Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Change-Id: Ifa38ec7ba9969627ff26abe22c58d06ec373ecb1
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Hossein <>
Add tests for input and output of very basic pie-of-pie and bar-of-pie
charts in OOXML.
Change-Id: I6441d99941ea2aca9bf58ede40dbe8f3d38a3291
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
With ItemInfoPackages we now can have a buffered, static
global translation table from SlotIDs to WhichIDs since
the ItemInfoStatic used already contains all the needed
Register that in registerItemInfoPackage at the Pool and
use it for lookup. That speeds up the lookup from O(n)
to O(1). Since that lookup is used in UI and UNO API
implementations this has positive effect on load/safe,
but also all interactive stuff in the whole office.
NOTE: I tried to use a merged version of that translation
table in the parent pool, but this shows double SlotIDs,
what is no wonder since that's what those are used for:
To get different WhichIDs for a SlotID in Item handling.
This *might* prevent getting rid of the chanined Pools
at all - sadly. The returned WhichID directly depends
on which Pool the function(s) GetWhichIDFromSlotID and
GetTrueWhichIDFromSlotID are called.
NOTE: Very strange is that the parameter 'bDeep' in that
functions is *not* passed down to the call to the
secondary Pool - probably an error, but risky to fix,
that may change already the behaviour :-(
Change-Id: Iea77ffad0f6a5401ab74fea0bbfc2589c66680ea
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Armin Le Grand <>
Change-Id: I9af705ed671718486d2e46e481b5416e683cdbb7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: If2ddf1ea12804717583ab6df18dc7fbfffc37d31
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I5236ed53e418e31a470a66bdbe21eceaa5f6fc04
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I490d6719f5190b0e889bd274ffa9c1b196e656d7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I6e9a0d5426fb213c99ee99092596f68d688b928c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: Ie17b583af28d274b3e7817c646dd4f5873e03fef
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I3986242fa584310acccba4830d8872043381cef6
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: Ifca083aa07b28d5c604382decaefedfe653ff8ab
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: Ib9f7e3b135bb86e1817edf97b963e3620af7fdf2
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I0548b395455eb17ec06f85ffce63affa15075391
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I586dd5ae784f5e86ad1e0d863765b058873eac68
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I43e0118786853b0258741e5181f7e622c6f747ec
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
To reproduce the step, double-click on the chart and right-click to open the context menu, where you can see the option for data ranges.
Signed-off-by: codewithvk <>
Change-Id: I0697d5918d35d132aa7c17f86204742017f7ff17
Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <>
Reviewed-by: Tomaž Vajngerl <>
(cherry picked from commit afbb4e44478e520b866032df8f0a0a344568233e)
Tested-by: Jenkins
The "final" was removed in commit
e06f2bb00137655dbf6f0a8c8c2fc555720f4d3f (tdf#142467 crash on calling
'getInfoHelper' in final class, 2021-05-26)
and commit
6cb1745c24c7651050e30216860c539fa13cc0e2 (tdf#142467: Update comments
with GCC bug ID, 2021-05-31)
due to a bug in gcc <>.
Now it has been amost 3 years past and that gcc bug has long been fixed,
so it is time to restore the "final".
Change-Id: I7db9fe59209cfbae4c04bb3a91cd764db9a38d98
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: Ib343953ee30124524884859c8fe9e88d2dc7d822
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I6affb326600d77ddf756d9bc223e7dcc29f87d23
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I91fca31db0eb0bfb673e77f1369abe110fe405b7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I9682c314efb888d57e94f82f084cc6d0825a4408
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I351a9127fb26369d8f598b6d6519d7e490fa476b
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Driving forward the Item reworks I now take the
ItemPool in focus: It now does not hold any items
anymore and should be renamed to something like
ItemInfoProvider/ItemHelper, since it's main purpose
is to provide the Defaults for the Item functionality.
There is that SfxItemInfo, only a struct and bundling
SlotID and ItemFlags. There are also the DefaultItems,
just handled as ptrs in an array. It is/was always
error-prone to keep these in sync. Remember that it's
also necessary for the order to not only being sorted
but being increments of one with no gaps allowed in
the WhichIDs to which the Items are bound.
