From eb4786e88a6e79d2c5f7723d93cd547f5994dea2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stephan Bergmann <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 14:45:03 +0200
Subject: Remove dead code

Change-Id: I090b0b1b10fdfe9d5955fe0137214d8907c3aa0c
 unodevtools/     |   1 -
 unodevtools/source/unodevtools/typeblob.cxx | 797 ----------------------------
 2 files changed, 798 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 unodevtools/source/unodevtools/typeblob.cxx

(limited to 'unodevtools')

diff --git a/unodevtools/ b/unodevtools/
index b39dca0b3f10..f021485ae73d 100644
--- a/unodevtools/
+++ b/unodevtools/
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Executable_use_static_libraries,uno-skeletonmaker,\
 $(eval $(call gb_Executable_add_exception_objects,uno-skeletonmaker,\
     unodevtools/source/unodevtools/options \
-    unodevtools/source/unodevtools/typeblob \
     unodevtools/source/skeletonmaker/skeletonmaker \
     unodevtools/source/skeletonmaker/skeletoncommon \
     unodevtools/source/skeletonmaker/javatypemaker \
diff --git a/unodevtools/source/unodevtools/typeblob.cxx b/unodevtools/source/unodevtools/typeblob.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2a6fdfe784..000000000000
--- a/unodevtools/source/unodevtools/typeblob.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at .
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include "rtl/alloc.h"
-#include "registry/writer.hxx"
-#include "com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/container/XHierarchicalNameAccess.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XPublished.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XInterfaceTypeDescription2.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XSingletonTypeDescription2.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XServiceTypeDescription2.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XStructTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XConstantsTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XConstantTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XModuleTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XMethodParameter.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XCompoundTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XIndirectTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "com/sun/star/reflection/XEnumTypeDescription.hpp"
-#include "codemaker/generatedtypeset.hxx"
-using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
-using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
-using namespace com::sun::star::container;
-using namespace com::sun::star::reflection;
-using namespace codemaker;
-namespace unodevtools {
-void writeConstantData(typereg::Writer& rWriter, sal_uInt16 fieldIndex,
-                       const Reference< XConstantTypeDescription >& xConstant)
-    RTConstValue constValue;
-    OUString uConstTypeName;
-    OUString uConstName = xConstant->getName();
-    Any aConstantAny = xConstant->getConstantValue();
-    switch ( aConstantAny.getValueTypeClass() )
-    {
-    case TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "boolean";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_BOOL;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aBool;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_BYTE:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "byte";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_BYTE;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aByte;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_SHORT:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "short";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_INT16;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aShort;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "unsigned short";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_UINT16;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aUShort;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_LONG:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "long";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_INT32;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aLong;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "unsigned long";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_UINT32;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aULong;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_FLOAT:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "float";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_FLOAT;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aFloat;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "double";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_DOUBLE;
-        aConstantAny >>= constValue.m_value.aDouble;
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_STRING:
-    {
-        uConstTypeName = "string";
-        constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_STRING;
