# # Common Makefile pieces for building Java / Android apps. # # Probably would be best to just stop fooling around with the possibilities to # set various stuff with the -env command line parameters (and environment # variables?) and in a plethora of rc files, and hardcode construction of # *all* required pathnames based on the app installation location for Android # (and iOS), etc. We don't really win anything by having so many layers of # configurability on platforms like Android and iOS where apps based on LO # code are very much self-contained pre-packaged thingies. APP_DATA_PATH=/data/data/$(APP_PACKAGE) SODEST=libs/$(ANDROID_APP_ABI) OBJLOCAL=obj/local/$(ANDROID_APP_ABI) define COPYSO $(error COPYSO should not be used now with DISABLE_DYNLOADING) endef define COPYJAR cp $(1) libs endef # # Helpful rules ... # properties: echo sdk.dir=$(ANDROID_SDK_HOME) >local.properties echo sdk.dir=$(ANDROID_SDK_HOME) >../../Bootstrap/local.properties echo "APP_ABI := $(ANDROID_APP_ABI)" > jni/Application.mk echo "APP_PLATFORM := android-14" >> jni/Application.mk install: build-ant unset JAVA_HOME && $(ANT) debug install @echo @echo 'Run it with "make run"' @echo uninstall: $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb uninstall $(APP_PACKAGE) clean: properties $(ANT) clean rm -rf assets $(SODEST) $(OBJLOCAL) # If you reinstall an app several times *on the simulator*, even if you # uninstall it between, disk space seems to leak that won't get recycled until # you stop and start... No idea if this holds for a device, too. (And you # can't "stop" a device anyway.) stop-start-cycle: $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb shell stop && $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb shell start && sleep 10