I now bundled that to a new class ItemInfo that joins
WhichID, SlotID, ItemFlags and the default Item. This
is a pure virtual base class, it comes in three
(1) ItemInfoStatic:
This is supposed to be global static and hosts the
Item in a std::unique_ptr to ensure cleanup. It is
designed to be constructed once during runtime and
being shared globally. It allows the ItemPtr to be
nullptr to mark as non-static (if initial static is
not possible for some reason) but still offers the
needed data. Most cases (95%+) are of that case.
The contained Item is owned by that instance. The
flag isStaticDefault() is set at the Item.
(2) ItemInfoDynamic:
This is supposed to be used for cases where the Item
cannot be static: Mainly for SfxSetItem (that needs
a Pool itself in the contained SfxItemSet, so lifetime
is bound to that Pool), but other cases showed up in
the transition. These instances live while the Pool
lives and get destructed when the Pool goes down.
Also uses std::unique_ptr for the Item instance for
as much automated cleanup as possible, the contained
Item is owned by that instance, the instance by the
Pool. The flag isDynamicDefault() is set at the Item.
(3) ItemInfoUser:
This is used for UserDefaults that can be set for
every ItemInfo entry to 'overshadow' the default
from the 'outside'. It uses a regular Item and
the central access methods implCreateItemEntry/
implCleanupItemEntry to manage the Item instance,
thus works like a SfxPoolItemHolder. The Item
instance can be globally shared and re-used even
when the Pool goes down. Instances belong to the
Pool and are cleaned up when the Pool goes down.
This Item does not need any further flag to be
The ItemInfos are organized using a class
called ItemInfoPackage:
This bundles groups of ItemInfoStatic to
functional instances. There are derivations/
implementations of this e.g. for Writer ItemPool
bundling all the needed defaults for Writer,
similar for draw/impress, Calc and other usages.
These ItemInfoPackage can be 'registered' at an
ItemPool using it's method registerItemInfoPackage.
This does all the needed stuff to setup that
group of ItemInfos at the Pool (It even sets
internal vars First/LastWhich, that info can just
be derived from the buildup ItemInfo Ptrs).
The ItemInfoPackage has methods 'size()' and
'getItemInfo(index) to allow looping over it
and deliver the infos the Pool needs. The
(forced, pure virtual) overloads of getItemInfo
in the specific implementations check for the
ItemPtr being nullptr and create a exclusive
incarnation of ItemInfoDynamic for the Pool if
needed, returning that. The Pool owns the
ItemInfoDynamic incarnations and uses the
ItemInfoStatic directly. On shutdown it cleans
up the ItemInfoDynamic as needed.
The ItemInfoUser is used by the Pool when a
UserDefault is set/used: for SetUserDefaultItem,
GetUserDefaultItem, ResetUserDefaultItem. It
is not held in a 2nd list, but directly in the
list of ItemInfo'ptrs: To keep track of this
an unordered_map is used that helds the original
ItemInfo associated with the WhichID. That way
no two lookups (as before) are needed to get the
current Pool's default for any WhichID.
The derivations of ItemInfoPackage are
encapsulated and just allow access to an
ItemInfoPackage& with a single method as
return value. All use a static local instance
of a std::array<ItemInfoStatic, FIXED_SIZE>
which constructs all ItemInfoStatic and the
static Item instances - if already possible.
Sometimes it is necessary to overload the
constructor to set some static instances
for Items later than the lib init. These are
also just marked with nullptr as Item instance.
Some need to overload getItemInfo to complete
instances of ItemInfoStatic, if needed, or
create and deliver instances of ItemInfoDynamic.
The registerItemInfoPackage also offers a
optional lambda callback: there were two cases
where local data from the Pool was needed to
incarnate the item - just add that to the
call to registerItemInfoPackage if needed,
see examples in the adapted code.
For the re-use of Items this means that now
in SfxItemSet/SfxPoolItemHolder *true* static
Items can and will be used without RefCount
directly and globally. This is also the case
for dynamic Items, with the exception of
differing Pools for SfxSetItems which cannot
be done.
That design is already prepared to allow
solving that Pool-chaining problem: currently
there are master/sub-pools and all accesses
have to traverse that structure before even
doing anything.
For the future the idea is more to 'compose'
a Pool by registering ItemInfoPackages, e.g.
for Writer pool you may start with SfxItemPool,
register the writer-specific ItemInfoPackage,
then the one for DrawingLayer (if needed) and
the one for EditEngine.
