From f958657cc5a179a2bccff06f88cd36f80b779184 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matúš Kukan <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 14:03:01 +0100
Subject: gcc-trunk: fix error: unable to find string literal operator
 'operator"" FOO'

 autodoc/source/display/html/cfrstd.cxx             | 208 ++++++++--------
 autodoc/source/display/html/outfile.cxx            | 264 ++++++++++-----------
 desktop/source/migration/services/jvmfwk.cxx       |   2 +-
 desktop/source/pkgchk/unopkg/unopkg_app.cxx        |   8 +-
 desktop/unx/splash/unxsplash.cxx                   |   2 +-
 extensions/source/nsplugin/source/so_env.cxx       |   2 +-
 filter/source/graphicfilter/ieps/ieps.cxx          |   8 +-
 .../source/indexentry/indexentrysupplier_asian.cxx |   4 +-
 i18npool/source/textconversion/textconversion.cxx  |   4 +-
 .../source/transliteration/textToPronounce_zh.cxx  |   4 +-
 .../plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjavaplugin.cxx   |   8 +-
 jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjre.cxx       |   2 +-
 jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/util.cxx         |   6 +-
 sal/qa/osl/file/osl_File.cxx                       |  16 +-
 sc/source/ui/inc/anyrefdg.hxx                      |   8 +-
 tools/inc/tools/diagnose_ex.h                      |   8 +-
 tools/source/stream/stream.cxx                     |   4 +-
 unotest/source/cpp/filters-test.cxx                |   2 +-
 unotools/source/config/bootstrap.cxx               |   4 +-
 xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/nssinitializer.cxx   |  14 +-
 20 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 289 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autodoc/source/display/html/cfrstd.cxx b/autodoc/source/display/html/cfrstd.cxx
index 669d29e4150e..ed8e1a71e751 100644
--- a/autodoc/source/display/html/cfrstd.cxx
+++ b/autodoc/source/display/html/cfrstd.cxx
@@ -105,136 +105,136 @@ bool            bUse_OOoFrameDiv = true;
 //***************   These are used for IDL currently only!   ********************
 const char * const C_sStdStyle =
-    "/*See bottom of file for explanations.*/"CRLF
+    "/*See bottom of file for explanations.*/" CRLF
-    "body { background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF
+    "body { background-color:#ffffff; }" CRLF
-    "h3             { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "p, dt, dd, pre { font-size:11pt;"CRLF
-    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "pre            { font-family:monospace; }"CRLF
+    "h3             { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "p, dt, dd, pre { font-size:11pt;" CRLF
+    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "pre            { font-family:monospace; }" CRLF
-    "table.navimain { background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
-    "table.subtitle { margin-top:6pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF
+    "table.navimain { background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
+    "table.subtitle { margin-top:6pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }" CRLF
-    "td             {                     font-size:11pt; }"CRLF
-    "td.title       { font-family: Arial; font-size:19pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                 line-height:30pt;   background-color:#ccccff; text-align:center; }"CRLF
-    "td.subtitle    { font-family: Arial; font-size:13pt;"CRLF
-    "                 line-height:20pt;   background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
-    "td.crosstitle  {                     font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                 line-height:15pt;   background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
-    "td.imdetail    { width:100%;         background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
+    "td             {                     font-size:11pt; }" CRLF
+    "td.title       { font-family: Arial; font-size:19pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                 line-height:30pt;   background-color:#ccccff; text-align:center; }" CRLF
+    "td.subtitle    { font-family: Arial; font-size:13pt;" CRLF
+    "                 line-height:20pt;   background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
+    "td.crosstitle  {                     font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                 line-height:15pt;   background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
+    "td.imdetail    { width:100%;         background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
-    "td.imsum_left  { width:30%;  }"CRLF
-    "td.imsum_right { width:70%;  }"CRLF
+    "td.imsum_left  { width:30%;  }" CRLF
+    "td.imsum_right { width:70%;  }" CRLF
-    "td.navimain, a.navimain"CRLF
-    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "td.navimainself    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                     color:#ffffff; background-color:#2222ad; }"CRLF
-    "td.navimainnone    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; }"CRLF
-    "td.navisub, a.navisub"CRLF
-    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; }"CRLF
-    "td.navimain, td.navisub"CRLF
-    "                   { padding-left:7pt; padding-right:7pt; }"CRLF
+    "td.navimain, a.navimain" CRLF
+    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "td.navimainself    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                     color:#ffffff; background-color:#2222ad; }" CRLF
+    "td.navimainnone    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; }" CRLF
+    "td.navisub, a.navisub" CRLF
+    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; }" CRLF
+    "td.navimain, td.navisub" CRLF
+    "                   { padding-left:7pt; padding-right:7pt; }" CRLF
-    "a.membertitle  { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:18pt; }"CRLF
-    "a.navimain, a.navisub  { color:#000000; }"CRLF
-    ".dt            { font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    ".namechain     { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF
-    ".title2        { font-size:13pt; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }"CRLF
+    "a.membertitle  { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:18pt; }" CRLF
+    "a.navimain, a.navisub  { color:#000000; }" CRLF
+    ".dt            { font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    ".namechain     { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }" CRLF
+    ".title2        { font-size:13pt; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }" CRLF
 const char * const C_sCssExplanations =
-    "/* Explanation of CSS classes:"CRLF
+    "/* Explanation of CSS classes:" CRLF
-    ".navimain          Text in main navigation bar."CRLF
-    ".navisub           Text in lower navigation bar."CRLF
-    "td.navimainself    Cell in main navigation bar with \"selected\" shadow: You are here."CRLF
-    "td.navimainnone    Cell in main navigation bar with no link."CRLF
+    ".navimain          Text in main navigation bar." CRLF
+    ".navisub           Text in lower navigation bar." CRLF
+    "td.navimainself    Cell in main navigation bar with \"selected\" shadow: You are here." CRLF
+    "td.navimainnone    Cell in main navigation bar with no link." CRLF
-    ".namechain         Line with current module path."CRLF
+    ".namechain         Line with current module path." CRLF
-    "td.crosstitle      Comment box for bases (base interfaces etc.)"CRLF
-    "td.imsum_left      Left part of such boxes."CRLF
-    "td.imsum_right     Right part of such boxes."CRLF
+    "td.crosstitle      Comment box for bases (base interfaces etc.)" CRLF
+    "td.imsum_left      Left part of such boxes." CRLF
