<!-- Copyright 1997-1999  World Wide Web Consortium,    -->
<!-- (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,            -->
<!--  Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, -->
<!--  Keio University). All Rights Reserved.            -->
<!-- http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/                -->

<!-- Modified DTD for MathML 1.01                       -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- Original DTD:                                      -->
<!--    http://www.w3.org/1999/07/REC-MathML-19990707/mmlents.zip  -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- modified 20. June 2001:                            -->
<!-- 1) added "math:" namespace prefix                  -->
<!-- 2) removed entity include files                    -->
<!-- 3) added copyright notice above to comply with     -->
<!--    W3C IPR Software Notice                         -->
<!-- 4) added this comment block                        -->
<!-- Modifications are intended to ease validation      -->
<!-- of MathML files written by StarMath 6.0            -->

<!-- Content model for content and presentation        -->
<!--  and browser interface tags in MathML              -->
<!-- initial draft 9.May.1997          syntax = XML     -->
<!-- author = s.buswell sb@stilo.demon.co.uk            -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- revised 14.May.1997 by Robert Miner                -->
<!-- revised 29.June.1997 and 2.July.1997 by s.buswell  -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- revised 15.December.1997  by s.buswell             -->
<!-- revised 8.February.1998   by s.buswell             -->
<!-- revised 4.april.1998      by s.buswell             -->
<!-- 21.February.1999 entities and small revisions by d.carlisle    -->
<!--                                                    -->
<!-- W3C Recommendation      7 April 1998                               -->
<!-- *************************************************  -->

<!-- general attribute definitions for class & style & id & other -->
<!-- : attributes shared by all mathml elements        -->

<!ENTITY % att-globalatts      'math:class CDATA #IMPLIED
                                 math:style CDATA #IMPLIED
                                 math:id    ID    #IMPLIED
                                 math:other CDATA #IMPLIED'  >

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- Presentation element set                           -->

<!-- presentation attribute definitions -->

<!ENTITY % att-fontsize        'math:fontsize CDATA #IMPLIED'             >
<!ENTITY % att-fontweight      'math:fontweight (normal | bold) #IMPLIED'  >
<!ENTITY % att-fontstyle       'math:fontstyle (normal | italic) #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-fontfamily      'math:fontfamily CDATA   #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-color           'math:color CDATA   #IMPLIED'              >

<!ENTITY % att-fontinfo      '%att-fontsize;
                             %att-color;'  >

<!ENTITY % att-form        'math:form (prefix | infix | postfix) #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-fence       'math:fence (true | false ) #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-separator   'math:separator (true | false ) #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-lspace      'math:lspace CDATA  #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-rspace      'math:rspace CDATA  #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-stretchy    'math:stretchy (true | false ) #IMPLIED'     >
<!ENTITY % att-symmetric   'math:symmetric (true | false ) #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-maxsize     'math:maxsize CDATA #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-minsize     'math:minsize CDATA #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-largeop           'math:largeop (true | false ) #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-movablelimits     'math:movablelimits (true | false )
<!ENTITY % att-accent               'math:accent (true | false)  #IMPLIED'>

<!ENTITY % att-opinfo '%att-form;
                        %att-accent;'         >

<!ENTITY % att-width             'math:width CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-height            'math:height CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-depth             'math:depth CDATA #IMPLIED'   >

<!ENTITY % att-sizeinfo          '%att-width;
                                  %att-depth;'          >

<!ENTITY % att-lquote              'math:lquote CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-rquote              'math:rquote CDATA #IMPLIED'   >

<!ENTITY % att-linethickness        'math:linethickness CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY % att-scriptlevel          'math:scriptlevel CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % att-displaystyle         'math:displaystyle (true | false)
<!ENTITY % att-scriptsizemultiplier 'math:scriptsizemultiplier CDATA
<!ENTITY % att-scriptminsize        'math:scriptminsize CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % att-background           'math:background CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY % att-open                 'math:open CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-close                'math:close CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-separators           'math:separators CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY % att-subscriptshift       'math:subscriptshift CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % att-superscriptshift     'math:superscriptshift CDATA #IMPLIED'    >

<!ENTITY % att-accentunder          'math:accentunder (true | false)