It should also be possible to get to smaller
granularities of that packages. Ideas for
new ones will emerge. We might also think
about composing Pools which can e.g. run Writer
and Chart, so allowing to use Chart *without*
OLE stuff in Writer - just ideas...
More changes:
- Adapted all stuff, cleaned up old stuff/
- Removed FreezeIdRanges, that can be done
once per Pool on-demand (and cannot be
forgotten to be called)
- Merged XOutdevItemPool with SdrItemPool
and offered a ItemInfoPackage which joins
both needed sets of Items
- All the cleanup hassle with Pools and
defaults cleaned up
- Adapted all access methods of the pool
to use that new stuff. Pool chaining
currently stays, but I use a central
method 'getTargetPool' instead of
recursive calling to get the correct
Pool for the action
Change-Id: I2b8d3d4c3cc80b1d0d0b3c0f4bd90d7656b4bab7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Armin Le Grand <>
Change-Id: Ia1c829f96148dc79cea02a69b3442c18d51e1288
Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: I86c7ba4df89a1350f544345938a29c210903c06d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
| recent LLVM 19 trunk libc++ in debug mode complained during
CppunitTest_chart2_export3 about
> ~/llvm/inst/bin/../include/c++/v1/__debug_utils/strict_weak_ordering_check.h:59: assertion __comp(*(__first + __a), *(__first + __b)) failed: Your comparator is not a valid strict-weak ordering
> 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000183279a40 abort + 180
> 6 libc++.1.0.dylib 0x0000000101045d98 _ZNSt3__123__cxx_atomic_notify_oneEPVKv + 0
> 7 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9e05990 _ZNSt3__135__check_strict_weak_ordering_sortedB8de190000IPdNS_6__lessIvvEEEEvT_S4_RT0_ + 732
> 8 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9e055ac _ZNSt3__111__sort_implB8de190000INS_17_ClassicAlgPolicyENS_11__wrap_iterIPdEENS_6__lessIvvEEEEvT0_S7_RT1_ + 172
> 9 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9e054d4 _ZNSt3__14sortB8de190000INS_11__wrap_iterIPdEENS_6__lessIvvEEEEvT_S6_T0_ + 68
> 10 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9e04f94 _ZNSt3__14sortB8de190000INS_11__wrap_iterIPdEEEEvT_S4_ + 64
> 11 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9dfea10 _ZN5chartL22lcl_fillDateCategoriesERKN3com3sun4star3uno9ReferenceINS2_6chart24data13XDataSequenceEEERNSt3__16vectorIdNSB_9allocatorIdEEEEbRNS_10ChartModelE + 1404
> 12 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9dfe28c _ZN5chart26ExplicitCategoriesProvider4initEv + 280
> 13 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9dff0b8 _ZN5chart26ExplicitCategoriesProvider10isDateAxisEv + 28
> 14 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9bcb738 _ZN5chart14VSeriesPlotter9addSeriesENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_11VDataSeriesENS1_14default_deleteIS3_EEEEiii + 200
> 15 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f9b951e4 _ZN5chart8BarChart9addSeriesENSt3__110unique_ptrINS_11VDataSeriesENS1_14default_deleteIS3_EEEEiii + 280
Change-Id: Ie0711ca60130759f3daaf8332ab326fa29cb5cba
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <>
| recent LLVM 19 trunk libc++ in debug mode complained during
CppunitTest_chart2_export2 about
> ~/llvm/inst/bin/../include/c++/v1/__debug_utils/strict_weak_ordering_check.h:59: assertion __comp(*(__first + __a), *(__first + __b)) failed: Your comparator is not a valid strict-weak ordering
> 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x0000000183279a40 abort + 180
> 6 libc++.1.0.dylib 0x00000001030f9d98 _ZNSt3__123__cxx_atomic_notify_oneEPVKv + 0
> 7 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f817f0ec _ZNSt3__135__check_strict_weak_ordering_sortedB8de190000INS_11__wrap_iterIPNS_6vectorIdNS_9allocatorIdEEEEEEN5chart12_GLOBAL__N_116lcl_LessXOfPointEEEvT_SB_RT0_ + 960
> 8 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f817e6cc _ZNSt3__118__stable_sort_implB8de190000INS_17_ClassicAlgPolicyENS_11__wrap_iterIPNS_6vectorIdNS_9allocatorIdEEEEEEN5chart12_GLOBAL__N_116lcl_LessXOfPointEEEvT0_SC_RT1_ + 268
