From ed11cb1dbada47f0ef2129005583fc23d8a9ac10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Stahl <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 10:30:16 +0200
Subject: sw: WW8 export: remove WW6 export, partD: WW6 numbering export

These functions only call each other.

Change-Id: I0268e7559cdbc7b4695dce44ee5bddbe047387a1
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8num.cxx | 279 --------------------------------------
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.hxx   |  11 --
 2 files changed, 290 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8num.cxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8num.cxx
index 09366bc794e9..30187b0f84d9 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8num.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8num.cxx
@@ -595,112 +595,6 @@ void WW8Export::OutListNamesTab()
     pFib->lcbSttbListNames = pTableStrm->Tell() - pFib->fcSttbListNames;
-// old WW95-Code
-void WW8Export::Out_WwNumLvl( sal_uInt8 nWwLevel )
-    pO->push_back( 13 );
-    pO->push_back( nWwLevel );
-void WW8Export::Out_SwNumLvl( sal_uInt8 nSwLevel )
-    OSL_ENSURE( nSwLevel < MAXLEVEL, "numbered?");
-    Out_WwNumLvl( nSwLevel + 1 );
-void WW8Export::BuildAnlvBulletBase(WW8_ANLV& rAnlv, sal_uInt8*& rpCh,
-    sal_uInt16& rCharLen, const SwNumFormat& rFormat)
-    rAnlv.nfc = 11;
-    sal_uInt8 nb = 0;                                // type of number
-    switch (rFormat.GetNumAdjust())
-    {
-        case SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT:
-            nb = 2;
-            break;
-        case SVX_ADJUST_CENTER:
-            nb = 1;
-            break;
-        case SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK:
-            nb = 3;
-            break;
-        case SVX_ADJUST_LEFT:
-        case SVX_ADJUST_END:
-            break;
-    }
-    // #i86652#
-    if ( rFormat.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION )
-    {
-        if (GetWordFirstLineOffset(rFormat) < 0)
-            nb |= 0x8;          // number will be displayed using a hanging indent
-    }
-    rAnlv.aBits1 = nb;
-    if (1 < rCharLen)
-    {
-        const vcl::Font& rFont = rFormat.GetBulletFont()
-                            ? *rFormat.GetBulletFont()
-                            : numfunc::GetDefBulletFont();
-        OUString sNumStr = OUString(rFormat.GetBulletChar());
-        rtl_TextEncoding eChrSet = rFont.GetCharSet();
-        OUString sFontName = rFont.GetName();
-        sal_uInt16 nFontId;
-        if ( IsStarSymbol(sFontName) )
-        {
-            /*
-            If we are starsymbol then in ww7- mode we will always convert to a
-            windows 8bit symbol font and an index into it, to conversion to
-            8 bit is complete at this stage.
-            */
-            SubstituteBullet(sNumStr, eChrSet, sFontName);
-            wwFont aPseudoFont(sFontName, rFont.GetPitch(), rFont.GetFamily(),
-                eChrSet);
-            nFontId = m_aFontHelper.GetId(aPseudoFont);
-            *rpCh = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(sNumStr[0]);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /*
-            Otherwise we are a unicode char and need to be converted back to
-            an 8 bit format. We happen to know that if the font is already an
-            8 bit windows font currently, staroffice promotes the char into
-            the F000->F0FF range, so we can undo this, and we'll be back to
-            the equivalent 8bit location, otherwise we have to convert from
-            true unicode to an 8bit charset
-            */
-            nFontId = m_aFontHelper.GetId(rFont);
-            sal_Unicode cChar = sNumStr[0];
-            if ( (eChrSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL) && (cChar >= 0xF000) && (
-                cChar <= 0xF0FF) )
-            {
-                *rpCh = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(cChar - 0xF000);
-            }
-            else
-                *rpCh = OUStringToOString(OUString(cChar), eChrSet).toChar();
-        }
-        rpCh++;
-        rCharLen--;
-        ShortToSVBT16(nFontId, rAnlv.ftc);
-        rAnlv.cbTextBefore = 1;
-    }
-    // #i86652#
-    if ( rFormat.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION )
-    {
-        ShortToSVBT16( -GetWordFirstLineOffset(rFormat), rAnlv.dxaIndent );
-        ShortToSVBT16( rFormat.GetCharTextDistance(), rAnlv.dxaSpace );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ShortToSVBT16( 0, rAnlv.dxaIndent );
