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7 files changed, 111 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/inc/salgdi.hxx b/vcl/inc/salgdi.hxx
index 9ca24332903c..90f75b1bf6c2 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/salgdi.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/salgdi.hxx
@@ -337,10 +337,22 @@ public:
// native widget rendering functions
- // Query the platform layer for control support
- virtual bool IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart );
+ /**
+ * Query the platform layer for native control support.
+ *
+ * @param [in] eType The widget type.
+ * @param [in] ePart The part of the widget.
+ * @return true if the platform supports native drawing of the widget type defined by part.
+ */
+ virtual bool IsNativeControlSupported(
+ ControlType eType, ControlPart ePart );
- // Query the native control to determine if it was acted upon
+ /**
+ * Query the native control to determine if it was acted upon
+ *
+ * @see hitTestNativeControl
+ */
bool HitTestNativeScrollbar(
ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
@@ -348,7 +360,11 @@ public:
bool& rIsInside,
const OutputDevice *pOutDev );
- // Request rendering of a particular control and/or part
+ /**
+ * Request rendering of a particular control and/or part
+ *
+ * @see drawNativeControl
+ */
bool DrawNativeControl(
ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
@@ -358,7 +374,11 @@ public:
const OUString& aCaption,
const OutputDevice *pOutDev );
- // Query the native control's actual drawing region (including adornment)
+ /**
+ * Query the native control's actual drawing region (including adornment)
+ *
+ * @see getNativeControlRegion
+ */
bool GetNativeControlRegion(
ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
@@ -462,7 +482,6 @@ protected:
const SalPoint* const* pPtAry,
const PolyFlags* const* pFlgAry ) = 0;
virtual bool drawGradient(
const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
const Gradient& rGradient ) = 0;
@@ -508,24 +527,66 @@ protected:
void* pPtr,
sal_uLong nSize ) = 0;
- // native widget rendering methods that require mirroring
+ /**
+ * Query if a position is inside the native widget part.
+ *
+ * Mainly used for scrollbars.
+ *
+ * @param [in] eType The widget type.
+ * @param [in] ePart The part of the widget.
+ * @param [in] rBoundingControlRegion The bounding Rectangle of
+ the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ * @param [in] aPos The position to check the hit.
+ * @param [out] rIsInside true, if \a aPos was inside the native widget.
+ * @return true, if the query was successful.
+ */
virtual bool hitTestNativeControl(
- ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
- const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
- const Point& aPos,
- bool& rIsInside );
+ ControlType eType, ControlPart ePart,
+ const Rectangle& rBoundingControlRegion,
+ const Point& aPos, bool& rIsInside );
+ /**
+ * Draw the requested control.
+ *
+ * @param [in] eType The widget type.
+ * @param [in] ePart The part of the widget.
+ * @param [in] rBoundingControlRegion The bounding rectangle of
+ * the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ * @param [in] eState The general state of the control (enabled, focused, etc.).
+ * @param [in] aValue Addition control specific information.
+ * @param [in] aCaption A caption or title string (like button text etc.).
+ * @return true, if the control could be drawn.
+ */
virtual bool drawNativeControl(
- ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
- const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
- ControlState nState,
+ ControlType eType, ControlPart ePart,
+ const Rectangle& rBoundingControlRegion,
+ ControlState eState,
const ImplControlValue& aValue,
const OUString& aCaption );
+ /**
+ * Get the native control regions for the control part.
+ *
+ * If the return value is true, \a rNativeBoundingRegion contains
+ * the true bounding region covered by the control including any
+ * adornment, while \a rNativeContentRegion contains the area
+ * within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
+ * the borders of the control.
+ *
+ * @param [in] eType Type of the widget.
+ * @param [in] ePart Specification of the widget's part if it consists of more than one.
+ * @param [in] rBoundingControlRegion The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ * @param [in] eState The general state of the control (enabled, focused, etc.).
+ * @param [in] aValue Addition control specific information.
+ * @param [in] aCaption A caption or title string (like button text etc.).
+ * @param [out] rNativeBoundingRegion The region covered by the control including any adornment.
+ * @param [out] rNativeContentRegion The region within the control that can be safely drawn into.
+ * @return true, if the regions are filled.
