path: root/vcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'vcl')
14 files changed, 156 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx b/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx
index 0c1368b1e84d..40a969f5b40c 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ class HelpTextWindow : public FloatingWindow
Point maPos;
- Rectangle maHelpArea; // Wenn naechste Hilfe fuers gleiche Rectangle, gleicher Text, dann Fenster stehen lassen
+ Rectangle maHelpArea; // If next Help for the same rectangle w/ same text, then keep window
- Rectangle maTextRect; // Bei umgebrochenen Text in QuickHelp
+ Rectangle maTextRect; // For wrapped text in QuickHelp
String maHelpText;
String maStatusText;
diff --git a/vcl/inc/ilstbox.hxx b/vcl/inc/ilstbox.hxx
index e8074eb21e9a..a583f9be03e9 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/ilstbox.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/ilstbox.hxx
@@ -205,48 +205,48 @@ public:
class ImplListBoxWindow : public Control, public ::vcl::ISearchableStringList
- ImplEntryList* mpEntryList; // EntryListe
+ ImplEntryList* mpEntryList; // EntryList
Rectangle maFocusRect;
Size maUserItemSize;
- long mnMaxTxtHeight; // Maximale Hoehe eines Text-Items
- long mnMaxTxtWidth; // Maximale Breite eines Text-Items
- // Entry ohne Image
- long mnMaxImgTxtWidth;// Maximale Breite eines Text-Items
- // Entry UND Image
- long mnMaxImgWidth; // Maximale Breite eines Image-Items
- long mnMaxImgHeight; // Maximale Hoehe eines Image-Items
- long mnMaxWidth; // Maximale Breite eines Eintrags
- long mnMaxHeight; // Maximale Hoehe eines Eintrags
+ long mnMaxTxtHeight; // Maximum height of a text item
+ long mnMaxTxtWidth; // Maximum width of a text item
+ // Entry without Image
+ long mnMaxImgTxtWidth;// Maximum width of a text item
+ // Entry AND Image
+ long mnMaxImgWidth; // Maximum width of an image item
+ long mnMaxImgHeight; // Maximum height of an image item
+ long mnMaxWidth; // Maximum width of an entry
+ long mnMaxHeight; // Maximum heigth of an entry
sal_uInt16 mnCurrentPos; // Position (Focus)
- sal_uInt16 mnTrackingSaveSelection; // Selektion vor Tracking();
+ sal_uInt16 mnTrackingSaveSelection; // Selection before Tracking();
sal_uInt16 mnSeparatorPos; // Separator
sal_uInt16 mnUserDrawEntry;
- sal_uInt16 mnTop; // Ausgabe ab Zeile
- long mnLeft; // Ausgabe ab Spalte
- long mnBorder; // Abstand Rahmen - Text
- long mnTextHeight; // Texthoehe
+ sal_uInt16 mnTop; // output from line on
+ long mnLeft; // output from column on
+ long mnBorder; // distance border - text
+ long mnTextHeight; // text height
ProminentEntry meProminentType; // where is the "prominent" entry
sal_uInt16 mnSelectModifier; // Modifiers
sal_Bool mbHasFocusRect: 1,
- mbSort: 1, // ListBox sortiert
+ mbSort: 1, // ListBox sorted
mbTrack: 1, // Tracking
mbMulti: 1, // MultiListBox
mbStackMode: 1, // StackSelection
- mbSimpleMode: 1, // SimpleMode fuer MultiListBox
- mbImgsDiffSz: 1, // Images haben verschiedene Groessen
+ mbSimpleMode: 1, // SimpleMode for MultiListBox
+ mbImgsDiffSz: 1, // Images have different sizes
mbTravelSelect: 1, // TravelSelect
- mbTrackingSelect: 1, // Selektiert bei MouseMove
- mbSelectionChanged: 1, // Select() nicht zu oft rufen...
- mbMouseMoveSelect: 1, // Selektieren bei MouseMove
- mbGrabFocus: 1, // Focus bei MBDown grabben
+ mbTrackingSelect: 1, // Selected at a MouseMove
+ mbSelectionChanged: 1, // Do not call Select() too often ...
