path: root/vcl/inc
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1 files changed, 61 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/inc/generic/glyphcache.hxx b/vcl/inc/generic/glyphcache.hxx
index fa7ff865741d..aeaaf2fd9cd1 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/generic/glyphcache.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/generic/glyphcache.hxx
@@ -168,41 +168,42 @@ private:
class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ServerFont
- ServerFont( const FontSelectPattern&, FtFontInfo* );
- virtual ~ServerFont();
- const OString& GetFontFileName() const;
- bool TestFont() const { return mbFaceOk;}
- FT_Face GetFtFace() const;
- int GetLoadFlags() const { return (mnLoadFlags & ~FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM); }
- void SetFontOptions( boost::shared_ptr<ImplFontOptions> );
+ ServerFont( const FontSelectPattern&, FtFontInfo* );
+ virtual ~ServerFont();
+ const OString& GetFontFileName() const;
+ bool TestFont() const { return mbFaceOk;}
+ FT_Face GetFtFace() const;
+ int GetLoadFlags() const { return (mnLoadFlags & ~FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM); }
+ void SetFontOptions( boost::shared_ptr<ImplFontOptions> );
boost::shared_ptr<ImplFontOptions> GetFontOptions() const;
- bool NeedsArtificialBold() const { return mbArtBold; }
- bool NeedsArtificialItalic() const { return mbArtItalic; }
+ bool NeedsArtificialBold() const { return mbArtBold; }
+ bool NeedsArtificialItalic() const { return mbArtItalic; }
- const FontSelectPattern& GetFontSelData() const { return maFontSelData; }
+ const FontSelectPattern& GetFontSelData() const { return maFontSelData; }
- void FetchFontMetric( ImplFontMetricData&, long& rFactor ) const;
- const unsigned char* GetTable( const char* pName, sal_uLong* pLength );
- int GetEmUnits() const { return maFaceFT->units_per_EM;}
- const FT_Size_Metrics& GetMetricsFT() const { return maSizeFT->metrics; }
- const FontCharMapPtr GetFontCharMap() const;
- bool GetFontCapabilities(vcl::FontCapabilities &) const;
+ void FetchFontMetric( ImplFontMetricData&, long& rFactor ) const;
+ const unsigned char* GetTable( const char* pName, sal_uLong* pLength );
+ int GetEmUnits() const { return maFaceFT->units_per_EM;}
+ const FT_Size_Metrics& GetMetricsFT() const { return maSizeFT->metrics; }
+ const FontCharMapPtr GetFontCharMap() const;
+ bool GetFontCapabilities(vcl::FontCapabilities &) const;
+ GlyphData& GetGlyphData( sal_GlyphId );
+ const GlyphMetric& GetGlyphMetric( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId )
+ { return GetGlyphData( aGlyphId ).GetMetric(); }
- GlyphData& GetGlyphData( sal_GlyphId );
- const GlyphMetric& GetGlyphMetric( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId )
- { return GetGlyphData( aGlyphId ).GetMetric(); }
virtual GraphiteFaceWrapper* GetGraphiteFace() const;
- sal_GlyphId GetGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 ) const;
- sal_GlyphId GetRawGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4, sal_UCS4 = 0 ) const;
- sal_GlyphId FixupGlyphIndex( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, sal_UCS4 ) const;
- bool GetGlyphOutline( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& ) const;
- bool GetAntialiasAdvice( void ) const;
- bool GetGlyphBitmap1( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, RawBitmap& ) const;
- bool GetGlyphBitmap8( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, RawBitmap& ) const;
+ sal_GlyphId GetGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 ) const;
+ sal_GlyphId GetRawGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4, sal_UCS4 = 0 ) const;
+ sal_GlyphId FixupGlyphIndex( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, sal_UCS4 ) const;
+ bool GetGlyphOutline( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& ) const;
+ bool GetAntialiasAdvice( void ) const;
+ bool GetGlyphBitmap1( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, RawBitmap& ) const;
+ bool GetGlyphBitmap8( sal_GlyphId aGlyphId, RawBitmap& ) const;
friend class GlyphCache;
@@ -211,59 +212,59 @@ private:
friend class X11SalGraphics;
friend class CairoTextRender;
- void AddRef() const { ++mnRefCount; }
- long GetRefCount() const { return mnRefCount; }
- long Release() const;
- sal_uLong GetByteCount() const { return mnBytesUsed; }
+ void AddRef() const { ++mnRefCount; }
+ long GetRefCount() const { return mnRefCount; }
+ long Release() const;
+ sal_uLong GetByteCount() const { return mnBytesUsed; }
- void InitGlyphData( sal_GlyphId, GlyphData& ) const;
- void GarbageCollect( long );
- void ReleaseFromGarbageCollect();
+ void InitGlyphData( sal_GlyphId, GlyphData& ) const;
+ void GarbageCollect( long );
+ void ReleaseFromGarbageCollect();
- int ApplyGlyphTransform( int nGlyphFlags, FT_GlyphRec_*, bool ) const;
- bool ApplyGSUB( const FontSelectPattern& );
+ int ApplyGlyphTransform( int nGlyphFlags, FT_GlyphRec_*, bool ) const;
+ bool ApplyGSUB( const FontSelectPattern& );
ServerFontLayoutEngine* GetLayoutEngine();
typedef std::unordered_map<int,GlyphData> GlyphList;
- mutable GlyphList maGlyphList;
+ mutable GlyphList maGlyphList;
- const FontSelectPattern maFontSelData;
+ const FontSelectPattern maFontSelData;
// used by GlyphCache for cache LRU algorithm
- mutable long mnRefCount;
- mutable sal_uLong mnBytesUsed;
+ mutable long mnRefCount;
+ mutable sal_uLong mnBytesUsed;
- ServerFont* mpPrevGCFont;
- ServerFont* mpNextGCFont;
+ ServerFont* mpPrevGCFont;
+ ServerFont* mpNextGCFont;
// 16.16 fixed point values used for a rotated font
- long mnCos;
- long mnSin;
+ long mnCos;
+ long mnSin;
- bool mbCollectedZW;
+ bool mbCollectedZW;
- int mnWidth;
- int mnPrioEmbedded;
- int mnPrioAntiAlias;
- int mnPrioAutoHint;
- FtFontInfo* mpFontInfo;
- FT_Int mnLoadFlags;
- double mfStretch;
- FT_FaceRec_* maFaceFT;
- FT_SizeRec_* maSizeFT;
+ int mnWidth;
+ int mnPrioEmbedded;
+ int mnPrioAntiAlias;
+ int mnPrioAutoHint;
+ FtFontInfo* mpFontInfo;
+ FT_Int mnLoadFlags;
+ double mfStretch;
+ FT_FaceRec_* maFaceFT;
+ FT_SizeRec_* maSizeFT;
boost::shared_ptr<ImplFontOptions> mpFontOptions;
- bool mbFaceOk;
- bool mbArtItalic;
- bool mbArtBold;
- bool mbUseGamma;
+ bool mbFaceOk;
+ bool mbArtItalic;
+ bool mbArtBold;
+ bool mbUseGamma;
typedef std::unordered_map<int,int> GlyphSubstitution;
- GlyphSubstitution maGlyphSubstitution;
+ GlyphSubstitution maGlyphSubstitution;
- ServerFontLayoutEngine* mpLayoutEngine;
+ ServerFontLayoutEngine* mpLayoutEngine;
// a class for cache entries for physical font instances that are based on serverfonts