<!ENTITY % att-align                'math:align CDATA #IMPLIED'           >
<!ENTITY % att-rowalign             'math:rowalign CDATA #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-columnalign          'math:columnalign CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-groupalign           'math:groupalign CDATA #IMPLIED'    >
<!ENTITY % att-alignmentscope       'math:alignmentscope CDATA #IMPLIED'  >

<!ENTITY % att-rowspacing           'math:rowspacing CDATA #IMPLIED'      >
<!ENTITY % att-columnspacing        'math:columnspacing CDATA #IMPLIED'   >
<!ENTITY % att-rowlines             'math:rowlines CDATA #IMPLIED'           >
<!ENTITY % att-columnlines          'math:columnlines CDATA #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-frame                'math:frame (none | solid | dashed)
<!ENTITY % att-framespacing         'math:framespacing CDATA #IMPLIED'       >
<!ENTITY % att-equalrows            'math:equalrows CDATA #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-equalcolumns         'math:equalcolumns CDATA #IMPLIED'     >

<!ENTITY % att-tableinfo           '%att-align;
                                   %att-displaystyle;'        >

<!ENTITY % att-rowspan              'math:rowspan CDATA #IMPLIED'         >
<!ENTITY % att-columnspan           'math:columnspan CDATA #IMPLIED'      >

<!ENTITY % att-edge                  'math:edge (left | right)  #IMPLIED ' >

<!ENTITY % att-actiontype            'math:actiontype CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY % att-selection             'math:selection CDATA #IMPLIED ' >

<!-- presentation token schemata with content-->

<!ENTITY % ptoken "math:mi | math:mn | math:mo | math:mtext | math:ms" >

<!ATTLIST math:mi        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;    >

<!ATTLIST math:mn        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;    >

<!ATTLIST math:mo        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:mtext     %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:ms        %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!-- empty presentation token schemata -->

<!ENTITY % petoken  "math:mspace" >
<!ELEMENT math:mspace     EMPTY  >

<!ATTLIST math:mspace    %att-sizeinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;       >

<!-- presentation general layout schemata -->

<!ENTITY % pgenschema "math:mrow|math:mfrac|math:msqrt|math:mroot|
                    math:mstyle|math:merror|math:mpadded| math:mphantom|math:mfenced" >

<!ATTLIST math:mrow      %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST math:mfrac     %att-linethickness;
                    %att-globalatts; >

<!ATTLIST math:msqrt     %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST math:mroot     %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST math:mstyle    %att-fontinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST math:merror    %att-globalatts;   >

<!ATTLIST math:mpadded   %att-sizeinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:mphantom  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:mfenced   %att-open;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- presentation  layout schemata : scripts and limits -->

<!ENTITY % pscrschema  "math:msub|math:msup|math:msubsup|
                    math:munder|math:mover|math:munderover|math:mmultiscripts" >

<!ATTLIST math:msub      %att-subscriptshift;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:msup      %att-superscriptshift;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST math:msubsup   %att-subscriptshift;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST math:munder    %att-accentunder;
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!ATTLIST math:mover     %att-accent;
                    %att-globalatts;           >

<!ATTLIST math:munderover %att-accent;
                     %att-globalatts;      >

<!ATTLIST math:mmultiscripts
                    %att-globalatts;          >

<!-- presentation layout schemata: script empty elements -->

<!ENTITY % pscreschema "math:mprescripts|math:none" >

<!ELEMENT math:mprescripts    EMPTY          >
<!ATTLIST math:mprescripts   %att-globalatts;      >

<!ELEMENT math:none          EMPTY          >
<!ATTLIST math:none          %att-globalatts;      >

<!-- presentation layout schemata: tables -->

<!ENTITY % ptabschema "math:mtable|math:mtr|math:mtd" >

<!ATTLIST math:mtable    %att-tableinfo;
                    %att-globalatts;      >

<!ATTLIST math:mtr       %att-rowalign;
                    %att-globalatts; >

<!ATTLIST math:mtd       %att-rowalign;
                    %att-globalatts;   >

<!ENTITY % plschema  "%pgenschema;|%pscrschema;|%ptabschema;" >

<!-- empty presentation layout schemata -->

<!ENTITY % peschema "math:maligngroup | math:malignmark" >

<!ELEMENT  math:malignmark  EMPTY          >

<!ATTLIST math:malignmark    %att-edge;
                        %att-globalatts;      >

