextWidth(it->mpPushButton->GetText());
+ if ( nTxtWidth > maCtrlSize.Width() )
+ maCtrlSize.setWidth( nTxtWidth );
+ long nTxtHeight = it->mpPushButton->GetTextHeight();
+ if ( nTxtHeight > maCtrlSize.Height() )
+ maCtrlSize.setHeight( nTxtHeight );
+ nSepSize += it->mnSepSize;
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ )
+ nLastSepSize = IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_X;
+ else
+ nLastSepSize = IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_Y;
+ }
+ size_t const nButtonCount = m_ItemList.size();
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ )
+ mnButtonSize = nSepSize + (nButtonCount*maCtrlSize.Width());
+ else
+ mnButtonSize = nSepSize + (nButtonCount*maCtrlSize.Height());
+ return mnButtonSize;
+void ButtonDialog::ImplPosControls()
+ if ( !mbFormat )
+ return;
+ // Create PushButtons and determine Sizes
+ ImplGetButtonSize();
+ // determine dialog size
+ Size aDlgSize = maPageSize;
+ long nX;
+ long nY;
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ )
+ {
+ if ( mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2) > aDlgSize.Width() )
+ aDlgSize.setWidth( mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2) );
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_LEFT )
+ else if ( GetStyle() & WB_RIGHT )
+ nX = aDlgSize.Width()-mnButtonSize-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET;
+ else
+ nX = (aDlgSize.Width()-mnButtonSize)/2;
+ aDlgSize.AdjustHeight(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET+maCtrlSize.Height() );
+ nY = aDlgSize.Height()-maCtrlSize.Height()-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2) > aDlgSize.Height() )
+ aDlgSize.setHeight( mnButtonSize+(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET*2) );
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_BOTTOM )
+ nY = aDlgSize.Height()-mnButtonSize-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET;
+ else if ( GetStyle() & WB_VCENTER )
+ nY = (aDlgSize.Height()-mnButtonSize)/2;
+ else
+ aDlgSize.AdjustWidth(IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET+maCtrlSize.Width() );
+ nX = aDlgSize.Width()-maCtrlSize.Width()-IMPL_DIALOG_OFFSET;
+ }
+ // Arrange PushButtons
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ )
+ nX += it->mnSepSize;
+ else
+ nY += it->mnSepSize;
+ it->mpPushButton->SetPosSizePixel( Point( nX, nY ), maCtrlSize );
+ it->mpPushButton->Show();
+ if ( GetStyle() & WB_HORZ )
+ nX += maCtrlSize.Width()+IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_X;
+ else
+ nY += maCtrlSize.Height()+IMPL_SEP_BUTTON_Y;
+ }
+ SetOutputSizePixel(aDlgSize);
+ SetMinOutputSizePixel(aDlgSize);
+ mbFormat = false;
+IMPL_LINK( ButtonDialog, ImplClickHdl, Button*, pBtn, void )
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ if ( it->mpPushButton == pBtn )
+ {
+ mnCurButtonId = it->mnId;
+ if ( IsInExecute() )
+ EndDialog( mnCurButtonId );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ButtonDialog::Resize()
+void ButtonDialog::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType )
+ if ( nType == StateChangedType::InitShow )
+ {
+ ImplPosControls();
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ if ( it->mpPushButton && it->mbOwnButton )
+ it->mpPushButton->SetZOrder(nullptr, ZOrderFlags::Last);
+ }
+ // Set focus on default button.