+    "td.imsum_right     Right part of such boxes." CRLF
-    "td.title           Main title of the page like \"interface XYz\""CRLF
-    ".subtitle          Tables, and head cells of those, which list members"CRLF
-    "                   like \"method summary\" and \"method details\"."CRLF
+    "td.title           Main title of the page like \"interface XYz\"" CRLF
+    ".subtitle          Tables, and head cells of those, which list members" CRLF
+    "                   like \"method summary\" and \"method details\"." CRLF
-    "td.imdetail        Background table of method's detail description."CRLF
-    "a.membertitle      Method name (as jump label) in method's detail"CRLF
-    "                   description."CRLF
-    ".title2            smaller font prefixes to page titles"CRLF
-    "*/"CRLF
+    "td.imdetail        Background table of method's detail description." CRLF
+    "a.membertitle      Method name (as jump label) in method's detail" CRLF
+    "                   description." CRLF
+    ".title2            smaller font prefixes to page titles" CRLF
+    "*/" CRLF
 const char * const C_sStdStyle_withDivFrame =
-    "/*See bottom of file for explanations.*/"CRLF
+    "/*See bottom of file for explanations.*/" CRLF
-    "body { background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF
+    "body { background-color:#ffffff; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref h3 { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref p, #adc-idlref dt, #adc-idlref dd, #adc-idlref pre"CRLF
-    "               { font-size:11pt;"CRLF
-    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref pre    { font-family:monospace; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref h3 { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref p, #adc-idlref dt, #adc-idlref dd, #adc-idlref pre" CRLF
+    "               { font-size:11pt;" CRLF
+    "                 margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref pre    { font-family:monospace; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref table.navimain { background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref table.subtitle { margin-top:6pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref table.navimain { background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref table.subtitle { margin-top:6pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td             { font-size:11pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.title       { font-family: Arial; font-size:19pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                             line-height:30pt;   background-color:#ccccff; text-align:center; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.subtitle    { font-family: Arial; font-size:13pt;"CRLF
-    "                             line-height:20pt;   background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.crosstitle  { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                             line-height:15pt;   background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.imdetail    { width:100%;         background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td             { font-size:11pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.title       { font-family: Arial; font-size:19pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                             line-height:30pt;   background-color:#ccccff; text-align:center; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.subtitle    { font-family: Arial; font-size:13pt;" CRLF
+    "                             line-height:20pt;   background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.crosstitle  { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                             line-height:15pt;   background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.imdetail    { width:100%;         background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.imsum_left  { width:30%;  }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.imsum_right { width:70%;  }"CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.imsum_left  { width:30%;  }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.imsum_right { width:70%;  }" CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.navimain, #adc-idlref a.navimain"CRLF
-    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.navimainself    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                                 color:#ffffff; background-color:#2222ad; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.navimainnone    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.navisub, #adc-idlref a.navisub"CRLF
-    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref td.navimain, #adc-idlref td.navisub"CRLF
-    "                   { padding-left:7pt; padding-right:7pt; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.navimain, #adc-idlref a.navimain" CRLF
+    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.navimainself    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                                 color:#ffffff; background-color:#2222ad; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.navimainnone    { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.navisub, #adc-idlref a.navisub" CRLF
+    "                   { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref td.navimain, #adc-idlref td.navisub" CRLF
+    "                   { padding-left:7pt; padding-right:7pt; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref a.membertitle  { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:18pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref a.navimain, #adc-idlref a.navisub  { color:#000000; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .dt            { font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .namechain     { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF
-    "                             margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .title2        { font-size:13pt; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }"CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref table { empty-cells:show; }"CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .childlist td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .commentedlinks td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .memberlist td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .subtitle td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .crosstitle td  { border: .1pt solid #000000; }"CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .flag-table td { border: .1pt solid #cccccc; } "CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .title-table td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .table-in-method td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .table-in-data td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .navimain td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .navisub td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .expl-table td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-idlref .param-table td  { border: none; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref a.membertitle  { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:18pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref a.navimain, #adc-idlref a.navisub  { color:#000000; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .dt            { font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .namechain     { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;" CRLF