-        constValue.m_value.aString = ((OUString*)aConstantAny.getValue())->getStr();
-    }
-    break;
-    default:
-        OSL_FAIL( "unsupported constant type" );
-        break;
-    }
-    rWriter.setFieldData(fieldIndex, OUString(), OUString(), RT_ACCESS_CONST,
-                         uConstName, uConstTypeName, constValue);
-sal_uInt32 getInheritedMemberCount(
-    GeneratedTypeSet& checkedTypes,
-    Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > >& superTypes)
-    sal_uInt32 memberCount = 0;
-    sal_uInt16 count = (sal_uInt16)superTypes.getLength();
-    OString name;
-    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i < count; i++) {
-        name = OString(OUStringToOString(superTypes[i]->getName(),
-                                         RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
-        if (!checkedTypes.contains(name)) {
-            checkedTypes.add(name);
-            Reference< XInterfaceTypeDescription2 > xIFace(
-                superTypes[i], UNO_QUERY);
-            Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription> > baseTypes =
-                xIFace->getBaseTypes();
-            if ( baseTypes.getLength() > 0)
-                memberCount += getInheritedMemberCount(checkedTypes, baseTypes);
-            memberCount += xIFace->getMembers().getLength();
-        }
-    }
-    return memberCount;
-void writeMethodData( typereg::Writer& rWriter, sal_uInt32 calculatedMemberOffset,
-                      const Reference< XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription >& xMethod )
-    RTMethodMode methodMode = RT_MODE_TWOWAY;
-    if ( xMethod->isOneway() )
-        methodMode = RT_MODE_ONEWAY;
-    Sequence< Reference< XMethodParameter > > parameters(xMethod->getParameters());
-    Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > > exceptions(xMethod->getExceptions());
-    sal_uInt16 methodIndex = (sal_uInt16)(xMethod->getPosition()
-                                          - calculatedMemberOffset);
-    sal_uInt16 paramCount = (sal_uInt16)parameters.getLength();
-    sal_uInt16 exceptionCount = (sal_uInt16)exceptions.getLength();
-    rWriter.setMethodData(methodIndex, OUString(), methodMode,
-                          xMethod->getMemberName(),
-                          xMethod->getReturnType()->getName().replace('.', '/'),
-                          paramCount, exceptionCount);
-    RTParamMode paramMode = RT_PARAM_IN;
-    sal_uInt16 i;
-    for ( i=0; i < paramCount; i++) {
-        Reference< XMethodParameter > xParam = parameters[i];
-        if ( xParam->isIn() && xParam->isOut())
-            paramMode = RT_PARAM_INOUT;
-        else if ( xParam->isIn() )
-            paramMode = RT_PARAM_IN;
-        else if ( xParam->isOut() )
-            paramMode = RT_PARAM_OUT;
-        rWriter.setMethodParameterData(methodIndex,
-                                       (sal_uInt16)xParam->getPosition(),
-                                       paramMode, xParam->getName(),
-                                       xParam->getType()->
-                                       getName().replace('.', '/'));
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < exceptionCount; i++) {
-        rWriter.setMethodExceptionTypeName(
-            methodIndex, i, exceptions[i]->getName().replace('.', '/'));
-    }
-void writeAttributeMethodData(
-    typereg::Writer& rWriter, sal_uInt16& methodindex, RTMethodMode methodmode,
-    const Reference<XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2>& xAttr)
-    Sequence<Reference<XCompoundTypeDescription> > seqExcp;
-    if (methodmode == RT_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_GET)
-        seqExcp = xAttr->getGetExceptions();
-    else
-        seqExcp = xAttr->getSetExceptions();
-    if (seqExcp.getLength() > 0) {
-        rWriter.setMethodData(methodindex, OUString(), methodmode,
-                              xAttr->getMemberName(),
-                              OUString("void"),
-                              0, (sal_uInt16)seqExcp.getLength());
-        for (sal_Int32 i=0; i < seqExcp.getLength(); i++) {
-            rWriter.setMethodExceptionTypeName(
-                methodindex, (sal_uInt16)i,
-                seqExcp[i]->getName().replace('.', '/'));
-        }
-        ++methodindex;
-    }
-RTFieldAccess checkParameterizedTypeFlag(const Sequence< OUString >& typeParams,
-                                         const OUString & memberType)
-    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i < typeParams.getLength(); i++) {
-        if (typeParams[i].equals(memberType))
-    }
-RTFieldAccess checkPropertyFlags(short flags) {
-    RTFieldAccess propertyFlags=RT_ACCESS_INVALID;
-    switch(flags) {
-    case PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_MAYBEVOID;
-    case PropertyAttribute::BOUND:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_BOUND;
