AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-04-20Adapt CPPUNIT_ASSERT to C++20 deleted ostream << for sal_Unicode (aka char16_t)Stephan Bergmann
2021-04-20Comparison between css::uno::WeakReference and css::uno::ReferenceStephan Bergmann
2021-04-20Avoid C++20 operator overloading ambiguityStephan Bergmann
2021-04-20Fixup for gcc11 - presumably true is fineThorsten Behrens
2021-04-20Adapt SAL_WARN to C++20 deleted ostream << for sal_Unicode (aka char16_t)Stephan Bergmann
2021-04-20presumably 'true' is sufficient in all casesCaolán McNamara
2021-04-20Adapt to C++20 deleted ostream << for sal_Unicode (aka char16_t)Stephan Bergmann
2021-04-20Adjust various unit tests past-backportsThorsten Behrens
2021-04-18Release Melenchuk
2021-04-18xmlsecurity: keep error code (if any) to support older WinSDK < 10Vasily Melenchuk
2021-04-18xmlsecurity: downgrade to support gcc 4.8.2Vasily Melenchuk
2021-04-16xmlsecurity: replace OOXMLSecParser implementationMichael Stahl
2021-04-16xmlsecurity: improve handling of multiple X509Data elementsMichael Stahl
2021-04-16clang-format ooxmlsecexporter.cxxMichael Stahl
2021-04-15xmlsecurity: ignore elements in ds:Object that aren't signedMichael Stahl
2021-04-15xmlsecurity: XSecParser confused about multiple timestampsMichael Stahl
2021-04-15xmlsecurity: replace XSecParser implementationMichael Stahl
2021-04-15expand out some namespace aliases [xmlsecurity/source/helper]Noel Grandin
2021-04-15xmlsec: fix signing documents on WNTMichael Stahl
2021-04-15tdf#42316 always evaluate macro signatures on loadJan-Marek Glogowski
2021-04-15Fix macro security UI usability problemsJan-Marek Glogowski
2021-04-15tdf#42316 handle saving to template filtersJan-Marek Glogowski
2021-04-15tdf#42316 preserve macro signature of templatesJan-Marek Glogowski
2021-04-15[API CHANGE] extend
2021-04-15tdf#42949 Fix IWYU warnings in xmlsecurity/*cxxGabor Kelemen
2021-04-15tdf#42949 Fix IWYU warnings in xmlsecurity/*hxxGabor Kelemen
2021-04-13tdf#123747 xmlsecurity, ODF sign roundtrip: preserve invalid reference typeMiklos Vajna
2021-04-13default to CertificateValidity::INVALIDCaolán McNamara
2021-04-13Improve checkExtensionStephan Bergmann
2021-04-13sw: WW8 import: filter control characters in GetFieldResult()Michael Stahl
2021-04-13ofz#18526 sw: WW8 import: don't insert control charactersMichael Stahl
2021-04-13sw: WW8 import: instead of control character insert '?' for footnoteMichael Stahl
2021-04-13writerfilter: rtftok: filter control charactersMichael Stahl
2021-04-13sw: UNO API: do not allow inserting control characters into nodesMichael Stahl
2021-04-13svl: HTMLParser: stop inserting control character garbage into WriterMichael Stahl
2021-04-13xmlsecurity: reject a few dangerous annotation types during pdf sig verifyMiklos Vajna
2021-04-13external: update pdfium to handle redact annotationsMiklos Vajna
2021-04-13vcl pdf tokenizer: fix handling of dict -> array -> dict tokensMiklos Vajna
2021-04-07xmlsecurity: handle MDP permission during PDF verifyMiklos Vajna
2021-04-07vcl pdf tokenizer: fix handling of dict -> array -> dict tokensMiklos Vajna
2021-04-07xmlsecurity: pdf incremental updates that are non-commenting are invalidMiklos Vajna
2021-04-06xmlsecurity: detect unsigned incremental update between signaturesMiklos Vajna
2021-04-06pdfium: only init pdfium library once and destroy on LO exitTomaž Vajngerl
2021-04-06xmlsecurity: avoid saying OK when the signature is partialMiklos Vajna
2021-04-06xmlsecurity: fix infobar vs signature dialog inconsistencyMiklos Vajna
2021-04-06pdfium: only init pdfium library once and destroy on LO exitTomaž Vajngerl
2021-04-05poppler: use o3tl::make_unique instead of std::make_uniqueVasily Melenchuk
2021-04-05tdf#131353: Fix build with poppler 0.86.0Martin Whitaker
2021-04-05Fix build with poppler-0.83Martin Milata
2021-04-05NSS: enable parallel buildJan-Marek Glogowski