path: root/wizards/source/tools
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2002-11-27#105421# overwrite dialog addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-11-27#105421# Overwrite Dialog addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-11-13#104755# 'disposeDocument' addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-11-06#104710# GetOfficeSubPath routine modified. Resource addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-10-23#95411# CreateFolder Routine improvedBehrend Cornelius
2002-10-16#104114# CreateFolder Function now used in CopyRecursively RoutineBehrend Cornelius
2002-10-16#104114# New Function 'CreateNewDocument' addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-10-15#95411# resource file for common resource strings addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-09-18#103450# No CanCEL of FolderDialog CalledBehrend Cornelius
2002-09-17#99839# german Comments translatedBehrend Cornelius
2002-09-03#101991# now also fileopen and Folderpicker disposedBehrend Cornelius
2002-09-03#101991# now storedialog disposed after callBehrend Cornelius
2002-08-12#100027# scripts set back to readonlyBehrend Cornelius
2002-08-12#100027# Sub Main occured twice in misc moduleBehrend Cornelius
2002-07-10#100987# Sub ArrayfromMultiArray addedBehrend Cornelius
2002-05-31#99085# start up routine for report wizard insertedBehrend Cornelius
2002-05-30#98788# Support for High-Contrast iconsTom Verbeek
2001-12-18#96091# 'ToggleDesignMode' Routine modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-18#96091# 'StoreDocument' Sub modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-12#95749# ReadOnlyflag set to trueBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-07#95749# Subs ActivateReadOnlyFlag/DeactivateReadOnlyFlag addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-28#95287# Listbox Routine improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-20#94903# RTrimStr Routine improved, SwitchMousePointer() addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-19#94155# opendocument Routine now with opt parameterBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-14#94577# CheckSheetName Routine improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-12#94501# CreateFolder Function addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-09#86383# changed library structureTom Verbeek
2001-10-31#93583# On Opendocument now Value 'bDisposable' returnedBehrend Cornelius
2001-10-29#93813# Sub 'ModifyPropertyValue' modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-10-12#93098# StoreDocument now with errorhandlingBehrend Cornelius
2001-10-08#92590# tools library restructuredBehrend Cornelius
2001-10-08#92590# Tools lib restructuredBehrend Cornelius
2001-10-01#91427# Sub GetDocumentType now with exception handlingBehrend Cornelius
2001-10-01#92590# Routines for Gimmicks macros addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-09-13#91712# String in '%productname%' in Filtername now evaluatedBehrend Cornelius
2001-09-12#91712# 'CutPathView' Routine modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-31#91535# StoreDocument routine now returns a StringBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-30#91711# Filedialog and folderDialog Routines modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-21#91036# now File/Folderopen Dialogs open with Work Directory as DefaultBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-13#87217# CheckDouble Sub addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-10#87732# Addlisttolist Function addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-09#90750# ReadDirectories now clearly identifies 5.0 SO templatesBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-08#87289# Call of HelpAgent via Button click now possibleBehrend Cornelius
2001-08-06#90363# modified BubbleSortTom Verbeek
2001-08-02#90532# fixed change to new file format with the templatesTom Verbeek
2001-07-30#89978# adapted to new registry settingsTom Verbeek
2001-07-13#89603# FileOpenRoutine modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-06-26#88794# New Filopen Sub and SaveDialog Sub addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-06-25#88615# Common file and FolderPicker Subs added in ModuleControls.xbaBehrend Cornelius
2001-06-22#88615# LoadDialog Sub improvedBehrend Cornelius