path: root/vcl/win
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Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/win')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx b/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx
index 1c2cfe4289da..6f5743f25a4e 100644
--- a/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx
+++ b/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ inline BYTE ImplPitchToWin( FontPitch ePitch )
static FontAttributes WinFont2DevFontAttributes( const ENUMLOGFONTEXW& rEnumFont,
- const NEWTEXTMETRICW& rMetric, DWORD nFontType )
+ const NEWTEXTMETRICW& rMetric)
FontAttributes aDFA;
@@ -542,46 +542,13 @@ static FontAttributes WinFont2DevFontAttributes( const ENUMLOGFONTEXW& rEnumFont
if( p < pEnd )
aDFA.SetStyleName(OUString(reinterpret_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(pStyleName)));
- // get device specific font attributes
- aDFA.SetOrientationFlag( ((nFontType & RASTER_FONTTYPE) == 0) );
- aDFA.SetBuiltInFontFlag( ((rMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_DEVICE) != 0) );
- aDFA.SetEmbeddableFlag( false );
- aDFA.SetSubsettableFlag( false );
- if( 0 != (rMetric.ntmFlags & (NTM_TT_OPENTYPE | NTM_PS_OPENTYPE))
- || 0 != (rMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE))
- aDFA.SetSubsettableFlag( true );
- else if( 0 != (rMetric.ntmFlags & NTM_TYPE1) ) // TODO: implement subsetting for type1 too
- aDFA.SetEmbeddableFlag( true );
// heuristics for font quality
- // - standard-type1 > opentypeTT > truetype > non-standard-type1 > raster
- // - subsetting > embedding > none
+ // - opentypeTT > truetype
aDFA.SetQuality( 0 );
if( rMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE )
aDFA.IncreaseQualityBy( 50 );
if( 0 != (rMetric.ntmFlags & (NTM_TT_OPENTYPE | NTM_PS_OPENTYPE)) )
aDFA.IncreaseQualityBy( 10 );
- if( aDFA.CanSubset() )
- aDFA.IncreaseQualityBy( 200 );
- else if( aDFA.CanEmbed() )
- aDFA.IncreaseQualityBy( 100 );
- // #i38665# prefer Type1 versions of the standard postscript fonts
- if( aDFA.CanEmbed() )
- {
- if( aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "AvantGarde"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "Bookman"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "Courier"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "Helvetica"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "NewCenturySchlbk"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "Palatino"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "Symbol"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "Times"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "ZapfChancery"
- || aDFA.GetFamilyName() == "ZapfDingbats" )
- aDFA.IncreaseQualityBy( 500 );
- }
// TODO: add alias names
return aDFA;
@@ -597,7 +564,7 @@ static WinFontFace* ImplLogMetricToDevFontDataW( const ENUMLOGFONTEXW* pLogFont,
nHeight = pMetric->tmHeight - pMetric->tmInternalLeading;
WinFontFace* pData = new WinFontFace(
- WinFont2DevFontAttributes(*pLogFont, *pMetric, nFontType),
+ WinFont2DevFontAttributes(*pLogFont, *pMetric),
pMetric->tmPitchAndFamily );
@@ -1129,25 +1096,6 @@ void WinSalGraphics::GetFontMetric( ImplFontMetricDataRef& rxFontMetric, int nFa
rxFontMetric->SetItalic(aWinMetric.tmItalic ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE);
rxFontMetric->SetSlant( 0 );
- // device dependent font attributes
- rxFontMetric->SetBuiltInFontFlag( (aWinMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_DEVICE) != 0 );
- rxFontMetric->SetScalableFlag( (aWinMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & (TMPF_VECTOR|TMPF_TRUETYPE)) != 0 );
- rxFontMetric->SetTrueTypeFlag( (aWinMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) != 0 );
- if( rxFontMetric->IsScalable() )
- {
- // check if there are kern pairs
- // TODO: does this work with GPOS kerning?