> 9 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f8172a90 _ZNSt3__111stable_sortB8de190000INS_11__wrap_iterIPNS_6vectorIdNS_9allocatorIdEEEEEEN5chart12_GLOBAL__N_116lcl_LessXOfPointEEEvT_SB_T0_ + 68
> 10 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f8172820 _ZN5chart11VDataSeries15doSortByXValuesEv + 508
> 11 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f8064c44 _ZN5chart9AreaChart12createShapesEv + 1528
> 12 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f80f2ae0 _ZN5chart9ChartView28impl_createDiagramAndContentERKNS_18CreateShapeParam2DERKN3com3sun4star3awt4SizeE + 4440
> 13 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f80f77ac _ZN5chart9ChartView14createShapes2DERKN3com3sun4star3awt4SizeE + 2728
> 14 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f80f58ec _ZN5chart9ChartView12createShapesEv + 692
> 15 libchartcorelo.dylib 0x00000002f80f4598 _ZN5chart9ChartView15impl_updateViewEb + 288
But the introduced use of `std::strong_order(first[0], second[0]) < 0` then
triggered a false
> lo/core/chart2/source/view/main/VDataSeries.cxx:105:61: error: NullToMemberPointer ValueDependentIsNotNull ZeroLiteral -> nullptr [loplugin:nullptr]
> 105 | return std::strong_order(first[0], second[0]) < 0;
> | ^
so needed some hack in loplugin:nullptr.
And old versions of libc++, still used at least on Android, do not have any
implementations of std::strong_order. So detect those cases in
(checking for std::strong_order for double, which is what is actually being used
in the code) and fall back to operator <=> for now, even if that will not
provide a strict weak ordering and will thus continue to violate the
requirements of std::sort.
And then our venerable clang-format 5.0.0 would have broken the token `<=>` into
`<= >`, so exclude include/o3tl/compare.hxx from its mis-treatment.
Change-Id: I7a64a630eb5f560dce59f3ff9d51ca3d1adc70be
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <>
Updated the chart properties dialogs to work asynchronously. The changes affect the following dialogs:
Chart Type: Accessible by double-clicking on a chart to select it, then right-clicking to open the context menu. Selecting 'Chart type...' opens the dialog for modifying chart types.
Insert Axes: Triggered by double-clicking on a chart to select it, then right-clicking and choosing 'Insert/Delete Axes' from the context menu. This dialog allows users to add or remove chart axes.
Insert Titles: Opens when you double-click on a chart, right-click, and select 'Insert Titles...' from the context menu. It's used for adding titles to the chart and its axes.
Insert Trendline: For column charts, you can double-click on a column, right-click, and choose 'Insert trendline..' to open this dialog.
Insert Error Bars: In a column chart, after selecting a column, right-clicking and choosing 'Insert X Error Bars..' or 'Insert Y Error Bars..' opens the dialog for adding error bars to the chart.
Signed-off-by: codewithvk <>
Change-Id: Id7bb8682150f2e3115420d9259c6afd41682641e
Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <>
Reviewed-by: Tomaž Vajngerl <>
(cherry picked from commit 71a3cfb71dddba8098d74d7bb1dd414e4696914b)
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: I9d7c25e47a3f4a78360f9b2deffe8650e378866d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I200538bd94d60867d84b7dc37811094b65dd9aa5
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: I355bdc8e6d67e7cdd47e4d6eccecedc4b53ac11b
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Sorely needed to avoid misconceptions.
Change-Id: I9980bd2344f5f6db3fd1719476836b91803d7b6b
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
This is a followup to commit 85f4395b6f40c0295a190cca09ecd51858fc3b31.
Although there is no pressing need for this patch in my opinion,
it DOES fix a 7.1 regression in importing MSO charts with long labels.
MSO wraps text at 1/5 the width of the chart.
7.1 Regression commit 75a8b367f2a06e0d485fc2b9f4472e8bb29d71e3
Author: Balazs Varga on Tue Aug 25 12:32:02 2020 +0200
tdf#136105 tdf#134883 pie chart: improve data label position
Before Balazs' commit, the text width for everything was simply
fTextMaximumFrameWidth = 0.8 * fPieRadius.