+ mbMouseMoveSelect: 1, // Select at MouseMove
+ mbGrabFocus: 1, // Grab focus at MBDown
mbUserDrawEnabled: 1, // UserDraw possible
mbInUserDraw: 1, // In UserDraw
mbReadOnly: 1, // ReadOnly
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ class ImplWin : public Control
- sal_uInt16 mnItemPos; // wegen UserDraw muss ich wissen, welches Item ich darstelle.
+ sal_uInt16 mnItemPos; // because of UserDraw I have to know which item I draw
XubString maString;
Image maImage;
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ private:
Link maMBDownHdl;
Link maUserDrawHdl;
- sal_Bool mbUserDrawEnabled : 1,
+ sal_Bool mbUserDrawEnabled : 1,
mbInUserDraw : 1;
diff --git a/vcl/inc/outfont.hxx b/vcl/inc/outfont.hxx
index 345ecc1e1207..bb40f86fdc24 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/outfont.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/outfont.hxx
@@ -314,29 +314,29 @@ public: // TODO: hide members behind accessor methods
// font metrics that are usually derived from the measurements
long mnUnderlineSize; // Lineheight of Underline
long mnUnderlineOffset; // Offset from Underline to Baseline
- long mnBUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von fetter Unterstreichung
- long mnBUnderlineOffset; // Offset von fetter Unterstreichung zur Baseline
- long mnDUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von doppelter Unterstreichung
- long mnDUnderlineOffset1; // Offset von doppelter Unterstreichung zur Baseline
- long mnDUnderlineOffset2; // Offset von doppelter Unterstreichung zur Baseline
- long mnWUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von WaveLine-Unterstreichung
- long mnWUnderlineOffset; // Offset von WaveLine-Unterstreichung zur Baseline, jedoch zentriert zur WaveLine
- long mnAboveUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von einfacher Unterstreichung (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveUnderlineOffset; // Offset von einfacher Unterstreichung zur Baseline (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveBUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von fetter Unterstreichung (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveBUnderlineOffset; // Offset von fetter Unterstreichung zur Baseline (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveDUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von doppelter Unterstreichung (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveDUnderlineOffset1; // Offset von doppelter Unterstreichung zur Baseline (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveDUnderlineOffset2; // Offset von doppelter Unterstreichung zur Baseline (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveWUnderlineSize; // Hoehe von WaveLine-Unterstreichung (for Vertical Right)
- long mnAboveWUnderlineOffset; // Offset von WaveLine-Unterstreichung zur Baseline, jedoch zentriert zur WaveLine (for Vertical Right)
- long mnStrikeoutSize; // Hoehe von einfacher Durchstreichung
- long mnStrikeoutOffset; // Offset von einfacher Durchstreichung zur Baseline
- long mnBStrikeoutSize; // Hoehe von fetter Durchstreichung
- long mnBStrikeoutOffset; // Offset von fetter Durchstreichung zur Baseline
- long mnDStrikeoutSize; // Hoehe von doppelter Durchstreichung
- long mnDStrikeoutOffset1; // Offset von doppelter Durchstreichung zur Baseline
- long mnDStrikeoutOffset2; // Offset von doppelter Durchstreichung zur Baseline
+ long mnBUnderlineSize; // Height of bold underline
+ long mnBUnderlineOffset; // Offset from bold underline to baseline
+ long mnDUnderlineSize; // Height of double underline
+ long mnDUnderlineOffset1; // Offset from double underline to baseline
+ long mnDUnderlineOffset2; // Offset from double underline to baseline
+ long mnWUnderlineSize; // Height of WaveLine underline
+ long mnWUnderlineOffset; // Offset from WaveLine underline to baseline, but centrered to WaveLine
