path: root/vcl/vcl.macosx.component
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-30org.libreoffice.uitest.UITest missing from vcl.macosx.componentStephan Bergmann
2013-12-17Adapt all (non-extension, SharedLibrary) .components to environment="..."Stephan Bergmann
2012-12-13fdo#46808, remove awt::DisplayAccess service.Noel Grandin
2012-11-06re-base on ALv2 code. Includes (at least) relevant parts of:Michael Meeks
2011-06-24update component factory methods to use new prefixes, to add lib mergingMatus Kukan
2011-03-29CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vcl2gnumakeIvo Hinkelmann
2011-01-26vcl2gnumake: #i116588# move vcl to gbuild (step 3,linux,solaris,macos)Philipp Lohmann [pl]