From 46f38ec48c938764ece51c262f4cc018c5c8ff8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Weissenbacher
Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 14:38:29 +0200
Subject: Translate German comments
Change-Id: I21d88cdc84435ba60e3c85eab1848eaedf65e82b
sw/source/core/text/porlay.hxx | 83 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sw/source/core/text/porlay.hxx b/sw/source/core/text/porlay.hxx
index e81769b6fcb2..e7f9559b0f44 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/text/porlay.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/text/porlay.hxx
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ public:
* class SwRepaint
-// SwRepaint ist ein dokumentglobales SwRect mit einem nOfst der angibt,
-// ab wo in der ersten Zeile gepaintet werden soll
-// und einem nRightOfst, der den rechten Rand bestimmt
+// SwRepaint is a document-global SwRect
+// nOfst states from where in the first line should be painted
+// nRightOfst gives teh right margin
class SwRepaint : public SwRect
SwTwips nOfst;
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ public:
class SwLineLayout : public SwTxtPortion
- SwLineLayout *pNext; // Die naechste Zeile.
+ SwLineLayout *pNext; // The next Line
std::vector* pLLSpaceAdd; // Used for justified alignment.
std::deque* pKanaComp; // Used for Kana compression.
- KSHORT nRealHeight; // Die aus Zeilenabstand/Register resultierende Hoehe.
+ KSHORT nRealHeight; // The height resulting from line spacing and register
sal_Bool bFormatAdj : 1;
sal_Bool bDummy : 1;
sal_Bool bFntChg : 1;
@@ -113,17 +113,17 @@ private:
sal_Bool bFly : 1;
sal_Bool bRest : 1;
sal_Bool bBlinking : 1;
- sal_Bool bClipping : 1; // Clipping erforderlich wg. exakter Zeilenhoehe
- sal_Bool bContent : 1; // enthaelt Text, fuer Zeilennumerierung
- sal_Bool bRedline : 1; // enthaelt Redlining
- sal_Bool bForcedLeftMargin : 1; // vom Fly verschobener linker Einzug
+ sal_Bool bClipping : 1; // Clipping needed for exact line height
+ sal_Bool bContent : 1; // Text for line numbering
+ sal_Bool bRedline : 1; // The Redlining
+ sal_Bool bForcedLeftMargin : 1; // Left adjustment moved by the Fly
sal_Bool bHanging : 1; // contents a hanging portion in the margin
sal_Bool bUnderscore : 1;
SwTwips _GetHangingMargin() const;
- // von SwLinePortion
+ // From SwLinePortion
virtual SwLinePortion *Insert( SwLinePortion *pPortion );
virtual SwLinePortion *Append( SwLinePortion *pPortion );
inline SwLinePortion *GetFirstPortion() const;
@@ -157,8 +157,7 @@ public:
inline void SetUnderscore( const sal_Bool bNew = sal_True ) { bUnderscore = bNew; }
inline sal_Bool HasUnderscore() const { return bUnderscore; }
- // Beruecksichtigung von Dummyleerzeilen
- // 4147, 8221:
+ // Respecting empty dummy lines
inline void SetDummy( const sal_Bool bNew ) { bDummy = bNew; }
inline sal_Bool IsDummy() const { return bDummy; }
@@ -174,19 +173,19 @@ public:
void Init( SwLinePortion *pNextPortion = NULL);
- // Sammelt die Daten fuer die Zeile.
+ // Collects the data for the line
void CalcLine( SwTxtFormatter &rLine, SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf );
inline void SetRealHeight( KSHORT nNew ) { nRealHeight = nNew; }
inline KSHORT GetRealHeight() const { return nRealHeight; }
- // Erstellt bei kurzen Zeilen die Glue-Kette.
+ // Creates the glue chain for short lines
SwMarginPortion *CalcLeftMargin();
inline SwTwips GetHangingMargin() const
{ return _GetHangingMargin(); }
- // fuer die Sonderbehandlung bei leeren Zeilen
+ // For special treatment for empty lines
virtual sal_Bool Format( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf );
@@ -263,46 +262,46 @@ public:
class SwParaPortion : public SwLineLayout
- // neu zu paintender Bereich
+ // Area that needs repainting
SwRepaint aRepaint;
- // neu zu formatierender Bereich
+ // Area that needs reformatting
SwCharRange aReformat;
SwScriptInfo aScriptInfo;
-// Fraction aZoom;
+ // Fraction aZoom;
long nDelta;
- // Wenn ein SwTxtFrm gelocked ist, werden keine Veraenderungen an den
- // Formatierungsdaten (unter pLine) vorgenommen (vgl. ORPHANS)
- sal_Bool bFlys : 1; // Ueberlappen Flys ?