-    case PropertyAttribute::CONSTRAINED:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_CONSTRAINED;
-    case PropertyAttribute::TRANSIENT:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_TRANSIENT;
-    case PropertyAttribute::READONLY :
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_READONLY;
-    case PropertyAttribute::MAYBEAMBIGUOUS:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_MAYBEAMBIGUOUS;
-    case PropertyAttribute::MAYBEDEFAULT:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_MAYBEDEFAULT;
-    case PropertyAttribute::REMOVABLE:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_REMOVEABLE;
-    case PropertyAttribute::OPTIONAL:
-        propertyFlags |= RT_ACCESS_OPTIONAL;
-    }
-    return propertyFlags;
-void* getTypeBlob(Reference< XHierarchicalNameAccess > xTDmgr,
-                  const OString& typeName, sal_uInt32* blobsize)
-    if ( typeName.isEmpty() )
-        return NULL;
-    OUString uTypeName(OStringToOUString(typeName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)
-                       .replace('/', '.'));
-    Any aTypeAny( xTDmgr->getByHierarchicalName( uTypeName ) );
-    if ( !aTypeAny.hasValue() )
-        return NULL;
-    Reference< XTypeDescription > xType;
-    aTypeAny >>= xType;
-    if ( ! )
-        return NULL;
-    Reference< XPublished > xPublished(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-    void* pBlob = NULL;
-    switch (xType->getTypeClass())
-    {
-    case TypeClass_CONSTANTS:
-    {
-        Reference< XConstantsTypeDescription > xCFace(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        Sequence< Reference< XConstantTypeDescription > > constTypes(
-            xCFace->getConstants());
-        sal_uInt16 constCount = (sal_uInt16)constTypes.getLength();
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_CONSTANTS, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               0, constCount, 0, 0);
-        for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i < constCount; i++)
-            writeConstantData(writer, i, constTypes[i]);
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_MODULE:
-    {
-        Reference< XModuleTypeDescription > xMFace(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > > memberTypes(
-            xMFace->getMembers());
-        sal_uInt16 memberCount = (sal_uInt16)memberTypes.getLength();
-        sal_uInt16 constCount = 0;
-        sal_Int16 i;
-        for ( i=0; i < memberCount; i++) {
-            if ( TypeClass_CONSTANT == memberTypes[i]->getTypeClass() )
-                constCount++;
-        }
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_MODULE, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               0, constCount, 0, 0);
-        if ( 0 < constCount ) {
-            Reference< XConstantTypeDescription > xConst;
-            sal_uInt16 fieldIndex = 0;
-            for (i=0; i < memberCount; i++) {
-                if ( TypeClass_CONSTANT == memberTypes[i]->getTypeClass() ) {
-                    xConst = Reference< XConstantTypeDescription >(
-                        memberTypes[i], UNO_QUERY);
-                    writeConstantData(writer, ++fieldIndex, xConst);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_INTERFACE:
-    {
-        Reference< XInterfaceTypeDescription2 > xIFace(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        Reference< XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2 > xAttr;
-        Reference< XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription > xMethod;
-        Sequence< Reference< XInterfaceMemberTypeDescription > > memberTypes(
-            xIFace->getMembers());
-        Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > > baseTypes =
-            xIFace->getBaseTypes();
-        Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > > optBaseTypes =
-            xIFace->getOptionalBaseTypes();
-        sal_uInt16 baseCount = (sal_uInt16)baseTypes.getLength();
-        sal_uInt16 optBaseCount = (sal_uInt16)optBaseTypes.getLength();
-        sal_uInt16 memberCount = (sal_uInt16)memberTypes.getLength();
-        sal_uInt16 attrCount = 0, attrmethods = 0;
-        sal_uInt16 inheritedMemberCount = 0;
-        sal_uInt16 i;
-        for (i=0; i < memberCount; i++) {
-            xAttr = Reference< XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2 >(
-                memberTypes[i], UNO_QUERY);
-            if ( ) {
-                attrCount++;
-                if (xAttr->getGetExceptions().getLength() > 0)
-                    attrmethods++;
-                if (xAttr->getSetExceptions().getLength() > 0)
-                    attrmethods++;
-            }
-        }
-        // check inherited members count
-        if (baseCount > 0) {
-            GeneratedTypeSet checkedTypes;
-            inheritedMemberCount = (sal_uInt16)getInheritedMemberCount(
-                checkedTypes, baseTypes );
-        }