+ */
virtual bool getNativeControlRegion(
- ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
- const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
- ControlState nState,
+ ControlType eType, ControlPart ePart,
+ const Rectangle& rBoundingControlRegion,
+ ControlState eState,
const ImplControlValue& aValue,
const OUString& aCaption,
Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion,
@@ -569,19 +630,14 @@ protected:
const SalBitmap* pAlphaBitmap) = 0;
/** Render solid rectangle with given transparency
- @param nX Top left coordinate of rectangle
- @param nY Bottom right coordinate of rectangle
- @param nWidth Width of rectangle
- @param nHeight Height of rectangle
- @param nTransparency Transparency value (0-255) to use. 0 blits and opaque, 255 a
- fully transparent rectangle
- @returns true if successfully drawn, false if not able to draw rectangle
+ *
+ * @param nX Top left coordinate of rectangle
+ * @param nY Bottom right coordinate of rectangle
+ * @param nWidth Width of rectangle
+ * @param nHeight Height of rectangle
+ * @param nTransparency Transparency value (0-255) to use. 0 blits and opaque, 255 a
+ * fully transparent rectangle
+ * @returns true if successfully drawn, false if not able to draw rectangle
virtual bool drawAlphaRect(
long nX, long nY,
diff --git a/vcl/osx/salnativewidgets.cxx b/vcl/osx/salnativewidgets.cxx
index a9d263f3c476..36e8bf3db016 100644
--- a/vcl/osx/salnativewidgets.cxx
+++ b/vcl/osx/salnativewidgets.cxx
@@ -157,13 +157,6 @@ static bool AquaGetScrollRect( /* TODO: int nScreen, */ ControlPart nPart,
return bRetVal;
- * IsNativeControlSupported()
- * --------------------------
- * Returns true if the platform supports native
- * drawing of the control defined by nPart.
- *
- */
bool AquaSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart )
bool bOk = false;
@@ -292,13 +285,6 @@ bool AquaSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart n
return bOk;
- * HitTestNativeScrollbar()
- *
- * If the return value is true, bIsInside contains information whether
- * aPos was or was not inside the native widget specified by the
- * nType/nPart combination.
- */
bool AquaSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
const Point& rPos, bool& rIsInside )
@@ -346,15 +332,6 @@ UInt32 AquaSalGraphics::getTrackState( ControlState nState )
return kThemeTrackActive;
- * DrawNativeControl()
- *
- * Draws the requested control described by nPart/nState.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * aCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
bool AquaSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
@@ -1068,19 +1045,6 @@ bool AquaSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(ControlType nType,
return bOK;
- * GetNativeControlRegion()
- *
- * If the return value is true, rNativeBoundingRegion
- * contains the true bounding region covered by the control
- * including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
- * within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
- * the borders of the control.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * aCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
bool AquaSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const Rectangle& rControlRegion, ControlState /*nState*/,
const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString&,
Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion )
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/salnativewidgets-none.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/salnativewidgets-none.cxx
index 99e8882c9a5f..afe6c2e6dab9 100644
--- a/vcl/source/gdi/salnativewidgets-none.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/salnativewidgets-none.cxx
@@ -23,73 +23,28 @@
* Placeholder for no native widgets
- * IsNativeControlSupported()
- *
- * Returns true if the platform supports native
- * drawing of the control defined by nPart
- */
bool SalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType, ControlPart )
return false;
- * HitTestNativeScrollbar()
- *
- * If the return value is true, bIsInside contains information whether
- * aPos was or was not inside the native widget specified by the
- * nType/nPart combination.
