AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-11-27remove unused BrowserMode enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I46eb4145bd79253c1c20b7a03d82b6873402d9ac Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused SvxIconViewFlags enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I31f810383fb92b2d0dbe9fa9162b77f137154e91 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused RulerBorderStyle enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I4f10e323293485e7a1969fd4c80873aa05971e6c Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused SvxLanguageListFlags enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I89a6244c01be811bfdfc443f687708ed6aec8a10 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27Add explicit API scaling via ImageTree API.Michael Meeks
Also add image scale to in-memory cache lookup. Change-Id: I1e84b922d4a9ab2f1723c5cb8a72f295c6940504 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <>
2018-11-27Preserve stock images until render time.Michael Meeks
This allows us to choose to render HiDPI images at the right time, when we have the DPI of the device to render to. The first step in a better, and more industry standard way of improving our UI for HiDPI via rendering level scaling that should retain a consistent look across the app with many fewer changes. Change-Id: I36681f3242cb650de4f0b2d0fcdffbe5618e30fc Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <>
2018-11-27tdf#121713 give filter a nameCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: Ia1a45e7292a61efd21c4a7351af1a681b92e886e Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2018-11-27improve chart type dialog treeview widthCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: I41a053f63db6bced24dd6586e2c347d286339c29 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2018-11-27vcl: fix gtk debug codeThorsten Behrens
Change-Id: I940e1ae01ec384069cf2704fdc81b7561e9f8d63 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Thorsten Behrens <> Tested-by: Thorsten Behrens <>
2018-11-27tdf#121648 EMF+ Fix displaying DrawDriverString recordBartosz Kosiorek
With introduing String rotation support I made mistake by not removing Maping from DX-Array. With this commit I'm fixing that issue. Now drawing with DrawDriverString record, and rotation is working perfectly. Change-Id: I7ae051b3791d9d2d8e2143ed33d21b7bfbc551c6 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Patrick Jaap <> Reviewed-by: Bartosz Kosiorek <>
2018-11-27Refactor calc non-linear ViewToDevice transformArmin Le Grand
This change solves the non-linear World-To-View trans- formation that calc uses due to it's screen rendering as good as currently possible (AFAIK). Calcv view is layouted on pixel base (due to better homogen distances and full pixel lines between cells), but this leads to having a non-linear transformation between discrete units (pixels, view) and model coordinates (World). In principle, each cell has it's own (so called) ViewTransformation -> the position on screen depends on the mappings of all cells top/left from it. This is obvioulsly non-linear and can sometimes be seen by producing 'offset' errors when many cells (small and thin) are shown in low zoom stages. No better solution for this comes to mind easily. The extremes are - on the one hand AntiAliasing the whole calc edit view and accept 'unsharp/AAed' lines - on the other hand what we have now. Maybe a future solution could find a mapping that gets close to linear mapping for the full view. On the long run this state is hard to keep correct. Even with this extended solution the mapping of SdrObjects spawning mutiple cells is assumed 'linear' in that area - which is in reality currently not the case (!) Note: This is only true for the screen visualization, print and/or PDF export do not do that pixel-based layouting. Note2: This mechanism is general in DrawingLayer (look for '.*GridOffset.*'. If it is deactivated by providing no offsets, the result is the unchanged, linear mapping. First step: Add interfaces to get a possible GridOffset at ViewObjectContact. There it belongs, we have a view- dependent offset per object and view. Add mechanisms to create on-demand and reach back to the view (aka calc's derivation of it). Second step: Implement the on-demand creation, adapt to use it in ViewObjectContact::getPrimitive2DSequence, add stuff to reset on zoom change, disable temporarily old mechanism -> paint already works. Need to adapt the places from old mechanism where the GridOffset was used, but no longer the geometry creations. Third step: Isolated and disabled old mechanism (by already removing SetGridOffset). Marked all places that possibly need change with '//Z' tag. Main work now will be to adapt in the SdrView implementations in svx to know about having a SdrObject-dependent ViewTransformation at all (currently not known, was hard-coded at some places from the old code, ViewTransformation set as MapMode at a target OutputDevice, not member at SdrView at all...). Fourth step: Adapt the Handles and OverlayObjects to use an evtl. existing GridOffset. The mechanism is that the SdrHdl(s) can be seen as 'Model-Objects', these