/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <extended/accessibletabbar.hxx>
#include <svtools/tabbar.hxx>
#include <extended/accessibletabbarpagelist.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XDevice.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <unotools/accessiblestatesethelper.hxx>
#include <unotools/accessiblerelationsethelper.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <toolkit/awt/vclxfont.hxx>
#include <toolkit/helper/convert.hxx>

#include <vector>

namespace accessibility

    using namespace ::com::sun::star;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
    using namespace ::comphelper;

    //  class AccessibleTabBar

    AccessibleTabBar::AccessibleTabBar( TabBar* pTabBar )
        :AccessibleTabBarBase( pTabBar )
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            m_aAccessibleChildren.assign( m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleChildWindowCount() + 1, Reference< XAccessible >() );

    void AccessibleTabBar::ProcessWindowEvent( const VclWindowEvent& rVclWindowEvent )
        Any aOldValue, aNewValue;

        switch ( rVclWindowEvent.GetId() )
            case VclEventId::WindowEnabled:
                aNewValue <<= AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
                aNewValue <<= AccessibleStateType::ENABLED;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
            case VclEventId::WindowDisabled:
                aOldValue <<= AccessibleStateType::ENABLED;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
                aOldValue <<= AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
            case VclEventId::WindowGetFocus:
                aNewValue <<= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
            case VclEventId::WindowLoseFocus:
                aOldValue <<= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
            case VclEventId::WindowShow:
                aNewValue <<= AccessibleStateType::SHOWING;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
            case VclEventId::WindowHide:
                aOldValue <<= AccessibleStateType::SHOWING;
                NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
                AccessibleTabBarBase::ProcessWindowEvent( rVclWindowEvent );

    void AccessibleTabBar::FillAccessibleStateSet( utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet )
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            if ( m_pTabBar->IsEnabled() )
                rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::ENABLED );
                rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE );

            rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );

            if ( m_pTabBar->HasFocus() )
                rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );

            rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE );

            if ( m_pTabBar->IsVisible() )
                rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::SHOWING );

            if ( m_pTabBar->GetStyle() & WB_SIZEABLE )
                rStateSet.AddState( AccessibleStateType::RESIZABLE );

    // OCommonAccessibleComponent

    awt::Rectangle AccessibleTabBar::implGetBounds()
        awt::Rectangle aBounds;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            aBounds = AWTRectangle( tools::Rectangle( m_pTabBar->GetPosPixel(), m_pTabBar->GetSizePixel() ) );

        return aBounds;

    // XInterface

    IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XINTERFACE2( AccessibleTabBar, OAccessibleExtendedComponentHelper, AccessibleTabBar_BASE )

    // XTypeProvider

    IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( AccessibleTabBar, OAccessibleExtendedComponentHelper, AccessibleTabBar_BASE )

    // XComponent

    void AccessibleTabBar::disposing()

        // dispose all children
        for (Reference<XAccessible>& i : m_aAccessibleChildren)
            Reference< XComponent > xComponent( i, UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xComponent.is() )

    // XServiceInfo

    OUString AccessibleTabBar::getImplementationName()
        return OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.svtools.AccessibleTabBar" );

    sal_Bool AccessibleTabBar::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
        return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);

    Sequence< OUString > AccessibleTabBar::getSupportedServiceNames()
        return  { "com.sun.star.awt.AccessibleTabBar" };

    // XAccessible

    Reference< XAccessibleContext > AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleContext(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        return this;

    // XAccessibleContext

    sal_Int32 AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleChildCount()
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        return m_aAccessibleChildren.size();

    Reference< XAccessible > AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 i )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        if ( i < 0 || i >= static_cast<sal_Int32>(m_aAccessibleChildren.size()) )
            throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        Reference< XAccessible > xChild = m_aAccessibleChildren[i];
        if ( !xChild.is() )
            if ( m_pTabBar )
                sal_Int32 nCount = m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleChildWindowCount();

                if ( i < nCount )
                    vcl::Window* pChild = m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleChildWindow( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(i) );
                    if ( pChild )
                        xChild = pChild->GetAccessible();
                else if ( i == nCount )
                    xChild = new AccessibleTabBarPageList( m_pTabBar, i );