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_INTERFACE, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               baseCount, attrCount, memberCount-attrCount+attrmethods,
-                               (sal_uInt16)optBaseTypes.getLength());
-        // set super types
-        for (i=0; i < baseCount; i++) {
-            writer.setSuperTypeName(i, baseTypes[i]->
-                                    getName().replace('.', '/'));
-        }
-        // set optional super types
-        RTReferenceType referenceType = RT_REF_SUPPORTS;
-        RTFieldAccess fieldAccess = RT_ACCESS_OPTIONAL;
-        for (i=0; i < optBaseCount; i++) {
-            writer.setReferenceData(i, OUString(), referenceType,
-                                    fieldAccess, optBaseTypes[i]->
-                                    getName().replace('.', '/'));
-        }
-        fieldAccess = RT_ACCESS_READWRITE;
-        // reset attrCount, used for method index calculation
-        attrCount = 0;
-        attrmethods = 0;
-        for (i=0; i < memberCount; i++) {
-            xAttr = Reference< XInterfaceAttributeTypeDescription2 >(
-                memberTypes[i], UNO_QUERY);
-            if ( ) {
-                ++attrCount;
-                if (xAttr->isReadOnly())
-                    fieldAccess = RT_ACCESS_READONLY;
-                else
-                    fieldAccess = RT_ACCESS_READWRITE;
-                if (xAttr->isBound())
-                    fieldAccess |= RT_ACCESS_BOUND;
-                writer.setFieldData((sal_uInt16)memberTypes[i]->getPosition()
-                                    - inheritedMemberCount,
-                                    OUString(), OUString(), fieldAccess,
-                                    memberTypes[i]->getMemberName(),
-                                    xAttr->getType()->getName().replace('.','/'),
-                                    RTConstValue());
-                writeAttributeMethodData(writer, attrmethods,
-                                         RT_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_GET, xAttr);
-                if (!xAttr->isReadOnly()) {
-                    writeAttributeMethodData(writer, attrmethods,
-                                            RT_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_SET, xAttr);
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-            xMethod = Reference< XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription >(
-                memberTypes[i], UNO_QUERY);
-            if ( ) {
-                writeMethodData(writer, attrCount+inheritedMemberCount-attrmethods,
-                                xMethod);
-            }
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_STRUCT:
-    {
-        Reference< XStructTypeDescription > xStruct(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        if ( xStruct->getTypeArguments().getLength() > 0)
-            return NULL;
-        Sequence< OUString > typeParams( xStruct->getTypeParameters());
-        Sequence< OUString > memberNames( xStruct->getMemberNames());
-        Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > > memberTypes(
-            xStruct->getMemberTypes());
-        sal_uInt16 memberCount = (sal_uInt16)memberNames.getLength();
-        OUString uSuperType;
-        sal_uInt16 superCount=0;
-        if ( typeParams.getLength() == 0) {
-            Reference< XTypeDescription > xSuperType = xStruct->getBaseType();
-            if ( ) {
-                ++superCount;
-                uSuperType = xSuperType->getName().replace('.','/');
-            }
-        }
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_STRUCT, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                                   superCount, memberCount, 0,
-                               (sal_uInt16)typeParams.getLength());
-        // set super type
-        if (superCount > 0) {
-            writer.setSuperTypeName(0, uSuperType);
-        }
-        sal_uInt16 i=0;
-        for (i=0; i < memberCount; i++) {
-            RTFieldAccess fieldAccess = RT_ACCESS_READWRITE;
-            if (typeParams.getLength() > 0)
-                fieldAccess |= checkParameterizedTypeFlag(
-                    typeParams, memberTypes[i]->getName());
-            writer.setFieldData(i, OUString(), OUString(), fieldAccess,
-                                memberNames[i],
-                                memberTypes[i]->getName().replace('.', '/'),
-                                RTConstValue());
-        }
-        for (i=0; i < typeParams.getLength(); i++) {
-            writer.setReferenceData(i, OUString(), RT_REF_TYPE_PARAMETER,
-                                    RT_ACCESS_INVALID, typeParams[i]);
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-        }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_EXCEPTION:
-    {
-        Reference< XCompoundTypeDescription > xComp(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        Sequence< OUString > memberNames( xComp->getMemberNames());