- DWORD nKernPairs = ::GetKerningPairsA( getHDC(), 0, nullptr );
- rxFontMetric->SetKernableFlag( (nKernPairs > 0) );
- }
- else
- {
- // bitmap fonts cannot be rotated directly
- rxFontMetric->SetOrientation( 0 );
- // bitmap fonts have no kerning
- rxFontMetric->SetKernableFlag( false );
- }
// transformation dependent font metrics
rxFontMetric->SetWidth( static_cast<int>( mfFontScale[nFallbackLevel] * aWinMetric.tmAveCharWidth ) );
@@ -1334,14 +1282,11 @@ static bool ImplGetFontAttrFromFile( const OUString& rFontFileURL,
// get FontAttributes from a *fot file
// TODO: use GetTTGlobalFontInfo() to access the font directly
rDFA.SetQuality( 1000 );
- rDFA.SetBuiltInFontFlag( true );
- rDFA.SetSubsettableFlag( true );
- rDFA.SetEmbeddableFlag( false );
// Create temporary file name
char aFileName[] = "soAAT.fot";
@@ -1427,7 +1372,6 @@ bool WinSalGraphics::AddTempDevFont( PhysicalFontCollection* pFontCollection,
FontAttributes aDFA;
aDFA.SetQuality( 1000 );
- aDFA.SetBuiltInFontFlag( true );
// Retrieve font name from font resource
if( aDFA.GetFamilyName().isEmpty() )
@@ -1449,8 +1393,6 @@ bool WinSalGraphics::AddTempDevFont( PhysicalFontCollection* pFontCollection,
- aDFA.SetSubsettableFlag( true );
- aDFA.SetEmbeddableFlag( false );
// TODO: improve FontAttributes using the "font resource file"
@@ -2021,29 +1963,9 @@ void WinSalGraphics::FreeEmbedFontData( const void* pData, long /*nLen*/ )
delete[] static_cast<char const *>(pData);
-const Ucs2SIntMap* WinSalGraphics::GetFontEncodingVector( const PhysicalFontFace* pFont, const Ucs2OStrMap** pNonEncoded, std::set<sal_Unicode> const**)
+const Ucs2SIntMap* WinSalGraphics::GetFontEncodingVector(const PhysicalFontFace*, const Ucs2OStrMap**, std::set<sal_Unicode> const**)
- // TODO: even for builtin fonts we get here... why?
- if( !pFont->CanEmbed() )
- return nullptr;
- // fill the encoding vector
- // currently no nonencoded vector
- if( pNonEncoded )
- *pNonEncoded = nullptr;
- const WinFontFace* pWinFontData = static_cast<const WinFontFace*>(pFont);
- const Ucs2SIntMap* pEncoding = pWinFontData->GetEncodingVector();
- if( pEncoding == nullptr )
- {
- Ucs2SIntMap* pNewEncoding = new Ucs2SIntMap;
- for( sal_Unicode i = 32; i < 256; ++i )
- (*pNewEncoding)[i] = i;
- pWinFontData->SetEncodingVector( pNewEncoding );
- pEncoding = pNewEncoding;
- }
- return pEncoding;
+ return nullptr;
void WinSalGraphics::GetGlyphWidths( const PhysicalFontFace* pFont,
@@ -2062,78 +1984,59 @@ void WinSalGraphics::GetGlyphWidths( const PhysicalFontFace* pFont,
HFONT hOldFont = nullptr;
ImplDoSetFont( &aIFSD, fScale, hOldFont );
- if( pFont->CanSubset() )
- {
- // get raw font file data
- const RawFontData xRawFontData( getHDC() );
- if( !xRawFontData.get() )
- return;
- // open font file
- sal_uInt32 nFaceNum = 0;
- if( !*xRawFontData.get() ) // TTC candidate
- nFaceNum = ~0U; // indicate "TTC font extracts only"
- ScopedTrueTypeFont aSftTTF;
- int nRC = xRawFontData.get(), xRawFontData.size(), nFaceNum );
