From 23740dc4a7e81c8c5129e26fe579cf81363d6388 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vladimir Glazounov <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 14:48:59 +0000
Subject: CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk123 2009-10-14 10:18:49 +0200 cd 
 r276885 : #i99971# Use AttachThreadInput to force SetForegroundWindow
 2009-10-14 08:56:20 +0200 mav  r276881 : #i105476# let the allocated memory
 live long anough 2009-10-14 08:53:51 +0200 mav  r276880 : #i105476# let
 ZipFile use mutex while creating the requested stream 2009-10-14 08:51:52
 +0200 mav  r276879 : #i105476# let buffered IO use mutex ( patch from MHU )
 2009-10-09 12:20:22 +0200 cd  r276803 : #i99971# Use configuration to control
 window to front/focus handling 2009-10-09 12:19:22 +0200 cd  r276802 :
 #i99971# New configuration item to force set focus and window to front for
 new document windows 2009-10-09 12:18:23 +0200 cd  r276801 : #i99971#
 Introduction of a new show flag to force window to front 2009-10-06 11:04:16
 +0200 ab  r276695 : #i105386# Call xmlInitParser() before registering input

 .../registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs      | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'officecfg')

diff --git a/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs b/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
index 72c0b768ed84..f816a55e93a7 100644
--- a/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
+++ b/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
@@ -2105,7 +2105,7 @@ Dymamic border coloring means that when the mouse is hovered over a control, and
-        <group oor:name="Save">
+    <group oor:name="Save">
 				<desc>Contains general settings about the saving process.</desc>
@@ -2616,6 +2616,19 @@ Dymamic border coloring means that when the mouse is hovered over a control, and
+			<group oor:name="NewDocumentHandling">
+				<info>
+					<author>CD</author>
+					<desc>Contains settings to change new document window behavior.</desc>
+				</info>
+				<prop oor:name="ForceFocusAndToFront" oor:type="xs:boolean">
+					<info>
+						<author>CD</author>
+						<desc>Every new document window will be forced to front and grabs the focus.</desc>
+					</info>
+					<value>true</value>
+				</prop>
+			</group>
 			<group oor:name="AppWindow">