# LibreOffice project .gitignore rules.
# Do not add you pet ignore rule here, use
# .git/info/exclude for per repo personal ignore or
# in the file specified by core.excludesfiles in your
# ~/.gitconfig
# As a rule of thumb:
# File that are generated by configure or the build
# but that are not deleted by make clean
# can be listed here... These must be deleted by make distclean
# Files that are generated by the build but deleted by make clean
# should all be under workdir or instdir
# if that is not the case, don't hide it here, but try to fix it
# The intent is that after a make distclean, .gitignore
# should not catch anything but possibly /external/tarballs

# where stuff is built

# default location for external downloads

# autoconf generated stuff

# make id

# make tags


# make etags

# backup and temporary editor files: the only convenience rules allowed here.

# things below this point are targeted for elimination

#stuff that we should no generated where they are

# OSX specific

# Xcode specific

# MSVS specific

# QtCreator specific

# doxygen output

# gdb config