+    "                             margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .title2        { font-size:13pt; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }" CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref table { empty-cells:show; }" CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .childlist td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .commentedlinks td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .memberlist td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .subtitle td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .crosstitle td  { border: .1pt solid #000000; }" CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .flag-table td { border: .1pt solid #cccccc; } " CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .title-table td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .table-in-method td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .table-in-data td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .navimain td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .navisub td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .expl-table td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-idlref .param-table td  { border: none; }" CRLF
diff --git a/autodoc/source/display/html/outfile.cxx b/autodoc/source/display/html/outfile.cxx
index 2f31170f11e1..2dd31dd4a52b 100644
--- a/autodoc/source/display/html/outfile.cxx
+++ b/autodoc/source/display/html/outfile.cxx
@@ -52,176 +52,176 @@ using csi::xml::AnAttribute;
 const char * const
     C_sStdStyle =
-    "body   { background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF
-    "h1     { font-size:20pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:7pt; }"CRLF
-    "h2     { font-family:Arial; font-size:16pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:5pt; }"CRLF
-    "h3     { font-size:13pt; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:3pt; }"CRLF
-    "h4     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "dl     { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "dl.member  { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
-    "dt     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "dt.member  { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "dt.simple  { font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "dd     { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "dd.member  { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF
-    "p      { font-size:10pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "pre    { font-family:monospace; font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "tr     { font-size:10pt; }"CRLF
-    "td     { font-size:10pt; }"CRLF
+    "body   { background-color:#ffffff; }" CRLF
+    "h1     { font-size:20pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:7pt; }" CRLF
+    "h2     { font-family:Arial; font-size:16pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:5pt; }" CRLF
+    "h3     { font-size:13pt; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:3pt; }" CRLF
+    "h4     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "dl     { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "dl.member  { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
+    "dt     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "dt.member  { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "dt.simple  { font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "dd     { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "dd.member  { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#ffffff; }" CRLF
+    "p      { font-size:10pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "pre    { font-family:monospace; font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "tr     { font-size:10pt; }" CRLF
+    "td     { font-size:10pt; }" CRLF
-    "dt.attention   { color:#dd0000; }"CRLF
+    "dt.attention   { color:#dd0000; }" CRLF
-    "div.title      { text-align:center;  line-height:26pt; background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
-    ".subtitle      { background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
+    "div.title      { text-align:center;  line-height:26pt; background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
+    ".subtitle      { background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
-    "td.flagname    { background-color:#eeeeff; font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "td.flagyes     { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "td.flagno      { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; }"CRLF
-    "td.flagtext    { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
+    "td.flagname    { background-color:#eeeeff; font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "td.flagyes     { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "td.flagno      { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; }" CRLF
+    "td.flagtext    { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
-    "td.navimain, td.navimain a"CRLF
-    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;"CRLF
-    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "td.navimainself"CRLF
-    "               { background-color:#2222ad; color:#ffffff;"CRLF
-    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "td.navimainnone"CRLF
-    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;"CRLF
-    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; }"CRLF
+    "td.navimain, td.navimain a" CRLF
+    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;" CRLF
+    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "td.navimainself" CRLF
+    "               { background-color:#2222ad; color:#ffffff;" CRLF
+    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "td.navimainnone" CRLF
+    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;" CRLF
+    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; }" CRLF
-    "div.define     { font-family:Arial; background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
+    "div.define     { font-family:Arial; background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
-    ".nqclass       { color:#008800; }"CRLF
+    ".nqclass       { color:#008800; }" CRLF
-    "        { background-color:#eeeeff; margin-top:12pt; }"CRLF
+    "        { background-color:#eeeeff; margin-top:12pt; }" CRLF
-    ".btpubl        { color:#33ff33; }"CRLF
-    ".btprot        { color:#cc9933; }"CRLF
-    ".btpriv        { color:#ff6666; }"CRLF
-    ".btvpubl       { color:#33ff33; font-style:italic; }"CRLF
-    ".btvprot       { color:#cc9933; font-style:italic; }"CRLF
-    ".btvpriv       { color:#ff6666; font-style:italic; }"CRLF
-    ".btself        { font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
+    ".btpubl        { color:#33ff33; }" CRLF
+    ".btprot        { color:#cc9933; }" CRLF
+    ".btpriv        { color:#ff6666; }" CRLF
+    ".btvpubl       { color:#33ff33; font-style:italic; }" CRLF
+    ".btvprot       { color:#cc9933; font-style:italic; }" CRLF
+    ".btvpriv       { color:#ff6666; font-style:italic; }" CRLF
+    ".btself        { font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
 const char * const
     C_sCssExplanations =
-    "/* Explanation of CSS classes:"CRLF
+    "/* Explanation of CSS classes:" CRLF
-    "dl.member       provides coloured frame for function descriptions."CRLF
-    "dd.member       makes the content of this frame white"CRLF
+    "dl.member       provides coloured frame for function descriptions." CRLF
+    "dd.member       makes the content of this frame white" CRLF
-    "dt.attention    special colour for @attention remarks"CRLF
+    "dt.attention    special colour for @attention remarks" CRLF
-    "div.title       HTML page headline"CRLF
-    ".subtitle       headline of lists of members and similar"CRLF
+    "div.title       HTML page headline" CRLF
+    ".subtitle       headline of lists of members and similar" CRLF
-    "                These are for the flagtables in classes:"CRLF
-    "td.flagname     Flag name."CRLF