get converted to OverlayObjects in the ::CreateB2dIAObject() implementations, for all SdrMarkView and SdrPageView, so this is the place where the ObjectContact is known (the SdrPageWindow *is* a ObjectContact) and the view- dependent GridOffset can be calculated per SdrObject. I modified OverlayObject to be able to work with a set Offset that embeds the created visualization using this additionally. Handles get now correctly set and have a working HitTest (due to that already using the primitives). Some inter- action stuff already working, some will need more adaption. We simply have no concept for this stuff... Refactored to not get dependencies to SdrObject in ObjectContact. Fifth Step: Make HitTest work by adding the View-And- Object dependent GridOffset in the View when HitTest is triggered. This is in SdrMarkView::CheckSingleSdrObjectHit where pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect() is used that gets the view-independent form. To make HitTest work, add a possible GridOffset. Since this will be necessary more often in SdrView hierarchy, added a tooling method (getPossibleGridOffsetForSdrObject) at that level after checking that at that level will be reachable at all potential spots. Inside that method the correct ObjectContact will be identified and the object-specific offset requested there. Sixth Step: Adaptions and started some cleanups. Still some adaptions needed: - After creation of new object, need to relocate from used GridOffset setting to WorldCoordinates - Interactions, e.g. start with dragging handles or full object/points Seventh Step: React on EndCreateObj. Here, the created SdrObject is in model coordinates and needs to be adapted to evtl. GridOffset. This is 'tricky' due to calculating the possible offset based on new coordinates 'close' to the target position, but may be in the wrong cell. Nonetheless this is the best we can do here. Last (hopefully) missing are now all interaction viszualizations. They already work and are applied correctly, but wrong visualized. Have taken the time to unify adding OverlayObjects for selection visualization to OverlayManager, see handleNewOverlayObject. This does all needed when adding OverlayObjects in one place where the GridOffset can also be handled. It makles things more safe - not possible to forget one of the three steps for others. Eighth Step: Do the same unification for creating the OverlayGeometry, also rename methods to make usage more clear. We now have SdrHdl::insertNewlyCreatedOverlayObjectForSdrHdl SdrDragMethod::insertNewlyCreatedOverlayObjectForSdrDragMethod which can do the needed GridOffset changes centralized. Needed to get a ObjectContact for this at SdrDragMethod, so adapted ::CreateOverlayGeometry implementations accordingly. Missing is now the implementation in insertNewlyCreatedOverlayObjectForSdrDragMethod to add the GridOffset - if used. This has no SdrObject at this time, so we will need a fallback to do the same using a Range (Rectangle). The stuff doing this for SdrObject already has a fallback and is based on using the Rectangle from the SdrObject anyways, so this will be possible. Ninth Step: Cleanup of old stuff (no more //Z), adapted some usages of OverlayObject creations to use getViewIndependentPrimitive2DContainer instead of the view dependent parts so that offset applied to drag-overlays is correct and not already added. Adapted insertNewlyCreatedOverlayObjectForSdrDragMethod to use calculateGridOffsetForB2DRange. Use now that instead of SdrObject-based approach in calc - is more generic. Getting closer, but still not complete - there is an error with dragging the grepped handle somehow - the offset for drag is somehow wrong. Tenth Step: Corrected that offset error. Of course at interaction start and progress (move) the coordinates are in GrifOffset coordinates and need to be corrected to Model coordinates. Done that at ::BegDragObj and ::MovDragObj, works well. Of course there are exceptions for the crop-handles, so needed to add setting the correct parameters at SdrHdl when these got created, then all works as expected. The strategy is to *not* change the model data itself in any way, instead do all changes/adaptions in the view-only code. This has minimal impact and is needed due to having a 1:n relationship between model and views anyways. There are two directions: All visualizations are adapted to take the GridOffset into account (SdrObjects, overlay, handles, InteractionObjects, ...). In the other direction input like MousePosition is in principle in calc EditView in 'GridOffset'-coordinates and needs to be mapped back before usage. Change-Id: I2ecdd409def96a7248a26a65a22e59eb962880a0 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Armin Le Grand <>
2018-11-27gbuild: MacOSX: use tr instead of sed for newlinesMichael Stahl
At least on tinderbox MacOSX-x86_64@49-TDF the sed appears to ignore the literal newline character, which is unfortunate, particularly since it worked on the Jenkins builder. Blind fix to replace this with a tr invocation that already appears to work in Change-Id: I7a77e69774b050a018b12c73ddd9eff849c33a86
2018-11-27tdf#42949 Fix IWYU warnings in include/vcl/[f-h]*Gabor Kelemen
