AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 daysBump version to Timar
5 dayslok: style panel shortcut icon command fixSzymon Kłos
5 daystdf#164775 PPTX export: fix connector shape regressionTibor Nagy
5 daystdf#165642 docx export glossary: RT endnotes.xml/footnotes.xml tooJustin Luth
6 dayscool#11226 sw per-view redline on: support this-view <-> all-views transitionMiklos Vajna
6 daystdf#165606 sd: fix master slide panel doesn't resized correctlyRashesh
6 daysResolves: tdf#165603 zoom settings reset to default in ctorCaolán McNamara
6 daystdf#165610 sd: master slide panel is broken with "show large preview"Rashesh
9 dayscool#11258 move Language into the cache keyCaolán McNamara
9 dayscool#11289 desktop lok: don't assume all views invalidate the same areaMiklos Vajna
9 daysuno: introduced command to copy slidesPranam Lashkari
9 daystdf#165059 sw fix not valid moveFrom/moveTo tagJaume Pujantell
10 daystdf#165003 Row height wrong at writing direction 90°Noel Grandin
10 daysAvoid more cases of unneeded GetTextWidthMike Kaganski
10 daystdf#165503 oox: save numerical date categories into numerical cacheAron Budea
11 days[cp] flat_logo.svg is unusedAndras Timar
11 dayscool#11254 desktop lok: avoid invalidations if no tiles are sentMiklos Vajna
11 daysjsdialogs: fix nested containters lookupSzymon Kłos
11 dayscool#11226 sw per-view redline on: state for the per-view and per-doc commandsMiklos Vajna
11 dayscool#11226 sw per-view redline on: allow both per-view and per-docMiklos Vajna
11 daysjsdialogs: use frozen:: set not mapSzymon Kłos
11 daysjsdialogs: check if ignored .ui firstSzymon Kłos
12 daysjsdialogs: use frozen:: map for ui file lookupSzymon Kłos
12 daysjsdialogs: warn if not used in lokSzymon Kłos
12 dayscool#10967: LOK Impress: Invalidate tiles on switching the CenterPaneCaolán McNamara
12 daysLOK: add OpenGL transitions to impress packageAndras Timar
12 dayslok: use .uno:SidebarDeck.StyleListDeck as shortcutSzymon Kłos
13 daysRelated: cool#11226 sw per-view redline on: fix ratio buttons of is-showMiklos Vajna
13 dayscool#11226 sw per-view redline on: add view-aware getterMiklos Vajna
2025-02-28jsdialog: enabled writer setboarder style popupPranam Lashkari
2025-02-27tdf#164487: "Show underline" compatibility option OOXML import/exportMike Kaganski
2025-02-27tdf#164487: Introduce "Show underline" MS Word compatibility optionMike Kaganski
2025-02-27Fix Win64 buildMike Kaganski
2025-02-27Fix Windows build with warnings enabledMike Kaganski
2025-02-27Fix buildMike Kaganski
2025-02-27cool#11226 sw per-view redline on: move the setter to the modelMiklos Vajna
2025-02-27sc comment kit: use iso format datesPranam Lashkari
2025-02-27Remove notice/license info about Apache Jakarta HttpClientAndras Timar
2025-02-27Remove notice/license info about Apache TomcatAndras Timar
2025-02-26Bump version to Timar
2025-02-26cool#11226 sw per-view redline on: add new flag in SwViewOptionMiklos Vajna
2025-02-25speed up display of XLSX with lots of conditional formattingNoel Grandin
2025-02-25use std::string_view for TokenValueCaolán McNamara
2025-02-25cool#11226 sw layout xml dump: show some view optionsMiklos Vajna
2025-02-25fetch frozen and zxcvbn_c optionally, system option existsAndras Timar
2025-02-25license: dtoa.cAndras Timar
2025-02-25license: zxcvbn-cAndras Timar
2025-02-24sc comment: use standerd ISO date format for commentPranam Lashkari
2025-02-24license: add Box2DAndras Timar
2025-02-24optimize unoxml for the common case of no listenersCaolán McNamara