- */
-bool SalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType,
- ControlPart,
- const Rectangle&,
- const Point&,
- bool& )
+bool SalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType, ControlPart,
+ const Rectangle&, const Point&, bool& )
return false;
- * DrawNativeControl()
- *
- * Draws the requested control described by nPart/nState.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * aCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
-bool SalGraphics::drawNativeControl( ControlType,
- ControlPart,
- const Rectangle&,
- ControlState,
- const ImplControlValue&,
- const OUString& )
+bool SalGraphics::drawNativeControl( ControlType, ControlPart,
+ const Rectangle&, ControlState,
+ const ImplControlValue&, const OUString& )
return false;
- * GetNativeControlRegion()
- *
- * If the return value is true, rNativeBoundingRegion
- * contains the true bounding region covered by the control
- * including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
- * within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
- * the borders of the control.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * aCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
-bool SalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion( ControlType,
- ControlPart,
- const Rectangle&,
- ControlState,
- const ImplControlValue&,
- const OUString&,
- Rectangle &,
- Rectangle & )
+bool SalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion( ControlType, ControlPart,
+ const Rectangle&, ControlState,
+ const ImplControlValue&,
+ const OUString&, Rectangle&, Rectangle& )
return false;
diff --git a/vcl/unx/gtk/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx b/vcl/unx/gtk/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
index a3eea1636475..8d0c96c42a1f 100644
--- a/vcl/unx/gtk/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
+++ b/vcl/unx/gtk/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
@@ -632,12 +632,6 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::copyBits( const SalTwoRect& rPosAry,
X11SalGraphics::copyBits( rPosAry, pSrcGraphics );
- * IsNativeControlSupported()
- *
- * Returns true if the platform supports native
- * drawing of the control defined by nPart
- */
bool GtkSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart )
@@ -741,15 +735,6 @@ bool GtkSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nP
return false;
- * HitTestNativeScrollbar()
- *
- * bIsInside is set to true if aPos is contained within the
- * given part of the control, whose bounding region is
- * given by rControlRegion (in VCL frame coordinates).
- *
- * returns whether bIsInside was really set.
- */
bool GtkSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
@@ -852,15 +837,6 @@ bool GtkSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType nType,
- * DrawNativeControl()
- *
- * Draws the requested control described by nPart/nState.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * rCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion, ControlState nState,
const ImplControlValue& aValue, const OUString& rCaption)
@@ -1098,19 +1074,6 @@ bool GtkSalGraphics::DoDrawNativeControl(
return false;
- * GetNativeControlRegion()
- *
- * If the return value is true, rNativeBoundingRegion
- * contains the true bounding region covered by the control
- * including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
- * within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
- * the borders of the control.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * rCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
bool GtkSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion( ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
diff --git a/vcl/unx/kde/salnativewidgets-kde.cxx b/vcl/unx/kde/salnativewidgets-kde.cxx
index de55f1bb05d3..dc3cd619d649 100644
--- a/vcl/unx/kde/salnativewidgets-kde.cxx
+++ b/vcl/unx/kde/salnativewidgets-kde.cxx
@@ -1254,17 +1254,6 @@ class KDESalGraphics : public X11SalGraphics
Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion ) override;
-/** What widgets can be drawn the native way.
- @param nType
- Type of the widget.
- @param nPart
- Specification of the widget's part if it consists of more than one.
- @return true if the platform supports native drawing of the widget nType
- defined by nPart.
bool KDESalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart )
@@ -1292,12 +1281,6 @@ bool KDESalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nP
-/** Test whether the position is in the native widget.
- If the return value is true, bIsInside contains information whether
- aPos was or was not inside the native widget specified by the
- nType/nPart combination.
bool KDESalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion, const Point& rPos,
bool& rIsInside )
@@ -1393,17 +1376,6 @@ bool KDESalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
return false;
-/** Draw the requested control described by nPart/nState.
- @param rControlRegion
- The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- @param aValue
- An optional value (tristate/numerical/string).
- @param aCaption
- A caption or title string (like button text etc.)
bool KDESalGraphics::drawNativeControl( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion, ControlState nState,
const ImplControlValue& aValue,
@@ -1511,23 +1483,6 @@ bool KDESalGraphics::drawNativeControl( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
return bReturn;
-/** Check if the bounding regions match.
- If the return value is true, rNativeBoundingRegion
- contains the true bounding region covered by the control
- including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
- within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
- the borders of the control.
- @param rControlRegion
- The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- @param aValue
- An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- @param aCaption
- A caption or title string (like button text etc.)
bool KDESalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion, ControlState nState,
const ImplControlValue&,
diff --git a/vcl/unx/kde4/KDESalGraphics.hxx b/vcl/unx/kde4/KDESalGraphics.hxx
index 38dd169eb9ce..501fbe3ba679 100644
--- a/vcl/unx/kde4/KDESalGraphics.hxx
+++ b/vcl/unx/kde4/KDESalGraphics.hxx
@@ -27,67 +27,27 @@
#include <QtGui/QImage>
-/** handles graphics drawings requests and performs the needed drawing operations */
+ * Handles native graphics requests and performs the needed drawing operations.