+ long mnAboveUnderlineSize; // Height of single underline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveUnderlineOffset; // Offset from single underline to baseline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveBUnderlineSize; // Height of bold underline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveBUnderlineOffset; // Offset from bold underline to baseline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveDUnderlineSize; // Height of double underline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveDUnderlineOffset1; // Offset from double underline to baseline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveDUnderlineOffset2; // Offset from double underline to baseline (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveWUnderlineSize; // Height of WaveLine-strike-out (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnAboveWUnderlineOffset; // Offset from WaveLine-strike-out to baseline, but centrered to to WaveLine (for Vertical Right)
+ long mnStrikeoutSize; // Height of single strike-out
+ long mnStrikeoutOffset; // Offset from single strike-out to baseline
+ long mnBStrikeoutSize; // Height of bold strike-out
+ long mnBStrikeoutOffset; // Offset of bold strike-out to baseline
+ long mnDStrikeoutSize; // Height of double strike-out
+ long mnDStrikeoutOffset1; // Offset of double strike-out to baseline
+ long mnDStrikeoutOffset2; // Offset of double strike-out to baseline
// -----------------
diff --git a/vcl/inc/salwtype.hxx b/vcl/inc/salwtype.hxx
index 549d52159f7c..7d7ca1691ef0 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/salwtype.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/salwtype.hxx
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class FontSelectPattern;
// - SalExtInput -
// ---------------
-// Muessen mit den Defines in cmdevt.hxx uebereinstimmen, da diese
-// nicht konvertiert werden
+// Have to match DEFINEs in cmdevt.hxx, as these will not be converted
#define SAL_EXTTEXTINPUT_ATTR_UNDERLINE ((sal_uInt16)0x0200)
@@ -115,26 +115,26 @@ class FontSelectPattern;
// MAC: Ctrl+Button is MOUSE_RIGHT
struct SalMouseEvent
- sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
+ sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
long mnX; // X-Position (Pixel, TopLeft-Output)
long mnY; // Y-Position (Pixel, TopLeft-Output)
- sal_uInt16 mnButton; // 0-MouseMove/MouseLeave, MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT, MOUSE_MIDDLE
- sal_uInt16 mnCode; // SV-ModifierCode (KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2 | MOUSE_LEFT | MOUSE_MIDDLE | MOUSE_RIGHT)
+ sal_uInt16 mnButton; // 0-MouseMove/MouseLeave, MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT, MOUSE_MIDDLE
struct SalKeyEvent
- sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
- sal_uInt16 mnCode; // SV-KeyCode (KEY_xxx | KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2)
- sal_uInt16 mnCharCode; // SV-CharCode
- sal_uInt16 mnRepeat; // Repeat-Count (KeyInputs-1)
+ sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
+ sal_uInt16 mnCode; // SV-KeyCode (KEY_xxx | KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2)
+ sal_uInt16 mnCharCode; // SV-CharCode
+ sal_uInt16 mnRepeat; // Repeat-Count (KeyInputs-1)
struct SalMenuEvent
- sal_uInt16 mnId; // Menu item ID
+ sal_uInt16 mnId; // Menu item ID
void* mpMenu; // pointer to VCL menu (class Menu)
SalMenuEvent() : mnId( 0 ), mpMenu( NULL ) {}
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ struct SalMenuEvent
struct SalKeyModEvent
- sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
- sal_uInt16 mnCode; // SV-ModifierCode (KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2)
- sal_uInt16 mnModKeyCode; // extended Modifier (MODKEY_LEFT, MODKEY_RIGHT, MODKEY_PRESS, MODKEY_RELEASE)
+ sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
+ sal_uInt16 mnCode; // SV-Modifiercode (KEY_SHIFT|KEY_MOD1|KEY_MOD2)
