# This file is used to override default values used by the Ant build system. # # This file must be checked in Version Control Systems, as it is # integral to the build system of your project. # This file is only used by the Ant script. # You can use this to override default values such as # 'source.dir' for the location of your java source folder and # 'out.dir' for the location of your output folder. # You can also use it define how the release builds are signed by declaring # the following properties: # 'key.store' for the location of your keystore and # 'key.alias' for the name of the key to use. # The password will be asked during the build when you use the 'release' target. onchange='this.form.submit();'> LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/unoil
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-04-16Use https instead of httpGulsah Kose