From c2fd8c4492e9eb12375f78ceb188c87d8fac41b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kohei Yoshida <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 23:07:47 -0400
Subject: bnc#885825: Write test for this.

Originally it was a pptx document, but switched to docx because reloading
an impress document in cppunit currently mysteriously crashes.

Change-Id: I3e9ba6b9a4dc7d3c0ca1d59a073dc8a4cca4008c
 chart2/qa/extras/chart2export.cxx                  | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++
 chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/data-label-borders.docx | Bin 0 -> 34843 bytes
 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/data-label-borders.docx

(limited to 'chart2')

diff --git a/chart2/qa/extras/chart2export.cxx b/chart2/qa/extras/chart2export.cxx
index b92e5650338b..0c31f225efea 100644
--- a/chart2/qa/extras/chart2export.cxx
+++ b/chart2/qa/extras/chart2export.cxx
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include <com/sun/star/packages/zip/ZipFileAccess.hpp>
 #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextDocument.hpp>
 #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextFramesSupplier.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineStyle.hpp>
 #include <unotools/ucbstreamhelper.hxx>
 #include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ public:
     void testFdo78290ScatterChartMarkerX();
     void testFdo78290CombinationChartMarkerX();
     void testAxisNumberFormatODS();
+    void testDataLabelBordersDOCX();
@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ public:
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(testDataLabelBordersDOCX);
@@ -688,6 +691,106 @@ void Chart2ExportTest::testAxisNumberFormatODS()
+void Chart2ExportTest::testDataLabelBordersDOCX()
+    struct Check
+    {
+        sal_Int32 mnIndex;
+        css::drawing::LineStyle meStyle;
+        sal_Int32 mnColor;
+    };
+    struct
+    {
+        /**
+         * Chart 1 has 4 bars of which 1st and 3rd have labels with borders
+         * around them.
+         */
+        void checkObject1( const Reference<chart2::XChartDocument>& xChartDoc )
+        {
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+            Reference<chart2::XDataSeries> xDataSeries = getDataSeriesFromDoc(xChartDoc, 0);
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+            // Check to make sure that data points 0 and 2 have local properties.
+            Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet(xDataSeries, uno::UNO_QUERY);
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+            Sequence<sal_Int32> aIndices;
+            xPropSet->getPropertyValue("AttributedDataPoints") >>= aIndices;
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("There should be 2 data points with local properties.", aIndices.getLength() == 2);
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIndices[0] == 0);
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(aIndices[1] == 2);
+            const Check aDataPoints[] =
+            {
+                { 0, css::drawing::LineStyle_SOLID, 0x00FFFF00 }, // solid yellow
+                { 2, css::drawing::LineStyle_SOLID, 0x00FF0000 }  // solid red
+            };
+            for (size_t i = 0, n = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aDataPoints); i < n; ++i)
+            {
+                xPropSet = xDataSeries->getDataPointByIndex(aDataPoints[i].mnIndex);
+                CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+                css::drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle = css::drawing::LineStyle_NONE;
+                xPropSet->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_LABEL_BORDER_STYLE) >>= eLineStyle;
+                CPPUNIT_ASSERT(eLineStyle == aDataPoints[i].meStyle);
+                sal_Int32 nWidth = -1;
+                xPropSet->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_LABEL_BORDER_WIDTH) >>= nWidth;
+                CPPUNIT_ASSERT(nWidth > 0);
+                sal_Int32 nColor = -1;
+                xPropSet->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_LABEL_BORDER_COLOR) >>= nColor;
+                CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Border color is wrong.", nColor == aDataPoints[i].mnColor);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Chart 2 has all its data labels with identical borders.
+         */
+        void checkObject2( const Reference<chart2::XChartDocument>& xChartDoc )
+        {
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+            Reference<chart2::XDataSeries> xDataSeries = getDataSeriesFromDoc(xChartDoc, 0);
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+            Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet(xDataSeries, uno::UNO_QUERY);
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(;
+            css::drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle = css::drawing::LineStyle_NONE;
+            xPropSet->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_LABEL_BORDER_STYLE) >>= eLineStyle;
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(eLineStyle == css::drawing::LineStyle_SOLID);
+            sal_Int32 nWidth = -1;
+            xPropSet->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_LABEL_BORDER_WIDTH) >>= nWidth;
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(nWidth > 0);
+            sal_Int32 nColor = -1;
+            xPropSet->getPropertyValue(CHART_UNONAME_LABEL_BORDER_COLOR) >>= nColor;
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Border color should be green.", nColor == 0x0000FF00);
+        }
+    } aTest;
+    load("/chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/", "data-label-borders.docx");
+    Reference<chart2::XChartDocument> xChartDoc(getChartDocFromWriter(0), uno::UNO_QUERY);
+    aTest.checkObject1(xChartDoc);
+    xChartDoc.set(getChartDocFromWriter(1), uno::UNO_QUERY);
+    aTest.checkObject2(xChartDoc);
+    reload("Office Open XML Text");
+    xChartDoc.set(getChartDocFromWriter(0), uno::UNO_QUERY);
+    aTest.checkObject1(xChartDoc);
+    xChartDoc.set(getChartDocFromWriter(1), uno::UNO_QUERY);
+    aTest.checkObject2(xChartDoc);
 void Chart2ExportTest::testBarChartRotation()
     load ("/chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/", "barChartRotation.docx");
diff --git a/chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/data-label-borders.docx b/chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/data-label-borders.docx
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..6f2b94d98ee9
Binary files /dev/null and b/chart2/qa/extras/data/docx/data-label-borders.docx differ