+ sal_uInt16 mnModKeyCode; // extended Modifier (MODKEY_LEFT,MODKEY_RIGHT,MODKEY_PRESS,MODKEY_RELEASE)
@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@ struct SalPaintEvent
struct SalWheelMouseEvent
- sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
+ sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
long mnX; // X-Position (Pixel, TopLeft-Output)
long mnY; // Y-Position (Pixel, TopLeft-Output)
- long mnDelta; // Anzahl Drehungen
- long mnNotchDelta; // Anzahl feste Drehungen
- sal_uLong mnScrollLines; // Aktuelle Anzahl zu scrollende Zeilen
- sal_uInt16 mnCode; // SV-ModifierCode (KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2 | MOUSE_LEFT | MOUSE_MIDDLE | MOUSE_RIGHT)
- sal_Bool mbHorz; // Horizontal
- sal_Bool mbDeltaIsPixel; // delta value is a pixel value (on mac)
+ long mnDelta; // Number of rotations
+ long mnNotchDelta; // Number of fixed rotations
+ sal_uLong mnScrollLines; // Actual number of lines to scroll
+ sal_Bool mbHorz; // Horizontal
+ sal_Bool mbDeltaIsPixel; // delta value is a pixel value (on mac)
: mnTime( 0 ), mnX( 0 ), mnY( 0 ), mnDelta( 0 ), mnNotchDelta( 0 ), mnScrollLines( 0 ), mnCode( 0 ), mbHorz( sal_False ), mbDeltaIsPixel( sal_False )
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ struct SalMouseActivateEvent
struct SalExtTextInputEvent
sal_uLong mnTime; // Time in ms, when event is created
- UniString maText; // Text
+ UniString maText; // Text
const sal_uInt16* mpTextAttr; // Text-Attribute
sal_uLong mnCursorPos; // Cursor-Position
- sal_uLong mnDeltaStart; // Start-Position der letzten Aenderung
- sal_uInt8 mnCursorFlags; // SAL_EXTTEXTINPUT_CURSOR_xxx
- sal_Bool mbOnlyCursor; // sal_True: Nur Cursor-Position wurde geaendert
+ sal_uLong mnDeltaStart; // Start-Position of last change
+ sal_uInt8 mnCursorFlags; // SAL_EXTTEXTINPUT_CURSOR_xxx
+ sal_Bool mbOnlyCursor; // sal_True: Only Cursor-Position has been changed
#endif // __cplusplus
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ struct SalExtTextInputPosEvent
struct SalInputContextChangeEvent
- LanguageType meLanguage; // Neue Sprache
+ LanguageType meLanguage; // new language
#endif // __cplusplus
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ struct SalInputContextChangeEvent
struct SalSurroundingTextRequestEvent
UniString maText; // Text
- sal_uLong mnStart; // The beggining index of selected range
- sal_uLong mnEnd; // The end index of selected range
+ sal_uLong mnStart; // The beginning index of selected range
+ sal_uLong mnEnd; // The end index of selected range
#endif // __cplusplus
@@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ struct SalSurroundingTextRequestEvent
struct SalSurroundingTextSelectionChangeEvent
- sal_uLong mnStart; // The beggining index of selected range
- sal_uLong mnEnd; // The end index of selected range
+ sal_uLong mnStart; // The beginning index of selected range
+ sal_uLong mnEnd; // The end index of selected range
#endif // __cplusplus
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ typedef long (*SALOBJECTPROC)( void* pInst, SalObject* pObject,
struct SalFrameState
- sal_uLong mnMask;
+ sal_uLong mnMask;
long mnX;
long mnY;
long mnWidth;
@@ -312,15 +312,14 @@ struct SalFrameState
long mnMaximizedY;
long mnMaximizedWidth;
long mnMaximizedHeight;
- sal_uLong mnState;
+ sal_uLong mnState;
// -------------------
// - SalInputContext -
// -------------------
-// Muessen mit den Defines in inputctx.hxx uebereinstimmen, da diese
-// nicht konvertiert werden
+// Have to match DEFINEs in inputctx.hxx, as these are not converted
#define SAL_INPUTCONTEXT_TEXT ((sal_uLong)0x00000001)
#define SAL_INPUTCONTEXT_EXTTEXTINPUT ((sal_uLong)0x00000002)
#define SAL_INPUTCONTEXT_EXTTEXTINPUT_ON ((sal_uLong)0x00000004)
diff --git a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
index 4f74c97e6899..ef306252ee82 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
@@ -149,21 +149,21 @@ struct ImplSVAppData