Found with bin/find-unneeded-includes Only removal proposals are dealt with here. Change-Id: Ice2eb8c5994bf2ccb88972332ca4a1d3ed41752a Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
2018-11-27remove unused SdrSearchOptions enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I0a8867399699d1c5ce17c2e5dadf96510246f173 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused PolyOptimizeFlags enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I3a2145277212b7b45c25bea2e33aae3f6f4a7776 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused SubsFontFlags flagsNoel Grandin
and document in the registry that the SubstFontsPS is unused Change-Id: I66a9e0b4353f17b34cffb02823726c9887b7bdd3 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused BmpDitherFlags enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I09a0eb661b66da78d8b3809124930bc761960712 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused DrawButtonFlags enum valueNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I5e1a92d94e5b7963c8162b74f1b67dbbf3eeccc9 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused HelpEventMode enum valueNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I0fffa7b02ac61ef009e566d04b903cc02e9b4b3d Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused GraphicManagerDrawFlags enum valueNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I9e832da8f6b7a90d72c07ab712cbe00774496b76 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27suspicious has-default on help buttonsCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: I604e3bf6362271e767a4862a2c9d789a2c89df88 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2018-11-27tdf#114839: Drop ancient AquaBlinker crackTor Lillqvist
Most probably that was related to "pulsating" buttons that haven't been used since 10.9. Whether the code even worked (made buttons pulsate) on 10.9 anyway is unclear. Much of the code in this file uses various HITheme (Carbon?) API that as far as I know is long since deprecated and undocumented. It's weird that it still compiles, and that it doesn't get caught by the private API use checking when submitting to the the Mac App Store, in the LibreOffice Vanilla case. This change reduces the busy looping in Dialog::Execute() even when nothing happens (no user input, no mouse movement) when displaying a dialog. Change-Id: I9c62db608f637aa5d8493176feb2873f6426fd00
2018-11-27tdf#120527 svx GraphicObjectShape: handle XBitmap for GraphicURLMiklos Vajna
This restores compatibility for API users who called getByName() on the bitmap table and expected that the result can be set as a value for the GraphicURL property. The case is similar to the Writer images, which was handled in commit 587803ba46055d43b5b108be744fdde17aeabc7c (sw TextGraphicObject: handle XBitmap for GraphicURL, 2018-08-08) already. Change-Id: I3740a68989b306425d0d6c4d4e350ac163cb4170 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
2018-11-27Bump minimum macOS run-time version to 10.10Tor Lillqvist
It is much over a year since we bumped to 10.9, so it is time. Bumping to 10.10 will allow us to with good conscience get rid of some code that (presumably) tries to emulate some aspects of OS X user interface look that went away in 10.10. See tdf#114839. Change-Id: Ic41f73d8e59a40c4696069af85bb3ff33146086c Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Tor Lillqvist <>
2018-11-27remove unused GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM definesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I01321f82958bbf22838554010abf706a3e9b9391 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27remove unused QuickHelpFlags enum valueNoel Grandin
Change-Id: Ia40e882af0df396895a19dd34caa60461cdf6c12 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-27tdf#45904 Move _XLinkTargetSupplier Java Tests to C++Rahul Gurung
Change-Id: Idd62a6458d7aa0d1d8a479f5ebf78637e0360548 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Markus Mohrhard <>
2018-11-27add test for tdf#108027Markus Mohrhard
Change-Id: I1048d86bf11b4fdd4a5c90f6e98276893b8ffbf4 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Markus Mohrhard <>
2018-11-27tdf#121723 vcl: leave popup mode on focus loss of toplevel windowsMiklos Vajna
This way it can't happen that we open a menu or context menu, the user switches away (loosing focus) and a leftover floating window is still there. Handle this at the same place where we stop blinking the cursor on focus loss. Change-Id: I4321e8e3fa1d3f8976c0a1fa29c6a182972023bf Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <> Tested-by: Jenkins
2018-11-27Fill buildid in versionrc for iOS with the git HEAD hashTor Lillqvist
Previously it tried to use a BUILDID Make variable that did not exist. Change-Id: Ie31eb3928c69dc52fcb17a9a5593cbe166d95307
2018-11-26tdf#121647: fix regression from 85b3c799ede62a3d7ad0493fc80b629214956601Xisco Fauli
the pCP = pCodePairs statement was left behind in - std::vector<sal_UCS4>::const_iterator itInt = aSupportedRanges.begin(); - for( pCP = pCodePairs; itInt != aSupportedRanges.end(); ++itInt ) - *(pCP++) = *itInt; + for (auto const& supportedRange : aSupportedRanges) + *(pCP++) = supportedRange; Change-Id: Icedf7a4dae224f6b328f924691ec4c6767495389 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Xisco Faulí <>