-    "td.flagyes      flag value \"yes\""CRLF
-    "td.flagno       flag value \"no\""CRLF
-    "td.flagtext     other flag value"CRLF
+    "                These are for the flagtables in classes:" CRLF
+    "td.flagname     Flag name." CRLF
+    "td.flagyes      flag value \"yes\"" CRLF
+    "td.flagno       flag value \"no\"" CRLF
+    "td.flagtext     other flag value" CRLF
-    "                These are for the main navigationbar:"CRLF
-    "td.navimain, td.navimain a"CRLF
-    "                Links in navibar."CRLF
-    "td.navimainself Text in navibar which refers to current page."CRLF
-    "td.navimainnone Text which links to nothing."CRLF
+    "                These are for the main navigationbar:" CRLF
+    "td.navimain, td.navimain a" CRLF
+    "                Links in navibar." CRLF
+    "td.navimainself Text in navibar which refers to current page." CRLF
+    "td.navimainnone Text which links to nothing." CRLF
-    "div.define      Subtitles on the #define/macro descriptions page"CRLF
+    "div.define      Subtitles on the #define/macro descriptions page" CRLF
-    ".nqclass        special color for classes in the qualification"CRLF
-    "                on top of type pages like in:"CRLF
-    "                ::nsp1::nsp2::_ClassXY_::"CRLF
+    ".nqclass        special color for classes in the qualification" CRLF
+    "                on top of type pages like in:" CRLF
+    "                ::nsp1::nsp2::_ClassXY_::" CRLF
-    "         Subtitles on the help page"CRLF
+    "         Subtitles on the help page" CRLF
-    "                These are for the base class tree on class pages:"CRLF
-    ".btpubl         public base class"CRLF
-    ".btprot         protected"CRLF
-    ".btpriv         private"CRLF
-    ".btvpubl        virtual public"CRLF
-    ".btvprot        virtual protected"CRLF
-    ".btvpriv        virtual private"CRLF
-    ".btself         placeholder for currently displayed class"CRLF
+    "                These are for the base class tree on class pages:" CRLF
+    ".btpubl         public base class" CRLF
+    ".btprot         protected" CRLF
+    ".btpriv         private" CRLF
+    ".btvpubl        virtual public" CRLF
+    ".btvprot        virtual protected" CRLF
+    ".btvpriv        virtual private" CRLF
+    ".btself         placeholder for currently displayed class" CRLF
-    "*/"CRLF
+    "*/" CRLF
 const char * const
     C_sStdStyle_withDivFrame =
-    "body   { background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref h1     { font-size:20pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:7pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref h2     { font-family:Arial; font-size:16pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:5pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref h3     { font-size:13pt; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:3pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref h4     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dl     { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dl.member  { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dt     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dt.member  { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dt.simple  { font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dd     { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dd.member  { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref p      { font-size:10pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref pre    { font-family:monospace; font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref tr     { font-size:10pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td     { font-size:10pt; }"CRLF
+    "body   { background-color:#ffffff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref h1     { font-size:20pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:7pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref h2     { font-family:Arial; font-size:16pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:5pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref h3     { font-size:13pt; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:3pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref h4     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dl     { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dl.member  { margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#eeeeff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dt     { font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dt.member  { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dt.simple  { font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal; margin-top:2pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dd     { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dd.member  { font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; background-color:#ffffff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref p      { font-size:10pt; margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref pre    { font-family:monospace; font-size:10pt; margin-top:1pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref tr     { font-size:10pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td     { font-size:10pt; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref dt.attention   { color:#dd0000; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref dt.attention   { color:#dd0000; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref div.title      { text-align:center;  line-height:26pt; background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .subtitle      { background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref div.title      { text-align:center;  line-height:26pt; background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .subtitle      { background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.flagname    { background-color:#eeeeff; font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.flagyes     { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.flagno      { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.flagtext    { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.flagname    { background-color:#eeeeff; font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.flagyes     { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.flagno      { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.flagtext    { font-family:Arial; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.navimain, #adc-cppref td.navimain a"CRLF
-    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;"CRLF
-    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.navimainself"CRLF
-    "               { background-color:#2222ad; color:#ffffff;"CRLF
-    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref td.navimainnone"CRLF
-    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;"CRLF
-    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.navimain, #adc-cppref td.navimain a" CRLF
+    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;" CRLF
+    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.navimainself" CRLF
+    "               { background-color:#2222ad; color:#ffffff;" CRLF
+    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref td.navimainnone" CRLF
+    "               { background-color:#eeeeff; color:#000000;" CRLF
