path: root/android
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-09-20Add setting default values for settings items.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-20Add switching to the slides pager from the grid when selecting a slide.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-20Add additional comparison for servers in lists.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-15Fix possible timer duplicates.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-15Fix possible NPE.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-15Change the computers fragment to be more simple.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-15Change the connection fragment to be more simple.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Replace empty slide preview with solid grey background.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Add custom capitalized TextView.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Fix slide notes loading.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Fix another code style issues.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Change slide show operations related to its starting.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Change searching message delay from 10 seconds to 3.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-14Add checks before return server name.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-13Fix minor style issues.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-13Move the service binder to a static inner class.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-13Fix deadlocks while connecting.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11More files are no longer in OUTDIR, only in INSTDIRTor Lillqvist
2013-09-11Fix notes jumps.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Add ability to change transactions via clicking a slide.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Add saving progress message state between orientation changes.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Remove notes from the landscape layout.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Remove hiding notes section when there are no notes.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Fix null pointer exception for devices without Bluetooth.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Add ability to pause and resume a slide show.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-11Fix servers search behaviour.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-10Copy some stuff from INSTDIR, not OUTDIRTor Lillqvist
2013-09-10Don't bother building the DocumentLoader Android app every timeTor Lillqvist
2013-09-10I don't think the map file is that useful to generate every timeTor Lillqvist
2013-09-07Fix minor code style issues.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-07Fix for blinking while getting back to the computers activity.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-07Fix minor code style issues.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-07Fix possible null pointer exception.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-07Add showing helper messages while searching computers.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-07Add a requirements screen.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-05Add suppressing warnings for preferences activity.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-05Remove triggering next transitions on last slide.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-05Add the settings screen.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-05Move building server via TCP servers finder to a separate method.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Remove cancel buttons from timer dialogs.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Change saving computer connnection fragment state.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Add preferences keys single source.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Add saving computer information on keyboard actions.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Change search delay from 10 seconds to 5.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Add computer name as a subtitle to the connection activity.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Change time of intents filter reginstration.Artur Dryomov
2013-09-03Update the launcher icon.Artur Dryomov
2013-08-03Add saving the current tab between application launches.Artur Dryomov
2013-08-03Change the Preferences class.Artur Dryomov
2013-08-03Fix updating of all slides even it is not necessary.Artur Dryomov