ImplHotKey* mpFirstHotKey; // HotKey-Verwaltung
ImplEventHook* mpFirstEventHook; // Event-Hooks
VclEventListeners2* mpPostYieldListeners; // post yield listeners
- sal_uLong mnLastInputTime; // GetLastInputTime()
- sal_uInt16 mnDispatchLevel; // DispatchLevel
- sal_uInt16 mnModalMode; // ModalMode Count
- sal_uInt16 mnModalDialog; // ModalDialog Count
- sal_uInt16 mnAccessCount; // AccessHdl Count
- sal_uInt16 mnSysWinMode; // Modus, wann SystemWindows erzeugt werden sollen
- sal_uInt16 mnLayout; // --- RTL-Flags --- currently not used, only for testing
+ sal_uLong mnLastInputTime; // GetLastInputTime()
+ sal_uInt16 mnDispatchLevel; // DispatchLevel
+ sal_uInt16 mnModalMode; // ModalMode Count
+ sal_uInt16 mnModalDialog; // ModalDialog Count
+ sal_uInt16 mnAccessCount; // AccessHdl Count
+ sal_uInt16 mnSysWinMode; // Mode, when SystemWindows should be created
+ sal_uInt16 mnLayout; // --- RTL-Flags --- currently not used, only for testing
short mnDialogScaleX; // Scale X-Positions and sizes in Dialogs
- sal_Bool mbInAppMain; // is Application::Main() on stack
- sal_Bool mbInAppExecute; // is Application::Execute() on stack
- sal_Bool mbAppQuit; // is Application::Quit() called
- sal_Bool mbSettingsInit; // sal_True: Settings are initialized
- sal_Bool mbNoYield; // Application::Yield will not wait for events if the queue is empty
+ sal_Bool mbInAppMain; // is Application::Main() on stack
+ sal_Bool mbInAppExecute; // is Application::Execute() on stack
+ sal_Bool mbAppQuit; // is Application::Quit() called
+ sal_Bool mbSettingsInit; // sal_True: Settings are initialized
+ sal_Bool mbNoYield; // Application::Yield will not wait for events if the queue is empty
// essentially that makes it the same as Application::Reschedule
- Application::DialogCancelMode meDialogCancel; // sal_True: Alle Dialog::Execute()-Aufrufe werden mit return sal_False sofort beendet
+ Application::DialogCancelMode meDialogCancel; // sal_True: All Dialog::Execute() calls will be terminated immediately with return sal_False
long mnDefaultLayoutBorder; // default value in pixel for layout distances used
// in window arrangers
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ struct ImplSVGDIData
long mnRealAppFontX; // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width
long mnAppFontX; // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width + DialogScaleX
long mnAppFontY; // AppFont Y-Numenator for 80/tel Height
- sal_Bool mbFontSubChanged; // sal_True: FontSubstitution wurde zwischen Begin/End geaendert
+ sal_Bool mbFontSubChanged; // sal_True: FontSubstitution was changed between Begin/End
utl::DefaultFontConfiguration* mpDefaultFontConfiguration;
utl::FontSubstConfiguration* mpFontSubstConfiguration;
bool mbNativeFontConfig; // true: do not override UI font
@@ -225,17 +225,17 @@ struct ImplSVWinData
Window* mpLastDeacWin; // Window, that need a deactivate (FloatingWindow-Handling)
DbgWindow* mpDbgWin; // debug window
FloatingWindow* mpFirstFloat; // First FloatingWindow in PopupMode
- Dialog* mpLastExecuteDlg; // Erster Dialog, der sich in Execute befindet
+ Dialog* mpLastExecuteDlg; // First Dialog that is in Execute
Window* mpExtTextInputWin; // Window, which is in ExtTextInput
Window* mpTrackWin; // window, that is in tracking mode
AutoTimer* mpTrackTimer; // tracking timer
ImageList* mpMsgBoxImgList; // ImageList for MessageBox
Window* mpAutoScrollWin; // window, that is in AutoScrollMode mode
- sal_uInt16 mnTrackFlags; // tracking flags
- sal_uInt16 mnAutoScrollFlags; // auto scroll flags
- sal_Bool mbNoDeactivate; // sal_True: keine Deactivate durchfuehren
- sal_Bool mbNoSaveFocus; // sal_True: menus must not save/restore focus
- sal_Bool mbNoSaveBackground; // sal_True: save background is unnecessary or even less performant
+ sal_uInt16 mnTrackFlags; // tracking flags
+ sal_uInt16 mnAutoScrollFlags; // auto scroll flags