+    "                 font-family:Arial; font-size:12pt; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref div.define     { font-family:Arial; background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref div.define     { font-family:Arial; background-color:#ccccff; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .nqclass       { color:#008800; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .nqclass       { color:#008800; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref        { background-color:#eeeeff; margin-top:12pt; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref        { background-color:#eeeeff; margin-top:12pt; }" CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btpubl        { color:#33ff33; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btprot        { color:#cc9933; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btpriv        { color:#ff6666; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btvpubl       { color:#33ff33; font-style:italic; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btvprot       { color:#cc9933; font-style:italic; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btvpriv       { color:#ff6666; font-style:italic; }"CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .btself        { font-weight:bold; }"CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref table { empty-cells:show; }"CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .childlist td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .commentedlinks td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .memberlist td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .subtitle td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .crosstitle td  { border: .1pt solid #000000; }"CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .flag-table td { border: .1pt solid #cccccc; } "CRLF
-    ""CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .title-table td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .table-in-method td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .table-in-data td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .navimain td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .navisub td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .expl-table td, "CRLF
-    "#adc-cppref .param-table td  { border: none; }"CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btpubl        { color:#33ff33; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btprot        { color:#cc9933; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btpriv        { color:#ff6666; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btvpubl       { color:#33ff33; font-style:italic; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btvprot       { color:#cc9933; font-style:italic; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btvpriv       { color:#ff6666; font-style:italic; }" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .btself        { font-weight:bold; }" CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref table { empty-cells:show; }" CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .childlist td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .commentedlinks td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .memberlist td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .subtitle td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .crosstitle td  { border: .1pt solid #000000; }" CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .flag-table td { border: .1pt solid #cccccc; } " CRLF
+    "" CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .title-table td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .table-in-method td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .table-in-data td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .navimain td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .navisub td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .expl-table td, " CRLF
+    "#adc-cppref .param-table td  { border: none; }" CRLF
diff --git a/desktop/source/migration/services/jvmfwk.cxx b/desktop/source/migration/services/jvmfwk.cxx
index 31aef9fa58f0..f7022ce1e2ec 100644
--- a/desktop/source/migration/services/jvmfwk.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/migration/services/jvmfwk.cxx
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void JavaMigration::migrateJavarc()
     OUString sValue;
-    rtl::Bootstrap javaini(m_sUserDir + OUSTR("/user/config/"SAL_CONFIGFILE("java")));
+    rtl::Bootstrap javaini(m_sUserDir + OUSTR( "/user/config/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("java") ));
     sal_Bool bSuccess = javaini.getFrom(OUSTR("Home"), sValue);
     OSL_ENSURE(bSuccess, "[Service implementation " IMPL_NAME
                        "] XJob::execute: Could not get Home entry from java.ini/javarc.");
diff --git a/desktop/source/pkgchk/unopkg/unopkg_app.cxx b/desktop/source/pkgchk/unopkg/unopkg_app.cxx
index 9194ae89c91b..fa2c4d0ff5d1 100644
--- a/desktop/source/pkgchk/unopkg/unopkg_app.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/pkgchk/unopkg/unopkg_app.cxx
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ extern "C" DESKTOP_DLLPUBLIC int unopkg_main()
             return 0;
         else if (isOption( info_version, &nPos )) {
-            dp_misc::writeConsole("\n"APP_NAME" Version 3.3\n");
+            dp_misc::writeConsole("\n" APP_NAME " Version 3.3\n");
             return 0;
         //consume all bootstrap variables which may occur before the subcommannd
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ extern "C" DESKTOP_DLLPUBLIC int unopkg_main()
         if (option_verbose)
-            dp_misc::writeConsole(OUSTR("\n"APP_NAME" done.\n"));
+            dp_misc::writeConsole(OUSTR("\n" APP_NAME " done.\n"));
         //Force to release all bridges which connect us to the child processes
         return 0;
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ extern "C" DESKTOP_DLLPUBLIC int unopkg_main()
     catch (const ucb::CommandAbortedException &)
-        dp_misc::writeConsoleError("\n"APP_NAME" aborted!\n");
+        dp_misc::writeConsoleError("\n" APP_NAME " aborted!\n");
     catch (const deployment::DeploymentException & exc)
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ extern "C" DESKTOP_DLLPUBLIC int unopkg_main()
     if (!bNoOtherErrorMsg)
-        dp_misc::writeConsoleError("\n"APP_NAME" failed.\n");
+        dp_misc::writeConsoleError("\n" APP_NAME " failed.\n");
     return 1;
diff --git a/desktop/unx/splash/unxsplash.cxx b/desktop/unx/splash/unxsplash.cxx
index c2beeffc6891..bda01857a2e6 100644
--- a/desktop/unx/splash/unxsplash.cxx
+++ b/desktop/unx/splash/unxsplash.cxx
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void SAL_CALL UnxSplashScreen::setValue( sal_Int32 nValue )
     if ( m_pOutFd )
-        fprintf( m_pOutFd, "%"SAL_PRIdINT32"%%\n", nValue );
+        fprintf( m_pOutFd, "%" SAL_PRIdINT32 "%%\n", nValue );
         fflush( m_pOutFd );
diff --git a/extensions/source/nsplugin/source/so_env.cxx b/extensions/source/nsplugin/source/so_env.cxx
index 454bdc830f9c..322a2fffb45d 100644
--- a/extensions/source/nsplugin/source/so_env.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/nsplugin/source/so_env.cxx
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ const char* findInstallDir()
     debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "start of findInstallDir()\n");
     if (!pInstall)
-        findReadSversion((void**)&pInstall, 0, "["SECTION_NAME"]", SOFFICE_VERSION"=");
+        findReadSversion((void**)&pInstall, 0, "[" SECTION_NAME "]", SOFFICE_VERSION "=");
         if (!pInstall)
             pInstall = const_cast< char* >( "" );
diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ieps/ieps.cxx b/filter/source/graphicfilter/ieps/ieps.cxx
index 0cfafc4e6975..f9aa99934072 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/ieps/ieps.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/ieps/ieps.cxx
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ static bool RenderAsEMF(const sal_uInt8* pBuf, sal_uInt32 nBytesRead, Graphic &r
     TempFile aTemp;
     rtl::OUString fileName =
-            rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("pstoedit"EXESUFFIX));