<!ELEMENT math:maligngroup    EMPTY          >
<!ATTLIST math:maligngroup   %att-groupalign;
                        %att-globalatts;      >

<!-- presentation action schemata -->

<!ENTITY % pactions "math:maction" >
<!ATTLIST math:maction   %att-actiontype;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- Presentation entity for substitution into content tag constructs -->
<!-- excludes elements which are not valid as expressions             -->

<!ENTITY % PresInCont    "%ptoken; | %petoken; |
                          %plschema; | %peschema; | %pactions;">

<!-- Presentation entity - all presentation constructs -->

<!ENTITY % Presentation  "%ptoken; | %petoken; | %pscreschema; |
                          %plschema; | %peschema; | %pactions;">

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- Content element set                                -->
<!-- attribute definitions                              -->

<!ENTITY % att-base              'math:base CDATA "10"'           >
<!ENTITY % att-closure           'math:closure CDATA "closed"'    >
<!ENTITY % att-definition        'math:definitionURL CDATA ""'    >
<!ENTITY % att-encoding          'math:encoding CDATA ""'         >
<!ENTITY % att-nargs             'math:nargs CDATA "1"'           >
<!ENTITY % att-occurence         'math:occurence CDATA "function-model"'  >
<!ENTITY % att-order             'math:order CDATA "numeric"'         >
<!ENTITY % att-scope             'math:scope CDATA "local"'         >
<!ENTITY % att-type              'math:type CDATA #IMPLIED'         >

<!-- content leaf token elements -->

<!ENTITY % ctoken "math:ci | math:cn" >

<!ATTLIST math:ci   %att-type;
               %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:cn   %att-type;
               %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - specials -->

<!ENTITY % cspecial "math:apply | math:reln | math:lambda" >

<!ATTLIST math:apply   %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:reln    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:lambda  %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - others -->

<!ENTITY % cother "math:condition | math:declare | math:sep" >

<!ATTLIST math:condition       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:declare         %att-type;
                          %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:sep       EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST math:sep       %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - semantic mapping -->

<!ENTITY % csemantics "math:semantics | math:annotation | math:annotation-xml" >

<!ATTLIST math:semantics         %att-definition;
                            %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:annotation        %att-encoding;
                            %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:annotation-xml    %att-encoding;
                            %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - constructors -->

<!ENTITY % cconstructor "math:interval | math:list | math:matrix | math:matrixrow | math:set |
math:vector" >

<!ATTLIST math:interval     %att-closure;
                       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:set          %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:list         %att-order;
                       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:vector       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:matrix       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:matrixrow    %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements - operators -->

<!ENTITY % cfuncop1ary "math:inverse | math:ident " >

<!ELEMENT math:inverse          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:inverse     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cfuncopnary "math:fn |  math:compose" >

<!ATTLIST math:fn     %att-definition;
                 %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:ident       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:ident       %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:compose     EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:compose     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithop1ary "math:abs | math:conjugate | math:exp | math:factorial" >

<!ELEMENT math:exp         EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:exp         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:abs         EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:abs         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:conjugate   EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:conjugate   %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:factorial   EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:factorial   %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithop1or2ary "math:minus" >

<!ELEMENT math:minus       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:minus       %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithop2ary "math:quotient | math:divide | math:power | math:rem" >

<!ELEMENT math:quotient       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:quotient       %att-definition;
                         %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:divide       EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:divide       %att-definition;
                       %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:power          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:power       %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:rem          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:rem        %att-definition;
                     %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithopnary "math:plus | math:times | math:max | math:min | math:gcd" >

<!ELEMENT math:plus          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:plus        %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:max          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:max         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:min          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:min         %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:times          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:times     %att-definition;
                    %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:gcd          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:gcd     %att-definition;
                  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % carithoproot "math:root" >

<!ELEMENT math:root          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:root     %att-definition;
                   %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicopquant "math:exists | math:forall" >

<!ELEMENT math:exists          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:exists     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:forall          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:forall     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicopnary "math:and | math:or | math:xor" >

<!ELEMENT math:and          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:and     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:or          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:or     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:xor          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:xor     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicop1ary "math:not" >

<!ELEMENT math:not          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:not     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clogicop2ary "math:implies" >

