path: root/sfx2/util
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-06-24update component factory methods to use new prefixes, to add lib mergingMatus Kukan
2011-03-29drop bogus executable flag from idl/build/src and config filesFrancisco Saito
2011-03-15register component we need for writer ...Michael Meeks
2011-03-12Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into integration/dev300_m101Thorsten Behrens
Conflicts: avmedia/inc/avmedia/mediaitem.hxx avmedia/prj/build.lst avmedia/source/framework/mediaitem.cxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstcommon.hxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstframegrabber.cxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstframegrabber.hxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstmanager.cxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstmanager.hxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstplayer.cxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstplayer.hxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstuno.cxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstwindow.cxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/gstwindow.hxx avmedia/source/gstreamer/ avmedia/source/quicktime/quicktimeuno.cxx avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow.cxx avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.cxx avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.hxx avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindowbase_impl.cxx avmedia/source/win/winuno.cxx basic/inc/basic/basmgr.hxx basic/inc/basic/mybasic.hxx basic/inc/basic/process.hxx basic/inc/basic/sbmeth.hxx basic/inc/basic/sbmod.hxx basic/inc/basic/sbxdef.hxx basic/inc/basic/sbxvar.hxx basic/source/app/app.cxx basic/source/app/app.hxx basic/source/app/appbased.cxx basic/source/app/appedit.cxx basic/source/app/appwin.cxx basic/source/app/appwin.hxx basic/source/app/brkpnts.cxx basic/source/app/brkpnts.hxx basic/source/app/dialogs.cxx basic/source/app/dialogs.hxx basic/source/app/msgedit.cxx basic/source/app/mybasic.cxx basic/source/app/process.cxx basic/source/app/processw.hxx basic/source/app/textedit.cxx basic/source/basmgr/basicmanagerrepository.cxx basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx basic/source/classes/disas.cxx basic/source/classes/eventatt.cxx basic/source/classes/image.cxx basic/source/classes/sb.cxx basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx basic/source/classes/sbxmod.cxx basic/source/comp/codegen.cxx basic/source/comp/dim.cxx basic/source/comp/exprgen.cxx basic/source/comp/exprnode.cxx basic/source/comp/exprtree.cxx basic/source/comp/sbcomp.cxx basic/source/inc/expr.hxx basic/source/inc/object.hxx basic/source/inc/sbunoobj.hxx basic/source/runtime/dllmgr-x86.cxx basic/source/runtime/iosys.cxx basic/source/runtime/ basic/source/runtime/methods.cxx basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx basic/source/runtime/runtime.cxx basic/source/runtime/stdobj.cxx basic/source/runtime/step0.cxx basic/source/runtime/step1.cxx basic/source/runtime/step2.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxarray.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxbase.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxbool.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxbyte.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxcoll.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxconv.hxx basic/source/sbx/sbxcurr.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxexec.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxint.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxscan.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxstr.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxvals.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxvalue.cxx basic/source/sbx/sbxvar.cxx basic/workben/mgrtest.cxx configmgr/prj/build.lst configmgr/source/access.cxx configmgr/source/configurationprovider.cxx configmgr/source/defaultprovider.cxx configmgr/source/pad.cxx configmgr/source/services.cxx configmgr/source/update.cxx configmgr/source/xmlreader.cxx configmgr/source/xmlreader.hxx 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sfx2/source/appl/opengrf.cxx sfx2/source/appl/sfxdll.cxx sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx sfx2/source/appl/shutdownicon.cxx sfx2/source/appl/shutdowniconunx.cxx sfx2/source/appl/workwin.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/fltfnc.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/frmhtml.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/frmhtmlw.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/helper.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/minarray.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/progress.cxx sfx2/source/bastyp/sfxhtml.cxx sfx2/source/config/evntconf.cxx sfx2/source/control/bindings.cxx sfx2/source/control/ctrlitem.cxx sfx2/source/control/dispatch.cxx sfx2/source/control/macrconf.cxx sfx2/source/control/macro.cxx sfx2/source/control/ sfx2/source/control/minfitem.cxx sfx2/source/control/msg.cxx sfx2/source/control/msgpool.cxx sfx2/source/control/objface.cxx sfx2/source/control/request.cxx sfx2/source/control/shell.cxx sfx2/source/control/sorgitm.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/about.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/basedlgs.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/dinfdlg.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/dinfedt.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/dockwin.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/filedlghelper.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/mailmodel.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/mailmodelapi.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/ sfx2/source/dialog/mgetempl.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/passwd.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/passwd.hrc sfx2/source/dialog/printopt.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/securitypage.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/splitwin.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/styfitem.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/tabdlg.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/taskpane.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/templdlg.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/tplpitem.cxx sfx2/source/dialog/versdlg.cxx sfx2/source/doc/QuerySaveDocument.cxx sfx2/source/doc/SfxDocumentMetaData.cxx sfx2/source/doc/applet.cxx sfx2/source/doc/doc.hrc sfx2/source/doc/doc.src sfx2/source/doc/docfile.cxx sfx2/source/doc/docinf.cxx sfx2/source/doc/doctempl.cxx sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx sfx2/source/doc/docvor.cxx sfx2/source/doc/guisaveas.cxx sfx2/source/doc/ sfx2/source/doc/objcont.cxx sfx2/source/doc/objitem.cxx sfx2/source/doc/objmisc.cxx sfx2/source/doc/objserv.cxx sfx2/source/doc/printhelper.cxx sfx2/source/doc/sfxacldetect.cxx sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx sfx2/source/inc/applet.hxx sfx2/source/inc/fltoptint.hxx sfx2/source/inc/sfxlocal.hrc sfx2/source/inc/virtmenu.hxx sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx sfx2/source/menu/mnuitem.cxx sfx2/source/menu/objmnctl.cxx sfx2/source/menu/virtmenu.cxx sfx2/source/notify/eventsupplier.cxx sfx2/source/notify/ sfx2/source/toolbox/imgmgr.cxx sfx2/source/toolbox/tbxitem.cxx sfx2/source/view/frame.cxx sfx2/source/view/orgmgr.cxx sfx2/source/view/printer.cxx sfx2/source/view/prnmon.cxx sfx2/source/view/viewfrm.cxx sfx2/source/view/viewprn.cxx sfx2/source/view/viewsh.cxx sfx2/util/ sfx2/workben/custompanel/ shell/source/backends/desktopbe/desktopbackend.cxx shell/source/backends/gconfbe/gconfbackend.cxx shell/source/backends/kde4be/kde4backend.cxx shell/source/backends/kdebe/kdebackend.cxx shell/source/win32/SysShentry.cxx shell/source/win32/shlxthandler/propsheets/propsheets.cxx shell/source/win32/simplemail/smplmailentry.cxx svx/inc/float3d.hrc svx/inc/fmhelp.hrc svx/inc/globlmn_tmpl.hrc svx/inc/helpid.hrc svx/inc/pch/precompiled_svx.hxx svx/inc/sjctrl.hxx svx/inc/srchitem.hxx svx/inc/svdibrow.hxx svx/inc/svx/SmartTagItem.hxx svx/inc/svx/algitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/camera3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/chrtitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/clipfmtitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/ctredlin.hxx svx/inc/svx/dbtoolsclient.hxx svx/inc/svx/deflt3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/dialogs.hrc svx/inc/svx/drawitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/e3ditem.hxx svx/inc/svx/extrud3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/flagsdef.hxx svx/inc/svx/float3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/frmsel.hxx svx/inc/svx/gallery.hxx svx/inc/svx/gallery1.hxx svx/inc/svx/galtheme.hxx svx/inc/svx/grfcrop.hxx svx/inc/svx/hdft.hxx svx/inc/svx/hlnkitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/hyprlink.hxx svx/inc/svx/itemwin.hxx svx/inc/svx/lathe3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/linkwarn.hxx svx/inc/svx/modctrl.hxx svx/inc/svx/msdffdef.hxx svx/inc/svx/obj3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/optgenrl.hxx svx/inc/svx/optgrid.hxx svx/inc/svx/pageitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/paraprev.hxx svx/inc/svx/postattr.hxx svx/inc/svx/rotmodit.hxx svx/inc/svx/ruler.hxx svx/inc/svx/rulritem.hxx svx/inc/svx/scene3d.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdasaitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdasitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdggaitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdmetitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdtaaitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdtaditm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdtaitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdtakitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdtfchim.hxx svx/inc/svx/sdtfsitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/srchdlg.hxx svx/inc/svx/svddrag.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdetc.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdglue.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdhlpln.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdlayer.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdmark.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdmodel.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdoashp.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdobj.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdocirc.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdoedge.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdogrp.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdomeas.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdoole2.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdorect.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdotable.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdotext.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdovirt.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdpage.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdsnpv.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdtrans.hxx svx/inc/svx/svdundo.hxx svx/inc/svx/svimbase.hxx svx/inc/svx/svx3ditems.hxx svx/inc/svx/svxdlg.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxcikitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxekitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxelditm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxenditm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxmkitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxmtpitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/sxmuitm.hxx svx/inc/svx/tabarea.hxx svx/inc/svx/tabline.hxx svx/inc/svx/unoprov.hxx svx/inc/svx/viewlayoutitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/xbitmap.hxx svx/inc/svx/xbtmpit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xcolit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xfillit0.hxx svx/inc/svx/xflclit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xflftrit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xflgrit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xflhtit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xftadit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xftsfit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xftshit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlineit0.