+ {
+ for (auto & it : m_ItemList)
+ {
+ if (it->mnId == mnFocusButtonId )
+ {
+ if (it->mpPushButton->IsVisible())
+ it->mpPushButton->GrabFocus();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Dialog::StateChanged( nType );
+void ButtonDialog::AddButton( const OUString& rText, sal_uInt16 nId,
+ ButtonDialogFlags nBtnFlags, long nSepPixel )
+ // PageItem anlegen
+ std::unique_ptr<ImplBtnDlgItem> pItem(new ImplBtnDlgItem);
+ pItem->mnId = nId;
+ pItem->mbOwnButton = true;
+ pItem->mnSepSize = nSepPixel;
+ pItem->mpPushButton = ImplCreatePushButton( nBtnFlags );
+ if (!rText.isEmpty())
+ pItem->mpPushButton->SetText( rText );
+ m_ItemList.push_back(std::move(pItem));
+ if ( nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::Focus )
+ mnFocusButtonId = nId;
+ mbFormat = true;
+void ButtonDialog::AddButton( StandardButtonType eType, sal_uInt16 nId,
+ ButtonDialogFlags nBtnFlags, long nSepPixel )
+ // PageItem anlegen
+ std::unique_ptr<ImplBtnDlgItem> pItem(new ImplBtnDlgItem);
+ pItem->mnId = nId;
+ pItem->mbOwnButton = true;
+ pItem->mnSepSize = nSepPixel;
+ if ( eType == StandardButtonType::OK )
+ nBtnFlags |= ButtonDialogFlags::OK;
+ else if ( eType == StandardButtonType::Help )
+ nBtnFlags |= ButtonDialogFlags::Help;
+ else if ( (eType == StandardButtonType::Cancel) || (eType == StandardButtonType::Close) )
+ nBtnFlags |= ButtonDialogFlags::Cancel;
+ pItem->mpPushButton = ImplCreatePushButton( nBtnFlags );
+ // Standard-Buttons have the right text already
+ if ( !((eType == StandardButtonType::OK && pItem->mpPushButton->GetType() == WindowType::OKBUTTON) ||
+ (eType == StandardButtonType::Cancel && pItem->mpPushButton->GetType() == WindowType::CANCELBUTTON) ||
+ (eType == StandardButtonType::Help && pItem->mpPushButton->GetType() == WindowType::HELPBUTTON)) )
+ {
+ std::map<StandardButtonType, OUString> mapButtonTypeToID = {{StandardButtonType::Yes, "yes"},
+ {StandardButtonType::No, "no"}, {StandardButtonType::Retry, "retry"},
+ {StandardButtonType::Close, "close"}, {StandardButtonType::More, "more"},
+ {StandardButtonType::Ignore, "ignore"}, {StandardButtonType::Abort, "abort"},
+ {StandardButtonType::Less, "less"}, {StandardButtonType::Count, "count"}};
+ auto itr = mapButtonTypeToID.find(eType);
+ if (itr != mapButtonTypeToID.end())
+ pItem->mpPushButton->set_id(itr->second);
+ pItem->mpPushButton->SetText( Button::GetStandardText( eType ) );
+ }
+ if ( nBtnFlags & ButtonDialogFlags::Focus )
+ mnFocusButtonId = nId;
+ m_ItemList.push_back(std::move(pItem));
+ mbFormat = true;
+void ButtonDialog::RemoveButton( sal_uInt16 nId )
+ for (std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ImplBtnDlgItem>>::iterator it
+ = m_ItemList.begin(); it != m_ItemList.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if ((*it)->mnId == nId)
+ {
+ (*it)->mpPushButton->Hide();
+ if ((*it)->mbOwnButton)
+ (*it)->mpPushButton.disposeAndClear();
+ else
+ (*it)->mpPushButton.clear();
+ m_ItemList.erase(it);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ SAL_WARN( "vcl.window", "ButtonDialog::RemoveButton(): ButtonId invalid" );
+sal_uInt16 ButtonDialog::GetButtonId( sal_uInt16 nButton ) const
+ if ( nButton < m_ItemList.size() )
+ return m_ItemList[nButton]->mnId;
+ else
+PushButton* ButtonDialog::GetPushButton( sal_uInt16 nId ) const
+ ImplBtnDlgItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nId );
+ if ( pItem )
+ return pItem->mpPushButton;
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */