AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-03-20Fix build for newer glm versions.feature/opengl-canvas-reworkThorsten Behrens
2015-03-05unintended conditionMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02unecessary check, will be covered beforeMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02don't try to render with no verticesMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02polite query the canvas backendMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02this wrappers are alrdy in glm_canvastools.cxxMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02only force sprites in case of ogl canvas, careMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02mergeViewAndRenderTransform with glmMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02missing bracketMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02Hack! force using spritesMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02fdo#86190 glmwrappers for bdhommatrix/affinematrixMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02removed unnecessary conversionMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02general transformation for canvasbitmapsMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02related to last commit, forget a line :)Michael Jaumann
2015-03-02draw strokes correctMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02no need here for colorMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02fill polypolygons fully transparentMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02set correct projection and viewport for spritesMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02show backbufferMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02subdevide bezier segments into more pointsMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02adaptive subdivision of bezier curvesMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02subdivide bezier curvesMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02renderSpriteMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02testcase for createAreaGeometryMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02draw stroke polygonsMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02fix, transformation matrix for gradientsMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02use gradients in canvashelperMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02gradientsMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02unify transmitted texture coordinate nameMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02cleanup, unify shaders/renderHelperMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02transform bitmapsMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02texture transformation shaderMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02cleanupMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02make copy constructor privateMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02set transformation matrix before renderingMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02compute mvp matrix in the right orderMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02use vertex attribute in the correspending programMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02avoid rendering polygons with 0 verticesMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02bind lcl_drawPolyPolygonMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02drawArrays with triangles, correct buffersizeMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02fill glbufferdata with the right verticecountMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02fill glbufferdata with the right verticecountMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02compute gl_position in one line instead of twoMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02use const refs and vectors instead of arraysMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02renderComplexPolyPolygon -> openGl 2.1Michael Jaumann
2015-03-02remove glMatrixStack from ogl_canvasMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02cleanup oglContextMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02feed glDrawArrays with right vertexcountMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02added licence statement, vim modelineMichael Jaumann
2015-03-02renderVertexConstCol uses now MVP matrixMichael Jaumann