<!ELEMENT math:implies          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:implies     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % ccalcop "math:log | math:int | math:diff | math:partialdiff" >

<!ELEMENT math:log          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:log     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:int          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:int     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:diff          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:diff     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:partialdiff          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:partialdiff     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % ccalcop1ary "math:ln" >

<!ELEMENT math:ln          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:ln     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetop2ary "math:setdiff" >

<!ELEMENT math:setdiff          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:setdiff     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetopnary "math:union | math:intersect" >

<!ELEMENT math:union          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:union     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:intersect          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:intersect     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cseqop "math:sum | math:product | math:limit" >

<!ELEMENT math:sum          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:sum     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:product          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:product     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:limit          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:limit     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % ctrigop "math:sin | math:cos | math:tan | math:sec | math:csc | math:cot | math:sinh
                | math:cosh | math:tanh | math:sech | math:csch | math:coth
                | math:arcsin | math:arccos | math:arctan" >

<!ELEMENT math:sin          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:sin     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:cos          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:cos     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:tan          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:tan     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:sec          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:sec     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:csc          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:csc     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:cot          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:cot     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:sinh          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:sinh     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:cosh          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:cosh     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:tanh          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:tanh     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:sech          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:sech     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:csch          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:csch     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:coth          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:coth     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:arcsin          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:arcsin     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:arccos          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:arccos     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:arctan          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:arctan     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cstatopnary "math:mean | math:sdev | math:variance | math:median | math:mode" >

<!ELEMENT math:mean          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:mean     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:sdev          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:sdev     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:variance          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:variance     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:median          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:median     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:mode          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:mode     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cstatopmoment "math:moment" >

<!ELEMENT math:moment          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:moment     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clalgop1ary "math:determinant | math:transpose" >

<!ELEMENT math:determinant          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:determinant     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:transpose          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:transpose     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % clalgopnary "math:selector" >

<!ELEMENT math:selector          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:selector     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements -  relations  -->

<!ENTITY % cgenrel2ary "math:neq" >

<!ELEMENT math:neq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:neq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cgenrelnary "math:eq | math:leq | math:lt | math:geq | math:gt" >

<!ELEMENT math:eq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:eq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:gt          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:gt     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:lt          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:lt     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:geq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:geq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:leq          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:leq     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetrel2ary "math:in | math:notin | math:notsubset | math:notprsubset" >

<!ELEMENT math:in          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:in     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:notin          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:notin     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:notsubset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:notsubset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:notprsubset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:notprsubset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % csetrelnary "math:subset | math:prsubset" >

<!ELEMENT math:subset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:subset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ELEMENT math:prsubset          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:prsubset     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!ENTITY % cseqrel2ary "math:tendsto" >

<!ELEMENT math:tendsto          EMPTY       >
<!ATTLIST math:tendsto     %att-definition;
                      %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- content elements -  quantifiers  -->

<!ENTITY % cquantifier "math:lowlimit | math:uplimit | math:bvar | math:degree | math:logbase" >

<!ATTLIST math:lowlimit  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:uplimit  %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:bvar     %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:degree   %att-globalatts;     >

<!ATTLIST math:logbase  %att-globalatts;     >

<!-- operator groups -->

<!ENTITY % cop1ary "%cfuncop1ary; | %carithop1ary; | %clogicop1ary;
                    | %ccalcop1ary; | %ctrigop; | %clalgop1ary; " >

<!ENTITY % cop2ary "%carithop2ary; | %clogicop2ary;| %csetop2ary; " >

<!ENTITY % copnary "%cfuncopnary; | %carithopnary; | %clogicopnary;
                    | %csetopnary; | %cstatopnary;  | %clalgopnary; " >

<!ENTITY % copmisc "%carithoproot; | %carithop1or2ary; | %ccalcop;
                    | %cseqop; | %cstatopmoment; | %clogicopquant;" >

<!-- relation groups -->

<!ENTITY % crel2ary "%cgenrel2ary;  | %csetrel2ary; | %cseqrel2ary;   " >

<!ENTITY % crelnary "%cgenrelnary; | %csetrelnary;" >

<!-- content constructs - all -->

<!ENTITY % Content "%ctoken; | %cspecial;  | %cother;  | %csemantics;
                    |%cconstructor; | %cquantifier;
                    |%cop1ary; |%cop2ary; |%copnary; |%copmisc;
                    |%crel2ary; |%crelnary;" >