+            rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("pstoedit" EXESUFFIX));
     rtl::OUString arg1 =
     rtl::OUString arg2 =
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ static bool RenderAsPNGThroughConvert(const sal_uInt8* pBuf, sal_uInt32 nBytesRe
     Graphic &rGraphic)
     rtl::OUString fileName =
-            rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("convert"EXESUFFIX));
+            rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("convert" EXESUFFIX));
     // density in pixel/inch
     rtl::OUString arg1 = rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("-density"));
     // since the preview is also used for PDF-Export & printing on non-PS-printers,
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ static bool RenderAsPNGThroughGS(const sal_uInt8* pBuf, sal_uInt32 nBytesRead,
 #ifdef WNT
     rtl::OUString fileName =
-            rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("gswin32c"EXESUFFIX));
+            rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("gswin32c" EXESUFFIX));
     rtl::OUString fileName =
     rtl::OUString arg1 =
diff --git a/i18npool/source/indexentry/indexentrysupplier_asian.cxx b/i18npool/source/indexentry/indexentrysupplier_asian.cxx
index 88fce7268486..d25830feb673 100644
--- a/i18npool/source/indexentry/indexentrysupplier_asian.cxx
+++ b/i18npool/source/indexentry/indexentrysupplier_asian.cxx
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ IndexEntrySupplier_asian::IndexEntrySupplier_asian(
     implementationName = "";
     hModule = osl_loadModuleRelative(
         &thisModule, lib.pData, SAL_LOADMODULE_DEFAULT );
diff --git a/i18npool/source/textconversion/textconversion.cxx b/i18npool/source/textconversion/textconversion.cxx
index f1bb0de78d31..a737ec7d7aa5 100644
--- a/i18npool/source/textconversion/textconversion.cxx
+++ b/i18npool/source/textconversion/textconversion.cxx
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ extern "C" { static void SAL_CALL thisModule() {} }
     hModule = osl_loadModuleRelative(
         &thisModule, lib.pData, SAL_LOADMODULE_DEFAULT );
diff --git a/i18npool/source/transliteration/textToPronounce_zh.cxx b/i18npool/source/transliteration/textToPronounce_zh.cxx
index e6bdcf05302f..e05f7535ffe6 100644
--- a/i18npool/source/transliteration/textToPronounce_zh.cxx
+++ b/i18npool/source/transliteration/textToPronounce_zh.cxx
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ extern "C" { static void SAL_CALL thisModule() {} }
 TextToPronounce_zh::TextToPronounce_zh(const sal_Char* func_name)
     hModule = osl_loadModuleRelative(
         &thisModule, lib.pData, SAL_LOADMODULE_DEFAULT );
diff --git a/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjavaplugin.cxx b/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjavaplugin.cxx
index 0af05d923087..892e88f7fa75 100644
--- a/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjavaplugin.cxx
+++ b/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjavaplugin.cxx
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ javaPluginError jfw_plugin_startJavaVirtualMachine(
             sRuntimeLib, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
         rtl::OString sSymbol = rtl::OUStringToOString(
             sSymbolCreateJava, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-        fprintf(stderr,"[Java framework]sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION
+        fprintf(stderr,"[Java framework]sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION
                 "Java runtime library: %s does not export symbol %s !\n",
                 sLib.getStr(), sSymbol.getStr());
@@ -741,13 +741,13 @@ javaPluginError jfw_plugin_startJavaVirtualMachine(
         rtl::OUString message;
         if( err < 0)
-            fprintf(stderr,"[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION
+            fprintf(stderr,"[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION
                     "Can not create Java Virtual Machine\n");
             errcode = JFW_PLUGIN_E_VM_CREATION_FAILED;
         else if( err > 0)
-            fprintf(stderr,"[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION
+            fprintf(stderr,"[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION
                     "Can not create JavaVirtualMachine, abort handler was called.\n");
             errcode = JFW_PLUGIN_E_VM_CREATION_FAILED;
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ javaPluginError jfw_plugin_startJavaVirtualMachine(
         *ppVm = pJavaVM;
-        JFW_TRACE2("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION " has created a VM.\n");
+        JFW_TRACE2("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION " has created a VM.\n");
     (void) arOptions;
diff --git a/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjre.cxx b/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjre.cxx
index 015a8a23d655..52bd4510ccc2 100644
--- a/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjre.cxx
+++ b/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/sunjre.cxx
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ int SunInfo::compareVersions(const rtl::OUString& sSecond) const
     OUString sFirst = getVersion();
     SunVersion version1(sFirst);
-    JFW_ENSURE(version1, OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION
+    JFW_ENSURE(version1, OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION
                                " does not know the version: ")
                + sFirst + OUSTR(" as valid for a SUN JRE."));
     SunVersion version2(sSecond);
diff --git a/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/util.cxx b/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/util.cxx
index 34c82c1ade87..947022f04aea 100644
--- a/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/util.cxx
+++ b/jvmfwk/plugins/sunmajor/pluginlib/util.cxx
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ rtl::Reference<VendorBase> getJREInfoByPath(
     if (entry2 != mapJREs.end())
-        JFW_TRACE2(OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION ": ")
+        JFW_TRACE2(OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION ": ")
                    + OUSTR("JRE found again (detected before): ") + sResolvedDir
                    + OUSTR(".\n"));
         return entry2->second;
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ rtl::Reference<VendorBase> getJREInfoByPath(
             MapIt entry =  mapJREs.find(sFilePath);
             if (entry != mapJREs.end())
-                JFW_TRACE2(OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION ": ")
+                JFW_TRACE2(OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION ": ")
                    + OUSTR("JRE found again (detected before): ") + sFilePath
                    + OUSTR(".\n"));
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ rtl::Reference<VendorBase> getJREInfoByPath(
-        JFW_TRACE2(OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin"SAL_DLLEXTENSION ": ")
+        JFW_TRACE2(OUSTR("[Java framework] sunjavaplugin" SAL_DLLEXTENSION ": ")
                    + OUSTR("Found JRE: ") + sResolvedDir
                    + OUSTR(" \n at: ") + path + OUSTR(".\n"));
diff --git a/sal/qa/osl/file/osl_File.cxx b/sal/qa/osl/file/osl_File.cxx
index 13e4c31ea69f..aa6e835f0b6b 100644
--- a/sal/qa/osl/file/osl_File.cxx
+++ b/sal/qa/osl/file/osl_File.cxx
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ inline void printError( const ::osl::FileBase::RC nError )
 inline void printInt( sal_Int64 i )
     printf( "#printInt_i64# " );
-    printf( "The Integer64 is %"SAL_PRIdINT64"\n", i);
+    printf( "The Integer64 is %" SAL_PRIdINT64 "\n", i);
 /** print an unsigned Integer Number.
