From ab9bee4720820ebd1a2d851bcb4f7db79145931e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens-Heiner Rechtien
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 15:51:45 +0000
Subject: CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS notes7 2008-12-29 19:45:08 +0100 mod
r265824 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS notes7 to trunk@265758 (milestone:
DEV300:m38) 2008-12-16 14:54:42 +0100 mod r265544 : #i97239# 2008-12-16
14:53:18 +0100 mod r265543 : #i97239# 2008-12-16 13:36:43 +0100 mod r265537
: 96602 2008-12-13 13:02:54 +0100 mba r265452 : warning fixed 2008-12-13
08:20:21 +0100 mod r265448 : search inside notes 2008-12-13 00:11:47 +0100
mod r265447 : search inside notes 2008-12-13 00:11:09 +0100 mod r265446 :
search inside notes 2008-12-13 00:10:52 +0100 mod r265445 : search inside
notes 2008-12-12 19:39:14 +0100 mod r265439 : search inside notes 2008-12-12
19:02:44 +0100 mod r265438 : search inside notes 2008-12-12 16:42:07 +0100
mba r265431 : #i80135#: search in notes 2008-12-12 16:11:54 +0100 mba
r265429 : #i80135#: search in notes 2008-12-12 16:11:02 +0100 mba r265428 :
#i80135#: search in notes 2008-12-11 20:24:20 +0100 pb r265358 : fix:
#i80135# fixes for aNotesBtn 2008-12-11 20:23:19 +0100 pb r265357 : fix:
#i80135# fixes for aNotesBtn 2008-12-11 07:42:17 +0100 pb r265241 : fix:
#i80135# CB_NOTES added 2008-12-11 07:40:36 +0100 pb r265240 : fix: #i80135#
CB_NOTES added 2008-12-11 07:32:03 +0100 pb r265239 : fix: #i80135# CheckBox
aNotesBtn added 2008-12-11 07:24:45 +0100 pb r265238 : fix: #i80135#
CheckBox aNotesBtn added 2008-12-10 15:41:31 +0100 mod r265198 : crash using
replies 2008-12-10 15:21:23 +0100 mod r265195 : crash using replies
2008-12-10 13:45:14 +0100 mba r265181 : warning fixed 2008-12-10 13:26:45
+0100 mba r265178 : warning fixed 2008-12-10 11:48:23 +0100 mba r265162 :
fixed compilation error on Linux 2008-12-03 18:39:07 +0100 mod r264806 : we
don't get the Ctrl-Alt-N on mac inside a note, let's do the whole reply thing
using the shell, cleaner anyway 2008-12-03 17:13:59 +0100 mod r264802 :
search dialog can be started and closed when focus is inside a note
2008-12-03 00:07:08 +0100 mod r264733 : search inside notes 2008-12-02
18:06:08 +0100 mod r264729 : WaE 2008-12-02 15:01:26 +0100 mod r264703 :
WaE 2008-12-02 00:20:14 +0100 mod r264644 : WaE 2008-12-01 10:06:14 +0100
mod r264587 : WaE 2008-12-01 01:28:34 +0100 mod r264585 : WaE 2008-11-30
22:51:19 +0100 mod r264584 : search inside notes 2008-11-30 17:03:04 +0100
mod r264583 : search inside notes 2008-11-28 16:30:05 +0100 mod r264560 :
#i96602# 2008-11-28 16:14:50 +0100 mod r264559 : test 2008-11-28 16:11:37
+0100 mod r264558 : test 2008-11-17 17:46:10 +0100 mod r263735 : WaE
2008-11-17 17:45:56 +0100 mod r263734 : WaE 2008-11-17 17:37:35 +0100 mod
r263733 : revert manual fix for icu 2008-11-17 15:03:55 +0100 mod r263726 :
manual fix for icu 2008-11-17 11:17:49 +0100 mod r263707 : manual fix for
icu 2008-11-14 15:51:19 +0100 mod r263679 : fix 2008-11-14 14:48:02 +0100
mod r263676 : some more cleanup, redline comments not in the margin for 3.1
2008-11-14 08:37:07 +0100 mod r263664 : end of line missing 2008-11-13
18:36:53 +0100 mod r263660 : WaE 2008-11-13 18:20:04 +0100 mod r263659 :
#i94374# 2008-11-13 15:51:28 +0100 mod r263648 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS
notes7 to trunk@263288 (milestone: DEV300:m35) 2008-11-13 08:33:19 +0100 mod
r263622 : typos 2008-11-02 23:18:19 +0100 mod r263278 : changes notes,
replies 2008-11-01 11:48:35 +0100 mod r262873 : replies, comments 2008-11-01
11:44:57 +0100 mod r262872 : notes search button 2008-10-10 14:34:34 +0200
mod r262150 : migration from cvs to svn 2008-10-10 14:33:39 +0200 mod
r262149 : migration from cvs to svn
officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs | 8 ++++++++
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
(limited to 'officecfg/registry')
diff --git a/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs b/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
index b2e77536e685..9df8fa4945bd 100644
--- a/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
+++ b/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
@@ -5868,6 +5868,14 @@ Dymamic border coloring means that when the mouse is hovered over a control, and
Specifies the label of the second component-based search command.
+ mod
+ Specifies if search includes notes(SwPostItFields)
+ false