I personally think Balazs' no wrapping looks better
(for outside labels, when there is enough space)
but in order to be consistent with how we handle
wrapping for bestFit-that-didn't-fit labels,
and to have our charts be as interoperable with OOXML as possible,
it makes good sense to use the same logic as the previous patch here.
Interestingly, Balazs broke some unit tests that specifically
were testing to make sure that text wrapping existed.
Fixed: // text wrap: wrap all text labels except Yellow one
make CppunitTest_chart2_xshape CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME=testPieChartLabels2
Fixed: // text wrap: wrap no text label except Yellow one
make CppunitTest_chart2_xshape CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME=testPieChartLabels3
Interestingly, I couldn't just copy/paste Ctrl-F12 dump to fix
make CppunitTest_chart2_xshape CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME=testPieChartLabels4
so I instead did a copy/paste of SAL_WARN("DUH",getXShapeDumpString());
Change-Id: I19f2ce2ce9c7653ae92dd596f0aaca1ed83f41bb
Tested-by: Justin Luth <>
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Change-Id: I384f3c97286a5b336d44df42e911870100542198
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Taichi Haradaguchi <>
5 0x00007fd6780533a2 in __assert_fail
(assertion=0x7fd66de41177 "ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->GetYieldMutex()->IsCurrentThread() && \"SolarMutex not owned!\"", file=0x7fd66df2c58b "/home/julien/lo/libreoffice/vcl/source/app/dbggui.cxx", line=35, function=0x7fd66de5d0c6 "void ImplDbgTestSolarMutex()") at ./assert/assert.c:101
6 0x00007fd66f0dd6a2 in ImplDbgTestSolarMutex() () at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/vcl/source/app/dbggui.cxx:35
7 0x00007fd677522f10 in DbgTestSolarMutex() () at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/tools/source/debug/debug.cxx:54
8 0x00007fd66f3aea88 in ImplFontCache::GetFontInstance(vcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection const*, vcl::font::FontSelectPattern&) (this=0x564a8f77e0c0, pFontList=0x564a8f7783d0, aFontSelData=...)
at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/vcl/source/font/fontcache.cxx:117
9 0x00007fd66f3ae987 in ImplFontCache::GetFontInstance(vcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection const*, vcl::Font const&, Size const&, float, bool)
(this=0x564a8f77e0c0, pFontList=0x564a8f7783d0, rFont=..., rSize=Size = {...}, fExactHeight=12, bNonAntialias=false) at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/vcl/source/font/fontcache.cxx:111
10 0x00007fd66eb905f6 in OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont(DefaultFontType, o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, LanguageTypeTag>, GetDefaultFontFlags, OutputDevice const*)
(nType=DefaultFontType::CJK_SPREADSHEET, eLang=..., nFlags=GetDefaultFontFlags::OnlyOne, pOutDev=0x564a8f6bfca0) at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/vcl/source/outdev/font.cxx:573
11 0x00007fd62e86669d in chart::CharacterProperties::AddDefaultsToMap(std::__debug::unordered_map<int, com::sun::star::uno::Any, std::hash<int>, std::equal_to<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, com::sun::star::uno::Any> > >&) (rOutMap=std::__debug::unordered_map with 19 elements = {...}) at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/chart2/source/tools/CharacterProperties.cxx:358
12 0x00007fd62e951686 in (anonymous namespace)::GetStaticRegressionEquationDefaults()::$_0::operator()() const (this=0x7ffe3f9b6b80)
at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/chart2/source/tools/RegressionEquation.cxx:121
13 0x00007fd62e9500e7 in (anonymous namespace)::GetStaticRegressionEquationDefaults() () at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/chart2/source/tools/RegressionEquation.cxx:117
14 0x00007fd62e94ff98 in chart::RegressionEquation::GetDefaultValue(int, com::sun::star::uno::Any&) const (this=0x564a90aa2870, nHandle=4, rAny=uno::Any(void))
at /home/julien/lo/libreoffice/chart2/source/tools/RegressionEquation.cxx:196
See full bt here:
Change-Id: I8048b9a69761dba618ef556335c2cadab6647627
Tested-by: Heiko Tietze <>
Reviewed-by: Heiko Tietze <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Fixes a 7.2 regression from
commit b0068342398786ca50304260434a18880dddf74d
author Tünde Tóth on Wed Dec 16 18:26:26 2020 +0100
tdf#138777 pie chart: improve long data label width
When a label fails to bestFit inside the pie slice,
it will be placed outside of the pie of course.
