From fbbe9c7b24bb9b0ad47a1a7669a459b972b97982 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens-Heiner Rechtien
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 09:21:19 +0000
Subject: CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk112 2009-07-17 08:54:15 +0200 cd
r274075 : #i102094# MinGW needs additional path info for linking 2009-07-13
15:09:07 +0200 cd r273938 : #i102094# Add special part for MinGW linking to
imagehlp.lib 2009-07-10 08:05:14 +0200 cd r273871 : #i102094# Use size_t for
constant values to fix warnings 2009-07-09 13:45:27 +0200 cd r273859 :
#i102094# MinGW needs include malloc.h for function alloca 2009-07-09
12:37:39 +0200 cd r273856 : #i102094# Fix problem with signed/unsigned
comparision warning 2009-06-19 11:34:40 +0200 cd r273154 : #i102094# Added
comment for future maintenance 2009-06-19 11:34:11 +0200 cd r273153 :
#i102094# Added comment for future maintenance 2009-06-16 17:25:03 +0200 cd
r273032 : #i102094# Extend md5.cxx to detect Windows PE images and ignore PE
header date+time/checksum to have the same MD5 checksum 2009-06-16 17:22:47
+0200 cd r273031 : #i102094# Added rebase custom action 2009-06-16 17:01:12
+0200 cd r273030 : #i102094# Use rebaseoo.exe instead of rebase.exe to
prevent clash with build tool 2009-06-16 17:00:34 +0200 cd r273029 :
#i102094# Execute rebase custom action for administrative installations
2009-06-16 16:59:11 +0200 cd r273028 : #i102094# Small changes for
rebaseoo/rebasegui tools 2009-06-16 16:58:29 +0200 cd r273027 : i102094#
Deliver rebase tool as rebaseoo.exe as build env already use a rebase.exe
2009-06-16 16:57:15 +0200 cd r273026 : i102094# Crash reporter should not
use PE header date+time/checksum data for MD5 checksum 2009-05-29 17:03:26
+0200 cd r272474 : #i102094# Fix wrong deliver statement 2009-05-29 14:55:35
+0200 cd r272459 : #i102904# Make executables more robust. Add error message
if installation cannot be found 2009-05-28 17:41:07 +0200 cd r272422 :
CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS fwk112 to trunk@272291 (milestone: DEV300:m49)
2009-05-28 17:31:27 +0200 cd r272421 : #i10000# Resolve conflict on merge
2009-05-28 15:32:09 +0200 cd r272409 : #i102094# Added resource and
localization files for rebasegui tool 2009-05-27 13:56:33 +0200 cd r272341 :
#i102094# Added new command line tool to rebase libraries to a default
virtual load address. Additional GUI tool to check the state of an
installation 2009-05-26 10:49:20 +0200 cd r272285 : #i102094# New command
line tool to rebase libraries to a default virtual load address 2009-05-26
10:40:02 +0200 cd r272282 : #i102094# New command line tool to rebase
libraries to a default virtual load address 2009-05-26 08:57:24 +0200 cd
r272280 : #i102094# Fixed wrong variable usage 2009-05-26 08:41:29 +0200 cd
r272278 : #i102094# New command line tool to rebase libraries to a default
virtual load address 2009-05-20 16:47:24 +0200 cd r272141 : #102094# Added
missing include statement for debug build 2009-05-20 15:39:21 +0200 is
r272136 : #102094# rebase to default value in installation 2009-05-20
15:38:38 +0200 is r272135 : #102094# rebase to default value in installation
2009-05-20 15:37:45 +0200 is r272134 : #102094# rebase to default value in
desktop/prj/build.lst | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'desktop/prj/build.lst')
diff --git a/desktop/prj/build.lst b/desktop/prj/build.lst
index 4b6a5664e3d8..3aa56e273ff3 100644
--- a/desktop/prj/build.lst
+++ b/desktop/prj/build.lst
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ dt desktop\win32\source\guiloader nmake - w dt_guiloader dt_wrapper.w dt_inc N
dt desktop\win32\source\guistdio nmake - w dt_guistdio dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\win32\source\applauncher nmake - w dt_applauncher dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\win32\source\applauncher\ooo nmake - w dt_applauncher_ooo dt_applauncher.w dt_inc NULL
+dt desktop\win32\source\rebase nmake - w dt_rebase dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\os2\source\applauncher nmake - p dt_applauncher dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\unx\source\officeloader nmake - u dt_officeloader_unx dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\source\pagein nmake - u dt_pagein dt_inc NULL
@@ -35,5 +36,5 @@ dt desktop\source\deployment\registry\configuration nmake - all dt_dp_registry_c
dt desktop\source\deployment\registry\help nmake - all dt_dp_registry_help dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\source\deployment\registry\executable nmake - all dt_dp_registry_executable dt_inc NULL
dt desktop\scripts nmake - u dt_scripts dt_inc NULL
-dt desktop\util nmake - all dt_util dt_app dt_so_comp dt_spl dt_wrapper.w dt_officeloader.w dt_officeloader_unx.u dt_migr NULL
+dt desktop\util nmake - all dt_util dt_app dt_so_comp dt_spl dt_wrapper.w dt_officeloader.w dt_officeloader_unx.u dt_migr dt_rebase.w NULL
dt desktop\zipintro nmake - all dt_zipintro NULL