2018-11-26tdf#120879 Remove has_default from helpXisco Fauli
Change-Id: I5b776f89b7a49307e7a3ed4382f28ac58fc738ff Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2018-11-26tdf#105225 Use derived background tab page in Paragraph Style dialogJim Raykowski
Missed this one in Change-Id: I47f9ae10a0fd967729ff6e83c1a312aa49e1d13c Change-Id: Ibb825a922e7d7fcc31456386935b3a847642ebf0 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Katarina Behrens <>
2018-11-26Fix typoAndrea Gelmini
Change-Id: I339e1d956ed6f3017453237f0b8ad540d7d4ad20 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Julien Nabet <> Tested-by: Julien Nabet <>
2018-11-26remove unused SalLayoutFlags enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I5d1559c2cb201ec69fc6353aaf491fbb5c0534dd Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26remove unused DrawModeFlags enum valuesNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I86775a5b7609f5e85c8fcc18a0be7e0ee3c8f84c Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26remove unused enum value ConvertDataFormat::PDFNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I61023dc049b914fee1d5d8918b99972d34a82b4a Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26remove unused enum value SplitWindowItemFlags::InvisibleNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I4d63601ca3658b4ffd9eaf1c13d4c17503640aa0 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26inline FindPositionsByName in a couple of placesNoel Grandin
it is no more complex, and it saves us the construction of an intermediate vector Change-Id: Ie92c2970c5b10805d7bcfc0cc2a74378f2cbda08 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26Anti-alias toolbar button drop-downs.Michael Meeks
Change-Id: Id4eed12f3d4a32b71d00b99e6e82ca7cefb3f8ec Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <>
2018-11-26tdf#117720 Delete Max from list Min and delete Min from list Max in CF dialogRoman Kuznetsov
This changes how the list items are identified in the code, making use of the support for item ids in comboboxes introduced in commit 83cefb5ceb4428d61a5b9fae80d1e673131e9bfe. Change-Id: I69390c8f9d32b77454e2935cf28b38ea44be8ffd Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Mike Kaganski <>
2018-11-26Update git submodulesOlivier Hallot
* Update helpcontent2 from branch 'master' - tdf#120927 Webservice functions needs linking to Change-Id: I8d96025238fc2005dab37c1050a0c7915210d73a Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Olivier Hallot <>
2018-11-26like keypress does, on mouse press create a cursor if missingCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: I57cd718ed03846dbff164acb5cd3c329d9eee615 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2018-11-26weld DataSourceTabPageCaolán McNamara
Change-Id: I99b7c2ec397829c2f7ceb7ec18ae24195b9781e2 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
2018-11-26remove unused enum value SvTLEntryFlags::IN_USENoel Grandin
Change-Id: Ieb09d4d28cc2084da4660165a96561ee57d2420d Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26sfx2: show partial signatures even if cert validation failsMiklos Vajna
Change-Id: I6060b7130827346ac5d6955bf38ebe3b476819fd Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
2018-11-26remove unused enum value TrackingEventFlags::DontCallHdlNoel Grandin
Change-Id: I75b28d20e2e0954fbd2fee396b8e06e9bb7d7073 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26remove unused ShowFlags::NoParentUpdateNoel Grandin
Change-Id: Id63e1d73643a18d823dfcb35479f0f8eb3e20b15 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
2018-11-26tdf#42949 Fix IWYU warnings in chart2/source/view/*cxxGabor Kelemen
Found with bin/find-unneeded-includes Only removal proposals are dealt with here. Change-Id: I9ee3318c79d3b59f272a2a5f89c38b26afa05974 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
2018-11-26Use -filelist with macOS linkerAlyssa Ross
macOS's linker can take a -filelist argument, in place of taking the list of object files to link on the command line. This is a more limited version of "response files" as used elsewhere in the code base, and by using it we make it far less likely that a linker invocation will hit ARG_MAX. A standard LibreOffice build probably won't hit ARG_MAX on macOS just yet, but it's not far off - some LDFLAGS are enough to tip it over the edge, which is what prompted me to fix the issue. If not fixed, a few more object files will probably break LibreOffice builds on macOS! An example of another large program that has encountered this issue is Thunderbird, which implemented the same fix[1]. The changes I've made to use -filelist are adapted from the code elsewhere in gbuild that creates response files, but this is slightly different because -filelist files are a bit different - they can only contain object files, as opposed to arbitrary linker arguments, and arguments are separated by newlines rather than spaces. [1]: Change-Id: I01b9126aad95056c3dc82f941dea4fd43f95d0f2 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Michael Stahl <>