However, we can't assume that there is any chart space
available to place a label outside.
Tünde got that part right. He limited the space available
based on the chart edge. But there are some optimizations
that can improve that.
1.) Every little bit can help. As we go away from the
X-axis, we gain a little bit of space, so use that...
2.) Don't assume that the pie chart is in the middle of the page.
3.) Use a consistent algorithm for all degrees - much simpler.
make CppunitTest_chart2_import CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME=testTdf146756
Change-Id: I0d8528bc227768f91237cda6b74bf9365820bfa7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
... and use a compatible 1/5 width if not specified.
This patch depends on the previous oox patch
(commit 301e27cbebf7d6e4c9b82290d7cd555c43f0c999)
which actually reads the width into the model.
Fixes a 7.2 regression from
commit b0068342398786ca50304260434a18880dddf74d
author Tünde Tóth on Wed Dec 16 18:26:26 2020 +0100
tdf#138777 pie chart: improve long data label width
and is basically a re-write of 7.1's
commit 20da1a5dd37c7edac620566c992d5a53b23a5f12
author Tünde Tóth <> on Fri Oct 09 09:24:18 2020 +0200
tdf#134978 Chart OOXML Import: fix pie chart label custom position
This is very risky, but then ANYTHING changing chart2 is risky.
There were a lot of changes made in 7.1,
and they all invited regressions.
However, our chart implementation is not in a good state,
and certainly is not very interoperable,
so it is worth taking the risk.
Anything dealing with manualLayout at this point
should have originated as a pptx,
so forcing a compatible max width should be fairly safe.
It probably isn't actually all that risky after all.
largely copied code from
commit 4223ff2be69f03e571464b0b09ad0d278918631b
Author: Balazs Varga on Wed Jan 15 16:31:35 2020 +0100
tdf#48436 Chart: add CustomLabelPosition UNO API property
Fortunately this all goes away after a round-trip
since custom label placement is lost on export to OOXML,
and that really helps to reduce the risk.
make CppunitTest_chart2_import CPPUNIT_TEST_NAME=testTdf146487
Change-Id: I9722fc6c759c15ac3924780e6fc124f02fba07e1
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
Change-Id: Ia3bfce9ba6c7b8cab55e46e4d1e8c2afe54a65b4
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Tested-by: Justin Luth <>
Change-Id: I089972f0fd60fbaaff27a304c248a7eb882b972b
Tested-by: Justin Luth <>
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
so theme changes can happen when chart has control of the UI
Change-Id: Id7fd17d697d5ff8c03f1f46d80894e4f69cb9b9d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: I2498a7d49dbbd7bde017489722c3b655b6d75136
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Change-Id: I9fab21a889587e1eaf709e6bd31d0a0d6078c8f9
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
In various places, the degrees refer to an area/width,
and in those cases 360 means everything, so mk correctly
removed NormAngle for those situations.
But now copy/paste has added that to areas where a simple
angle is being described, and in those cases
using NormAngle360 is better.
Change-Id: I4aa722c4a635f862dae5405f2ee929215a42faf9
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Sorted out some methods at ItemPool which process
Defaults to make more clear what is going on and
what which method is doing.
Change-Id: I2568d3e03d0a56a14b6fe4e04521e1a8e22c000b
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Armin Le Grand <>
Obsoleted by commit 2484de6728bd11bb7949003d112f1ece2223c7a1 (Remove
non-const Sequence::begin()/end() in internal code, 2021-10-15) and
commit fb3c04bd1930eedacd406874e1a285d62bbf27d9 (Drop non-const
Sequence::operator[] in internal code, 2021-11-05).
Change-Id: Idbafef5d34c0d4771cbbf75b9db9712e504164cd
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Mike Kaganski <>
Yeah, it took me a while to clue in that this is no longer
a circle, so we can't apply circle logic to it any more.
Change-Id: I00f8b95cc75311342b9abd8c522ed06ca343a566
Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Change-Id: Ic24b2b935f1d539cf257194d136d901b52e00a84
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: Icf81810297dc5767cedd051cf8ccdfbb101f35ec
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: Ia5869788ccefcd17ef561bafb41da6f0d48fd54d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Change-Id: I222240dc1715604ad1e82e1062b34d116b2840f7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>