+ sal_Bool mbNoDeactivate; // sal_True: do not execute Deactivate
+ sal_Bool mbNoSaveFocus; // sal_True: menus must not save/restore focus
+ sal_Bool mbNoSaveBackground; // sal_True: save background is unnecessary or even less performant
diff --git a/vcl/inc/unx/saldisp.hxx b/vcl/inc/unx/saldisp.hxx
index c83b42b21711..0df988615987 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/unx/saldisp.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/unx/saldisp.hxx
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ typedef enum {
extern "C" srv_vendor_t sal_GetServerVendor( Display *p_display );
// -=-= SalRGB -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-// MSB/Bigendian Sicht (SalColor == RGB, r=0xFF0000, g=0xFF00, b=0xFF)
+// MSB/Bigendian view (SalColor == RGB, r=0xFF0000, g=0xFF00, b=0xFF)
enum SalRGB { RGB, RBG,
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/accel.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/accel.hxx
index ee4f949427c0..6efc5903b9c3 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/accel.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/accel.hxx
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ private:
Link maDeactivateHdl;
Link maSelectHdl;
- // Werden vom AcceleratorManager gesetzt
+ // Will be set by AcceleratorManager
KeyCode maCurKeyCode;
- sal_uInt16 mnCurId;
- sal_uInt16 mnCurRepeat;
- sal_Bool mbIsCancel;
- sal_Bool* mpDel;
+ sal_uInt16 mnCurId;
+ sal_uInt16 mnCurRepeat;
+ sal_Bool mbIsCancel;
+ sal_Bool* mpDel;
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInit();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplCopyData( ImplAccelData& rAccelData );
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/gdimtf.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/gdimtf.hxx
index 95d8069fcdb1..9867cc39c8ff 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/gdimtf.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/gdimtf.hxx
@@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ public:
sal_uLong GetChecksum() const;
sal_uLong GetSizeBytes() const;
- // Methoden zum Lesen und Schreiben des neuen Formats;
- // die Read-Methode kann auch das alte Format lesen
+ // Methods for reading and writing the new formats;
+ // the Read method also reads the old format
SvStream& Read( SvStream& rIStm );
SvStream& Write( SvStream& rOStm, GDIMetaFileWriteFlags = GDIMETAFILE_WRITE_DEFAULT );
- // Stream-Operatoren schreiben das alte Format (noch)
- // und lesen sowohl das alte wie auch das neue Format
+ // Stream-operators write (still) the old format
+ // and read both the old and the new format
friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile );
friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile );
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/menu.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/menu.hxx
index 6ed2c8539b0f..62c2ba9e0f5e 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/menu.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/menu.hxx
@@ -146,22 +146,22 @@ private:
VclEventListeners maEventListeners;
VclEventListeners maChildEventListeners;
- XubString aTitleText; // PopupMenu-Text
+ XubString aTitleText; // PopupMenu text
- sal_uLong nEventId;
- sal_uInt16 mnHighlightedItemPos; // for native menus: keeps track of the highlighted item
- sal_uInt16 nMenuFlags;
- sal_uInt16 nDefaultItem; // Id vom Default-Item
- sal_uInt16 nSelectedId;
+ sal_uLong nEventId;
+ sal_uInt16 mnHighlightedItemPos; // for native menus: keeps track of the highlighted item
+ sal_uInt16 nMenuFlags;
+ sal_uInt16 nDefaultItem; // Id of default item
+ sal_uInt16 nSelectedId;
- // Fuer Ausgabe:
- sal_uInt16 nImgOrChkPos;
- sal_uInt16 nTextPos;
+ // for output:
+ sal_uInt16 nImgOrChkPos;
+ sal_uInt16 nTextPos;
- sal_Bool bIsMenuBar : 1, // Handelt es sich um den MenuBar
- bCanceled : 1, // Waehrend eines Callbacks abgebrochen
+ sal_Bool bIsMenuBar : 1, // Is this a menubar?
