# Common Makefile pieces for building Java / Android apps.

# BOOTSTRAPDIR needs to be set to this directory before starting this

# Probably would be best to just stop fooling around with the possibilities to
# set various stuff with the -env command line parameters (and environment
# variables?) and in a plethora of rc files, and hardcode construction of
# *all* required pathnames based on the app installation location for Android
# (and iOS), etc. We don't really win anything by having so many layers of
# configurability on platforms like Android and iOS where apps based on LO
# code are very much self-contained pre-packaged thingies.


define COPYSO
       $(error COPYSO should not be used now with DISABLE_DYNLOADING)

define COPYJAR
mkdir -p libs && cp $(1) libs

# Helpful rules ...

# The Android SDK recommends you copy/paste some big -package-resources
# rule in order to not pack certain kinds of resources. Unfortunately this
# rule interacts with the rest of the ant code in horrible ways such that
# upgrading your SDK auto-breaks everything.
# Horrors below:
$(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/no-resource-compress.xml : $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/tools/ant/build.xml
	( \
	android_sdk_ver=`grep 'Pkg.Revision' $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/tools/source.properties | sed 's/^.*=//' | sed 's/\..*//'` ; \
	cp $(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/no-resource-compress-$$android_sdk_ver.xml $(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/no-resource-compress.xml ; \
	if ! test -f $(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/no-resource-compress.xml; then \
	   echo "Unknown Android SDK version: $$android_sdk_ver"; \
	   exit 1; \
	fi \

android_version_setup : $(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/no-resource-compress.xml

	echo sdk.dir=$(ANDROID_SDK_HOME) >local.properties
	echo sdk.dir=$(ANDROID_SDK_HOME) >../../Bootstrap/local.properties
	echo "# File needed by ndk-gdb" >jni/Application.mk
	echo "APP_ABI := $(ANDROID_APP_ABI)" > jni/Application.mk
	echo "APP_PLATFORM := android-15" >> jni/Application.mk

install: build-ant
	unset JAVA_HOME && $(ANT) $(if $(VERBOSE)$(verbose),,-quiet) debug install
	@echo 'Run it with "make run"'

	$(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb uninstall $(APP_PACKAGE)

clean: android_version_setup properties
	$(ANT) $(if $(VERBOSE)$(verbose),,-quiet) -keep-going clean
	rm -rf assets libs $(SODEST) $(OBJLOCAL) $(BOOTSTRAPDIR)/no-resource-compress.xml
	rm -f native-code.cxx

# Build / link the single .so for this app

ALL_STATIC_LIBS := $(shell $(SRCDIR)/bin/lo-all-static-libs)

LIBS = \
  -Wl,--start-group \

  -Wl,--whole-archive \
  $(addprefix -l,$(strip \
	juh \
  )) \

$(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so : native-code.cxx dummies.cxx $(ALL_STATIC_LIBS)
	mkdir -p $(OBJLOCAL)
	$(CXX) -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--version-script=../../Bootstrap/version.map -Wl,--no-keep-files-mapped -Wl,--no-undefined -DANDROID -DDISABLE_DYNLOADING -shared -o $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so -I$(BUILDDIR)/config_host -I$(SRCDIR)/include native-code.cxx dummies.cxx -L$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER) $(WHOLELIBS) $(LIBS) -lgnustl_static -lGLESv2 -landroid -ljnigraphics -llog -lz

$(SODEST)/liblo-native-code.so : $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so
	mkdir -p $(SODEST)
	$(STRIP) -o $(SODEST)/liblo-native-code.so $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so
	#to keep some symbols, eg.: $(STRIP) -o $(SODEST)/liblo-native-code.so $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so -w -K 'Java*'

# shrinkme $(STRIP) -o $(SODEST)/liblo-native-code.so $(OBJLOCAL)/liblo-native-code.so

link-so: $(SODEST)/liblo-native-code.so

# If you reinstall an app several times *on the emulator*, even if you
# uninstall it between, disk space seems to leak that won't get recycled until
# you stop and start... No idea if this holds for a device, too. (And you
# can't "stop" a device anyway.)

	$(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb shell stop && $(ANDROID_SDK_HOME)/platform-tools/adb shell start && sleep 10