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlinjoit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnclit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlndsit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnedcit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnedit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnedwit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnstcit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnstit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnstwit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xlnwtit.hxx svx/inc/svx/xtextit0.hxx svx/inc/svx/zoomitem.hxx svx/inc/svx/zoomslideritem.hxx svx/inc/xpolyimp.hxx svx/inc/zoom_def.hxx svx/prj/d.lst svx/source/accessibility/AccessibleShape.cxx svx/source/accessibility/DescriptionGenerator.cxx svx/source/customshapes/EnhancedCustomShapeEngine.cxx svx/source/customshapes/EnhancedCustomShapeFontWork.cxx svx/source/dialog/_bmpmask.cxx svx/source/dialog/_contdlg.cxx svx/source/dialog/connctrl.cxx svx/source/dialog/contwnd.cxx svx/source/dialog/ctredlin.cxx svx/source/dialog/ctredlin.hrc svx/source/dialog/ctredlin.src svx/source/dialog/dialcontrol.cxx svx/source/dialog/dlgctrl.cxx svx/source/dialog/docrecovery.cxx svx/source/dialog/fntctrl.cxx svx/source/dialog/fontwork.cxx svx/source/dialog/frmsel.cxx svx/source/dialog/graphctl.cxx svx/source/dialog/grfflt.cxx svx/source/dialog/hdft.cxx svx/source/dialog/hyperdlg.cxx svx/source/dialog/hyprdlg.hxx svx/source/dialog/hyprlink.cxx svx/source/dialog/hyprlink.hxx svx/source/dialog/hyprlink.src svx/source/dialog/imapdlg.cxx svx/source/dialog/imapwnd.cxx svx/source/dialog/linkwarn.hrc svx/source/dialog/ svx/source/dialog/optgrid.cxx svx/source/dialog/orienthelper.cxx svx/source/dialog/pagectrl.cxx svx/source/dialog/prtqry.cxx svx/source/dialog/rlrcitem.cxx svx/source/dialog/rubydialog.cxx svx/source/dialog/rulritem.cxx svx/source/dialog/simptabl.cxx svx/source/dialog/srchdlg.cxx svx/source/dialog/svxbmpnumvalueset.cxx svx/source/dialog/svxruler.cxx svx/source/dialog/swframeexample.cxx svx/source/engine3d/float3d.cxx svx/source/engine3d/float3d.src svx/source/engine3d/svx3ditems.cxx svx/source/fmcomp/gridctrl.cxx svx/source/fmcomp/trace.cxx svx/source/form/ParseContext.cxx svx/source/form/datanavi.cxx svx/source/form/filtnav.cxx svx/source/form/fmexch.cxx svx/source/form/fmexpl.cxx svx/source/form/fmobjfac.cxx svx/source/form/fmpage.cxx svx/source/form/fmshell.cxx svx/source/form/fmshimp.cxx svx/source/form/fmsrcimp.cxx svx/source/form/fmvwimp.cxx svx/source/form/ svx/source/form/tabwin.cxx svx/source/form/tbxform.cxx svx/source/form/typemap.cxx svx/source/gallery2/galbrws1.cxx svx/source/gallery2/galbrws2.cxx svx/source/gallery2/galexpl.cxx svx/source/gallery2/gallery1.cxx svx/source/gallery2/galtheme.cxx svx/source/gallery2/ svx/source/gengal/gengal.cxx svx/source/gengal/ svx/source/inc/fmgroup.hxx svx/source/intro/about_ooo.hrc svx/source/intro/iso.src svx/source/intro/ooo.src svx/source/items/SmartTagItem.cxx svx/source/items/algitem.cxx svx/source/items/chrtitem.cxx svx/source/items/clipfmtitem.cxx svx/source/items/customshapeitem.cxx svx/source/items/drawitem.cxx svx/source/items/e3ditem.cxx svx/source/items/grfitem.cxx svx/source/items/hlnkitem.cxx svx/source/items/ svx/source/items/pageitem.cxx svx/source/items/rotmodit.cxx svx/source/items/viewlayoutitem.cxx svx/source/items/zoomitem.cxx svx/source/items/zoomslideritem.cxx svx/source/src/app.hrc svx/source/stbctrls/ svx/source/stbctrls/modctrl.cxx svx/source/stbctrls/xmlsecctrl.cxx svx/source/stbctrls/zoomctrl.cxx svx/source/svdraw/clonelist.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdattr.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdcrtv.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdedtv1.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdedtv2.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdedxv.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdetc.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdfmtf.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdfmtf.hxx svx/source/svdraw/svdglue.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdhdl.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdhlpln.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdibrow.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdlayer.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdmodel.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdoashp.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdobj.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdocapt.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdocirc.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdoedge.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdograf.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdogrp.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdomeas.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdomedia.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdopath.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdotext.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdotxdr.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdotxed.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdotxfl.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdotxln.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdotxtr.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdoutl.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdpage.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdpagv.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdpntv.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdpoev.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdsnpv.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdstr.src svx/source/svdraw/svdtrans.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdundo.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdview.cxx svx/source/svdraw/svdxcgv.cxx svx/source/table/svdotable.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/colorwindow.hxx svx/source/tbxctrls/extrusioncontrols.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/fillctrl.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/grafctrl.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/itemwin.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/layctrl.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/lboxctrl.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/linectrl.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/tbcontrl.cxx svx/source/tbxctrls/verttexttbxctrl.cxx svx/source/unodraw/unomod.cxx svx/source/unodraw/unopage.cxx svx/source/unodraw/unoprov.cxx svx/source/unodraw/unoshape.cxx svx/source/unodraw/unoshtxt.cxx svx/source/xml/xmlxtexp.cxx svx/source/xoutdev/_xpoly.cxx svx/source/xoutdev/xattr.cxx svx/source/xoutdev/xattr2.cxx svx/source/xoutdev/xattrbmp.cxx svx/source/xoutdev/xtabcolr.cxx svx/util/ svx/workben/edittest.cxx sysui/desktop/ ucb/prj/build.lst ucb/source/cacher/cacheserv.cxx ucb/source/core/ucb1.component ucb/source/core/ucbserv.cxx ucb/source/core/ucbstore.cxx ucb/source/core/ucbstore.hxx ucb/source/sorter/sortmain.cxx ucb/source/ucp/file/prov.cxx ucb/source/ucp/file/shell.cxx ucb/source/ucp/ftp/ftpservices.cxx ucb/source/ucp/gio/gio_provider.cxx ucb/source/ucp/gvfs/gvfs_provider.cxx ucb/source/ucp/hierarchy/hierarchyservices.cxx ucb/source/ucp/odma/odma_lib.cxx ucb/source/ucp/odma/odma_services.cxx ucb/source/ucp/package/pkgservices.cxx ucb/source/ucp/tdoc/tdoc_services.cxx ucb/source/ucp/webdav/ContentProperties.cxx ucb/source/ucp/webdav/NeonHeadRequest.cxx ucb/source/ucp/webdav/webdavcontent.cxx ucb/source/ucp/webdav/webdavservices.cxx uui/source/iahndl.cxx uui/source/iahndl.hxx uui/source/loginerr.hxx uui/source/nameclashdlg.hxx uui/source/passcrtdlg.cxx uui/source/passworddlg.cxx uui/source/passworddlg.hxx uui/source/services.cxx vbahelper/inc/vbahelper/vbahelper.hxx vbahelper/prj/build.lst vbahelper/prj/d.lst vbahelper/source/msforms/ vbahelper/source/msforms/vbauserform.cxx vbahelper/source/vbahelper/ vbahelper/source/vbahelper/vbaapplicationbase.cxx vbahelper/source/vbahelper/vbacommandbarcontrol.cxx vbahelper/source/vbahelper/vbadocumentbase.cxx vbahelper/source/vbahelper/vbadocumentsbase.cxx vbahelper/source/vbahelper/vbahelper.cxx vbahelper/util/ xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/databases.cxx xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/services.cxx xmlhelp/source/treeview/tvfactory.cxx xmloff/ xmloff/inc/functional.hxx xmloff/inc/xmloff/formlayerexport.hxx xmloff/inc/xmloff/formlayerimport.hxx xmloff/inc/xmloff/functional.hxx xmloff/inc/xmloff/shapeimport.hxx xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmlcnitm.hxx xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmlnumfi.hxx xmloff/prj/build.lst xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLChartContext.cxx xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLExport.cxx xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLImport.cxx xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLLegendContext.hxx xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLPlotAreaContext.cxx xmloff/source/core/xmluconv.cxx xmloff/source/draw/sdxmlexp.cxx xmloff/source/draw/shapeexport4.cxx xmloff/source/draw/ximp3dobject.cxx xmloff/source/draw/ximp3dscene.cxx xmloff/source/forms/formlayerexport.cxx xmloff/source/forms/formlayerimport.cxx xmloff/source/forms/handler/vcl_time_handler.hxx xmloff/source/forms/layerimport.cxx xmloff/source/forms/layerimport.hxx xmloff/source/forms/property_meta_data.hxx xmloff/source/style/PageHeaderFooterContext.cxx xmloff/source/style/PageMasterStyleMap.cxx xmloff/source/style/prstylei.cxx xmloff/source/style/xmlimppr.cxx xmloff/source/style/xmlnumfi.cxx xmloff/source/style/xmlstyle.cxx xmloff/source/table/tabledesignsimporter.cxx xmloff/source/text/XMLTextNumRuleInfo.cxx xmloff/source/text/XMLTextShapeStyleContext.cxx xmloff/source/text/txtstyle.cxx xmloff/source/transform/ChartOOoTContext.cxx xmloff/source/transform/EventOOoTContext.cxx xmloff/source/transform/TransformerBase.cxx xmloff/util/ xmlscript/util/xcr.component
2011-02-01gnumake3: remove loads of obsolete dmakefilesMichael Stahl
2011-02-01Clean up makefilesThomas Arnhold
2010-12-06remove EGGTRAYLIB usageMichael Meeks
2010-11-19gnumake2: removing old dmake file in migrated modulesBjoern Michaelsen
2010-10-27remove vos reference from uno xml descriptionsNorbert Thiebaud
2010-10-25Finally, gut the vos module out of the buildNorbert Thiebaud
2010-10-09CWS changehid: resync to m89Mathias Bauer
2010-10-05CWS changehid: remove duplicated definitions of HIDsMathias Bauer
2010-09-10sb129: #i113189# change UNO components to use passive registrationsb
2010-07-19CWS changehid: #i111784#: use to generate conversion list for HIDsMathias Bauer
2010-07-15CWS changehid: #i111874#: remove unnecessary HelpIdsMathias Bauer
2010-06-18cws tl79: merge with DEV300_m83Thomas Lange [tl]
2010-06-15cws tl79: #i110254# security tab hid added to hidother.srcThomas Lange [tl]
2010-05-07slidecopy: export task pane view menu help idFrank Schoenheit [fs]
2010-03-11autorecovery: merged changes from m74. Still need to find out how to re-do ↵Frank Schoenheit [fs]
two patches (to module_hidden_ooo.scp and file_ooo.scp in scp2/source/ooo) which do not apply anymore.
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun ↵Jens-Heiner Rechtien
Microsystems to Oracle; remove CVS style keywords (RCSfile, Revision)
2009-12-18autorecovery: removed a few unused slot IDsFrank Schoenheit [fs]
2009-10-01CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS cmcfixes62Vladimir Glazounov
2009-09-22 21:19:24 +0200 cmc r276365 : #i100000# that's the most plausible explanation, -D$(CVER) is needed by scp2 under windows 2009-09-19 16:10:36 +0200 cmc r276303 : #i100000# revert this for no partically good reason 2009-09-18 14:16:47 +0200 cmc r276279 : remove extra build depend 2009-09-18 08:56:15 +0200 cmc r276265 : #i100000# rerun autoconf 2009-09-17 14:59:38 +0200 cmc r276245 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS cmcfixes62 to trunk@276192 (milestone: DEV300:m59) 2009-09-10 16:40:49 +0200 pl r276041 : fix warning 2009-09-10 11:34:55 +0200 pl r276026 : disable warning from system header 2009-09-09 19:30:45 +0200 pl r276013 : use osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol instead of strange cast 2009-09-09 19:25:32 +0200 pl r276012 : add some casting hacks to make compile on solaris cc 2009-09-09 19:10:48 +0200 pl r276009 : add missing Configure option for solaris sparce 32bit 2009-09-09 18:37:05 +0200 pl r276008 : merge fix for #i104525# into moved code 2009-09-07 13:28:08 +0200 cmc r275894 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS cmcfixes62 to trunk@275801 (milestone: DEV300:m57) 2009-08-28 12:36:27 +0200 cmc r275523 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS cmcfixes62 to trunk@275331 (milestone: DEV300:m56) 2009-08-26 12:56:18 +0200 cmc r275413 : #i104088# use the right headers in the right place 2009-08-25 17:07:50 +0200 cmc r275372 : #i104500# make openssl build on linux that isn't x86 or x86_64 2009-08-25 13:08:48 +0200 cmc r275347 : #i89237# pretty picswitch up 2009-08-25 10:58:09 +0200 cmc r275342 : #i104489# remove last unused code in starmath 2009-08-25 10:23:33 +0200 cmc r275338 : #i104088# clean up the define post-move 2009-08-24 13:46:57 +0200 cmc r275310 : #i104088# 64bit odbc api changes 2009-08-24 13:42:52 +0200 cmc r275309 : #i89237# unify linux platform mks under a generic parent 2009-08-24 13:19:52 +0200 cmc r275307 : #i104455# remove unused code 2009-08-24 13:10:56 +0200 cmc r275306 : #i104088# 64bit odbc api changes 2009-08-24 10:07:50 +0200 cmc r275293 : #i104306# move recent-used to vcl 2009-08-24 09:32:08 +0200 cmc r275291 : #i104306# move recent-used to vcl 2009-08-23 22:01:07 +0200 cmc r275286 : #i104306# move recently-used to vcl 2009-08-22 15:25:25 +0200 cmc r275285 : #i104088# 64bit odbc api changes 2009-08-21 17:52:40 +0200 cmc r275268 : #i104306# move recently-used to vcl 2009-08-21 14:38:26 +0200 cmc r275257 : #i104408 make these headers ready for c++0x 2009-08-21 14:20:19 +0200 cmc r275251 : #i104406# avoid overlapping strcpy to avoid bustage on recent toolchains 2009-08-21 14:14:25 +0200 cmc r275250 : #i104385# silence 64bit warnings