+ bCanceled : 1, // Terminated during a callback
bInCallback : 1, // In Activate/Deactivate
- bKilled : 1; // Gekillt...
+ bKilled : 1; // Killed...
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > mxAccessible;
mutable vcl::MenuLayoutData* mpLayoutData;
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/salbtype.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/salbtype.hxx
index 9ec3f1403176..89da4a6af377 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/salbtype.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/salbtype.hxx
@@ -103,11 +103,9 @@ class VCL_DLLPUBLIC BitmapColor
-// !!! Achtung:
-// !!! da auf die Member dieser Klasse via memcpy
-// !!! zugegriffen wird, darf diese Klasse weder
-// !!! in der Groesse noch der Reihenfolge der
-// !!! Member veraendert werden (KA 02.09.97)
+// Because the members of this class are accessed via memcpy,
+// you MUST NOT CHANGE the order of the members or the size of this class!
sal_uInt8 mcBlueOrIndex;
sal_uInt8 mcGreen;
sal_uInt8 mcRed;
@@ -731,13 +729,13 @@ inline long ColorMask::ImplCalcMaskShift( sal_uLong nMask, sal_uLong& rOr, sal_u
long nRet;
sal_uLong nLen = 0UL;
- // bei welchen Bits faengt die Maske an
+ // from which bit starts the mask?
for( nShift = 31L; ( nShift >= 0L ) && !( nMask & ( 1 << (sal_uLong) nShift ) ); nShift-- )
nRet = nShift;
- // XXX Anzahl der gesetzten Bits ermitteln => nach rechts bis Null laufen
+ // XXX determine number of bits set => walk right until null
while( ( nShift >= 0L ) && ( nMask & ( 1 << (sal_uLong) nShift ) ) )
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/seleng.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/seleng.hxx
index a5850db11c08..0cab19420774 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/seleng.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/seleng.hxx
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ public:
virtual void CreateAnchor() = 0; // Anker-Pos := Cursor-Pos
virtual void DestroyAnchor() = 0;
- // Cursor neu setzen, dabei die beim Anker beginnende
- // Selektion der neuen Cursor-Position anpassen. sal_True == Ok
+ // move cursor, at the same time match cursor position to the selection
+ // starting at anchor. sal_True == Ok
virtual sal_Bool SetCursorAtPoint( const Point& rPointPixel,
- sal_Bool bDontSelectAtCursor = sal_False ) = 0;
+ sal_Bool bDontSelectAtCursor = sal_False ) = 0;
virtual sal_Bool IsSelectionAtPoint( const Point& rPointPixel ) = 0;
- virtual void DeselectAtPoint( const Point& rPointPixel ) = 0;
- // Anker loeschen & alles deselektieren
- virtual void DeselectAll() = 0;
+ virtual void DeselectAtPoint( const Point& rPointPixel ) = 0;
+ // delete anchor & deselect all
+ virtual void DeselectAll() = 0;
// -------------------
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ private:
FunctionSet* pFunctionSet;
Window* pWin;
Rectangle aArea;
- Timer aWTimer; // erzeugt kuenstliche Mouse-Moves
+ Timer aWTimer; // generate fake mouse moves
MouseEvent aLastMove;
SelectionMode eSelMode;
sal_uLong nUpdateInterval;
- // Stufigkeit fuer Mausbewegungen waehrend einer Selektion
+ // sensitivity of mouse moves during a selection
sal_uInt16 nMouseSensitivity;
sal_uInt16 nLockedMods;
sal_uInt16 nFlags;
@@ -107,16 +107,16 @@ public:
sal_uLong nAutoRepeatInterval = SELENG_AUTOREPEAT_INTERVAL );
- // sal_True: Event wurde von Selection-Engine verarbeitet.