-        Sequence< Reference< XTypeDescription > > memberTypes(
-            xComp->getMemberTypes());
-        sal_uInt16 memberCount = (sal_uInt16)memberNames.getLength();
-        OUString uSuperType;
-        sal_uInt16 superCount=0;
-        Reference< XTypeDescription > xSuperType = xComp->getBaseType();
-        if ( ) {
-            ++superCount;
-            uSuperType = xSuperType->getName().replace('.','/');
-        }
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_EXCEPTION, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               superCount, memberCount, 0, 0);
-        // set super type
-        if (superCount > 0) {
-            writer.setSuperTypeName(0, uSuperType);
-        }
-        for (sal_Int16 i=0; i < memberCount; i++) {
-            writer.setFieldData(i, OUString(), OUString(), RT_ACCESS_READWRITE,
-                                memberNames[i],
-                                memberTypes[i]->getName().replace('.', '/'),
-                                RTConstValue());
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_ENUM:
-    {
-        Reference< XEnumTypeDescription > xEnum(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        Sequence< OUString > enumNames( xEnum->getEnumNames());
-        Sequence< sal_Int32 > enumValues( xEnum->getEnumValues());
-        sal_uInt16 enumCount = (sal_uInt16)enumNames.getLength();
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_ENUM, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               0, enumCount, 0, 0);
-        RTConstValue constValue;
-        for (sal_Int16 i=0; i < enumCount; i++) {
-            constValue.m_type = RT_TYPE_INT32;
-            constValue.m_value.aLong = enumValues[i];
-            writer.setFieldData(i, OUString(), OUString(),
-                                RT_ACCESS_CONST, enumNames[i],
-                                OUString(), constValue);
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_TYPEDEF:
-    {
-        Reference< XIndirectTypeDescription > xTD(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_TYPEDEF, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               1, 0, 0, 0);
-        writer.setSuperTypeName(0, xTD->getReferencedType()
-                                ->getName().replace('.','/'));
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_SERVICE:
-    {
-        Reference< XServiceTypeDescription2 > xService(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        Sequence<Reference<XServiceConstructorDescription> > constructors(
-            xService->getConstructors());
-        Sequence<Reference<XPropertyTypeDescription> > properties;
-        Sequence<Reference<XServiceTypeDescription> > mandatoryServices;
-        Sequence<Reference<XServiceTypeDescription> > optionalServices;
-        Sequence<Reference<XInterfaceTypeDescription> > mandatoryInterfaces;
-        Sequence<Reference<XInterfaceTypeDescription> > optionalInterfaces;
-        sal_uInt16 methodCount = (sal_uInt16)constructors.getLength();
-        sal_uInt16 referenceCount = 0;
-        sal_uInt16 propertyCount = 0;
-        if ( !xService->isSingleInterfaceBased() ) {
-            mandatoryServices = xService->getMandatoryServices();
-            optionalServices = xService->getOptionalServices();
-            mandatoryInterfaces = xService->getMandatoryInterfaces();
-            optionalInterfaces = xService->getOptionalInterfaces();
-            properties = xService->getProperties();
-            referenceCount = (sal_uInt16)(
-                mandatoryServices.getLength()+
-                optionalServices.getLength()+
-                mandatoryInterfaces.getLength()+
-                optionalInterfaces.getLength());
-            propertyCount = (sal_uInt16)properties.getLength();
-        }
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_SERVICE, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                                   (xService->isSingleInterfaceBased() ? 1 : 0),
-                               propertyCount, methodCount, referenceCount);
-        sal_uInt16 i=0;
-        if ( xService->isSingleInterfaceBased() ) {
-            writer.setSuperTypeName(0, xService->getInterface()
-                                    ->getName().replace('.','/'));
-            sal_uInt16 j=0;
-            for ( i=0; i<methodCount; i++ ) {
-                Reference<XServiceConstructorDescription> xConstructor(
-                    constructors[i], UNO_QUERY);
-                Sequence<Reference<XParameter> > parameters;
-                Sequence<Reference<XCompoundTypeDescription> > exceptions;
-                sal_uInt16 parameterCount=0;
-                sal_uInt16 exceptionCount=0;
-                if ( !xConstructor->isDefaultConstructor() ) {
-                    parameters = xConstructor->getParameters();
-                    parameterCount = (sal_uInt16)parameters.getLength();