-        ShortToSVBT16( 0, rAnlv.dxaSpace );
-    }
 void MSWordExportBase::SubstituteBullet( OUString& rNumStr,
     rtl_TextEncoding& rChrSet, OUString& rFontName ) const
@@ -718,177 +612,4 @@ void MSWordExportBase::SubstituteBullet( OUString& rNumStr,
     rFontName = sFontName;
-static void SwWw8_InsertAnlText( const OUString& rStr, sal_uInt8*& rpCh,
-                                 sal_uInt16& rCharLen, sal_uInt8& r8Len )
-    sal_uInt8 nb = 0;
-    ww::bytes aO;
-    SwWW8Writer::InsAsString8( aO, rStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
-    sal_uInt16 nCnt = aO.size();
-    if( nCnt && nCnt < rCharLen )
-    {
-        nb = (sal_uInt8)nCnt;
-        std::copy( aO.begin(), aO.end(), rpCh );
-        rpCh += nCnt;
-        rCharLen = rCharLen - nCnt;
-    }
-    r8Len = nb;
-void WW8Export::BuildAnlvBase(WW8_ANLV& rAnlv, sal_uInt8*& rpCh,
-    sal_uInt16& rCharLen, const SwNumRule& rRul, const SwNumFormat& rFormat,
-    sal_uInt8 nSwLevel)
-    const SfxItemSet *pOutSet = NULL;
-    if (rFormat.GetCharFormat())
-        pOutSet = &rFormat.GetCharFormat()->GetAttrSet();
-    rAnlv.nfc = GetLevelNFC(rFormat.GetNumberingType(),pOutSet );
-    sal_uInt8 nb = 0;
-    switch (rFormat.GetNumAdjust())
-    {
-        case SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT:
-            nb = 2;
-            break;
-        case SVX_ADJUST_CENTER:
-            nb = 1;
-            break;
-        case SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK:
-            nb = 3;
-            break;
-        case SVX_ADJUST_LEFT:
-        case SVX_ADJUST_END:
-            break;
-    }
-    bool bInclUpper = rFormat.GetIncludeUpperLevels() > 0;
-    if( bInclUpper )
-        nb |= 0x4;          // include previous levels
-    if (GetWordFirstLineOffset(rFormat) < 0)
-        nb |= 0x8;          // number will be displayed using a hanging indent
-    rAnlv.aBits1 = nb;
-    if( bInclUpper && !rRul.IsContinusNum() )
-    {
-        if( (nSwLevel >= WW8ListManager::nMinLevel )
-            && (nSwLevel<= WW8ListManager::nMaxLevel )
-            && (rFormat.GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) )  // UEberhaupt Nummerierung ?
-        {                                               // -> suche, ob noch Zahlen davor
-            sal_uInt8 nUpper = rFormat.GetIncludeUpperLevels();
-            if( (nUpper <= WW8ListManager::nMaxLevel) &&
-                (rRul.Get(nUpper).GetNumberingType() != SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ) ) // Nummerierung drueber ?
-            {
-                                                    // dann Punkt einfuegen
-                SwWw8_InsertAnlText( ".", rpCh, rCharLen,
-                                    rAnlv.cbTextBefore );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        SwWw8_InsertAnlText( rFormat.GetPrefix(), rpCh, rCharLen,
-                             rAnlv.cbTextBefore );
-        SwWw8_InsertAnlText( rFormat.GetSuffix(), rpCh, rCharLen,
-                             rAnlv.cbTextAfter );
-    }
-    ShortToSVBT16( rFormat.GetStart(), rAnlv.iStartAt );
-    // #i86652#
-    if ( rFormat.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION )
-    {
-        ShortToSVBT16( -GetWordFirstLineOffset(rFormat), rAnlv.dxaIndent );
-        ShortToSVBT16( rFormat.GetCharTextDistance(), rAnlv.dxaSpace );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ShortToSVBT16( 0, rAnlv.dxaIndent );
-        ShortToSVBT16( 0, rAnlv.dxaSpace );
-    }
-void WW8Export::Out_NumRuleAnld( const SwNumRule& rRul, const SwNumFormat& rFormat,
-                                   sal_uInt8 nSwLevel )
-    static const sal_uInt8 aSprmAnldDefault[54] = {
-                         12, 52,
-                         1,0,0,0x0c,0,0,1,0x80,0,0,1,0,0x1b,1,0,0,0x2e,
-                         0,0,0,
-                         0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-                         0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
-    sal_uInt8 aSprmAnld[54];
-    memcpy( aSprmAnld, aSprmAnldDefault, sizeof( aSprmAnld ) );
-    WW8_ANLD* pA = reinterpret_cast<WW8_ANLD*>(aSprmAnld + 2);  // handy pointer
-    sal_uInt8* pChars = pA->rgchAnld;
-    sal_uInt16 nCharLen = 31;
-    if( nSwLevel == 11 )
-        BuildAnlvBulletBase( pA->eAnlv, pChars, nCharLen, rFormat );
-    else
-        BuildAnlvBase( pA->eAnlv, pChars, nCharLen, rRul, rFormat, nSwLevel );
-    // ... spit it out
-    OutSprmBytes( reinterpret_cast<sal_uInt8*>(&aSprmAnld), sizeof( aSprmAnld ) );
-// Return: is it an outline?