# Then "assets". Let the directory structure under assets mimic
# that under solver for now.
# Please note that I have no idea what all of this is really necessary and for
# much of this stuff being copied, no idea whether it makes any sense at all.
# Much of this is copy-pasted from android/qa/sc/Makefile (where a couple of
# unit tests for sc are built, and those do seem to mostly work) and
# android/qa/desktop/Makefile (mmeeks's desktop demo, also works to some
# extent).
	mkdir -p assets/gz.unpack/program/ure assets/lib assets/program/services assets/ure/share/misc assets/ComponentTarget/i18npool/util
	gzip -9 <$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_ETC_FOLDER)/types/offapi.rdb >assets/gz.unpack/program/offapi.rdb
	gzip -9 <$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_ETC_FOLDER)/types/oovbaapi.rdb >assets/gz.unpack/program/oovbaapi.rdb
	gzip -9 <$(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_URE_SHARE_FOLDER)/misc/types.rdb >assets/gz.unpack/program/udkapi.rdb
# For some reason the vnd.sun.star.expand:$LO_LIB_DIR doesn't seem to work, it expands to empty!?
	for F in program/services/services ure/share/misc/services; do \
		sed -e 's!uri="vnd.sun.star.expand:$$LO_LIB_DIR/!uri="file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/!g' <$(INSTDIR)/$$F.rdb >assets/$$F.rdb; \
	cp $(SRC_ROOT)/android/default-document/example.odt assets/example.odt
	cp $(SRC_ROOT)/readlicense_oo/license/LICENSE assets/license.txt
	cp $(SRC_ROOT)/readlicense_oo/license/NOTICE assets/notice.txt
	cp $(WORKDIR)/ComponentTarget/i18npool/util/i18npool.component assets/ComponentTarget/i18npool/util
	rm -Rf assets/share # pre-clean it
	mkdir -p assets/share/config
	cp -R $(INSTDIR)/share/registry assets/share
	if ! test z$(DISABLE_UI) = zTRUE; then \
		echo "Copying UI files into the apk"; \
		cp -R $(INSTDIR)/share/config/soffice.cfg assets/share/config; \
	else \
		echo "Skipping UI files"; \

	mkdir -p assets/unpack/program
	echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
	echo 'Logo=1' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
	echo 'NativeProgress=1' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
	echo 'URE_BOOTSTRAP=file:///assets/program/fundamentalrc' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
#	echo 'RTL_LOGFILE=file:///dev/log/main' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
	echo 'HOME=$$APP_DATA_DIR/cache' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
	echo 'OSL_SOCKET_PATH=$$APP_DATA_DIR/cache' >> assets/unpack/program/sofficerc
# Set up fundamentalrc
	echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/program/fundamentalrc
	echo 'LO_LIB_DIR=file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
	echo 'URE_LIB_DIR=file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc # checkme - is this used to find configs ?
	echo 'BRAND_BASE_DIR=file:///assets' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
	echo 'CONFIGURATION_LAYERS=xcsxcu:$${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry res:$${BRAND_BASE_DIR}/share/registry' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
	echo 'URE_BIN_DIR=file:///assets/ure/bin/dir/nothing-here/we-can/exec-anyway' >> assets/program/fundamentalrc
# Set up unorc
	echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/program/unorc
	echo 'URE_INTERNAL_LIB_DIR=file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/lib/' >> assets/program/unorc
	echo 'UNO_TYPES=file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/program/udkapi.rdb file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/program/offapi.rdb file://$$APP_DATA_DIR/program/oovbaapi.rdb' >> assets/program/unorc
	echo 'UNO_SERVICES=file:///assets/ure/share/misc/services.rdb file:///assets/program/services/services.rdb' >> assets/program/unorc
# Set up bootstraprc
	echo '[Bootstrap]' > assets/program/bootstraprc
	echo 'InstallMode=<installmode>' >> assets/program/bootstraprc
	echo 'ProductKey=LibreOffice $(LIBO_VERSION_MAJOR).$(LIBO_VERSION_MINOR)' >> assets/program/bootstraprc
	echo 'UserInstallation=file://$$APP_DATA_DIR' >> assets/program/bootstraprc
# Set up versionrc
	echo '[Version]' > assets/program/versionrc
	echo 'AllLanguages=en-US' >> assets/program/versionrc
	echo 'BuildVersion=' >> assets/program/versionrc
	echo 'buildid=dead-beef' >> assets/program/versionrc
	echo 'ProductMajor=$(LIBO_VERSION_MAJOR)$(LIBO_VERSION_MINOR)0' >> assets/program/versionrc
	echo 'ProductMinor=1' >> assets/program/versionrc
	echo 'ReferenceOOoMajorMinor=4.1' >> assets/program/versionrc
# .res files
	mkdir -p assets/program/resource
	cp $(INSTDIR)/$(LIBO_SHARE_RESOURCE_FOLDER)/*en-US.res assets/program/resource
# Assets that are unpacked at run-time into the app's data directory. These
# are files read by non-LO code, fontconfig and freetype for now, that doesn't
# understand "/assets" paths.
	mkdir -p assets/unpack/etc/fonts
	cp fonts.conf assets/unpack/etc/fonts
# $UserInstallation/user/fonts is added to the fontconfig path in
# vcl/generic/fontmanager/helper.cxx: psp::getFontPath(). UserInstallation is
# set to the app's data dir above.
	mkdir -p assets/gz.unpack/user/fonts
	for F in $(INSTDIR)/share/fonts/truetype/Liberation*.ttf \
	         $(INSTDIR)/share/fonts/truetype/Caladea-*.ttf \
	         $(INSTDIR)/share/fonts/truetype/Carlito-*.ttf \
	         $(INSTDIR)/share/fonts/truetype/Gen*.ttf \
		 $(INSTDIR)/share/fonts/truetype/opens___.ttf; do \
		gzip -9 <$$F >assets/gz.unpack/user/fonts/`basename $$F`; \
# Then gdbserver and gdb.setup so that we can debug with ndk-gdb.
	mkdir -p $(SODEST)
	echo set solib-search-path ./obj/local/$(ANDROID_APP_ABI) >$(SODEST)/gdb.setup