+ */
class KDESalGraphics : public X11SalGraphics
- std::unique_ptr<QImage> m_image;
- QRect lastPopupRect;
- public:
- /**
- What widgets can be drawn the native way.
- @param type Type of the widget.
- @param part Specification of the widget's part if it consists of more than one.
- @return true if the platform supports native drawing of the widget type defined by part.
- */
- virtual bool IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType type, ControlPart part ) override;
- /** Test whether the position is in the native widget.
- If the return value is TRUE, bIsInside contains information whether
- aPos was or was not inside the native widget specified by the
- type/part combination.
- */
- virtual bool hitTestNativeControl( ControlType type, ControlPart part,
- const Rectangle& rControlRegion, const Point& aPos,
- bool& rIsInside ) override;
- /** Draw the requested control described by part/nControlState.
- @param rControlRegion
- The bounding Rectangle of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ virtual bool IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType, ControlPart ) override;
- @param aValue
- An optional value (tristate/numerical/string).
+ virtual bool hitTestNativeControl( ControlType, ControlPart,
+ const Rectangle&, const Point&, bool& ) override;
- @param aCaption
- A caption or title string (like button text etc.)
- */
- virtual bool drawNativeControl( ControlType type, ControlPart part,
- const Rectangle& rControlRegion, ControlState nControlState,
- const ImplControlValue& aValue,
- const OUString& aCaption ) override;
+ virtual bool drawNativeControl( ControlType, ControlPart, const Rectangle&,
+ ControlState, const ImplControlValue&, const OUString& ) override;
- /** Check if the bounding regions match.
+ virtual bool getNativeControlRegion( ControlType, ControlPart, const Rectangle&,
+ ControlState, const ImplControlValue&,
+ const OUString&, Rectangle&, Rectangle& ) override;
- If the return value is TRUE, rNativeBoundingRegion
- contains the true bounding region covered by the control
- including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
- within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
- the borders of the control.
- @param rControlRegion
- The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- @param aValue
- An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- @param aCaption
- A caption or title string (like button text etc.)
- */
- virtual bool getNativeControlRegion( ControlType type, ControlPart part,
- const Rectangle& rControlRegion, ControlState nControlState,
- const ImplControlValue& aValue,
- const OUString& aCaption,
- Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion ) override;
+ std::unique_ptr<QImage> m_image;
+ QRect lastPopupRect;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/vcl/win/gdi/salnativewidgets-luna.cxx b/vcl/win/gdi/salnativewidgets-luna.cxx
index 23fa61ad9725..07586b4db0df 100644
--- a/vcl/win/gdi/salnativewidgets-luna.cxx
+++ b/vcl/win/gdi/salnativewidgets-luna.cxx
@@ -226,12 +226,6 @@ static HTHEME getThemeHandle( HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR name )
return hTheme;
- * IsNativeControlSupported()
- *
- * Returns TRUE if the platform supports native
- * drawing of the control defined by nPart
- */
bool WinSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart )
HTHEME hTheme = nullptr;
@@ -339,13 +333,6 @@ bool WinSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nP
return (hTheme != nullptr);
- * HitTestNativeScrollbar()
- *
- * If the return value is TRUE, bIsInside contains information whether
- * aPos was or was not inside the native widget specified by the
- * nType/nPart combination.
- */
bool WinSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType,
const Rectangle&,
@@ -1147,15 +1134,6 @@ bool ImplDrawNativeControl( HDC hDC, HTHEME hTheme, RECT rc,
return false;
- * DrawNativeControl()
- *
- * Draws the requested control described by nPart/nState.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * aCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
bool WinSalGraphics::drawNativeControl( ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
@@ -1316,19 +1294,6 @@ bool WinSalGraphics::drawNativeControl( ControlType nType,
return bOk;
- * GetNativeControlRegion()
- *
- * If the return value is TRUE, rNativeBoundingRegion
- * contains the true bounding region covered by the control
- * including any adornment, while rNativeContentRegion contains the area
- * within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
- * the borders of the control.
- *
- * rControlRegion: The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- * aValue: An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- * aCaption: A caption or title string (like button text etc)
- */
bool WinSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion( ControlType nType,
ControlPart nPart,
const Rectangle& rControlRegion,