path: root/stoc/source/servicemanager
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2001-07-09#67468# new implementation for unloading listener, takes bootstrap components...Joachim Lingner
2001-06-22#67468# Added unloading and context supportJörg Budischewski
2001-06-19removed bug in unloading supportJoachim Lingner
2001-06-18added support for library unloadingJoachim Lingner
2001-05-11debug infoDaniel Boelzle
2001-05-11rtl string api changesPhilipp Lohmann
2001-05-10adopted to support XMultiComponentFactory and component contexts; modified in...Daniel Boelzle
2001-03-12OSL_ENSHURE replaced by OSL_ENSUREJoachim Lingner
2001-03-08changed stl includesArmin Theissen
2001-03-02Removed compiling of staticmb*.cxx files for Mac OS X now that we have automa...Patrick Luby
2001-02-12Removed NETBSD from staticmb*.cxx compilingPatrick Luby
2001-02-02Merge NetBSD changes by Michael Rauch from OO614B to HEAD.Sander Vesik
2000-10-30changes for library descriptionHans-Joachim Lankenau
2000-10-10add staticmbsedrvicemanager.cxx for macosxGene Anaya
2000-09-18initial importJens-Heiner Rechtien