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ inline void printInt( sal_Int64 i )
 inline void printInt( sal_uInt64 i )
     printf( "#printInt_u64# " );
-    printf( "The unsigned Integer64 is %"SAL_PRIuUINT64"\n", i);
+    printf( "The unsigned Integer64 is %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", i);
 /** print Boolean value.
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ namespace osl_FileBase
         void searchFileURL_003( )
             nError1 = ::osl::FileBase::searchFileURL( aUserDirectoryURL, aSystemPathList, aUStr );
             sal_Bool bOk = compareFileName( aUStr, aUserDirectoryURL );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test for searchFileURL function: search directory is a list of system paths",
@@ -5715,27 +5715,27 @@ namespace osl_Directory
                     // within Linux, df / * 1024 bytes is the result
                     sal_uInt64 nSize = _aVolumeInfo.getTotalSpace();
-                    printf("Total space: %"SAL_PRIuUINT64"\n", nSize);
+                    printf("Total space: %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", nSize);
                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_UsedSpace)
                     sal_uInt64 nSize = _aVolumeInfo.getUsedSpace();
-                    printf(" Used space: %"SAL_PRIuUINT64"\n", nSize);
+                    printf(" Used space: %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", nSize);
                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FreeSpace)
                     sal_uInt64 nSize = _aVolumeInfo.getFreeSpace();
-                    printf(" Free space: %"SAL_PRIuUINT64"\n", nSize);
+                    printf(" Free space: %" SAL_PRIuUINT64 "\n", nSize);
                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxNameLength)
                     sal_uInt32 nLength = _aVolumeInfo.getMaxNameLength();
-                    printf("max name length: %"SAL_PRIuUINT32"\n", nLength);
+                    printf("max name length: %" SAL_PRIuUINT32 "\n", nLength);
                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxPathLength)
                     sal_uInt32 nLength = _aVolumeInfo.getMaxPathLength();
-                    printf("max path length: %"SAL_PRIuUINT32"\n", nLength);
+                    printf("max path length: %" SAL_PRIuUINT32 "\n", nLength);
                 if (_nMask == osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemCaseHandling)
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/inc/anyrefdg.hxx b/sc/source/ui/inc/anyrefdg.hxx
index 3dd531b357d1..64db67f65317 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/inc/anyrefdg.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/inc/anyrefdg.hxx
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public:
 template<  class TWindow, bool bBindRef = true >
-class ScRefHdlrImplBase:public TWindow, public ScRefHandler
+class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefHdlrImplBase:public TWindow, public ScRefHandler
     //Overwrite TWindow
@@ -211,16 +211,16 @@ private:
 template<class TWindow, bool bBindRef>
 template<class TBindings, class TChildWindow, class TParentWindow, class TResId>
-ScRefHdlrImplBase<TWindow, bBindRef>::ScRefHdlrImplBase( TBindings* pB, TChildWindow* pCW,
+SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefHdlrImplBase<TWindow, bBindRef>::ScRefHdlrImplBase( TBindings* pB, TChildWindow* pCW,
                  TParentWindow* pParent, TResId nResId):TWindow(pB, pCW, pParent, ScResId(static_cast<sal_uInt16>( nResId ) ) ), ScRefHandler( *static_cast<TWindow*>(this), pB, bBindRef ){}
 template<class TWindow, bool bBindRef >
 template<class TParentWindow, class TResId, class TArg>
-ScRefHdlrImplBase<TWindow,bBindRef>::ScRefHdlrImplBase( TParentWindow* pParent, TResId nResIdP, const TArg &rArg, SfxBindings *pB /*= NULL*/ )
+SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefHdlrImplBase<TWindow,bBindRef>::ScRefHdlrImplBase( TParentWindow* pParent, TResId nResIdP, const TArg &rArg, SfxBindings *pB /*= NULL*/ )
 :TWindow( pParent, ScResId(static_cast<sal_uInt16>( nResIdP )), rArg ), ScRefHandler( *static_cast<TWindow*>(this), pB, bBindRef ){}
 template<class TWindow, bool bBindRef >
+SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRefHdlrImplBase<TWindow,bBindRef>::~ScRefHdlrImplBase(){}
 template<class TDerived, class TBase, bool bBindRef = true>
diff --git a/tools/inc/tools/diagnose_ex.h b/tools/inc/tools/diagnose_ex.h
index ce1b5a3d8db2..21463a66b427 100644
--- a/tools/inc/tools/diagnose_ex.h
+++ b/tools/inc/tools/diagnose_ex.h
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@
                                      OSL_ENSURE(c, m); \
                                      throw ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException( \
                                      ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)) + \
-                                     ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n"m )), \
+                                     ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n" m )), \
                                      ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >(), \
                                      0 ); }
 #define ENSURE_ARG_OR_THROW2(c, m, ifc, arg) if( !(c) ) { \
                                                OSL_ENSURE(c, m); \
                                                throw ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException( \
                                                ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)) + \
-                                               ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n"m )), \
