path: root/sw/source/core/undo/undel.cxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-11-06Update headers to Alv2 headersAndrew Rist
2011-02-07removetooltypes01: #i112600# adjust rebase in swMikhail Voytenko
2011-02-07removetooltypes01: Rebase to DEV300m99Carsten Driesner
2011-01-17removetooltypes01: #i112600# Remove tools types from swCarsten Driesner
2010-12-15undoapi: UndoCore.hxx: split out UndoDelete.hxxMichael Stahl
2010-12-15undoapi: move most of inc/undobj.hxx to source/core/inc/UndoCore.hxxMichael Stahl
2010-12-15undoapi: #i115383#: derive sw::UndoManager from SfxUndoManager:Michael Stahl
2010-12-15undoapi: #i115383#: remove unnecessary UndoGuards:Michael Stahl
2010-12-15undoapi: #i115383#: remove SwUndoIter::pLastUndoObj:Michael Stahl
2010-12-15undoapi: #i115383#: remove SwUndoIter::bUpdateAttr:Michael Stahl
2010-11-25unodapi: #i115383#: IDocumentUndoRedo: undo nodes array:Michael Stahl
2010-11-25unodapi: #i114888#: sw: introduce sw::UndoGuard, sw::GroupUndoGuard, clean upMichael Stahl
2010-11-25unodapi: #i115383#: SwDoc:Michael Stahl
2010-05-26sw33bf04: merge with DEV300_m78Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
2010-05-18sw33bf04: #i97421#: fix loop in AppendRedline:Michael Stahl
2010-03-15odfmetadata4: sfx2::Metadatable: split CreateUndo() into 2 methodsMichael Stahl
2010-02-17CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS changefileheader2Vladimir Glazunov
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien
2010-02-04CWS svxsplit: merge with m71Mathias Bauer
2010-01-08#i107450#: build all other modules with new editeng libMathias Bauer
2010-01-05swunolocking1: swtypes.hxx: rename frame anchor typesMichael Stahl
2009-09-11CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS odfmetadata3Kurt Zenker
2009-07-02CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS odfmetadata2Release Engineers
2009-04-21CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS swrefactormarks2Ivo Hinkelmann
2009-02-13CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sw31bf02Oliver Bolte
2008-06-13INTEGRATION: CWS swlists01 (1.25.50); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2008-04-10INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.25.114); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2008-01-15INTEGRATION: CWS sw8u10bf03 (1.24.28); FILE MERGEDIvo Hinkelmann
2007-11-07INTEGRATION: CWS swqbf105 (1.22.8); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2007-09-27INTEGRATION: CWS swwarnings (1.20.130); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien
2007-07-26INTEGRATION: CWS swqbf101 (1.21.68); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2007-05-25INTEGRATION: CWS swqbf93 (1.20.68); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2006-12-01INTEGRATION: CWS swautomatic01 (1.16.84); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2006-09-16INTEGRATION: CWS pchfix02 (1.18.2); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte
2006-08-14INTEGRATION: CWS writercorehandoff (1.11.238); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien
2006-07-13INTEGRATION: CWS swqbf67 (1.16.34); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte
2006-05-02INTEGRATION: CWS sfxcleanup (1.14.92); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2006-03-31INTEGRATION: CWS swstability01 (1.14.58); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2006-01-20INTEGRATION: CWS swqbf48 (1.13.34); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte
2005-11-08INTEGRATION: CWS swnumtree (1.11.248); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2005-09-09INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.11.372); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2005-01-21INTEGRATION: CWS swqbugfixes12 (1.10.94); FILE MERGEDKurt Zenker
2004-11-09INTEGRATION: CWS swqbugfixes08 (1.9.4); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien
2004-09-08INTEGRATION: CWS swundo03 (1.8.10); FILE MERGEDJens-Heiner Rechtien
2004-05-25INTEGRATION: CWS swundo01 (1.6.126); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm
2004-05-18INTEGRATION: CWS swundo01 (1.6.126); FILE MERGEDKurt Zenker
2003-04-17INTEGRATION: CWS os8 (1.5.160); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov
2001-09-27Task #87374#: remove double codejp
2001-05-23Bug #87382#: don't set the pam to the wrong nodesjp
2001-05-18Bug #70454#: Undo - use the correct position for the movejp