+ // sal_True: Event was processed by Selection Engine
sal_Bool SelMouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
sal_Bool SelMouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
sal_Bool SelMouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
- // Tastatur
+ // Keyboard
void CursorPosChanging( sal_Bool bShift, sal_Bool bMod1 );
- // wird benoetigt, um bei ausserhalb des Bereichs stehender
- // Maus ueber einen Timer Move-Events zu erzeugen
+ // is needed to generate a Move event via a Timer
+ // when the mouse is outside the area
void SetVisibleArea( const Rectangle rNewArea )
{ aArea = rNewArea; }
const Rectangle& GetVisibleArea() const { return aArea; }
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/svapp.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/svapp.hxx
index 3f0404588097..804a3c7b059a 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/svapp.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/svapp.hxx
@@ -101,9 +101,11 @@ typedef long (*VCLEventHookProc)( NotifyEvent& rEvt, void* pData );
// - ApplicationEvent -
// --------------------
-// Erstmal wieder eingebaut, damit AppEvents auf dem MAC funktionieren
+// Build in again, in order to make AppEvents work on MACs
+// ATTENTION: ENUM duplicate in daemon.cxx under Unix!
#ifdef UNX
-// enum Doppelt in daemon.cxx unter unix Achtung !!!
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/window.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/window.hxx
index 5d48ebb0df3f..0d64a3c55d28 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/window.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/window.hxx
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ public:
const SystemEnvData* GetSystemData() const;
::com::sun::star::uno::Any GetSystemDataAny() const;
- // API zum Setzen/Abfragen des Komponenteninterfaces
+ // API to set/query the component interfaces
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer > GetComponentInterface( sal_Bool bCreate = sal_True );
virtual void SetComponentInterface( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer > xIFace );
@@ -1035,12 +1035,12 @@ public:
void RecordLayoutData( vcl::ControlLayoutData* pLayout, const Rectangle& rRect );
- // Setzen und Abfragen fuer das Toolkit
+ // set and retrieve for Toolkit
VCLXWindow* GetWindowPeer() const;
void SetWindowPeer( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindowPeer > xPeer, VCLXWindow* pVCLXWindow );
- // Merken, ob vom Toolkit erzeugt
- sal_Bool IsCreatedWithToolkit() const;
+ // remember if it was generated by Toolkit
+ sal_Bool IsCreatedWithToolkit() const;
void SetCreatedWithToolkit( sal_Bool b );
// Deprecated - can use SetAccessibleRelationLabelFor/By nowadys
diff --git a/vcl/inc/win/saldata.hxx b/vcl/inc/win/saldata.hxx
index ce3870e9712d..ea085003b279 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/win/saldata.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/win/saldata.hxx
@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ public:
- sal_uInt16 mnStockPenCount; // count of static pens
- sal_uInt16 mnStockBrushCount; // count of static brushes
- WPARAM mnSalObjWantKeyEvt; // KeyEvent, welcher vom SalObj-Hook verarbeitet werden soll
+ sal_uInt16 mnStockPenCount; // count of static pens
+ sal_uInt16 mnStockBrushCount; // count of static brushes
+ WPARAM mnSalObjWantKeyEvt; // KeyEvent that should be processed by SalObj-Hook
BYTE mnCacheDCInUse; // count of CacheDC in use
- sal_Bool mbObjClassInit; // is SALOBJECTCLASS initialised
- sal_Bool mbInPalChange; // is in WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE
+ sal_Bool mbObjClassInit; // is SALOBJECTCLASS initialised
+ sal_Bool mbInPalChange; // is in WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE
DWORD mnAppThreadId; // Id from Applikation-Thread
- BOOL mbScrSvrEnabled; // ScreenSaver enabled
- int mnSageStatus; // status of Sage-DLL (DISABLE_AGENT == nicht vorhanden)
+ BOOL mbScrSvrEnabled; // ScreenSaver enabled
+ int mnSageStatus; // status of Sage-DLL (DISABLE_AGENT == does not exist)
SysAgt_Enable_PROC mpSageEnableProc; // funktion to deactivate the system agent
SalIcon* mpFirstIcon; // icon cache, points to first icon, NULL if none
TempFontItem* mpTempFontItem;
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ int ImplSalWICompareAscii( const wchar_t* pStr1, const char* pStr2 );
// wParam == 0; lParam == MousePosition relativ to upper left of screen
-// NULL-Message, soll nicht verarbeitet werden
+// NULL-Message, should not be processed
#define SAL_MSG_DUMMY (WM_USER+132)
// wParam == 0; lParam == 0