+                                               ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n" m )), \
                                                ifc, \
                                                arg ); }
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
         OSL_ENSURE(c, m); \
         throw ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException( \
-        ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n"m )), \
+        ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n" m )), \
         ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >() ); }
 #define ENSURE_OR_THROW2(c, m, ifc) \
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
         OSL_ENSURE(c, m); \
         throw ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException( \
-        ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n"m )), \
+        ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ",\n" m )), \
         ifc ); }
 /** This macro asserts the given condition (in debug mode), and
diff --git a/tools/source/stream/stream.cxx b/tools/source/stream/stream.cxx
index 19009f9ec07a..5fa5b0e43380 100644
--- a/tools/source/stream/stream.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/stream/stream.cxx
@@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ void SvStream::RefreshBuffer()
 SvStream& SvStream::WriteNumber(sal_Int32 nInt32)
     char buffer[12];
-    sal_Size nLen = sprintf(buffer, "%"SAL_PRIdINT32, nInt32);
+    sal_Size nLen = sprintf(buffer, "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, nInt32);
     Write(buffer, nLen);
     return *this;
@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@ SvStream& SvStream::WriteNumber(sal_Int32 nInt32)
 SvStream& SvStream::WriteNumber(sal_uInt32 nUInt32)
     char buffer[11];
-    sal_Size nLen = sprintf(buffer, "%"SAL_PRIuUINT32, nUInt32);
+    sal_Size nLen = sprintf(buffer, "%" SAL_PRIuUINT32, nUInt32);
     Write(buffer, nLen);
     return *this;
diff --git a/unotest/source/cpp/filters-test.cxx b/unotest/source/cpp/filters-test.cxx
index f3801da712dc..d57708d2b0ab 100644
--- a/unotest/source/cpp/filters-test.cxx
+++ b/unotest/source/cpp/filters-test.cxx
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void FiltersTest::recursiveScan(const rtl::OUString &rFilter, const rtl::OUStrin
             if (bCVE)
                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT(osl::FileBase::E_None == osl::File::remove(sTmpFile));
-            fprintf(stderr, "%s,%"SAL_PRIuUINT32"\n",
+            fprintf(stderr, "%s,%" SAL_PRIuUINT32"\n",
             if (nExpected == test::indeterminate)
diff --git a/unotools/source/config/bootstrap.cxx b/unotools/source/config/bootstrap.cxx
index 0b832f3f0eb8..8e94a92fa27a 100644
--- a/unotools/source/config/bootstrap.cxx
+++ b/unotools/source/config/bootstrap.cxx
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace utl
-            return uri + rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/program/"BOOTSTRAP_DATA_NAME));
+            return uri + rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/program/" BOOTSTRAP_DATA_NAME));
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ sal_Bool Bootstrap::Impl::getVersionValue(OUString const& _sName, OUString& _rVa
     rtl::Bootstrap aData( uri +
-                          OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/program/"SAL_CONFIGFILE("version"))) );
+                          OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/program/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("version"))) );
     if ( aData.getHandle() == NULL )
         // version.ini (versionrc) doesn't exist
         return sal_False;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/nssinitializer.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/nssinitializer.cxx
index 728ed766e111..b5e4a13d8c33 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/nssinitializer.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/nssinitializer.cxx
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ bool nsscrypto_initialize( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFa
 #if defined SYSTEM_MOZILLA
         OUString rootModule(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("libnssckbi"SAL_DLLEXTENSION));
@@ -330,18 +330,18 @@ bool nsscrypto_initialize( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFa
                 RootsModule = 0;
                 if (found)
                     xmlsec_trace("Added new root certificate module "
-                              "\""ROOT_CERTS"\" contained in \n%s", ospath.getStr());
+                              "\"" ROOT_CERTS "\" contained in \n%s", ospath.getStr());
                     xmlsec_trace("FAILED to load the new root certificate module "
-                              "\""ROOT_CERTS"\" contained in \n%s", ospath.getStr());
+                              "\"" ROOT_CERTS "\" contained in \n%s", ospath.getStr());
                     return_value = false;
                 xmlsec_trace("FAILED to add new root certifice module: "
-                          "\""ROOT_CERTS"\" contained in \n%s", ospath.getStr());
+                          "\"" ROOT_CERTS "\" contained in \n%s", ospath.getStr());
                 return_value = false;
@@ -370,17 +370,17 @@ extern "C" void nsscrypto_finalize()
         if (SECSuccess == SECMOD_UnloadUserModule(RootsModule))
-            xmlsec_trace("Unloaded module \""ROOT_CERTS"\".");
+            xmlsec_trace("Unloaded module \"" ROOT_CERTS "\".");
-            xmlsec_trace("Failed unloading module \""ROOT_CERTS"\".");
+            xmlsec_trace("Failed unloading module \"" ROOT_CERTS "\".");
-        xmlsec_trace("Unloading module \""ROOT_CERTS
+        xmlsec_trace("Unloading module \"" ROOT_CERTS
                   "\" failed because it was not found.");