path: root/wizards
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2002-01-25Merge SRC641: 25.01.02 - 22:21:22Kurt Zenker
2002-01-25#96931# Now frame of new document is activated and deactivatedBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-24Merge SRC641: 24.01.02 - 22:14:17Vladimir Glazounov
2002-01-22#96494# Read only flag set to trueBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-22#96494# Kwanzaa Holiday thrown outBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-16Merge SRC641: 16.01.02 - 22:31:22Kurt Zenker
2002-01-16#96110# Fontname of textcontrol localizedBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-15#96550# Now corrector factor also used on clicking on imagemapBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-14Merge SRC641: 14.01.02 - 22:19:39Kurt Zenker
2002-01-11#96420# RangeList Array now one dimensionalBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-11#96344# Cancel button now Standard buttonBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-10#96365# Now also short Monthnames with 2 characters allowedBehrend Cornelius
2002-01-09Merge SRC641: 09.01.02 - 22:16:48Kurt Zenker
2002-01-07#96147# dependency for hidother.hidKurt Zenker
2001-12-18#96091# 'ToggleDesignMode' Routine modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-18#96091# 'StoreDocument' Sub modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-18#96091# Removing of Shapes now improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-18#96045# Width of Checkbox Labels modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-17#94767# Setting asian fonts improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-17#96003# Debugmode set to 'False'Behrend Cornelius
2001-12-14Merge SRC641: 14.12.01 - 20:00:53Oliver Bolte
2001-12-14Merge SRC641: 14.12.01 - 20:03:05Oliver Bolte
2001-12-14Merge SRC641: 14.12.01 - 20:00:16Kurt Zenker
2001-12-12#95749# Label changedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-12#95749# ReadOnlyflag set to trueBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-12#95873# Referencing NumberingStyles improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-12#95295# Coordinates of graphic now with CorrfactorBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-10Merge SRC641: 10.12.01 - 22:23:53Rüdiger Timm
2001-12-07#95287# SetNumerics Routine improved (DecimalAccuracy thrown outBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-07#95749# Subs ActivateReadOnlyFlag/DeactivateReadOnlyFlag addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-07#95287# New Typename for saving addedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-07#95671# Disposing of Dialog improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-06Merge SRC641: 06.12.01 - 22:19:27Kurt Zenker
2001-12-06#95671# converting of texdocumentfields now improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-06#95638# comment for Resource #1099 insertedBehrend Cornelius
2001-12-05#94767# Label for german States made widerBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-30#95469# Targetpath is now created if not existingBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-30#95469# CheckTextboxPath routine now modulizedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-29#94767# asian holidays added; german coordinates modifiedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-28#95287# Listbox Routine improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-28#95287# SetNumerics Routine improvedBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-28#95363# Defaultbutton now stays with the Ok buttonBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-28chg: all target are working again #94799#Martin Hollmichel
2001-11-27Merge SRC641: 27.11.01 - 23:26:16Oliver Bolte
2001-11-26#95241# Label and controls now grouped togetherBehrend Cornelius
2001-11-26#95175# Draw/impress checkboxes on first page now toggled when one component ...Behrend Cornelius
2001-11-23Merge SRC641: 23.11.01 - 23:09:25Oliver Bolte
2001-11-23#95055# added help idsTom Verbeek
2001-11-23#95055# helpids for Calc styles dialogTom Verbeek
2001-11-22Merge SRC641: 23.11.01 - 00:08:40Vladimir Glazounov