+ // If a SwTxtFrma is locked, no changes occur to the formatting data (under
+ // pLine) (compare with Orphans)
+ sal_Bool bFlys : 1; // Overlapping Flys?
sal_Bool bPrep : 1; // PREP_*
sal_Bool bPrepWidows : 1; // PREP_WIDOWS
sal_Bool bPrepAdjust : 1; // PREP_ADJUST_FRM
sal_Bool bPrepMustFit : 1; // PREP_MUST_FIT
- sal_Bool bFollowField : 1; // Es steht noch ein Feldrest fuer den Follow an.
+ sal_Bool bFollowField : 1; // We have a bit of field left for the Follow
- sal_Bool bFixLineHeight : 1; // Feste Zeilenhoehe
+ sal_Bool bFixLineHeight : 1; // Fixed line height
sal_Bool bFtnNum : 1; // contents a footnotenumberportion
sal_Bool bMargin : 1; // contents a hanging punctuation in the margin
- sal_Bool bFlag00 : 1; //
- sal_Bool bFlag11 : 1; //
- sal_Bool bFlag12 : 1; //
- sal_Bool bFlag13 : 1; //
- sal_Bool bFlag14 : 1; //
- sal_Bool bFlag15 : 1; //
- sal_Bool bFlag16 : 1; //
+ sal_Bool bFlag00 : 1;
+ sal_Bool bFlag11 : 1;
+ sal_Bool bFlag12 : 1;
+ sal_Bool bFlag13 : 1;
+ sal_Bool bFlag14 : 1;
+ sal_Bool bFlag15 : 1;
+ sal_Bool bFlag16 : 1;
virtual ~SwParaPortion();
- // setzt alle Formatinformationen zurueck (ausser bFlys wg. 9916)
+ // Resets all formatting information (except for bFlys)
inline void FormatReset();
- // Setzt die Flags zurueck
+ // Resets the Flags
inline void ResetPreps();
- // Get/Set-Methoden
+ // Get/Set methods
inline SwRepaint *GetRepaint() { return &aRepaint; }
inline const SwRepaint *GetRepaint() const { return &aRepaint; }
inline SwCharRange *GetReformat() { return &aReformat; }
@@ -312,10 +311,10 @@ public:
inline SwScriptInfo& GetScriptInfo() { return aScriptInfo; }
inline const SwScriptInfo& GetScriptInfo() const { return aScriptInfo; }
- // fuer SwTxtFrm::Format: liefert die aktuelle Laenge des Absatzes
+ // For SwTxtFrm::Format: returns the paragraph's current length
xub_StrLen GetParLen() const;
- // fuer Prepare()
+ // For Prepare()
sal_Bool UpdateQuoVadis( const XubString &rQuo );
// Flags
@@ -355,11 +354,11 @@ public:
inline void SetFlag16( const sal_Bool bNew = sal_True ) { bFlag16 = bNew; }
inline sal_Bool IsFlag16() const { return bFlag16; }
- // schneller, hoeher, weiter: Read/Write-Methoden fuer den SWG-Filter
+ // Read/Write methods for the SWG filter
SvStream &ReadSwg ( SvStream& rStream ); //$ istream
SvStream &WriteSwg( SvStream& rStream ); //$ ostream
- // nErgo in der QuoVadisPortion setzen
+ // Set nErgo in the QuoVadisPortion
void SetErgoSumNum( const XubString &rErgo );
const SwDropPortion *FindDropPortion() const;
@@ -400,16 +399,16 @@ inline void SwParaPortion::FormatReset()
nDelta = 0;
aReformat = SwCharRange( 0, STRING_LEN );
-// AMA 9916: bFlys muss in SwTxtFrm::_Format() erhalten bleiben, damit
-// leere Absaetze, die Rahmen ohne Umfluss ausweichen mussten, sich
-// neu formatieren, wenn der Rahmen aus dem Bereich verschwindet.
-// bFlys = sal_False;
+ // bFlys needs to be retained in SwTxtFrm::_Format() so that empty
+ // paragraphs that needed to avoid Frames with no flow, reformat
+ // when the Frame disappears from the Area
+ // bFlys = sal_False;
bFollowField = bFixLineHeight = bMargin = sal_False;
#ifdef UNX
-// C30 ist mit dem ternaeren Ausdruck ueberfordert.
+// The terniary expression is too much for the C30
inline SwLinePortion *SwLineLayout::GetFirstPortion() const
SwLinePortion *pTmp = pPortion;