- if( nRC != SF_OK )
- return;
- int nGlyphs = GetTTGlyphCount( aSftTTF.get() );
- if( nGlyphs > 0 )
- {
- rWidths.resize(nGlyphs);
- std::vector<sal_uInt16> aGlyphIds(nGlyphs);
- for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++ )
- aGlyphIds[i] = sal_uInt16(i);
- TTSimpleGlyphMetrics* pMetrics = ::GetTTSimpleGlyphMetrics( aSftTTF.get(),
- &aGlyphIds[0],
- nGlyphs,
- bVertical );
- if( pMetrics )
- {
- for( int i = 0; i< nGlyphs; i++ )
- rWidths[i] = pMetrics[i].adv;
- free( pMetrics );
- rUnicodeEnc.clear();
- }
- const WinFontFace* pWinFont = static_cast<const WinFontFace*>(pFont);
- FontCharMapRef xFCMap = pWinFont->GetFontCharMap();
- SAL_WARN_IF( !xFCMap.Is() || !xFCMap->GetCharCount(), "vcl", "no map" );
+ // get raw font file data
+ const RawFontData xRawFontData( getHDC() );
+ if( !xRawFontData.get() )
+ return;
- int nCharCount = xFCMap->GetCharCount();
- sal_uInt32 nChar = xFCMap->GetFirstChar();
- for( int i = 0; i < nCharCount; i++ )
- {
- if( nChar < 0x00010000 )
- {
- sal_uInt16 nGlyph = ::MapChar( aSftTTF.get(),
- static_cast<sal_Ucs>(nChar),
- bVertical );
- if( nGlyph )
- rUnicodeEnc[ static_cast<sal_Unicode>(nChar) ] = nGlyph;
- }
- nChar = xFCMap->GetNextChar( nChar );
- }
+ // open font file
+ sal_uInt32 nFaceNum = 0;
+ if( !*xRawFontData.get() ) // TTC candidate
+ nFaceNum = ~0U; // indicate "TTC font extracts only"
- xFCMap = nullptr;
- }
- }
- else if( pFont->CanEmbed() )
+ ScopedTrueTypeFont aSftTTF;
+ int nRC = xRawFontData.get(), xRawFontData.size(), nFaceNum );
+ if( nRC != SF_OK )
+ return;
+ int nGlyphs = GetTTGlyphCount( aSftTTF.get() );
+ if( nGlyphs > 0 )
- // get individual character widths
- rWidths.clear();
- rUnicodeEnc.clear();
- rWidths.reserve( 224 );
- for( sal_Unicode i = 32; i < 256; ++i )
+ rWidths.resize(nGlyphs);
+ std::vector<sal_uInt16> aGlyphIds(nGlyphs);
+ for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++ )
+ aGlyphIds[i] = sal_uInt16(i);
+ TTSimpleGlyphMetrics* pMetrics = ::GetTTSimpleGlyphMetrics( aSftTTF.get(),
+ &aGlyphIds[0],
+ nGlyphs,
+ bVertical );
+ if( pMetrics )
- int nCharWidth = 0;
- if( ::GetCharWidth32W( getHDC(), i, i, &nCharWidth ) )
+ for( int i = 0; i< nGlyphs; i++ )
+ rWidths[i] = pMetrics[i].adv;
+ free( pMetrics );
+ rUnicodeEnc.clear();
+ }
+ const WinFontFace* pWinFont = static_cast<const WinFontFace*>(pFont);
+ FontCharMapRef xFCMap = pWinFont->GetFontCharMap();
+ SAL_WARN_IF( !xFCMap.Is() || !xFCMap->GetCharCount(), "vcl", "no map" );
+ int nCharCount = xFCMap->GetCharCount();
+ sal_uInt32 nChar = xFCMap->GetFirstChar();
+ for( int i = 0; i < nCharCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if( nChar < 0x00010000 )
- rUnicodeEnc[ i ] = rWidths.size();
- rWidths.push_back( nCharWidth );
+ sal_uInt16 nGlyph = ::MapChar( aSftTTF.get(),
+ static_cast<sal_Ucs>(nChar),
+ bVertical );
+ if( nGlyph )
+ rUnicodeEnc[ static_cast<sal_Unicode>(nChar) ] = nGlyph;
+ nChar = xFCMap->GetNextChar( nChar );
+ xFCMap = nullptr;