-                }
-                writer.setMethodData(i, OUString(), RT_MODE_TWOWAY,
-                                     xConstructor->getName(),
-                                     OUString("void"),
-                                     parameterCount, exceptionCount);
-                if ( !xConstructor->isDefaultConstructor() ) {
-                    for ( j=0; j<parameterCount; j++ ) {
-                        Reference<XParameter> xParam(parameters[j], UNO_QUERY);
-                        RTParamMode paramMode = RT_PARAM_IN;
-                        if (xParam->isRestParameter())
-                            paramMode = RT_PARAM_REST;
-                        writer.setMethodParameterData(
-                            i,  (sal_uInt16)xParam->getPosition(),
-                            paramMode, xParam->getName(),
-                            xParam->getType()->getName().replace('.', '/'));
-                    }
-                    for (j=0; j<exceptionCount; j++) {
-                        Reference<XCompoundTypeDescription> xExcp(
-                            exceptions[j], UNO_QUERY);
-                        writer.setMethodExceptionTypeName(
-                            i, j, xExcp->getName().replace('.', '/'));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else
-        {
-            for (i=0; i<propertyCount; i++) {
-                Reference<XPropertyTypeDescription> xProp(
-                    properties[i], UNO_QUERY);
-                RTFieldAccess propertyFlags = checkPropertyFlags(
-                    xProp->getPropertyFlags());
-                writer.setFieldData(i, OUString(), OUString(),
-                                    propertyFlags,
-                                    xProp->getName().copy(xProp->getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1),
-                                    xProp->getPropertyTypeDescription()
-                                    ->getName().replace('.', '/'),
-                                    RTConstValue());
-            }
-            sal_uInt16 refIndex = 0;
-            sal_uInt16 length = (sal_uInt16)mandatoryServices.getLength();
-            for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
-                writer.setReferenceData(refIndex++, OUString(),
-                                        RT_REF_EXPORTS, RT_ACCESS_INVALID,
-                                        mandatoryServices[i]->getName()
-                                        .replace('.', '/'));
-            }
-            length = (sal_uInt16)optionalServices.getLength();
-            for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
-                writer.setReferenceData(refIndex++, OUString(),
-                                        RT_REF_EXPORTS, RT_ACCESS_OPTIONAL,
-                                        optionalServices[i]->getName()
-                                        .replace('.', '/'));
-            }
-            length = (sal_uInt16)mandatoryInterfaces.getLength();
-            for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
-                writer.setReferenceData(refIndex++, OUString(),
-                                        RT_REF_SUPPORTS, RT_ACCESS_INVALID,
-                                        mandatoryInterfaces[i]->getName()
-                                        .replace('.', '/'));
-            }
-            length = (sal_uInt16)optionalInterfaces.getLength();
-            for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
-                writer.setReferenceData(refIndex++, OUString(),
-                                        RT_REF_SUPPORTS, RT_ACCESS_OPTIONAL,
-                                        optionalInterfaces[i]->getName()
-                                        .replace('.', '/'));
-            }
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    case TypeClass_SINGLETON:
-    {
-        Reference<XSingletonTypeDescription2> xSingleton(xType, UNO_QUERY);
-        if ( ! )
-            return NULL;
-        typereg::Writer writer(TYPEREG_VERSION_1, OUString(), OUString(),
-                               RT_TYPE_SINGLETON, xPublished->isPublished(),
-                               uTypeName.replace('.', '/'),
-                               1, 0, 0, 0);
-        if (xSingleton->isInterfaceBased()) {
-            writer.setSuperTypeName(0, xSingleton->getInterface()
-                                    ->getName().replace('.','/'));
-        } else {
-            writer.setSuperTypeName(0, xSingleton->getService()
-                                    ->getName().replace('.','/'));
-        }
-        const void* p = writer.getBlob(blobsize);
-        pBlob = (sal_uInt8*)rtl_allocateMemory(*blobsize);
-        memcpy(pBlob, p, *blobsize);
-    }
-    break;
-    default:
-        OSL_FAIL( "unsupported type" );
-        break;
-    }
-    return pBlob;
-} // end of namespace unodevtools
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */