From b98617b3c86863fe5b4e3d9a96519707ae8cf58c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matúš Kukan <>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:20:06 +0200
Subject: API CHANGE: remove some of useless rtl/unload.h functionality

Change-Id: If32923e35ef97f42d5203975362e5c76948ff327
Signed-off-by: Stephan Bergmann <>
 sal/rtl/unload.cxx | 364 +----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 363 deletions(-)

(limited to 'sal/rtl')

diff --git a/sal/rtl/unload.cxx b/sal/rtl/unload.cxx
index 4d4a41496983..dd8ee23b49bc 100644
--- a/sal/rtl/unload.cxx
+++ b/sal/rtl/unload.cxx
@@ -17,19 +17,11 @@
  *   the License at .
-#include <string.h>
 #include <rtl/unload.h>
-#include <rtl/alloc.h>
 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
 #include <rtl/instance.hxx>
 #include <osl/mutex.hxx>
-#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
-#include "rtl/allocator.hxx"
-#include <functional>
-#include <list>
-#include <deque>
 using osl::MutexGuard;
@@ -37,72 +29,6 @@ using osl::MutexGuard;
-static void rtl_notifyUnloadingListeners();
-static sal_Bool isEqualTimeValue ( const TimeValue* time1,  const TimeValue* time2)
-    if( time1->Seconds == time2->Seconds &&
-        time1->Nanosec == time2->Nanosec)
-        return sal_True;
-    else
-        return sal_False;
-static sal_Bool isGreaterTimeValue(  const TimeValue* time1,  const TimeValue* time2)
-    sal_Bool retval= sal_False;
-    if ( time1->Seconds > time2->Seconds)
-        retval= sal_True;
-    else if ( time1->Seconds == time2->Seconds)
-    {
-        if( time1->Nanosec > time2->Nanosec)
-            retval= sal_True;
-    }
-    return retval;
-static sal_Bool isGreaterEqualTimeValue( const TimeValue* time1, const TimeValue* time2)
-    if( isEqualTimeValue( time1, time2) )
-        return sal_True;
-    else if( isGreaterTimeValue( time1, time2))
-        return sal_True;
-    else
-        return sal_False;
-static void addTimeValue( const TimeValue* value1, const TimeValue* value2, TimeValue* result)
-    sal_uInt64 sum;
-    result->Nanosec=0;
-    result->Seconds=0;
-    sum= value1->Nanosec + value2->Nanosec;
-    if( sum >= 1000000000 )
-    {
-        result->Seconds=1;
-        sum -= 1000000000;
-    }
-    result->Nanosec= (sal_uInt32)sum;
-    result->Seconds += value1->Seconds + value2->Seconds;
-static sal_Bool hasEnoughTimePassed( const TimeValue* unusedSince, const TimeValue* timespan)
-    sal_Bool retval= sal_False;
-    TimeValue currentTime;
-    if( osl_getSystemTime( &currentTime))
-    {
-        TimeValue addedTime;
-        addTimeValue( unusedSince, timespan, &addedTime);
-        if( isGreaterEqualTimeValue( &currentTime, &addedTime))
-            retval= sal_True;
-    }
-    return retval;
     class theUnloadingMutex : public rtl::Static<osl::Mutex, theUnloadingMutex>{};
@@ -147,43 +73,6 @@ extern "C" void rtl_moduleCount_release( rtl_ModuleCount * that )
-struct hashModule
-    size_t operator()( const oslModule& rkey) const
-    {
-        return (size_t)rkey;
-    }
-typedef boost::unordered_map<
-    oslModule,
-    std::pair<sal_uInt32, component_canUnloadFunc>,
-    hashModule,
-    std::equal_to<oslModule>,
-    rtl::Allocator<oslModule>
-> ModuleMap;
-typedef ModuleMap::iterator Mod_IT;
-static ModuleMap& getModuleMap()
-    static ModuleMap * g_pMap= NULL;
-    if (!g_pMap)
-    {
-        MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex() );
-        if (!g_pMap)
-        {
-            static ModuleMap g_aModuleMap;
-            g_pMap= &g_aModuleMap;
-        }
-    }
-    return *g_pMap;
 extern "C" sal_Bool rtl_moduleCount_canUnload( rtl_StandardModuleCount * that, TimeValue * libUnused)
@@ -203,255 +92,4 @@ extern "C" sal_Bool rtl_moduleCount_canUnload( rtl_StandardModuleCount * that, T
-extern "C" sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_registerModuleForUnloading( oslModule module)
-    (void) module;
-    return sal_False;
-    MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex());
-    ModuleMap& moduleMap= getModuleMap();
-    sal_Bool ret= sal_True;
-    // If the module has been registered before, then find it and increment
-    // its reference cout
-    Mod_IT it= moduleMap.find( module);
-    if( it != moduleMap.end())
-    {
-        //module already registered, increment ref count
-        it->second.first++;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // Test if the module supports unloading (exports component_canUnload)
-        component_canUnloadFunc pFunc=
-            (component_canUnloadFunc)osl_getFunctionSymbol( module, name.pData);
-        if (pFunc)
-        {
-            //register module for the first time, set ref count to 1
-            moduleMap[module]= std::make_pair((sal_uInt32)1, pFunc);
-        }
-        else
-            ret= sal_False;
-    }
-    return ret;
-extern "C" void SAL_CALL rtl_unregisterModuleForUnloading( oslModule module)
-    (void) module;
-    MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex());
-    ModuleMap& moduleMap= getModuleMap();
-    Mod_IT it= moduleMap.find( module);
-    if( it != moduleMap.end() )
-    {
-        // The module is registered, decrement ref count.
-        it->second.first --;
-        // If the refcount == 0 then remove the module from the map
-        if( it->second.first == 0)
-            moduleMap.erase( it);
-    }
-extern "C" void SAL_CALL rtl_unloadUnusedModules( TimeValue* libUnused)
-    (void) libUnused;
-    MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex());
-    typedef std::list< oslModule, rtl::Allocator<oslModule> > list_type;
-    list_type unloadedModulesList;
-    ModuleMap& moduleMap= getModuleMap();
-    Mod_IT it_e= moduleMap.end();
-    // notify all listeners
-    rtl_notifyUnloadingListeners();
-    // prepare default TimeValue if argumetn is NULL
-    TimeValue nullTime={0,0};
-    TimeValue* pLibUnused= libUnused? libUnused : &nullTime;
-    Mod_IT it= moduleMap.begin();
-    for (; it != it_e; ++it)
-    {
-        //can the module be unloaded?
-        component_canUnloadFunc func= it->second.second;
-        TimeValue unusedSince= {0, 0};
-        if( func( &unusedSince) )
-        {
-            // module can be unloaded if it has not been used at least for the time
-            // specified by the argument libUnused
-            if( hasEnoughTimePassed( &unusedSince, pLibUnused))
-            {
-                // get the reference count and unload the module as many times
-                sal_uInt32 refCount= it->second.first;
-                for ( sal_uInt32 i=0; i < refCount; i++)
-                    osl_unloadModule( it->first);
-                // mark the module for later removal
-                unloadedModulesList.push_front( it->first);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // remove all entries containing invalid (unloaded) modules
-    list_type::const_iterator un_it= unloadedModulesList.begin();
-    for (; un_it != unloadedModulesList.end(); ++un_it)
-    {
-        moduleMap.erase( *un_it);
-    }
-// ==============================================================================
-// Unloading Listener Administration
-struct hashListener
-    size_t operator()( const sal_Int32& rkey) const
-    {
-        return (size_t)rkey;
-    }
-typedef boost::unordered_map<
-    sal_Int32,
-    std::pair<rtl_unloadingListenerFunc, void*>,
-    hashListener,
-    std::equal_to<sal_Int32>,
-    rtl::Allocator<sal_Int32>
-> ListenerMap;
-typedef ListenerMap::iterator Lis_IT;
-static ListenerMap& getListenerMap()
-    static ListenerMap * g_pListeners= NULL;
-    if (!g_pListeners)
-    {
-        MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex() );
-        if (!g_pListeners)
-        {
-            static ListenerMap g_aListenerMap;
-            g_pListeners= &g_aListenerMap;
-        }
-    }
-    return *g_pListeners;
-// This queue contains cookies which have been passed out by rtl_addUnloadingListener and
-// which have been regainded by rtl_removeUnloadingListener. When rtl_addUnloadingListener
-// is called then a cookie has to be returned. First we look into the set if there is one
-// available. Otherwise a new cookie will be provided.
-// not a new value is returned.
-typedef std::deque<
-    sal_Int32,
-    rtl::Allocator<sal_Int32>
-> queue_type;
-static queue_type& getCookieQueue()
-    static queue_type * g_pCookies= NULL;
-    if (!g_pCookies)
-    {
-        MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex() );
-        if (!g_pCookies)
-        {
-            static queue_type g_aCookieQueue;
-            g_pCookies= &g_aCookieQueue;
-        }
-    }
-    return *g_pCookies;
-static sal_Int32 getCookie()
-    static sal_Int32 cookieValue= 1;
-    sal_Int32 retval;
-    queue_type& regainedCookies= getCookieQueue();
-    if( regainedCookies.empty() )
-        retval= cookieValue++;
-    else
-    {
-        retval= regainedCookies.front();
-        regainedCookies.pop_front();
-    }
-    return retval;
-static inline void recycleCookie( sal_Int32 i)
-    getCookieQueue().push_back(i);
-// calling the function twice with the same arguments will return tow different cookies.
-// The listener will then notified twice.
-extern "C"
-sal_Int32 SAL_CALL rtl_addUnloadingListener( rtl_unloadingListenerFunc callback, void* _this)
-    (void) callback;
-    (void) _this;
-    return 0;
-    MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex());
-    sal_Int32 cookie= getCookie();
-    ListenerMap& listenerMap= getListenerMap();
-    listenerMap[ cookie]= std::make_pair( callback, _this);
-    return cookie;
-extern "C"
-void SAL_CALL rtl_removeUnloadingListener( sal_Int32 cookie )
-    (void) cookie;
-    MutexGuard guard( getUnloadingMutex());
-    ListenerMap& listenerMap= getListenerMap();
-    size_t removedElements= listenerMap.erase( cookie);
-    if( removedElements )
-        recycleCookie( cookie);
-static void rtl_notifyUnloadingListeners()
-    ListenerMap& listenerMap= getListenerMap();
-    for( Lis_IT it= listenerMap.begin(); it != listenerMap.end(); ++it)
-    {
-        rtl_unloadingListenerFunc callbackFunc= it->second.first;
-        callbackFunc( it->second.second);
-    }
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