-bool WW8Export::Out_SwNum(const SwTextNode* pNd)
-    int nLevel = pNd->GetActualListLevel();
-    if (nLevel < 0 || nLevel >= MAXLEVEL)
-    {
-        OSL_FAIL("Invalid level");
-        return false;
-    }
-    sal_uInt8 nSwLevel = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(nLevel);
-    const SwNumRule* pRul = pNd->GetNumRule();
-    if( !pRul || nSwLevel == WW8ListManager::nMaxLevel)
-        return false;
-    bool bRet = true;
-    SwNumFormat aFormat(pRul->Get(nSwLevel));
-    // #i86652#
-    if ( aFormat.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_WIDTH_AND_POSITION )
-    {
-        const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLR = ItemGet<SvxLRSpaceItem>(*pNd, RES_LR_SPACE);
-        aFormat.SetAbsLSpace(writer_cast<short>(aFormat.GetAbsLSpace() + rLR.GetLeft()));
-    }
-    if (
-         aFormat.GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE ||
-         aFormat.GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL ||
-         aFormat.GetNumberingType() == SVX_NUM_BITMAP
-       )
-    {
-        Out_WwNumLvl(11);
-        Out_NumRuleAnld(*pRul, aFormat, 11);
-        bRet = false;
-    }
-    else if (
-              pRul->IsContinusNum() ||
-              (pRul->Get(1).GetIncludeUpperLevels() <= 1)
-            )
-    {
-        Out_WwNumLvl(10);
-        Out_NumRuleAnld(*pRul, aFormat, 10);
-        bRet = false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        Out_SwNumLvl(nSwLevel);
-        Out_NumRuleAnld(*pRul, aFormat, nSwLevel);
-    }
-    return bRet;
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.hxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.hxx
index 30f43bed9770..a1d9c7736a98 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.hxx
@@ -973,11 +973,6 @@ private:
     void WriteFkpPlcUsw();
     void WriteMainText();
     void StoreDoc1();
-    void Out_WwNumLvl( sal_uInt8 nWwLevel );
-    void BuildAnlvBulletBase( WW8_ANLV& rAnlv, sal_uInt8*& rpCh, sal_uInt16& rCharLen,
-                              const SwNumFormat& rFormat );
-    static void BuildAnlvBase( WW8_ANLV& rAnlv, sal_uInt8*& rpCh, sal_uInt16& rCharLen,
-                   const SwNumRule& rRul, const SwNumFormat& rFormat, sal_uInt8 nSwLevel );
     /// Output the numbering table.
     virtual void WriteNumbering() SAL_OVERRIDE;
@@ -997,10 +992,6 @@ public:
     /// Setup the pA's info.
     virtual void SetupSectionPositions( WW8_PdAttrDesc* pA ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    void Out_SwNumLvl( sal_uInt8 nSwLevel );
-    void Out_NumRuleAnld( const SwNumRule& rRul, const SwNumFormat& rFormat,
-                          sal_uInt8 nSwLevel );
     bool MiserableFormFieldExportHack(const SwFrameFormat& rFrameFormat);
     SvxMSExportOLEObjects& GetOLEExp()      { return *m_pOLEExp; }
@@ -1023,8 +1014,6 @@ public:
     void CreateEscher();
     void WriteEscher();
-    bool Out_SwNum(const SwTextNode* pNd);
     /// Write the field
     virtual void OutputField( const SwField* pField, ww::eField eFieldType,
             const OUString& rFieldCmd, sal_uInt8 nMode = nsFieldFlags::WRITEFIELD_ALL ) SAL_OVERRIDE;