                // insert into child list
                m_aAccessibleChildren[i] = xChild;

        return xChild;

    Reference< XAccessible > AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleParent(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        Reference< XAccessible > xParent;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            vcl::Window* pParent = m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleParentWindow();
            if ( pParent )
                xParent = pParent->GetAccessible();

        return xParent;

    sal_Int32 AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleIndexInParent(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        sal_Int32 nIndexInParent = -1;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            vcl::Window* pParent = m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleParentWindow();
            if ( pParent )
                for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = pParent->GetAccessibleChildWindowCount(); i < nCount; ++i )
                    vcl::Window* pChild = pParent->GetAccessibleChildWindow( i );
                    if ( pChild == static_cast< vcl::Window* >( m_pTabBar ) )
                        nIndexInParent = i;

        return nIndexInParent;

    sal_Int16 AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleRole(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        return AccessibleRole::PANEL;

    OUString AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleDescription( )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        OUString sDescription;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            sDescription = m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleDescription();

        return sDescription;

    OUString AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleName(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        OUString sName;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            sName = m_pTabBar->GetAccessibleName();

        return sName;

    Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleRelationSet(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper* pRelationSetHelper = new utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper;
        Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > xSet = pRelationSetHelper;
        return xSet;

    Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleStateSet(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper* pStateSetHelper = new utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper;
        Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > xSet = pStateSetHelper;

        if ( !rBHelper.bDisposed && !rBHelper.bInDispose )
            FillAccessibleStateSet( *pStateSetHelper );
            pStateSetHelper->AddState( AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC );

        return xSet;

    Locale AccessibleTabBar::getLocale(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        return Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLocale();

    // XAccessibleComponent

    Reference< XAccessible > AccessibleTabBar::getAccessibleAtPoint( const awt::Point& rPoint )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        Reference< XAccessible > xChild;
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_aAccessibleChildren.size(); ++i )
            Reference< XAccessible > xAcc = getAccessibleChild( i );
            if ( xAcc.is() )
                Reference< XAccessibleComponent > xComp( xAcc->getAccessibleContext(), UNO_QUERY );
                if ( xComp.is() )
                    tools::Rectangle aRect = VCLRectangle( xComp->getBounds() );
                    Point aPos = VCLPoint( rPoint );
                    if ( aRect.IsInside( aPos ) )
                        xChild = xAcc;

        return xChild;

    void AccessibleTabBar::grabFocus(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        if ( m_pTabBar )

    sal_Int32 AccessibleTabBar::getForeground(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        Color nColor;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            if ( m_pTabBar->IsControlForeground() )
                nColor = m_pTabBar->GetControlForeground();
                vcl::Font aFont;
                if ( m_pTabBar->IsControlFont() )
                    aFont = m_pTabBar->GetControlFont();
                    aFont = m_pTabBar->GetFont();
                nColor = aFont.GetColor();

        return sal_Int32(nColor);

    sal_Int32 AccessibleTabBar::getBackground(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        Color nColor;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            if ( m_pTabBar->IsControlBackground() )
                nColor = m_pTabBar->GetControlBackground();
                nColor = m_pTabBar->GetBackground().GetColor();

        return sal_Int32(nColor);

    // XAccessibleExtendedComponent

    Reference< awt::XFont > AccessibleTabBar::getFont(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        Reference< awt::XFont > xFont;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            Reference< awt::XDevice > xDev( m_pTabBar->GetComponentInterface(), UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xDev.is() )
                vcl::Font aFont;
                if ( m_pTabBar->IsControlFont() )
                    aFont = m_pTabBar->GetControlFont();
                    aFont = m_pTabBar->GetFont();
                VCLXFont* pVCLXFont = new VCLXFont;
                pVCLXFont->Init( *xDev, aFont );
                xFont = pVCLXFont;

        return xFont;

    OUString AccessibleTabBar::getTitledBorderText(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        OUString sText;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            sText = m_pTabBar->GetText();

        return sText;

    OUString AccessibleTabBar::getToolTipText(  )
        OExternalLockGuard aGuard( this );

        OUString sText;
        if ( m_pTabBar )
            sText = m_pTabBar->GetQuickHelpText();

        return sText;

}   // namespace accessibility

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