<!-- content constructs for substitution in presentation structures -->

<!ENTITY % ContInPres "math:ci | math:cn  | math:apply  | math:fn | math:lambda | math:reln
                    | math:interval | math:list | math:matrix |math:matrixrow
                    | math:set | math:vector | math:semantics" > <!--dpc-->

<!-- *************************************************  -->

<!-- recursive definition for content of expressions             -->
<!-- include presentation tag constructs at lowest level         -->
<!-- so presentation layout schemata hold presentation or Content -->
<!-- include Content tag constructs at lowest level              -->
<!-- so Content tokens hold PCDATA or Presentation at leaf level -->
<!-- (for permitted substitutable elements in context)           -->

<!ENTITY % ContentExpression   "(%Content; | %PresInCont;)* "     >
<!ENTITY % PresExpression      "(%Presentation; | %ContInPres;)* "     >
<!ENTITY % MathExpression      "(%PresInCont; | %ContInPres;)* "     >

<!--  content token elements (may hold embedded presentation constructs)

<!ELEMENT math:ci       (#PCDATA | %PresInCont;)*   >
<!ELEMENT math:cn       (#PCDATA | math:sep | %PresInCont;)*   >

<!--  content special elements    -->

<!ELEMENT math:apply      (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:reln       (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:lambda     (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content other elements    -->

<!ELEMENT math:condition      (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:declare        (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content semantics elements    -->

<!ELEMENT math:semantics              (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:annotation             (#PCDATA)                >
<!ELEMENT math:annotation-xml         (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content constructor elements    -->

<!ELEMENT math:interval       (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:set            (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:list           (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:vector         (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:matrix         (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:matrixrow      (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content operator element (user-defined)    -->

<!ELEMENT math:fn       (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!--  content quantifier elements    -->

<!ELEMENT math:lowlimit       (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:uplimit        (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:bvar           (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:degree         (%ContentExpression;)   >
<!ELEMENT math:logbase        (%ContentExpression;)   >

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- presentation layout schema contain tokens, layout and content
schema  -->

<!ELEMENT math:mstyle          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:merror          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mphantom        (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mrow            (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mfrac           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:msqrt           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mroot           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:msub            (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:msup            (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:msubsup         (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mmultiscripts   (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:munder          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mover           (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:munderover      (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mtable          (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mtr             (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mtd             (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:maction         (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mfenced         (%PresExpression;)                      >
<!ELEMENT math:mpadded         (%PresExpression;)                      >

<!-- presentation tokens contain PCDATA or malignmark constructs -->

<!ELEMENT math:mi     (#PCDATA | math:malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT math:mn     (#PCDATA | math:malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT math:mo     (#PCDATA | math:malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT math:mtext  (#PCDATA | math:malignmark )*        >
<!ELEMENT math:ms     (#PCDATA | math:malignmark )*        >

<!-- *************************************************  -->
<!-- browser interface definition -->

<!-- attributes for top level math element -->

<!ENTITY  %     att-macros      'math:macros CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-mode        'math:mode   CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY  %     att-topinfo    '%att-globalatts;
                                %att-mode;'     >

<!-- attributes for browser interface element element -->

<!ENTITY  %     att-name        'math:name CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-baseline    'math:baseline CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-overflow    'math:overflow
(scroll|elide|truncate|scale) "scroll"' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-altimg      'math:altimg CDATA #IMPLIED' >
<!ENTITY  %     att-alttext     'math:alttext CDATA #IMPLIED' >

<!ENTITY  %     att-browif      '%att-type;
                                %att-alttext; '     >

<!-- the top level math  element      -->
<!-- math  contains MathML encoded mathematics -->
<!-- math has the browser info attributes iff it is the
    browser interface element also -->

<!ELEMENT math:math       (%MathExpression;)    >

<!ATTLIST  math:math         %att-topinfo;
                        %att-browif;   >

<!-- ENTITY sets -->

<!-- ... removed ... -->

<!-- MathML new characters -->

<!-- ... removed ... -->

<!-- end of ENTITY sets -->
<!-- end of DTD fragment -->
<!-- *************************************************  -->