2009-09-18CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dtrans2vclIvo Hinkelmann
2009-09-09 19:47:56 +0200 pl r276016 : merge fix for #i104390# into moved code 2009-09-07 12:50:47 +0200 pl r275891 : remove nonexistant header 2009-09-04 16:47:05 +0200 pl r275819 : forgot calling convention for Windoze 2009-09-04 13:27:36 +0200 pl r275800 : #150926# remove X11 dependency 2009-09-04 13:19:08 +0200 pl r275799 : #150926# move mac dtrans service to vcl to be used in service implementation 2009-09-03 21:19:01 +0200 pl r275774 : fix warning, adjust comment 2009-09-03 18:36:01 +0200 pl r275768 : no more sjlib 2009-09-03 17:56:49 +0200 pl r275767 : remove unused X11 link dependency 2009-09-03 17:43:35 +0200 pl r275766 : headless not used in X11 case 2009-09-03 17:34:36 +0200 pl r275765 : #150926# bye bye sj2 2009-09-03 16:19:04 +0200 pl r275761 : #150926# bye bye sj2, x11 dependenices removed where not necessary 2009-09-01 17:22:54 +0200 pl r275674 : #150926# step 1: move X11 code from dtrans to vcl, adapt glue code
2009-07-02CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS odfmetadata2Release Engineers
2009-06-22 11:48:36 +0200 mst r273206 : - connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MNSInclude.hxx: + add "include ustrbuf.hxx" to work around warning caused by solaris <sys/kstat.h> declaring a global "long l ;" 2009-06-19 14:25:25 +0200 mst r273159 : - scp2/source/ooo/file_library_ooo.scp: + fix MinGW build 2009-06-08 12:52:33 +0200 mst r272727 : - redland/raptor-1.4.18.patch.mingw, redland/raptor/ + disable parsers that do not build on MinGW (thanks for patch by tono) 2009-05-15 17:31:07 +0200 mst r271957 : fix typos 2009-05-15 17:28:57 +0200 mst r271956 : #i101965# - offapi/com/sun/star/text/TextPortion: + add missing properties: SoftPageBreak, DocumentIndexMark, ReferenceMark, Footnote, TextField + fix read-only status of properties: Bookmark, IsStart, IsCollapsed - offapi/type_reference/{typelibrary_history.txt,types.rdb}: + update reference types.rdb 2009-05-07 14:41:38 +0200 mst r271669 : - sw/inc/{fmtftn.hxx,unocoll.hxx,doc.hxx,editsh.hxx,ftninfo.hxx}, sw/source/core/layout/{flowfrm.cxx,ftnfrm.cxx}, sw/source/core/doc/docftn.cxx, sw/source/core/edit/edattr.cxx, sw/source/core/txtnode/atrftn.cxx, sw/source/core/unocore/unocoll.cxx, sw/source/ui/fldui/fldref.cxx: + fix warning ... the hard way + also fix signature of SwDoc::SetCurFtn 2009-05-05 19:52:55 +0200 mst r271556 : - sw/inc/undobj.hxx: + make some members const 2009-05-05 19:34:40 +0200 mst r271555 : - sw/inc/rolbck.hxx, sw/source/core/undo/rolbck.cxx: + make some members const 2009-05-05 19:13:14 +0200 mst r271553 : - sw/inc/{undobj.hxx,rolbck.hxx}, sw/source/core/undo/{unbkmk.cxx,rolbck.cxx}: + fix rebase merge error + rename SwHstryBookmark to SwHistoryBookmark + clean up SwUndoBookmark 2009-05-05 19:05:53 +0200 mst r271552 : - sw/source/core/unocore/unoportenum.cxx: + fix annoying assertion 2009-05-05 15:34:48 +0200 mst r271522 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS odfmetadata2 to trunk@271427 (milestone: DEV300:m47) 2009-05-04 12:37:01 +0200 mst r271444 : trivial 2009-04-22 13:30:37 +0200 mst r271102 : - sfx2/inc/sfx2/dinfdlg.hxx: + trivial change 2009-04-21 16:46:58 +0200 mst r271043 : - sw/inc/hintids.hxx: + introduce some predicates for the various hints, and use them 2009-04-21 16:19:03 +0200 mst r271041 : - sw/inc/undobj.hxx, sw/source/core/doc/{docfly.cxx,docfmt.cxx,docftn.cxx,doctxm.cxx}, sw/source/core/undo/{unattr.cxx,unins.cxx}: + clean up unattr.cxx: remove/fix casts, prefix members, use auto_ptr, etc. 2009-04-21 15:34:23 +0200 mst r271039 : - sw/inc/{rolbck.hxx,undobj.hxx}, sw/source/core/doc/docfmt.cxx, sw/source/core/txtnode/{thints.cxx,txtedt.cxx}, sw/source/core/undo/{rolbck.cxx,undel.cxx,undobj.cxx,unins.cxx,unmove.cxx, unovwr.cxx,unsect.cxx,unspnd.cxx,untbl.cxx,untblk.cxx,unattr.cxx}: + clean up SwHistory, SwRegHistory and SwHistoryHint etc.: remove/fix casts, prefix members, remove wrong const annotations, use auto_ptr, remove unused members, etc. 2009-04-20 19:17:36 +0200 mst r271013 : - sw/inc/ndhints.hxx, sw/source/core/text/{itrtxt.cxx,txtftn.cxx,itratr.cxx,porfly.cxx, txtfrm.cxx,txtdrop.cxx,frmform.cxx}, sw/source/core/txtnode/{ndtxt.cxx,ndhints.cxx,thints.cxx,txtedt.cxx}, sw/source/core/edit/acorrect.cxx, sw/source/core/doc/{docedt.cxx,docfmt.cxx}, sw/source/filter/html/swhtml.cxx: + clean up SwHintsArray and its subclasses: remove/fix casts, prefix members 2009-04-20 18:42:07 +0200 mst r271007 : - sw/source/core/text/txtio.cxx, sw/source/core/edit/edattr.cxx, sw/source/core/undo/rolbck.cxx: + remove JP_NEWCORE dead code 2009-04-20 18:38:09 +0200 mst r271006 : - sw/source/core/unocore/unochart.cxx: + silence unxlngi warning (debug=t) 2009-04-20 16:36:13 +0200 mst r270991 : - sfx2/inc/sfx2/dinfdlg.hxx, sfx2/source/dialog/dinfdlg.cxx, sfx2/source/doc/objserv.cxx, sw/source/ui/fldui/flddinf.hxx: + trivial cleanups 2009-04-20 15:28:52 +0200 mst r270990 : - sfx2/inc/sfx2/dinfdlg.hxx, sfx2/source/dialog/dinfdlg.cxx, sfx2/source/doc/objserv.cxx: + fix bug: replaying a macro with a DocumentInfoItem removes all user-defined properties 2009-03-10 15:08:20 +0100 mst r269273 : - sfx2/source/doc/Metadatable.cxx: + add missing SolarMutex guards 2009-03-10 14:46:29 +0100 mst r269272 : - unoxml/source/rdf/librdf_repository.cxx: + never free rdf_world because that would call libxm2 xmlCleanupParser (and, to add insult to injury, other libxml2 functions later...) 2009-03-06 19:02:44 +0100 mst r269041 : argh! undo... 2009-03-06 19:00:58 +0100 mst r269040 : fix #i99931# - sw/source/ui/uno/unomod.cxx: + SwXViewSettings::_getSingleValue returns uninitialized memory for the ZoomType property if the value is PAGE_WIDTH_EXACT 2009-03-06 18:59:28 +0100 mst r269039 : - sw/inc/ndtxt.hxx, sw/source/core/txtnode/ndtxt.cxx, sw/source/core/unocore/unoportenum.cxx: + fix some more wntmsci12 warnings... 2009-03-06 18:56:46 +0100 mst r269038 : - sd/source/ui/slidesorter/model/SlsPageEnumerationProvider.cxx: + work around spurious warning on unxsoli4 debug=t 2009-03-05 14:02:01 +0100 mst r268902 : - sw/inc/txatbase.hxx: + back to c-style casts, they also compile on wntmsci12... 2009-03-05 10:23:25 +0100 mst r268882 : - comphelper/inc/comphelper/processfactory.hxx, comphelper/source/processfactory/processfactory.cxx: + revert change of return type of comphelper_getProcessComponentContext to Reference: does not build on wntmsci12 2009-03-04 19:08:09 +0100 mst r268861 : - sw/source/core/txtnode/{atrtox.cxx,ndtxt.cxx}: + fix initialization 2009-03-04 14:37:30 +0100 mst r268831 : - solenv/inc/ + fix CLASSPATH so complex tests run (fix by sb) 2009-03-04 14:36:30 +0100 mst r268830 : - sw/inc/unoobj.hxx, sw/source/core/unocore/{unoparagraph.cxx,unoobj.cxx,unoobj2.cxx}: + SwXParaFrameEnumeration constructor now takes SwPaM, not SwUnoCrsr + move SwParaSelection into unoparagraph.cxx, as it is only used there + bugfix: replace SwUnoCrsrs on stack with SwCursors 2009-03-04 14:34:46 +0100 mst r268829 : - sw/inc/pam.hxx, sw/source/core/crsr/pam.cxx, sw/source/core/edit/eddel.cxx, sw/source/core/doc/docredln.cxx, sw/source/core/undo/{untbl.cxx,undel.cxx}, sw/source/filter/rtf/swparrtf.cxx: + clean up SwPaM: prefix members + new constructor SwPosition(SwCntntNode&, xub_StrLen) + fix several broken SwPosition and SwPaM constructors + SwPam::DeleteMark now actually resets the unused position to default 2009-03-02 12:07:09 +0100 mst r268646 : - sw/inc/fmtcol.hxx: + fix annoying warning (gcc 4) 2009-03-02 12:06:27 +0100 mst r268645 : - odk/util/, odk/examples/DevelopersGuide/Text/ + rename module from FieldMaster to fieldmaster 2009-02-27 19:49:56 +0100 mst r268614 : - sfx2/inc/sfx2/Metadatable.hxx, sfx2/prj/d.lst, sfx2/source/doc/{Metadatable.cxx,}, sw/inc/{SwMetadatable.hxx,unoobj.hxx,undobj.hxx,ndtxt.hxx}, sw/source/core/doc/{SwMetadatable.cxx,,docnew.cxx}, sw/source/core/undo/{untbl.cxx,unins.cxx}, sw/source/core/unocore/unoparagraph.cxx, sw/source/ui/app/docsh.cxx: + move Metadatable implementation from sw to sfx2 2009-02-27 17:58:55 +0100 mst r268608 : - sw/inc/{SwMetadatable.hxx,undobj.hxx}, sw/source/core/doc/SwMetadatable.cxx, sw/source/core/undo/{untbl.cxx,unins.cxx,undel.cxx}: + CreateUndo now returns an opaque MetadatableUndo object 2009-02-27 13:15:44 +0100 mst r268587 : - sw/inc/ndtxt.hxx, sw/source/core/doc/docfmt.cxx, sw/source/core/text/{itratr.cxx,porlay.cxx}, sw/source/core/txtnode/{txtedt.cxx,ndtxt.cxx,thints.cxx}: + clean up SwTxtNode: fix casts, prefix members + factor out inline function SwTxtNode::TryDeleteSwpHints() 2009-02-27 13:14:30 +0100 mst r268586 : - svx/inc/svx/emphitem.hxx: + fix borken header guard 2009-02-27 13:13:56 +0100 mst r268585 : - sfx2/source/bastyp/progress.cxx: + fix use of compiler specific macro 2009-02-27 11:00:32 +0100 mst r268564 : - sw/inc/{txatbase.hxx,txtatr.hxx,txtinet.hxx,txtfld.hxx,txtftn.hxx, txtflcnt.hxx,txttxmrk.hxx,txtrfmrk.hxx}, sw/source/core/txtnode/{atrtox.cxx,atrref.cxx,atrflyin.cxx,atrftn.cxx, txtatr2.cxx,txatbase.cxx,atrfld.cxx,txtedt.cxx}, sw/source/core/text/atrstck.cxx, sw/source/core/access/acchyperlink.cxx, sw/source/core/doc/visiturl.cxx, sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh2.cxx: + clean up SwTxtAttr and its subclasses: remove/fix casts, prefix members + SwTxtINetFmt: remove unused member bColor - sw/source/core/text/txtfld.cxx: + move SwTxtFld methods to atrfld.cxx 2009-02-27 10:58:44 +0100 mst r268563 : - sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxbasemodel.hxx: + don't privately inherit BaseMutex, ScModelObj wants to access it 2009-02-27 10:58:02 +0100 mst r268562 : - xmloff/source/core/{RDFaExportHelper.cxx,RDFaImportHelper.cxx}: + arrrgh!!! someone thought it would be a good idea to have 2 different versions of boost in external! and they're NOT compatible!!! insert an ugly fragile hack that maybe works with both... 2009-02-26 17:42:26 +0100 mst r268544 : - comphelper/inc/comphelper/storagehelper.hxx. sfx2/source/doc/DocumentMetadataAccess.cxx: + someone made IsValidZipEntryFileName a static method and didn't tell me 2009-02-26 15:52:56 +0100 mst r268529 : redland: split up patches 2009-02-26 13:17:56 +0100 mst r268509 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module sw #i95863# - sw/inc/segdefs{,_}.hxx: + remove obsolete files - sw/source/ui/inc/itemdef.hxx: + remove itemdef.hxx - sw/source/ui/app/[apphdl.cxx,docsh.cxx}, sw/source/ui/misc/glshell.cxx, sw/source/ui/shells/*.cxx, sw/source/ui/uiview/*.cxx, sw/source/ui/web/*.cxx: + use sfx2/msg.hxx instead of itemdef.hxx - sw/source/core/edit/eddel.cxx: + @ JP: SwEditShell::Replace: you're right, deleting the text to be replaced first, and then inserting a space, and then replacing that space is unnecessary. whew, i'm so happy that we finally answered that question after 11 years. - sw/inc/edimp.hxx: + remove FOREACHCURSOR_START, FOREACHCURSOR_END - sw/inc/{swcrsr.hxx,unocrsr.hxx,viscrs.hxx}, sw/source/core/crsr/{crsrsh.cxx,swcrsr.cxx,trvlreg.cxx,trvltbl.cxx, unocrsr.cxx,viscrs.cxx}, sw/source/core/doc/{docbm.cxx,doccorr.cxx}, sw/source/core/docnode/{ndtbl.cxx,ndtbl1.cxx}, sw/source/core/edit/editsh.cxx, sw/source/core/frmedt/{fefly1.cxx,fetab.cxx,tblsel.cxx}, sw/source/core/layout/trvlfrm.cxx, sw/source/core/unocore/{unochart.cxx,unoobj2.cxx,unoparagraph.cxx, unoportenum.cxx,unotbl.cxx}, sw/source/core/view/vprint.cxx: + remove the hideous virtual operator SwFooCursor* + make SwCursor::IsReadOnlyAvailable() virtual + make SwUnoCrsr::Clone() virtual + refactor SwCursor methods IsSelOver(), LeftRight(), UpDown(), GotoTable(): replace dynamic_cast<...>(this) with new virtual methods 2009-02-26 13:14:58 +0100 mst r268508 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module sw - sw/source/filter/xml/swxml.cxx: + XMLReader::Read: load RDF metadata of the ODF document - sw/source/filter/xml/wrtxml.cxx: + SwXMLWriter::_Write: write RDF metadata of the ODF document if ODF >= 1.2 #i90620#: import xml:id in text tables (does not actually work yet) - sw/source/filter/xml/xmltbli{.hxx,.cxx}: + SwXMLTableCellAttrTokens,aTableCellAttrTokenMap: add XML_TOK_TABLE_XMLID + SwXMLTableCellContext_Impl::SwXMLTableCellContext_Impl: attribute xml:id + SwXMLTableCellContext_Impl::CreateChildContext: attribute xml:id + SwXMLTableColContext_Impl::SwXMLTableColContext_Impl: attribute xml:id + SwXMLTableContext::SwXMLTableContext: attribute xml:id fix #i98530# - sw/inc/unoport.hxx, sw/source/core/unocore/unoport.cxx: + SwXTextPortion: make constructor params const& - sw/source/core/unocore/unoportenum.cxx: + refactor to remove some code duplication + fix bug: paragraph w/out hints: bookmark before frame gets lost #i97274# handle invalid tables - sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx, sw/source/filter/xml/xmltbli.cxx: + SwXMLTableContext::MakeTable(): check that the table actually contains cells, and abort (removing the inserted table nodes) if not 2009-02-26 13:11:48 +0100 mst r268507 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module sw refactor SwXTextRange and SwXParagraph - sw/inc/unoobj.hxx, sw/source/core/unocore/unoobj2.cxx: + remove 3 constructors of SwXTextRange + new method SwXTextRange::CreateParentXText + refactor SwXTextRange::CreateTextRangeFromPosition and SwXTextRange::getText - sw/inc/unoobj.hxx, sw/source/core/unocore/unoparagraph.cxx: + SwXParagraph no longer uses a cursor; it registers directly at SwTxtNode + replace SwXParagraph::GetCrsr with SwXParagraph::GetTxtNode - sw/source/core/unocore/unotext.cxx, sw/source/ui/uno/unotxvw.cxx: + adapt to new SwXParagraph #i90620# - sw/inc/SwMetadatable.hxx, sw/source/core/doc/SwMetadatable.cxx: + new files: base classes sw::Metadatable and sw::MetadatableMixin; also, 2 implementations of IXmlIdRegistry: sw::XmlIdRegistryDocument and sw::XmlIdRegistryClipboard + setMetadataReference: handle empty stream name as auto-detect - sw/source/core/doc/ + add SwMetadatable add a XmlIdRegistry to SwDoc - sw/inc/doc.hxx: + SwDoc: add member m_pXmlIdRegistry, method GetXmlIdRegistry() - sw/source/core/doc/docnew.cxx: + initialize XmlIdRegistry in SwDoc::GetXmlIdRegistry, not in constructor, because the constructor is not told whether the SwDoc is a clipboard - sw/inc/docsh.hxx, sw/source/ui/app/docsh.cxx: + SwDocShell: override GetXmlIdRegistry() #i91563#: make the SwTxtNode metadatable - sw/inc/ndtxt.hxx + SwTxtNode inherits sw::Metadatable - sw/inc/unoobj.hxx, sw/source/core/unocore/unoparagraph.cxx: + SwXParagraph inherits sw::MetadatableMixin #i91563#: handle SwTxtNode's metadata for delete - sw/source/core/txtnode/ndtxt.cxx: + SwTxtNode::SplitCntntNode: handle XmlId + SwTxtNode::JoinNext: merge XmlIds - sw/source/core/doc/docedt.cxx: + lcl_GetJoinFlags: document postcondition + SwDoc::Delete: remove XmlId only if SwTxtNode _becomes_ empty #i91563#: handle SwTxtNode's metadata for delete with undo - sw/inc/undobj.hxx + SwUndoDelete: new members m_pMetadataUndoStart, m_pMetadataUndoEnd - sw/source/core/undo/undel.cxx: + SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt: save XmlIds for start and end SwTxtNode + SwUndoDelete::SaveCntnt: remove XmlId only if SwTxtNode _becomes_ empty + SwUndoDelete::Undo: restore saved XmlIds for start and end SwTxtNode - sw/source/core/docnode/ndcopy.cxx: + SwTxtNode::MakeCopy: register copy at XmlIdRegistry #i91563#: handle SwTxtNode's metadata for find/replace with undo - sw/source/core/undo/unins.cxx: + _UnReplaceData: rename members: add prefix m_ + _UnReplaceData: new members m_pMetadataUndoStart, m_pMetadataUndoEnd + _UnReplaceData::_UnReplaceData: save XmlIds for start and end SwTxtNode + _UnReplaceData::Undo: restore saved XmlIds for start and end SwTxtNode #i91563#: handle SwTxtNode's metadata for table-to-text with undo - sw/source/core/undo/untbl.cxx: + SwTblToTxtSave: rename members: add prefix m_ + SwTblToTxtSave: new members m_pMetadataUndoStart, m_pMetadataUndoEnd + SwTblToTxtSave::SwTblToTxtSave: save XmlIds for start and end SwTxtNode + SwTblToTxtSave::SwTblToTxtSave, SwNodes::UndoTableToText: always store the index of the first SwTxtNode in the cell, instead of the index of the first SwTxtNode in case of the first cell in a row, and the cell start node in other cases + SwNodes::UndoTableToText: restore saved XmlIds for start and end SwTxtNode - sw/source/core/docnode/ndtbl.cxx: + lcl_DelBox: simplify for refactored start index handling in SwTblToTxtSave 2009-02-26 13:02:28 +0100 mst r268505 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module sd - sd/source/ui/table/tableobjectbar.cxx,sd/source/ui/view/*.cxx: + remove invocations of SFX_DECL_TYPE - sd/source/ui/slideshow/SlideShowRestarter.cxx, sd/source/ui/toolpanel/LayoutMenu.cxx, sd/source/ui/unoidl/DrawController.cxx, sd/source/ui/view/{ViewShellBase.cxx,ViewTabBar.cxx,frmview.cxx}: + fix abuses of comphelper_getProcessComponentContext (missing release) 2009-02-26 13:01:24 +0100 mst r268504 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module starmath - starmath/source/document.cxx: + don't touch SfxObjectShell's privates 2009-02-26 13:00:37 +0100 mst r268503 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module sfx2 #i90620# - sfx2/inc/sfx2/XmlIdRegistry.hxx: + new file: interfaces sfx2::IXmlIdRegistry and sfx2::IXmlIdRegistrySupplier and a couple of utility functions - sfx2/inc/sfx2/DocumentMetadataAccess.hxx, sfx2/source/doc/DocumentMetadataAccess.cxx: + new class sfx2::DocumentMetadataAccess, implements XDocumentMetadataAccess + the URI of the DocumentMetadataAccess is now the URI from which the document was loaded; for a new document, use a URI + add new function sfx2::createBaseURI() + prevent using reserved file names + try not to recurse into embedded subdocuments - sfx2/source/doc/ + add DocumentMetadataAccess - sfx2/util/ + link libsfx2 against libxml2 (needed for xmlValidateNCName) - sfx2/source/doc/ + add LIBXML_CFLAGS to CFLAGS - sfx2/prj/build.lst: + add dependence on libxml2 - sfx2/prj/d.lst: + add XmlIdRegistry.hxx, DocumentMetadataAccess.hxx - sfx2/inc/sfx2/objsh.hxx, sfx2/source/doc/objxtor.cxx: + make SfxObjectShell's members private + new method SfxObjectShell::GetAutoStyleFilterIndex + SfxObjectShell inherits sfx2::IXmlIdRegistrySupplier - sfx2/source/dialog/templdlg.cxx, sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx: + don't touch SfxObjectShell's privates - sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxbasemodel.hxx, sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx: + SfxBaseModel inherits BaseMutex instead of IMPL_SfxBaseModel_MutexContainer + SfxBaseModel implements additional interface XDocumentMetadataAccess + IMPL_SfxBaseModel_DataContainer has new member: a sfx2::DocumentMetadataAccess + implementation of XDocumentMetadataAccess forwards to the sfx2::DocumentMetadataAccess member - sfx2/qa/complex/, sfx2/qa/complex/{tests.sce,}, sfx2/qa/complex/testdocuments/TESTRDFA.odt: + add complex test: DocumentMetadataAccessTest + add RDFa test document #i95863# - sfx2/inc/sfx2/dinfdlg.hxx, sfx2/source/dialog/dinfdlg.cxx: + refactor SfxDocumentItem so it no longer requires a XDocumentInfo + move struct CustomProperty to implementation file + remove class SfxDocumentUserPage + QueryValue,PutValue: remove MID_DOCINFO_FIELD* - sfx2/source/doc/objserv.cxx: + adapt to SfxDocumentItem change - sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfx.hrc, sfx2/sdi/sfxslots.sdi, sfx2/inc/sfx2/msg.hxx: + remove MID_DOCINFO_FIELD* + put all invocations of SFX_DECL_TYPE in msg.hxx, and undef SFX_DECL_TYPE - sfx2/source/doc/objxtor.cxx: + fix abuses of comphelper_getProcessComponentContext (missing release) - sfx2/source/doc/docfile.cxx: + SfxMedium::SfxMedium: don't dereference NULL, throw exception instead - sfx2/source/doc/objstor.cxx: + SfxObjectShell::DoLoad: fix bug: DocumentBaseURI is not initialized 2009-02-26 12:58:07 +0100 mst r268502 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module xmloff #i90620#: implement RDFa import (interface change) - xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmlimp.hxx. xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx: + make SvXMLImport::GetAbsoluteReference() const + add SvXMLImport::GetComponentContext() + SvXMLImport::_InitCtor(): add RDFa namespace + add SvXMLImport::AddRDFa() + SvXMLImport::endDocument() inserts RDFa into document repository - xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx, xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx: + new tokens for RDFa: XML_ABOUT, XML_DATATYPE - xmloff/inc/RDFaImportHelper.hxx, xmloff/source/core/RDFaImportHelper.cxx: + new class RDFaImportHelper + adapt the code to the bleak reality of broken C++ implementations + handle empty xhtml:about attributes properly, which are actually valid relative URIs + work around broken SvXMLImport::GetAbsoluteReference - xmloff/source/core/ + add RDFaImportHelper.cxx #i90620#: implement RDFa export - xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmlexp.hxx, xmloff/source/core/xmlexp.cxx: + add SvXMLExport::EnsureNamespace(), and a stack of namespace maps + add SvXMLExport::GetComponentContext() + add SvXMLExport::AddAttributesRDFa() - xmloff/inc/RDFaExportHelper.hxx, xmloff/source/core/RDFaExportHelper.cxx: + new class RDFaExportHelper + don't use std::map::data_type, which is actually called std::map::mapped_type by libstdc++ - xmloff/source/core/ + add RDFaExportHelper.cxx #i91563# - xmloff/inc/xmloff/txtimp.hxx, xmloff/source/text/txtimp.cxx: + XMLTextPAttrTokens: add RDFa tokens - xmloff/source/text/txtparai{.hxx,.cxx}: + import RDFa for text:p - xmloff/source/text/txtparae.cxx: + export RDFa for text:p interface change: use XHTML namespace instead of RDFA - xmloff/inc/xmlnmspe.hxx, xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx, xmloff/source/core/{xmltoken.cxx,xmlimp.cxx,xmlexp.cxx,RDFaExportHelper.cxx}, xmloff/source/text/txtimp.cxx: + use XHTML namespace instead of RDFA #i91565#, #i91566#: (preliminary) import for text:meta, text:meta-field - xmloff/source/text/txtparai.cxx: + new class XMLMetaImportContextBase with subclasses to import text:meta and text:meta-field - xmloff/source/text/XMLTextMarkImportContext.cxx: + change XMLTextMarkImportContext::CreateAndInsertMark to handle marks with no name (text:meta) #i91565#, #i91566#: (preliminary) export for text:meta, text:meta-field - xmloff/inc/txtflde.hxx, xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx: + add FIELD_ID_META to FieldIdEnum + new method XMLTextFieldExport::ExportMetaField() + change XMLTextFieldExport::ExportField{,AutoStyle,Helper} to take additional parameter for progress bar - xmloff/inc/xmloff/txtparae.hxx, xmloff/source/text/txtparae.cxx: + make XMLTextParagraphExport::exportTextRangeEnumeration() public + new method XMLTextParagraphExport::exportMeta() #i90620# - xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmlimp.hxx, xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx, xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmlexp.hxx, xmloff/source/core/xmlexp.cxx: + rename SvXML{Im,Ex}port::GetStreamPath() to GetStreamName() + fix xml:id {im,ex}port for embedded documents and non-packages + adapt to API change: XMetadatable #i90620# GRDDL - xmloff/inc/xmlnmspe.hxx, xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx, xmloff/source/core/{xmltoken.cxx,xmlexp.cxx}: + add GRDDL namespace + add token XML_TRANSFORMATION + add grddl:transformation attribute to root elements for meta.xml, content.xml and styles.xml 2009-02-26 12:54:40 +0100 mst r268501 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module unoxml #i90620# - unoxml/source/rdf/librdf_repository.cxx: + librdf_Repository::importGraph: allocate buffer sized length of stream + switch from one librdf_world per repository to a single static world because redland has global variables with a brain-damaged life-cycle... + exportGraph: use new raptor 1.4.18 feature to disable writing an xml:base attribute in RDF/XML files - unoxml/source/rdf/librdf_repository.cxx: unoxml/qa/complex/ + adapt to predicate is URI change + adapt to RDFa API change + adapt to API change: RDFa has multiple predicates... + adapt to API change: XMetadatable derives from XURI + allow xhtml:datatype without xhtml:content + adapt to API change: attribute MetadataReference is StringPair - unoxml/source/rdf/CURI.cxx: + add some more URI constants 2009-02-26 12:53:32 +0100 mst r268500 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module package - package/inc/ImplValidCharacters.hxx: + remove (moved to comphelper) 2009-02-26 12:52:49 +0100 mst r268499 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module comphelper - comphelper/inc/comphelper/processfactory.hxx, comphelper/source/processfactory/processfactory.cxx: + add getProcessComponentContext() + change return type of comphelper_getProcessComponentContext to Reference - comphelper/inc/comphelper/stl_types.hxx: + add OUStringBufferAppender + add algorithm intersperse - comphelper/source/misc/string.cxx: + rewrite convertCommaSeparated with intersperse and OUStringBufferAppender - comphelper/inc/comphelper/stlunosequence.hxx: + fix bug: begin() on empty sequence != end() 2009-02-26 12:50:47 +0100 mst r268498 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module offapi #i96209# - offapi/com/sun/star/text/fieldmaster/*.idl: + rename module from FieldMaster to fieldmaster - offapi/type_reference/{typelibrary_history.txt,types.rdb}: + update reference types.rdb #i90620# - offapi/com/sun/star/rdf/{XMetadatable.idl,XDocumentMetadataAccess.idl}: + API change: XMetadatable derives from XURI + API change: replace XmlId (string) with MetadataReference (StringPair) - offapi/com/sun/star/rdf/{Statement.idl,XDocumentRepository.idl, XNamedGraph.idl,XRepository.idl}: + the predicate of a statement is a URI, not a Resource - offapi/com/sun/star/rdf/XDocumentMetadataAccess.idl: + rename: s/Package/Document/ + remove uuid + remove everything related to mapping + graph names are now generated from base URI and file names + load methods: improve error handling with XInteractionHandler - offapi/com/sun/star/rdf/XDocumentRepository.idl: + change: RDFa permits using multiple predicates in one attribute + setStatementRDFa: subject is now XResource, object is now XMetadatable - offapi/com/sun/star/rdf/URIs.idl: + add some more URI constants - offapi/com/sun/star/rdf: + fix @since tags and replace <method> with <member> 2009-02-26 12:47:24 +0100 mst r268497 : migration of cws odfmetadata2 from CVS (resync to m42): module redland fix #i93768# - redland/raptor-1.4.17.patch, redland/raptor/ + disable GRDDL parser to prevent call to libxslt xsltSetDefaultSecurityPrefs, which breaks xmlhelp - redland/raptor/, redland/raptor-1.4.17.patch, redland/raptor-1.4.18.patch: + upgrade raptor to 1.4.18 + deactivate serializer for RSS/Atom (does not build) - redland/rasqal/, redland/rasqal-0.9.15.patch, redland/rasqal-0.9.16.patch, + upgrade rasqal to 0.9.16 - redland/redland/, redland/redland-1.0.7.patch, redland/redland-1.0.8.patch: + upgrade redland to 1.0.8 - redland/ + the librasqal SONAME has changed
2009-05-06CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS mba32issues01Release Engineers
2009-05-05 18:23:27 +0200 mba r271547 : apply diffs from m45->m47 for all files moved from dialog to cui 2009-05-05 18:22:02 +0200 mba r271545 : apply diffs from m45->m47 for all files moved from dialog to cui 2009-05-05 18:16:42 +0200 mba r271544 : apply diffs from m45->m47 for all files moved from dialog to cui 2009-04-29 19:35:58 +0200 mba r271392 : #i73672#: unify commands for inserting special characters 2009-04-29 18:01:27 +0200 mba r271391 : #i101337#: missing string resources 2009-04-29 18:01:10 +0200 mba r271390 : #i101337#: missing string resources 2009-04-29 15:42:47 +0200 mba r271380 : concurrency problem in multithreaded dmake due to missing dependency 2009-04-28 17:36:03 +0200 tbo r271336 : #i99432# 2009-04-28 13:57:52 +0200 mba r271322 : #i101302#: ctor might be called with pSet=0 2009-04-22 19:32:39 +0200 tbo r271138 : #i99432# 2009-04-09 14:46:03 +0200 mba r270709 : make sendreportw32.cxx compile with pch 2009-04-06 16:05:07 +0200 mba r270568 : #i99432#: some tweaks for build order 2009-04-06 15:38:52 +0200 mba r270558 : typo 2009-04-06 13:36:19 +0200 mba r270542 : #i99432#: split of localization also 2009-04-06 13:19:06 +0200 mba r270539 : #i99432#: split up srs files also 2009-04-03 17:57:59 +0200 mba r270513 : #i99432#: split dialog folder into two 2009-04-03 17:56:46 +0200 mba r270512 : #i99432#: split dialog folder into two 2009-04-01 22:15:00 +0200 mba r270364 : warnings on Linux 2009-04-01 22:10:44 +0200 mba r270363 : warnings on Linux 2009-04-01 21:43:54 +0200 mba r270362 : warning fixed 2009-04-01 21:41:27 +0200 mba r270361 : warning on Linux fixed 2009-04-01 21:35:44 +0200 mba r270360 : warning fixed 2009-04-01 20:19:59 +0200 mba r270358 : warning found on Linux fixed 2009-04-01 19:23:38 +0200 mba r270354 : warning due to missing eof 2009-04-01 18:56:25 +0200 mba r270352 : linking problem fixed that appeared only on mac 2009-04-01 18:41:30 +0200 mba r270350 : warnings discovered on Linux fixed 2009-04-01 18:34:28 +0200 mba r270349 : some fixes for warnings and include problems discoverd after resync and build on mac 2009-04-01 14:08:22 +0200 mba r270328 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS mba32issues01 to trunk@270033 (milestone: DEV300:m45) 2009-03-04 18:13:35 +0100 mba r268858 : #i99432#: more dialogs moved to cui 2009-03-04 17:47:41 +0100 mba r268854 : #i99432#: more dialogs moved to cui 2009-03-04 17:32:39 +0100 mba r268851 : warning fixed 2009-03-04 12:59:26 +0100 mba r268814 : #i99432#: more dialogs moved to cui 2009-03-04 11:49:03 +0100 mba r268802 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 10:46:00 +0100 mba r268795 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 10:43:50 +0100 mba r268794 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 10:00:29 +0100 mba r268792 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 10:00:03 +0100 mba r268791 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 09:59:43 +0100 mba r268790 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 09:58:51 +0100 mba r268789 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-04 09:58:16 +0100 mba r268788 : #i99432#: CharmapDialog moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:33:14 +0100 mba r268763 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:32:28 +0100 mba r268762 : #i99432#: some tabpages moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:32:09 +0100 mba r268761 : #i99432#: some tabpages moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:29:40 +0100 mba r268760 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:29:08 +0100 mba r268759 : #i99432#: MacroAssignment page moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:28:41 +0100 mba r268758 : #i99432#: MacroAssignment page moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:28:18 +0100 mba r268757 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:27:36 +0100 mba r268756 : #i99465#: replace FN_SYMBOL by SID_CHARMAP 2009-03-03 16:27:02 +0100 mba r268755 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:26:23 +0100 mba r268754 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:25:30 +0100 mba r268753 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:24:49 +0100 mba r268752 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:24:35 +0100 mba r268751 : #i99432#: MacroAssignment page moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:23:20 +0100 mba r268750 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:23:04 +0100 mba r268749 : #i99432#: MacroAssignment page moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:21:56 +0100 mba r268748 : #i99465#: new SfxAbstractDialog interface and creation methods 2009-03-03 16:18:39 +0100 mba r268747 : #i99432#: MacroAssignment page moved to cui 2009-03-03 16:13:14 +0100 mba r268745 : #i99465#: replace FN_SYMBOL by SID_CHARMAP 2009-03-03 16:02:54 +0100 mba r268738 : #i99432#: moved MacroAssignment TabPage from sfx2 2009-03-03 14:57:58 +0100 mba r268729 : #i99465#: transport return value via ItemSet 2009-03-03 00:08:10 +0100 mba r268701 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-03 00:07:32 +0100 mba r268700 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-03 00:02:01 +0100 mba r268699 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-03 00:01:38 +0100 mba r268698 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-03 00:01:11 +0100 mba r268697 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-03 00:00:40 +0100 mba r268696 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-03 00:00:06 +0100 mba r268695 : #i99432#: replace SfxAbstractSingleTabDialog by SfxAbstractDialog 2009-03-02 23:59:22 +0100 mba r268694 : #i99432#: move acccfg to cuilib 2009-03-02 23:57:19 +0100 mba r268693 : #i99432#: move acccfg to svx 2009-03-02 23:56:14 +0100 mba r268692 : #i99432#: replace SfxAbstractSingleTabDialog by SfxAbstractDialog 2009-03-02 23:49:37 +0100 mba r268691 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:26:40 +0100 mba r268683 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:24:28 +0100 mba r268682 : i99465#: consolidate slot for InsertSymbol command 2009-03-02 17:22:29 +0100 mba r268681 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:18:11 +0100 mba r268680 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 17:08:30 +0100 mba r268679 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:06:57 +0100 mba r268678 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:06:30 +0100 mba r268677 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:05:02 +0100 mba r268676 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 17:04:35 +0100 mba r268675 : #i99785#: consolidate dialogs library 2009-03-02 16:47:53 +0100 mba r268673 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:45:17 +0100 mba r268671 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:39:59 +0100 mba r268670 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:38:59 +0100 mba r268668 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:38:28 +0100 mba r268667 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:36:06 +0100 mba r268666 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:29:50 +0100 mba r268663 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:24:00 +0100 mba r268659 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:23:31 +0100 mba r268658 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-03-02 16:22:41 +0100 mba r268657 : i99432#: move accelconfig and macroassignment to cui 2009-02-25 16:57:26 +0100 mba r268453 : obsolete 2009-02-17 10:50:51 +0100 mba r267846 : obsolete 2009-02-12 16:33:54 +0100 mba r267676 : #i96834#: warning fixed 2009-02-11 19:28:47 +0100 mba r267626 : #i91978#: unused code 2009-02-11 18:37:47 +0100 mba r267625 : metafile output, fixes for 3 layer office 2009-02-11 12:56:28 +0100 mba r267593 : selective trees; incomplete build lists; metafile output
2009-04-27CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb107Ivo Hinkelmann
2009-04-14 13:09:13 +0200 sb r270758 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sb107 to trunk@270723 (milestone: DEV300:m46) 2009-04-06 14:11:54 +0200 sb r270545 : #i100884# improve pagein effectiveness: wrap system libs in --as-needed on unxlngi6/unxlngx6 to avoid needing them where unneeded; link pagein as C program to avoid unneeded C++ runtime dependency; reorder pagein and javaldx in soffice startup script so that javaldx benefits from pagein 2009-03-31 16:40:23 +0200 sb r270287 : decrease collisions in hashCode computation 2009-03-30 11:48:39 +0200 sb r270207 : #i100668# corrected explicit template instantiation 2009-03-26 14:16:26 +0100 sb r270078 : #i100408# inadvertently dropped libexslt dynamic library in previous rev 269789 2009-03-26 10:52:51 +0100 sb r270058 : #i100576# fixed erroneous modification of RPM in previous rev 270057 2009-03-26 10:46:36 +0100 sb r270057 : #i100576# Enable HAVE_LD_HASH_STYLE in sdev300.ini for unxlgni6 and unxlngx6; corrected so that HAVE_LD_HASH_STYLE actually has an effect on ultimate LINKFLAGS value. 2009-03-25 16:53:39 +0100 sb r270038 : #i85679# applied speed-symbolic-functions.diff provided by pmladek; re-ran autoconf; enabled HAVE_LD_BSYMBOLIC_FUNCTIONS for unxlngi6 and unxlngx6 in sdev300.ini 2009-03-25 15:29:12 +0100 sb r270031 : #i100408# missing fixes in addition to -c 269789 (to actually only put single instances of certain libraries into installation sets) 2009-03-25 15:17:10 +0100 sb r270029 : #i10084# revert masterfix additions of libraries to APPnSTDLIBs (during -r269000:269199) and instead use -rpath-link to avoid linker warnings on unxlngi6 and unxlngx6 2009-03-25 14:15:23 +0100 sb r270023 : added svn:ignore 2009-03-25 10:25:08 +0100 sb r270002 : #i10000# copied over trunk -c 269820 2009-03-23 10:16:00 +0100 sb r269858 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sb107 to trunk@269781 (milestone: DEV300:m44) 2009-03-20 11:22:27 +0100 sb r269789 : #i100408# reduce (multiple copies of) libraries delivered to solver; for that to work fine, deliver symlink feature got improved to only create a symlink if the original file exists 2009-03-20 09:21:32 +0100 sb r269782 : #i100396# replace s(HTML|RTF)_xxx declarations with OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_(HTML|RTF)_xxx macros to reduce symbolic relocations at load time (at least on ELF systems). 2009-03-19 11:34:56 +0100 sb r269734 : #i100348# added VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=TRUE so that symbols from the resulting archive are not erroneously exported from dynamic libraries including the archive 2009-03-19 11:32:20 +0100 sb r269733 : #i100348# as a prerequisite for following changes, brought jpeg-6b.patch into "dmake create_patch" format and removed application/octet-stream svn:mime-type 2009-03-12 10:39:08 +0100 sb r269370 : duplicated cws/odfmetadata2/solenv/inc/ -c 268831 2009-03-04 17:25:16 +0100 sb r268849 : #i99880# missing AUGMENT_LIBRARY_PATH 2009-02-25 17:54:34 +0100 sb r268459 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sb107 to trunk@268395 (milestone: DEV300:m42) 2009-02-25 09:23:15 +0100 sb r268413 : #i99584# avoid undefined operations on nOffset (patch by cmc) 2009-02-23 10:02:25 +0100 sb r268344 : #i99519 removed unnecessary library dependencies 2009-02-18 17:54:24 +0100 sb r268250 : avoid warnings about format specifier and argument mismatch (on 64bit debug builds) 2009-02-18 17:50:34 +0100 sb r268249 : avoid erroneous warning that control reaches end of non-void function 2009-02-18 17:33:53 +0100 sb r268248 : sdext/source/pdfimport/misc/pdfihelper.cxx: #include <vcl/canvastools.hxx>
2009-04-21CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS layoutdialogs2Ivo Hinkelmann
2009-04-09 10:11:14 +0200 mba r270680 : defective merge sets seem to have brought config_office back 2009-04-02 18:00:52 +0200 mba r270429 : #i100503#: make tralay work without LD_LIBRARY_PATH 2009-04-01 13:27:58 +0200 mba r270320 : warning on Solaris fixed 2009-03-31 22:15:03 +0200 mba r270293 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS layoutdialogs2 to trunk@270033 (milestone: DEV300:m45) 2009-03-16 13:05:08 +0100 mba r269526 : fixed some compiler warnings of the Sun compiler 2009-03-11 15:32:42 +0100 mba r269337 : some problems for ENABLE_LAYOUT fixed 2009-03-09 16:05:32 +0100 mba r269197 : merge conflict solved 2009-03-09 15:09:55 +0100 mba r269194 : merge conflict solved 2009-03-09 15:09:35 +0100 mba r269193 : merge conflict solved 2009-03-06 22:12:47 +0100 mba r269052 : compilation error fixed 2009-03-06 17:36:37 +0100 mba r269033 : integer warning fixed 2009-03-06 10:31:19 +0100 mba r268983 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS layoutdialogs2 to trunk@268395 (milestone: DEV300:m42) 2009-03-03 20:03:59 +0100 jcn r268777 : Add Notes checkbox to find-and-replace dialog in anticipation of m40 resync. 2009-03-03 15:56:20 +0100 jcn r268737 : Apply layout-find-dialog-crash-fix.diff -- fixes crasher. From 2009-02-06 17:41:24 +0100 mba r267479 : arrrrgh - svx headers must be included behind the magic define 2009-02-05 19:44:42 +0100 mba r267439 : seems that msvc preprocessor is thick as a brick 2009-02-05 15:15:16 +0100 mba r267425 : pch added 2009-02-05 08:14:01 +0100 mba r267409 : double defined symbols fixed 2009-02-05 08:13:14 +0100 mba r267408 : compile Languagebox and FontListbox with ENABLE_LAYOUT 2009-02-05 08:07:35 +0100 mba r267406 : warning fixed 2009-02-05 08:06:42 +0100 mba r267405 : warnings and errors fixed 2009-01-30 15:51:52 +0100 mba r267206 : export Container class to compile code in sfx2 2009-01-30 15:51:14 +0100 mba r267205 : remove LAYOUT_EXPERIMENTAL from sfx2, everything now compiles with ENABLE_LAYOUT 2009-01-28 17:01:27 +0100 mba r267069 : fixed namespace problems in sfx2 2009-01-28 16:59:48 +0100 mba r267068 : fixed namespace problems 2009-01-24 13:57:06 +0100 mba r266877 : move svx stuff to experimental 2009-01-24 13:56:11 +0100 mba r266876 : move svx stuff to experimental 2009-01-24 13:52:09 +0100 mba r266875 : put sfx stuff into experimental 2009-01-24 13:28:08 +0100 mba r266874 : put sfx stuff into experimental 2009-01-24 13:26:38 +0100 mba r266873 : help msvc++ compiler a bit 2009-01-24 13:24:43 +0100 mba r266872 : warning removed 2009-01-24 13:23:21 +0100 mba r266871 : moved svx stuff to svx; put sfx stuff into experimental 2009-01-24 13:22:04 +0100 mba r266870 : moved svx stuff to svx 2009-01-05 16:35:34 +0100 jcn r265879 : config_office/configure: Regenerate. Fixes naive builds. 2008-12-17 16:06:25 +0100 jcn r265638 : Wordcount: minor HIG tweaks. 2008-12-17 16:06:21 +0100 jcn r265637 : Zoom: minor HIG spacing tweaks. 2008-12-17 16:06:16 +0100 jcn r265636 : Zoom: fix align-test and update zoom.xml. 2008-12-17 16:06:12 +0100 jcn r265635 : Zoom: add align-test.xml to illustrate zoom alignment bug. 2008-12-17 16:06:07 +0100 jcn r265634 : Find-and-Replace: request font-style-name="Bold", does not seem to work. 2008-12-17 16:06:03 +0100 jcn r265633 : Find-and-Replace: Add alignment for combobox labels. 2008-12-17 16:05:59 +0100 jcn r265632 : Find-and-Replace: Replace pairs of <flow> with <align>. Fixes ugly non-emptiness of more-<hbox>. 2008-12-17 16:05:56 +0100 jcn r265631 : Find-and-Replace: add nice 12pt border. 2008-12-17 16:05:51 +0100 jcn r265630 : Find-and-Replace: also add rowsep at lower fixedline. 2008-12-17 16:05:47 +0100 jcn r265629 : Find-and-Replace: Add poor man's colsep and rowsep substitute spaces. 2008-12-17 16:05:43 +0100 jcn r265628 : Find-and-Replace: use <vbox cnt:x-expand="false"> for buttons. 2008-12-17 16:05:40 +0100 jcn r265627 : Find-and-Replace: add <vbox>s and use cnt:expand="false" to stop vertical button expansion. 2008-12-17 16:05:36 +0100 jcn r265626 : Find-and-Replace: use sc icon. Fixes FIND button height. 2008-12-17 16:05:31 +0100 jcn r265625 : Bugfix have empty/invisible containers not take up space. 2008-12-17 16:05:27 +0100 jcn r265624 : Find-and-replace: Fix/remove most property errors. 2008-12-17 16:05:23 +0100 jcn r265623 : Table: make x, y expand default. 2008-12-17 16:05:18 +0100 jcn r265622 : Use OSL_TRACE rather than printf. Fixes warning visibility. 2008-12-17 16:05:14 +0100 jcn r265621 : Boxtest: add <vbox><table x-expand="true"> pair to trigger property errors. 2008-12-17 16:05:10 +0100 jcn r265620 : Junk extra <table> from boxtest. Fixes visual output. 2008-12-17 16:05:05 +0100 jcn r265619 : Eradicate PROPHELPER_SET_INFO: junk static caching. 2008-12-17 16:05:01 +0100 jcn r265618 : Update awk+sed localize generation rules. Fixes multiple (wrong) titles in Find & Replace. 2008-12-17 16:04:56 +0100 jcn r265617 : Use dash (-) instead of underscore (_) to separate language modifiers. Fixes en_GB etc. 2008-12-17 16:04:51 +0100 jcn r265616 : Add "defbutton=true" to dialogs. Fixes ENTER doing default action: n#439222. 2008-12-17 16:04:45 +0100 jcn r265615 : Michael's new table-based find and replace. 2008-12-17 16:04:40 +0100 jcn r265614 : Apply Michael's boxtest patch. 2008-12-17 16:04:36 +0100 jcn r265613 : Make sort-options experimental. Part II. Fixes crasher n-44.patch. Fixes crasher: n#442036. 2008-12-17 16:04:31 +0100 jcn r265612 : Make sort-options experimental. Part I. 2008-12-17 16:04:26 +0100 jcn r265611 : Add --enable-layout-experimental configure switch. Part II. Typo in, add set_soenv entry. 2008-12-17 16:04:21 +0100 jcn r265610 : Add --enable-layout-experimental configure switch. Default off. 2008-11-26 16:25:18 +0100 mba r264417 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 15:52:02 +0100 mba r264407 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 15:40:44 +0100 mba r264402 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 14:50:47 +0100 mba r264395 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 14:39:12 +0100 mba r264393 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 14:38:49 +0100 mba r264392 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 14:38:31 +0100 mba r264391 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 14:38:13 +0100 mba r264390 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 14:37:38 +0100 mba r264389 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 10:11:17 +0100 mba r264352 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 10:06:12 +0100 mba r264351 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 09:58:28 +0100 mba r264347 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 09:50:41 +0100 mba r264345 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-11-26 09:46:10 +0100 mba r264343 : fixed compiler warnings 2008-10-22 10:57:09 +0200 mba r262584 : fixed small error resulting from resolved merged conflicts 2008-10-22 10:56:21 +0200 mba r262583 : fixed some small errors resulting from resolved merged conflicts 2008-10-20 19:29:27 +0200 jcn r262557 : layoutdialogs2: Remove stray patches. 2008-10-20 19:29:22 +0200 jcn r262556 : layoutdialogs2: Force resize also on second show after hiding. 2008-10-20 19:29:17 +0200 jcn r262555 : layoutdialogs2: Do not trigger handlers for api calls. 2008-10-20 19:29:13 +0200 jcn r262554 : layoutdialogs2: Use disable/enable instead of hide/show for currency box. Fixes monster lisbox. 2008-10-20 19:29:09 +0200 jcn r262553 : layoutdialogs2: Use line-count instead of linecount. Fixes sizing of listboxes. 2008-10-20 19:29:04 +0200 jcn r262552 : layoutdialogs2: vcl: respect line-count also for non-dropdown listbox. 2008-10-20 19:28:59 +0200 jcn r262551 : layoutdialogs2: Update to svn:r14142 patched. 2008-10-20 19:28:51 +0200 jcn r262550 : layoutdialogs2: Manual tweaks in number-format.xml. 2008-10-20 19:28:45 +0200 jcn r262549 : layoutdialogs2: Integrate Number Format tabpage into Format Cell dialog. 2008-10-20 19:28:36 +0200 jcn r262548 : layoutdialogs2: Windows build fixes. Thanks Noel. 2008-10-20 19:28:31 +0200 jcn r262547 : layoutdialogs2: Layout Format Cells/Number Format tabpage. 2008-10-20 19:28:24 +0200 jcn r262546 : layoutdialogs2: Remove sc/uiconfig/layout/localize.sdf. 2008-10-20 19:28:20 +0200 jcn r262545 : layoutdialogs2: --enable-debug link fix 2008-10-20 19:28:16 +0200 jcn r262544 : layoutdialogs2: Add missing localize.sdf dependency. Thanks, Petr. 2008-10-20 19:28:12 +0200 jcn r262543 : layoutdialogs2: svx linx fixlet. 2008-10-20 19:28:06 +0200 jcn r262542 : layoutdialogs2: Move layout/* to layout/core, vclcompat to layout/vcl. Distribute layout headers. Fixes sfx2 layout core includes. 2008-10-20 19:27:58 +0200 jcn r262541 : layoutdialogs2: Build fix for --enable-layout. 2008-10-20 19:27:54 +0200 jcn r262540 : layoutdialogs2: Generate localize.sdf files in uiconfig. 2008-10-20 19:27:47 +0200 jcn r262539 : layoutdialogs2: Minimalize deprecated String use further by using OUString. 2008-10-20 19:27:42 +0200 jcn r262538 : layoutdialogs2: Implement LocalizedString.GetToken and use it for aCalcBtn. Fixes empty label. 2008-10-20 19:27:36 +0200 jcn r262537 : layoutdialogs2: Add layout::Sfx*Dialog wrapper. 2008-10-20 19:27:29 +0200 jcn r262536 : layoutdialogs2: Introduce Closing*Dialog wrappers fixing closing with ESC. 2008-10-20 19:27:24 +0200 jcn r262535 : layoutdialogs2: Support <sfxmodelessdialog> from sfx2. 2008-10-20 19:27:17 +0200 jcn r262534 : layoutdialogs2: Rename find-&-replace.xml to find-and-replace.xml. Fixes split build with failing solenv patch. 2008-10-20 19:27:12 +0200 jcn r262533 : layoutdialogs2: Do not build sfx2 when --disable-layout. 2008-10-20 19:27:08 +0200 jcn r262532 : layoutdialogs2: Ignore ja/ too. 2008-10-20 19:27:04 +0200 jcn r262531 : layoutdialogs2: Add destructors for VCLXButton, VCLXComboBox. 2008-10-20 19:26:58 +0200 jcn r262530 : layoutdialogs2: Make dialogs closable with ESC: wordcount, zoom, message-box, move-copy-sheet, insert-sheet. 2008-10-20 19:26:52 +0200 jcn r262529 : layoutdialogs2: Move some implementations to .cxx. 2008-10-20 19:26:47 +0200 jcn r262528 : layoutdialogs2: Fix simple editor crasher. 2008-10-20 19:26:43 +0200 jcn r262527 : layoutdialogs2: Further cleanup: remove clean & delete from wrapperGone. 2008-10-20 19:26:38 +0200 jcn r262526 : layoutdialogs2: Add reset logic to ~WindowImpl, plugs ComboBox and Dialog leaks. 2008-10-20 19:26:34 +0200 jcn r262525 : layoutdialogs2: Interesting hack: only leaks ::ComboBox and ::Dialog. 2008-10-20 19:26:29 +0200 jcn r262524 : layoutdialogs2: Build fix. 2008-10-20 19:26:24 +0200 jcn r262523 : layoutdialogs2: Find&Replace duplicate disposal workaround inside layout. 2008-10-20 19:26:19 +0200 jcn r262522 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Terrible crasher-fix hack. Do not dispose Dialog or any FocusHandler owners." This reverts commit 5222b5b123a2e6c88494983bd875de574f365bae. 2008-10-20 19:26:14 +0200 jcn r262521 : layoutdialogs2: Terrible crasher-fix hack. Do not dispose Dialog or any FocusHandler owners. 2008-10-20 19:26:08 +0200 jcn r262520 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "ComboBox: crash down to (Dialog's) VCLXWindowImpl::DestroyOutputDevice();" This reverts commit b423129aca295e84ef5986149b6ee71eb7ba0aa3. 2008-10-20 19:26:03 +0200 jcn r262519 : layoutdialogs2: ComboBox: crash down to (Dialog's) VCLXWindowImpl::DestroyOutputDevice(); 2008-10-20 19:25:57 +0200 jcn r262518 : layoutdialogs2: Handler and debug cleanup. 2008-10-20 19:25:52 +0200 jcn r262517 : layoutdialogs2: Minimally remove FixedText workaround. 2008-10-20 19:25:47 +0200 jcn r262516 : layoutdialogs2: Preparations for FocusHdl fix. 2008-10-20 19:25:42 +0200 jcn r262515 : layoutdialogs2: Remove vclxwindows patch by using handler hackery. 2008-10-20 19:25:38 +0200 jcn r262514 : layoutdialogs2: Don't call deleted dialog. Hdler reset tweaks. Fixes Find&Replace. 2008-10-20 19:25:34 +0200 jcn r262513 : layoutdialogs2: Hdler and disposing cleanups. 2008-10-20 19:25:29 +0200 jcn r262512 : layoutdialogs2: Prevent Find&Replace window from being deleted twice. 2008-10-20 19:25:24 +0200 jcn r262511 : layoutdialogs2: Add destructor to SvxSearchDialogWrapper. Fixes second invocation crasher. 2008-10-20 19:25:19 +0200 jcn r262510 : layoutdialogs2: Make Find&Replace work (once) with minimal client code changes. 2008-10-20 19:25:13 +0200 jcn r262509 : layoutdialogs2: Add ComboBox/FixedText debug switching. 2008-10-20 19:25:08 +0200 jcn r262508 : layoutdialogs2: Add destructors resetting handlers. 2008-10-20 19:25:03 +0200 jcn r262507 : layoutdialogs2: Static cast fixes. 2008-10-20 19:24:59 +0200 jcn r262506 : layoutdialogs2: Always set button handler. Fixes pushbuttons. 2008-10-20 19:24:55 +0200 jcn r262505 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Move FocusHandlers from Control down to ListBox, ComboBox, FixedText." This reverts commit 8bc4b991539a74373bfb1ef8792276ada8c958e4. 2008-10-20 19:24:50 +0200 jcn r262504 : layoutdialogs2: Disable Timer for ENABLE_LAYOUT. 2008-10-20 19:24:45 +0200 jcn r262503 : layoutdialogs2: Move FocusHandlers from Control down to ListBox, ComboBox, FixedText. 2008-10-20 19:24:40 +0200 jcn r262502 : layoutdialogs2: Wider small symbol. 2008-10-20 19:24:36 +0200 jcn r262501 : layoutdialogs2: Listener and SetHandler cleanup. 2008-10-20 19:24:31 +0200 jcn r262500 : layoutdialogs2: Clear mxWindow upon deletion. Fixes Find&Replace crasher. 2008-10-20 19:24:27 +0200 jcn r262499 : layoutdialogs2: Typo, fixes build. 2008-10-20 19:24:22 +0200 jcn r262498 : layoutdialogs2: Ignore .log files too. 2008-10-20 19:24:19 +0200 jcn r262497 : layoutdialogs2: By default, work around #define protected public Resource hack. 2008-10-20 19:24:15 +0200 jcn r262496 : layoutdialogs2: Sw:Find&Replace: Remove wrong static cast. Fixes crasher. 2008-10-20 19:24:10 +0200 jcn r262495 : layoutdialogs2: Find&Replace: do not vertically expand buttons, add title. 2008-10-20 19:24:06 +0200 jcn r262494 : layoutdialogs2: Find&Replace: Remove need for ResId, set help id. 2008-10-20 19:24:01 +0200 jcn r262493 : layoutdialogs2: MoreButton: redraw upon resize, fix labels, use small symbol. 2008-10-20 19:23:57 +0200 jcn r262492 : layoutdialogs2: Support setting and querying small symbol on vcl:button. 2008-10-20 19:23:52 +0200 jcn r262491 : layoutdialogs2: Support redrawing of only this, make parent optional. 2008-10-20 19:23:48 +0200 jcn r262490 : layoutdialogs2: Add Kohei's wfield patch Fixes n#417840. 2008-10-20 19:23:44 +0200 jcn r262489 : layoutdialogs2: Redraw [parent] upon first time visibility. Fixes weird listbox dropdown sizing in Find & Replace. 2008-10-20 19:23:39 +0200 jcn r262488 : layoutdialogs2: Add manual layouting for Find & Replace. 2008-10-20 19:23:35 +0200 jcn r262487 : layoutdialogs2: src2xml: use label instead of text for buttons. Run on Find & Replace; fixes button texts. 2008-10-20 19:23:31 +0200 jcn r262486 : layoutdialogs2: Add initial auto-translated find-&-replace-.xml. 2008-10-20 19:23:26 +0200 jcn r262485 : layoutdialogs2: layout importer: handle ModelessDialog. Fixes Find & Replace parsing error. 2008-10-20 19:23:22 +0200 jcn r262484 : layoutdialogs2: src2xml: Handle multiple widgets at same x,y. Fixes silent removal of widgets in Find & Replace dialog. 2008-10-20 19:23:18 +0200 jcn r262483 : layoutdialogs2: src2xml: Handle hide= attribute, translate to show=. 2008-10-20 19:23:14 +0200 jcn r262482 : layoutdialogs2: Only use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ on gcc. Fixes Windows build. Thanks Tor! 2008-10-20 19:23:10 +0200 jcn r262481 : layoutdialogs2: Add two missing SAL_CALL decorations. Fixes Windows build. Thanks Tor! 2008-10-20 19:23:05 +0200 jcn r262480 : layoutdialogs2: Build fixes for layout'ed Find & Replace dialog. 2008-10-20 19:22:54 +0200 jcn r262479 : layoutdialogs2: Do not use layout::SfxTabDialog for now. 2008-10-20 19:22:47 +0200 jcn r262478 : layoutdialogs2: Crufty sizing tweaks. 2008-10-20 19:22:42 +0200 jcn r262477 : layoutdialogs2: More debugging cleanups. 2008-10-20 19:22:37 +0200 jcn r262476 : layoutdialogs2: More cleanups that result in constant manual resizing... 2008-10-20 19:22:33 +0200 jcn r262475 : layoutdialogs2: Tabdlg cleanups. 2008-10-20 19:22:28 +0200 jcn r262474 : layoutdialogs2: Add GetOptimalSize () to InPlug. Fixes auto-sizing of tabcontrol. 2008-10-20 19:22:21 +0200 jcn r262473 : layoutdialogs2: Get VCLXTabControl to resize automatically (too tall), not mousable. 2008-10-20 19:22:13 +0200 jcn r262472 : layoutdialogs2: Respect show=false property; do not show everything. 2008-10-20 19:22:09 +0200 jcn r262471 : layoutdialogs2: Add show=false on buttons. Fixes displaying everything. 2008-10-20 19:22:05 +0200 jcn r262470 : layoutdialogs2: Move some code to reduce namespace and #if hacking. 2008-10-20 19:22:00 +0200 jcn r262469 : layoutdialogs2: Cleanup, remove unneeded #defines. 2008-10-20 19:21:56 +0200 jcn r262468 : layoutdialogs2: Replace static casts with dynamic_cast, fixes layout::SfxTabDialog. Explicitly add 2 tabpages while adding tabpages, instead of relying on ResId. 2008-10-20 19:21:51 +0200 jcn r262467 : layoutdialogs2: Use cpp hacking to remove layout-tabdialog.hxx duplication. 2008-10-20 19:21:45 +0200 jcn r262466 : layoutdialogs2: Minimize diff between layout-tabdialog.hxx and tabdlg.hxx. 2008-10-20 19:21:41 +0200 jcn r262465 : layoutdialogs2: Remove copy of SfxTabDialog; use cpp logic to create both flavours. 2008-10-20 19:21:36 +0200 jcn r262464 : layoutdialogs2: Minimize diff between layout/sfxtabdialog.cxx and source/tabdlg.cxx. This enables the next step: use cpp logic instead of code duplication. 2008-10-20 19:21:31 +0200 jcn r262463 : layoutdialogs2: Hello world on layout::SfxTabDialog. 2008-10-20 19:21:24 +0200 jcn r262462 : layoutdialogs2: Nice `Compiling:' message that shows the file being compiled. 2008-10-20 19:21:20 +0200 jcn r262461 : layoutdialogs2: Use layout::SfxTabDialog for sort options. 2008-10-20 19:21:15 +0200 jcn r262460 : layoutdialogs2: Update sort options tab. 2008-10-20 19:21:10 +0200 jcn r262459 : layoutdialogs2: Add layout::SfxTabDialog. 2008-10-20 19:21:04 +0200 jcn r262458 : layoutdialogs2: Cleanup previous attempt using layout::SfxTabPage == layout::TabPage. 2008-10-20 19:20:57 +0200 jcn r262457 : layoutdialogs2: Windows 2003 compile fixes, i#92397. 2008-10-20 19:20:52 +0200 jcn r262456 : layoutdialogs2: Set default radiogroup when none provided. 2008-10-20 19:20:48 +0200 jcn r262455 : layoutdialogs2: Add radiogroup to sort-options. Fixes crasher. 2008-10-20 19:20:43 +0200 jcn r262454 : layoutdialogs2: Cleanup ParentSet fix. 2008-10-20 19:20:36 +0200 jcn r262453 : layoutdialogs2: Add debugging in ParentSet. Works standalone, not integrated. 2008-10-20 19:20:31 +0200 jcn r262452 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Have InPlug not derive from Window, but have as member." This reverts commit 50ea26eec3fe14943f24900081ad923e72550345. 2008-10-20 19:20:25 +0200 jcn r262451 : layoutdialogs2: Have InPlug not derive from Window, but have as member. 2008-10-20 19:20:20 +0200 jcn r262450 : layoutdialogs2: Move layout plugin implementation from layout::SfxTabPage to InPlug. 2008-10-20 19:20:14 +0200 jcn r262449 : layoutdialogs2: Get all widgets to display in sfxtabpage plugin with Window::SetParent hack. 2008-10-20 19:20:09 +0200 jcn r262448 : layoutdialogs2: Two-button manual hello world with sfxtabpage plugin. 2008-10-20 19:20:03 +0200 jcn r262447 : layoutdialogs2: WIP: layout::SfxTabPage derived from SfxTabPage. 2008-10-20 19:19:55 +0200 jcn r262446 : layoutdialogs2: Always set parent after construction, fixes listbox dropdown. 2008-10-20 19:19:51 +0200 jcn r262445 : layoutdialogs2: Fix radio button crasher. 2008-10-20 19:19:47 +0200 jcn r262444 : layoutdialogs2: Implement ListBox method wrappers. Fixes filling of listbox. 2008-10-20 19:19:42 +0200 jcn r262443 : layoutdialogs2: Convert Move/Copy sheet to layout engine. 2008-10-20 19:19:35 +0200 jcn r262442 : layoutdialogs2: Also hide yes/no buttons if not used. 2008-10-20 19:19:31 +0200 jcn r262441 : layoutdialogs2: Elaborate on changing client code. 2008-10-20 19:19:26 +0200 jcn r262440 : layoutdialogs2: Implement winbits client-code compatibility for Message Boxes. 2008-10-20 19:19:21 +0200 jcn r262439 : layoutdialogs2: Add localize.sdf to toolkit uiconfig. Fixes build. 2008-10-20 19:19:17 +0200 jcn r262438 : layoutdialogs2: Do not use ti_layout twice in toolkit build.lst. Fixes build. 2008-10-20 19:19:13 +0200 jcn r262437 : layoutdialogs2: Oops, also dist 2008-10-20 19:19:09 +0200 jcn r262436 : layoutdialogs2: Move to solenv. 2008-10-20 19:19:03 +0200 jcn r262435 : layoutdialogs2: Add handy TEST file. 2008-10-20 19:18:58 +0200 jcn r262434 : layoutdialogs2: Implement MessageBox and wrappers ErrorBox, InfoBox, QueryBox, WarningBox. 2008-10-20 19:18:52 +0200 jcn r262433 : layoutdialogs2: QueryBox without image used for Delete Sheet dialog. 2008-10-20 19:18:46 +0200 jcn r262432 : layoutdialogs2: WIP QueryBox. 2008-10-20 19:18:39 +0200 jcn r262431 : layoutdialogs2: Add insert-sheet localization. 2008-10-20 19:18:34 +0200 jcn r262430 : layoutdialogs2: Run indent-region on zoom.xml, distribute it. 2008-10-20 19:18:30 +0200 jcn r262429 : layoutdialogs2: Dist xml files too. 2008-10-20 19:18:26 +0200 jcn r262428 : layoutdialogs2: Add insert-sheet.xml to workben. 2008-10-20 19:18:22 +0200 jcn r262427 : layoutdialogs2: Update layout TODO. 2008-10-20 19:18:18 +0200 jcn r262426 : layoutdialogs2: Cleanups and add comments. 2008-10-20 19:18:13 +0200 jcn r262425 : layoutdialogs2: Keep RadioButtons::RadioButton callback at HEAD of list. Fixes radiobutton grouping. 2008-10-20 19:18:07 +0200 jcn r262424 : layoutdialogs2: Remove IMPORT_RADIOGROUP cruft. 2008-10-20 19:18:02 +0200 jcn r262423 : layoutdialogs2: Have code check fire event for radio button. Fixes radio button grouping. 2008-10-20 19:17:58 +0200 jcn r262422 : layoutdialogs2: Enable IMPORT_RADIOGROUP flag. 2008-10-20 19:17:54 +0200 jcn r262421 : layoutdialogs2: Add radio groups to zoom.xml. 2008-10-20 19:17:50 +0200 jcn r262420 : layoutdialogs2: Move RadioGroup implementation to cxx file. 2008-10-20 19:17:45 +0200 jcn r262419 : layoutdialogs2: Manually set help id for insert table. 2008-10-20 19:17:41 +0200 jcn r262418 : layoutdialogs2: Cosmetic fixes for insert-sheet. 2008-10-20 19:17:37 +0200 jcn r262417 : layoutdialogs2: FindAndRemove now also skips translation prefix. Fixes setting of title etc. from nontranslated xml. 2008-10-20 19:17:32 +0200 jcn r262416 : layoutdialogs2: Manually set help id for zoom and wordcount dialogs. 2008-10-20 19:17:27 +0200 jcn r262415 : layoutdialogs2: Set help-id from xml. 2008-10-20 19:17:21 +0200 jcn r262414 : layoutdialogs2: Move -DENABLE_LAYOUT from stray makefiles to 2008-10-20 19:17:13 +0200 jcn r262413 : layoutdialogs2: Initial conversion of insert-sheet dialog. 2008-10-20 19:17:08 +0200 jcn r262412 : layoutdialogs2: Add wrappers for {Get,Set}{Pointer,Text}. 2008-10-20 19:17:04 +0200 jcn r262411 : layoutdialogs2: Toolkit layout dialog copy updates. 2008-10-20 19:16:59 +0200 jcn r262410 : layoutdialogs2: Cleanup #include <layout*> disaster. Fixes multiple inclusions of layout-pre, layout-post. 2008-10-20 19:16:53 +0200 jcn r262409 : layoutdialogs2: Implement Get,Set{,Smart}HelpId (). 2008-10-20 19:16:49 +0200 jcn r262408 : layoutdialogs2: Make some getters const. 2008-10-20 19:16:45 +0200 jcn r262407 : layoutdialogs2: Manual tweaks for string-input.xml. 2008-10-20 19:16:40 +0200 jcn r262406 : layoutdialogs2: Add string-input.xml. 2008-10-20 19:16:36 +0200 jcn r262405 : layoutdialogs2: Add dummy implementation for SetHelpId etc. 2008-10-20 19:16:32 +0200 jcn r262404 : layoutdialogs2: Actually say *what* file cannot be copied *where*. Sigh. 2008-10-20 19:16:27 +0200 jcn r262403 : layoutdialogs2: Thinko in macro name. Fixes compilation of strindlg.cxx. 2008-10-20 19:16:22 +0200 jcn r262402 : layoutdialogs2: Add layout includes to stringdlg and makefile. 2008-10-20 19:16:17 +0200 jcn r262401 : layoutdialogs2: Add sc/uiconfig/layout/localize.sdf 2008-10-20 19:16:13 +0200 jcn r262400 : layoutdialogs2: Oops, build sc/uiconfig/layout. 2008-10-20 19:16:09 +0200 jcn r262399 : layoutdialogs2: Have virtual destructor on Context, delete TabPage when deleting TabDialog. 2008-10-20 19:16:04 +0200 jcn r262398 : layoutdialogs2: Actually delete layout::TabPage objects when deleting SfxTabdialog. 2008-10-20 19:16:00 +0200 jcn r262397 : layoutdialogs2: Workaround for second invocation crash of sort dialog options tab. 2008-10-20 19:15:56 +0200 jcn r262396 : layoutdialogs2: Handle Reset button. 2008-10-20 19:15:51 +0200 jcn r262395 : layoutdialogs2: Also install sc xml zip file. 2008-10-20 19:15:46 +0200 jcn r262394 : layoutdialogs2: Integrate sort-options into sc. 2008-10-20 19:15:41 +0200 jcn r262393 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Fix sfx2 compile warnings." This reverts commit 8b55d402af7bd217db35f67b02dc92f93f3ada5d. 2008-10-20 19:15:34 +0200 jcn r262392 : layoutdialogs2: Remove debuging. 2008-10-20 19:15:30 +0200 jcn r262391 : layoutdialogs2: Pass set argument to layout::TabPage. Fixes OO.o integration crasher. 