path: root/sal/osl/all/printtrace.cxx
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-11-22New sal/log.h obsoletes osl/diagnose.h and tools/debug.hxx.Stephan Bergmann
* New SAL_INFO..., SAL_WARN... macros. * New SAL_STREAM supersedes OSL_FORMAT. * oustringostreaminserter.hxx moved from unotest to rtl (and always UTF-8 now). * TODO to enable GCC __attribute__((format)) in sal/log.h (requires call-site cleanup). * Further functionality in tools/debug.hxx (DBG_MEMTEST, DBG_CTOR, etc.) not yet addressed. * Some replacements tools String -> rtl::OUString.
2011-09-30add mode-lines to .m files and last round of merged files, etc.Caolán McNamara
2010-12-14sb135: #i116050# make osl_trace output atomicsb