2008-10-20 19:15:24 +0200 jcn r262390 : layoutdialogs2: Ignore more. 2008-10-20 19:15:20 +0200 jcn r262389 : layoutdialogs2: Oops, make just one (1) sort-options tab. 2008-10-20 19:15:15 +0200 jcn r262388 : layoutdialogs2: Revert macroconf compile warnings. 2008-10-20 19:15:09 +0200 jcn r262387 : layoutdialogs2: Fix sfx2 compile warnings. 2008-10-20 19:15:01 +0200 jcn r262386 : layoutdialogs2: Collapsed tabpage and sort-options development. 2008-10-20 19:14:51 +0200 jcn r262385 : layoutdialogs2: Make dev300/src680 install layout switchable at compile time. 2008-10-20 19:14:47 +0200 jcn r262384 : layoutdialogs2: Update README, add README. 2008-10-20 19:14:43 +0200 jcn r262383 : layoutdialogs2: Repainting, hiding stuff. 2008-10-20 19:14:38 +0200 jcn r262382 : layoutdialogs2: Add allocateArea to VCLXTabPage. 2008-10-20 19:14:34 +0200 jcn r262381 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Use VCLXContainer as base for VCLXTabPage." This reverts commit 06a984434d0d2c356fd0cdaf96d6d613d5147b7c. 2008-10-20 19:14:30 +0200 jcn r262380 : layoutdialogs2: Use VCLXContainer as base for VCLXTabPage. 2008-10-20 19:14:26 +0200 jcn r262379 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Derive VCLXTabPage from VBox." This reverts commit 8ab66364bdc08151ce2c982c1aa03f7881d86b84. 2008-10-20 19:14:22 +0200 jcn r262378 : layoutdialogs2: Derive VCLXTabPage from VBox. 2008-10-20 19:14:17 +0200 jcn r262377 : layoutdialogs2: More cleanups and testing. 2008-10-20 19:14:12 +0200 jcn r262376 : layoutdialogs2: Get layout tabpage to nicely select. No content visible, though. 2008-10-20 19:14:07 +0200 jcn r262375 : layoutdialogs2: Support ScTabPageSortOptions in standalone test. 2008-10-20 19:14:02 +0200 jcn r262374 : layoutdialogs2: Support tabpage creation from xml. 2008-10-20 19:13:56 +0200 jcn r262373 : layoutdialogs2: Remove most TEST_LAYOUT conditionals. 2008-10-20 19:13:52 +0200 jcn r262372 : layoutdialogs2: Remove Args effort. 2008-10-20 19:13:48 +0200 jcn r262371 : layoutdialogs2: Attempt to create ArgSet. 2008-10-20 19:13:44 +0200 jcn r262370 : layoutdialogs2: Compile more. 2008-10-20 19:13:39 +0200 jcn r262369 : layoutdialogs2: Add sortdlg. 2008-10-20 19:13:35 +0200 jcn r262368 : layoutdialogs2: Oops, ID fix. 2008-10-20 19:13:30 +0200 jcn r262367 : layoutdialogs2: Build fix. 2008-10-20 19:13:26 +0200 jcn r262366 : layoutdialogs2: Revert "Use ::Window for plugin base iso ::Control." This reverts commit 919ddaf2f52ad5e4df877a094cd1e336888d6210. 2008-10-20 19:13:21 +0200 jcn r262365 : layoutdialogs2: Plugin dialog cleanups. 2008-10-20 19:13:17 +0200 jcn r262364 : layoutdialogs2: Use ::Window for plugin base iso ::Control. 2008-10-20 19:13:12 +0200 jcn r262363 : layoutdialogs2: Use cstdio, remove cruft. 2008-10-20 19:13:07 +0200 jcn r262362 : layoutdialogs2: Remove cruft. 2008-10-20 19:13:02 +0200 jcn r262361 : layoutdialogs2: Remove sizing mess. 2008-10-20 19:12:57 +0200 jcn r262360 : layoutdialogs2: Trigger [re]draw of DialControl. 2008-10-20 19:12:53 +0200 jcn r262359 : layoutdialogs2: DialControl window behaves nicely and invisible. 2008-10-20 19:12:48 +0200 jcn r262358 : layoutdialogs2: Revert adding of setparent. 2008-10-20 19:12:43 +0200 jcn r262357 : layoutdialogs2: Add dialog::setparent to plugin. 2008-10-20 19:12:39 +0200 jcn r262356 : layoutdialogs2: Add a setProperty for VCLXPlugin. 2008-10-20 19:12:34 +0200 jcn r262355 : layoutdialogs2: Unhide plugin. 2008-10-20 19:12:30 +0200 jcn r262354 : layoutdialogs2: Revert. 2008-10-20 19:12:25 +0200 jcn r262353 : layoutdialogs2: Use window instead of control. 2008-10-20 19:12:20 +0200 jcn r262352 : layoutdialogs2: Lots of plugin settings. 2008-10-20 19:12:16 +0200 jcn r262351 : layoutdialogs2: More hacks. 2008-10-20 19:12:11 +0200 jcn r262350 : layoutdialogs2: Compile fixes. 2008-10-20 19:12:05 +0200 jcn r262349 : layoutdialogs2: Use c++ includes. 2008-10-20 19:12:00 +0200 jcn r262348 : layoutdialogs2: Junk UnoTunnel nonsense. 2008-10-20 19:11:55 +0200 jcn r262347 : layoutdialogs2: Remove more cruft. 2008-10-20 19:11:50 +0200 jcn r262346 : layoutdialogs2: Remove cruft. 2008-10-20 19:11:44 +0200 jcn r262345 : layoutdialogs2: Rename wrap to plugin. 2008-10-20 19:11:39 +0200 jcn r262344 : layoutdialogs2: All sorry tries. 2008-10-20 19:11:33 +0200 jcn r262343 : layoutdialogs2: Rename plugin to wrap. 2008-10-20 19:11:28 +0200 jcn r262342 : layoutdialogs2: Add ifdefs, no UNOTUNNEL, no crash on exit. 2008-10-20 19:11:23 +0200 jcn r262341 : layoutdialogs2: Redo all kind of Uno and XIface weirdness. 2008-10-20 19:11:17 +0200 jcn r262340 : layoutdialogs2: Remove extra UnoTunnel. 2008-10-20 19:11:12 +0200 jcn r262339 : layoutdialogs2: Plugin hello world. TODO: parenting/owning/sizing, ... etc. 2008-10-20 19:11:06 +0200 jcn r262338 : layoutdialogs2: Zoom updates. 2008-10-20 19:11:01 +0200 jcn r262337 : layoutdialogs2: Add missing controls. 2008-10-20 19:10:56 +0200 jcn r262336 : layoutdialogs2: Add .gitignore.
2008-12-30CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb102Jens-Heiner Rechtien
2008-12-11 16:18:12 +0100 sb r265332 : #i95065# cleanup, to make Windows linking work 2008-12-11 16:16:03 +0100 sb r265331 : #i95065# missing SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT 2008-12-09 17:40:28 +0100 sb r265122 : #i94469# move CJK specific configuration data to brand layer 2008-12-09 16:09:08 +0100 sb r265112 : #i96959# use PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE on all platforms 2008-12-09 15:54:31 +0100 sb r265110 : #i95065# do not derive apphelper::LifeTimeGuard from osl::ResettableMutexGuard to avoid problems with VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=TRUE on MSC 2008-12-09 15:40:51 +0100 sb r265104 : #i95065# add VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=TRUE to connectivity/source/drivers/mozab 2008-12-09 15:36:21 +0100 sb r265102 : #i95501# updated SDK_HOME 2008-12-09 15:31:46 +0100 sb r265099 : typo (temppath vs. tmppath) 2008-12-08 11:48:08 +0100 sb r264979 : #i95065# removed spurious ExplicitCategoriesProvider.obj (ExplicitCategoriesProvider.cxx is not in this directory) 2008-12-07 19:41:07 +0100 sb r264960 : #i96994# erroneously doubled backslash caused visibility feature to be disabled for all GCC versions on Mac OS X 2008-12-06 23:54:49 +0100 sb r264948 : changes from trunk that CWS-TOOLING's rebase to DEV300:m37 (r264891) had missed, as files had been moved around on this CWS 2008-12-05 20:29:23 +0100 sb r264919 : #i85508# versions of flex apparently differ in whether input() resp. yyinput() returns zero or EOF upon end of file 2008-12-05 15:37:23 +0100 sb r264908 : #i95315# removed obsolete jut 2008-12-05 15:34:59 +0100 sb r264907 : #i95531# removed empty obsolete directories 2008-12-05 10:09:23 +0100 sb r264891 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sb102 to trunk@264807 (milestone: DEV300:m37) 2008-12-04 14:50:20 +0100 sb r264845 : #i95065# introduced VISIBILITY_HIDDEN makefile flag to reduce duplications; made additional libraries use VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=TRUE to avoid warnings with recent GCC 4 versions (had to split certain code directories to make changes that would otherwise erroneously affect multiple libraries built in the same makefile); changed connectivity::ORefVector to no longer derive from std::vector, as that caused problems with the MSC implementation of VISIBILITY_HIDDEN=TRUE; replaced uses of JNIEXPORT with SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT, as the former does not expand to visibility attributes on some platforms where the latter does 2008-12-03 11:29:38 +0100 sb r264759 : #i94583# remove unnecessary (and wrong) assertion check for rtl_getAppCommandArg return value (which is guaranteed to return osl_Process_E_None or not return at all) 2008-12-02 17:18:31 +0100 sb r264724 : #i96809# silenced GCC 4.3.2 warning 2008-12-02 13:29:34 +0100 sb r264695 : #i96797# make get_tmp_dir fail less often 2008-11-28 17:19:24 +0100 sb r264566 : #i95691# inadvertently missing from -c 264564 2008-11-28 17:07:50 +0100 sb r264564 : #i95691# only structs of exactly 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes are returned through registers 2008-11-25 13:28:08 +0100 sb r264291 : #i96427# support for SAL_EXCEPTION_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT (patch by np) 2008-11-21 14:45:22 +0100 sb r264140 : #i95428# added SAL_EXCEPTION_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT and SAL_EXCEPTION_DLLPRIVATE 2008-11-19 13:19:37 +0100 sb r263984 : #i95525# removed erroneous application/octet-stream svn:mime-type properties
2008-09-19No old windows def files needed any more.Rüdiger Timm
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.3.732); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2008/03/31 13:38:43 rt 1.3.732.1: #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.53.2); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2008/03/31 13:38:43 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.19.280); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2008/03/31 13:38:43 rt #i87441# Change license header to LPGL v3.
2008-03-25INTEGRATION: CWS winordinals (1.49.86); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte
2008/03/07 15:20:39 vg #i86800# switch to symbol-exporting scheme
2008-03-05INTEGRATION: CWS aquavcl05_DEV300 (1.49.66); FILE MERGEDKurt Zenker
2008/01/30 16:37:35 pl #i85739# add documents to macosx recent items list
2008-02-26INTEGRATION: CWS custommeta (1.49.26); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte
2008/02/04 17:36:44 mst fix issue #i82777# - source/doc/REMOVEME.cxx: + remove, finally! - sfx2/source/doc/SfxDocumentMetaData.cxx: + use sax/converter.hxx (finally arrived on master) - sfx2/util/ + link libsfx2 against libsax - sfx2/prj/build.lst: + add sax to build dependencies
2008-02-25INTEGRATION: CWS supdremove02 (1.49.56); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte
2008/01/28 16:02:03 rt #i85482# Remove UPD from library name
2007-11-06INTEGRATION: CWS execshellmacrogone (1.47.4); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2007/10/24 08:46:55 rene RESYNC: (1.47-1.48); FILE MERGED 2007/10/24 06:35:44 rene #i79760# krs patches for supressing "Executing shell macro..." output
2007-07-11INTEGRATION: CWS mba23issues03 (1.47.68); FILE MERGEDIvo Hinkelmann
2007/06/14 18:56:04 mba #i72366#: remove old MacOS9 code
2007-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS hedaburemove01 (1.45.50); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2007/04/02 11:17:58 vg RESYNC: (1.45-1.46); FILE MERGED 2007/02/09 16:15:01 vg #72503# get rid of hedabu procedure: Moving headers to sfx2/inc/sfx2 and correspondent necessary changes
2007-04-11INTEGRATION: CWS hedaburemove01 (1.18.256); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2007/02/09 16:15:01 vg #72503# get rid of hedabu procedure: Moving headers to sfx2/inc/sfx2 and correspondent necessary changes
2007-03-26INTEGRATION: CWS mingwport03 (1.43.72); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2007/01/09 01:55:36 vg RESYNC: (1.44-1.45); FILE MERGED 2006/11/09 01:05:57 vg RESYNC: (1.43-1.44); FILE MERGED 2006/09/13 14:27:28 vg #i53572# MinGW port
2006-11-07INTEGRATION: CWS gtkquickstart2 (1.44.18); FILE MERGEDKurt Zenker
2006/10/26 11:54:11 pmladek #i70644# add the dependency on ENABLE_SYSTRAY_GTK also for sfx2/util/
2006-10-06INTEGRATION: CWS gtkquickstart (1.43.46); FILE MERGEDKurt Zenker
2006/08/07 13:45:00 mmeeks Issue number: i#57872# Submitted by: mmeeks Fix a number of Win32 build / re-factoring issues in the initial work. 2006/08/01 10:57:04 mmeeks #i57872# gtk systray quickstarter
2006-06-29INTEGRATION: CWS ause036 (1.39.68); FILE MERGEDIvo Hinkelmann
2006/05/30 11:32:30 hjs RESYNC: (1.39-1.41); FILE MERGED 2005/11/15 15:22:08 hjs #i50255# remove obsolete/wronge dependencies
2006-06-19INTEGRATION: CWS warnings01 (1.39.64); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien
2006/05/23 22:35:13 sb RESYNC: (1.39-1.41); FILE MERGED 2005/11/28 16:16:45 cd #i55991# Remove warnings
2006-05-02INTEGRATION: CWS sfxcleanup (1.39.156); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2006/04/28 13:38:47 mba RESYNC: (1.39-1.40); FILE MERGED 2006/03/29 18:50:32 mba #132394#: remove superfluous code 2006/02/26 17:10:18 mba #132394#: remove superfluous code
2006-04-07INTEGRATION: CWS internatiodel (1.39.124); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2006/02/10 19:33:32 er #i52115# move LangIDs and ISO conversion from tools to i18npool; introduce class MsLangId and libi18nisolang
2006-04-07INTEGRATION: CWS onlineupdate1 (1.17.182); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2006/03/31 13:22:39 cd #134151# Added new help ID for update dialog
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.2.288); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2005/09/06 13:06:20 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.38.210); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2005/09/06 13:06:19 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL